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    Darth Sidious, True Sith'Ari
    All is as I have foreseen

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    Name: Sheev Palpatine

    Age: 83

    Despite his frail appearance, Darth Sidious was incredibly skilled inlightsaber combat, one of the greatest duelists of all time. A SithSwordmaster, Sidious was one of the very few who was the equal of Count Dooku, Mace Windu and Yoda. As a result of his tremendous skill, he killed Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin—who were considered to be two of the finest lightsaber duelists of their time—each with a single blow, and while also engaged with Mace Windu, he slew the formidable Kit Fisto only moments later. He also held his own against Yoda in a lightsaber duel later on but in the end he forced the Grand Master to flee with his Force powers rather than his lightsaber. Many years later, Sidious, in one of his clone bodies, engaged and defeated Luke Skywalker in a one-on-one lightsaber duel in his clone labs on Byss, despite losing to the latter in their second encounter. He was ambidextrous and could change his fighting style at a whim—keeping his opponents unsure of what his next move would be. A master of every form of lightsaber combat and stances, Sidious drew his opponents in, fighting less than his true capability, and then striking the fatal blow when his opponents thought they had the better of him. When fighting at full strength, the Sith Lord was a terrifying opponent. During his assassination of the Gran Protectorate, the speed and ferocity of his technique was so great that it appeared as though his victims were dispatched by a phantom.
    Sidious had an extremely aggressive dueling style and augmented his swordplay by using Force speed, which allowed him to defeat three experienced Jedi Masters at once with very little effort. His style was a combination of brutal aggression and lethal precision making him an almost unstoppable opponent. Sidious' brutal fighting style allowed him to overwhelm Luke Skywalker during their first duel and Skywalker only barely defeated him during their second. In fact, the only people known to have defeated him in lightsaber combat were Mace Windu and Luke Skywalker.
    Although Sidious usually used only one lightsaber, he was also a master of Jar'Kai, wielding both of his lightsabers against Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Utilizing a ferocious yet fluid fighting style, Sidious fended off both brothers simultaneously. Sidious effortlessly defeated them, killing Opress and disarming Maul.
    Ironically, despite Sidious's masterful dueling skills, he was fairly disdainful of lightsaber combat in general, believing the Sith to have grown beyond the need for lightsabers.

    Force powers

    In addition to his lightsaber combat skills, Darth Sidious was one of the most powerful Force users of all time, perceived in the Force by his apprentice, Darth Tyranus, as a "black hole of the dark side."Both Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, likewise, had viewed Sidious as having become the Dark Side's most powerful expression.Sidious' relationship with the dark side was so deep to the point that he became a possession of the dark, and the dark became a possession of his. As an apprentice under Darth Plagueis' tutelage, he learned all the known dark side powers of his predecessors, until he considered himself the Sith'ari. Sidious' mastery of the Force was such that even he at times wondered if the Force had been so strong in anyone before him, feeling a monster rising from the core of his self, impatient to unleash itself. Shortly after the death of his master, Sidious received a most powerful vision from voices that proclaimed his reign. He himself considered that the simple act of glancing at him was tantamount to glimpsing the dark energy that bound and drove the galaxy. Even prior to his induction into the Sith, his Force potential was powerful enough to block out Darth Plagueis' (while adopting the public identity of Hego Damask) mind reading abilities when they first met, and later able to effortlessly and telekinetically murder his parents, siblings, and their personal guards.

    Sidious was a master of Force lightning and was known to use this both as a lethal attack, and as a way of torturing his enemies. If used to its full potency, he can instantly reduce one or more people into charred husks. In addition, he could use this power to light up the surface of an entire planet. He could also use this power in conjunction with telekinesis to electrify objects that he is levitating before hurling them at his opponents, thus increasing the damage potency of the attack, called lightning grenade. He was also extremely skilled with telekinesis; during his battle with Yoda, he levitated several Senate pods simultaneously, including the one he was standing on, with incredible dexterity and precision. Likewise, he was skilled enough with telekinesis that he was also able to remove Luke Skywalker's restraints while barely even lifting his finger when meeting face to face on the Second Death Star. Sidious was a master of Force speed, implementing it into his fighting style and allowing him to move so quickly that his opponents would often find themselves unable to react in time. Darth Sidious also possessed the power of Force Flight. After the first decade of his apprenticeship under Darth Plagueis, Sidious possessed an exceedingly feral usage of Force rage, demonstrated when he assassinated the members of the Gran Protectorate that organized his and his master's failed assassination attempt. He also utilized an ability similar to that of Static Barrier, which he utilized during his fight with Marek in conjunction with Force Flight to temporarily retreat from the battle in order to have his red guards and senate guards attack Marek.

