Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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I spotted the man when I had reached ground floor, it was someone new which could have been a good thing. "Haven't seen you yet, the names Chris." I said as I walked up the older gentlemen with my hand outstretched, waiting to see if he would shake.

*I haven't seen this guy before...but, I might as well make a few new friends while I wait for my room key. I accepted Chris's handshake, and said, "Pleasure to meet you, my name's Gage." This fellow seems friendly, thankfully... How long does it take to get a room key anyway? There is no possible way they are busy, I mean, have you seen this place? We must be the first group of visitors they've had in awhile.*

I sat up, a little too quickly for comfort.

"Um, I might just head to my room to sleep... I can stand better, so I'll be able to make it," I replied, my words a little bit rushed. I stood up, the backs of my legs raw as they rubbed against my jeans, but I was okay. I picked up the phone, ready to call room service to ask for my room number...
He simply nods, and gets on his bed and under the covers, soon falling asleep.
*I haven't seen this guy before...but, I might as well make a few new friends while I wait for my room key. I accepted Chris's handshake, and said, "Pleasure to meet you, my name's Gage." This fellow seems friendly, thankfully... How long does it take to get a room key anyway? There is no possible way they are busy, I mean, have you seen this place? We must be the first group of visitors they've had in awhile.*

"Pleasure to meet you Gage." I said in return and smiled at him. He seemed friendly enough, which eased my paranoia just a little bit. "To be honest, I didn't wait for my room key. It was strange, I just looked up my number and went up to it. The door was just wide open and it just didn't cross my mind." I said and then it hit me quite hard how odd it was, but then looking over at the counter I saw a key lying there with the same number as my room. "Apparently this is mine." I said as I picked it up. I paused for a moment not knowing what to say, but then I was blunt with what came to mind. "What do you think of this game? I personally find it kind of fucked up."
Grant sighs, and puts his revolver away. "I forgive you, just sleep. You really need to sleep, not drink."
I stood to my feet and nodded at his recommendation. "You're right man, I'm heading off. If ya'll need anything, just holler." I give a friendly knock. "Night Grant, night Nat." I say before heading down the hall with the key in to my room in my hands. "How did you like my breakdown Starkweather, does someone losing their mind turn you on ya sick bastard? I say with nasty sarcasm.
"Pleasure to meet you Gage." I said in return and smiled at him. He seemed friendly enough, which eased my paranoia just a little bit. "To be honest, I didn't wait for my room key. It was strange, I just looked up my number and went up to it. The door was just wide open and it just didn't cross my mind." I said and then it hit me quite hard how odd it was, but then looking over at the counter I saw a key lying there with the same number as my room. "Apparently this is mine." I said as I picked it up. I paused for a moment not knowing what to say, but then I was blunt with what came to mind. "What do you think of this game? I personally find it kind of fucked up."
*Huh...apparently I can just take my room key whenever I want. Though, I'd rather wait for mine. I simply nodded when he pointed out his room key. I then thought about his comment about this "game" we are in. It isn't a is pure survival. I cleared my throat, and replied to his comment. "You've got that right my friend...this is definitely fucked up..." There wasn't much else to say about this "game." The fact that we are here against our own will is bad enough, but now we have at least two or three people injured. Christ...*

*Huh...apparently I can just take my room key whenever I want. Though, I'd rather wait for mine. I simply nodded when he pointed out his room key. I then thought about his comment about this "game" we are in. It isn't a is pure survival. I cleared my throat, and replied to his comment. "You've got that right my friend...this is definitely fucked up..." There wasn't much else to say about this "game." The fact that we are here against our own will is bad enough, but now we have at least two or three people injured. Christ...*

"You're telling me, I got fucking shit in my leg and this it got shit bandaged up." I said pointing down at my leg. "Luckily, I was able to find supplies here and treat it properly." It was at this point I didn't know what else to say, so I figured it was best to bow out. "Well you have fun with your room, I found these holsters and sword in mine. I'm on the hunt for the kitchen and my stomach is leading the way." I said and then began to head off. "Lets meet up at some point, we Germans got to stick together." I said, clearly hearing his thick German accent earlier. I was half German myself, but raised in the US so I never got to form any kind of accent.
(( Too much happens while I'm away to keep up with everything, so I hope I don't do anything too wrong))

Jake grabbed the gun from the ex-Hood and ran the hell away. Either someone had the key and they were going to whatever it unlocked, or it was lost forever. Either way, anywhere was looking better than here.

