Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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POP! A loud ripple tore from the 'silenced' shotgun, it sounded like a 20lb. dictionary slamming against a table. It was loud, but nowhere near as loud as an unsilenced firearm. Whirrrrrrrr... the lights cut short across the vast expanse of the mall, sending The Pervs in a frenzy. You could hear a few screaming in rage, a few didn't give a shit and continued whatever sexual adventure they went on, and the transgender Mistress, well...

She unholstered her revolver, firing off three shots in Laura's general direction: One of the bullets caught her by the shoulder, one in the lower abdomen, and the other missed entirely. The sheer kinetic force was enough to push Laura back, lapping the wall behind her in blood. A loud 'BOOOOM!' of the revolver rang out, signaling every Perv within it's vicinity of YOUR area. The bullets wounds were NOT fatal, but you needed some medical attention BIG time.

You could hear Starkweather laugh into your headpiece:



Pain. Pain is all she could feel. Like being branded with a white hot iron, right in the shoulder and the abdomen. The shotgun clattered to the floor as her grasp fell from it.
Stumbling back she hit the wall behind her, her eyes blurring with shock. She couldn't think, all that ran through her mind was that she was going to die.
I'm going to die---oh god that hurts. I don't wanna die.

Tears streamed down her face, a groan emitting from her lips as she lent against the wall. Her arm immediatly wrapping around her middle, she could feel the hot sticky blood already trickling from the wound at her abdomen. The meer thought of all this, the thought of dying made her feel sick.
Her body began to shake from shock and fear. Not only was she wounded there was going to be a shit storm heading thier way.

It was hard not to scream out and cry for her life. But she knew it wouldn't help. She couldn't even get her brain to function from the white hot pain that ran through her.

I'm going to die...all because I shot that stupid box.

As the shots were fired I hurried up and ran for cover. " I'm going to be killed because of these assholes!" I said quite pissed off.

As the shots were fired I hurried up and ran for cover. " I'm going to be killed because of these assholes!" I said quite pissed off.
I ducked nearby Lydia, a bit -too- close for comfort, (( ;) )) readying a 9mm Berreta I found on the ground, shooting blindly at the Mistress who subsequently downed Laura! "Shit, I can't fucking see!"
I could feel someone right next to me I touched his face. I recognize that it was Adam. " one good thing I'm always in the dark so I can kind of see...." I peered into the darkness and I finally see a dark silhouette of the stupid woman. I lightly grab a hold of Adam's hands and point the gun towards the silhouette. "NOW SHOOT THE BITCH!" Yelling as I help Adam pull the trigger.
Pain. Pain is all she could feel. Like being branded with a white hot iron, right in the shoulder and the abdomen. The shotgun clattered to the floor as her grasp fell from it.
Stumbling back she hit the wall behind her, her eyes blurring with shock. She couldn't think, all that ran through her mind was that she was going to die.
I'm going to die---oh god that hurts. I don't wanna die.

Tears streamed down her face, a groan emitting from her lips as she lent against the wall. Her arm immediatly wrapping around her middle, she could feel the hot sticky blood already trickling from the wound at her abdomen. The meer thought of all this, the thought of dying made her feel sick.
Her body began to shake from shock and fear. Not only was she wounded there was going to be a shit storm heading thier way.

It was hard not to scream out and cry for her life. But she knew it wouldn't help. She couldn't even get her brain to function from the white hot pain that ran through her.

I'm going to die...all because I shot that stupid box.
// I need some music to go with this... //

Jack felt the rounds fly past him; one whistled past; the other two; did not.

Thud. ... Thud.

A scream pierced the darkness like a hot knife; Jack's blood curdled; it was like the world had stopped. If they were that close, that could only mean...

Laura...Gods no...he had been slack again...again!

But he'd seen the muzzle flash of that revolver; oh he so had.

He stood up. Slowly. If his face could be seen; it wouldn't have been unusual to think he'd gone completely mad; his expression was the same. Spent; and utterly insane, bent on only one thing.
Her death.

Everything was silent; moments passed by as if they were hours; it stretched on and on; seemingly without end. There was nothing that could break it. Nothing.

He took a step forward; then another. Moving so slowly it was impossible to hear.

He raised the SMG with both hands.

He knew where to fire.

"Bastard..." his voice was small; barely audible.

"You...YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!" This time; he cut completely loose; shouting his anger and hatred to all who could hear; screaming at it all; letting it run wild; his emotions; his thoughts. It felt good; this bitch was going to die. And he was going to be the one to do it.

He raised the M5K; not even bothering to bring it to eye level; he couldn't see anyway. He didn't need to.

He squeezed the trigger down. A roar like dragonfire burst from the weapon; crushing the silence with it. He didn't let go; pulling down on the weapon's frontal grip to hold it steady; he cut completely and utterly loose.

The screams ceased after a few seconds; she was dead. But he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

What felt like minutes of firing had been seconds gone. It was done.

Jack turned on the flashlight...the woman who had shot Laura was little more than red paste and strewn bone and organ across the wall.
This time. He had no regrets; there was no remorse, no mercy. She'd shot Laura.


He spun about; searching for her with the flashlight; his breathing becoming faster; more desperate.

There she was; conscious and bleeding. Wounds were apparent on her shoulder and abdomen. The shoulder injury was no threat; the one in the abdomen was.