    Sidious was also the only known being capable of producing a Force storm of his own power, a dark side technique which he himself discovered, and that had enough power to kill an entire world. Using his anger and his will, he was able to rip thespace-time continuum and create a hyperspace wormhole. It should be noted that even though he claimed to be able to conjure a storm simply by willing it, by his own admission he was not able to fully control it. By ABY, however, the Emperor believed himself fully capable of controlling a Force storm, and it took the combined efforts of Luke, Leia, and the unborn Anakin Solo through the light side to turn his dark side creation against him.
    Another very dangerous and advanced Force technique utilized by the Emperor was the ability to use the Force to transfer his essence, as well as the essences of others, which he used to survive death on at least two occasions. He had a supply of clone bodies ready to house his spirit until the last one succumbed to his own corrupting power and the sabotage of his subordinates. He also, when taking over a host's body, overwrote the soul and personality of the being to fully dominate over it. He used this power not only as a pathway to immortality, but also as a particularly cruel and sadistic form of torture; it is known that he killed and resurrected Imperial engineer Bevel Lemelisk seven times as punishment for the destruction of the first Death Star. Palpatine was also able to transfer his spirit into the bodies of individuals who were biologically unrelated to him. After his first death, his spirit was able to possess the body of Jeng Droga, though Palpatine's power drove Droga completely insane for a time. He also intended to possess the body of Anakin Solo after the genetic material for his clone bodies was sabotaged, though he never got the chance to do so. He also possessed some knowledge on themanipulation of midi-chlorians, having done so with Darth Plagueis in a Grand Experiment taking place in BBY that indirectly and unwittingly resulted in the birth of the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. He was unable to fully master the technique prior to murdering Plagueis, though he claimed to have a level of competence with the technique that would have enabled him to save Plagueis while he was suffocating.
    Among the Emperor's powers was the ability to channel the collective life essences of billions to sustain himselfand his Dark Side Adepts; his victims would live in a dream-like state while his own power grew. The entire population of Byss lived under this spell until the planet's destruction by the Galaxy Gun. It was mentioned by Luke Skywalker that the Emperor's very voice had a hypnotic lull to it whenever he was outwardly projecting his dark side Force powers. Darth Sidious was highly adept at foreseeing the future, often utilizing the power to see his plots to fruition, ensuring that all would proceed as he had envisioned. Furthermore, Sidious was a master of Force stealth, able to hide his dark nature from the Jedi Order for many years before allowing himself to be discovered. Sidious was so powerful in the dark side that he was able to cloud the Jedi's vision, making it exceedingly difficult to predict future events. This allowed him to bide his time and plot his rise to power while the Jedi were unable to sense him.
    Sidious was also capable of enhancing force sensitivity on other people through the use of rituals. He used several of these rituals to enhance his Dark Side Elite's force powers.
    Upon spending decades immersing himself in the many facets of the Force, it was believed that Sidious had a mastery over all known powers, previously unknown powers, and could create new abilities on a whim. By the time of his final death, he had become a nexus of the dark side capable of tearing apart the fabric of space.

    Sidious was a master of Sith alchemy, an ancient art he was taught by Darth Plagueis. He wrote about alchemy in The Creation of Monsters, the unfinished last part of his Dark Side Compendium. He rediscovered the long-forgotten art of creating chrysalides, and used it to alchemically alter rancors into fearsome chrysalis beasts used as pets at his Citadel on Byss. He also created Shadow Droids, hybrid mechanic/organic starfighters controlled by his own will, used against the Republic after his return in a clone body. He may have also used alchemy to hide his true face from the Jedi and the rest of the galaxy as a senator and Chancellor of the Republic. The Dark Lord also possessed knowledge of Sith magic, allowing him to use arcane rituals to detect poisons and drugs in food and drink. He also could utter incantations in the Balclanguage.
    By the time of the Battle of Endor, even with his advanced age, the Emperor was still extremely potent in the usage of the Force. His usage of the Force sustained him beyond his natural lifespan, and derived his powers of persuasion and control from it. Sidious' Force abilities were extensive and potent enough that even overpowering him in direct combat at full power required a large amount of Force-sensitives with each possessing a strong potential in the Force, as was best demonstrated when he was captured by Zaarin's forces with the aid of Lyn and her students aboard the Majestic and when he was defeated over Pinnacle Base by the combined efforts of Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, and then-unborn Anakin Solo. His power was also such that even after death, it required every single deceased Jedi Knight to keep Sidious from escaping Chaos and wreaking havoc on the Galaxy. In addition, the primary motivation behind Vader's search for a powerful apprentice was simply to aid him in killing the Emperor; Vader had no confidence in his ability to defeat Sidious, whom he considered to be the greatest Sith Lord in history, without aid.



    A singular, red bladed lightsaber.

    Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitiveHuman male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of theGalactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the most powerful who had ever lived, his entire life was the culmination of a thousand-year plan to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi Order from within.
    Born in 82 BBY on the planet Naboo to the aristocratic House Palpatine, Palpatine discovered the Sith at a young age as a collector of dark side artifacts. In 65 BBY, he met Hego Damask, a Muunbusinessman who was in reality the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis. Under Plagueis's manipulation, Palpatine killed his father and pledged himself to his new Master's dark side teachings as Darth Sidious. Palpatine lived a double life for many years, serving an untarnished career as Naboo's ambassador in the Galactic Senate while learning from his master and training a young Zabrak as the Sith assassinDarth Maul. Plagueis and Sidious, both exceptionally skilled and powerful in the Force, were able to conceal their identities from theJedi for decades. As Plagueis privately searched for the key to eternal life, Sidious manipulated galactic politics, culminating in the blockadeof Naboo by the Trade Federation. In the wake of the political crisis, the Galactic Senate voted to elect him as Supreme Chancellor, and around the same time, in accordance with Bane's Rule of Two, Palpatine murdered Plagueis and usurped the role of Sith Master.
    As Chancellor of the Republic and Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine orchestrated the outbreak of the devastating Clone Wars ten yearsafter the Naboo Crisis. He himself headed both the Galactic Republic and, secretly, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The public leader of this splinter faction was former Jedi Master Count Dooku, Sidious' second apprentice as Darth Tyranus in the wake of Maul's presumed death on Naboo. As billions perished in the war, the vast majority of Republic citizens rallied behind Chancellor Palpatine, giving him enough support to amend the Galactic Constitution in the name of security and transfer most of the Senate's executive authority to his own office. In 19 BBY, following Tyranus's demise, Palpatine revealed his identity as Darth Sidious to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, telling that the dark side teachings that Plagueis had pursued could help Skywalker to save his wife, whom Skywalker had foreseen dying untimely. A failed attempt by the Jedi High Council toarrest Palpatine ensued, and Skywalker pledged himself to Sidious's teachings as Darth Vader. All members of the Jedi Order were accused of treason and betrayed by their clone troopers to the point of virtual extermination. Without the Jedi to oppose him, Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the first Galactic Empire, bringing an end to the Republic that had stood for over 25,000 years.
    As Emperor, Palpatine effectively wielded absolute control over the entire galaxy and virtually everyone who lived within it. During his tenure, he built one of the most powerful military forces the galaxy had ever seen and ruled unopposed for nearly two decades. Palpatine progressively abandoned his facade of being an enlightened leader and began to rule through terror symbolized by the Death Star, asuperweapon that could annihilate entire planets. However, he later discovered that Vader was training Galen Marek, an exceptionally powerful Force adept as a secret apprentice "Starkiller". When Palpatine discovered Starkiller's existence in 3 BBY, he forced Vader to fake Starkiller's death and then request that Starkiller assemble the most influential traitors in the Empire in a rebellion in order to highlight and destroy them all. Palpatine's plan backfired when Starkiller, healed from his near-fatal injuries and espousing the teachings of the light side, vowed revenge against Palpatine and confronted him on the Death Star, ultimately sacrificing himself in an act that inspired the dissident senators to create the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As the Galactic Civil Warbroke out, Emperor Palpatine ironically fought against a rebellion that he started in secret. After the Empire suffered a devastating defeat in 0 BBY, in which the Alliance destroyed the Death Star, the Emperor steadily began to lose his absolute control over the galaxy.
    In 4 ABY, Palpatine gambled his chances in order to annihilate the Rebel Alliance once and for all, allowing Rebel spies to learn of the existence of a second Death Star and its secret location near Endor. As expected, the Alliance fell for the bait and dispatched its fleet to destroy the Emperor, Vader, and the incomplete Death Star. With the Alliance soon falling for his trap, Palpatine brought Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader, before him in order to turn him over to the dark side and replace Vader with an apprentice who was younger and more powerful. After goading Skywalker to give into his frustrations with thoughts of the Alliance's defeat and the death of his friends, Palpatine eagerly watched as father and son fought one another. However, Skywalker refused to submit to the dark side and spared his father, prompting Palpatine to unleash all of his rage and hatred on Skywalker. Unwilling to stand by and watch his son die from the agonizing effects of Palpatine's Force lightning, Vader finally redeemed himself, throwing his astonished Master down the Death Star's shaft, a sacrifice that fulfilled the prophecy of the Chosen One and brought about the end of the Order of the Sith Lords.