At the hotel, he let out a relieved sigh.

Still not dead, and I have a gun. Need to be careful with ammo though...

He took a few minutes to take in the grandeur. It was by far the nicest building he had ever been in, and he meant to enjoy this moment for the brief time it lasted. He quickly grabbed his key and found his room, falling onto the bed for a quick rest.
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"You're telling me, I got fucking shit in my leg and this it got shit bandaged up." I said pointing down at my leg. "Luckily, I was able to find supplies here and treat it properly." It was at this point I didn't know what else to say, so I figured it was best to bow out. "Well you have fun with your room, I found these holsters and sword in mine. I'm on the hunt for the kitchen and my stomach is leading the way." I said and then began to head off. "Lets meet up at some point, we Germans got to stick together." I said, clearly hearing his thick German accent earlier. I was half German myself, but raised in the US so I never got to form any kind of accent.

*I watched as he walked off, I might as well say something before he is completely out of sight. "Wir sehen uns später, mein Freund, nicht getötet zu werden ..." I said. I might just try and meet up with him again. Now, where in the hell can I get some service! If no one answers me, I'll just grab my key, though, I have no idea what my number is, so guessing would probably be a bad idea.*

I open the door labelled '121' and walk inside, sighing as I enter the room, I look around, looking for anything out of the ordinary in the room (Experience in Moscow and Volgograd).
I limped to my room, my key in hand, after going up the elevator.​

Unlike certain other people in this roleplay, I was too lazy, too burnt to use the elevator.

I approached the door, noticing it was.. shaking? I cautiously turned the door handle, breath shaky, body tense, awaiting anything on the other side of that door, and...

You could hear a loud booming noise erupt from the walls, however, that's virtually it. It appears sound-proof, but vibrations jolt the door up and down. Creeeek~ you open the door ajar, your ears shrieking at the INCREDIBLY loud music following suite:

Holy shit!
The sound 'Base Down Low' by Dev blaired from twin speakers, sending objects, mostly Little Mermaid memorabilia to quiver. Then, out of nowhere, the song stopped playing. You're met with dead silence. If you decide to explore your room, it's filled to the brink with Ariel toys, a trident, it appears useable, a weapon... and nipple clamps. Lots and lots of nipple clamps.

Another song starts up, the volume electronically decreased...

Oh, and a poster of Morgan Freeman.

There's something written on the bottom:


"Suck on these chocolate nuts, bitch."

I froze. Like, I couldn't move. Processing everything, I was a tad freaked out. Then, a giggled escaped my lips. Then a snicker. Eventually, I was hysterically laughing, shutting the door behind me, Wiggle being the only thing I heard.

All of these hilarious mementos reminded me of the fun I had on Murder: The Ties That Bind. I swiped an assortment of nipple clamps and Ariel dolls off of the bed, sitting down. The grin, after the few moments, died away.

Oh yeah.

This fucktard Starkweather had taken Murder way too far, putting me into this situation now. I felt a bitterness creep over.

"How do I turn off these fucking speakers?' I complain, my mood dull. I stood up, walking over to one of them...​
I had found the kitchen and proceeded to eat whatever it was that I could find. *begins to stuff said face* I was going to eat until I exploded, but ate it slowly and properly so that if someone came in after me that wouldn't see me and think I was crazy or something with just throwing food down my gullet.
As the light come back on i patted Adam's back "good job sir...but next time just give me the gun!" I say as i wink and blow him a kiss.
I offered a smile, idly handing the pistol over, "Uh, sure." It was small, friendly, and hopefully SHE wasn't the traitor. I had my suspicions as to WHO it was, but unfortunately, Mr. Starkweather gave my specific instructions not to vote. Sucks. I kept quiet, maybe Lydia followed me, maybe she didn't: It turns out we both had adjacent Hotel rooms, I, Room 325, she 324. I shrugged, dangling her key next to her, "So, uh, here's your room. I guess we'll be 'room buddies' or something."

(( Too much happens while I'm away to keep up with everything, so I hope I don't do anything too wrong))

Jake grabbed the gun from the ex-Hood and ran the hell away. Either someone had the key and they were going to whatever it unlocked, or it was lost forever. Either way, anywhere was looking better than here.

At the hotel, he let out a relieved sigh.

Still not dead, and I have a gun. Need to be careful with ammo though...

