Murder Special III: Valen-Not-Fine [Non-Canon]

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Mid-Chapter Update


"A-alright, everyone... Let's just stay calm, I'll figure something out!" Kofuku contributed, evidently very put off by the arguments going on between her guests. She had pulled out her fan, and was nervously rubbing it. A-ah, Kokki, what should I do... Before she could say any more, a young woman that hadn't spoken 'til now piped up from the group, arms crossed and a stern look on her face.


"Oh, would you all be quiet? Gettin' all up in arms isn't going to do anyone any good. Especially not that poor boy on the floor there," she snapped. "Now would you step aside? You chose to vote, right? Need a way to figure out who's to blame for this horrible act?" she inquired. Though it seemed it was rhetorical, because she didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "That's what I thought. Since that's the case, you ought to stay out of the way and I'll take care of seeing if you're right or wrong... Though since coming to this ridiculous place- against my will, mind you-" a glare was briefly pointed at Kofuku. "My powers don't seem to be working too well, so I'll only be able to check one person... Sounds like it'll be this Niles fellow."

She didn't seem happy about the piece involving her powers not working. But, whatever.

Looking to Niles impatiently, she regarded him seriously and harshly, seeming rather annoyed when he didn't immediately come forward. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Luckily, after she called him out, he finally came forth. At which point, the Sybil stared him in the eyes. "So. Are you one of the murderers?"

"Well lovelies, it looks like I've been caught. Yes, I'm one of the killers," was Niles's rather amused reply, as the blonde female stared him down with unmatched intensity. His words made her briefly flinch before her eyes narrowed, a hand clenching into a fist at her side after she'd uncrossed his arms. "...He's telling the truth. He's one of the traitors," she stated, looking to those around. One boy in the crowd rolled his bright blue eyes, looking unamused up until now as he let out a small huff of amusement.​


"...Hmph. In that case, I could certainly dish out a punishment for him..." one male spoke up, giving a predatory grin as knives began to levitate off of the table, pointing themselves at Niles. At this, the blonde girl glared at him, seeming rather ticked off. "Oh, back off. And put those down. More violence isn't gonna get us anywhere."


"So what you're saying is that the traitor should not atone for his sin? How typical. Humans never care who they kill, as long as they kill. This one here," she gestured to Niles. "Is no different... And I'm sure the same can be said for the rest of those who are human here. So, why not make him pay, hmm?"


"Wha...- How could you say that?" Mabel asked with pure horror. "Humans aren't like that at all! I can't believe you'd say such a thing, what the heck?!" Oh gosh, as she spoke, tears began to cloud her eyes once again. "Nobody else has to die. Nobody else should die. Can't you see that? Why would you--"

"ALRIGHT, ALL OF YOU-- STOP IT!" Kofuku abruptly burst out, leaping into the air and bringing down her fan with incredible force. And, surprisingly, this caused some sort of portal to open. A very, very sinister looking one, at that, darkness and tendrils of eerie purple light rising from it. Suddenly, Kofuku froze, making quite the face as she regarded the thing.


"Ah... A-ahah.... uh-oh."

For the second time that day, everything went black moments later, the rift that had split the floor sucking everyone in. It was hard to tell just how long they were out for, but when everyone came to, they found themselves in a new building. This one was very nice as well, but it was very obviously not nearly as big a place as the last. But one peculiar thing was that the last had noticeably been a mansion... This? This seemed more like some sort of castle. But, regardless, it was more concerning how they'd wound up here. And that, well, this time it hadn't been a purposeful thing. That much was obvious based on Kofuku's reaction alone.

"Awwww, all the decorations, gone...." she whimpered where she sat in a w position, pouting visibly and holding back tears. She'd had Neptune and the others work so hard on getting them perfectly positioned, too! "...Huh?" Suddenly stopping her sniveling, Kofuku looked up, mouth falling open when she noticed something... To which, her features lit up.

"Ahaha, yay!" she exclaimed with glee, leaping to her feet. It appeared the food had safely come with them, too! ...Though Kaiba's body was gone. Huh. "Help yourselves, everyone!"


"...Kid, you realize how unlikely it is that your food made it here unscathed through that hellish portal you conjured up? It's probably bait. Poiso--"


"Mmmmmph.... Shorry, what wush that?"


"H-hey! Didn't you hear me!? Get that outta your mouth!"

What a pain. But luckily, Teresa managed to rip the orange out of Kofuku's mouth with relative ease, throwing it against the wall much to the pinkette's dismay. "A-aww... I-I was eating that..." Groaning and shaking her head, Teresa made sure she kept a calm tone. Kofuku only looked to be a kid, after all. "That was exactly the problem..."

Shaking it off, Teresa looked to the others. "Alright, so. Another random, huge place. Great. But whether we like it or not, looks like we'll be here for a bit... That said, I stick to my point that eating that food there probably isn't a good idea. For all we know, this is some huge trap. We might not be the only ones here," she started. "..Exploring wouldn't be a bad idea, though. Maybe we can figure out where we are," she mused. Or if there's anyone helpful around here. "...But, up to you. You can stay here, eat at your own risk, keep on socializing.... Or explore."