    Extras: In its final moments, the bacon saw the true power of the Dark Side.

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Hey york, there's no "e" on the end of Sheev.
Gaah! I blame sleep deprivation >.< I'll fix it shortly and I might go and get some tea or something​
Haruka Kokonose

Age: 17

Abilities/special traits: Well, he's an artist. Haruka in his current state has no supernatural abilities!

Items/possessions: Just a sketchbook.

Biography: Haruka Kokonose is about as easy-going as it gets. Most people would expect someone with a life endangering illness to be very cautious, worried, downtrodden, sluggish, or pessimistic but Haruka defies just about each and every one of these. No moment illustrates this better than after a brush with death around Christmas time, he merely sits in the hospital, happily eating his food until he gets to leave. He's excited at the prospect of leaving of course, but he shows no emotional distress towards anything that's happening to him.

For someone with such a weak constitution, Haruka is extremely enthusiastic and expressive. With a great deal of enthusiasm, he created all of the artwork for their culture festival booth--a shooter video game. During the cultural festival, Haruka can hardly contain his excitement about their booth, gleefully cheering Takane on from the sidelines during her matches. After the cultural festival, Haruka was so excited about Christmas that he took to planning an entire party all by himself. The only time he shows any actual distress is when he worries that the game he created with Kenjirou wouldn't be any fun, but this is truly a blue moon scenario compared to how he acts most of the time. As excited as he can get, he's still a generally laid back person when it comes to the things he isn'tinterested in. He'll often doze off in the middle of class or doodle instead of paying attention.

On top of being positive and wearing a smile as much as he can, Haruka is very earnest and kind. He never judges Takane for her interests or belittles her for it, despite it not being "normal" for a girl to be so into video games by society's standards. He tries to be as accommodating as possible at all times, even willing to put aside his idea of doing a booth for the culture festival if it would be too much trouble for Takane. In fact, the few times he actually got a bit down on himself were always because he was worried about not being able to make others happy. Haruka is the type of person to always put others before himself.

Haruka, though a bit dense at times, is depicted as being rather receptive of other people's feelings, shown when he assures Takane that he'll never hate her, no matter what happens with her. He noticed that she was feeling self-conscious and vulnerable, and therefore did his best to reassure her that everything was fine. But as nice as he can be, Haruka does have a cheeky, playful side that manifests on occasion, especially around Takane. He'll playfully ask if he should be calling her "Ene" instead of Takane, or even tease her that she isn't allowed to play games until she finishes her homework, while tantalizingly playing them right in front of her.

Though he doesn't show it often, Haruka is definitely smart. He's often shown easily working through his homework and classwork, offering Takane help with her own. He even tutors Ayano for a time. Certainly, he's booksmart, but that doesn't exempt him from being somewhat of an airhead at times; or rather, most of the time. Haruka is the kind of person who will try to hard to pet a cat that he'll accidentally fall into fountain and get his clothes wet. At which point he'll promptly take all of his clothes off in public save for his underwear instead of just walking around with wet clothes. Even then, he doesn't pay mind to what others think, never getting embarrassed or flustered even standing half naked in front of Takane. A lot of the time the promise or allure of food is exactly enough to get Haruka to put everything else going on in his brain on the backburner. At one point he even worries Takane half to death by disappearing for a mysteriously long time after the cultural festival in order to collect as much food as possible before the stands closed. Meanwhile, Takane thought he might have been dead.

Extras: <3

You're missing this one.
Think there could be room for little old me? :0
I think Lizzy could take Sav`s spot, as Sav said she wasn`t joining.
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I suppose so o.o and... On that note @Hospes @TheColourlessRainbow @Wolvie616 Just a reminder to get your CS's up soon! UMG is coming to it's final moments o-o

EDIT: Right, I'll wait on replacing Sav with Lizzy till we get a response from sav I suppose
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Yup, I had to drop.

You can go ahead and give her my spot. ^^
Alright :S that's unfortunate... But, I'll try and make room if you feel like signing up again o.o the slots haven't reached the "hard" cap yet, but, 33 is a decent number to keep at rightnow.

