Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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Whew! You groan, reclining your head back against the soft, plush cushion of your chair: Damn, work was rough today! ... Or school. You scroll your mouse down against a bright computer monitor, eyes scanning a Sign-Up Thread written by Murder Game creator, Iwakuroleplay user commonly referred to as 'Akibahara.' Not bad, not bad. You chuckle to yourself, playing as me for an RP event? Interesting scenario, I wonder if--


You gasp, a booming crack of thunder erupted deep from the dark dark sky above. Hard rain fell upon your bedroom window, the sharp crackles of thunder and lighting piercing your ears, sending bouts of white light peering through your curtains at random intervals. A storm was settling in. Very harsh. Possibly one of the hardest to ever hit your city in 2014, especially during the Summer season.


Idly acknowledging the torrential downpour outside, you continued typing away: Maybe writing up a quirky comment in the OOC section, maybe you utilized such profound creative intellect you're so proud of and wrote up a unique introduction for your character, or alternatively, you looked outside as rain lashed against the windows...

Not for long.
"Get 'em!"
You don't have nearly enough time to flip around, a brown potato sack hastily muffled your pleas and cries for help. It was dark. Too dark. Your vision blurred thanks to the rough fabric covering your face, but you manage to spot this: Two ominous red goggles, burning deep against the darkness, glaring right at you.

You feel someone heft you over their shoulder, and then... nothing.

"This is Echo 5, Mr. Starkweather wants this one alive."

You woke up.


Getting knocked unconscious wasn't like the movies. You felt a very tingly sensation erupt in your head, at first, as if you hung upside down on a monkeybar for a while. You can't recall the last 3-5 seconds before whoever that was sent you into La-La Land. Was it a punch? Or were you choked out? It honestly didn't matter—you were far, far away from home—and desperately needed to escape this... well, who the fuck knows.

Sitting up, you pressed a hand against your face, removing a dirty, grimy oxygen mask. A plastic tube hinged against it's valve hung low into an adjacent wall, coupled with a dormant mechanical pumping apparatus: An MSDS logo sporting the word 'Suprane' caught your attention. You may not be aware, but Suprane or "Desflurane" is a powerful, yet expensive general anesthetic.

You didn't care.

An old, black '90s TV set buzzed to life within the dim, musky room. The spontaneous 'CRAAAAAAAAAACK' of white noise was unsettling, needless to say-- until it was cut short by a green 'Play' button flashing in the upper left hand corner.

A male, sporting a black leather jacket, gloves, and a freakish 'smiley' mask, waved into a camera:

Hello everyone. Welcome to your first night of rebirth. For the past few months, perhaps years of your life, you've enjoyed living a fantasy. This 'roleplaying': Your illusion, your escape, your DRUG, from such a cold, cruel outside world. [A pause] There are 24 of you. Most, if not all, of you are interconnected in a way you'll soon discover. For the next seven days, you'll experience REAL roleplaying: A real Murder Game. If you win, you return home with $500,000 via anonymous electronic payment – if you lose, you go home empty handed.

Catch the traitor.

There is one amongst you.

Listen to me, and your chance of survival increases: The door will open, head out into the hospital lobby. The Director has presents.


[The screen dies out.]


A buzz emanated from a rusty door leading outside into, as this mystery man claims, a hospital hallway, followed by a lobby.

You slid off the table and winced as your shoes touched the cold tile floor, heading out into the unknown...

Between now and 2 PM MST Wednesday is the prologue period. Feel free to post your character prologue. If you complete your prologue or opt not to post one, feel free to engage in character interaction! I will explain what the lobby looks like after everyone posts!

PS: There is also a 'Mid-Prologue' update. This is the only 'mid-' we'll be having in the Murder Tale!

@Akibahara as Surprise Guest & Adam (NPC)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Cody
@Dallas as "Gage"
@C92cool as Chris
@JayJay as Jenna
@Gadwall7 as Grant
@MrDubWubs as Michael
@Reaper Jack as Jack
@MattieLee as Leesa
@Archmage Jeremiah as James Beach
@Xibilation as Natalie
@La Muerte as Tyler
@LittleMissTinkerToy as Lydia
@Melancholy as Amber
@Finch as Sidney
@Cres as Bryan Cordova
@phantasmagoricStoner as Batrisyia
@JextheShadow as Mark
@Laura as Laura

@The Gil as Gil Vieira
@The Last Outlaw as Nathan
@seeing the reflection as Nia
@dunaway5 as Jake
@Lunar-Eclipse as Alyce
@AlekseyVN1922 as Aleksey Vasilyevich Nevzorov
@Sandra as Salwa

I sat up my head still fadeing in and out as I slide off the mask, "Where the fuck am I? I was just about to watch Netflix and eat waiting for the Murder Tales to start." The crackle was unsettling, but needless I watched and listened to every word. "So now its a real life murder event, really, whenever I talk to aki again I'm going to kick his ass." I slid out of the bed thing, my converse squeaking on the floor. Some how the skinny jeans I am wearing felt tighter and my vneck strangely loose. I walked around noticing the strangers around me. I dug in my pockets looking for a lighter and my cigarettes.