He rushed over; she wasn't in a good way. He had to get her out of here.

As gently as he could; he picked her up; cradling her in his arms; he still held the flashlight in the hand that was under Laura's back. He found a door with it; going as fast as he could; he turned and used his back to open it; the door had been green; it was the emergency exit they'd come through before.

They were out and into the night; Jack looked about desperately; I need cover damn it! I have to treat her where it's safe! There was one place. An old run-down bungalow not 200 metres ahead; it was separate from all the other buildings around too; it looked like this was going towards the edge of town.

He ran as best he could while carrying Laura; beelining towards it; thirty seconds later; he was at the door; he shoved it open the same way he'd done with the last door; thank fuck it's empty. He set Laura down in what appeared to be the downstairs bedroom. The bed might be old and full of bugs; but I couldn't give less of a shit about that; she needs it.

He pulled himself back up; was she still conscious?

"Laura!? Laura!? Can you hear me!?"

If she didn't answer...tears began to form in Jack's eyes...not this; please not this; I don't want to lose the only person close to me...
I could feel someone right next to me I touched his face. I recognize that it was Adam. " one good thing I'm always in the dark so I can kind of see...." I peered into the darkness and I finally see a dark silhouette of the stupid woman. I lightly grab a hold of Adam's hands and point the gun towards the silhouette. "NOW SHOOT THE BITCH!" Yelling as I help Adam pull the trigger.
(( <3 ;o Man, it's so fun teaming up with a cute chick while some other chick dies. ))


Lydia and I pulled the trigger together- it was slightly romantic in a sick way- watching as the barrel burst in a flash of orange, the invisible bullet speeding at such a pace we couldn't even fathom who or what it'd hit. An audible 'thunk!' met our ears, the 9mm caliber round tore into the Mistress' pet's cranium, splattering bone and brain against an adjacent wall. He slumped over, dead. I looked at her in the darkness, winking, totally desensitized against such brutal violence we've endured the entire fuckin' night.

The lights flickered back on.

We PAN TO- the dead Mistress, her dead pet, and approximately 28 Pervs heading toward our current position, they screamed obscenities about how they're going to 'fuck us in the ass' or 'make us their bitch.' Yada yada yada. Their looming shadows sped toward us quickly, we seriously had to get the fuck out. Or, at the very, -very- least, try and convince Starkweather to let us free and venture toward the Hotel.


Speaking of which...

"You guys are fucked, I tell ya, fucked! Ahah! Though, I must say, that was quite a romantic scene, Jack. I'm sure you'll be a Carcer City fav for the girls in no time!"​

A pause.

"... By the way, I hate to say this, but you failed in your objective. Head the fuck outside. Now. The Cerberus van is waiting to pick you up, we've got a few medical providers waiting for your 'girlfriend' Jackie-boy."

@Reaper Jack
// I need some music to go with this... //

Jack felt the rounds fly past him; one whistled past; the other two; did not.

Thud. ... Thud.

A scream pierced the darkness like a hot knife; Jack's blood curdled; it was like the world had stopped. If they were that close, that could only mean...

Laura...Gods no...he had been slack again...again!

But he'd seen the muzzle flash of that revolver; oh he so had.

He stood up. Slowly. If his face could be seen; it wouldn't have been unusual to think he'd gone completely mad; his expression was the same. Spent; and utterly insane, bent on only one thing.
Her death.

Everything was silent; moments passed by as if they were hours; it stretched on and on; seemingly without end. There was nothing that could break it. Nothing.

He took a step forward; then another. Moving so slowly it was impossible to hear.

He raised the SMG with both hands.

He knew where to fire.

"Bastard..." his voice was small; barely audible.

"You...YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!" This time; he cut completely loose; shouting his anger and hatred to all who could hear; screaming at it all; letting it run wild; his emotions; his thoughts. It felt good; this bitch was going to die. And he was going to be the one to do it.

He raised the M5K; not even bothering to bring it to eye level; he couldn't see anyway. He didn't need to.

He squeezed the trigger down. A roar like dragonfire burst from the weapon; crushing the silence with it. He didn't let go; pulling down on the weapon's frontal grip to hold it steady; he cut completely and utterly loose.

The screams ceased after a few seconds; she was dead. But he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

What felt like minutes of firing had been seconds gone. It was done.

Jack turned on the flashlight...the woman who had shot Laura was little more than red paste and strewn bone and organ across the wall.
This time. He had no regrets; there was no remorse, no mercy. She'd shot Laura.


He spun about; searching for her with the flashlight; his breathing becoming faster; more desperate.

There she was; conscious and bleeding. Wounds were apparent on her shoulder and abdomen. The shoulder injury was no threat; the one in the abdomen was.

He rushed over; she wasn't in a good way. He had to get her out of here.

As gently as he could; he picked her up; cradling her in his arms; he still held the flashlight in the hand that was under Laura's back. He found a door with it; going as fast as he could; he turned and used his back to open it; the door had been green; it was the emergency exit they'd come through before.

They were out and into the night; Jack looked about desperately; I need cover damn it! I have to treat her where it's safe! There was one place. An old run-down bungalow not 200 metres ahead; it was separate from all the other buildings around too; it looked like this was going towards the edge of town.