He took a few minutes to take in the grandeur. It was by far the nicest building he had ever been in, and he meant to enjoy this moment for the brief time it lasted. He quickly grabbed his key and found his room, falling onto the bed for a quick rest.
Your room was simple, there wasn't anything too special about it. You could dial room service, go to sleep, or socialize with other people. It was very luxorious, though, as you'd expect. The bed was super silky and smooth, as were the pillows. If you peered outside the window, a brilliant moonlight shown through the darkness outside, giving you comfort. It was like you own personal heaven of sorts. The window was slightly ajar, bringing in a soft, cool breeze that swept across your cheeks. It was comforting. Nice. Peaceful.

You found yourself standing in the midst of a 5-Star Hotel: It was massive, towering over most structures in Carcer City – the best part, however, was how well kept it was – you could see golden lights glimmer from within, the exterior was recently polished, a velvet red carpet adorned the entrance. A blue neon light sparked on, revealing the name 'Hilton' at it's brim: However, due to certain unfortunate events, you had to take the back door.

"Welcome to your moment of reprieve, kiddies. All reservations for this set are paid by yours truly, Director Lionel Starkweather. You're going to stay here for the night until mid-day, I'm preparing our next scene in the meantime. Oh, and all refreshments, food, and commodities are paid for. So enjoy it before it ends!"

A pause.
"... And on a final note: All 'veteran' Murder Gamers, I've left you presents in your rooms. Check it out."
Creeeek... the back door, forged from stainless steel, and reinforced with iron, budged open. You gasp, opening your mouth, in utter awe as you spot this:

An elegant, well-furnished lobby, decked out with the finest liquor you'd ever taste. Ruby red sofas, polished marble floors, and lined-up columns stacked the place up. An attractive female, sporting blonde hair, blue eyes, simply smiled. On Starkweather's paygrade, no doubt. A line of keys met your gaze, a name and room number on each.

"Welcome! How may I be of service?"
Welcome to the Hotel! The kills and banishments WILL be posted @ Round Two. PLEASE BE SURE TO VOTE. Oh, and you don't have too long to stay here. I'd say... this interludes ends by tonight or tomorrow! So have fun! Btw, there's a med lab in the Hotel. All injured are there!
@Akibahara as Adam (NPC)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Cody
@Dallas as "Gage"
@C92cool as Chris
@Gadwall7 as Grant
@MrDubWubs as Michael
@Reaper Jack as Jack
@MattieLee as Leesa
@JayJay as Jenna
@Xibilation as Natalie
@La Muerte as Tyler
@LittleMissTinkerToy as Lydia
@Melancholy as Amber
@Cres as Bryan Cordova
@phantasmagoricStoner as Batrisyia
@JextheShadow as Mark
@Laura as Laura
@The Gil as Gil Vieira
@The Last Outlaw as Nathan
@seeing the reflection as Nia
@dunaway5 as Jake
@Lunar-Eclipse as Alyce
@AlekseyVN1922 as Aleksey Vasilyevich Nevzorov
@Sandra as Salwa

As we entered the hotel lobby I was finally able to let out a sigh of relief. " I need a fucking rest after this whole day of bullshit... do we have to room together or do we get our own room?" I asked the blonde lady as I walk towards her.
*I watched as he walked off, I might as well say something before he is completely out of sight. "Wir sehen uns später, mein Freund, nicht getötet zu werden ..." I said. I might just try and meet up with him again. Now, where in the hell can I get some service! If no one answers me, I'll just grab my key, though, I have no idea what my number is, so guessing would probably be a bad idea.*

Gage: Room 642
Your door isn't really anything special. You don't hear anything. No vibrations. Nothing. Creeek~ you open the door, revealing a dirty 'ol room: It resembled a warehouse storage room, actually, you could see half-broken windows, a cot, and a Statue of Liberty-esque type sculpture standing upright, red lipstick curving her lips into a smile. What's really strange, however, is all the Vi from League of Legends posters sprawled across the walls.


You step toward your bed: There's a briefcase, approximately $2500 in real cash was piled up in $20 dollar bills, a Dallas mask, blue surgical gloves, and a prim and clean two-piece suit neatly folded up. A little note has something written on it:
"Let's get rich..."