Canon: Noragami (anime ver.)

Name: Likes to sometimes refer to himself as Yatogami, but is called Yato by most

Abilities/special traits:

Items/possessions: He has a phone, but that's about it.

Biography: Yato can be rather silly and almost childish for a god of calamity. Though if needed he can become serious and cares for his friends and such. At first he may seem a bit conceited and vain, but deep down he's kind. And maybe a bit of a moocher.

Yato is seen as a minor god, and is trying to fulfill the needs or wishes of any who call his number (he likes to advertise it almost anywhere) for only five yen. At one point, he meets a girl named Hiyori and nearly kills her accidentally, then later befriends her and tries to help her with a little problem she has: her soul keeps leaving her body unexpectedly, making her becomehalf-phantom.

Extras: I don't know if we're still doing this but bacon rules. (._.)/

I think I got most of it. If there's something I missed let me know. He's gonna be a part of a duo, btw.
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Appearance: [The appearance of your character, it is recommended to have a picture, but, a description works as well]

This is a WIP until I switch to my laptop and can edit it better.

Canon: Noragami (anime ver.)

Name: Likes to sometimes refer to himself as Yatogami, but is called Yato by most

Abilities/special traits: [Any powers/abilities/special skills your character acquired/inherited]

Items/possessions: He has a phone, but that's about it.

Biography: Yato can be rather silly and almost childish for a god of calamity. Though if needed he can become serious and cares for his friends and such. At first he may seem a bit conceited and vain, but deep down he's kind. And maybe a bit of a moocher.

Yato is seen as a minor god, and is trying to fulfill the needs or wishes of any who call his number (he likes to advertise it almost anywhere) for only five yen. At one point, he meets a girl named Hiyori and nearly kills her accidentally, then later befriends her and tries to help her with a little problem she has: her soul keeps leaving her body unexpectedly.

Extras: I don't know if we're still doing this but bacon rules. (._.)/
Did ya forget the picture?
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Canon: Noragami (anime ver.)

Name: Yukine. His Shinki name is Sekki.

Age: unknown, but looks about 14

Abilities/special traits:
Rend (Zan) is a skill he obtains as Yato's sacred weapon Sekki. When Yato uses Rend, he is able to slay and exterminate phantoms.
  • Severance (Zetsu) is a skill he obtains as Yato's sacred weapon Sekki. When Yato uses Severance, he is able to cut off the bonds between a human and things/other people. He uses this skill to sever the bonds between Yusuke Urasawa and Kofuku.
  • Boundary (Kyoukai) is an ability Shinki are available to use. Using his fingers, Yukine can draw a line and create a "boundary line" that prevents any gloom from coming past it, which is one of his only defensive mechanisms.
  • Restraint: Yukine has the ability to cast a binding restraint on a target. This ability appears to take the form of invisible chains. According to Daikoku, only Blessed Regalia (such as Yukine and Kazuma) can use this ability. This ability greatly affects the other shinkis that are not Blessed Regalias because of superiority. Nevertheless, when a Blessed Regalia lost his confidence and had much insecurity; like when Yukine was almost defeated by Kugaha with this they can also be defeated in a boundary battle.
  • Spell/Chant/Song is a skill he obtained from his training with Kazuma. It enables him to cast spells that can be used as a protection or to attack; like Yukine used in dousing the flames in the manga. It can also summon spirits like Nora used in the manga

Items/possessions: He has a hat that he wears sometimes. :D

Yukine was at first cold toward Yato, berating him at times even. Yukine though seems to feel jealous over others who are alive, upset about the fact that he is dead and cannot make friends and learn what other students do. He is also apparently afraid of the dark. When Yato is forced to punish Yukine, Yukine confesses all of his sins and apologizes sincerely, and escapes the temptation that hurts Yato as his shinki. Yukine is visibly more upbeat after his punishment, befriending Hiyori more and requesting to learn what she does in school. Yukine also is more dilligent in his work as Yato's shinki, working part time for Daikoku to earn money for the two of them.

Extras: does the bacon thing count if I put it for him too?? As you can see, I might have the confuzzled status. (´・_・`)

The spoilers are from the Noragami Wiki page as well as a few things being added by me. As for the abilities Restraint and Spell/Chant/Song, I haven't read the manga and doubt those would be used in the rp. c:
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Finally decided on my character. I know Duncan will be pleased.

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    The Madman
    "You are insane."

    "What? Are you just figuring that out now? I thought that was common knowledge."

  • Name: John Crichton

    Age: Unclear. I would guess late twenties to late thirties.

    Abilities/special traits: He has figured out wormholes, and has successfully created a wormhole generator. It is large, and requires a fair amount of power, only allowing it to be mounted on shuttles or spaceships, or other moving objects with large energy output.
    He also knows how to create Black Holes through a device similar to his Wormhole generator, but refuses to create or even contemplate the device after the destruction of a planet shortly before his death.

    Items/possessions: Not many of them, simply his Pulse Pistol which he affectionately refers to as Winona.


    Young John Crichton.