He ran as best he could while carrying Laura; beelining towards it; thirty seconds later; he was at the door; he shoved it open the same way he'd done with the last door; thank fuck it's empty. He set Laura down in what appeared to be the downstairs bedroom. The bed might be old and full of bugs; but I couldn't give less of a shit about that; she needs it.

He pulled himself back up; was she still conscious?

"Laura!? Laura!? Can you hear me!?"

If she didn't answer...tears began to form in Jack's eyes...not this; please not this; I don't want to lose the only person close to me...
It was all a blur. The darkness around was unsettling. She was in so much pain, cripplingly so. She didn't know how anyone could be shot and still stand, she was stuggling to keep it together. To keep the darkness from drawing her down into unconciousness. She willed it not to, she needed to be lucid.
This was one of the worst ways she imagined to die; slowly and in pain. She would rather a quick and painless end, not that she had a choice.

Sweat soaked her clothes, along with blood that continued to ooze from the wounds she had taken on. She felt a mess. Her limbs felt numb from shaking so heavily, her breathing coming in quick and shallow and panic took hold of her.
She could hear noise around her, gun fire again. The sound of gunfire made her whimper, she didn't want another shot. Two was enough. If she was to have another one she would rather it end her rather than cause her more pain.

Laura tried as hard as she could to keep her arm pressured to her side to keep the blood loss to a minumum, but in her panic from being plunged into darkness and shot it was difficult.

After what seemed like an age a light was flashed at her, and after getting used to the dark it felt like looking into the sun.
Closing her eyes she shyed away from the light.

"D--ont hurt me." She groaned, her voice weak. She was unsure of who approached her from the fact she hadn't seen who. But when she was picked up from the floor she assumed it to be Jack. The gun shots must have been from him, or someone. He wasn't hurt. Good. At least he was safe. It was a relief.

Being picked up after being shot twice was not a pleasent experience. Though that could be said for moving in general. With each step Jack made it twisted her causing her wounds to pulse with the fire of pain.
Biting down onto her lip she kept from crying out as he took her away from the darkness. If Jack was moving them away she didn't need to make noise and alert anyone to thier whereabouts.

Blood now almost soaked her sleeve that held around her abdomen and her shoulder had a trail of blood oozing down her clothing, her skin was sticky with swear and her face stained with the tears that flowed.
The panic was subsiding now but that didn't make the pain any less intense. Only she had a clearly head to think. She was alive for now. Her head felt less fuzzy as she came back into her own head the adrenaline of the shooting easing off.

"Y--yeah. Just." She managed, how did anyone get over a gun shot wound? It was unlike any pain she had ever felt. And the games had only just begun. They still had things to do. Part of her wanted to man up and get patched up and get on again. It sounded easy but her body disagreed.

"Fuck...holy fuck that hurts." She cried.

I dont want to die...I just want to go home. Please.

"We need to get outside theres a van out there waiting for us all. He says there medical help....I know its risky but we can't deal with this alone."
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(( @Group One, school group, if I were you, I'd head over to the Hotel. ))
The meth lab exploded.

I hardly even saw anything before it had happened. I should have known I was fucked when Grant threw the Molotov.

I should have.

There was hardly anything I could have done. Run like a little bitch, maybe. But I had hardly gotten a step out of the lab before the explosion.


Burning hot pain shot through me. Heat unlike any I had felt before consumed my back, and I flew forward with the explosion. My back, legs, and arms blistered on impact with the explosion, and I let out a gut-wrenching scream of agony. My limp body fell on the ground, and I'm pretty sure I threw up. Fire raged around me, and I felt my hoodie on fire. Tears fell from my face quickly, wetting the tiles underneath me, and I couldn't do anything but cry like a baby. I couldn't move my back, arms, or legs, unless I was writhing in pain, and my hair was probably singed off until the back of my neck. My hoodie sleeve was on fire, and I couldn't do anything but watch it burn, unable to move.

When the fire of my hoodie touched my arms, I screamed again, the scream ragged from the smoke and dryness of the air. I didn't know how, but I managed to roll over, screaming again as my back came in contact with the ground. It was unbearable. I could hardly stand it.

Black spots filled my vision with the pain, and my eyes started to roll into the back of my head. Somehow, I must of subconsciously willed myself to stay awake, because I didn't pass out. When the fire raging through the school got too close, I managed to army crawl forward. Slowly. Painfully.

I'm pretty sure my hoodie was rags. My jeans were probably singed, but I hoped that they were still on, at least. My tank top, the white also probably singed, felt like I was still wearing it, so I must have had at least that. My army crawl had probably gotten me a few feet forward, but I wouldn't of been able to out-crawl the fire.

There was no chance.

Suddenly, I heard screaming closer to me, and the floor vibrated. People were running, and someone's foot stepped on my arm.

It might of broken. I didn't know. I had passed out from pain, and I was in a high school on fire.

I was screwed.
(( Aaaaand, we need a Group One person to save her. xD ))
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It was all a blur. The darkness around was unsettling. She was in so much pain, cripplingly so. She didn't know how anyone could be shot and still stand, she was stuggling to keep it together. To keep the darkness from drawing her down into unconciousness. She willed it not to, she needed to be lucid.
This was one of the worst ways she imagined to die; slowly and in pain. She would rather a quick and painless end, not that she had a choice.

