Murder House

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Jake wondered into the attic of the home. It was pretty large for its size. It was just old was his only issue. He looked up. There was a small opening in the ceiling with a ladder leading up to the roof. He could always sit on the ceiling. That Nova bitch really pushed some buttons. He never reacted to a girl like this. He gripped the latter heading up onto the roof and sitting there. It was not as cold outside as it was inside but he didn't care. He needed to be far from that Nova chick. He wished to leave but the jump was too far down. Not just that his sister was still inside and there car destroyed. He sat back and leaned onto his hands. Then his phone buzzed. He quickly took it out. He had service out here! It was Charlotte..his stalker. But he could use anyone.

"Jake! Ive been dialing you for hours! WHere the hell are you?"
Quickly he explained to her how himself and Eve ended up in a house full of ghost stuck.

"I cant believe this.." Charlotte said into the phone. "Eve has a boyfriend?"

Jake groaned. "That's not the point. The point is you need to get in your damn car, drive up here, and get us out."
"Just be here by noon." he hung up and lyed back. Theyd be out sooner or later.
As soon as he left the table, Nova burst out laughing. Loud, obnoxious, cackling laughter. After a couple minutes she calmed down, picking up her cigarette. "That was too funny. Did you see his face? Oh my God." She brought the cigarette to her lips, lightly tinted the remnants yesterday's lipstick. "Fucking priceless."
Aleks looked back at nova with a bit less blush on his face. " Yea, that was great! But you should still not toy with him much. He seems pissed... And I do not want to " He pulls up his arms and does quotations in the air with his fingers, " Take a peek. "

Aleks finishes his plate and then walks over to the kitchen skin to put his plate in the sink, then he walks back and sits next to nova again with his best ( Not good but best) Poker face on, a light bit of pink around his face from novas comment.
Aleks looked back at nova with a bit less blush on his face. " Yea, that was great! But you should still not toy with him much. He seems pissed... And I do not want to " He pulls up his arms and does quotations in the air with his fingers, " Take a peek. "

Aleks finishes his plate and then walks over to the kitchen skin to put his plate in the sink, then he walks back and sits next to nova again with his best ( Not good but best) Poker face on, a light bit of pink around his face from novas comment.
"Yeah, he's got a boner for 'Roura, I can tell," Nova replied, "too bad it's never gonna happen."

She took a drag of her cigarette, flicking it into the ashtray, still laughing to herself about Jake storming out of the room. "So, you never told me. What's in the oven that you don't want anyone to see?" she asked when Aleks sat back down.
Aleks watched nova get up and flick her cigarette into the ashtray and sit back down. " It was going to be dinner for everyone. But jake does not really seem like he wants to eat. For what is in the oven, It is just a turkey that was on sale the last time I was out. Go ahead and get it if you wish." After a moment of silence... " What did you take from that box in my room?"
Aleks watched nova get up and flick her cigarette into the ashtray and sit back down. " It was going to be dinner for everyone. But jake does not really seem like he wants to eat. For what is in the oven, It is just a turkey that was on sale the last time I was out. Go ahead and get it if you wish." After a moment of silence... " What did you take from that box in my room?"
"Pack of cigarettes with my name on them. I have aquestion about that, actually," Nova replied, turning in her chair to face Aleks. "How did you remember my birthday? I never do. Then again, it's been a long time since I actually aged...."

She looked briefly at the oven, sighed, and shook her head. "I don't wanna get up."
Aleks kinda backs away from nova nervously and speaks in a slight stutter " I-I umm... I.. W-Well you see... I kinda remembered that... I have no idea what that you are talking about..." Then he clears his throat, " Yea, I do not remember having a pack with your name on it in that box. " Then almost on command, a piece of paper flew out of his pocket and landed on the space in between them. Slowly aleks tries to bend over and pick up the piece of paper. ( It has the pack and all of the food on there.) Trying not to pull her attention to the paper.
Aleks kinda backs away from nova nervously and speaks in a slight stutter " I-I umm... I.. W-Well you see... I kinda remembered that... I have no idea what that you are talking about..." Then he clears his throat, " Yea, I do not remember having a pack with your name on it in that box. " Then almost on command, a piece of paper flew out of his pocket and landed on the space in between them. Slowly aleks tries to bend over and pick up the piece of paper. ( It has the pack and all of the food on there.) Trying not to pull her attention to the paper.
As she looked down, planning to pull the pack out of her bra and show him, Nova saw the paper fall. "What's that?" she asked, quickly snatching it up and looking at it. "A list? Food... more food... crap for the house... HA! Here we are."