    Teenage Crichton.
    John Crichton was born in 1969 in Memphis[2] to Jack and Leslie Crichton and had a younger sister, Olivia, and an older sister, Susan. He had a childhood friend named Douglas "D.K." Knox, who he helped cheat on his SATs. Jack was an astronaut and as such spent a lot of time away from home, something the young John Crichton grew to resent. However, he still had some very happy memories of his childhood with his father, including his tenth birthday: his father missed it, but woke John up at four in the morning the following day to go fishing. He had a girlfriend named Kim during his teenage years, and he attended a high school called JFK. He lost his virginity to, he thought, Karen Shaw, but it turns out it was really his Moya companion Chiana, who had traveled back in time. His mother died four years before his Farscape-1accident and it was implied that he had always regretted not being there for her when she died.
    Eventually, John Crichton went off to university (possibly MIT) and found himself following in his father's footsteps as he studied cosmology and astrophysics, achieving a Ph.D. and, with his friend DK, formulated his own theory about gravity-assisted propulsion. Around this time he considered proposing to Alex, his long-time girlfriend, but just before his planned proposal she told him she was taking a fellowship to attend medical school at Stanford in California, while he was planning to become an astronaut in Florida, so he decided against proposing and they broke up. He joined the IASA, flying two missions aboard the space shuttle as Science Officer and achieving the rank of Commander. He was given the go-ahead to be the pilot on a flight to test out his propulsion theory. He had a casual relationship with a woman named Caroline for the two years prior to his Farscape accident.​
    Season OneEdit

    John finally had the chance to test his and DK's theory. However, during the test flight, a wormhole appeared and John and his module (named Farscape One) are pulled through it to parts unknown. On his sudden exit from the wormhole, in the middle of a spaceship dogfight, Tauvo Crais - the brother of Peacekeeper CaptainBialar Crais - clips Farscape One's wing with his spacecraft, causing Tauvo to lose control and fatally collide with an asteroid. Crichton then found his craft being pulled aboard a large spaceship, where he met his first aliens. Confusion was his initial reaction and even after the aliens injected him with translator microbes, allowing him to understand what they were saying, he was still bewildered. He eventually learned that he is aboard a bio-mechanoid prisoner transport vessel named Moya, a Leviathan, which has been taken over by its three prisoners (Zhaan, D'Argo and Rygel); they brought him aboard because they assumed his sudden appearance was deliberate and they might be able to utilise such technology to facilitate their own escape. Despite Crichton being unable to help them, they managed to escape.
    When Bialar Crais learned of his brother's death, he blamed Crichton for murdering his brother by charging him in his "white death pod" and swore vengeance. Crais' determination to capture the escaped prisoners takes on a more personal twist as he became the main antagonist for much of John's first cycle aboard Moya, determined to kill Crichton with his bare hands.
    John had to adapt rather quickly to a life of aliens, guns, space travel, and a lack of chocolate and TV. The last item may have been the toughest privation for Crichton, as he was very fond of pop culture, as he would make numerous references to 20th century products, movies, commercials, TV shows, and the like, all of which were hopelessly lost on his friends and crewmates aboard Moya, though John did sometimes try to explain some aspects of Earth culture to them.
    Towards the end of Crichton's first cycle aboard Moya, he encountered a mysterious alien race known only as the Ancients. It was this encounter that first gives us a window into Crichton's life back on Earth, as The Ancients tried to fool Crichton into thinking he had returned to his home planet with his new alien friends in tow. Crichton eventually saw through the simulation but this encounter proved to be one of the most important events Crichton experienced during his time in the Uncharted Territories. Shortly after this event, Crichton displayed his exceptional, perhaps eidetic, memory, easily confirming a set of lengthy and complex commands that Aeryn remembered due to the brief time she had Pilot's DNA merged with her own. Later Crichton found himself captured by a Sebacean-Scarran hybrid Peacekeeper by the name of Scorpius. Scorpius put Crichton in a device called the Aurora Chair, which was a torture device that painfully forced victims' memories from their minds and onto a projection screen. During this torture both Crichton and Scorpius were surprised to discover that The Ancients left Crichton with some subconscious wormhole knowledge that they intended as a guide to help Crichton get home. But Scorpius had an obsession with wormholes and after Crichton escaped with a little help from his friends, Scorpius took over from Bialar Crais as the main antagonist for the approximately the next two cycles, hunting Crichton across the galaxy.​
    Season TwoEdit

    After Crichton's experience with the Aurora Chair on the Gammak Base, he started to have hallucinating visions of, and eventually entire conversations with, Scorpius. He learned that while he was prisoner in the Aurora Chair, Scorpius injected a neural chip into his head that contained a neural clone of Scorpius, which Crichton would dub "Harvey", and had been slowly influencing Crichton and searching through his memories in an effort to discover the hidden wormhole knowledge. Possibly as a result of the neural chip or his continued absence from Earth and being chased through the galaxy, but more likely as a result of a combination of both, Crichton's behaviour during this cycle grew more erratic and unpredictable and he found himself taking to the life he had aboard Moya more and more. It must be said that a lot of his acceptance of his position was due to his feelings for Aeryn Sun(see below). Towards the end of this time period, the control of the neural clone started to get stronger and stronger and at times Crichton had trouble controlling his own body. This eventually led to the clone finally taking control and the clone-controlled Crichton escaped Moya, and eventually killed Aeryn in a dogfight while trying to fulfill the imperative of returning Crichton to Scorpius. An attempt to find a surgeon to remove the chip ended in disaster, for while the surgeon is eventually successful, the mission resulted in Crichton being left with aphasia on the operating table as Scorpius arrived, stole the neural chip and attacked the surgeon in an attempt to kill him.​
    Season ThreeEdit

    With Crichton still on the operating table, it quickly emerged that although the neural chip was successfully removed, the neural clone of Scorpius still remained in Crichton's head. The surgeon, who had only been momentarily stunned, restored him to normal speech but his hopes of having the clone removed were unsuccessful, and he wanted to die because Aeryn was dead. Zhaan used all of her psychic energy to revive Aeryn and announced that now she was dying. She gave her life soon after to restore Moya after colliding with a Pathfinder ship inside a wormhole. Not too long after, Crichton was "twinned" by Kaarvok. This "twinning" is explained as the splitting of Crichton into two identical beings; neither of the Crichtons could be called a copy and neither was the original; they are both equally John Crichton. This proved to be an unhappy development for John Crichton (both of them) and he often argued with himself and each Crichton resented the other, who each saw as a clone trying to move in on his life.