Sweat soaked her clothes, along with blood that continued to ooze from the wounds she had taken on. She felt a mess. Her limbs felt numb from shaking so heavily, her breathing coming in quick and shallow and panic took hold of her.
She could hear noise around her, gun fire again. The sound of gunfire made her whimper, she didn't want another shot. Two was enough. If she was to have another one she would rather it end her rather than cause her more pain.

Laura tried as hard as she could to keep her arm pressured to her side to keep the blood loss to a minumum, but in her panic from being plunged into darkness and shot it was difficult.

After what seemed like an age a light was flashed at her, and after getting used to the dark it felt like looking into the sun.
Closing her eyes she shyed away from the light.

"D--ont hurt me." She groaned, her voice weak. She was unsure of who approached her from the fact she hadn't seen who. But when she was picked up from the floor she assumed it to be Jack. The gun shots must have been from him, or someone. He wasn't hurt. Good. At least he was safe. It was a relief.

Being picked up after being shot twice was not a pleasent experience. Though that could be said for moving in general. With each step Jack made it twisted her causing her wounds to pulse with the fire of pain.
Biting down onto her lip she kept from crying out as he took her away from the darkness. If Jack was moving them away she didn't need to make noise and alert anyone to thier whereabouts.

Blood now almost soaked her sleeve that held around her abdomen and her shoulder had a trail of blood oozing down her clothing, her skin was sticky with swear and her face stained with the tears that flowed.
The panic was subsiding now but that didn't make the pain any less intense. Only she had a clearly head to think. She was alive for now. Her head felt less fuzzy as she came back into her own head the adrenaline of the shooting easing off.

"Y--yeah. Just." She managed, how did anyone get over a gun shot wound? It was unlike any pain she had ever felt. And the games had only just begun. They still had things to do. Part of her wanted to man up and get patched up and get on again. It sounded easy but her body disagreed.

"Fuck...holy fuck that hurts." She cried.

I dont want to die...I just want to go home. Please.
He was crying...but those were tears of joy...not tears of sadness.

"Thank fuck..."

But there was more important business to attend to. He got himself together and pulled the medical backpack down from off his back. Christ am I glad I've been trained in this...

"Laura; I'm sorry but I'm going to have to remove your shirt to treat the wound; it's been all mangled up with it; with both of them."

He didn't wait for an answer; he didn't have time. Any other time he'd been removing a girl's shirt; he would have been ludicrously embarrassed; but not now. He couldn't give in to crappy socially accepted tendencies when Laura was bleeding out in front of him. He carefully; dextrously separated each shred of cloth that had attached itself to the sticky mess of Laura's wounds from them. Once done; he removed her lab coat, pulled the top off; up and over; slowly and gently; so as not to cause her more pain and got a better look at what he was dealing with.


The shoulder wound wasn't deep; it certainly wasn't life-threatening. He would have to remove the bullet soon though; before the blood began to clot up around it. The wound in her abdomen was far more serious; it was not deep enough to have reached her stomach thankfully. If it had she'd be dead within minutes as her own stomach acid oozed out and destroyed the rest of her body.

He rooted around in the medbag; finding tweezers; gauze and adhesive bandages. Nothing for the pain though. I'm sorry...he removed a strip of his own shirt and gave it to her.

"I'm sorry but; this is going to hurt; clamp down on that or you'll bite your own tongue off."

He held the tweezers mere millimetres over the open wound in her abdomen; he made them descend; trying to avoid as much flesh as he could; the bullet wasn't deep; he could see the end of it just inside. He closed his mind and ears as best he could; hearing her muffled screams would not help him. It was all he could do to stop his hands from trembling. He contacted the bullet; he gripped down on it, hard; pulling it backwards while trying to minimise Laura's pain. It came free; trailing tiny pieces of sinew and dripping fresh blood; dark blood, deoxygenated. He breathed out heavily. One down. Before he removed the other one though; the abdominal wound needed seeing to. He stripped off more of his shirt; using one piece to lace the wound with gauze as best he could; the rest he placed on top before covering those with the adhesive bandages; in order to get them to stick however; he had to wrap them around her entire midsection. Turning her belly and lower back white.

Now for the second round; he repeated the same process as before; but this bullet was lodged in; it took more time to break free. And more pain came the morbid thought at the back of his mind. No; shut up. Get on with it. More of his shirt became rags; so little of it was left now that he may as well have not been wearing it. But he was done. He'd done all he could for her. He removed the tattered remains of his own shirt and used what was left to ensure that her bleeding stopped completely for now.

"I hope this is enough for now...."

He didn't want to trust this van she'd mentioned. He didn't want to; but it might be necessary...and if she needed it...and she willingly went along with it...he'd stand by that decision.
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"We need to get outside theres a van out there waiting for us all. He says there medical help....I know its risky but we can't deal with this alone."

Starkweather's voice popped in, "The Cerberus are awaiting your response. Call them in and we'll have a medical team ASAP... don't, and you die a horrible and painful death. I don't care either way! HA!"
He was crying...but those were tears of joy...not tears of sadness.

"Thank fuck..."

But there was more important business to attend to. He got himself together and pulled the medical backpack down from off his back. Christ am I glad I've been trained in this...

"Laura; I'm sorry but I'm going to have to remove your shirt to treat the wound; it's been all mangled up with it; with both of them."

