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Although Gilgamesh would hate to admit it, this wanderers interruption was most appreciated. For he was getting himself in quite the pickle, one he could easily avoid by simply looking out for himself... But it was too late for that even if he wanted to. He stood back and let the new man who called himself the 'Doctor' say this stuff to the man. But as soon as he was finished he chipped in on his own adding "Hmph! It seems you're drawing a crowd. And for what? Lacking such an ego that you need to make a little girl do your bidding? Pathetic".

Now, granted Gilgamesh was also in danger of this 'Doctor' also being controlled. But if that were to happen he shouldn't be too hard to dispatch of with the gates. Though regardless he was hoping that wouldn't be the case, in fact now he was actually counting on this being a Murder Game. For if it was the Gamemaster would have to interfere if it went too far, preventing the players from dying too soon.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"That's quite enough now, Captain Camelot!" The Sixth Doctor cried, turning towards Gillgamesh, gritting his teeth "I don't need any barbarians barging around the place. Why don't you gallop off and pillage a village or something, while the men with an IQ point or two discuss big boy issues? Hmmm? How does that sound?" The Time Lord stood on the tips of his toes and began to pat the King of Heroes upon his head in a condescending manner. "So, Purple suit. What do you have to say for yourself?"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
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Gilderoy Lockhart seemed to perk up at her mention of being a witch. Wadanohara let out a small laugh upon seeing how he boisterously pounced on the chance to try and sell his book to her, covering her mouth with her hand again. But just as Osgood interrupted Lockhart, the small witch paused, tilting her head as she tracked Kieran's location. Ah. Her mouth curved upwards slightly as she noted that he was directly in between the two penguin creatures. It looked like he had some ability in sneaking around. But how good, and how long? The witch held his chance right in her hand, and it was hard to resist causing a little bit of mischief.

"Oh, I'm so happy," Wadanohara beamed at Osgood, happily clasping her hands over her chest. "You can come visit with me anytime, I'll be sure to give you a great tour of our sea!" A really great tour~ You'll be dyed red in no time at all. She listened with bright, intent eyes as Osgood spoke about the strange creatures she had encountered. Creatures that didn't exist at all in her own world, where monstrous sea creatures and living corpses dwelt. "Daleks?" She tried the word on her tongue. Invaders. But weren't the Red Sea also invaders before? And look at how they made the Sea their home now. Interesting.

She feigned a shiver at the mention of the Cybermen, frowning in concern as she also saw Osgood tremble slightly. "That sounds terrible," the witch said, concern lacing her voice. She reached out and touched Osgood's hand, peering up at her worriedly. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" And some part of Wadanohara, perhaps, was truly sympathetic. Perhaps. "I also have memories of when my home sea was invaded, but everything is alright now. Everything is as it should be, and I'm glad that I helped." She gave a small smile. Glad that I brought the old sea to ruin? Ehehe.

And now for our Captain-Commander... Wadanohara giggled mentally as she timed her cloaking magic to fall apart just after Kieran had gotten past the exploding penguins. That was the plan, to get him past the penguins, right? And now that he was past them, he was free game, even if they still spotted him. With her free hand she materialized her staff, a long staff that glinted coldly under the lights, made of steel. Simple and lethal-looking, the end of the staff was more like a reverse trident, shaped like an anchor. Much like how Chlomaki, another witch, had done before with her broom, the small witch's staff began floating on its own accord. Wadanohara stepped back from Osgood, perching herself on the horizontally floating staff and holding on. 3... 2... 1... Sorry, Captain-Commander Kieran!!