Jack wasn't interested in taking on more people at this point; they would just be baggage now; especially a kid like this guy...

"You're ballsy; I'll give you that; you realise I could just gut you here; take your water and run right? I won't. But I could."

He levelled the spear at chest height; keeping the point a few feet from the boy.

"Want my advice? Keep it. We have enough; go. While you still can. Find someone trustworthy and stick to them like glue. I have enough on my hands here as it is. Sorry."
*I chuckled a bit, he was hiding his face, just like me. "Easy's me. Dallas, from the Iwaku website. I just wanted to talk to you about that bat." I said. If this kid was really going to try and beat me up with the bat, he has another thing coming. You have to remember, he's probably fifteen, sixteen years old. And I'm twenty three. There is a bit of an age difference there. Sure, he may give me a few bruises, even a scar or two. But then there's me, which means he might end up with a broken rib, or a few missing teeth. Depending on how hostile this guy is.*

He doesn't take off his hood

"This is my bat buddy. Gadwall's bat. Not yours. Maybe we can team up or something, but I trust none of you. I don't want any trouble." He says in a flat tone, indicating he didn't want trouble, but he wanted to keep the bat by his side. He is also faster than Dallas, so he can outrun him if needed.

He talked in a loud tone too. His words echoed loudly though out the lobby, possibly attracting others.

Jack wasn't interested in taking on more people at this point; they would just be baggage now; especially a kid like this guy...

"You're ballsy; I'll give you that; you realise I could just got you here; take your water and run right? I won't. But I could."

He levelled the spear at chest height; keeping the point a few feet from the boy.

"Want my advice? Keep it. We have enough; go. While you still can. Find someone trustworthy and stick to them like glue. I have enough on my hands here as it is. Sorry."
Seeing Jack point is spear at the guy in front of them made Laura tense. What if the guy did anything, would Jack actually use it against someone? Have the courage to actually hurt someone over water? Over alliances?
Taking a breath she kept strong, she couldn't shy away at the face of any sort of conflict or danger. Yes it scared her and no she didn't want to hurt anyone. But this wasn't a game, this was life and death. She would have to adapt and survive.

"Lets just keep it calm and go our seperate ways now. We all have our rations, no need for trouble."


Jack wasn't interested in taking on more people at this point; they would just be baggage now; especially a kid like this guy...

"You're ballsy; I'll give you that; you realise I could just gut you here; take your water and run right? I won't. But I could."

He levelled the spear at chest height; keeping the point a few feet from the boy.

"Want my advice? Keep it. We have enough; go. While you still can. Find someone trustworthy and stick to them like glue. I have enough on my hands here as it is. Sorry."

Cody looked from the guy to the water, then stuffed it within his hoodie. His eyes strayed to the mans as he leveled his spare at chest height. Cody took a step back, then turned, his eyes darting between every figure in the lobby. 'Dam, careless. I need to be less careless.' mentally scalded Cody as he searched for someone, anyone to take with him.
I quickly followed Nat's lead and tried to muscle my way up to the table and shield the food and water from everyone except for Nat. "Grab as much shit as you can Nat!" I say as I snatch a few bottles of water and Pre- cooked hot pocket.
Taking advantage of my ally's shield, I grab the food at the tables, stuffing them in my hoodie pocket. If I were to loose my hoodie, it would not be good. After grabbing all the food I could fit, I grab Nate's hand, tugging on it so he knows to look down and pay attention to me.

"I've grabbed all I could. I think we're good. Let's try to find (( @JextheShadow ))," I said, and moved away from the table. I stood on my tiptoes, trying to see him over the people. No such luck.

"Do you see him yet? We need to get as many allies as possible to maximize our chance of surviving.." I frowned, pouting my lips a bit, looking through the crowd for a Murder veteran I might recognize.

@murder veterans
He doesn't take off his hood

"This is my bat buddy. Gadwall's bat. Not yours. Maybe we can team up or something, but I trust none of you. I don't want any trouble." He says in a flat tone, indicating he didn't want trouble, but he wanted to keep the bat by his side. He is also faster than Dallas, so he can outrun him if needed.

He talked in a loud tone too. His words echoed loudly though out the lobby, possibly attracting others.