He didn't wait for an answer; he didn't have time. Any other time he'd been removing a girl's shirt; he would have been ludicrously embarrassed; but not now. He couldn't give in to crappy socially accepted tendencies when Laura was bleeding out in front of him. He carefully; dextrously separated each shred of cloth that had attached itself to the sticky mess of Laura's wounds from them. Once done; he removed her lab coat, pulled the top off; up and over; slowly and gently; so as not to cause her more pain and got a better look at what he was dealing with.


The shoulder wound wasn't deep; it certainly wasn't life-threatening. He would have to remove the bullet soon though; before the blood began to clot up around it. The wound in her abdomen was far more serious; it was not deep enough to have reached her stomach thankfully. If it had she'd be dead within minutes as her own stomach acid oozed out and destroyed the rest of her body.

He rooted around in the medbag; finding tweezers; gauze and adhesive bandages. Nothing for the pain though. I'm sorry...he removed a strip of his own shirt and gave it to her.

"I'm sorry but; this is going to hurt; clamp down on that or you'll bite your own tongue off."

He held the tweezers mere millimetres over the open wound in her abdomen; he made them descend; trying to avoid as much flesh as he could; the bullet wasn't deep; he could see the end of it just inside. He closed his mind and ears as best he could; hearing her muffled screams would not help him. It was all he could do to stop his hands from trembling. He contacted the bullet; he gripped down on it, hard; pulling it backwards while trying to minimise Laura's pain. It came free; trailing tiny pieces of sinew and dripping fresh blood; dark blood, deoxygenated. He breathed out heavily. One down. Before he removed the other one though; the abdominal wound needed seeing to. He stripped off more of his shirt; using one piece to lace the wound with gauze as best he could; the rest he placed on top before covering those with the adhesive bandages; in order to get them to stick however; he had to wrap them around her entire midsection. Turning her belly and lower back white.

Now for the second round; he repeated the same process as before; but this bullet was lodged in; it took more time to break free. And more pain came the morbid thought at the back of his mind. No; shut up. Get on with it. More of his shirt became rags; so little of it was left now that he may as well have not been wearing it. But he was done. He'd done all he could for her. He removed the tattered remains of his own shirt and used what was left to ensure that her bleeding stopped completely for now.

"I hope this is enough for now...."

He didn't want to trust this van she'd mentioned. He didn't want to; but it might be necessary...and if she needed it...and she willingly went along with it...he'd stand by that decision.
Laura laid unmoving. Trying not to agravate her wounds by shifting around and also so the pain wouldn't flare again. She was beginning to get used to the constant pain of the wounds she had, it was dulling out ever so slightly but each movement she made flared it up once more. This wasn't going to blow over quickly. This wasn't a game. This was real life, how she wished it wasn't. If this wasn't real she would be fine, but it wasn't so here she was laying on a bed crawling with goodness knows what with two bullet wounds.
If this is how she ended up after the first assignment, she would surely be dead in whatever task ahead. She wasn't off to a good start and would go into the next event injured, which wasn't exactly what she wanted. Not that she planned to get shot at. That was an unfortunate occurance that left her wishing for home and almost pathetically wanting the comfort of her mother. But of course such comfort wouldn't come from her mother.

Instead it came from Jack who was being very calm, he was managing to help her and she was thankful for that. Greatful for all he had done to get her out and patch her up. He didn't have to, he could save his own skin, yet there he was staying there to help her out. She had picked a good allie and friend in Jack.

Through the process of Jack removing her outer clothing she clenched her teeth as to keep from making her pain audible. She didn't want to make him feel bad for causing her pain. It was just unfortunate that it was her shoulder and that needed to be moved to remove her sticky and stained clothing.

Once her shirt had been removed her eyes closed, she didn't want to see her wounds, it didn't seem real. Her wounds. Bullet wounds. She knew they would be thick with blood. She was still feeling queasy and light headed from being shot, looking at the holes made in her body wouldn't help.


The next few minutes were agony, her teeth clenched down onto the cloth Jack had given her, though it didn't stop her screams, though muffled they were shrieks of pain. All she could do was wait it out and wish for it to end. But Jack had to do his job, even if it caused her great pain.

When it was over and she was all patched up she opened up her eyes and spat out what was a tattered rag from her mouth and sighed in relief from the pain subsiding into a constant throb, it hurt but she would manage it.

"Thank you...really. I owe you, big time." She said in a strained voice as she lay there, scared to move.

"I still think we need to get out to this van. He seemed pretty miffed we didn't complete our objective. I'm sorry but I'm calling it in."

So thats what she did, unsure what it would bring for them. But she called in Cerberus.
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Laura laid unmoving. Trying not to agravate her wounds by shifting around and also so the pain wouldn't flare again. She was beginning to get used to the constant pain of the wounds she had, it was dulling out ever so slightly but each movement she made flared it up once more. This wasn't going to blow over quickly. This wasn't a game. This was real life, how she wished it wasn't. If this wasn't real she would be fine, but it wasn't so here she was laying on a bed crawling with goodness knows what with two bullet wounds.
If this is how she ended up after the first assignment, she would surely be dead in whatever task ahead. She wasn't off to a good start and would go into the next event injured, which wasn't exactly what she wanted. Not that she planned to get shot at. That was an unfortunate occurance that left her wishing for home and almost pathetically wanting the comfort of her mother. But of course such comfort wouldn't come from her mother.