@Mighty Roman @Lizzy @Atomyk
"That's quite enough now, Captain Camelot!" The Sixth Doctor cried, turning towards Gillgamesh, gritting his teeth "I don't need any barbarians barging around the place. Why don't you gallop off and pillage a village or something, while the men with an IQ point or two discuss big boy issues? Hmmm? How does that sound?" The Time Lord stood on the tips of his toes and began to pat the King of Heroes upon his head in a condescending manner. "So, Purple suit. What do you have to say for yourself?"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
Mobile Post
Gilgamesh instinctively slapped the Doctor's hand away when it went to pet him and he retorted "Hmph! Learn your heroes! I am Gilgamesh King of Heroes. Not the lowly King Arthur you dare compare me too!". Ok... That snap back might have been a mistake... But no one belittle's Gilgamesh like that doesn't get snapped back at the very least. His ego quite simply doesn't allow for it.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
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'Ah!' remarked Lockhart, 'A Witch! A follower practioner of Magic!' Y'know, you can read all about my many adventures in my new book, Magical Me-'
Unfortunately, Osgood interrupted Lockhart's sales pitch.
'That's so cool! And I'd love to come visit!'
To be fair, it could cost her her job, and possibly her memories of UNIT, but perhaps Kate would appreciate her initiative. Her 'investigating'. As long as she could be back on her Earth to continue upholding the Peace Treaty.
'Aliens are basically creatures from another planet, Some come in peace.' She adjusted her glasses, and coughed nervously. 'Like the Zygons. While some, like the Daleks, come as a threat.'
It appeared that it was time for her to blow her cover.
'Which I why I work for UNIT, the UNified Intelligence Taskforce. We let the good ones in and keep the bad ones out.'
She took her inhaler again after she'd finished her explanation.
'Oh, and the Cybermen...well, UNIT files claim that they were once like us, as in, human, until they replaced all of their bodies with metal, losing their emotions and trying to make everyone like them.'
She almost shivered as she mentioned them.
'My sister was killed last time they invaded.'
Kiritsugu once again left to this own devices... He seemed to be making a habit of that here. Decided he was best off on the move, scouting out more of these guests... For it seemed to be getting apparent a variety of people were being gathered, and that couldn't be for no reason. Soon enough he wandered across another group, talking about... Cybermen? Hearing the end of the description he approached the group and chimed in "In other words Cyborgs, in a sense? Unless if you truly do mean all of their bodies. In which case I'd have to wonder why they need a human host to begin with".

@Mighty Roman @Hana
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Gilderoy Lockhart seemed to perk up at her mention of being a witch. Wadanohara let out a small laugh upon seeing how he boisterously pounced on the chance to try and sell his book to her, covering her mouth with her hand again. But just as Osgood interrupted Lockhart, the small witch paused, tilting her head as she tracked Kieran's location. Ah. Her mouth curved upwards slightly as she noted that he was directly in between the two penguin creatures. It looked like he had some ability in sneaking around. But how good, and how long? The witch held his chance right in her hand, and it was hard to resist causing a little bit of mischief.

"Oh, I'm so happy," Wadanohara beamed at Osgood, happily clasping her hands over her chest. "You can come visit with me anytime, I'll be sure to give you a great tour of our sea!" A really great tour~ You'll be dyed red in no time at all. She listened with bright, intent eyes as Osgood spoke about the strange creatures she had encountered. Creatures that didn't exist at all in her own world, where monstrous sea creatures and living corpses dwelt. "Daleks?" She tried the word on her tongue. Invaders. But weren't the Red Sea also invaders before? And look at how they made the Sea their home now. Interesting.

She feigned a shiver at the mention of the Cybermen, frowning in concern as she also saw Osgood tremble slightly. "That sounds terrible," the witch said, concern lacing her voice. She reached out and touched Osgood's hand, peering up at her worriedly. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" And some part of Wadanohara, perhaps, was truly sympathetic. Perhaps. "I also have memories of when my home sea was invaded, but everything is alright now. Everything is as it should be, and I'm glad that I helped." She gave a small smile. Glad that I brought the old sea to ruin? Ehehe.

And now for our Captain-Commander... Wadanohara giggled mentally as she timed her cloaking magic to fall apart just after Kieran had gotten past the exploding penguins. That was the plan, to get him past the penguins, right? And now that he was past them, he was free game, even if they still spotted him. With her free hand she materialized her staff, a long staff that glinted coldly under the lights, made of steel. Simple and lethal-looking, the end of the staff was more like a reverse trident, shaped like an anchor. Much like how Chlomaki, another witch, had done before with her broom, the small witch's staff began floating on its own accord. Wadanohara stepped back from Osgood, perching herself on the horizontally floating staff and holding on. 3... 2... 1... Sorry, Captain-Commander Kieran!!

