Murder Special III: Valen-Not-Fine [Non-Canon]

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Sora stood there, baffled. Everything happened so quickly. Niles was a traitor... He did it... He killed Kaiba. He thought, amongst many other things. His mind was going a mile a minute and he couldn't stop it. He didn't leave the area where the food was, and just kinda... Stood there. Lost in thought.

@Takumi @Hospes @Any others around (Sorry for shitty response... Trying to jump back in)

"There's a reason I asked you not to defend me." Niles spoke to Sora as he adjusted himself to get comfortable as he moved to sit on the floor. He wasn't going anywhere any time soon so he was going to be bored out of his mind for the most part. He wouldn't blame Sora for turning and walking away. Or hitting him, people did that a lot in situations like this, right?

Mason breathed a sigh of relief that they had found the killer and was glad that he wasn't the one accused, though he had fallen under some suspicion. Though he had little time for relief as the room devolved into an argument. Niles, the true culprit, had been restrained by Luke's vines, but now the murderer's life was ironically the one in danger. Fear had taken over. Or was it a misunderstanding of justice? Either way, both Macy and Mason knew that they couldn't let Niles die just because he stole a life. If lives were taken back and forth, it wouldn't take long for everyone to kick the bucket.

"Macy, I'll take damage control here. Go with the explorer group. I have a feeling Niles here might not be the only traitor. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll save the next victim before they become one," said Mason.

"Alright. Be careful, and try not to die."

  • As Macy left, Mason took up yhe position of defending Niles. He stood adjacent to Niles, wary of the vines which held the traitor in place. Although he wished to not kill someone unless it was an absolute necessity, he was aware of the malice that could easily stab him in the back as he was trying to protect it.

    With a snap of his fingers, he dismissed the knife he had made from existence. He refocused his powers to create a shield, both to defend Niles and defend himself from Niles.

    Hearing Mabel start to cry, Mason felt the need to defend her as well, at least with his words. He spoke to Trevor, "Hey, that isn't a reason to kill someone, nor is it a reason for you to bully the cinnamon roll. I get it. Life sucks and people die. Sometimes we lose loved ones. Heaven knows I've lost someone." As said this, tears salted with pain and loss from a little over two years ago started to well in the corners or his eyes. He wiped them away with the sleeves of his coat and continued his monologue, "The point is that there's someone out there who would feel just as much pain over his death as you felt over Michael's. Every life is precious, even those of murderers and thieves. I won't let you take Niles' life."
    @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @StaybackPeople

  • Macy quickly made her way out of the room they had initially appeared in, following the group of people heading out towards exploring this second mansion, which was more like a castle. Initially, whe followed the group into the main hall. However, after watching Ike's less-than-successful attempt at breaking down the door, she elected to search elsewhere.

    Making her way up the stairs, she noticed tears beginning to fall down the side of her face. She paused on her way up the stairs and took a moment to wipe them away with her hand. She had little control over stopping the tears, although there was no sorrow in her own heart. She felt the emotions resonating from her multiversal twin and wondered if she should head back to check on him.

    She saw Thomas making his way up ths stairs and did her best to stop the flow of tears. She hurried up the stairs, hoping to not be a blockage in his path. "Sorry, sorry," she muttered as she attempted to compose herself.
    @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @Yun Lee @Hana @Sen @Upstairs

"How sickeningly sweet of you boy. No need to go through such trouble for little old me. If they had wished to kill me, then I would be dead by now. Besides, I'm supposed to face punishment upon my return if you haven't heard. Until then, I'll just sit here and rot.~" Niles deadpanned before sighing.

"Why not grab the girl a chair if she seems faint, hm?" he added with a raised brow. He was honestly amused for one reason or another.

@Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore

As both Najimi and Fenris had their go at attempting to outsmart the door where brute force had previously failed, they would at first seem as though they'd be able to succeed, both seeming to vanish... Before forcefully being flung back a moment later.

Rest in pieces.

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @EntranceHall​

Ike was at a loss for all the unfamiliar terms and locations being mentioned but felt there wasn't time to inquire into any of them. "Freelance designer, huh..." he mumbled looking Azusa's way. Ike interpreted that as some kind of armorsmith, which was interesting enough. Anshinin must have been a mage, but Fenris... Ike couldn't place him at all. A warrior with the power to use magic without tomes? The tattoos on the man's skin seemed to be the conduit, but he was certainly an oddity.

Ike pulled Ragnell from the floor and held it casually over his shoulder.