Instead it came from Jack who was being very calm, he was managing to help her and she was thankful for that. Greatful for all he had done to get her out and patch her up. He didn't have to, he could save his own skin, yet there he was staying there to help her out. She had picked a good allie and friend in Jack.

Through the process of Jack removing her outer clothing she clenched her teeth as to keep from making her pain audible. She didn't want to make him feel bad for causing her pain. It was just unfortunate that it was her shoulder and that needed to be moved to remove her sticky and stained clothing.

Once her shirt had been removed her eyes closed, she didn't want to see her wounds, it didn't seem real. Her wounds. Bullet wounds. She knew they would be thick with blood. She was still feeling queasy and light headed from being shot, looking at the holes made in her body wouldn't help.


The next few minutes were agony, her teeth clenched down onto the cloth Jack had given her, though it didn't stop her screams, though muffled they were shrieks of pain. All she could do was wait it out and wish for it to end. But Jack had to do his job, even if it caused her great pain.

When it was over and she was all patched up she opened up her eyes and spat out what was a tattered rag from her mouth and sighed in relief from the pain subsiding into a constant throb, it hurt but she would manage it.

"Thank you...really. I owe you, big time." She said in a strained voice as she lay there, scared to move.

"I still think we need to get out to this van. He seemed pretty miffed we didn't complete our objective. I'm sorry but I'm calling it in."

So thats what she did, unsure what it would bring for them. But she called in Cerberus.
Jack took a step back. I did it. I stopped her from bleeding out. Thank all the Heavens and Hells and every other bastard inbetween for that. It had been horrific. Listening to her as he had worked; each time she muffled a scream it was like a dagger pierced through him; he'd felt so guilty for putting her through that. But it had to be done. It had to be. Else they wouldn't be standing here like this here and now.

"If you want to call it in; that's your decision. It's your body; you get to choose what you want done to help it heal up."

He waited for her to make the call. He hated the fact that they were going to rely on this 'Cerberus.' Hated it. But it was needed. And Laura got to make that decision; not him. She finished up the call; she didn't look too happy about doing it either; he was relieved to see that she wasn't eager on counting on Cerberus.

There was silence for a moment before Jack broke it again.

"You don't owe me anything. I did what anyone would do to save a close friend. After all; you're the only one who's stayed with me this whole time. It hasn't been long but...I need you here I think. Without you; I think I would have lost it already...and this is only the beginning. Sometimes; just having someone there. Someone who you can trust and rely on; someone who will stick with you through thick and thin. That's enough. You don't need anything else."
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"I still think we need to get out to this van. He seemed pretty miffed we didn't complete our objective. I'm sorry but I'm calling it in."

So thats what she did, unsure what it would bring for them. But she called in Cerberus.
"That's a good girl. You made the right choice."

"Gamma 8, take Laura to the medical bay, leave Jack here."
Like ghosts, six men, adorned in black military BDUs, their eerie red infrared eye goggles glimmered in the dark, emitting a light buzz as they approached the duo, "Move," a husky operative, his voice deep and commanding, idly pushed Jack to the side, carrying Laura in a white gurney. She was wheeled away toward a... ah shit, a dancing male doctor. He was fucked outta his mind, singing a tune, "I saaaaaid, Doctor! Ain't nuthin' I can't take," I say, "Dooooctor! Time to relieve this belly ache!" He giggled in delight as his new 'patient' wheeled into the Cerberus van:

"Ah Laura, my dear! My love, it brings a song to my heart and blood to my cock that you're alive! I am Dr. John Hemmingway, yes, like the author... I'll be right with you, now please, this won't hurt... much." A pause, followed by a boisterous laugh, "Just kidding! It'll be the worst sensation you'll ever experience! You'd be WISHING you died."

Hemmingway gave a nice, warm, friendly smile at Laura, as if they were best buds... it wasn't long until the Cerberus vanished into the van, shutting the twin doors with a loud 'SLAM!' Their tires screeching violently against the streets of Carcer City, into the depths of nothingness.

Starkweather chimed in:​

"Ah, the good doctor! He's a fine fellow. Don't worry, he'll take care of her. Now, I need you to move your ass into the Hotel. Got it? Good! I'm glad we understand each other!"

Jack took a step back. I did it. I stopped her from bleeding out. Thank all the Heavens and Hells and every other bastard inbetween for that. It had been horrific. Listening to her as he had worked; each time she muffled a scream it was like a dagger pierced through him; he'd felt so guilty for putting her through that. But it had to be done. It had to be. Else they wouldn't be standing here like this here and now.

"If you want to call it in; that's your decision. It's your body; you get to choose what you want done to help it heal up."

He waited for her to make the call. He hated the fact that they were going to rely on this 'Cerberus.' Hated it. But it was needed. And Laura got to make that decision; not him. She finished up the call; she didn't look too happy about doing it either; he was relieved to see that she wasn't eager on counting on Cerberus.

There was silence for a moment before Jack broke it again.

"You don't owe me anything. I did what anyone would do to save a close friend. After all; you're the only one who's stayed with me this whole time. It hasn't been long but...I need you here I think. Without you; I think I would have lost it already...and this is only the beginning. Sometimes; just having someone there. Someone who you can trust and rely on; someone who will stick with you through thick and thin. That's enough. You don't need anything else."
After calling in for Cerberus Laura frowned, it was risky. She had no idea what would happen when they got here. It made her nervous, anything could happen. All she needed was a little more patching up. A little pain medication maybe. Nothing major. Jack had done a great job so far but they needed to get out there anyway. They'd been told. That didn't make her any less causious about the situation.