@C.T. as Isaac Dian & Ennis[Baccano]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Mikaela Hyakuya[Owari no Seraph] and Joshua Kiryu[The World Ends With You]
@Yun Lee as Charlotte[Fire Emblem]
@The Myrmidon as Rinkah[Fire Emblem]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Stiles Stilinski[Teen Wolf] and Thomas[Maze Runner]
@Sen as Takumi[Fire Emblem]
@Hana as Yona[Yona]
@Takumi as Lucina and Niles[Fire Emblem]
@Verite as Gowther[Seven Deadly Sins]
@Bomb as Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl[Yu-Gi Oh!]
@Kaide` as Iris Black[Countdown to Countdown] and Hatsune Miku[Vocaloid]
@Kaykay as Najimi Ajimu[Medaka Box]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Nono Morikubo[The Idolm@ster]
@Gummi Bunnies as Azusa Kurono[Liar! Uncover the Truth] and Luke Estheim[Lost Alice]
@Hazel-rah as Raven[Tales of Vesperia]
@Mason Moretti as Mason Moretti and Macy Moretti[OCs]
@Jeremi as Fenris[Dragon Age]
@Sumirenko as Reimu Hakurei[Touhou]
@Crimson Spartan as Seto Kaiba[Yu-Gi-Oh!]
@Minerva as Saber Nero[Fate]
@Ryu Keiko as Sora Hikaru[OC]
@Gands as Fandral[Marvel]
@york as Youhei Sunohara[Clannad]
@thatguyinthestore as Trevor Philips[GTA V]
@Atomyk as Ike[Fire Emblem]​

Huh well...there you go. Not like Fenris had voted or anything, or outright accused this Niles person as the perpetrator, but it appeared he had been the killer. "Perhaps now the killings will end?" Fenris responded aloud, very doubtful that was the case.

With the revelation made that Niles killed the man, Ike could only shrug his shoulders. Men and women killed for all kinds of reasons, and it was hardly Ike's place to cast judgment when he knew so little of what was going on. "Whatever his reasons, just keep an eye on him if you're scared. I know I will."

Though disoriented by the sudden move, Ike's focus was clear. He nodded at Teresa's words and started walking quickly toward the unknown. "Then I will explore, and hopefully find an exit."

@Verite @Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Exploring

"Exploring seems like a good bet." He responded to Ike. "Perhaps we can find away to escape this nightmare?"

@Verite @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Exploring
Fandral the Dashing

Fandral had stayed mostly quiet after the murder and inquisition afterword's. He was thoroughly amazed when the one person suspected was actually the killer. One thing stayed in his mind though. When asked, the fellow said he was one of the traitors, certainly implying that there was more than one. Even to such as he, this was a grim thought.

Them there was the teleportation. someone took them from the first place, where at least a couple of people knew where they were, to a new place where no one did. Again, evidence of a greater plot. Exploring was a fine idea indeed.

" I agree, we should explore this place. We should do so in groups though, for our protection. Even a mighty warrior can be laid low with treachery".

Verite @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Exploring
Mid-Chapter Update

"A-alright, everyone... Let's just stay calm, I'll figure something out!" Kofuku contributed, evidently very put off by the arguments going on between her guests. She had pulled out her fan, and was nervously rubbing it. A-ah, Kokki, what should I do... Before she could say any more, a young woman that hadn't spoken 'til now piped up from the group, arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

"Oh, would you all be quiet? Gettin' all up in arms isn't going to do anyone any good. Especially not that poor boy on the floor there," she snapped. "Now would you step aside? You chose to vote, right? Need a way to figure out who's to blame for this horrible act?" she inquired. Though it seemed it was rhetorical, because she didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "That's what I thought. Since that's the case, you ought to stay out of the way and I'll take care of seeing if you're right or wrong... Though since coming to this ridiculous place- against my will, mind you-" a glare was briefly pointed at Kofuku. "My powers don't seem to be working too well, so I'll only be able to check one person... Sounds like it'll be this Niles fellow."
She didn't seem happy about the piece involving her powers not working. But, whatever.
Looking to Niles impatiently, she regarded him seriously and harshly, seeming rather annoyed when he didn't immediately come forward. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Luckily, after she called him out, he finally came forth. At which point, the Sybil stared him in the eyes. "So. Are you one of the murderers?"
"Well lovelies, it looks like I've been caught. Yes, I'm one of the killers," was Niles's rather amused reply, as the blonde female stared him down with unmatched intensity. His words made her briefly flinch before her eyes narrowed, a hand clenching into a fist at her side after she'd uncrossed his arms. "...He's telling the truth. He's one of the traitors," she stated, looking to those around. One boy in the crowd rolled his bright blue eyes, looking unamused up until now as he let out a small huff of amusement.​


"...Hmph. In that case, I could certainly dish out a punishment for him..." one male spoke up, giving a predatory grin as knives began to levitate off of the table, pointing themselves at Niles. At this, the blonde girl glared at him, seeming rather ticked off. "Oh, back off. And put those down. More violence isn't gonna get us anywhere."

"So what you're saying is that the traitor should not atone for his sin? How typical. Humans never care who they kill, as long as they kill. This one here," she gestured to Niles. "Is no different... And I'm sure the same can be said for the rest of those who are human here. So, why not make him pay, hmm?"

"Wha...- How could you say that?" Mabel asked with pure horror. "Humans aren't like that at all! I can't believe you'd say such a thing, what the heck?!" Oh gosh, as she spoke, tears began to cloud her eyes once again. "Nobody else has to die. Nobody else should die. Can't you see that? Why would you--"
"ALRIGHT, ALL OF YOU-- STOP IT!" Kofuku abruptly burst out, leaping into the air and bringing down her fan with incredible force. And, surprisingly, this caused some sort of portal to open. A very, very sinister looking one, at that, darkness and tendrils of eerie purple light rising from it. Suddenly, Kofuku froze, making quite the face as she regarded the thing.