"I'm not sure what you both just did, but I'm guessing that exhausted the last of our options..." Ike paused to let out a deep sigh. "If our host has already been interrogated, then all we can do is search somewhere else. I'll defer to another for now, lest I lead us down another dead end."

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Entrance Hall

"Is there a door handle that you have tried first?" Lucina asked as she approached the group.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Entrance Hall @Anybody I missed
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Those that went to the balcony were met by a rather grand sight. The air was slightly chilly, the sky dark, lit only by the seemingly endless stars and a beautiful full moon itself. However long they'd been out for, it appeared night had come, and it was beautiful. But despite the light from the stars and moon, it was impossible to see the ground... And all trees and other such scenery seemed distant. Not to mention there didn't seem to be any other sort of civilizations around.

@york @The Myrmidon @Balcony
Youhei Sunohara
@Midnight Maiden @The Myrmidon

Despite the apparent distance they were from whatever could be considered the ground below them, Sunohara seemed quite hard set on getting out of here... So much so that he was willing to try almost anything. Carefully heading over to the edge of the railings, he intended to scale his way down the building... Somehow.

Delinquent climbing skills... Activate?

Well, hopefully he doesn't get himself killed, or worse, seeing as how poorly thought out his plan of action was, but hey... At least Tomoyo wasn't here to kick him into a garbage chute or something, right?​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Takumi
As Macy left, Mason took up yhe position of defending Niles. He stood adjacent to Niles, wary of the vines which held the traitor in place. Although he wished to not kill someone unless it was an absolute necessity, he was aware of the malice that could easily stab him in the back as he was trying to protect it.

With a snap of his fingers, he dismissed the knife he had made from existence. He refocused his powers to create a shield, both to defend Niles and defend himself from Niles.

Hearing Mabel start to cry, Mason felt the need to defend her as well, at least with his words. He spoke to Trevor, "Hey, that isn't a reason to kill someone, nor is it a reason for you to bully the cinnamon roll. I get it. Life sucks and people die. Sometimes we lose loved ones. Heaven knows I've lost someone." As said this, tears salted with pain and loss from a little over two years ago started to well in the corners or his eyes. He wiped them away with the sleeves of his coat and continued his monologue, "The point is that there's someone out there who would feel just as much pain over his death as you felt over Michael's. Every life is precious, even those of murderers and thieves. I won't let you take Niles' life."
@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Gummi Bunnies @StaybackPeople

"Many of us know the feeling of loss, and it isn't easy to get through... Mabel, all of us are working on a way out of these premises, and to stop these atrocities from happening once more. The best that we can do as a whole is work together and stay strong... Even so, a moment is fine to let out feelings that dwell within you... it isn't right to keep the need of shedding tears for all eternity. It's fine to do so, just don't let it consume you... I had someone that I know do just that... and she remains drowning in terrible thoughts... Please, stay strong for all of us."

Luke didn't realize that he could've talked too much about himself, but that didn't matter right now. Mabel needed some sort of inspirational talk, and he had a good picture on what she needed to hear. No need to hear justifications for more death and whatnot, but the need to hear some sort of true hope was there. In a way, that was all that he could do at this moment. Not even magic could help a hurting heart... only words and meaning embedded with understanding feeling.

@Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Ryu Keiko
It was difficult for Mabel to completely comprehend just why the others were so valiantly defending her, why they decided to speak up for her at all in the first place... But at the same time, she couldn't express her gratitude for the fact. All she could do was muster a weak, shaky smile directed at Luke and Mason, because she didn't know what else she could do. Even if she did, she wasn't sure she'd be able to in this state. At the same time, she felt a bit bad having others stand up for her when she was perfectly capable of doing so herself. Lord knew she was strong... Stronger than many- humans, at least -could say for themselves.

Maybe not emotionally, all the time, though.

"...Exactly," she finally spoke in regards to Mason's words on the matter of keeping Niles safe, unable to agree more. "But.. You're right, too, Luke," she added, looking to the male and wiping at her tears. "We aren't gonna let any more death happen. And we're gonna get everyone home, too.. I'll make sure of it," she stated, the first and last sentence spoken with more confidence than anything else she'd said since falling through that portal.

@Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore
Youhei Sunohara
@Midnight Maiden @The Myrmidon

Despite the apparent distance they were from whatever could be considered the ground below them, Sunohara seemed quite hard set on getting out of here... So much so that he was willing to try almost anything. Carefully heading over to the edge of the railings, he intended to scale his way down the building... Somehow.