Sucking in a deep breath she braced herself as she turned herself about the bed so she lay side ways on the bed. Her legs dangling off the edge. Moving just that small space had made her want to stiffen with the shot of pain, but she persisted. She needed to get used to it. She had been hurt, she was patched up and now it was time to move out. There was no time to rest, not properly. Theres no recovery period so she'd be continuing on as she was.

She managed to get herself to sit up, using her good arm as leverage, her stomach clenched causing the burn in her abdomen to return. She managed to deal with that without a sound, clenching and unclenching a fist on her good arm. Well this was going to be fun. Clearly it wouldn't be easy.
She didn't see how the others who had been shot managed, she was in agony with each move.
But it would subside, she would get used to it and she would move on from here knowing to be much more careful before she jumped into doing anything.

"No I do owe you. I might not be here if not for lets get outside and wait for this Cerberus." She said, dragging herself to stand. Swaying slightly as she did, a little light headed. Shaking her head she shook it off, though she felt weak she could move on.

Slowly, getting used to the sharp pain as she walked she got outside, one step at a time. Each one a little easier. They were ready for pick up. Ready for anything.
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"That's a good girl. You made the right choice."

"Gamma 8, take Laura to the medical bay, leave Jack here."
Like ghosts, six men, adorned in black military BDUs, their eerie red infrared eye goggles glimmered in the dark, emitting a light buzz as they approached the duo, "Move," a husky operative, his voice deep and commanding, idly pushed Jack to the side, carrying Laura in a white gurney. She was wheeled away toward a... ah shit, a dancing male doctor. He was fucked outta his mind, singing a tune, "I saaaaaid, Doctor! Ain't nuthin' I can't take," I say, "Dooooctor! Time to relieve this belly ache!" He giggled in delight as his new 'patient' wheeled into the Cerberus van:

"Ah Laura, my dear! My love, it brings a song to my heart and blood to my cock that you're alive! I am Dr. John Hemmingway, yes, like the author... I'll be right with you, now please, this won't hurt... much." A pause, followed by a boisterous laugh, "Just kidding! It'll be the worst sensation you'll ever experience! You'd be WISHING you died."

Hemmingway gave a nice, warm, friendly smile at Laura, as if they were best buds... it wasn't long until the Cerberus vanished into the van, shutting the twin doors with a loud 'SLAM!' Their tires screeching violently against the streets of Carcer City, into the depths of nothingness.

Starkweather chimed in:​

"Ah, the good doctor! He's a fine fellow. Don't worry, he'll take care of her. Now, I need you to move your ass into the Hotel. Got it? Good! I'm glad we understand each other!"

"What the...?"
It was over and done before he could do anything. Nothing.

Bastards. If I had enough'd all be rotting; nailed to walls and crosses; suffering constantly; but given just enough sustenance to stay alive; only so you could suffer more. I'd make you the very definition of wretched and helpless. How dare you take Laura away!

He didn't know it was even possible to get this pissed off. Anger coursed through him like ice through a Canadian river.

I'm coming for you all.

Laura's earpiece had been left behind; it didn't fit him; but he could still talk through it by holding it near his mouth.

"There is nothing I can say that will get through to you; is there? But I'm telling you this all the same. Make her suffer; you will suffer equally; rape her; and I will drop a nuke on you. Kill her; and I'll crush you in the most horrific manner known to man. I'll go along with you for now; but mark my words; lay so much as a finger on her that causes her pain...and I will come for you all."

With that; he put the earpiece away in his pocket. Strapped the backpack to his naked torso; and headed for the Hotel.

He was not a man that would tolerate being crossed. Not anymore.
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"That's a good girl. You made the right choice."

"Gamma 8, take Laura to the medical bay, leave Jack here."
Like ghosts, six men, adorned in black military BDUs, their eerie red infrared eye goggles glimmered in the dark, emitting a light buzz as they approached the duo, "Move," a husky operative, his voice deep and commanding, idly pushed Jack to the side, carrying Laura in a white gurney. She was wheeled away toward a... ah shit, a dancing male doctor. He was fucked outta his mind, singing a tune, "I saaaaaid, Doctor! Ain't nuthin' I can't take," I say, "Dooooctor! Time to relieve this belly ache!" He giggled in delight as his new 'patient' wheeled into the Cerberus van:

"Ah Laura, my dear! My love, it brings a song to my heart and blood to my cock that you're alive! I am Dr. John Hemmingway, yes, like the author... I'll be right with you, now please, this won't hurt... much." A pause, followed by a boisterous laugh, "Just kidding! It'll be the worst sensation you'll ever experience! You'd be WISHING you died."

Hemmingway gave a nice, warm, friendly smile at Laura, as if they were best buds... it wasn't long until the Cerberus vanished into the van, shutting the twin doors with a loud 'SLAM!' Their tires screeching violently against the streets of Carcer City, into the depths of nothingness.

Starkweather chimed in:​

"Ah, the good doctor! He's a fine fellow. Don't worry, he'll take care of her. Now, I need you to move your ass into the Hotel. Got it? Good! I'm glad we understand each other!"