"Ah... A-ahah.... uh-oh."
For the second time that day, everything went black moments later, the rift that had split the floor sucking everyone in. It was hard to tell just how long they were out for, but when everyone came to, they found themselves in a new building. This one was very nice as well, but it was very obviously not nearly as big a place as the last. But one peculiar thing was that the last had noticeably been a mansion... This? This seemed more like some sort of castle. But, regardless, it was more concerning how they'd wound up here. And that, well, this time it hadn't been a purposeful thing. That much was obvious based on Kofuku's reaction alone.
"Awwww, all the decorations, gone...." she whimpered where she sat in a w position, pouting visibly and holding back tears. She'd had Neptune and the others work so hard on getting them perfectly positioned, too! "...Huh?" Suddenly stopping her sniveling, Kofuku looked up, mouth falling open when she noticed something... To which, her features lit up.
"Ahaha, yay!" she exclaimed with glee, leaping to her feet. It appeared the food had safely come with them, too! ...Though Kaiba's body was gone. Huh. "Help yourselves, everyone!"

"...Kid, you realize how unlikely it is that your food made it here unscathed through that hellish portal you conjured up? It's probably bait. Poiso--"

"Mmmmmph.... Shorry, what wush that?"

"H-hey! Didn't you hear me!? Get that outta your mouth!"
What a pain. But luckily, Teresa managed to rip the orange out of Kofuku's mouth with relative ease, throwing it against the wall much to the pinkette's dismay. "A-aww... I-I was eating that..." Groaning and shaking her head, Teresa made sure she kept a calm tone. Kofuku only looked to be a kid, after all. "That was exactly the problem..."
Shaking it off, Teresa looked to the others. "Alright, so. Another random, huge place. Great. But whether we like it or not, looks like we'll be here for a bit... That said, I stick to my point that eating that food there probably isn't a good idea. For all we know, this is some huge trap. We might not be the only ones here," she started. "..Exploring wouldn't be a bad idea, though. Maybe we can figure out where we are," she mused. Or if there's anyone helpful around here. "...But, up to you. You can stay here, eat at your own risk, keep on socializing.... Or explore."
@C.T. as Isaac Dian & Ennis[Baccano]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Mikaela Hyakuya[Owari no Seraph] and Joshua Kiryu[The World Ends With You]
@Yun Lee as Charlotte[Fire Emblem]
@The Myrmidon as Rinkah[Fire Emblem]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Stiles Stilinski[Teen Wolf] and Thomas[Maze Runner]
@Sen as Takumi[Fire Emblem]
@Hana as Yona[Yona]
@Takumi as Lucina and Niles[Fire Emblem]
@Verite as Gowther[Seven Deadly Sins]
@Bomb as Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl[Yu-Gi Oh!]
@Kaide` as Iris Black[Countdown to Countdown] and Hatsune Miku[Vocaloid]
@Kaykay as Najimi Ajimu[Medaka Box]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Nono Morikubo[The Idolm@ster]
@Gummi Bunnies as Azusa Kurono[Liar! Uncover the Truth] and Luke Estheim[Lost Alice]
@Hazel-rah as Raven[Tales of Vesperia]
@Mason Moretti as Mason Moretti and Macy Moretti[OCs]
@Jeremi as Fenris[Dragon Age]
@Sumirenko as Reimu Hakurei[Touhou]
@Crimson Spartan as Seto Kaiba[Yu-Gi-Oh!]
@Minerva as Saber Nero[Fate]
@Ryu Keiko as Sora Hikaru[OC]
@Gands as Fandral[Marvel]
@york as Youhei Sunohara[Clannad]
@thatguyinthestore as Trevor Philips[GTA V]
@Atomyk as Ike[Fire Emblem]​
Youhei Sunohara
@Verite @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Gands @Hospes


Sunohara evidently looked worn out from all this thinking he had to do... It was apparent it wasn't his strong suit, but sadly he didn't even have time to change his vote by the time things had run their course.

On the bright side, it would seem that the majority vote revealed a killer in their midst! Well, not really on the bright side, as the fact that there were people out to kill others was pretty disconcerting to say the least.

Once everything was said and done though, he felt far from well... Hungry, seeming to have lost his appetite from the recent events.

So instead, he figured he'd explore the place, hopefully finding something to occupy himself with... Who knows what sort of trouble he could get himself into?​
Kaiba only had really one reaction to how he now looked.

"I hope you have a way to fix this..."

Kaiba was beyond pissed but decided to try and calm down. Believing this to be a dream and or virtual reality it wasn't like this is permanent. "So is there a way to get me back to my original self..? Personally i'd rather stay dead then be brought back as this. Can't run a company or take care of my little brother like this..." Kaiba responded seeming to take this better then expected. Then again with his belief of this not being real he figured losing his shit over this would just be a complete waste of time.

Well, luckily, Kaiba wasn't exactly 'threatening' in his current state. Nonetheless, it wasn't like Blendin wasn't aware of what demons children could be. He'd dealt with the no-good Dipper and Mabel before, after all! But even so. "...W-we're working on it," Blendin assured, steadily, not seeming intimidated by the boy. "But you'll have to be patient, ehh-ehhhh... W-we can't just instantly fix you. Not without a time-wish from the time baby, and there's no way we're just going to stumble upon one of those," he explained. "We'll have to build a new time device to correct your agi-- huh?"

Pausing suddenly, Blendin's gaze turned to the door of the room, evidently having heard something. "...Oh, dang it. Seems like your friends arrived sooner than anticipated..." he muttered, shaking his head before pulling out Kaiba's equipment from a pocket on his jumpsuit-- who knew how it fit there, but hey. "Here. I presume you'll want these back," he mused, handing the things back to little Kaiba. If the poor thing could even hold them anymore. "We need to go. But be careful... There's something big going on... Bigger than you'd understand! Nyeh, nyehhhhh...." Blendin muttered and moaned as he stepped backwards into the shadows, before simply vanishing.


