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A grin slowly crawled across the Doctor's face. This was his time to shine!! Nobody ever asked him what he was a Doctor in! It was always 'Doctor Who?', never 'Doctor in What?'!!
"What am a Doctor in? I'm glad you asked! I am a Doctor in cheese making!!! And some other stuff...lien robotics and chemistry and Venusian biophysics....but mostly cheese making!" He flung his arm around the shark; it was a wonder to him how people were killed by these creatures; they were so darn nice! "I'm really starting to like you, Sharky-boy, I really am!"

Sal found himself the victim of human joy, the man's arm resting just under his dorsal fin. He had a feeling Wadanohara was going to bring this up to Princess Mikotsu after all of these festivities. She liked to see him suffer. Human interaction was more tiring than he had thought. "A doctor of cheese-making?" he repeated after the Doctor. "H- How interesting~ Ha ha, I actually have no idea how cheese is made~ How is it done?" He still had to make sure opinions of him were positive with all these strangers. It was a little embarrassing he was subjected to this in front of three random people he hadn't gotten their names of yet, not to mention Wadanohara herself.

The nickname he had been giving rather lovingly reminded him of Samekichi. Sal chose not to show his contempt for it visibly.

@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian
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Sal found himself the victim of human joy, the man's arm resting just under his dorsal fin. He had a feeling Wadanohara was going to bring this up to Princess Mikotsu after all of these festivities. She liked to see him suffer. Human interaction was more tiring than he had thought. "A doctor of cheese-making?" he repeated after the Doctor. "H- How interesting~ Ha ha, I actually have no idea how cheese is made~ How is it done?" He still had to make sure opinions of him were positive with all these strangers. It was a little embarrassing he was subjected to this in front of three random people he hadn't gotten their names of yet, not to mention Wadanohara herself.

The nickname he had been giving rather lovingly reminded him of Samekichi. Sal chose not to show his contempt for it visibly.

@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian

^The music^
"You don't know where cheese comes from?" The Doctor cried, completely dumbfounded by his companion's statement "But...But it's cheese! What's there to know? Everyone knows where cheese comes from!!" It was at that point the Doctor realised that Sal probably didn't come across cheese to often, you know, being a Shark and all, so he decided it would probably be wise to let him off the hook this one time. Removing his arm from around his friend, he began to form an explanation. "You see, you get some milk, and then you...." Wow, this was harder than he thought..."You know what? I think we're in need of a practical demonstration! Watch and learn"

He reached into his jacket, removing a short baby bottle filled to the brim with fat-free milk. Removing the cap, he placed it under Sal's nose. "Observe..."

Reattaching he lid, the Doctor of Cheese Making began to shake the bottle like a mad man. Juggling it from hand to hand like a court jester, doing keepie uppies with it, incorporating it into the Drunk Giraffe and even playing "spin the bottle with it", it was clear to see that he was enjoying the task far too much. He continued this cycle for around about a minute before throwing the bottle into the air and catching it inside his fez.

The next part of the process resulted in the TimeLord removing something strange from his coat. It appeared to be a vial filled with...was that grounded up walnut? Pouring it into the bottle alongside the shaken milk, he continued the juggling and shaking for several more minutes.

Returning his Fez to his head, he once again open the bottle, this time adding in something akin to....a clove of lavender?

Shaking it one final time, he pored out the contents of the bottle onto his friends fins
"There you go! The finest cheese you've ever tasted is right here! Go on! Try it! Try it!"
And he was, of course, correct. The cheese was perfect in both form and taste; that's what 850+ years of practice does for you!
@mobile post
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^The music^
"You don't know where cheese comes from?" The Doctor cried, completely dumbfounded by his companion's statement "But...But it's cheese! What's there to know? Everyone knows where cheese comes from!!" It was at that point the Doctor realised that Sal probably didn't come across cheese to often, you know, being a Shark and all, so he decided it would probably be wise to let him off the hook this one time. Removing his arm from around his friend, he began to form an explanation. "You see, you get some milk, and then you...." Wow, this was harder than he thought..."You know what? I think we're in need of a practical demonstration! Watch and learn"

He reached into his jacket, removing a short baby bottle filled to the brim with fat-free milk. Removing the cap, he placed it under Sal's nose. "Observe..."

Reattaching he lid, the Doctor of Cheese Making began to shake the bottle like a mad man. Juggling it from hand to hand like a court jester, doing keepie uppies with it, incorporating it into the Drunk Giraffe and even playing "spin the bottle with it", it was clear to see that he was enjoying the task far too much. He continued this cycle for around about a minute before throwing the bottle into the air and catching it inside his fez.

The next part of the process resulted in the TimeLord removing something strange from his coat. It appeared to be a vial filled with...was that grounded up walnut? Pouring it into the bottle alongside the shaken milk, he continued the juggling and shaking for several more minutes.

Returning his Fez to his head, he once again open the bottle, this time adding in something akin to....a clove of lavender?

Shaking it one final time, he pored out the contents of the bottle onto his friends fins
"There you go! The finest cheese you've ever tasted is right here! Go on! Try it! Try it!"
And he was, of course, correct. The cheese was perfect in both form and taste; that's what 850+ years of practice does for you!
@mobile post

"Haha, but I've never heard of it," the shark admitted rather cheerfully. "You humans have a lot of strange food~" Sal added, smiling. His smile faded at the realization that he was going to demonstrate, watching the man reach for a plastic bottle from within his coat filled with a white liquid. His eyes twitched a little at the smell of milk. He knew what it was, but Sal was never the one to drink it. The shark's cheery and smiling face slowly faded to a blank slate, floating beside Wadanohara and her three friends while he watched the Doctor begin to shake the bottle of milk, juggling it and dancing with it with judging eyes. Hanging around this man was a hazard after all. Wherever this person was from, Sal was going to make a mental note not to visit. He watched with silent terror, wondering what sort of odd concoction he was going to make with milk, nuts and lavender.

He watched as the sloppy mess was dumped onto his fins, most of it dripping onto the floor. He had caught quite an amount of it, and Sal wasn't sure if he was going to enjoy this cheese. Tentatively, he popped the tip of his fin into his mouth, taking in the weird substance. He was met with food with a strange texture and taste. It reminded him of milk, yet it was not milk. And there was a very flowery scent in it for some reason - it must have been the lavender. Holding back the instinct to choke it out, he swallowed it bravely. "I -It's not too bad..." Sal murmured.

An idea suddenly flashed in his head. Surely Samekichi would appreciate this as a gift, right? He could get Wadanohara to help feed him. With his lack of reactions lately, he had become boring. Oh, but he loved to see his suffering face. Feeding him strange-tasting foreign food. Sal was ecstatic. "It's good! May I take some home?"

@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian

"...?" The sea witch looked on with a blank expression as the 'Doctor' wrapped himself around Sal, blinking slightly and wondering why she suddenly felt the urge to murder something, before the feeling was overwhelmed by blatant amusement. She watched the Doctor literally force on the befuddled shark the 'joys of cheesemaking', and without a comment the little witch drew back from touching the shark. Wadanohaa let go of holding on to the anchor staff, balancing on it and watching Sal suffer through 'human oddities' with a smile. "Ah~ It looks like you're getting overwhelmed there, Sal? Maybe it's you who has limits." The girl threw his words earlier back in his face, the smile never leaving her face.