*He obviously wasn't going to give up the bat. What a shame...well, it was worth a try. Even though I barely said anything. If he wants to go off on his own and end up dieing, so be it. "Alright, I get it... Try and stay alive out there, who knows what's lurking in those shadows over there." I said, then pointing towards a dark alleyway. There was a small smile on my face, but no one could see it, because of my balaclava. Sure, go ahead and call me a dick, but it will be his fault if he goes off by himself. I began to walk away, and waved a hand. "Good luck buddy..." I said.*


*I walked towards Jack, and the others, and put on my earpiece. "Lets move out shall we? This place stinks of...death." That was all I could really say about this place. I just wanted to get out of here while we can.*

@Reaper Jack
Jack pulled the spear back up to it's resting position.
He hadn't wanted trouble; and he'd talked his way out of it this time. He still wasn't sure if he could actually stab someone with the spear though. He would however; happily use the pole section as a stave; thinking about it reminded him of what Gage was doing; was he trying to get the bat? The kid who had it was being stubborn; Jack could see that even from this distance.
Damn. More shit that needed dealing with.
Even as he thought it though; Gage came back over; he seemed smug; though Jack couldn't see hi facial expression through the Balaclava. He raised an eyebrow quizzically before agreeing with what he said.

"Yeah let's haul ass out of here."

Jack makes for a side hall with a green fire exit sign above the doorway.

@Laura @Dallas @The Gil
As I wondered the city I heard some people in what looked like a hotel, so I walked in and shouted at the top of my lungs holding my half finished cigarette, cupping my mouth, "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!?!"

He nods at @Dallas.

"Good luck friend."

He simply says. He starts to walk away, alert, but keeping to himself. He didn't want to mug people or anything. Just wanted to be alive, and able to defend himself. He then stops and turns around. He looks around again.
Cody walked from one side of the room to the other, his eyes jumping from every person. All he wanted was to find somebody, and leave, he couldn't fight, and he had no weapon. His eyes stopped as they landed on a man smoking. Taking another step forward, Cody stopped. 'Is....he friendly...?' mentally asked Cody. Cody slowly walked to the man, his hands in his hoodie.

"....Are you friendly?.." asked Cody as he approached the guy, standing a mere 5 feet away.

@La Muerte
"You're right, we should get moving. Before the fight for weapons or even rations gets heated."

Lifting a hand to her ear she fiddled with her personal ear peice to sit it comfortably in her ear, it was secure and didn't feel like it was going to fall out so that was good. Although why they needed and ear peice made her think of what was going to happen next in this treacherous game.
Her pockets full to the brim with food and water, she was prepared as were those in the little alliance she was a part of. They were ready, hopefully for anything.

Following Jack, Laura continued on down the side hallway where a green fire exit sign hangs above the door. Defintely ready to put some distance between them and the fighting that was bound to start.
@Reaper Jack
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Taking advantage of my ally's shield, I grab the food at the tables, stuffing them in my hoodie pocket. If I were to loose my hoodie, it would not be good. After grabbing all the food I could fit, I grab Nate's hand, tugging on it so he knows to look down and pay attention to me.

"I've grabbed all I could. I think we're good. Let's try to find (( @JextheShadow ))," I said, and moved away from the table. I stood on my tiptoes, trying to see him over the people. No such luck.

"Do you see him yet? We need to get as many allies as possible to maximize our chance of surviving.." I frowned, pouting my lips a bit, looking through the crowd for a Murder veteran I might recognize.

@murder veterans
Jack looked tough. Apparently, he already had put in his head what his group would be and who he would be walking with. As for Gil, he wasn't sure yet. Looking at that bunch of stuff it actually looked like there were food and water enough for everyone. Not weapons though. But still, they could build a bigger group than that one. No way they such a little group could make it out of that hospital. Gil started to think, if there was food there, then that meant they would need it. If they were just locked on a hospital, they wouldn't be needing that for long. There was something else, outside... They would eventually need a bigger group so that they could split with safety... His eyes took sight of a familiar face. It was Xibilation, although he couldn't remember if he had her through name before, but her face... She had posted a picture once. He also looked familiar face, one he would always call "Rainbow" for not remembering his entire name. Since Gage was fighting for now, Gil thought it wouldn't hard to chat with the rest of the people. He waved at Rainbow (( @TheColourlessRainbow )) and walked to Xibilation.

"So, you're here too. Akibahara must be all over you".
Grant curses, and thinks long and hard.

"Anybody need a teammate?" He says loud enough for everybody to hear him. He pulls his hood down a bit more.
Taking advantage of my ally's shield, I grab the food at the tables, stuffing them in my hoodie pocket. If I were to loose my hoodie, it would not be good. After grabbing all the food I could fit, I grab Nate's hand, tugging on it so he knows to look down and pay attention to me.