Delinquent climbing skills... Activate?

Well, hopefully he doesn't get himself killed, or worse, seeing as how poorly thought out his plan of action was, but hey... At least Tomoyo wasn't here to kick him into a garbage chute or something, right?​
When he tried to climb off the balcony, Sunohara would find that he'd be met by some sort of invisible barrier, keeping him from stepping any further than the rails.

When he tried to climb off the balcony, Sunohara would find that he'd be met by some sort of invisible barrier, keeping him from stepping any further than the rails.


"Strange... this magic barrier..." Rinkah stepped up behind the young man who tried to leap over the balcony, "Seems they've thought of many avenues of escape... Though perhaps a mage among us could break the enchantment? What do you think, outsider?"

@york @Midnight Maiden
Stiles was in amazement by the balcony and smiled. " This reminds me so much at home. This seems like something that happens back there," he said, as he wasn't shocked by the barrier. " It seems whoever brought us here doesn't want us to leave," he added.

@york @Midnight Maiden @The Myrmidon @Balcony

Thomas couldn't help but smile when Theresa offered the comforting advice to the girl. It reminded him of the girl he had built the maze with- the one who had stuck by him. " I think we need to remain calm, but I agree with Theresa. If we get too upset or for that matter, too paranoid, we kind of loss the whole point of this party," he honestly replied.

@Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Upstairs
Stiles was in amazement by the balcony and smiled. " This reminds me so much at home. This seems like something that happens back there," he said, as he wasn't shocked by the barrier. " It seems whoever brought us here doesn't want us to leave," he added.

@york @Midnight Maiden @The Myrmidon @Balcony

Thomas couldn't help but smile when Theresa offered the comforting advice to the girl. It reminded him of the girl he had built the maze with- the one who had stuck by him. " I think we need to remain calm, but I agree with Theresa. If we get too upset or for that matter, too paranoid, we kind of loss the whole point of this party," he honestly replied.

@Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Upstairs

"An observation we've all made before now, outsider," Rinkah shot at Stiles, a thoroughly unimpressed look in her eyes as she glanced at him.

@york @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9
"There's a reason I asked you not to defend me." Niles spoke to Sora as he adjusted himself to get comfortable as he moved to sit on the floor. He wasn't going anywhere any time soon so he was going to be bored out of his mind for the most part. He wouldn't blame Sora for turning and walking away. Or hitting him, people did that a lot in situations like this, right?

"How sickeningly sweet of you boy. No need to go through such trouble for little old me. If they had wished to kill me, then I would be dead by now. Besides, I'm supposed to face punishment upon my return if you haven't heard. Until then, I'll just sit here and rot.~" Niles deadpanned before sighing.

"Why not grab the girl a chair if she seems faint, hm?" he added with a rose brow.

@Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore

"Is there a door handle that you have tried first?" Lucina asked as she approached the group.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Entrance Hall @Anybody I missed

Sora looked at Niles as he spoke and sighed. "True you did, but I wanted to give benefit of the doubt is all." He said softly. "May I ask why though?" He asked, after a brief pause. "Why kill someone who did nothing to harm you?" He inquired, as he stood in front of Niles.

@Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @Takumi @erebody else
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Sora looked at Niles as he spoke and sighed. "True you did, but I wanted to give benefit of the doubt is all." He said softly. "May I ask why though?" He asked, after a brief pause. "Why kill someone who did nothing to harm you?" He inquired, as he stood in front of Niles.

@Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @Takumi @erebody else

Niles was expecting someone else to ask a why question; like the Hoshidans or that Mabel girl. He took a moment to gather his words carefully before speaking.

"Well, originally, I came here for only a good time and to see if it was a joke or not. The prospect of killing at least one person was...interesting to say the least. After some thought I told myself that I would do one last kill, to see where that'd lead me. Most killers have no reason to kill, other's feel they need to. As for me? Well, I wanted to see if I could indulge in my sadism one last time, and now that I have and I've been caught I'll take whatever punishment will be given to me." he was rambling a bit, partially lying at indulging in his sadism. He mostly wanted to see people's reactions to such a crime as well, but kept that bit to himself.

Glancing at Sora curiously, he waited for a response. He wondered how the other would take this information and respond to it.

@Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Everyone else
Ike was at a loss for all the unfamiliar terms and locations being mentioned but felt there wasn't time to inquire into any of them. "Freelance designer, huh..." he mumbled looking Azusa's way. Ike interpreted that as some kind of armorsmith, which was interesting enough. Anshinin must have been a mage, but Fenris... Ike couldn't place him at all. A warrior with the power to use magic without tomes? The tattoos on the man's skin seemed to be the conduit, but he was certainly an oddity.

