Music and Romance

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"I'm sure she's fine. In the mean time shall we discuss what we were going to talk about?" He asked kissing her neck teasingly as he wrapped his arms around her.
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Roxie smiled, "Yeah. She's fine." She replied, "Alright. Sure, we had some free time so I think it would be a good idea to talk about somethings." She gently wrapped her hand on top of his.
"Agreed. Care to start?" he asked as he pulled her more into him. Her body against his was very peaceful
Roxie nodded, "All this has given me a lot to think about." She began, "And I want you to know, that whatever needs to be done for us to be able to be together I'm okay with no matter what it is."
"I know it's a lot to take in and process. Well I'm sure it will be fine. It's the press and my father we have to worry about. If the press become to involved, then my father will do something to change the laws regarding our safety. He knows I'm deeply with you and will do whatever he can to help." He kissed the top of her hand. "Please, don't worry too much."
"I know." Roxie replied, "I just don't want anything to happen. I was thinking after what happened earlier today with the press being around that house that maybe I should quit my job and end up home schooling Sophie."
"Father is putting guards and new rules for you and Sophie. So tomorrow it should be fine. So far it's still rumors. She can't stay sheltered forever. She's a kid and needs to have freedom."
Roxie sighed, "We'll see how it goes. I understand that, I just don't want anything to happen. Her and me, we're happy like this. We've never been this happy and I just don't want that to change."
"I know dear. I will do my best to keep this happiness for the both of you." He hugged her tightly. Soon enough he heard Sophie approaching.
"I know you will." Roxie replied, with a smile. She could hear the footsteps of Sophie also.

The little girl walked in and gasped as she looked at the tea party that was set up. "It's perfect." She said, running over to the table and starting to check out the set that was placed.

"I'm glad you like it, this set is very important." Roxie commented.
Nicolas smiled as he watched her approach the table. "Glad you like it. Dear. These were my daughter's and now they are take care of them."
"I get to have them!" Sophie replied.

"Yeah, but like Nicolas said, you have to take good care of them." Roxie said back.

"I promise I will." Sophie took a seat down in one of the chairs then motioned for Roxie and Nicolas to do so too. "The others said they might or might not come."

"That's fine, either way we'll have fun." Roxie took a seat.
Nicolas took a seat next to Roxie and relaxed in seat. It was strange for him to be sitting here and doing this again in so many years. More memories were starting to return to him.
Sophie giggled, "Thank you." She suddenly said to Nicolas, thanking him for the tea set.

Roxie smiled, glad that Sophie did that. "Alright, let the tea party begin." Roxie stated, laughing a bit. She took the tea pot and started to give them all some. She looked over at Nicolas afterwards, hoping that this wouldn't be too hard for him.
Nicolas spoke softly, his eyes were turning a light blue. A sign of sadness was still building up. "I will be fine. I need to go to talk to Craven for a moment. I will be back I promise. Nicolas left the table and went to sought out Craven."

"Craven? I need to speak to you. May I come in" he said knocking on his door.

Craven answered it to let him in.

"What is troubling you brother?"

"Flashbacks, I brought the old tea set that my daughter used to have. My memories are now being flooded with memories. Please take them away."

"You know I cannot do that. Sophie reminds you too much of her. You will have to find solace in her brother. She's a sweet girl as is Roxie. But you my dearest brother, are still grieving and will continue to do so if you don't let go of the past and you know this."

Nicolas nodded. "It's hard is all."

"I know, I watch it all the time with you and them. You are stronger than I am. I miss your wife and daughter too. I am not sure if you realize this or not but they both remind me of them. Maybe if things will work out you can turn them."

"Do not push your luck brother. I have to go back to the tea party. Care to join us? By the way thanks for the advice."

"No problem and sure why not."

Craven and Nicolas returned back to the tea party.
Roxie nodded, as she watched Nicolas walk away for a bit. He must still be having trouble with the tea set and all. She just sat there quietly while he was away, watching Sophie happily enjoy her tea party. Roxie looked up when he came back with Craven. "Oh, here." Roxie said, pouring a cup for Craven,

"Yay! You came to join us, no it's even better." Sophie replied to Craven.
"Thanks" taking the tea cup and trying a sip. "Mmmmm delish."

"Indeed." Nicolas agreed.

Nicolas wrapped his arm around Roxie, resting his head on her shoulder.
"I'm glad you like it." Roxie said, smiling when Nicolas rested him head on her shoulder. She turned her head just a bit and gave him a kiss, then went back to her own cup of tea.

"Everything Sis makes is great!" Sophie replied with a giggle. She was used to being fed and everything else by Roxie when they were back home. "She's the one who always made dinner back home. Mom and dad were never around to do it."
"Well I am sorry that your parents weren't around." Craven remarked. "Tired again brother?"

"Yea. I am." Have to start sleeping during the day again. "But with father's new rules in place. It will be harder to do so. Maybe I might go out for a hunt later night. It's been awhile."

"You know the rules brother, no hunting allowed. I know, but I'm almost out of my blood packs."

"I will get you more."

"Thanks." He sighed in content and relaxed.
Roxie just listened, not replying. She understood that it was hard being a vampire, but that's what he was and that was okay. And she would understand that when the time came, that's what was probably going to happen to her. "Just let me know if you need any help Nicolas." Roxie replied, "Maybe we can just rest again after this if you'd like."

Sophie was enjoying her tea party, giggling every now and then, glad that there was more people for the first time.
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