She looked up at the brilliant ceiling, looking at the blinking lights and tapped her chin. "Oh, I left Captain-Commander to his own devices. He didn't say I had to maintain it after he had gotten past them, after all." As it was, she was just waiting for the invisibility cloaking Kieran to fall apart the moment he got past those exploding penguins (she still wanted one). "For now, I want to be with you," she finished sweetly, cocking her head and looking down at him from her perch. I want to see you sweat through this. "After all, you seem to get along splendidly with the Doctor."

She eyed the goopy mixture that left a mess on Sal's fins with curiosity, giggling as she saw him choke it down. Clapping, Wadanohara rewarded the shark with a radiant smile. Never let it be said she didn't reward him when he was being such a good source of entertainment for her, after all. "That was really brave of you!" She knew the wicked look in his eyes the moment it appeared, having seen something similar in hers. They both knew each other well enough to know when the other was planning the suffering of someone else. "For Samekichi? He has been boring lately, he hasn't even been responding when I kiss him. Maybe this will help, good idea."
@Sen @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman
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"Haha, but I've never heard of it," the shark admitted rather cheerfully. "You humans have a lot of strange food~" Sal added, smiling. His smile faded at the realization that he was going to demonstrate, watching the man reach for a plastic bottle from within his coat filled with a white liquid. His eyes twitched a little at the smell of milk. He knew what it was, but Sal was never the one to drink it. The shark's cheery and smiling face slowly faded to a blank slate, floating beside Wadanohara and her three friends while he watched the Doctor begin to shake the bottle of milk, juggling it and dancing with it with judging eyes. Hanging around this man was a hazard after all. Wherever this person was from, Sal was going to make a mental note not to visit. He watched with silent terror, wondering what sort of odd concoction he was going to make with milk, nuts and lavender.

He watched as the sloppy mess was dumped onto his fins, most of it dripping onto the floor. He had caught quite an amount of it, and Sal wasn't sure if he was going to enjoy this cheese. Tentatively, he popped the tip of his fin into his mouth, taking in the weird substance. He was met with food with a strange texture and taste. It reminded him of milk, yet it was not milk. And there was a very flowery scent in it for some reason - it must have been the lavender. Holding back the instinct to choke it out, he swallowed it bravely. "I -It's not too bad..." Sal murmured.

An idea suddenly flashed in his head. Surely Samekichi would appreciate this as a gift, right? He could get Wadanohara to help feed him. With his lack of reactions lately, he had become boring. Oh, but he loved to see his suffering face. Feeding him strange-tasting foreign food. Sal was ecstatic. "It's good! May I take some home?"

@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian
"You're right. Humans do have some strange foods! I mean who looks at a cow and thinks...well, let's not get into that. Luckily for us both I'm not exactly human. I mean, I look human enough, but I'm actually part of an alien species known as the TimeLords. Well, to be entirely honest, from my perspective, you guys are all the Aliens!" He let out a short chuckle, only to be greeted with a cold blank stare from Sal. He must have been confusing the old fish; either than or he was common off as a madman... But that would never happen, right? "But let's not talk about my species, shall we? Boring people. Silly hats. All in a parallel universe now, nothing to worry about"

After watching the Shark try his cheese for the first time, he could see the creature's mood shift almost instantly. It was only what he expected, of course; it was a pretty good batch of cheese, if he did say so himself.
"Of course, of course you can bring some home! I'll get some out the Tardis later; we don't exactly want it going bad before the party's over, now do we?"
@mobile post
"Does your friend want some too?"​
"You're right. Humans do have some strange foods! I mean who looks at a cow and thinks...well, let's not get into that. Luckily for us both I'm not exactly human. I mean, I look human enough, but I'm actually part of an alien species known as the TimeLords. Well, to be entirely honest, from my perspective, you guys are all the Aliens!" He let out a short chuckle, only to be greeted with a cold blank stare from Sal. He must have been confusing the old fish; either than or he was common off as a madman... But that would never happen, right? "But let's not talk about my species, shall we? Boring people. Silly hats. All in a parallel universe now, nothing to worry about"

After watching the Shark try his cheese for the first time, he could see the creature's mood shift almost instantly. It was only what he expected, of course; it was a pretty good batch of cheese, if he did say so himself.
"Of course, of course you can bring some home! I'll get some out the Tardis later; we don't exactly want it going bad before the party's over, now do we?"
@mobile post
"Does your friend want some too?"​
If one had asked Sal what an alien was a few years ago, the shark would have had no idea. It was thanks to his travels, some of them out of his very universe under the sea and the dripping moon, that he could study different creatures. He knew aliens were creatures from space. Sal had once had a time where he couldn't fathom a place even larger than the ocean in the sky. Though this Time Lord business, he had no idea what they were whatsoever. The Doctor's guise was even more realistic than his own. "Silly hats?" he repeated, clearly confused. He would need to look into this after, when he had the chance. "Tardis...?" What were these strange terms. "What is that?"

The shark peered at Wadanohara before his red eyes narrowed with mischievousness. Knowing the witch, she liked takoyaki, not this cheese. "She would absolutely love to try some~" Sal grinned at the man. "Right, Wadda dear~?"​

"...?" The sea witch looked on with a blank expression as the 'Doctor' wrapped himself around Sal, blinking slightly and wondering why she suddenly felt the urge to murder something, before the feeling was overwhelmed by blatant amusement. She watched the Doctor literally force on the befuddled shark the 'joys of cheesemaking', and without a comment the little witch drew back from touching the shark. Wadanohaa let go of holding on to the anchor staff, balancing on it and watching Sal suffer through 'human oddities' with a smile. "Ah~ It looks like you're getting overwhelmed there, Sal? Maybe it's you who has limits." The girl threw his words earlier back in his face, the smile never leaving her face.

She looked up at the brilliant ceiling, looking at the blinking lights and tapped her chin. "Oh, I left Captain-Commander to his own devices. He didn't say I had to maintain it after he had gotten past them, after all." As it was, she was just waiting for the invisibility cloaking Kieran to fall apart the moment he got past those exploding penguins (she still wanted one). "For now, I want to be with you," she finished sweetly, cocking her head and looking down at him from her perch. I want to see you sweat through this. "After all, you seem to get along splendidly with the Doctor."

She eyed the goopy mixture that left a mess on Sal's fins with curiosity, giggling as she saw him choke it down. Clapping, Wadanohara rewarded the shark with a radiant smile. Never let it be said she didn't reward him when he was being such a good source of entertainment for her, after all. "That was really brave of you!" She knew the wicked look in his eyes the moment it appeared, having seen something similar in hers. They both knew each other well enough to know when the other was planning the suffering of someone else. "For Samekichi? He has been boring lately, he hasn't even been responding when I kiss him. Maybe this will help, good idea."
@Sen @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman

"Is it because our love for each other is as deep as the sea?" Sal joked, winking at the witch. After the fiasco with the Blue Sea, they had certainly become much closer. Even more close than the relationship she had with Samekichi. Ah, but he deserved it after all. Now he was a stupid shark. "Oh, yes. The Doctor is a very interesting man~" he commented about his new acquaintance. Meeting weird people was a part of his job, whether he liked it or not. "Now, try some of this cheese, Wadda. It's really good!"
"Eh? You were never poetic, Sal," the witch brushed off the joking, but blatantly obvious prod from Sal with the ease of someone who had to deal with it for so long. She merely smiled and arched an eyebrow at him casually, before her eyes narrowed as she remembered him speaking for her. The narrowing of her eyes lasted only for a split-second before she was back to smiling calmly back at Sal and the Doctor. "Do you want me to slap you later, Sal?" She asked him telepathically, her voice still cheerful. "Oh, but it's already all over your fins, Sal. Where ever should I get this cheese?"

