Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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He sighs with a smile. "No, I'm fixing her up you drunk bastard." He says with a smile. "Get out of my room." He says, smiling and helping him out.
"Don't lie ta me boyyyy, I can tell when you are lying." I said. I looked over to Grant's shoulder at Nat and waved. I turned back to Grant. "I had some EMT training Junior year, I can help too." I said trying to force my way into the room.
"Don't lie ta me boyyyy, I can tell when you are lying." I said. I looked over to Grant's shoulder at Nat and waved. I turned back to Grant. "I had some EMT training Junior year, I can help too." I said trying to force my way into the room.
He chuckles, easily stopping the drunk guy. "I'm a certified life guard. I'll be fine." He says with a chuckle, pushing him out and closing the door. Though the locked door: "Besides, loud drunk people can disturb others. EMTs should know that..." He chuckles. The deadbolt clicks. "See you tomarrow when you are sober and hungover."
"Not too bad, but hot." He smirks back, a flirt and a bad pun. He digs though his pockets, turning out food, water, alcohol, and a small first aid kit. He hands you a small tube of burn cream with a smile.

"Here, that should fix you up. You feeling fine?"
I grinned, the small pun making me feel better. "Yeah, I feel a little hot, though." I try to push myself into a sitting position, wincing. Seeing as I could lift myself with one burned arm, the skin on it red and angry, I was pretty impressed. "I'm going to fix myself up in the bathroom, and head to my room. Whatever's waiting for me as some sort of sick present for being a "veteran" in my room, I need to be ready for." I pushed myself up, ready to stand, but hissed, sitting back down on the bed when my skin ached from the movement.
I grinned, the small pun making me feel better. "Yeah, I feel a little hot, though." I try to push myself into a sitting position, wincing. Seeing as I could lift myself with one burned arm, the skin on it red and angry, I was pretty impressed. "I'm going to fix myself up in the bathroom, and head to my room. Whatever's waiting for me as some sort of sick present for being a "veteran" in my room, I need to be ready for." I pushed myself up, ready to stand, but hissed, sitting back down on the bed when my skin ached from the movement.
He frowns. "I'm serious, you might easily tear skin and stuff, then you will feel the agony of having to use whiskey to sterilize that wound. Just relax here. I'll sleep on the floor if that would you make you more comfy." He says softly, but stern, actually serious. "I'll call room service, get that present thing for you in a second. Do you need help putting on the cream?" He asks gently, a slight blush forming.
(I just got home from work, explains why I have been quiet for so long time. Btw, my vote for the Traitor goes to Reaper Jack)

It was strange, what happened to me at the mall was a complete blank, it was as if I had blacked out during the whole thing. I remember gathering a shotgun, and taking with a few others, but then I appeared here at this hotel. Looking down at my leg, I could see that my leg was bleeding all over. "Shitty bandage..." I muttered as I cursed out Lydia. I must have lost to much blood, which caused my black out. The loudspeaker could my attention though and I proceeded to where it mentioned a medical bay. Still armed with the revolver and shotgun, I limped onward to medical help.

He chuckles, easily stopping the drunk guy. "I'm a certified life guard. I'll be fine." He says with a chuckle, pushing him out and closing the door. Though the locked door: "Besides, loud drunk people can disturb others. EMTs should know that..." He chuckles. The deadbolt clicks. "See you tomarrow when you are sober and hungover."
I stood outside Grant's room. I could feel the anger build up when he shoved me out and locked the door. How dare he, you offer your help and he shoves you out, just goes to show he thinks you're a stupid hick who can't do anything right.. It was the voice again, "Shut up" I say under my breath trying to control my anger. She thinks you're an idiot too, and they are supposed to be your friends. "Go to hell Grant!" I scream out suddenly, not fully aware of what I said or why I said it. You see, you can't even control your anger, you're not a man, your just like that brute, a monster. I snapped, "Open the fucking door Grant!" I said I pounded the door so hard the door rattled on it's hinges.
I grinned, the small pun making me feel better. "Yeah, I feel a little hot, though." I try to push myself into a sitting position, wincing. Seeing as I could lift myself with one burned arm, the skin on it red and angry, I was pretty impressed. "I'm going to fix myself up in the bathroom, and head to my room. Whatever's waiting for me as some sort of sick present for being a "veteran" in my room, I need to be ready for." I pushed myself up, ready to stand, but hissed, sitting back down on the bed when my skin ached from the movement.
You could hear a loud booming noise erupt from the walls, however, that's virtually it. It appears sound-proof, but vibrations jolt the door up and down. Creeeek~ you open the door ajar, your ears shrieking at the INCREDIBLY loud music following suite:

Holy shit!
The sound 'Base Down Low' by Dev blaired from twin speakers, sending objects, mostly Little Mermaid memorabilia to quiver. Then, out of nowhere, the song stopped playing. You're met with dead silence. If you decide to explore your room, it's filled to the brink with Ariel toys, a trident, it appears useable, a weapon... and nipple clamps. Lots and lots of nipple clamps.

