Music and Romance

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Roxie began to dream about Nicolas. It was usual be now and she liked those dreams the best. These dreams had changed slightly, instead of them just being friendly they had surpassed that stage just as they did in real life. She enjoyed both the dream and the fact that when she woke up she would still be with him.
Nicholas kept her close to him as they slept. His dreams of being with Roxie for as long as possible brought a smile to his face. He heard Sophie stirring in her room and it worried him. Without disturbing Roxie he went to go check on her. The little girl was dreaming deeply and he went back to bed with Roxie who was still fast asleep. He placed himself in his original position before he left the bed.
Roxie continued sleeping, she was comfortable and relaxed for one of the first times in her life. While at home she doesn't sleep very well, always worrying about Sophie and what her parents could do.
Sun rays made their into the room and onto Nicolas. His skin started to become irritated. Without disturbing Roxie too much he closed the curtains completely. Realizing the time he went to wake up Sophie who was starting to stir. "Good morning." he said to her as he made his way to her bed for a hug.
Sophie slowly opened her eyes. She lifted herself up and rubbed her eyes. "Nicolas." She said childishly. She raised out her arms for him to hug her.

Roxie began to wake up herself just as Nicolas went to check on Sophie. She smiled.
Nicholas smiled back at the little girl as he sat down and hugged her tightly. "Let's get you ready for school. I'm sure your sister is just starting to wake. Wanna go see her?" he asked as he held her close. He made his way back to where Roxie was.
Sophie nodded. Roxie had already gotten dressed when they came back it. She looked over at them and smiled. "Oh, hey."

"Hi, Roxie." Sophie said with a big smile on her face.
Nicolas set Sophie down, "Go hug her." he urged as he watched them. He was happy too see them like this and not in a dysfunctional environment. "The limo will be here in twenty."
Sophie went over and hugged her sister. "Ah, thanks." Roxie relied. She picked the little girl up into her arms and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I hope you slept well."

"I did." Sophie said back.

"That's good." Roxie knew that Sophie had trouble sleeping sometimes, just like her.
He smiled. "I'll go bring you breakfast since you both need to finish getting ready. The others aren't up yet."
Roxie nodded. She had to get Sophie dressed. "Thanks." She said, she took out the bag she brought with her and pulled out a small dress from it. "What do you think of this one?" She asked Sophie.

"When did you get that one? I love it!" The little girl replied.

"I just bought it a few days ago." Roxie said with a smile.
Nicolas left the sisters to get ready. He quickly made the girls a nice breakfast with eggs, toast, bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice. He placed the plates on a tray and brought it up to them. "Food is served he said as he placed them down on a table." He made himself a glass of blood to start, he didn't want to Sophie to see but he was really craving it.
Roxie changed Sophie into her new dress, causing the little girl to swing around in it. That meant she really did like it. When Nicolas came back with the food Roxie sat Sophie down to eat, then let herself start eating. "You didn't have to bring it to us but thank you." Sophie looked at the cup Nicolas had.

"What's that?" Sophie asked.

"It's just some juice, and no you can't have any." Roxie replied.
"I wanted to. Your my girlfriend now and I want the best for you." he said as he leaned to kiss Roxie on her forehead. "Thank you Roxie." realizing that Sophie was curious about his goblet. "Do you want me to bring Sophie back here after school or would you rather meet up tonight after work. I'm not sure what the others will be planning."
Roxie smiled at him. "Would you mind picking her up from school. She usually takes the bus home but I don't want her going there right now." She asked him. "Then I can come here after work is over." She finished up her breakfast. Sophie was a little slower but was almost finished herself.
"I'll have the limo driver pick her up, but I'll be in it if that's okay. I know she won't recognize the car if I drive it. It would give us time to bond and get to know the others as well." He smiled and wrapped his arms gently around Roxie. "And I'll see you after work." Just as they finished eating, he got a text from the driver. "He's downstairs."
"Okay. I'm sure once she notices it's you she will be fine. She seems to really like you, even from the start." She nodded when she heard the limo was ready. "Come on, Sophie. Time for school." She said, taking the girls hand. Sophie smiled, saying okay and then let Roxie and Nicolas take her to the car.
"I'll drop and get her tomorrow. I think for her first out of her parents home, it should be happy and a luxurious day for her. Plus, it might change her friends opinion about her. Let's just say to boost her confidence about going to school and not having to deal with dysfunctional parents. Indeed she does. I guess I have a natural way with kids. I'll see you two later on." He kissed Roxie passionately on the lips before hugging Sophie. "Roxie will tell you where to go." he said to the driver. "One more thing it's already paid for." The driver nodded to Nicolas before pulling off. Once the limo was out of his sight, Nicolas went back to sleep until it was time to get Sophie.
Roxie kissed Nicolas back, then sat in the limo. She told the driver which school it was and how to get there. Once they were there, Sophie waved goodbye to Roxie. Roxie then told the driver of her work. He dropped her off there. Roxie got dressed and began to work.
Nicolas watched over Roxie and Sophie as he slept. From what he saw, Sophie's peers wondered how she managed to get a limo for school. And she explained to them that her sister's boyfriend could afford it and she bragged about him. It was amusing that most of her peers older siblings listened to his band. They exclaimed that she was really lucky to have someone come into her life like he did. They kept asking her questions, some of the girls around Sophie's got jealous because they had a "perfect" life and felt that their sisters should be dating Nicolas not Roxie. This was something he was going to have to talk to Sophie and Roxie about. After taking a few peeks on Sophie, he watched Roxie for the remainder. When his alarm went off to pick of Sophie, he threw on a shirt, grabbed his sunglasses and hopped in the limo. He told the driver to park where Sophie could see him easily. Everyone including the parents noticed Nicolas waiting by the limo.
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