@Crimson Spartan
As the culprit was revealed to be the man that had robbed so many of their valuables and lives in her world, Rinkah couldn't help but feel a conflict of emotions. There was relief as the murderer had been caught, hopefully to be brought to justice. Though she had been content to allow the man to walk away at the end of the war due to his service, the savage did not plan for Niles to escape his punishment for this act... Yet she also felt confusion, befuddled by the actions taken by the thief.

At the end of the war, he had seemed to have at least changed for the better in some small way. At the very least, he hadn't seemed likely to harm someone needlessly like this... so what had changed? Why kill someone who offered him nothing in their death?

"Bind him in metal or any other means to tie him down," As the others argued over how he ought to be punished, Rinkah spoke up and presented her opinion, a determined glint in her eye, "As a being from his home, I will claim responsibility for seeing to his punishment. Watch him until we find an escape, and allow me to take him home. I will see him punished by the laws of Queen Corrin, King Xander, or King Ryoma... no matter how it may hurt them to reprimand him."

"Charlotte, Takumi, will you both help me in this?"

@Sen @Yun Lee @Midnight Maiden
As he munched on the food, intending to explore a little later once he learned more about the enigmatic nature of emotions as he had the opportunity to here and now, Gowther watched the others from afar.

"... Tie him up? Why not simply just kill him, as he did to that Kaiba person? Is that not what you humans enjoy delivering... What was the saying again? An eye for an eye?"

They were not questions that were meant to be condescending or patronizing in any way, but rather, genuine intrigue and mild confusion. It was annoying as it was that humans fundamentally were all so different, so it was difficult to ascertain a common link that bound them all together, but there had to be something similar, right? There was something they must all share, a pattern, a method to this madness that was the human condition... or was Gowther simply studying incomprehensible non-patterns?

@The Myrmidon @Atomyk @Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @Takumi

"Why is it that we keep going to new places?"

"I don't know, but we shall serve justice upon this fool." The Dark Magician then summoned... literally, 1,000 knives out of thin air, targetted at Niles.

"... I call upon the everlasting evergreen rose vines from an endless garden. Constrict and restrict the presence of this guilty soul until justice is done then."

Unlike the other magical rose vines that Luke has conjured up before, these vines were magically reinforced to keep someone tied up until a certain point in time. Embedded with a blue aura, the magical rose vines wrapped around Niles by his wrists, and would further tangle itself around him against a table if there were no objections to this.


"If we kill this man now, it won't make us any better than the killer himself. The least I can do is ensure that no further damage is done. Is that understood?"

Luke just didn't like the idea of killing someone back because that certain someone had killed another. It was just going to be an endless cycle of killing that way.

@Hana @The Myrmidon @Yun Lee @Sen @Verite @Midnight Maiden @others​
Niles seemed rather calm as knives were pointed at him and talk of justice was thrown about. His gaze grew sharp as he stared Takumi down right back. Lord Xander's disappointment wouldn't mean much compared to Lord Leo in Niles mind. Though he had begged the young prince for death years ago with acceptance, he would do so now as well.

"Whatever you guys decide to do, do be gentle." he joked a little sarcastically, still rather amused, before he heard Charlotte speak. Glancing to her his gaze went from being sharp to being a bit clouded.

"Ah, sorry to ruin the mood for you Charlotte dear." he muttered, at least a little sincere in these words, if not by much. He didn't exactly have much remorse in his actions though his fellow Nohrian would probably face a lot of crap from here on out. The deed was done and now he would be watched like a child being watched by a parent. Not much to do now but wait and probably be bored out of his mind until his punishment came.
An offended look came over Trevor's face as he stared at Thomas.

"Me? The killer? Why I've never been so offended in my life! Just because I'm a psychotic killer doesn't mean that I committed this awful... awful crime!" Obviously Trevor wasn't even serious and was, of course, completely nonchalant about the whole situation as a whole.

Trevor wasn't at all surprised when Niles was revealed to be the traitor. Though, he wasn't with the whole "making him suffer" route either. Despite his rather evil and psychotic demeanor, Trevor, in reality, was against torture for any other means than to just have fun. So without passing any further judgement, Trevor spoke up again.

"Wait! Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. We don't need to punish him for his actions. All he did was kill somebody, which I'm pretty sure we've all done at one point or another. So instead of torturing the poor guy, we should reward him inst-" As Trevor was in the middle of his rant the fucking floor sucked everyone in again and now they were in a new building! Trevor stood up and looked around the new area with a shrug. "Butter my biscuits!" He yipped in a sarcastic tone before looking over to Mabel. "You..." He said in a quiter tone as he pointed at her, shaking his hand frantically. "You've got something to do with all this, don't you? You said that you've been in a situation similar to ours before, haven't you? With a fuckton of delightful murders and us playing guessing games with our fingers up our asses the whole time, right?"

@Midnight Maiden

"Ehehe, see? This one gets it," Krul chimed, moving up to Gowther briefly. "What's the issue with punishing the sinful human for what he did? Or perhaps you'd rather reward him as the other one said, being as you humans enjoy killing others so much." Admittedly, it wasn't hard to tell she was amused by the situation, finding the whole thing extremely satisfying to her senses.


