Murder Tale III: System Breakdown

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@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Aldrick looked from one woman to another, he never thought of talking to the thing, even if it could talk. He wouldn't waste his time if all it could do was make unintelligible noises.

"You talk to it, maybe you can use you're fantastic people skills to calm it down." He said with s smirk
She waved off Furiae's advancements. "Busy now. Kill ya later." She crouched forward with a stern look on Kaneki's face. "Hey. Listen. I like killing. I won't deny that. But everyone there needed to die. Everyone. Who cares why or how or how many. I did the job, and it's not my fault that I ended up with enough power to do so. If you play a dangerous game, expect to get hurt, right? Well I don't have that power now, so there's nothing to worry about. If I tried to kill someone who didn't want it, I'm sure more than half of you could defend yourselves. Like HK over there! Did you see that gun? Just blasted clean through that metal. And this girl! She has a dagger! No one would think she'd attack anyone else either! Her weapon's easily hidden and a hug or cry for help could turn into a stab at any moment. Bam. Squirt. Dead. "


Revya rubbed her head in frusteration. "Look I'm just trying to have fun here. I went from throwing a slash that can blast a world into nothingness, to only being able to throw a punch that'd be lucky enough to leave someone floored! Sure I've got a sword, but honestly it's overly large and heavy and extremely uncomfortable to lug around. There's a reason I'm sitting! Honestly I should be freaking out, but I'm trying NOT to. I'm trying to be in my Happy Place and it just so happens that that place is very very bloody! Is that so bad!??!


Okay, done freaking out now."
Revya sighed.​

@Gummi Bunnies
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"Yes, Fear does have its uses, like living to fight another day. So does Divide and Conquer, but right now, we are trapped in a room with many others. I feel like it's time for us all to survive!" Robin said clutching his book/phone. "We need to all work together, and survive this encounter."
"Numbers, yes...The larger number we are the less chance there is for my frame to be damaged. Do you volunteer to be my shield that I can discard when you've become useless?"

"What are you doing?!" Megaman readied his Buster at Ultron. Though very weak now, he still held it up, in hope of him releasing Ace.

*edit: just assume that happened during that point of them*

@Jeremi @FireDrake150 @whoever else
"Is that a rhetorical question?" Ultron asked of the peculiar boy.

Upon being lifted by the throat, He lifts his arms and several cards fly out and Strike at Ultron, but despite their razor sharp edges, they don't seem to do anything to him. Gasping for air once Released, he sighs, collecting the returning cards before walking back over to Robin. "Hey..." The Cadet seems Mostly unphased, but with a new caution for dealing with Ultron.

@The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @TheBombMan @BarrenThin @anyone I forgot.
"Are you finished?" Ultron asked. Despite the weakening of his was still adamantium.

"Right, but by talking about your past, you're not making yourself look very good. You say you've got no powers? and you have the balls to just openly declare you tried to drown random people? nobody cares if you didn't threaten anyone. This is about your image and getting more than just the robot with the same personality as you to trust. Y'know, build an alliance?" Kaneki said.

This is where Ultron would have laughed if he cared to showcase that sort of thing. "You are all fodder for me, nothing more, nothing less. The only alliance I will seek out are the ones where they are subservient to my will." He motioned towards Robin and Ace. "I've already found two, perhaps you wish to be number three?"

@The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Gohan @Revya
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"...Man, your world must've been weird. I can carry your sword for you if you want..I guess." Kaneki offered.

"Whatever compelled you to wield such a huge ass blade anyway? you probably don't know who this is, but you aren't Cloud Strife y'know." Kaneki asked.

She waved off Furiae's advancements. "Busy now. Kill ya later." She crouched forward with a stern look on Kaneki's face. "Hey. Listen. I like killing. I won't deny that. But everyone there needed to die. Everyone. Who cares why or how or how many. I did the job, and it's not my fault that I ended up with enough power to do so. If you play a dangerous game, expect to get hurt, right? Well I don't have that power now, so there's nothing to worry about. If I tried to kill someone who didn't want it, I'm sure more than half of you could defend yourselves. Like HK over there! Did you see that gun? Just blasted clean through that metal. And this girl! She has a dagger! No one would think she'd attack anyone else either! Her weapon's easily hidden and a hug or cry for help could turn into a stab at any moment. Bam. Squirt. Dead. "


Revya rubbed her head in frusteration. "Look I'm just trying to have fun here. I went from throwing a slash that can blast a world into nothingness, to only being able to throw a punch that'd be lucky enough to leave someone floored! Sure I've got a sword, but honestly it's overly large and heavy and extremely uncomfortable to lug around. There's a reason I'm sitting! Honestly I should be freaking out, but I'm trying NOT to. I'm trying to be in my Happy Place and it just so happens that that place is very very bloody! Is that so bad!??!