Ike pulled Ragnell from the floor and held it casually over his shoulder.


"I'm not sure what you both just did, but I'm guessing that exhausted the last of our options..." Ike paused to let out a deep sigh. "If our host has already been interrogated, then all we can do is search somewhere else. I'll defer to another for now, lest I lead us down another dead end."

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Entrance Hall
"Hm, we haven't tried everything just yet."

Apparently not ready to give up, Najimi began looking at the designs on the door and around the room. Maybe there was some sort of puzzle to be solved before being able to open the door, or...

"Is there a door handle that you have tried first?" Lucina asked as she approached the group.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Entrance Hall @Anybody I missed

"...What an interesting proposition."

The door hadn't budged, so she was pretty sure that had included a door handle, but who knew.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi @Entrance Hal


Deciding to see what Teresa and Thomas were up to, Joshua followed along upstairs with them. After all, it was his duty to keep his eye on his belongings! He said nothing as he walked along, waiting to see how the two would interact with each other without his interference. He wasn't exactly fond of Thomas, but he didn't intend to may any moves just yet.


Meanwhile, although he wouldn't admit it, Mika found himself looking around for Krul. He had lost sight of her a bit ago, and seemed not to know what he should do with himself while she wasn't around. He looked like a puppy who had lost his owner. "If only she wasn't so short," he thought to himself, remaining quiet in the presence of any humans he may have come across.

@Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti
Najimi had decided to go out exploring, not finding the original room they'd ended up in very interesting, and had found herself in the main hall. She watched as Ragnell clashed against the enormous door, to apparently no avail.


"So this is our obstruction, is it?" she wondered to herself before listening to everyone else introduce themselves. "My name is Najimi Ajimu, founder of Hakoniwa Academy. Though, since we're acquainted now, you all can just call me Anshinin."

She put her hand against the door, as though to investigate it for a second before taking a step back and crossing her arms.

"If brute force doesn't work, then let's try this."

Using one of her skills, Alibi Block, Najimi tried to teleport around the door.

@Atomyk @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Entrance Hall​
As both Najimi and Fenris had their go at attempting to outsmart the door where brute force had previously failed, they would at first seem as though they'd be able to succeed, both seeming to vanish... Before forcefully being flung back a moment later.

Rest in pieces.

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @EntranceHall​
"Blasted magic." Fenris groaned as he slowly got back up to his feet. "Well, I suppose that was enough of that, then."

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @EntranceHall
Ike was at a loss for all the unfamiliar terms and locations being mentioned but felt there wasn't time to inquire into any of them. "Freelance designer, huh..." he mumbled looking Azusa's way. Ike interpreted that as some kind of armorsmith, which was interesting enough. Anshinin must have been a mage, but Fenris... Ike couldn't place him at all. A warrior with the power to use magic without tomes? The tattoos on the man's skin seemed to be the conduit, but he was certainly an oddity.

Ike pulled Ragnell from the floor and held it casually over his shoulder.


"I'm not sure what you both just did, but I'm guessing that exhausted the last of our options..." Ike paused to let out a deep sigh. "If our host has already been interrogated, then all we can do is search somewhere else. I'll defer to another for now, lest I lead us down another dead end."

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Entrance Hall
"There's a reason I asked you not to defend me." Niles spoke to Sora as he adjusted himself to get comfortable as he moved to sit on the floor. He wasn't going anywhere any time soon so he was going to be bored out of his mind for the most part. He wouldn't blame Sora for turning and walking away. Or hitting him, people did that a lot in situations like this, right?

"How sickeningly sweet of you boy. No need to go through such trouble for little old me. If they had wished to kill me, then I would be dead by now. Besides, I'm supposed to face punishment upon my return if you haven't heard. Until then, I'll just sit here and rot.~" Niles deadpanned before sighing.

"Why not grab the girl a chair if she seems faint, hm?" he added with a raised brow. He was honestly amused for one reason or another.

@Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore

"Is there a door handle that you have tried first?" Lucina asked as she approached the group.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Entrance Hall @Anybody I missed
"Hm, we haven't tried everything just yet."

Apparently not ready to give up, Najimi began looking at the designs on the door and around the room. Maybe there was some sort of puzzle to be solved before being able to open the door, or...


"...What an interesting proposition."