@Mighty Roman @Lizzy @Atomyk
Osgood nodded. 'As far as I'm concerned, she died protecting all of us. The Master tricked her apparently, but...she couldn't have been braver.
She looked down for a moment.

'Which is why me and my other sister have decided to keep up her work of protecting the Human-Zygon Peace Treaty.'
She paused for a moment. She didn't like talking to strangers about the 'other' Osgoods. It often bought up too many questions about who was the 'real' one.
'Which planet do you live on anyway?
But as the Witch rose up on her staff, Osgood gasped, and she smiled. 'Wow!'
'It's not that impressive you know.' remarked Lockhart, arms folded, clearly jealous of all of the attention that the Witch was getting.
'I could fly a broom by age 13. I was quite the prodigy, actually-'

But Osgood's attention had already been taken by Kiritsugu.
'Well, the Cybermen convert the Dead. They need Human brains to....work, apparently. It's why so much of the Torchwood One staff were lost in the Battle of Canary Wharf a couple of years back. During their last invasion they used Nanite rain to convert dead people all over the world, building an army in a matter of minutes.' Some of the information had admittedly been filled in for her from the UNIT Databanks. Cybermen had been a regular problem ever since Kate's father led UNIT back in the 70's...or was it the 80's? Anyhow, that didn't seem to change the fact that they were bound to return someday. And she could only hope that The Doctor was around when they did.

Lockhart now had his hands on his hips. 'It appears that you have us at a...disadvantage. Who are you, young man?'
@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai

"Heehee, very true!" Sal laughed to himself. "It really is a good way to learn~" the shark chuckled. His eyes moved along with the weapon Sarah slung across her shoulder, the firearm standing out against the blue jumpsuit she wore. It was gray and was shaped oddly, not like the pistols and guns he had seen before. What a strange grip, it reminded him more of a large knife rather than a firearm. If not for the barrels, the shark would have assumed it to be a knife. "My people don't really use guns," he blinked at her when he realized he had been staring for a few awkward minutes.


Suddenly his ears were met with loud music, prompting the shark to curl up, covering his ears with his fins. He turned to look at the source of the sound, it was somebody's rather... grand entrance, surrounded by people wearing that same scary mask accompanied with a black cloak, dancing to the beat of a song he didn't recognize. Once in a while a voice would echo in the hall, a man's voice and a younger female voice. From what he could see, there was a red-skinned man. Sal blinked with a blank face. It was incredibly loud and he didn't like it.

@The Silver Paladin @Saint Guillotine
"Suit yourself then!" The Doctor cried as the Red Head walked off halfway through their conversation. Returning to the dance floor, the TimeLord continued to dance the 'Drunk Giraffe'
"Best. Dance move. EVER!"
Frolicking around the hall like a hyperactive toddler,he eventually game across Sal the Shark
"Would you look at that!
A shark with a gun!
A shark!
With a gun!
That is new!
Very, very new!"

He ran around the group of people shaking each of their hands with extreme velosity
"Hello! Hello! Hello! I'm the Doctor, and I'm wearing a fez!" He once again pointed to his new hat, still overjoyed by its very presence
"I'm sorry for calling you a shark earlier, I'm not usually one for labels, but I've been dancing
A lot
And I'm rather worked up right now
By the way

@The Silver Paladin @Saint Guillotine @Anyone else
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Gilgamesh instinctively slapped the Doctor's hand away when it went to pet him and he retorted "Hmph! Learn your heroes! I am Gilgamesh King of Heroes. Not the lowly King Arthur you dare compare me too!". Ok... That snap back might have been a mistake... But no one belittle's Gilgamesh like that doesn't get snapped back at the very least. His ego quite simply doesn't allow for it.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause @C.T.
"King of Heroes? Arnt I quaking in my boots?" The Doctor rubbed his slapped hand, massaging his wrist. "Well, I'm a Lord of Time, and believe me, there isn't an estate bigger than that!!" 6, of course, hated associating himself with bland fools known as the Gallifrians, but it was a necessary evil in this circumstance "If your rank makes Aurthur look like and ant, I make him look like a molecule, and make you look like two molecules. And I won't hear one word against King Aurthur!! Those stories are works of art in their own! Now act your age!"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T
Mobile post
Osgood nodded. 'As far as I'm concerned, she died protecting all of us. The Master tricked her apparently, but...she couldn't have been braver.
She looked down for a moment.