She stared the mess of the cheese on the floor with a blank expression, then back at Sal. It was clear that he was trying to get his own bit of mischief in, and it made her smile. Even if he tried to divert the Doctor's attention from himself, he was still going to be the one catching his notice as a floating white salmon shark.

@Sen @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman

Catching Morrighan out of the corner of his eye, ChromeSkull lowered the bottle of vodka and wiped off his mouth. In case any of the vodka had missed his mouth in his hurry to chug all of it.

This wasn't quite as strange as the cat person but he supposed it was up there. Almost seemed symbolic in some manner. A woman with beauty unparalleled adorn in white and black wings on her back. Such a contrast of light and dark. If it had just been the two of them, he would have taken great joy in adding her to his ever-growing list of 'memories'

But for now, he'd hold out his phone towards the goddess after typing up a message for her to read if she felt so inclined.


Felt disgusting seeming so overjoyed about something he couldn't give a solitary fuck about. But the two serial killers hadn't come to this party to have fun. It was the only escape they could think of to avoid being imprisoned for life/likely executed. But appearances needed to be kept up to some degree he supposed.


"Eh? You don't think I've tried that? First thing that happened when the two of us walked in here is that Morrigan-the bat girl I've been fawning over-smiled at the two of us and course Chrome's got more things on his mind than what might be an easy lay or just someone who'll show you a night of fun. Bad news is though?" Ghostface sighed as he pulled off his mask and rubbed where ChromeSkull had hit him upside the head with his cell-phone.


"SURPRISE! She ends up turning out to be some kind of sexy Scottish succubus that would have killed me if I kissed her. Or something like that, Chrome hit me in the head with his phone and the thing's like a goddamn brick so it caught my attention. Thus saving me from what would have been the coolest death ever. Or so I like to think anyway. But, I think that's enough beating around the bush, wouldn't you say? I've had fun talking with you and all but I need to catch up with my partner. So, I'll see ya around Kiritsugu." With that, Ghostface rose to his feet and brushed himself off.

"Before I go though, I'd just like to point out a comment that you made. Cat-girls? That...Sounds like it'd be a good idea in theory, not so sure how well it'd work in execution if that guy's anything to go by." He'd say thumbing over to the talking cat in some kind of fancy suit. "I mean just because Shatner hit that, doesn't mean I'm gonna hit it too. But the night's still young and so am I! Haha!"

ChromeSkull's entire body tensed up the second Coraline made contact with him. Nobody, not even his trusted assistant got close enough to make physical contact with him. Which meant most of the people who did either had some use to ChromeSkull although he was quite arsed to figure out what that was exactly like Mickey or they were resisting him trying to brutally murder them, which was pretty justified.

But he supposed he could play up the 'drunken pervert' role just a little bit. So as not to stand out he supposed. The hooting was quite aggervating to his ears however. Was it not enough to just say how attractive the woman in white was? There was some inate need to holler like some kind of monkey?

Ah well, drunken idiots did idiotic things. He supposed he shouldn't have been surprised.


It wasn't Romeo but ChromeSkull didn't particularly care about his pick-up line being any good. If one had to be made then that was what he'd take. Besides, he didn't spend his free time asking women out with cheesy lines. He spent most of his time subjecting them to horrendous things while recording the action and then sending it to the local authorities to mock them for being so incompetent. Not...Whatever this was.

Watching the sight with amusement, Ghostface couldn't help but laugh at his partner's expense.

"Oh man, out of all the people who ended up with the drunken chick, didn't imagine it'd be Chrome. But, hey..Speaking of which, are you free?" Ghostface asked in a suggestive tone as he smirked at Jez. Maybe he was being genunine and did actually wish to try his luck with what pretty much amounted to the devil's daughter. Or he was just fucking around. Hard to tell sometimes.


But who could really resist moves like that?

@Jeremi @Gen. Magic Senpai @Arlathina

"First of all..." She'd give him a chilly glare. "This is my first drink so on top of being a demon means it's very hard to get drunk, and secondly, I have higher standards than you, boy." While she cared for humanities plight it didn't mean she'd fraternize with every human, especially not bad apples like Ghostface. "Though if anything I could always take you home and see my father." She replied with a smirk.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Arlathina
Rita gave Saitama a sour look. He wasn't helping his case much. "Whatever. This isn't over between us." Casually, Rita snapped her book shut and the fireball disappeared from existence. "I don't need anyone else's dumb costume. I'll just change and give Idoun this one..."


With a grumble, Rita quickly left.

@Verite @Jeremi @Alyto

"I guess she would've had a problem filling it out." Morrigan replied loud enough for Rita to hear. As she walked off that would leave Morrigan with Saitama and some little girl she didn't know or really care to know. "But...it doesn't really fit the scene, does it?"

Suddenly the outfit on her body would spring to life as bats flied around her before enveloping her. After awhile they'd calm down and they could see Morrigan in a new outfit.


"Much better. So..."
She'd turn to face Saitama. "Would you care for some company? Or is there a Mrs Baldy in your life?"

@Verite @Atomyk @Alyto
"Eh? You were never poetic, Sal," the witch brushed off the joking, but blatantly obvious prod from Sal with the ease of someone who had to deal with it for so long. She merely smiled and arched an eyebrow at him casually, before her eyes narrowed as she remembered him speaking for her. The narrowing of her eyes lasted only for a split-second before she was back to smiling calmly back at Sal and the Doctor. "Do you want me to slap you later, Sal?" She asked him telepathically, her voice still cheerful. "Oh, but it's already all over your fins, Sal. Where ever should I get this cheese?"

She stared the mess of the cheese on the floor with a blank expression, then back at Sal. It was clear that he was trying to get his own bit of mischief in, and it made her smile. Even if he tried to divert the Doctor's attention from himself, he was still going to be the one catching his notice as a floating white salmon shark.

@Sen @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman
"Even if I say no, you'd still slap me~" he replied back mentally, his eyes blinked red for a few seconds as he turned to look at her, his smile widening to a grin at Wadanohara's usual behaviour. With his back turned to the Doctor, he wouldn't be able to see his expression, one that matched the one she had on for him. Sal had to admit he liked letting her push him around, as a sadomasochist. But he in turn didn't mind messing with the once innocent girl's mind. After all, he loved to see her expressions, whatever they were. It was delicious.
Sal turned back to the Doctor with his usual, all-smiles expression. "Do you have any more cheese on you~?" he asked him politely. "We can't have dear Wadanohara eating off the floor~ Oh, unless you want to have if off my fins?" he blinked at the witch with a coy smile. "Sharing is caring~"

@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian


As he waited for a response from Coraline, ChromeSkull's shoulder-mounted camera slowly swiveled to get what seemed to be a cat in a suit. The serial killer could accept a lot of things that seemed to be quite obvious. Ghostface was a psychotic useless tool. There was a talking shark and a child in red seemed to be acquaintances with it.

But the one thing he refused to accept was that there might have been a universe where talking cats in suits roamed around.

If there was, then he made a mental note on having to make what would surely be hailed as a welcomed visit there. Not as a guest or anything of that nature mind you, but more of an exterminator rule because this beast was an affront to ChromeSkull's eyes.

Which in turn made his need for another drink all the more palatable.


@Librarian Cat.

~Chromatic DeSPIESing~
Nyanta was having a most joyous time at the view that was being given to him. Most specifically, the dancing act being done by a zombie and a couple of others in the Ballroom...very much compelling, and Nyanta was one to like dancing, perhaps he would join this guy in doing whatever weird magic he's doing with his feet and hips, as the Prinny servant 'Leroy' didn't seem to be doing much, much less answering his questions, do they just stay there and stare at your soul with those, big, glossy penguin eyes of theirs. Nonetheless very cute, but with a tinge of creepy...