    John after the twinning.
    Eventually the crew of Moya was split across the two Leviathans Moya andTalyn, and are separated from each other. Each ship had one Crichton. Aeryn began a romantic relationship with the Crichton on Talyn. The adventures of one of the crews proved to be far more dramatic than the other and the Crichton on Talyn ended up dying while successfully fighting to prevent wormhole knowledge from falling into the hands of the Scarrans.
    When the survivors of the two crews were reunited, Aeryn was very cold to the remaining Crichton, unable to process her grief at his death with the fact that he was still alive and therefore could die again. Then the surviving Crichton, at the urging of the dead Crichton via a deathbed message recorded by Stark, formulated a dangerous and risky plan to stop Scorpius from utilising the wormhole knowledge he obtained from the neural chip, completing the job begun by the dead Crichton.
    Crichton led his crewmates into a dangerous, seemingly suicidal situation to stop Scorpius. After this event, the crew of Moya started to go their separate ways, and Aeryn Sun broke Crichton's heart as she decided to leave for good. Just after she left, he learned she was pregnant and he began to pursue her but Moya gets swallowed by a wormhole, and Crichton was left outside Moya on his module with little fuel and no supplies.​
    Season FourEdit

    Crichton was saved by boarding Elack, a dying Leviathan, with nothing to do to occupy his time but work on his wormhole theories. Slowly he found himself reuniting with the other crew members of Moya and they return to Moya, reuniting with Aeryn Sun, who was dying of Heat Delirium. However, her life was saved by Scorpius who in return requested asylum and safe passage onboard Moya as he had fallen out of favour with Peacekeeper high command. Scorpius also injected Crichton with something that he claimed would remove Harvey from his brain, which appeared to be effective. The role of the head Peacekeeper chasing Moya and her crew was assumed by yet another higher-ranking officer, Commandant Grayza. He also picked up another traveling companion,Sikozu, who quickly became close to Scorpius.
    Eventually, Crichton found his way back to the real Earth. He found his loyalties torn but as Commandant Grayza sent an assassin to Earth the resulting chaos and carnage showed Crichton that he had unfinished business back on Moya. Earth had already been severely changed by his return and its exposure to his alien friends, but he voluntarily gave up the life he had dreamed of back on Earth and returned to Moya and his life of being chased. This sacrifice followed on from the sacrifice of the other Crichton earlier, giving up his life and his happiness in exchange for what he saw as his duty.
    Shortly after the events on Earth, Aeryn Sun was captured by the Scarrans and John Crichton demonstrated there was on thing he valued more than his duty - Aeryn herself. He went to Scorpius and made a deal to give Scorpius everything he wanted about wormholes in exchange for Scorpius' help freeing Aeryn. Scorpius agreed and the unlikeliest of alliances was forged. Together Crichton, Scorpius and the rest of Moya's crew rescued Aeryn Sun. However, in the process Scorpius was captured, and Crichton abandoned him to his fate. However, Harvey was now resurrected—Scorpius lied when he said he was getting rid of Harvey. Instead Harvey was made dormant, and loyal to Scorpius, with the provision that if John betrayed Scorpius, Harvey would reemerge from dormancy. Harvey told Crichton that everything Crichton knows had been transmitted to Scorpius, and Scorpius would now tell the Scarrans. Crichton realised that he must now risk everything once again to save his mortal enemy to prevent the Scarrans from learning about wormhole technology. Once again, Crichton sacrificed his and his friends' safety in the cause of his principles. He arguably had had no intention of fulfilling his promise to give Scorpius wormhole technology. In any event, when Scorpius was rescued, Crichton made a deal with him to forgive the wormhole technology promise if he destroyed a plant (bird-of-paradise) that was particularly important to the Scarrans. With the plant destroyed, the Moyans fled the Scarrans, and sent Scorpius and Sikozu to join the Peacekeepers. However, the Scarrans were now bent on traveling through a wormhole to conquer Earth and gain control of the bird-of-paradise flowers that they needed. Crichton then destroyed the wormhole connecting Earth to the part of the galaxy he and the rest of Moya's crew were in, which eliminated his own route back to earth.
    Finally, with all the danger seemingly passed, Crichton and Aeryn found time alone together. Aeryn told him he was the father of her child, and Crichton proposed to her. Immediately after she accepted, she and Crichton were apparently killed by an alien craft.​

    After his death, John was pulled into a vision of two men fighting for the allegiance of a girl then dropped into a barren desert world without warning. Shortly after, he was found by a man named Desmond Miles and told that they had to find said girl. Many events happened shortly after, including the reunion of River with her family (the crew of the spaceship Serenity), the forming of an Assassin Order, and the final battle against the Archdemon Akibahara.
    John never wanted to be part of any of this, but has more or less had nowhere to go and was caught up in the presence of one crisis after another. Just when he's thinking about calling it quits and finding an alternate universe Moya to live on, he is pulled into a Murder Game. Something that the Assassin Brotherhood believed should not be happening due to the death of the Archdemon.

    Extras: Bacon. Hell yeah bacon is great, but


  • Farscape_Serie_de_TV-337766533-large.jpg

Oh York. I just noticed on the CS. I'm not playing as two characters. Palpatine was supposed to replace Galahad, and this character will replace Palpatine.
Finally decided on my character. I know Duncan will be pleased.

  • another_john_crichton_by_zardi-d4llbzi.jpg

    The Madman
    "You are insane."

    "What? Are you just figuring that out now? I thought that was common knowledge."

  • Name: John Crichton

    Age: Unclear. I would guess late twenties to late thirties.

    Abilities/special traits: He has figured out wormholes, and has successfully created a wormhole generator. It is large, and requires a fair amount of power, only allowing it to be mounted on shuttles or spaceships, or other moving objects with large energy output.
    He also knows how to create Black Holes through a device similar to his Wormhole generator, but refuses to create or even contemplate the device after the destruction of a planet shortly before his death.

    Items/possessions: Not many of them, simply his Pulse Pistol which he affectionately refers to as Winona.


    Young John Crichton.