'Which is why me and my other sister have decided to keep up her work of protecting the Human-Zygon Peace Treaty.'
She paused for a moment. She didn't like talking to strangers about the 'other' Osgoods. It often bought up too many questions about who was the 'real' one.
'Which planet do you live on anyway?
But as the Witch rose up on her staff, Osgood gasped, and she smiled. 'Wow!'
'It's not that impressive you know.' remarked Lockhart, arms folded, clearly jealous of all of the attention that the Witch was getting.
'I could fly a broom by age 13. I was quite the prodigy, actually-'

But Osgood's attention had already been taken by Kiritsugu.
'Well, the Cybermen convert the Dead. They need Human brains to....work, apparently. It's why so much of the Torchwood One staff were lost in the Battle of Canary Wharf a couple of years back. During their last invasion they used Nanite rain to convert dead people all over the world, building an army in a matter of minutes.' Some of the information had admittedly been filled in for her from the UNIT Databanks. Cybermen had been a regular problem ever since Kate's father led UNIT back in the 70's...or was it the 80's? Anyhow, that didn't seem to change the fact that they were bound to return someday. And she could only hope that The Doctor was around when they did.

Lockhart now had his hands on his hips. 'It appears that you have us at a...disadvantage. Who are you, young man?'
@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai
"So they're machines that rely on an Organic brain to act as their computer? Odd design choice, but sorry what is this Torchwood they've given so much trouble to? Is that some kind of government?" Kiritsugu asked. At this point he was really just making small talk, small talk with interesting tid-bits though, just to get a feel of these people first.

However it seemed someone among the group was quick to respond to this advance asking for his name, no big surprise. "Ah, I'm Kiritsugu. And if I may ask, who are you now that we're exchanging names?".

@Mighty Roman @Hana
"Suit yourself then!" The Doctor cried as the Red Head walked off halfway through their conversation. Returning to the dance floor, the TimeLord continued to dance the 'Drunk Giraffe'
View attachment 94394
"Best. Dance move. EVER!"
Frolicking around the hall like a hyperactive toddler,he eventually game across Sal the Shark
"Would you look at that!
A shark with a gun!
A shark!
With a gun!
That is new!
Very, very new!"

He ran around the group of people shaking each of their hands with extreme velosity
"Hello! Hello! Hello! I'm the Doctor, and I'm wearing a fez!" He once again pointed to his new hat, still overjoyed by its very presence
"I'm sorry for calling you a shark earlier, I'm not usually one for labels, but I've been dancing
A lot
And I'm rather worked up right now
By the way

@The Silver Paladin @Saint Guillotine @Anyone else
Mobile post

"P- Pardon?" Sal blinked as the crazed man approached him, flailing his arms around excitedly along with the music. He looked human, but his actions were intriguing. Did he call that dancing? The shark took one look at Sarah's firearm before floating away from her, shaking his head vigorously. "Oh, that's not my gun, sir. Sharks can't even hold onto guns, much less use them. Ha ha." Sal swallowed before continuing to speak, "Nice to meet you, Doctor! I'm Sal," he introduced himself, keeping out of the way of the Doctor's flailing arms. "I'm a salmon shark, to be exact."

Was he drunk?
Was it safe to be around this man?
It didn't help that the music was beginning to give him a headache.
"King of Heroes? Arnt I quaking in my boots?" The Doctor rubbed his slapped hand, massaging his wrist. "Well, I'm a Lord of Time, and believe me, there isn't an estate bigger than that!!" 6, of course, hated associating himself with bland fools known as the Gallifrians, but it was a necessary evil in this circumstance "If your rank makes Aurthur look like and ant, I make him look like a molecule, and make you look like two molecules. And I won't hear one word against King Aurthur!! Those stories are works of art in their own! Now act your age!"
@Gen. Magic Senpai @Savannah-Clause @C.T
Mobile post
"Hmph! Stories? Is that all you got?" No, Gilgamesh... Stop. He's meant to be helping you...
"For a Lord of Time you sure didn't do much research! I've known Arthur during two different wars! She is a pathetic Ruler, giving in to her pride and letting her people fall, without any sort of motivation to fight for themselves. She made her people complaciment, weak, lazy. And they died for it. Now, that might count as art. But I wouldn't let that art give her any respect".