The door hadn't budged, so she was pretty sure that had included a door handle, but who knew.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi @Entrance Hal


"Whoa... doors don't usually do that!"

Azusa was probably the only one surprised that the door somehow forced the two that were trying to magically pass through the door or teleport on the other side back. He seriously had no other way to phrase that, because doors just don't... do those things.


"R-Right. We haven't exactly tried that yet... Let me just... reach over... andddd..."

Azusa leaned over to try and open the door normally... like any other normal person would. He nervously laughed once someone suggested that, and he hoped to god that this strange magical door wasn't going to make him regret this.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Kaykay @Takumi @Midnight Maiden @EntranceHall​
Thomas couldn't help but smile when Theresa offered the comforting advice to the girl. It reminded him of the girl he had built the maze with- the one who had stuck by him. " I think we need to remain calm, but I agree with Theresa. If we get too upset or for that matter, too paranoid, we kind of loss the whole point of this party," he honestly replied.

@Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Upstairs

Deciding to see what Teresa and Thomas were up to, Joshua followed along upstairs with them. After all, it was his duty to keep his eye on his belongings! He said nothing as he walked along, waiting to see how the two would interact with each other without his interference. He wasn't exactly fond of Thomas, but he didn't intend to may any moves just yet.

"Exactly," Teresa chimed in with a nod to Thomas's words, still smiling gently. "So... Don't worry about it, kid. We'll sort everything out, alright? You got my word," she assured, almost failing to notice Joshua joining them... Initially, anyways. But as always when he came near, her asshole sense went a tingling.

Glancing over her shoulder at the male, one brow rose slightly. That was odd.... It wasn't typical of Joshua to be so quiet. But hey, if he really was going to keep his trap shut for once, she sure wasn't about to complain.

@Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Upstairs

"Hm, we haven't tried everything just yet."

Apparently not ready to give up, Najimi began looking at the designs on the door and around the room. Maybe there was some sort of puzzle to be solved before being able to open the door, or...


"...What an interesting proposition."

The door hadn't budged, so she was pretty sure that had included a door handle, but who knew.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi @Entrance Hal


"Whoa... doors don't usually do that!"

Azusa was probably the only one surprised that the door somehow forced the two that were trying to magically pass through the door or teleport on the other side back. He seriously had no other way to phrase that, because doors just don't... do those things.


"R-Right. We haven't exactly tried that yet... Let me just... reach over... andddd..."

Azusa leaned over to try and open the door normally... like any other normal person would. He nervously laughed once someone suggested that, and he hoped to god that this strange magical door wasn't going to make him regret this.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Kaykay @Takumi @Midnight Maiden @EntranceHall​
Yeah, sorry, Azusa, but trying to open the door didn't work.

As for Najimi, it didn't exactly seem like there was any sort of puzzle or thing to decode. The designs on the door didn't seem to be matched by anything else.

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Mainfloor​
"Hm, we haven't tried everything just yet."

Apparently not ready to give up, Najimi began looking at the designs on the door and around the room. Maybe there was some sort of puzzle to be solved before being able to open the door, or...


"...What an interesting proposition."

The door hadn't budged, so she was pretty sure that had included a door handle, but who knew.

@Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Takumi @Entrance Hal


"Whoa... doors don't usually do that!"

Azusa was probably the only one surprised that the door somehow forced the two that were trying to magically pass through the door or teleport on the other side back. He seriously had no other way to phrase that, because doors just don't... do those things.


"R-Right. We haven't exactly tried that yet... Let me just... reach over... andddd..."

Azusa leaned over to try and open the door normally... like any other normal person would. He nervously laughed once someone suggested that, and he hoped to god that this strange magical door wasn't going to make him regret this.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Kaykay @Takumi @Midnight Maiden @EntranceHall​

Yeah, sorry, Azusa, but trying to open the door didn't work.

As for Najimi, it didn't exactly seem like there was any sort of puzzle or thing to decode. The designs on the door didn't seem to be matched by anything else.

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Mainfloor​

"Hm, it seems that for now the door will have to be pushed to the back of our minds." Lucina sighed placing a hand on her hip. This could mean that, under normal circumstances the door may lead to the outside world, and whatever was here didn't want them to leave. Fine, if that was the case then she'll find a way to ensure the other's safety.

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Jeremi @Kaykay @Entrance Hall

Meanwhile, although he wouldn't admit it, Mika found himself looking around for Krul. He had lost sight of her a bit ago, and seemed not to know what he should do with himself while she wasn't around. He looked like a puppy who had lost his owner. "If only she wasn't so short," he thought to himself, remaining quiet in the presence of any humans he may have come across.

@Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti

Still watching the scene unfold regarding Trevor and company with clear amusement, Krul wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that Mika seemed to be looking like a lost puppy not too far off, something that amused her further. "Ah, poor Mika-chan. You really are lost without me, aren't you?" she remarked after waltzing over to him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DiningArea​

  • Macy successfully ceased the flow of tears and kept herself from sobbing. Conposed, she made her way further up the stairs, reaching the tippy-top. A smile reached her face from the compassion showed by Theresa and Thomas. In response to them, she said, "My emotions must have gotten the better of me for a moment. I spent a long time trapped, essentially dead and alone, and I finally thought myself free. But now it seems that we are trapped again, just in a fancier cage and with more friends. Let's do our best to enjoy this party and see what's in store."

    Macy stepped out of the way to let the others pass to the upstairs area, and did a small curtsey. She raised her head, extended a hand, and introduced herself, "Macy Moretti. Pleased to meet you. Let's try to have an enjoyable time here, okay? Maybe we can uncover some myseteries or secrets as well."

    @Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Upstairs​

  • Mason gently nudged Niles with his aura-forged shield. He shot a glare laced with disapproval at Niles' discussion of sadism and punishment. He was not in the mood to deal with the attitude of his charge.

    "Cut the act, Niles. We both know how shallow that facade of sadism is. You're still a squishy human being like the rest of us, and if you're not careful then you will end up om the business end of somebody's weapon. This little soiree isn't exactly promoting love right now, so I'd be careful about what you say." After saying all this, Mason sighed. He honestly wished that things could become a party at this point, but from his experience they would only get worse before getting better.

    To the somewhat calmed Mabel, he asked, "So, Mabel, you helped plan the original party here, right? Do you think that we were brought here the same way your guests were brought to the party?"

    @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Takumi @thatguyinthestore

  • tumblr_ojqi9pT6MV1v3qowuo7_100.png

    "Many of us know the feeling of loss, and it isn't easy to get through... Mabel, all of us are working on a way out of these premises, and to stop these atrocities from happening once more. The best that we can do as a whole is work together and stay strong... Even so, a moment is fine to let out feelings that dwell within you... it isn't right to keep the need of shedding tears for all eternity. It's fine to do so, just don't let it consume you... I had someone that I know do just that... and she remains drowning in terrible thoughts... Please, stay strong for all of us."

    Luke didn't realize that he could've talked too much about himself, but that didn't matter right now. Mabel needed some sort of inspirational talk, and he had a good picture on what she needed to hear. No need to hear justifications for more death and whatnot, but the need to hear some sort of true hope was there. In a way, that was all that he could do at this moment. Not even magic could help a hurting heart... only words and meaning embedded with understanding feeling.

    @Midnight Maiden @thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Ryu Keiko

    "..Yeah. I guess you're right," Teresa spoke after a small pause, almost thoughtfully. She, herself, had had a hard time forgetting or forgiving herself for any of what had happened in her past. Except for, well, this boy, anyways. He was the anomaly in it all. But it wasn't the time to linger on that, she supposed. But one thing her mind did struggle straying from was his words. He'd not just forgiven her, but he'd forgiven himself.

    Something that both made her happy for reasons she couldn't place, yet also piqued her curiosity on how he could. Even knowing that what she had done was just, it was hard to just say 'it wasn't my fault' and fully move on. Though she was well on her way.

    Shaking it off for the moment, she continued up the stairs with him, not faltering in the slightest or ever pausing. Well, until she had to, Macy unintentionally blocking the way.


    The girl's behaviors made Teresa's features soften slightly once again, her tone less firm than before. "...What're you apologizing for?" she inquired, just as serious as before, yet somehow more... Gentle. "It's okay to cry. This is a lot, for anyone," she assured. "So... Don't worry about it." Surprisingly enough, she even offered a small smile.

    @Mason Moretti @LuckycoolHawk9 @Upstairs​

    "There's a reason I asked you not to defend me." Niles spoke to Sora as he adjusted himself to get comfortable as he moved to sit on the floor. He wasn't going anywhere any time soon so he was going to be bored out of his mind for the most part. He wouldn't blame Sora for turning and walking away. Or hitting him, people did that a lot in situations like this, right?