Another song starts up, the volume electronically decreased...

Oh, and a poster of Morgan Freeman.

There's something written on the bottom:


"Suck on these chocolate nuts, bitch."​

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It was An hour after he left the school that Mark turned up, do to some inconveniences, curbs are very trippable this time of year, and some very wrong turns. I blame the tall buildings. Eventually though he managed to find his way to the front entrance of the grand hotel. It was utterly astounding, the sheer size of the room. It took several minutes of gawking to even comprehend. Giggling like a underage school girl he advanced through the room making his way to a sofa. Where he took a nap
I stood outside Grant's room. I could feel the anger build up when he shoved me out and locked the door. How dare he, you offer your help and he shoves you out, just goes to show he thinks you're a stupid hick who can't do anything right.. It was the voice again, "Shut up" I say under my breath trying to control my anger. She thinks you're an idiot too, and they are supposed to be your friends. "Go to hell Grant!" I scream out suddenly, not fully aware of what I said or why I said it. You see, you can't even control your anger, you're not a man, your just like that brute, a monster. I snapped, "Open the fucking door Grant!" I said I pounded the door so hard the door rattled on it's hinges.
He turns to the door. "Friend, I'm serious, We don't need your help. Very nice to offer it though, I'll let you take care of stitching and all. I do believe you are an EMT. But please calm down!" He yells at the door. He slips his revolver out, but leaves it uncocked. Takes a lot of energy and anger to do that to a door...
(I just got home from work, explains why I have been quiet for so long time. Btw, my vote for the Traitor goes to Reaper Jack)

It was strange, what happened to me at the mall was a complete blank, it was as if I had blacked out during the whole thing. I remember gathering a shotgun, and taking with a few others, but then I appeared here at this hotel. Looking down at my leg, I could see that my leg was bleeding all over. "Shitty bandage..." I muttered as I cursed out Lydia. I must have lost to much blood, which caused my black out. The loudspeaker could my attention though and I proceeded to where it mentioned a medical bay. Still armed with the revolver and shotgun, I limped onward to medical help.

You head on toward the medical bay, there appears to be a nutty doctor working on... someone. Best not disturb him, at the moment. He's singing to himself, chuckling manically.
You head on toward the medical bay, there appears to be a nutty doctor working on... someone. Best not disturb him, at the moment. He's singing to himself, chuckling manically.
I ignore the Doctor, he seemed so occupied with the client he was dealing with. Moving around the office, I found the supplies I figured I would need to fix myself up. With supplies in hand, I headed back down to the main area. There was a couch I could sit on and said couch became my resting spot for the moment. Ripping off my pant's leg and the shitty cloth rag that was around the wound, I braced myself and pound ALOT of rubbing alcohol on my wound. It bubbled and stung to the high heavens. Biting my lower lip, I waited for all of the puss to get out and for the stinging pain to go away before I wrap it up in proper bandages. "This should do for now." I said to my self as I got up to have a look around. At the main table was a list of names and rooms, I found mine and headed for the elevator for the correct floor.
As the light come back on i patted Adam's back "good job sir...but next time just give me the gun!" I say as i wink and blow him a kiss.
He turns to the door. "Friend, I'm serious, We don't need your help. Very nice to offer it though, I'll let you take care of stitching and all. I do believe you are an EMT. But please calm down!" He yells at the door. He slips his revolver out, but leaves it uncocked. Takes a lot of energy and anger to do that to a door...
"Calm down! Calm down! sorry bro I can't calm down. I'm losing my mind here! I'm a million miles from home, in some twisted nightmare of a city. I had to kill another person, I had to look into their eyes as their life drained away from them! That crap messes with you man!" I stop pounding on the door and slide down into a sitting position. "I going fucking crazy man, and there is not a damn thing I can do!" I said before completely breaking down and sobbing.
You found yourself standing in the midst of a 5-Star Hotel: It was massive, towering over most structures in Carcer City – the best part, however, was how well kept it was – you could see golden lights glimmer from within, the exterior was recently polished, a velvet red carpet adorned the entrance. A blue neon light sparked on, revealing the name 'Hilton' at it's brim: However, due to certain unfortunate events, you had to take the back door.