    Teenage Crichton.
    John Crichton was born in 1969 in Memphis[2] to Jack and Leslie Crichton and had a younger sister, Olivia, and an older sister, Susan. He had a childhood friend named Douglas "D.K." Knox, who he helped cheat on his SATs. Jack was an astronaut and as such spent a lot of time away from home, something the young John Crichton grew to resent. However, he still had some very happy memories of his childhood with his father, including his tenth birthday: his father missed it, but woke John up at four in the morning the following day to go fishing. He had a girlfriend named Kim during his teenage years, and he attended a high school called JFK. He lost his virginity to, he thought, Karen Shaw, but it turns out it was really his Moya companion Chiana, who had traveled back in time. His mother died four years before his Farscape-1accident and it was implied that he had always regretted not being there for her when she died.
    Eventually, John Crichton went off to university (possibly MIT) and found himself following in his father's footsteps as he studied cosmology and astrophysics, achieving a Ph.D. and, with his friend DK, formulated his own theory about gravity-assisted propulsion. Around this time he considered proposing to Alex, his long-time girlfriend, but just before his planned proposal she told him she was taking a fellowship to attend medical school at Stanford in California, while he was planning to become an astronaut in Florida, so he decided against proposing and they broke up. He joined the IASA, flying two missions aboard the space shuttle as Science Officer and achieving the rank of Commander. He was given the go-ahead to be the pilot on a flight to test out his propulsion theory. He had a casual relationship with a woman named Caroline for the two years prior to his Farscape accident.
    Season OneEdit

    John finally had the chance to test his and DK's theory. However, during the test flight, a wormhole appeared and John and his module (named Farscape One) are pulled through it to parts unknown. On his sudden exit from the wormhole, in the middle of a spaceship dogfight, Tauvo Crais - the brother of Peacekeeper CaptainBialar Crais - clips Farscape One's wing with his spacecraft, causing Tauvo to lose control and fatally collide with an asteroid. Crichton then found his craft being pulled aboard a large spaceship, where he met his first aliens. Confusion was his initial reaction and even after the aliens injected him with translator microbes, allowing him to understand what they were saying, he was still bewildered. He eventually learned that he is aboard a bio-mechanoid prisoner transport vessel named Moya, a Leviathan, which has been taken over by its three prisoners (Zhaan, D'Argo and Rygel); they brought him aboard because they assumed his sudden appearance was deliberate and they might be able to utilise such technology to facilitate their own escape. Despite Crichton being unable to help them, they managed to escape.
    When Bialar Crais learned of his brother's death, he blamed Crichton for murdering his brother by charging him in his "white death pod" and swore vengeance. Crais' determination to capture the escaped prisoners takes on a more personal twist as he became the main antagonist for much of John's first cycle aboard Moya, determined to kill Crichton with his bare hands.
    John had to adapt rather quickly to a life of aliens, guns, space travel, and a lack of chocolate and TV. The last item may have been the toughest privation for Crichton, as he was very fond of pop culture, as he would make numerous references to 20th century products, movies, commercials, TV shows, and the like, all of which were hopelessly lost on his friends and crewmates aboard Moya, though John did sometimes try to explain some aspects of Earth culture to them.
    Towards the end of Crichton's first cycle aboard Moya, he encountered a mysterious alien race known only as the Ancients. It was this encounter that first gives us a window into Crichton's life back on Earth, as The Ancients tried to fool Crichton into thinking he had returned to his home planet with his new alien friends in tow. Crichton eventually saw through the simulation but this encounter proved to be one of the most important events Crichton experienced during his time in the Uncharted Territories. Shortly after this event, Crichton displayed his exceptional, perhaps eidetic, memory, easily confirming a set of lengthy and complex commands that Aeryn remembered due to the brief time she had Pilot's DNA merged with her own. Later Crichton found himself captured by a Sebacean-Scarran hybrid Peacekeeper by the name of Scorpius. Scorpius put Crichton in a device called the Aurora Chair, which was a torture device that painfully forced victims' memories from their minds and onto a projection screen. During this torture both Crichton and Scorpius were surprised to discover that The Ancients left Crichton with some subconscious wormhole knowledge that they intended as a guide to help Crichton get home. But Scorpius had an obsession with wormholes and after Crichton escaped with a little help from his friends, Scorpius took over from Bialar Crais as the main antagonist for the approximately the next two cycles, hunting Crichton across the galaxy.
    Season TwoEdit

    After Crichton's experience with the Aurora Chair on the Gammak Base, he started to have hallucinating visions of, and eventually entire conversations with, Scorpius. He learned that while he was prisoner in the Aurora Chair, Scorpius injected a neural chip into his head that contained a neural clone of Scorpius, which Crichton would dub "Harvey", and had been slowly influencing Crichton and searching through his memories in an effort to discover the hidden wormhole knowledge. Possibly as a result of the neural chip or his continued absence from Earth and being chased through the galaxy, but more likely as a result of a combination of both, Crichton's behaviour during this cycle grew more erratic and unpredictable and he found himself taking to the life he had aboard Moya more and more. It must be said that a lot of his acceptance of his position was due to his feelings for Aeryn Sun(see below). Towards the end of this time period, the control of the neural clone started to get stronger and stronger and at times Crichton had trouble controlling his own body. This eventually led to the clone finally taking control and the clone-controlled Crichton escaped Moya, and eventually killed Aeryn in a dogfight while trying to fulfill the imperative of returning Crichton to Scorpius. An attempt to find a surgeon to remove the chip ended in disaster, for while the surgeon is eventually successful, the mission resulted in Crichton being left with aphasia on the operating table as Scorpius arrived, stole the neural chip and attacked the surgeon in an attempt to kill him.
    Season ThreeEdit

    With Crichton still on the operating table, it quickly emerged that although the neural chip was successfully removed, the neural clone of Scorpius still remained in Crichton's head. The surgeon, who had only been momentarily stunned, restored him to normal speech but his hopes of having the clone removed were unsuccessful, and he wanted to die because Aeryn was dead. Zhaan used all of her psychic energy to revive Aeryn and announced that now she was dying. She gave her life soon after to restore Moya after colliding with a Pathfinder ship inside a wormhole. Not too long after, Crichton was "twinned" by Kaarvok. This "twinning" is explained as the splitting of Crichton into two identical beings; neither of the Crichtons could be called a copy and neither was the original; they are both equally John Crichton. This proved to be an unhappy development for John Crichton (both of them) and he often argued with himself and each Crichton resented the other, who each saw as a clone trying to move in on his life.