    "How sickeningly sweet of you boy. No need to go through such trouble for little old me. If they had wished to kill me, then I would be dead by now. Besides, I'm supposed to face punishment upon my return if you haven't heard. Until then, I'll just sit here and rot.~" Niles deadpanned before sighing.

    "Why not grab the girl a chair if she seems faint, hm?" he added with a raised brow. He was honestly amused for one reason or another.

    @Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore

    "Is there a door handle that you have tried first?" Lucina asked as she approached the group.

    @Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Entrance Hall @Anybody I missed

    It was difficult for Mabel to completely comprehend just why the others were so valiantly defending her, why they decided to speak up for her at all in the first place... But at the same time, she couldn't express her gratitude for the fact. All she could do was muster a weak, shaky smile directed at Luke and Mason, because she didn't know what else she could do. Even if she did, she wasn't sure she'd be able to in this state. At the same time, she felt a bit bad having others stand up for her when she was perfectly capable of doing so herself. Lord knew she was strong... Stronger than many- humans, at least -could say for themselves.

    Maybe not emotionally, all the time, though.

    "...Exactly," she finally spoke in regards to Mason's words on the matter of keeping Niles safe, unable to agree more. "But.. You're right, too, Luke," she added, looking to the male and wiping at her tears. "We aren't gonna let any more death happen. And we're gonna get everyone home, too.. I'll make sure of it," she stated, the first and last sentence spoken with more confidence than anything else she'd said since falling through that portal.

    @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore

    Theresa offered the comforting advice to the girl. It reminded him of the girl he had built the maze with- the one who had stuck by him. " I think we need to remain calm, but I agree with Theresa. If we get too upset or for that matter, too paranoid, we kind of loss the whole point of this party," he honestly replied.

    @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Upstairs

    Niles was expecting someone else to ask a why question; like the Hoshidans or that Mabel girl. He took a moment to gather his words carefully before speaking.

    "Well, originally, I came here for only a good time and to see if it was a joke or not. The prospect of killing at least one person was...interesting to say the least. After some thought I told myself that I would do one last kill, to see where that'd lead me. Most killers have no reason to kill, other's feel they need to. As for me? Well, I wanted to see if I could indulge in my sadism one last time, and now that I have and I've been caught I'll take whatever punishment will be given to me." he was rambling a bit, partially lying at indulging in his sadism. He mostly wanted to see people's reactions to such a crime as well, but kept that bit to himself.

    Glancing at Sora curiously, he waited for a response. He wondered how the other would take this information and respond to it.

    @Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Everyone else


    Deciding to see what Teresa and Thomas were up to, Joshua followed along upstairs with them. After all, it was his duty to keep his eye on his belongings! He said nothing as he walked along, waiting to see how the two would interact with each other without his interference. He wasn't exactly fond of Thomas, but he didn't intend to may any moves just yet.


    Meanwhile, although he wouldn't admit it, Mika found himself looking around for Krul. He had lost sight of her a bit ago, and seemed not to know what he should do with himself while she wasn't around. He looked like a puppy who had lost his owner. "If only she wasn't so short," he thought to himself, remaining quiet in the presence of any humans he may have come across.

    @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti

    "Exactly," Teresa chimed in with a nod to Thomas's words, still smiling gently. "So... Don't worry about it, kid. We'll sort everything out, alright? You got my word," she assured, almost failing to notice Joshua joining them... Initially, anyways. But as always when he came near, her asshole sense went a tingling.

    Glancing over her shoulder at the male, one brow rose slightly. That was odd.... It wasn't typical of Joshua to be so quiet. But hey, if he really was going to keep his trap shut for once, she sure wasn't about to complain.

    @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Upstairs

    Sora looked at Niles as he spoke and sighed. "True you did, but I wanted to give benefit of the doubt is all." He said softly. "May I ask why though?" He asked, after a brief pause. "Why kill someone who did nothing to harm you?" He inquired, as he stood in front of Niles.

    @Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @Takumi @erebody else
When he tried to climb off the balcony, Sunohara would find that he'd be met by some sort of invisible barrier, keeping him from stepping any further than the rails.


"Strange... this magic barrier..." Rinkah stepped up behind the young man who tried to leap over the balcony, "Seems they've thought of many avenues of escape... Though perhaps a mage among us could break the enchantment? What do you think, outsider?"

@york @Midnight Maiden
Youhei Sunohara
@The Myrmidon @Midnight Maiden

Sunohara had his face quite literally pressed up against the barrier, like he would against the window of a crowded bus... To no avail. In defeat, he turned around, about ready to go try some place else, when a girl who had apparently followed up up mentioned something about a mage, breaking the enchantment, whatever that was supposed to mean.