"Quit talking like that!" Mabel exclaimed, looking completely horrified and devastated by the conversation and situation at hand. "Seriously, humans aren't like that at all! And nobody else should die! Nobody..." she trailed off, unable to even speak through the pain she felt in her heart. It was overwhelming, and she struggled to sort out what she wanted to say in her head and to transfer it off of her tongue. "...Killer or not, we can't kill him, too. It's like Luke said. If we did that, we wouldn't be any better. Besides, do you people really want more lives to be taken...?" she trailed off again, looking pained by the very thought. So it was only natural that she freaked out when Dark Mage started aiming knives at Niles. "H-hey! Stop it!--"

Before she could say more, in the midst of rushing to Dark Magician to try to stop him, Mabel found herself cut off by Trevor, who stepped in her way in the process. "G-get out of the way, he's going to hurt him!" she pleaded, trying to pass the male and failing. "Please! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!" she more or less begged, words abruptly cut off when Trevor stuck his finger right in her face, uncomfortably close to her. Her eyes widened at the action, more pain only coming to them when the man went into his accusations. "..What?" it was a bare, pained whisper as she stared at him with horror. "What are you saying...?" she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes once again. Keep the tears back, Mabel! You heard what Luke told you earlier... You have to keep it together... she tried to reason with herself, trying her damndest to hold back the tears.

And failing.

"Do you even hear what you're saying...? 'Delightful murders'? What kind of person finds murder delightful?" she asked, voice filled with pain. "Yeah, I was... I was in a situation like this. I was twelve. My friends died! Do you know what that's like? Watching people you care about die, knowing you weren't able to save them?" she asked, voice growing slightly in intensity and with it, her tears doing the same. With every word, she remembered the situation with more and more clarity, struggling more and more to maintain composure. She was trembling, looking like she might just fall over right then and there and assume a fetal position.


"...Please stop fighting."

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Stayinfolk​


Aha. So Niles really was the killer. Well, that was easy, despite not exactly having very much to go off of. And it seemed that it was up to them to do as they pleased. Not reacting much to the sudden, strange change of scenery, the bespectacled individual looked to the perpetrator, wondering what was to become of him now. Evidently, it was up to the group itself, like a makeshift government. Gowther personally cared little to do much, having little emotional drive to act out of the interest of "justice" or whatever other human construct was in place, but it seemed questionable to let him do as he pleased.

But then, perhaps that was outside his jurisdiction. It was not as though they had all known each other for very long (besides Niles himself and the other members of the group, such as Rinkah, Takumi, and Charlotte), and the victim came off as someone who ruined others' lives in his own life anyway, so perhaps he would simply leave it in the hands of others.

That all said, Gowther decided he may as well have something to snack on briefly, despite not being all that hungry. Or needing to eat at all.



Down the hatch.

As he munched on the food, intending to explore a little later once he learned more about the enigmatic nature of emotions as he had the opportunity to here and now, Gowther watched the others from afar.

"... Tie him up? Why not simply just kill him, as he did to that Kaiba person? Is that not what you humans enjoy delivering... What was the saying again? An eye for an eye?"

They were not questions that were meant to be condescending or patronizing in any way, but rather, genuine intrigue and mild confusion. It was annoying as it was that humans fundamentally were all so different, so it was difficult to ascertain a common link that bound them all together, but there had to be something similar, right? There was something they must all share, a pattern, a method to this madness that was the human condition... or was Gowther simply studying incomprehensible non-patterns?

@The Myrmidon @Atomyk @Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @Takumi

"Why is it that we keep going to new places?"

"I don't know, but we shall serve justice upon this fool." The Dark Magician then summoned... literally, 1,000 knives out of thin air, targetted at Niles.

"Well... good luck I guess." DMG said as she proceeded to help herself to some food.

Joke's on y'all that ate.

Dark Magician Girl got turned into a Dark Magician Boy and Gowther would find himself with... a cute little halo. Awww.

@Verite @Bomb
With the revelation made that Niles killed the man, Ike could only shrug his shoulders. Men and women killed for all kinds of reasons, and it was hardly Ike's place to cast judgment when he knew so little of what was going on. "Whatever his reasons, just keep an eye on him if you're scared. I know I will."

Though disoriented by the sudden move, Ike's focus was clear. He nodded at Teresa's words and started walking quickly toward the unknown. "Then I will explore, and hopefully find an exit."

@Verite @Midnight Maiden @Jeremi @Exploring
Stiles looked around to see if there was anything to do. He decided to go exploring.

@Midnight Maiden @Everyone

"Well... t-that was easy! You guys handle the scary killer now... I'm going to explore and get my mind off of this..."

Azusa just gave a nervous laugh before walking out of the room. He seriously didn't want to linger in there for too long.​

A long time ago, Takumi would have said something along the lines of: 'Wow, I totally didn't expect a Nohrian to be a traitor!' But considering the budding friendship growing between the two countries thanks to Corrin, he didn't think that would be appropriate to say right now. Charlotte was here, after all. And Rinkah would hit him. Probably.

Despite that, he also shared the same thoughts with the woman from the Flame Tribe. Surely, surely after all they have been through together, taking down that horrendous dragon, fighting through the forces of Valla - Niles would have felt... something? They didn't really kill people anymore, not when the two - three - nations were at peace. What did Niles have against the victim?
"... Yeah, let's tie him up. That way he can't hurt anyone else."


He looked down at Niles with the same look of hatred he gave the man before the fates of their nations were tied together.

"Lord Xander is going to be really disappointed, huh?"

"Sorry, Yona. After someone just died I don't think it's appropriate to go dancing."

Thank goodness.


"I don't trust the food here. But I want to go exploring to see if there's anything interesting."

"Or a way to get out of here."

He looked at the red haired girl, Rinkah and Charlotte. "What say you?"