    John after the twinning.
    Eventually the crew of Moya was split across the two Leviathans Moya andTalyn, and are separated from each other. Each ship had one Crichton. Aeryn began a romantic relationship with the Crichton on Talyn. The adventures of one of the crews proved to be far more dramatic than the other and the Crichton on Talyn ended up dying while successfully fighting to prevent wormhole knowledge from falling into the hands of the Scarrans.
    When the survivors of the two crews were reunited, Aeryn was very cold to the remaining Crichton, unable to process her grief at his death with the fact that he was still alive and therefore could die again. Then the surviving Crichton, at the urging of the dead Crichton via a deathbed message recorded by Stark, formulated a dangerous and risky plan to stop Scorpius from utilising the wormhole knowledge he obtained from the neural chip, completing the job begun by the dead Crichton.
    Crichton led his crewmates into a dangerous, seemingly suicidal situation to stop Scorpius. After this event, the crew of Moya started to go their separate ways, and Aeryn Sun broke Crichton's heart as she decided to leave for good. Just after she left, he learned she was pregnant and he began to pursue her but Moya gets swallowed by a wormhole, and Crichton was left outside Moya on his module with little fuel and no supplies.
    Season FourEdit

    Crichton was saved by boarding Elack, a dying Leviathan, with nothing to do to occupy his time but work on his wormhole theories. Slowly he found himself reuniting with the other crew members of Moya and they return to Moya, reuniting with Aeryn Sun, who was dying of Heat Delirium. However, her life was saved by Scorpius who in return requested asylum and safe passage onboard Moya as he had fallen out of favour with Peacekeeper high command. Scorpius also injected Crichton with something that he claimed would remove Harvey from his brain, which appeared to be effective. The role of the head Peacekeeper chasing Moya and her crew was assumed by yet another higher-ranking officer, Commandant Grayza. He also picked up another traveling companion,Sikozu, who quickly became close to Scorpius.
    Eventually, Crichton found his way back to the real Earth. He found his loyalties torn but as Commandant Grayza sent an assassin to Earth the resulting chaos and carnage showed Crichton that he had unfinished business back on Moya. Earth had already been severely changed by his return and its exposure to his alien friends, but he voluntarily gave up the life he had dreamed of back on Earth and returned to Moya and his life of being chased. This sacrifice followed on from the sacrifice of the other Crichton earlier, giving up his life and his happiness in exchange for what he saw as his duty.
    Shortly after the events on Earth, Aeryn Sun was captured by the Scarrans and John Crichton demonstrated there was on thing he valued more than his duty - Aeryn herself. He went to Scorpius and made a deal to give Scorpius everything he wanted about wormholes in exchange for Scorpius' help freeing Aeryn. Scorpius agreed and the unlikeliest of alliances was forged. Together Crichton, Scorpius and the rest of Moya's crew rescued Aeryn Sun. However, in the process Scorpius was captured, and Crichton abandoned him to his fate. However, Harvey was now resurrected—Scorpius lied when he said he was getting rid of Harvey. Instead Harvey was made dormant, and loyal to Scorpius, with the provision that if John betrayed Scorpius, Harvey would reemerge from dormancy. Harvey told Crichton that everything Crichton knows had been transmitted to Scorpius, and Scorpius would now tell the Scarrans. Crichton realised that he must now risk everything once again to save his mortal enemy to prevent the Scarrans from learning about wormhole technology. Once again, Crichton sacrificed his and his friends' safety in the cause of his principles. He arguably had had no intention of fulfilling his promise to give Scorpius wormhole technology. In any event, when Scorpius was rescued, Crichton made a deal with him to forgive the wormhole technology promise if he destroyed a plant (bird-of-paradise) that was particularly important to the Scarrans. With the plant destroyed, the Moyans fled the Scarrans, and sent Scorpius and Sikozu to join the Peacekeepers. However, the Scarrans were now bent on traveling through a wormhole to conquer Earth and gain control of the bird-of-paradise flowers that they needed. Crichton then destroyed the wormhole connecting Earth to the part of the galaxy he and the rest of Moya's crew were in, which eliminated his own route back to earth.
    Finally, with all the danger seemingly passed, Crichton and Aeryn found time alone together. Aeryn told him he was the father of her child, and Crichton proposed to her. Immediately after she accepted, she and Crichton were apparently killed by an alien craft.​

    After his death, John was pulled into a vision of two men fighting for the allegiance of a girl then dropped into a barren desert world without warning. Shortly after, he was found by a man named Desmond Miles and told that they had to find said girl. Many events happened shortly after, including the reunion of River with her family (the crew of the spaceship Serenity), the forming of an Assassin Order, and the final battle against the Archdemon Akibahara.
    John never wanted to be part of any of this, but has more or less had nowhere to go and was caught up in the presence of one crisis after another. Just when he's thinking about calling it quits and finding an alternate universe Moya to live on, he is pulled into a Murder Game. Something that the Assassin Brotherhood believed should not be happening due to the death of the Archdemon.

    Extras: Bacon. Hell yeah bacon is great, but


  • Farscape_Serie_de_TV-337766533-large.jpg

Oh York. I just noticed on the CS. I'm not playing as two characters. Palpatine was supposed to replace Galahad, and this character will replace Palpatine.
Oh! My bad, I shall edit that o-o
  • Thank You
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Oh, just because I'm sure Atom is gonna notice, this character has nothing to do with the Traitor Games character. He completely original to the Murder Games and follows the plotline of the show much more closely until his death and reawakening to the multiverse.
@york, you forgot about Yukine dear friend. :3

And you soelked Yato's name wrong in the roster but that's fine.
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