"Ah! Yes! Of course! A mage!... ... ..." He said, raising a finger in the air.

Though it didn't take long for a deflated look to cross his face as he clearly had no idea what was meant by that, perhaps magic just wasn't very commonplace where he was from... But even as clueless as he was, it looked like he was almost waiting for his sentence to magically finish itself or something rather than admitting that he really didn't know how to deal with stuff like... That invisible barrier.​
Niles was expecting someone else to ask a why question; like the Hoshidans or that Mabel girl. He took a moment to gather his words carefully before speaking.

"Well, originally, I came here for only a good time and to see if it was a joke or not. The prospect of killing at least one person was...interesting to say the least. After some thought I told myself that I would do one last kill, to see where that'd lead me. Most killers have no reason to kill, other's feel they need to. As for me? Well, I wanted to see if I could indulge in my sadism one last time, and now that I have and I've been caught I'll take whatever punishment will be given to me." he was rambling a bit, partially lying at indulging in his sadism. He mostly wanted to see people's reactions to such a crime as well, but kept that bit to himself.

Glancing at Sora curiously, he waited for a response. He wondered how the other would take this information and respond to it.

@Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Everyone else
Sora looked at him, and just... Stared? He could feel he was hiding something, but choose not to say anything about it. He sighed. "Well, what's done has been done." He said softly. "No point in harbouring on it, so I guess I should figure out my next move." he said, as he looked around. He honestly wasn't sure what to make out of all of this. He had never been put in a situation that resulted in death and whatnot, so he was kind of lost. He looked around, to see where everyone was, still noticing the food on the table, as his stomach growled.

@Takumi @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @EREBODY

  • Macy successfully ceased the flow of tears and kept herself from sobbing. Conposed, she made her way further up the stairs, reaching the tippy-top. A smile reached her face from the compassion showed by Theresa and Thomas. In response to them, she said, "My emotions must have gotten the better of me for a moment. I spent a long time trapped, essentially dead and alone, and I finally thought myself free. But now it seems that we are trapped again, just in a fancier cage and with more friends. Let's do our best to enjoy this party and see what's in store."

    Macy stepped out of the way to let the others pass to the upstairs area, and did a small curtsey. She raised her head, extended a hand, and introduced herself, "Macy Moretti. Pleased to meet you. Let's try to have an enjoyable time here, okay? Maybe we can uncover some myseteries or secrets as well."

    @Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @Upstairs​

  • Mason gently nudged Niles with his aura-forged shield. He shot a glare laced with disapproval at Niles' discussion of sadism and punishment. He was not in the mood to deal with the attitude of his charge.

    "Cut the act, Niles. We both know how shallow that facade of sadism is. You're still a squishy human being like the rest of us, and if you're not careful then you will end up om the business end of somebody's weapon. This little soiree isn't exactly promoting love right now, so I'd be careful about what you say." After saying all this, Mason sighed. He honestly wished that things could become a party at this point, but from his experience they would only get worse before getting better.

    To the somewhat calmed Mabel, he asked, "So, Mabel, you helped plan the original party here, right? Do you think that we were brought here the same way your guests were brought to the party?"

    @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Takumi @thatguyinthestore

Mason's glare didn't bother him, maybe annoyed him slightly, but otherwise held no great effect over him.

"Dear Sora here asked a question and I answered. Plain and simple. As for my "shallow act", I'm sure my supposed "comrades" can tell you more than they have already about my deeds." Niles narrowed his eye, but didn't say further when he noticed how Sora glanced towards the food.

Sora looked at him, and just... Stared? He could feel he was hiding something, but choose not to say anything about it. He sighed. "Well, what's done has been done." He said softly. "No point in harbouring on it, so I guess I should figure out my next move." he said, as he looked around. He honestly wasn't sure what to make out of all of this. He had never been put in a situation that resulted in death and whatnot, so he was kind of lost. He looked around, to see where everyone was, still noticing the food on the table, as his stomach growled.

@Takumi @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @EREBODY

"It's laced with something, I would proceed with caution if I were you. Someone ended up becoming the opposite gender I believe." Niles warned, despite his downer attitude moments ago he seemed a bit more concerned, maybe? Well, maybe calm was more of the right word. As any twinge of irritation at what seemed to be a scolding tone Mason had towards Niles became a much more calm composure when speaking with Sora.

@Midnight Maiden @Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Everyone else
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