Okay, done freaking out now."
Revya sighed.​

@Gummi Bunnies

HK was very amused by her reaction, but he remained silent.

"Numbers, yes...The larger number we are the less chance there is for my frame to be damaged. Do you volunteer to be my shield that I can discard when you've become useless?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Ultron asked of the peculiar boy.

"Are you finished?" Ultron asked. Desptie the weakening of his was still adamantium.

This is where Ultron would have laughed if he cared to showcase that sort of thing. "You are all fodder for me, nothing more, nothing less. The only alliance I will seek out are the ones where they are subservient to my will." He motioned towards Robin and Ace. "I've already found two, perhaps you wish to be number three?"

@The Silver Paladin @FireDrake150 @Gohan @Revya

Robin put his sword on the table, and looked at Ultron nervously.
"I never volunteered to be a shield! I just said that perhaps we should all gather together and defend each other." Robin laughed "I'd prefer to remain at the back. as a, uh, Rear shield. so you can have all sides protected." Robin had to come up with a quick lie to get him out of that situation. "what have I done?" He muttered under his breath.
"Yeah sure. I mean, this sword was given to me. Only those of a certain family can wield it, but it hasn't been shooting out destructive black energy so I'm pretty sure that's done for too. Can't say if my world was weird or not, but we had flying baby angels that never aged and used guns for weapons. I always found those munchkins amusing." Revya grunted as she leaned forward and unhinged the longsword from her back, swinging it out. She then spun it around so Kaneki could take the handle. It seemed that she didn't care that she was handing over her only weapon to a stranger. Well, judging from her annoyed look, it seemed like the sword would be more unwieldy than not. "Ah, That. The sword... wasn't really my choice." And she left it at that. Because she didn't want to think about it more. "Ah! My friend got these really cool dual blades though. They were all curvy and went out along her wrist, so it was like Slash! Slash! ... Don't ask about my friend either."

@Gummi Bunnies
Robin put his sword on the table, and looked at Ultron nervously.
"I never volunteered to be a shield! I just said that perhaps we should all gather together and defend each other." Robin laughed "I'd prefer to remain at the back. as a, uh, Rear shield. so you can have all sides protected." Robin had to come up with a quick lie to get him out of that situation. "what have I done?" He muttered under his breath.

"Ah...the diamond formation. In military operations it is used to protect an important figure. In this case, me."

@The Silver Paladin
"Ah...the diamond formation. In military operations it is used to protect an important figure. In this case, me."

@The Silver Paladin
Robin nodded. "Y-yes. I am a tactician, so I know that. We can protect you." Robin quickly grabbed his sword from the table, and sheathed it. "Ace and I will protect the rear."

She waved off Furiae's advancements. "Busy now. Kill ya later." She crouched forward with a stern look on Kaneki's face. "Hey. Listen. I like killing. I won't deny that. But everyone there needed to die. Everyone. Who cares why or how or how many. I did the job, and it's not my fault that I ended up with enough power to do so. If you play a dangerous game, expect to get hurt, right? Well I don't have that power now, so there's nothing to worry about. If I tried to kill someone who didn't want it, I'm sure more than half of you could defend yourselves. Like HK over there! Did you see that gun? Just blasted clean through that metal. And this girl! She has a dagger! No one would think she'd attack anyone else either! Her weapon's easily hidden and a hug or cry for help could turn into a stab at any moment. Bam. Squirt. Dead. "


Revya rubbed her head in frusteration. "Look I'm just trying to have fun here. I went from throwing a slash that can blast a world into nothingness, to only being able to throw a punch that'd be lucky enough to leave someone floored! Sure I've got a sword, but honestly it's overly large and heavy and extremely uncomfortable to lug around. There's a reason I'm sitting! Honestly I should be freaking out, but I'm trying NOT to. I'm trying to be in my Happy Place and it just so happens that that place is very very bloody! Is that so bad!??!


Okay, done freaking out now."
Revya sighed.​

@Gummi Bunnies

"You can't handle the weight, you get something smaller. Else you get ghosted the first time someone smarter than you comes along."

Riddick looked at his knife and shrugged.

"Don't matter to me. One person trying to put a shiv in my back."
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