Speaking of which, it seemed that he was also spotted by this one guy across the room a ways near the bar, he seemed to be looking at Nyanta and sizing him up before giving Nyanta several displeasing looks before getting back to the bar for (what he hopes)is a nice, intoxicating drink. The guy had a frightening appearance, a shiny bald head, and a shiny, glossy, metallic skull with seemingly no eyes, and all this technology sticking out of him, such as a camera and these guns, perhaps they are laser guns? That would be interesting, especially to own one of those, nyaa! He thought.

But still, this weird, yet cool skull guy made it quite obvious that he didn't like Nyanta. It was a bit upsetting, and it made him get out of his seat, as sitting around with Leroy is not doing much, and this looks like the only conversation he may and will get for the time being. So he got up, brushed his face, placed his hat on, and walked right by the ShinySkullMan, lightly tapping the back of his shiny bald head before striding over to The strange dancing white-suited man.

He tapped him in a means to say I see what you did there.
@Alyto @Hazel-rah @The Yuletide Tactician @Savannah-Clause @Forrest @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DapperDogman @Verite @Mighty Roman@Saint Guillotine @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Cromartie Sarkissian @Jeremi @The Great Detective @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah@Gen. Magic Senpai @Kaykay @C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @Lizzy @CCC Kouhai @Schnee Corp Lawyer @york @Raven @Mari @Sen @Sav@Arlathina@Hana @Librarian Cat @Krieg
Oh, so he was a ghoul. At least, his face looked like one. Coraline shrugged, haphazardly popping the cork on the dusty bottle of wine, swishing it around for a little bit before she peered curiously inside.

It looked like wine. Honestly, Coraline had no idea what she was expecting to see.

Without a second thought, she tilted the bottle upward, letting the liquid flow into her open lips.

Almost the instant the wine began to flow, her face scrunched up tighter than an old lemon, ripping the end of the bottle away as she smacked her lips.

"Woooooowee! That. was. tart! It's been forever since I tasted wine!" she shouted ecstatically, wiping the excess from her lips as her eyes wandered, eventually finding a pair of eyes looking back. Coraline's grin hastily returned. "Well, well, wouldja look at this little cutie?" she hollered, patting Chrome-Dome's shoulder to grab his attention, following it up with some more of her raspy hooting in Morrighan's direction.

@Arlathina @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DapperDogman @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Almost instantly, the group seemed to notice Morrighan's subtle glance. At once, the drunken woman turned and began to hoot and holler obscenely in Morrighan's direction. Her companion, who held up a cell phone in her direction to communicate, asked why she simply watched and did not partake. Morrighan stood complacent for only a moment, deciding that there wasn't much else to do. After all, Morrighan could not refuse an invitation, however crude it may have been.


Using her ability to teleport, Morrighan moved instantly to stand near the group, taking the last few steps that seemed nothing like steps. Rather, it appeared as those the goddess were gliding, suspended to some invisible silken threads secured to the ceiling. However, what may have appeared even stranger to any onlookers was the fact that she did this without ever once opening her eyes. They remained closed, and the expression of tranquility and sleep seemed to have been forever impressed upon her features.

"Greetings, everyone," Morrighan said, her voice a musical and clear bell. Her demeanor was that of the babbling brook, quiet and graceful, as she stood reservedly, almost shy. And, although her eyes were shut, she had other ways of examining closely each individual in the group. She took a small breath before saying, "I am known by many names, but you may call me Morrighan. What of you?"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Jeez. In the eight years that had passed, Ryan had forgotten that Gilgamesh was just as bad as her two sisters, when it came to hotheadedness and stubbornness. This wasn't going to go anywhere - just like Ryan wouldn't be with these chains around her. If she were still the small, ten-year-old child Ryan? She likely would have kept pressing, anyways. But she knew very well that it would just be a waste of breath. So instead of trying to push her point on deaf ears, the blonde simply gave a small sigh, shutting right up.



Looked like she hadn't lost her submissive nature by any means.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @C.T.

Looking Ryan was argu... no, wait. Did she really just give up? That was not like her, at all. Was this something that changed as she aged? Or was this something the man had done to her? Regardless thankfully she was listening to him at once, but by completely giving up hope. "No! Not Alright! Don't just stand here sorry for yourself! Stick up for yourself! Resist his influence!" he then suddenly bursted at her. As much as he needed her to listen, she couldn't just do that... But now wasn't going to be the best time to go into such a long discussion with her. So the most he could do was nudge her to fight, and if he couldn't then he would fight, this time. But she would soon, need to learn to do so for herself.

@Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"Oh, now look what you've done. You've made her gone all pouty. You shut her up, got her ensnared in chains. I just want to ask her for a favor, it's not a dreadful deal by any means. Honest--"

"Why let a bygone be a bygone, when you're not letting this little girl be a little girl? I'm sense I touch of irony here, wouldn't you agree?" The stranger muttered, stepping out of his out of the large wardrobe that had materialised behind the party-goers only moments before hand. He ran his chubby fingers along the wooden box, picking up both dust and splinters as he did so. This device was, of course, his Tardis, however, unlike his future incarnations iconic design, he had a working chameleon circuit. It was this slight difference that allowed the TimeMachine to take a new form depending on its location with the intention of disguising itself from all non TimeLords. Why it had taken this form had baffled even the Doctor himself; the painted rose garden on the doors and majestic bronze swans on the doorknobs were hardly inconspicuous features. Was it perhaps trying to stand out? Or was it impossible to stand out amongst all the strange faces and outfits swarming the hotel?

This stranger, as once could guess from his dress sense, was the Doctor, the Time Traveler and Time Lord from Gallifrey, in his 6th body. And what a body it was! Golden hair wrapped perfectly into pristine curls, round faced and play filed eyed; if his 11th body was an imaginary friend, this body was definitely the clown.
View attachment 94393
Upon his rotund body he wore a majestic match work coat, one of indescribable beauty; one sleeve a gold so pure it could only be matched by the waters of the Planet Pelladon, the other a blazing red, only matched by the fires of hell. Fine tartan cloaked his back, wrapping across the collaged suit, the only imperfection in its fabric being the tiny whole that had once bared a cat badge. He was, of course, a man of fine tastes, with a cravat and navy waste coat finishing his look. To most, he appeared to be dressed up like the town fool, a court jester of sorts, but in his own eyes, he was wearing a work of art.

The Doctor adjusted his coat, pulling the rainbow master piece further into his shoulders. "You see, sir, you may have just met your match; my name is the Doctor. Hello!" He made a sarcastic waving gesture with his left hand, grinning from ear to ear. "I too am a fan of parlour games, however if you were to but me to the test perturbation for you! My little tricks are so advanced, you probably wouldn't even be able to keep up!" He reached into his yellow sleeve, removing a small Bouquet of flowers

"You control minds, Oh Whoop Dee Doo!" His voice dropped with sarcasm

@Savannah-Clause @Gen. Magic Senpai
Mobile post
Although Gilgamesh would hate to admit it, this wanderers interruption was most appreciated. For he was getting himself in quite the pickle, one he could easily avoid by simply looking out for himself... But it was too late for that even if he wanted to. He stood back and let the new man who called himself the 'Doctor' say this stuff to the man. But as soon as he was finished he chipped in on his own adding "Hmph! It seems you're drawing a crowd. And for what? Lacking such an ego that you need to make a little girl do your bidding? Pathetic".