"I've grabbed all I could. I think we're good. Let's try to find (( @JextheShadow ))," I said, and moved away from the table. I stood on my tiptoes, trying to see him over the people. No such luck.

"Do you see him yet? We need to get as many allies as possible to maximize our chance of surviving.." I frowned, pouting my lips a bit, looking through the crowd for a Murder veteran I might recognize.

@murder veterans
I nodded as I also looked around for that fellow who ran off without Nat. "Damn, I can't find the bastard" I jumped up onto the table to get a better view of the room, he is no where in sight. "He probably ran off somewhere, let's go find him." I said as took off into the same hall everyone else headed down.

((Just to let you know, I'm signing off for the night, I'll resume tomorrow probably at 2 PM, see ya till then.))
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Jack pulled the spear back up to it's resting position.
He hadn't wanted trouble; and he'd talked his way out of it this time. He still wasn't sure if he could actually stab someone with the spear though. He would however; happily use the pole section as a stave; thinking about it reminded him of what Gage was doing; was he trying to get the bat? The kid who had it was being stubborn; Jack could see that even from this distance.
Damn. More shit that needed dealing with.
Even as he thought it though; Gage came back over; he seemed smug; though Jack couldn't see hi facial expression through the Balaclava. He raised an eyebrow quizzically before agreeing with what he said.

"Yeah let's haul ass out of here."

Jack makes for a side hall with a green fire exit sign above the doorway.

@Laura @Dallas @The Gil
Shit. Time to hit it. Quickly, he waved at Xibilation with a half smile, unable to receive any answer from her or Rainbow. They had to beat it out of that place. Sure, they had just escaped a fight, it didn't meant there wouldn't be any other. He ran towards the fire exit. "Well, now what?". Well, it was time for them to beat it. For some reason, his instincts told him not to do it. He was affraid to be loud, in any sort of situations where sneaking could be required. "You went that way before?"
Cody walked from one side of the room to the other, his eyes jumping from every person. All he wanted was to find somebody, and leave, he couldn't fight, and he had no weapon. His eyes stopped as they landed on a man smoking. Taking another step forward, Cody stopped. 'Is....he friendly...?' mentally asked Cody. Cody slowly walked to the man, his hands in his hoodie.

"....Are you friendly?.." asked Cody as he approached the guy, standing a mere 5 feet away.

@La Muerte

I looked at the guy approaching me, "For the most part. And yourself?" I stood gaugeing the threat. He was cute to be honest but I will keep that to myself, for now anyways. I noticed weapons everywhere, and looked for something I could use for a weapon as I waited for an answer. For some reason though I felt hungry and slightly in need of a joint.
Shit. Time to hit it. Quickly, he waved at Xibilation with a half smile, unable to receive any answer from her or Rainbow. They had to beat it out of that place. Sure, they had just escaped a fight, it didn't meant there wouldn't be any other. He ran towards the fire exit. "Well, now what?". Well, it was time for them to beat it. For some reason, his instincts told him not to do it. He was affraid to be loud, in any sort of situations where sneaking could be required. "You went that way before?"
"No. But it has a fire exit sign."

Jack led the way down the hall; checking each corner and shadow as he went; heh, maybe he was getting paranoid. It was mostly bare; the odd desk upturned and rotting here and there; the usual damages elsewhere. Finally they reached the exit; pushing the door's bar-handle; it swung open with an ominous creaking noise.

Jack, Laura, Gage and Gil were greeted by...Carcer City.

From here; it was anyone's guess as to what might happen next.

@Laura @Dallas @The Gil

// I shall be signing off for today; it's 4am. //
"No. But it has a fire exit sign."

Jack led the way down the hall; checking each corner and shadow as he went; heh, maybe he was getting paranoid. It was mostly bare; the odd desk upturned and rotting here and there; the usual damages elsewhere. Finally they reached the exit; pushing the door's bar-handle; it swung open with an ominous creaking noise.

Jack, Laura, Gage and Gil were greeted by...Carcer City.

From here; it was anyone's guess as to what might happen next.

@Laura @Dallas @The Gil

// I shall be signing off for today; it's 4am. //

*This hospital has definitely seen some better days. It looks as though it has been abandon for at least a few years, maybe even more... This place also seemed to be a high value target for scavengers. You could tell because of the amount of graffiti, missing medical equipment, and turned over chairs and desks. I wonder what kind of city we are in...*

*Moments later, we reached a door. It was possibly a fire exit door, since most of those kinds of doors have a push bar on them. I watched as Jack opened the old, rusty door. Which would reveal a dead, and plagued city. "Good...god..." I said. That was the only thing that popped into my mind for me to say.*

@Reaper Jack
@The Gil
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