"Welcome to your moment of reprieve, kiddies. All reservations for this set are paid by yours truly, Director Lionel Starkweather. You're going to stay here for the night until mid-day, I'm preparing our next scene in the meantime. Oh, and all refreshments, food, and commodities are paid for. So enjoy it before it ends!"

A pause.
"... And on a final note: All 'veteran' Murder Gamers, I've left you presents in your rooms. Check it out."
Creeeek... the back door, forged from stainless steel, and reinforced with iron, budged open. You gasp, opening your mouth, in utter awe as you spot this:

An elegant, well-furnished lobby, decked out with the finest liquor you'd ever taste. Ruby red sofas, polished marble floors, and lined-up columns stacked the place up. An attractive female, sporting blonde hair, blue eyes, simply smiled. On Starkweather's paygrade, no doubt. A line of keys met your gaze, a name and room number on each.

"Welcome! How may I be of service?"
Welcome to the Hotel! The kills and banishments WILL be posted @ Round Two. PLEASE BE SURE TO VOTE. Oh, and you don't have too long to stay here. I'd say... this interludes ends by tonight or tomorrow! So have fun! Btw, there's a med lab in the Hotel. All injured are there!
@Akibahara as Adam (NPC)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Cody
@Dallas as "Gage"
@C92cool as Chris
@Gadwall7 as Grant
@MrDubWubs as Michael
@Reaper Jack as Jack
@MattieLee as Leesa
@JayJay as Jenna
@Xibilation as Natalie
@La Muerte as Tyler
@LittleMissTinkerToy as Lydia
@Melancholy as Amber
@Cres as Bryan Cordova
@phantasmagoricStoner as Batrisyia
@JextheShadow as Mark
@Laura as Laura
@The Gil as Gil Vieira
@The Last Outlaw as Nathan
@seeing the reflection as Nia
@dunaway5 as Jake
@Lunar-Eclipse as Alyce
@AlekseyVN1922 as Aleksey Vasilyevich Nevzorov
@Sandra as Salwa

*I've never heard of a Hilton hotel before, but this place is WAY better than the other hotels I've been too. I approached the main desk, and said, "Evening ma'am, I'd like a room key please." It's amazing that this place was still standing. The fact that this place has survived Carcer City is amazing. As I waited for a response, I thought about what could possibly be in my room. Since I am a veteran and all... Just watch as it would be something Akibahara would do, just some crazy, mindless bullshit. Though, he does come up with many great role play idea's, and some very witty comments, I have to give him some credit.*

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The elevator went ding and I had reached my floor. It seemed as though everyone had teamed up with someone in the hotel, but I was left alone. It didn't really bother me though, I was use to being alone. Other people I would care about, but they would also hurt me. "Fuck them all..." I muttered as I looked for my room. It was down at the end of the hall and upon entering, a smile grew across my face. Locking the door, I reached for the gift that was left on my bed by who he suspected was the man in charge of this fucked up show. There was a holster for the revolver, and sling for the shotgun, but the third piece was what made me smile. A sword of all things was lying there, and it made me very happy. Swinging it around, I practiced for a little bit before wanting to leave and grab some food. "Where in the hell is the kitchen?" I asked myself as I entered the elevator and headed back down to the first floor.

He frowns. "I'm serious, you might easily tear skin and stuff, then you will feel the agony of having to use whiskey to sterilize that wound. Just relax here. I'll sleep on the floor if that would you make you more comfy." He says softly, but stern, actually serious. "I'll call room service, get that present thing for you in a second. Do you need help putting on the cream?" He asks gently, a slight blush forming.
My eyes widened, and I smirked, despite feeling awkward. "I think I'm good. I'd be more comfortable if you were to-" I made a sideways U with my finger and whistled, a little thing that meant "turn around." When I knew he wasn't looking, I slowly started to turn, wincing the whole time, trying not to cry out. I was aware of Nate outside the door, pounding away in his drunken state, which I found entertaining.

Looks like I'm not the only funny drunk.

I exhaled when I was done turning. Okay. Now to the hard part.

I carefully grabbed an edge of my sweatshirt. I agonizingly slowly pulled it up, trying not to hurt my skin. I had to duck to fit my head underneath it as I was pulling it, and it felt really weird to not use both hands. I inched my sweatshirt down my arm, hissing through my gritted teeth when I went over the broken elbow. I let out a sigh of relief when the hoodie was finally off. My tank top I had been wearing underneath, and was wearing now, covered 'ze boobies, despite showing a considerable amount of cleavage, but I didn't care. The fresh air felt really good. After a moment of relishing that, I slowly went to grab the cream from where I had set it on the bed, unscrewing the lid. God, this was a lot slower when you couldn't use your other arm. I spread in over the backs of my arms, sighing when the cool cream touched the skin.