Then realizing reffering to Arthur as 'she' might throw the man off he clarified "And if your Time Mastery also failed to tell you, Arthur was a woman. Simply enchanted to appear male".
God Dammit Gilgamesh! Kilgraves still right there!

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause
The witch merely smiled cheerfully at Osgood, elevating her staff more so she was a little more level with the other two. Sometimes her height made things inconvenient, but she also very much knew the advantages of having an appearance like hers. Small, frail-looking, and therefore often completely dismissed as non-threatening. Even her magic was seen as something of a charming novelty... Only Sal knew how devastating the Red Sea Witch's true powers could be. The power to wash away almost everything under crushing tides, summon bloody hurricanes and corrode things with corrupted waters. And even then, Wadanohara still found more amusement in just slapping or shoving things around, or teasing them.

She cocked her head at Lockhart's remark, sensing a small bit of upset from him. "Mm? I've been riding my staff for centuries," she said cheerfully, before acknowledging the newcomer. "Hello, my name is Wadanohara. I'm a sea witch." She swiveled her hovering staff around and crossed her legs like lady, facing the man. Instead of saying anything, she merely watched Osgood converse with the man. It seemed the two had some similarities. "Cyborgs?" There were a lot of things that she knew didn't exist in her own world, though Sal brought back information about the other worlds back to their home. "They don't exist in my world, but they and the Cybermen both sound scary." She was curious about what they were like, and if these Cybermen could easily be crushed by the sea waters she could command. "I think the closest I could say about an artificial body was King Artamos, from the Tosatsu kingdom. He was a rather handsome man before he somehow lost his body, though. Now he just hovers around in a metal rabbit's head," she then remembered Princess Tosatsu's father, from long, long ago, long before the sea became the Sea of Death.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman
The witch merely smiled cheerfully at Osgood, elevating her staff more so she was a little more level with the other two. Sometimes her height made things inconvenient, but she also very much knew the advantages of having an appearance like hers. Small, frail-looking, and therefore often completely dismissed as non-threatening. Even her magic was seen as something of a charming novelty... Only Sal knew how devastating the Red Sea Witch's true powers could be. The power to wash away almost everything under crushing tides, summon bloody hurricanes and corrode things with corrupted waters. And even then, Wadanohara still found more amusement in just slapping or shoving things around, or teasing them.

She cocked her head at Lockhart's remark, sensing a small bit of upset from him. "Mm? I've been riding my staff for centuries," she said cheerfully, before acknowledging the newcomer. "Hello, my name is Wadanohara. I'm a sea witch." She swiveled her hovering staff around and crossed her legs like lady, facing the man. Instead of saying anything, she merely watched Osgood converse with the man. It seemed the two had some similarities. "Cyborgs?" There were a lot of things that she knew didn't exist in her own world, though Sal brought back information about the other worlds back to their home. "They don't exist in my world, but they and the Cybermen both sound scary." She was curious about what they were like, and if these Cybermen could easily be crushed by the sea waters she could command. "I think the closest I could say about an artificial body was King Artamos, from the Tosatsu kingdom. He was a rather handsome man before he somehow lost his body, though. Now he just hovers around in a metal rabbit's head," she then remembered Princess Tosatsu's father, from long, long ago, long before the sea became the Sea of Death.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman
A rabbits... Head? Did Kiritsugu just hear that right?
That just didn't make any sense... Maybe if they were forced to improvise, but a metal one had to be crafted. Why as a rabbit?

Puzzled by this Kiritsugu simply decided to ask her directly "Why a rabbits head? That seems rather impractical".