As if on que, a song plays from a '90s boombox...
As we entered the hotel lobby I was finally able to let out a sigh of relief. " I need a fucking rest after this whole day of bullshit... do we have to room together or do we get our own room?" I asked the blonde lady as I walk towards her.
Adam idly dangled Lydia's keys before her, grinning, "Well, we're lucky to get our own rooms, unless you wanna bunk, of course!"
I offered a smile, idly handing the pistol over, "Uh, sure." It was small, friendly, and hopefully SHE wasn't the traitor. I had my suspicions as to WHO it was, but unfortunately, Mr. Starkweather gave my specific instructions not to vote. Sucks. I kept quiet, maybe Lydia followed me, maybe she didn't: It turns out we both had adjacent Hotel rooms, I, Room 325, she 324. I shrugged, dangling her key next to her, "So, uh, here's your room. I guess we'll be 'room buddies' or something."


(Sorry did see this till now)
As he tangled the keys in front of my face I snagged them from him. Smiling I say " well if you get scared you can come cuddle with me" i waljed away to my room.
(Sorry did see this till now)
As he tangled the keys in front of my face I snagged them from him. Smiling I say " well if you get scared you can come cuddle with me" i waljed away to my room.
I trailed closely behind, crossing my arms, "Well, I'm scared!" I joked. She was an attractive female, cute mostly, and I'm sure THAT has it's own perks, "Though, I'm seriously gunna take a shower. We've been in blood and dirt all day, sooooo yeah, gunna get cleaned up. I'll use my own shower for that... unless you wanna share!" I gave off another grin, a bit pervy, sure, but hey, what can you do if you're going to die soon anyway, right?
Gage: Room 642
Your door isn't really anything special. You don't hear anything. No vibrations. Nothing. Creeek~ you open the door, revealing a dirty 'ol room: It resembled a warehouse storage room, actually, you could see half-broken windows, a cot, and a Statue of Liberty-esque type sculpture standing upright, red lipstick curving her lips into a smile. What's really strange, however, is all the Vi from League of Legends posters sprawled across the walls.


You step toward your bed: There's a briefcase, approximately $2500 in real cash was piled up in $20 dollar bills, a Dallas mask, blue surgical gloves, and a prim and clean two-piece suit neatly folded up. A little note has something written on it:
"Let's get rich..."

As if on que, a song plays from a '90s boombox...
*The sight of my room was...all too strange. Whoever set all of this up, either has good taste in video games, or, they are one creepy SOB. I quickly tore down the...posters of Vi. I don't exactly know why those were there... Possibly a reference to the first Murder role play? Never mind that, I stuffed the posters into a nearby trash bin, and exhaled. What in the actual fuck is going on? But then, something caught my eye, a perfect Dallas mask from Payday 2. The EXACT mask used by the actors at photo shoots, and, from the web series. Oh hell yes... I stuffed the surgical gloves into my pocket, since we may need them later on. The money though, was odd. What am I going to do with $2500 here? I sure as hell ain't carrying it out of here. Hmm...*

*I decided to leave the money in the briefcase for now, maybe I'll think of something later on. I then got an idea, I took a small stack of $20's from the case, and approached the statue. If I remember correctly, if I place the money on the left side of the scale Lady Justice is holding, something should happen...or not. I might as well try. I placed the money bundle on the scale, it slowly tipped to the left, yet nothing happened. Oh was worth a try I suppose.*

*I walked back over to the mask, and, a beautifully tailored suit. Huh, apparently the suit was made just the right size for me, and it resembled the same one Dallas wears in the game Payday 2. I walked into the restroom, and changed cloths. I looked at myself in the mirror, I decided to comb my hair back, but also keep my balaclava on. I basically looked like a young Dallas. I exited the restroom, and walked back to my bed, where the Dallas mask sat. I picked it up, and stared into the small black eyes. This is the face everyone fears... I turned the mask over, and pulled it over my head. The mask fit perfectly. I let out a chuckle, whoever did this...thanks.*

(( Okay, come on now Aki...the posters were a bit much don't you think? ))
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I trailed closely behind, crossing my arms, "Well, I'm scared!" I joked. She was an attractive female, cute mostly, and I'm sure THAT has it's own perks, "Though, I'm seriously gunna take a shower. We've been in blood and dirt all day, sooooo yeah, gunna get cleaned up. I'll use my own shower for that... unless you wanna share!" I gave off another grin, a bit pervy, sure, but hey, what can you do if you're going to die soon anyway, right?
When are you posting who dies?
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