My back was a different story, though. I spread the cream over my neck, wincing when I felt the singed hair. Ugh, I was trying to grow that shit out, too.

Anyway, using my agonizingly slow process, I managed to finally spread the cream on my legs and back. I laid down on the bed, the ruined hoodie in hand. I looked at it, a tiny bit sad. That hoodie held a lot of memories. I reluctantly threw it on the ground, and got ready to close my eyes. I almost completely forgot about Grant...

((sorry i took so long and bad qual, had a few things to do))
"Calm down! Calm down! sorry bro I can't calm down. I'm losing my mind here! I'm a million miles from home, in some twisted nightmare of a city. I had to kill another person, I had to look into their eyes as their life drained away from them! That crap messes with you man!" I stop pounding on the door and slide down into a sitting position. "I going fucking crazy man, and there is not a damn thing I can do!" I said before completely breaking down and sobbing.
Grant sighs, and puts his revolver away. "I forgive you, just sleep. You really need to sleep, not drink."
My eyes widened, and I smirked, despite feeling awkward. "I think I'm good. I'd be more comfortable if you were to-" I made a sideways U with my finger and whistled, a little thing that meant "turn around." When I knew he wasn't looking, I slowly started to turn, wincing the whole time, trying not to cry out. I was aware of Nate outside the door, pounding away in his drunken state, which I found entertaining.

Looks like I'm not the only funny drunk.

I exhaled when I was done turning. Okay. Now to the hard part.

I carefully grabbed an edge of my sweatshirt. I agonizingly slowly pulled it up, trying not to hurt my skin. I had to duck to fit my head underneath it as I was pulling it, and it felt really weird to not use both hands. I inched my sweatshirt down my arm, hissing through my gritted teeth when I went over the broken elbow. I let out a sigh of relief when the hoodie was finally off. My tank top I had been wearing underneath, and was wearing now, covered 'ze boobies, despite showing a considerable amount of cleavage, but I didn't care. The fresh air felt really good. After a moment of relishing that, I slowly went to grab the cream from where I had set it on the bed, unscrewing the lid. God, this was a lot slower when you couldn't use your other arm. I spread in over the backs of my arms, sighing when the cool cream touched the skin.

My back was a different story, though. I spread the cream over my neck, wincing when I felt the singed hair. Ugh, I was trying to grow that shit out, too.

Anyway, using my agonizingly slow process, I managed to finally spread the cream on my legs and back. I laid down on the bed, the ruined hoodie in hand. I looked at it, a tiny bit sad. That hoodie held a lot of memories. I reluctantly threw it on the ground, and got ready to close my eyes. I almost completely forgot about Grant...

((sorry i took so long and bad qual, had a few things to do))
He turns back around when you're done. "Umm, thats kinda my bed too." He says with s shy smile. "We can just put pillows or something between us if you want. Kinda want something soft to sleep on." He says, now blushing. He rubs his neck a bit awkwardly. Nat was slowly growing on him... (:3).
*I've never heard of a Hilton hotel before, but this place is WAY better than the other hotels I've been too. I approached the main desk, and said, "Evening ma'am, I'd like a room key please." It's amazing that this place was still standing. The fact that this place has survived Carcer City is amazing. As I waited for a response, I thought about what could possibly be in my room. Since I am a veteran and all... Just watch as it would be something Akibahara would do, just some crazy, mindless bullshit. Though, he does come up with many great role play idea's, and some very witty comments, I have to give him some credit.*

I spotted the man when I had reached ground floor, it was someone new which could have been a good thing. "Haven't seen you yet, the names Chris." I said as I walked up the older gentlemen with my hand outstretched, waiting to see if he would shake.
He turns back around when you're done. "Umm, thats kinda my bed too." He says with s shy smile. "We can just put pillows or something between us if you want. Kinda want something soft to sleep on." He says, now blushing. He rubs his neck a bit awkwardly. Nat was slowly growing on him... (:3).
I sat up, a little too quickly for comfort.

"Um, I might just head to my room to sleep... I can stand better, so I'll be able to make it," I replied, my words a little bit rushed. I stood up, the backs of my legs raw as they rubbed against my jeans, but I was okay. I picked up the phone, ready to call room service to ask for my room number...
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