@Mighty Roman @Hana
The witch stared at Kiritsugu, blinking owlishly at him due to his question. The man looked like he was trying to make sense of... What? Why King Artamos chose a rabbits head as a body? A metal, robotic rabbit's head? Wadanohara looked at him oddly, as if he was the odd one for thinking that was strange. Then she smiled. "The Tosatsu kingdom rules over rabbits, I remember their soldiers being white-furred, red-eyed rabbits with spears. Princess Tosatsu and her father are human-like, but I think it's because they are from the royal family. Well, King Artamos lost his body. His metal rabbits head body is supposedly much more powerful and durable than his old body, and when he was trying to kill me and my friends, he was - charging - something up but then he ran out of power." The witch giggled slightly at the memory, as foggy and hazy as it was, like a fading dream.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman
Ok, so apparently the world this girl comes from is full of sentient rabbits.

Interesting, to say the least. Not sure what else to make of that he simply nodded and responded "I see... And apparently his head, lacked what he needed".
Well, the worlds people came from here are much stranger than he originally gave them credit for.

@Mighty Roman @Hana

"P- Pardon?" Sal blinked as the crazed man approached him, flailing his arms around excitedly along with the music. He looked human, but his actions were intriguing. Did he call that dancing? The shark took one look at Sarah's firearm before floating away from her, shaking his head vigorously. "Oh, that's not my gun, sir. Sharks can't even hold onto guns, much less use them. Ha ha." Sal swallowed before continuing to speak, "Nice to meet you, Doctor! I'm Sal," he introduced himself, keeping out of the way of the Doctor's flailing arms. "I'm a salmon shark, to be exact."

Was he drunk?
Was it safe to be around this man?
It didn't help that the music was beginning to give him a headache.
The Doctor once again adjusted his fez, returning it to the centre of his head. "Ah, yes, thumbs. You can't use a gun without thumbs. Sorry, it's probably really rude to bring up thumbs while talking to a Salmon shark..." He slammed his palm into his forehead. Stupid, Stupid Doctor!
"Well, Hello Sal!"
@The Silver Paladin @the rest of this group
View attachment 94396
The Doctor once again adjusted his fez, returning it to the centre of his head. "Ah, yes, thumbs. You can't use a gun without thumbs. Sorry, it's probably really rude to bring up thumbs while talking to a Salmon shark..." He slammed his palm into his forehead. Stupid, Stupid Doctor!
"Well, Hello Sal!"
@The Silver Paladin @the rest of this group

"Ha ha, that's quite okay. I'm not mad." He didn't think anyone in this party except Wadanohara knew he could change his form so that he looked more human. Not that he didn't like it, he much preferred his human form, but it wasn't necessary right now. Later, maybe. How else was he supposed to eat and drink among humans without looking like a fool? "What kind of doctor are you, Doctor?"
"Hmm~" The witch knew Kiritsugu probably wasn't very satisfied with her answer, not at all. He looked rather unsure of what to say, and looking at him, Osgood, and Lockhart, she came to a decision. Wadanohara perked up, holding on to the sides of her staff. "My friend from the same world as me is here," she elevated her staff further until she hovered above most of the banquet goers, floating in the wide and spacious room. With a smile, she gestured for them to follow her. "Let me introduce you to him." With that, the witch flew on her staff to the place where... A hassled-looking white salmon shark was with the armor-wearing woman and a spastic-looking man.

Giggling lightly at the look on Sal's face, she rather enjoyed it when he looked flustered and hassled, she let her staff lower until she was beside him. The witch waved over Osgood, Lochart, and Kiritsugu with a smile. "This is Sal." She patted her old familiar's head gently. "He's a salmon shark, and he used to be my familiar a few centuries ago." She looked over at the man that Sal was talking to, having overheard the shark's last few words. "Hi!" She waved at him with a grin. If he could get Sal this stressed, she was going to like this man just fine~ "I'm Wadanohara, a sea witch and Sal's partner. Who might you be?"

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Sen @Cromartie Sarkissian
"Hmm~" The witch knew Kiritsugu probably wasn't very satisfied with her answer, not at all. He looked rather unsure of what to say, and looking at him, Osgood, and Lockhart, she came to a decision. Wadanohara perked up, holding on to the sides of her staff. "My friend from the same world as me is here," she elevated her staff further until she hovered above most of the banquet goers, floating in the wide and spacious room. With a smile, she gestured for them to follow her. "Let me introduce you to him." With that, the witch flew on her staff to the place where... A hassled-looking white salmon shark was with the armor-wearing woman and a spastic-looking man.