Now, granted Gilgamesh was also in danger of this 'Doctor' also being controlled. But if that were to happen he shouldn't be too hard to dispatch of with the gates. Though regardless he was hoping that wouldn't be the case, in fact now he was actually counting on this being a Murder Game. For if it was the Gamemaster would have to interfere if it went too far, preventing the players from dying too soon.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"That's quite enough now, Captain Camelot!" The Sixth Doctor cried, turning towards Gillgamesh, gritting his teeth "I don't need any barbarians barging around the place. Why don't you gallop off and pillage a village or something, while the men with an IQ point or two discuss big boy issues? Hmmm? How does that sound?" The Time Lord stood on the tips of his toes and began to pat the King of Heroes upon his head in a condescending manner. "So, Purple suit. What do you have to say for yourself?"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
Mobile Post
Gilgamesh instinctively slapped the Doctor's hand away when it went to pet him and he retorted "Hmph! Learn your heroes! I am Gilgamesh King of Heroes. Not the lowly King Arthur you dare compare me too!". Ok... That snap back might have been a mistake... But no one belittle's Gilgamesh like that doesn't get snapped back at the very least. His ego quite simply doesn't allow for it.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"King of Heroes? Arnt I quaking in my boots?" The Doctor rubbed his slapped hand, massaging his wrist. "Well, I'm a Lord of Time, and believe me, there isn't an estate bigger than that!!" 6, of course, hated associating himself with bland fools known as the Gallifrians, but it was a necessary evil in this circumstance "If your rank makes Aurthur look like and ant, I make him look like a molecule, and make you look like two molecules. And I won't hear one word against King Aurthur!! Those stories are works of art in their own! Now act your age!"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T
Mobile post
"Hmph! Stories? Is that all you got?" No, Gilgamesh... Stop. He's meant to be helping you...
"For a Lord of Time you sure didn't do much research! I've known Arthur during two different wars! She is a pathetic Ruler, giving in to her pride and letting her people fall, without any sort of motivation to fight for themselves. She made her people complaciment, weak, lazy. And they died for it. Now, that might count as art. But I wouldn't let that art give her any respect".

Then realizing reffering to Arthur as 'she' might throw the man off he clarified "And if your Time Mastery also failed to tell you, Arthur was a woman. Simply enchanted to appear male".
God Dammit Gilgamesh! Kilgraves still right there!

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause
The Doctor only dignified the warrior with a face palm "Are You kidding me? I ask for a simple conversation and all I get in return is the cast of a "Brother's Grimm" stage show! This is pitiful! I suppose that this is what I get for communicating with someone of such low capacity!!" The Doctor leaned as close into Gilgamesh's face as possible, practically spit tinge onto his chin as he spoke. "Are you kidding me? The Tin-Man is insulting my intelligence! Tell me, you neanderthal, are youignorant? Or just plain stupid? I am over 900 years old, and in all my lives I have never found somebody as unbearable as you, and that includes includes the BrickYard!!"
@Savannah-Clause @C.T.
He would have replied to the silly git in the rainbow clown suit(preferably by telling him to get lost and hopefully it would work this time)...had he not be so enamored by the following conversation, gaze drifting back and forth as each chimed in on their back and forth. "You see, Neo, that is how a proper conversation should go." Kilgrave murmured under his breath. While the golden Gilgamesh and the Rainbow Doctor were distracted arguing back and forth, he just slid in closer to the captive Ryan, intending to whisper into her ear the command that as soon as she was free, she was now a makeshift bartender and it was her duty to see that the ice cream themed Neo was never to be without a drink in her hand. Drinks on the house.

@Savannah-Clause @Gen. Magic Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian
"First of all..." She'd give him a chilly glare. "This is my first drink so on top of being a demon means it's very hard to get drunk, and secondly, I have higher standards than you, boy." While she cared for humanities plight it didn't mean she'd fraternize with every human, especially not bad apples like Ghostface. "Though if anything I could always take you home and see my father." She replied with a smirk.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Arlathina

"Okay. Those are all very well made points. I..Should probably be more bothered by the demon part. But, eh I'm not picky. Equal opportunities and all that. Seriously though! You don't find anything endearing about little ol me? Could have sworn my humor might have enamored you at this point. Or make you want to put your head through the nearest wall. " Mickey held up his hands and shook his head from side to side.

"It's okay though! Because I'll keep trying and trying. To reach the standards you've set-Wait, seriously? I mean I think that's taking a things bit fast, even for me and I...Heeeeeey, I see what you meant by that."

He'd say while wagging a finger at Jez. It didn't exactly take a rocket scientist to put two and two together as far as Mickey was concerned. Red skin, horns, the whole being a demon thing. She was totally the daughter of Satan. Or whatever counted for Satan in her universe he guessed. But he did have to admit that out of the threats that been thrown his way such as having campus security called on him, beaten up by someone's boyfriend, being dragged down to Hell to meet the Devil himself was a new one! Not that he didn't deserve it. But being sentenced to eternal damnation was something he'd like to put off for just a while longer.


"I think I'll pass. But thanks for the offer anyhow."
Using her ability to teleport, Morrighan moved instantly to stand near the group, taking the last few steps that seemed nothing like steps. Rather, it appeared as those the goddess were gliding, suspended to some invisible silken threads secured to the ceiling. However, what may have appeared even stranger to any onlookers was the fact that she did this without ever once opening her eyes. They remained closed, and the expression of tranquility and sleep seemed to have been forever impressed upon her features.

"Greetings, everyone," Morrighan said, her voice a musical and clear bell. Her demeanor was that of the babbling brook, quiet and graceful, as she stood reservedly, almost shy. And, although her eyes were shut, she had other ways of examining closely each individual in the group. She took a small breath before saying, "I am known by many names, but you may call me Morrighan. What of you?"

ChromeSkull liked to think a lot of things about himself. That he was successful which in financial terms one could agree. Running an underground organization of serial killers that possibly has subsidiaries all over the globe was hard work. But it helped rake in the cash and let ChromeSkull get nifty things like his bulletproof jacket and his expensive video camera. He also liked to believe that he was one of the best killers out there which given he was the leader of aforementioned organization also probably had it's merits.

But something about the tranquil expression on this woman's face enticed the murderer. She looked like she was at peace with herself and unaware of the surroundings holding some despicable characters like Kilgrave, Ghostface, and even himself. He idly wondered if she'd keep such a look if he were to place his hands around her neck and to squeeze until she was left gasping for any last chances at air.

But before he could think any further, she had already approached him and Coraline. Finishing off what was left of his drink, ChromeSkull fixed his mask back onto his face and nodded towards the goddess.


Also as the cat-man tapped the back of his head, the camera turned to look upon him. It was at that moment that ChromeSkull came to a conclusion. If Ghostface and him had to murder anybody here. Besides Kido for getting away from the two of them and spilling more acid on ChromeSkull's face of course, it'd be that cat..Thing. Abomination like that didn't deserve the life it had in the serial killer's opinion.

@Arlathina @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Librarian Cat
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Reactions: Arlathina

Looking Ryan was argu... no, wait. Did she really just give up? That was not like her, at all. Was this something that changed as she aged? Or was this something the man had done to her? Regardless thankfully she was listening to him at once, but by completely giving up hope. "No! Not Alright! Don't just stand here sorry for yourself! Stick up for yourself! Resist his influence!" he then suddenly bursted at her. As much as he needed her to listen, she couldn't just do that... But now wasn't going to be the best time to go into such a long discussion with her. So the most he could do was nudge her to fight, and if he couldn't then he would fight, this time. But she would soon, need to learn to do so for herself.

@Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"Why let a bygone be a bygone, when you're not letting this little girl be a little girl? I'm sense I touch of irony here, wouldn't you agree?" The stranger muttered, stepping out of his out of the large wardrobe that had materialised behind the party-goers only moments before hand. He ran his chubby fingers along the wooden box, picking up both dust and splinters as he did so. This device was, of course, his Tardis, however, unlike his future incarnations iconic design, he had a working chameleon circuit. It was this slight difference that allowed the TimeMachine to take a new form depending on its location with the intention of disguising itself from all non TimeLords. Why it had taken this form had baffled even the Doctor himself; the painted rose garden on the doors and majestic bronze swans on the doorknobs were hardly inconspicuous features. Was it perhaps trying to stand out? Or was it impossible to stand out amongst all the strange faces and outfits swarming the hotel?

This stranger, as once could guess from his dress sense, was the Doctor, the Time Traveler and Time Lord from Gallifrey, in his 6th body. And what a body it was! Golden hair wrapped perfectly into pristine curls, round faced and play filed eyed; if his 11th body was an imaginary friend, this body was definitely the clown.
View attachment 94393
Upon his rotund body he wore a majestic match work coat, one of indescribable beauty; one sleeve a gold so pure it could only be matched by the waters of the Planet Pelladon, the other a blazing red, only matched by the fires of hell. Fine tartan cloaked his back, wrapping across the collaged suit, the only imperfection in its fabric being the tiny whole that had once bared a cat badge. He was, of course, a man of fine tastes, with a cravat and navy waste coat finishing his look. To most, he appeared to be dressed up like the town fool, a court jester of sorts, but in his own eyes, he was wearing a work of art.

The Doctor adjusted his coat, pulling the rainbow master piece further into his shoulders. "You see, sir, you may have just met your match; my name is the Doctor. Hello!" He made a sarcastic waving gesture with his left hand, grinning from ear to ear. "I too am a fan of parlour games, however if you were to but me to the test perturbation for you! My little tricks are so advanced, you probably wouldn't even be able to keep up!" He reached into his yellow sleeve, removing a small Bouquet of flowers

"You control minds, Oh Whoop Dee Doo!" His voice dropped with sarcasm

@Savannah-Clause @Gen. Magic Senpai
Mobile post
Although Gilgamesh would hate to admit it, this wanderers interruption was most appreciated. For he was getting himself in quite the pickle, one he could easily avoid by simply looking out for himself... But it was too late for that even if he wanted to. He stood back and let the new man who called himself the 'Doctor' say this stuff to the man. But as soon as he was finished he chipped in on his own adding "Hmph! It seems you're drawing a crowd. And for what? Lacking such an ego that you need to make a little girl do your bidding? Pathetic".

Now, granted Gilgamesh was also in danger of this 'Doctor' also being controlled. But if that were to happen he shouldn't be too hard to dispatch of with the gates. Though regardless he was hoping that wouldn't be the case, in fact now he was actually counting on this being a Murder Game. For if it was the Gamemaster would have to interfere if it went too far, preventing the players from dying too soon.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"That's quite enough now, Captain Camelot!" The Sixth Doctor cried, turning towards Gillgamesh, gritting his teeth "I don't need any barbarians barging around the place. Why don't you gallop off and pillage a village or something, while the men with an IQ point or two discuss big boy issues? Hmmm? How does that sound?" The Time Lord stood on the tips of his toes and began to pat the King of Heroes upon his head in a condescending manner. "So, Purple suit. What do you have to say for yourself?"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
Mobile Post
Gilgamesh instinctively slapped the Doctor's hand away when it went to pet him and he retorted "Hmph! Learn your heroes! I am Gilgamesh King of Heroes. Not the lowly King Arthur you dare compare me too!". Ok... That snap back might have been a mistake... But no one belittle's Gilgamesh like that doesn't get snapped back at the very least. His ego quite simply doesn't allow for it.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"King of Heroes? Arnt I quaking in my boots?" The Doctor rubbed his slapped hand, massaging his wrist. "Well, I'm a Lord of Time, and believe me, there isn't an estate bigger than that!!" 6, of course, hated associating himself with bland fools known as the Gallifrians, but it was a necessary evil in this circumstance "If your rank makes Aurthur look like and ant, I make him look like a molecule, and make you look like two molecules. And I won't hear one word against King Aurthur!! Those stories are works of art in their own! Now act your age!"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T
Mobile post
"Hmph! Stories? Is that all you got?" No, Gilgamesh... Stop. He's meant to be helping you...
"For a Lord of Time you sure didn't do much research! I've known Arthur during two different wars! She is a pathetic Ruler, giving in to her pride and letting her people fall, without any sort of motivation to fight for themselves. She made her people complaciment, weak, lazy. And they died for it. Now, that might count as art. But I wouldn't let that art give her any respect".

Then realizing reffering to Arthur as 'she' might throw the man off he clarified "And if your Time Mastery also failed to tell you, Arthur was a woman. Simply enchanted to appear male".
God Dammit Gilgamesh! Kilgraves still right there!

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause
The Doctor only dignified the warrior with a face palm "Are You kidding me? I ask for a simple conversation and all I get in return is the cast of a "Brother's Grimm" stage show! This is pitiful! I suppose that this is what I get for communicating with someone of such low capacity!!" The Doctor leaned as close into Gilgamesh's face as possible, practically spit tinge onto his chin as he spoke. "Are you kidding me? The Tin-Man is insulting my intelligence! Tell me, you neanderthal, are youignorant? Or just plain stupid? I am over 900 years old, and in all my lives I have never found somebody as unbearable as you, and that includes includes the BrickYard!!"
@Savannah-Clause @C.T.


This conversation was on a train to absolutely nowhere, and it was moving fast. If it were Reece or Ridley in her shoes, it was likely that she very well would've been getting annoyed or frustrated with Gilgamesh right now. But the young woman had a sense of patience and a level head that both of her sisters lacked. Heck, she didn't even seem fazed by how angry Gilgamesh was getting, and her typical calm expression remained.

With the chains wrapping around her ankles as well, at least the young woman wasn't tiring. However, that did not solve the issue of the discussion between herself and Gilgamesh. "Gilgamesh, you heard him. He said there will be no tricks about this favor," she replied, calmly. Sheesh, looked like she hadn't lost her faith in people, even through all of those years. "Unless he goes against that word, I--"

Before she could finish, another man bad joined into the fray, wasting no time in starting to talk to Kilgrave. Ryan, or Aurelia, was unbothered by this - after all, her level of patience was practically unmatched. On the other hand, though, she wasn't exactly pleased with the whole of the conversation that followed. Yet, still, the female remained silent. At least, until a pause was finally taken between the bickering of the two. She didn't want to interrupt, after all.

Now, though, she finally spoke up. "I'm not the little girl you used to know anymore, Gilgamesh," the Caster finally spoke, a serious expression on her pale face. "As for Arthur..." Briefly, Aurelia didn't know what to say. She still recalled Arthur's death as vividly as she had seen it the day it happened. She remembered trying so desperately to heal her, to help Lon'qu, Ryner, and the others save her... And failing.

"...I don't think speaking of her in such a way is necessary."