@Hana @The Myrmidon @Yun Lee @Midnight Maiden
Of course. Of. Fucking. Course. When one of Niles' swords wasn't causing problems, the other was. And now she looked bad! Being from Nohr and all...damned party! She just wanted to wear a nice dress and have a good time...but now she had to drag this lech back home to face justice.

"...well," Charlotte's facade was totally gone. "Not like I'm gonna get to enjoy the party now. Let's find a way out, I guess."

@The Myrmidon @Sen @Takumi @Hospes​
Huh well...there you go. Not like Fenris had voted or anything, or outright accused this Niles person as the perpetrator, but it appeared he had been the killer. "Perhaps now the killings will end?" Fenris responded aloud, very doubtful that was the case.

"Exploring seems like a good bet." He responded to Ike. "Perhaps we can find away to escape this nightmare?"

@Verite @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Exploring
Fandral the Dashing

Fandral had stayed mostly quiet after the murder and inquisition afterword's. He was thoroughly amazed when the one person suspected was actually the killer. One thing stayed in his mind though. When asked, the fellow said he was one of the traitors, certainly implying that there was more than one. Even to such as he, this was a grim thought.

Them there was the teleportation. someone took them from the first place, where at least a couple of people knew where they were, to a new place where no one did. Again, evidence of a greater plot. Exploring was a fine idea indeed.

" I agree, we should explore this place. We should do so in groups though, for our protection. Even a mighty warrior can be laid low with treachery".

Verite @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Exploring
Youhei Sunohara
@Verite @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Gands @Hospes


Sunohara evidently looked worn out from all this thinking he had to do... It was apparent it wasn't his strong suit, but sadly he didn't even have time to change his vote by the time things had run their course.

On the bright side, it would seem that the majority vote revealed a killer in their midst! Well, not really on the bright side, as the fact that there were people out to kill others was pretty disconcerting to say the least.

Once everything was said and done though, he felt far from well... Hungry, seeming to have lost his appetite from the recent events.

So instead, he figured he'd explore the place, hopefully finding something to occupy himself with... Who knows what sort of trouble he could get himself into?​

As far as those exploring went, they had a few options as far as where to go. There was an upstairs area, a balcony, and the main floor. One could probably try searching the main floor for a door to leave.

@Sen @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Atomyk @Yun Lee @The Myrmidon @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
Joke's on y'all that ate.

Dark Magician Girl got turned into a Dark Magician Boy and Gowther would find himself with... a cute little halo. Awww.

@Verite @Bomb

"What happened to my body? What happened to my boobs?" The DMG.... excuse me... the DMS (Dark Magician Shota) looked at her... or his... new body.

"Ehehe, see? This one gets it," Krul chimed, moving up to Gowther briefly. "What's the issue with punishing the sinful human for what he did? Or perhaps you'd rather reward him as the other one said, being as you humans enjoy killing others so much." Admittedly, it wasn't hard to tell she was amused by the situation, finding the whole thing extremely satisfying to her senses.


"Quit talking like that!" Mabel exclaimed, looking completely horrified and devastated by the conversation and situation at hand. "Seriously, humans aren't like that at all! And nobody else should die! Nobody..." she trailed off, unable to even speak through the pain she felt in her heart. It was overwhelming, and she struggled to sort out what she wanted to say in her head and to transfer it off of her tongue. "...Killer or not, we can't kill him, too. It's like Luke said. If we did that, we wouldn't be any better. Besides, do you people really want more lives to be taken...?" she trailed off again, looking pained by the very thought. So it was only natural that she freaked out when Dark Mage started aiming knives at Niles. "H-hey! Stop it!--"

Before she could say more, in the midst of rushing to Dark Magician to try to stop him, Mabel found herself cut off by Trevor, who stepped in her way in the process. "G-get out of the way, he's going to hurt him!" she pleaded, trying to pass the male and failing. "Please! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!" she more or less begged, words abruptly cut off when Trevor stuck his finger right in her face, uncomfortably close to her. Her eyes widened at the action, more pain only coming to them when the man went into his accusations. "..What?" it was a bare, pained whisper as she stared at him with horror. "What are you saying...?" she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes once again. Keep the tears back, Mabel! You heard what Luke told you earlier... You have to keep it together... she tried to reason with herself, trying her damndest to hold back the tears.

And failing.

"Do you even hear what you're saying...? 'Delightful murders'? What kind of person finds murder delightful?" she asked, voice filled with pain. "Yeah, I was... I was in a situation like this. I was twelve. My friends died! Do you know what that's like? Watching people you care about die, knowing you weren't able to save them?" she asked, voice growing slightly in intensity and with it, her tears doing the same. With every word, she remembered the situation with more and more clarity, struggling more and more to maintain composure. She was trembling, looking like she might just fall over right then and there and assume a fetal position.


"...Please stop fighting."

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Stayinfolk​
"Then what do you suggest we do?"

@hospes @everyone else cuz fuck it​

"Hm. This nightmare will be over before it even began." Ike figured searching the main floor was the best idea for now, at least until possible escape routes had been exhausted.

@Sen @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @Yun Lee @The Myrmidon @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Main Floor

Fenris followed the blue haired man, he seemed to have a solid head on those massive shoulders of his. "You're far more optimistic then I am." He responded.

Midchapter Update- OverlyAttached Thomas and Stiles may go exploring

Thomas looked over at Theresa with some adorable puppy dog eyes. " Yeah, I wouldn't eat anything either. I am thinking of exploring, but I don't exactly want to separate from you. it just happened that the last time we did that, you kind of nearly killed me and then died. I just don't want that to happen again," he said.