Giggling lightly at the look on Sal's face, she rather enjoyed it when he looked flustered and hassled, she let her staff lower until she was beside him. The witch waved over Osgood, Lochart, and Kiritsugu with a smile. "This is Sal." She patted her old familiar's head gently. "He's a salmon shark, and he used to be my familiar a few centuries ago." She looked over at the man that Sal was talking to, having overheard the shark's last few words. "Hi!" She waved at him with a grin. If he could get Sal this stressed, she was going to like this man just fine~ "I'm Wadanohara, a sea witch and Sal's partner. Who might you be?"

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Sen @Cromartie Sarkissian

The shark turned around at the familiar presence, spotting Wadanohara floating towards him on her staff. No longer the pretty moon and star themed weapon she had once wielded long before her permanent residence in the Sea of Death, it was something akin to an anchor with a very long handle. "My beloved Wadanohara~" he said, almost sighing with relief with new conversation. Sal almost smiled when he felt her hand pet him on the head. He'd take it over a slap any day. At least there were days the Red Sea Witch was as gentle as a lamb, matching her cute little appearance. The shark could sense that she was holding onto her magic anymore, keeping it active for Kieran wherever he was. "Ha ha~ Did you leave him for the penguins?" he asked her telepathically. It was very like her to pull that sort of trick, especially since the armored man had trusted them to sneak him out. But wasn't their fault his name was on the list, amusing how he had to go through such lengths to make sure he was allowed to roam free.

She had brought along three people with her, the shark spotting a man wearing a drab looking suit that looked similar to his own if not for the muddy colours. Another man who was wearing very old-fashioned clothing and had a white smile plastered on his face and a curious looking woman with glasses wearing clothing with a lot of question marks, for some odd reason. Humans were odd.

"Hi there! You can call me Sal!" he introduced himself to the three newcomers, waving a fin.

@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian
"Hmph! Stories? Is that all you got?" No, Gilgamesh... Stop. He's meant to be helping you...
"For a Lord of Time you sure didn't do much research! I've known Arthur during two different wars! She is a pathetic Ruler, giving in to her pride and letting her people fall, without any sort of motivation to fight for themselves. She made her people complaciment, weak, lazy. And they died for it. Now, that might count as art. But I wouldn't let that art give her any respect".

Then realizing reffering to Arthur as 'she' might throw the man off he clarified "And if your Time Mastery also failed to tell you, Arthur was a woman. Simply enchanted to appear male".
God Dammit Gilgamesh! Kilgraves still right there!

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Savannah-Clause
The Doctor only dignified the warrior with a face palm "Are You kidding me? I ask for a simple conversation and all I get in return is the cast of a "Brother's Grimm" stage show! This is pitiful! I suppose that this is what I get for communicating with someone of such low capacity!!" The Doctor leaned as close into Gilgamesh's face as possible, practically spit tinge onto his chin as he spoke. "Are you kidding me? The Tin-Man is insulting my intelligence! Tell me, you neanderthal, are youignorant? Or just plain stupid? I am over 900 years old, and in all my lives I have never found somebody as unbearable as you, and that includes includes the BrickYard!!"
@Savannah-Clause @C.T.

"Ha ha, that's quite okay. I'm not mad." He didn't think anyone in this party except Wadanohara knew he could change his form so that he looked more human. Not that he didn't like it, he much preferred his human form, but it wasn't necessary right now. Later, maybe. How else was he supposed to eat and drink among humans without looking like a fool? "What kind of doctor are you, Doctor?"
A grin slowly crawled across the Doctor's face. This was his time to shine!! Nobody ever asked him what he was a Doctor in! It was always 'Doctor Who?', never 'Doctor in What?'!!
"What am a Doctor in? I'm glad you asked! I am a Doctor in cheese making!!! And some other stuff...lien robotics and chemistry and Venusian biophysics....but mostly cheese making!" He flung his arm around the shark; it was a wonder to him how people were killed by these creatures; they were so darn nice! "I'm really starting to like you, Sharky-boy, I really am!"
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