With that out in the air, Ryan pinched the bridge of her nose, less than pleased with the argument being had. She wasn't annoyed, by any means - but she hated seeing people insult each other. Especially friends of hers. "Is the name-calling and flooding of insults really necessary?" she asked, almost tiredly. "Because personally, I think it's quite uncalled for.." Man, why couldn't everyone just be friends with everyone like Ryan was?
"Oh, now look what you've done. You've made her gone all pouty. You shut her up, got her ensnared in chains. I just want to ask her for a favor, it's not a dreadful deal by any means. Honest--"

He would have replied to the silly git in the rainbow clown suit(preferably by telling him to get lost and hopefully it would work this time)...had he not be so enamored by the following conversation, gaze drifting back and forth as each chimed in on their back and forth. "You see, Neo, that is how a proper conversation should go." Kilgrave murmured under his breath. While the golden Gilgamesh and the Rainbow Doctor were distracted arguing back and forth, he just slid in closer to the captive Ryan, intending to whisper into her ear the command that as soon as she was free, she was now a makeshift bartender and it was her duty to see that the ice cream themed Neo was never to be without a drink in her hand. Drinks on the house.

@Savannah-Clause @Gen. Magic Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian

Oh. Right. Kilgrave and his favor.. Glancing away from the Doctor and Gilgamesh, the Thaumaturge just mustered a weak smile. "Ah, what was that favor you wanted?"

It was Kilgrave's lucky day, because Ryan would probably one of the easiest people to manipulate ever. He could probably just ask and she'd carry just about anything out - even being some clueless bartender.

Bottoms up, Neo.... Bottoms up

@Gen. Magic Senpai @C.T. @Cromartie Sarkissian
Almost instantly, the group seemed to notice Morrighan's subtle glance. At once, the drunken woman turned and began to hoot and holler obscenely in Morrighan's direction. Her companion, who held up a cell phone in her direction to communicate, asked why she simply watched and did not partake. Morrighan stood complacent for only a moment, deciding that there wasn't much else to do. After all, Morrighan could not refuse an invitation, however crude it may have been.


Using her ability to teleport, Morrighan moved instantly to stand near the group, taking the last few steps that seemed nothing like steps. Rather, it appeared as those the goddess were gliding, suspended to some invisible silken threads secured to the ceiling. However, what may have appeared even stranger to any onlookers was the fact that she did this without ever once opening her eyes. They remained closed, and the expression of tranquility and sleep seemed to have been forever impressed upon her features.

"Greetings, everyone," Morrighan said, her voice a musical and clear bell. Her demeanor was that of the babbling brook, quiet and graceful, as she stood reservedly, almost shy. And, although her eyes were shut, she had other ways of examining closely each individual in the group. She took a small breath before saying, "I am known by many names, but you may call me Morrighan. What of you?"

"Okay. Those are all very well made points. I..Should probably be more bothered by the demon part. But, eh I'm not picky. Equal opportunities and all that. Seriously though! You don't find anything endearing about little ol me? Could have sworn my humor might have enamored you at this point. Or make you want to put your head through the nearest wall. " Mickey held up his hands and shook his head from side to side.

"It's okay though! Because I'll keep trying and trying. To reach the standards you've set-Wait, seriously? I mean I think that's taking a things bit fast, even for me and I...Heeeeeey, I see what you meant by that."

He'd say while wagging a finger at Jez. It didn't exactly take a rocket scientist to put two and two together as far as Mickey was concerned. Red skin, horns, the whole being a demon thing. She was totally the daughter of Satan. Or whatever counted for Satan in her universe he guessed. But he did have to admit that out of the threats that been thrown his way such as having campus security called on him, beaten up by someone's boyfriend, being dragged down to Hell to meet the Devil himself was a new one! Not that he didn't deserve it. But being sentenced to eternal damnation was something he'd like to put off for just a while longer.


"I think I'll pass. But thanks for the offer anyhow."


ChromeSkull liked to think a lot of things about himself. That he was successful which in financial terms one could agree. Running an underground organization of serial killers that possibly has subsidiaries all over the globe was hard work. But it helped rake in the cash and let ChromeSkull get nifty things like his bulletproof jacket and his expensive video camera. He also liked to believe that he was one of the best killers out there which given he was the leader of aforementioned organization also probably had it's merits.

But something about the tranquil expression on this woman's face enticed the murderer. She looked like she was at peace with herself and unaware of the surroundings holding some despicable characters like Kilgrave, Ghostface, and even himself. He idly wondered if she'd keep such a look if he were to place his hands around her neck and to squeeze until she was left gasping for any last chances at air.

But before he could think any further, she had already approached him and Coraline. Finishing off what was left of his drink, ChromeSkull fixed his mask back onto his face and nodded towards the goddess.


Also as the cat-man tapped the back of his head, the camera turned to look upon him. It was at that moment that ChromeSkull came to a conclusion. If Ghostface and him had to murder anybody here. Besides Kido for getting away from the two of them and spilling more acid on ChromeSkull's face of course, it'd be that cat..Thing. Abomination like that didn't deserve the life it had in the serial killer's opinion.

@Arlathina @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Librarian Cat
Once Morrighan started to near, Coraline got a better view of the woman, jotting down mental notes and making quick connections. She looked just like an angel out of the stories. Except for the black wings, but...there's only so much truth to stories, after all. Nevertheless, she was captivated.

Coraline offered her a smile, and a bottle of wine, but made sure to cork the thing again before passing it off.

"Ooh, 'Morrighan'...beautiful name." she commented with a wink, "Just call me Blue; everyone calls me Blue."

@Arlathina @TheSpringwoodSlasher @DapperDogman
"Oh, now look what you've done. You've made her gone all pouty. You shut her up, got her ensnared in chains. I just want to ask her for a favor, it's not a dreadful deal by any means. Honest--"

He would have replied to the silly git in the rainbow clown suit(preferably by telling him to get lost and hopefully it would work this time)...had he not be so enamored by the following conversation, gaze drifting back and forth as each chimed in on their back and forth. "You see, Neo, that is how a proper conversation should go." Kilgrave murmured under his breath. While the golden Gilgamesh and the Rainbow Doctor were distracted arguing back and forth, he just slid in closer to the captive Ryan, intending to whisper into her ear the command that as soon as she was free, she was now a makeshift bartender and it was her duty to see that the ice cream themed Neo was never to be without a drink in her hand. Drinks on the house.

@Savannah-Clause @Gen. Magic Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian

This conversation was on a train to absolutely nowhere, and it was moving fast. If it were Reece or Ridley in her shoes, it was likely that she very well would've been getting annoyed or frustrated with Gilgamesh right now. But the young woman had a sense of patience and a level head that both of her sisters lacked. Heck, she didn't even seem fazed by how angry Gilgamesh was getting, and her typical calm expression remained.

With the chains wrapping around her ankles as well, at least the young woman wasn't tiring. However, that did not solve the issue of the discussion between herself and Gilgamesh. "Gilgamesh, you heard him. He said there will be no tricks about this favor," she replied, calmly. Sheesh, looked like she hadn't lost her faith in people, even through all of those years. "Unless he goes against that word, I--"

Before she could finish, another man bad joined into the fray, wasting no time in starting to talk to Kilgrave. Ryan, or Aurelia, was unbothered by this - after all, her level of patience was practically unmatched. On the other hand, though, she wasn't exactly pleased with the whole of the conversation that followed. Yet, still, the female remained silent. At least, until a pause was finally taken between the bickering of the two. She didn't want to interrupt, after all.

Now, though, she finally spoke up. "I'm not the little girl you used to know anymore, Gilgamesh," the Caster finally spoke, a serious expression on her pale face. "As for Arthur..." Briefly, Aurelia didn't know what to say. She still recalled Arthur's death as vividly as she had seen it the day it happened. She remembered trying so desperately to heal her, to help Lon'qu, Ryner, and the others save her... And failing.