Glancing over her shoulder when she found herself being addressed by Thomas, Teresa paused, simply staring at him with an unreadable expression. For a long while she was like this, staring at his face, taking the sight of him in- almost like she was in a trance. His words stirred something in her, making it hard to do anything else. So... It was you... For just a while longer, she stared, only to suddenly snap out of it.

"...Uhh, yeah. Right," she murmured, abruptly breaking her gaze away from his with something like mild embarrassment. "I..." she trailed off for a moment, unsure what to say. She had so many questions. So many things she wanted to know. No, so many things she wanted to remember. But she couldn't help but feel it'd be wrong of her to just pry, after all she knew she'd done to him if this really was the boy missing from her memories. "...I'm sorry." With only a moment of hesitation, her hand instinctively moved to rub the back of her neck- where her label laid -as she stared at the floor. "I'm sorry for what I did to you... For everything I did to you. Even if I can't remember it all."

A few moments after her apology had been spoken, Teresa fumbled, unsure what to do or say now. She felt awkward and out of her depth, and very frustrated with the fact she couldn't remember him. Or, well, anything about him. She only remembered how much she'd loved him, and how much she had hurt him.

Kind of sucked, having those two things be the only thing you could recall about someone.


"Hm. This nightmare will be over before it even began." Ike figured searching the main floor was the best idea for now, at least until possible escape routes had been exhausted.

@Sen @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @Yun Lee @The Myrmidon @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Main Floor
Fenris followed the blue haired man, he seemed to have a solid head on those massive shoulders of his. "You're far more optimistic then I am." He responded.

As far as the main floor went, there was a throne room, the dining hall they'd come to in, and what appeared to be an entrance hall. And, you know, bathrooms and stuff. Less important things. If they were to head to the entrance hall, they'd find a rather large, grand door with intricate designs strewn all over it....

....That wouldn't seem to budge.

@Jeremi @Atomyk
Ike reached the door first, and once he found that it would not budge... well, Ike didn't feel there was any door that could hold him. He lifted Ragnell high into the air, speaking to Fenris as he approached.


"It was foolish of them to leave me with Ragnell." Ike then slashed down, sending out a shockwave of fire and energy hurtling at the door.

@Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @Main Floor
Fandral of Asgard

" I'm going to head upstairs, hopefully someone will head up there with me. "

With that, Fandral made ready to head up the stairs. Casting one final glance at the people in the room in general,.

@Midnight Maiden @upstairs

As far as those exploring went, they had a few options as far as where to go. There was an upstairs area, a balcony, and the main floor. One could probably try searching the main floor for a door to leave.

@Sen @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Atomyk @Yun Lee @The Myrmidon @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
Fandral of Asgard

" I'm going to head upstairs, hopefully someone will head up there with me. "

With that, Fandral made ready to head up the stairs. Casting one final glance at the people in the room in general,.

@Midnight Maiden @upstairs

Takumi watched as a handful of the others who decided to explore head towards the Main Hall.

He decided to go upstairs to cover more ground.

"I'm gonna go this way."

@Midnight Maiden @Gands @The Mymidon @Yun Lee @Hana @EXPLORING​
Well, luckily, Kaiba wasn't exactly 'threatening' in his current state. Nonetheless, it wasn't like Blendin wasn't aware of what demons children could be. He'd dealt with the no-good Dipper and Mabel before, after all! But even so. "...W-we're working on it," Blendin assured, steadily, not seeming intimidated by the boy. "But you'll have to be patient, ehh-ehhhh... W-we can't just instantly fix you. Not without a time-wish from the time baby, and there's no way we're just going to stumble upon one of those," he explained. "We'll have to build a new time device to correct your agi-- huh?"

Pausing suddenly, Blendin's gaze turned to the door of the room, evidently having heard something. "...Oh, dang it. Seems like your friends arrived sooner than anticipated..." he muttered, shaking his head before pulling out Kaiba's equipment from a pocket on his jumpsuit-- who knew how it fit there, but hey. "Here. I presume you'll want these back," he mused, handing the things back to little Kaiba. If the poor thing could even hold them anymore. "We need to go. But be careful... There's something big going on... Bigger than you'd understand! Nyeh, nyehhhhh...." Blendin muttered and moaned as he stepped backwards into the shadows, before simply vanishing.


@Crimson Spartan
Little Kaiba had to play around with his duel disk to fit it on his arm. However even managing to attach it to his arm he still had to use both hands to support it. Anyways at the notion of beings approaching from Blendin got Kaiba thinking of a way to delay the enemy. Of course when he looked back he noticed Blendin had stepped back into the shadows and supposedly disappeared. Well Kaiba had no other plans to he attempted to follow where Blendin had gone. Why did this have to happen to him...? What did he even do to deserve this fate. Well at least he had his Blue-Eyes back safely in his deck.

@Midnight Maiden

As far as those exploring went, they had a few options as far as where to go. There was an upstairs area, a balcony, and the main floor. One could probably try searching the main floor for a door to leave.

@Sen @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Atomyk @Yun Lee @The Myrmidon @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
"I'll head to the balcony... And stay safe, Charlotte. You as well, Lord Takumi."

@Sen @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Atomyk @Yun Lee @The Myrmidon @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
Fandral of Asgard

" I'm going to head upstairs, hopefully someone will head up there with me. "

With that, Fandral made ready to head up the stairs. Casting one final glance at the people in the room in general,.

@Midnight Maiden @upstairs

Takumi watched as a handful of the others who decided to explore head towards the Main Hall.

He decided to go upstairs to cover more ground.

"I'm gonna go this way."