"No--NO!" She yelled, her voice strained, her face flashed with fear as she was wheeled into the Cerberus van. She tried to lash out and move away off the gurny to run back. She'd made the wrong choice. She wanted to take it back, she didn't want to go. She didn't want to be alone, not with them. Anyone but them.

Escape was pretty much useless, the van was surrounded and she was to injured to fight for her freedom. She was buggered. Her heart pounded and her face paled as he fate was sealed. She was alone and taken. Away from the only person that kept her sane, that had kept her safe. Now she was alone and from what she could think without a way out.

As the doors slammed shut behind the Doctor John Hemmingway and as they did the last thing to be heard before the van zoomed away was her scream from within.

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The meth lab exploded.

I hardly even saw anything before it had happened. I should have known I was fucked when Grant threw the Molotov.

I should have.

There was hardly anything I could have done. Run like a little bitch, maybe. But I had hardly gotten a step out of the lab before the explosion.


Burning hot pain shot through me. Heat unlike any I had felt before consumed my back, and I flew forward with the explosion. My back, legs, and arms blistered on impact with the explosion, and I let out a gut-wrenching scream of agony. My limp body fell on the ground, and I'm pretty sure I threw up. Fire raged around me, and I felt my hoodie on fire. Tears fell from my face quickly, wetting the tiles underneath me, and I couldn't do anything but cry like a baby. I couldn't move my back, arms, or legs, unless I was writhing in pain, and my hair was probably singed off until the back of my neck. My hoodie sleeve was on fire, and I couldn't do anything but watch it burn, unable to move.

When the fire of my hoodie touched my arms, I screamed again, the scream ragged from the smoke and dryness of the air. I didn't know how, but I managed to roll over, screaming again as my back came in contact with the ground. It was unbearable. I could hardly stand it.

Black spots filled my vision with the pain, and my eyes started to roll into the back of my head. Somehow, I must of subconsciously willed myself to stay awake, because I didn't pass out. When the fire raging through the school got too close, I managed to army crawl forward. Slowly. Painfully.

I'm pretty sure my hoodie was rags. My jeans were probably singed, but I hoped that they were still on, at least. My tank top, the white also probably singed, felt like I was still wearing it, so I must have had at least that. My army crawl had probably gotten me a few feet forward, but I wouldn't of been able to out-crawl the fire.

There was no chance.

Suddenly, I heard screaming closer to me, and the floor vibrated. People were running, and someone's foot stepped on my arm.

It might of broken. I didn't know. I had passed out from pain, and I was in a high school on fire.

I was screwed.
Whelp shit. Grant thought as he saw the fire spread, and he starts to flee the lab, but the explosion knocks him to the ground. He quickly pats out the flames on him, letting out a string of fucks as he does that. But, he decided to do something even more stupid. He walks a bit deeper in the fire engulfed building, knowing that not all made it out. The intense heat his eyes water, and he holds a wet cloth to his mouth, smoke filling the hallway.

He sees someone on the floor, a figure. Her clothing in burnt rags. He looks over again, and realizes that it was his ally, Nat.

"FUCK! What have I done!" He says in a forlorn tone. The fire gets worse and worse, but he opens his jacket, and pours some water on her forehead and all, to keep the temp down.

"No... No!" He yells as he picks her up gently and starts to flee. The fire gets hotter and hotter, but he makes it out, and hides with her, and lays her down. There is tears in his eyes, thinking he just killed a girl, a human, a person he was talking to and helping just hours before.

"Don't die on me..." He says, takeoff off his sweatshirt. Inside was tons of food, water, everything. He starts soaking cloth in water, placing it on the burns she had. He felt horribly guilty... Felt so stupid, an idiot.

"P-Please tell me you are alright!!"
Whelp shit. Grant thought as he saw the fire spread, and he starts to flee the lab, but the explosion knocks him to the ground. He quickly pats out the flames on him, letting out a string of fucks as he does that. But, he decided to do something even more stupid. He walks a bit deeper in the fire engulfed building, knowing that not all made it out. The intense heat his eyes water, and he holds a wet cloth to his mouth, smoke filling the hallway.

He sees someone on the floor, a figure. Her clothing in burnt rags. He looks over again, and realizes that it was his ally, Nat.

"FUCK! What have I done!" He says in a forlorn tone. The fire gets worse and worse, but he opens his jacket, and pours some water on her forehead and all, to keep the temp down.

"No... No!" He yells as he picks her up gently and starts to flee. The fire gets hotter and hotter, but he makes it out, and hides with her, and lays her down. There is tears in his eyes, thinking he just killed a girl, a human, a person he was talking to and helping just hours before.

"Don't die on me..." He says, takeoff off his sweatshirt. Inside was tons of food, water, everything. He starts soaking cloth in water, placing it on the burns she had. He felt horribly guilty... Felt so stupid, an idiot.

"P-Please tell me you are alright!!"
I was still unconscious, but if you looked closer, you could see the rise and fall of my chest.

My arm started to turn purple, almost black, and was bent at a weird angle. My hair had started to curl where the water fell on it, ruining the straightness I took half an hour every morning to get. The rags my clothes were in was pretty bad, but every important thing was covered.

...Well, there was a small hole in the back. But that was it.

My body, even while unconscious, was still tense. I had twitched every time the water fell on my skin, although you could tell I was relaxing more. I was alive, thanks to you, but I probably still needed something for my arm.

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