"...I don't think speaking of her in such a way is necessary."

With that out in the air, Ryan pinched the bridge of her nose, less than pleased with the argument being had. She wasn't annoyed, by any means - but she hated seeing people insult each other. Especially friends of hers. "Is the name-calling and flooding of insults really necessary?" she asked, almost tiredly. "Because personally, I think it's quite uncalled for.." Man, why couldn't everyone just be friends with everyone like Ryan was?

Oh. Right. Kilgrave and his favor.. Glancing away from the Doctor and Gilgamesh, the Thaumaturge just mustered a weak smile. "Ah, what was that favor you wanted?"

It was Kilgrave's lucky day, because Ryan would probably one of the easiest people to manipulate ever. He could probably just ask and she'd carry just about anything out - even being some clueless bartender.

Bottoms up, Neo.... Bottoms up

@Gen. Magic Senpai @C.T. @Cromartie Sarkissian
And it seemed Gilgamesh's ego let him get distracted just long enough for Kilgrave to slip in... Not realizing he already whispered the command though Gilgamesh was quick to try to chase him off, re-summoning the gates to try to force Kilgrave to step back as he shouted "Hmph! Nice try but it's not that easy!". However, his actions suddenly paused even if only for a split second when Ryan highlighted she was no longer a little girl... That was true, though admittedly, he'd probably be behaving in a similar manner if this was Reece.

Regardless when Ryan started going on about arthur he handed waved it away, regretting that he allowed that side track to begin with as he said "Forget about her now! She isn't here! And if you're not a little girl then act like it Ryan! Don't just expect everyone has good intentions!".

@C.T. @Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause
  • Nice Execution!
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And it seemed Gilgamesh's ego let him get distracted just long enough for Kilgrave to slip in... Not realizing he already whispered the command though Gilgamesh was quick to try to chase him off, re-summoning the gates to try to force Kilgrave to step back as he shouted "Hmph! Nice try but it's not that easy!". However, his actions suddenly paused even if only for a split second when Ryan highlighted she was no longer a little girl... That was true, though admittedly, he'd probably be behaving in a similar manner if this was Reece.

Regardless when Ryan started going on about arthur he handed waved it away, regretting that he allowed that side track to begin with as he said "Forget about her now! She isn't here! And if you're not a little girl then act like it Ryan! Don't just expect everyone has good intentions!".

@C.T. @Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause
"So you've convinced me." Kilgrave remarked, holding his hands up and gesturing for peace. "Come now, as I've been saying all along. This is a party. Let's not tarnish it with a crude fight. I will depart. Have a pleasant evening and please try to relax." He backed up, heading for where Anya was currently drying his jacket.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @Cromartie Sarkissian
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"Okay. Those are all very well made points. I..Should probably be more bothered by the demon part. But, eh I'm not picky. Equal opportunities and all that. Seriously though! You don't find anything endearing about little ol me? Could have sworn my humor might have enamored you at this point. Or make you want to put your head through the nearest wall. " Mickey held up his hands and shook his head from side to side.

"It's okay though! Because I'll keep trying and trying. To reach the standards you've set-Wait, seriously? I mean I think that's taking a things bit fast, even for me and I...Heeeeeey, I see what you meant by that."

He'd say while wagging a finger at Jez. It didn't exactly take a rocket scientist to put two and two together as far as Mickey was concerned. Red skin, horns, the whole being a demon thing. She was totally the daughter of Satan. Or whatever counted for Satan in her universe he guessed. But he did have to admit that out of the threats that been thrown his way such as having campus security called on him, beaten up by someone's boyfriend, being dragged down to Hell to meet the Devil himself was a new one! Not that he didn't deserve it. But being sentenced to eternal damnation was something he'd like to put off for just a while longer.


"I think I'll pass. But thanks for the offer anyhow."


ChromeSkull liked to think a lot of things about himself. That he was successful which in financial terms one could agree. Running an underground organization of serial killers that possibly has subsidiaries all over the globe was hard work. But it helped rake in the cash and let ChromeSkull get nifty things like his bulletproof jacket and his expensive video camera. He also liked to believe that he was one of the best killers out there which given he was the leader of aforementioned organization also probably had it's merits.

But something about the tranquil expression on this woman's face enticed the murderer. She looked like she was at peace with herself and unaware of the surroundings holding some despicable characters like Kilgrave, Ghostface, and even himself. He idly wondered if she'd keep such a look if he were to place his hands around her neck and to squeeze until she was left gasping for any last chances at air.

But before he could think any further, she had already approached him and Coraline. Finishing off what was left of his drink, ChromeSkull fixed his mask back onto his face and nodded towards the goddess.


Also as the cat-man tapped the back of his head, the camera turned to look upon him. It was at that moment that ChromeSkull came to a conclusion. If Ghostface and him had to murder anybody here. Besides Kido for getting away from the two of them and spilling more acid on ChromeSkull's face of course, it'd be that cat..Thing. Abomination like that didn't deserve the life it had in the serial killer's opinion.

@Arlathina @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Librarian Cat

"Well it made me want to put someone's head through a wall." She remarked and the look she gave him left no illusions to who she meant. "Right now I'm tagging with you because at least your big friend is quiet even if he's not going to win any beauty pageants any time soon."

She shoved her glass in his face. "And when I've drank this up I'm going to find Morrigan and see what other sap she's managed to wrap around her finger."

@Archmage Jeremiah @Librarian Cat @TheSpringwoodSlasher
And the first performance was done. Sweet standing in classic Micheal Jackson pose, arms outstretched over his head. His Ghostface-dressed minions having at this point, managed to end the number as they carried Mickey over their heads like some major Broadway number.

By his side, Yomi laughed as she wiped away a bit of sweat and moved through the crowd, tossing the mic over her shoulder for Sweet to catch. She made her way, directly for Melodia, opting to embrace briefly before pulling back with a wide smile.

"Happy Birthday! Thanks for inviting me!"

Where Sweet was located, he'd pause briefly from his dancing to regard the cat-headed figure approaching him. One eyebrow cocked at the unusual appearance before smirking. And when he spoke, it was in a voice of liquid smoke, invoking images of Jazz-filled nights and heavy temptation.


"Now what have we here? Digging the 'Cat Returns' look, its got style- Its unique."

His minions on the other hand, a space cleared would put Mickey down as they began to snap their fingers and circle, another musical number playing as they began to sing and spin. Feet tapping, arms flying as once more, the music inspired as Sweet gave the little bit of edge for people to cut loose if they wanted.

Cue eighties music montage.

♪ Oh Mickey, you so fine! You so fine you blow our minds, hey Mickey! Hey-hey, hey-Mickey!♫

And to the tune of 'Hey Mickey!', came the Ghostface-dressed minions renditions as they all posed briefly like cheerleaders and the lead Ghostface sang- In a voice that was distinctly female.

♪You've been around all night and that's a little long!♫

♪Stabbing all the teeny-boppers, before I finish this song!♫

♪Oh, can't you say goodnight so you can stab me too, Mickey?♫

♪Oh, Mickey, what a pity you don't understand♫

♪You stab me in the heart and you stab me in the hand♫

♪Oh, Mickey, you're so pretty, can't you understand?♫

♪It's guys like you, Mickey!♫

♪And what you do, Mickey, do, Mickey!♫

♪Don't break my heart, Mickey!♫

@Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Librarian Cat
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