@Midnight Maiden @Gands @The Mymidon @Yun Lee @Hana @EXPLORING​
Little Kaiba had to play around with his duel disk to fit it on his arm. However even managing to attach it to his arm he still had to use both hands to support it. Anyways at the notion of beings approaching from Blendin got Kaiba thinking of a way to delay the enemy. Of course when he looked back he noticed Blendin had stepped back into the shadows and supposedly disappeared. Well Kaiba had no other plans to he attempted to follow where Blendin had gone. Why did this have to happen to him...? What did he even do to deserve this fate. Well at least he had his Blue-Eyes back safely in his deck.

@Midnight Maiden
Blendin appeared to be gone, bitch.

As for those who went upstairs would more or less find vast hall with many a door... One of which, tiny little footsteps could be heard in.

@Crimson Spartan

@Takumi @Gands @UpstairsCrew
Ike reached the door first, and once he found that it would not budge... well, Ike didn't feel there was any door that could hold him. He lifted Ragnell high into the air, speaking to Fenris as he approached.


"It was foolish of them to leave me with Ragnell." Ike then slashed down, sending out a shockwave of fire and energy hurtling at the door.

@Jeremi @Midnight Maiden @Main Floor

Holy blade or not, the door shuddered briefly from the force, but did not seem to waver. No cracks or signs of it giving into the force could be seen. He was welcome to keep trying, should he wish, but it was unlikely the thing would budge. Perhaps it was enchanted somehow....

@Jeremi @Atomyk @EntranceHall​

"Ehehe, see? This one gets it," Krul chimed, moving up to Gowther briefly. "What's the issue with punishing the sinful human for what he did? Or perhaps you'd rather reward him as the other one said, being as you humans enjoy killing others so much." Admittedly, it wasn't hard to tell she was amused by the situation, finding the whole thing extremely satisfying to her senses.


"Quit talking like that!" Mabel exclaimed, looking completely horrified and devastated by the conversation and situation at hand. "Seriously, humans aren't like that at all! And nobody else should die! Nobody..." she trailed off, unable to even speak through the pain she felt in her heart. It was overwhelming, and she struggled to sort out what she wanted to say in her head and to transfer it off of her tongue. "...Killer or not, we can't kill him, too. It's like Luke said. If we did that, we wouldn't be any better. Besides, do you people really want more lives to be taken...?" she trailed off again, looking pained by the very thought. So it was only natural that she freaked out when Dark Mage started aiming knives at Niles. "H-hey! Stop it!--"

Before she could say more, in the midst of rushing to Dark Magician to try to stop him, Mabel found herself cut off by Trevor, who stepped in her way in the process. "G-get out of the way, he's going to hurt him!" she pleaded, trying to pass the male and failing. "Please! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!" she more or less begged, words abruptly cut off when Trevor stuck his finger right in her face, uncomfortably close to her. Her eyes widened at the action, more pain only coming to them when the man went into his accusations. "..What?" it was a bare, pained whisper as she stared at him with horror. "What are you saying...?" she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes once again. Keep the tears back, Mabel! You heard what Luke told you earlier... You have to keep it together... she tried to reason with herself, trying her damndest to hold back the tears.

And failing.

"Do you even hear what you're saying...? 'Delightful murders'? What kind of person finds murder delightful?" she asked, voice filled with pain. "Yeah, I was... I was in a situation like this. I was twelve. My friends died! Do you know what that's like? Watching people you care about die, knowing you weren't able to save them?" she asked, voice growing slightly in intensity and with it, her tears doing the same. With every word, she remembered the situation with more and more clarity, struggling more and more to maintain composure. She was trembling, looking like she might just fall over right then and there and assume a fetal position.


"...Please stop fighting."

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @thatguyinthestore @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Stayinfolk​
Trevor stood there with a brow raised as if Mabel was now speaking some weird alien language.

"Umm, when is murder not delightful? I'd say that you're around... fifteen? Oh, and just because you were twelve doesn't give you an excuse. Me? I'd burned down my first shopping mall by the time I was five. Oh and I played hockey too. At least until the coach ended up with a stick jammed up his ass, which may or may not have been me." He listened to her talk a bit more, nodding as she spoke. When she was finished Trevor pulled up a chair and sat down. "Yeah, as a matter'a fact I do know what that's like." He spoke in a quieter tone than before, one that you didn't know that Trevor could speak in. "My old running buddies, Michael and Brad. We were on a job. Seemed like it could go off without a hitch, but then someone fuckin' talked. Feds came and cornered us at this nearby house. Michael was shot and killed and Brad was sent to prison. Or at least that's what I thought happened..." Trevor then balled up his fists and stood up yet again. He began pacing around like a madman, which fit his character well at least. "But then ten years later another job happens and someone in Los Santos is still using Michael's old tired-ass movie quotes. Turns out that Michael was never fucking dead and Brad was the one who died. I grieved for him! Bought himself a nice mansion. Some more shit happened, we became billionaires and now we're here."

@Midnight Maiden
Blendin appeared to be gone, bitch.

As for those who went upstairs would more or less find vast hall with many a door... One of which, tiny little footsteps could be heard in.

@Crimson Spartan

Thinking quickly Kaiba took a card from his deck. It turned out to his Vorse Raider monster card. He figured he could use it as a distraction while he tried to figure out somewhere to hide or even escape without being seen. Placing the monster card on his own activated duel disk Kaiba watched as the hologram of the monster appeared before him.


The hologram of the monster simply stood there while Kaiba tried to locate a hiding spot. He went about his movements slowly trying to remain as quiet as possible.

@Midnight Maiden
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