She turned the list around, pointing at the bottom. "'Nova's cigarettes.' Underlined and circled, even."
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Aleks this time even more shocked than before, got up and started backing up almost tripping over his chair. " I uh, aurora made me, uh, get that for you. And she really wanted me to remember. So... I... I remember I have a few things that I need to fix in the bathroom." Then he almost runs out of the dining room and down the stairs to the boiler room to get some planks. Then as fast as he came down he came back up and went to the bathroom that he more or less broke and started looking around at the damage he needed to fix.
Annie's eyes were wide. Two new strangers had just paraded on down from upstairs. She shrank back into her chair, clutching the pancakes Aleks had given her for dear life. The guy was intimidating and scary. The girl scared her because she was a stranger, but Annie had to admit- at least she didn't scare her as much as Nova. Annie was used to Nova, but Nova stilled scared her. Just a tiny bit.

Annie took quick bites into her pancake. Aurora wan't there to comfort her. She was all cried out from last night, so she could only be scared and shrink lower into her chair. If she could disappear, she would.
Aleks this time even more shocked than before, got up and started backing up almost tripping over his chair. " I uh, aurora made me, uh, get that for you. And she really wanted me to remember. So... I... I remember I have a few things that I need to fix in the bathroom." Then he almost runs out of the dining room and down the stairs to the boiler room to get some planks. Then as fast as he came down he came back up and went to the bathroom that he more or less broke and started looking around at the damage he needed to fix.
It had been a long time since Richard had actually manifested but they were getting to crazy. He couldn't stand all that noise and the drinking. Those stupid ghosts were using their powers to eat and drink, holding onto fragile mortality. He shifted inside the basement and could hear them laughing upstairs. Their attempts to remain human were futile. They should embrace their immortality and realize that things aren't going to get better. Yet those idiots couldn't even do that and it was starting to get on his nerves this was his house and those idiots couldn't even respect that! He had claimed countless lives even after his death and it seemed like it was time for him to start having some fun again.
Richard moved around in the basement when one of the mortals entered grabbed some wood and then leaving as quickly as he had entered. Richard followed him up the stairs maintaining some distance but when he say him alone in the restroom he couldn't resist. He started to pull the heat, light, and electricity from the room as he created his physical body.
He imagined his new body and forced it to form so that it would look like a man whose head was bald and skin was a grey cream color; Black veins could be seen under the skin full of dry blood; Barbed wire was wrapped around the chest and was wrapped so tight that it pierced down to the bone, causing black blood to pour from the wound; Barbed wire was also wrapped around the knee caps, elbows, eyes, and waist the same way; his lips had been cut off leaving the yellow teeth exposed; The gums were dried and black blood oozing out scars in the gums.
Then he moved his new jaw and spoke in a whisper that would barely reach the intruder. It would sound close enough to hear but far enough away that it would be hard to clearly understand.
"Leave this place now. Leave it or parish." He had not given Nova, the drunk, or Annie, the girl, a luxury warning. He had just claimed their lives. This man should consider himself lucky.
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All aleks heard was leave, place and parish. he responded with " If your parished for food there is a turkey in the oven. And stop wining about the dang house being locked. We are still locked in here for about a week. " He keeps working, looking around the door frame.
The man's response offended Richard who decided to start slowly moving forward carrying a unnatural cold around him. He made himself louder this time yelling and filling the entire house with his voice.
"Leave now or die!" If the human decided to respond with the same smart ass remark Richard wouldn't spare him and simply kill him on the spot like he had his previous victims.
Aleks finally turns around and looks at the barbed wire man. But before he turns around he says " Geese man if have to go to the bathroom that much just ask you do not have too.." Aleks now decides to turn around..." Yell..." Reacting on impusle he opens the bathroom door and slams it behind him. Then for some reason he jumps in the shower and draws the curtain closed.

Aleks state of mind: " I'm fucked. " He is now hyperventilating. Halfway to mental breakdown.
Richard approached the door and started banging on it. He changed his voice again this time to echo throughout the room.
"Enough!" It repeated bouncing off the walls of the bathroom. He continued banging over and over until he felt satisfied then he dematerialized causing a black mist to fill the room and pour under the bathroom door. His spirit traveled through the door and looked at the man cowering int he shower and he started to laugh. He couldn't kill him yet he was going to be to much fun.
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After Aleks left the dining room, Nova set her cigarette down and finished her food. It had gotten cold in the house. Really cold. At first, when she started to notice the chill, she chalked it up to the fact that she wasn't wearing any pants and kept on eating.

"So fuckin' cold," she muttered, getting up to take her plate to the kitchen. "I'm gonna go find Aleks. I think the pilot light might be out on the heater."

As she walked to the bathroom, the house seemed to grow colder. It was like the cold originated at the bathroom. She reached for the doorknob - it felt like a ball of ice. She turned the knob, pulling at the door. It wouldn't even budge. She tried jiggling the handle, yanking on the door - it worked last time - but the door just wouldn't open.

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Richard heard someone fiddling with the door. He didn't care who it was at the moment and he moved closer to the shower and pressed his hand against the curtain pushing it towards Aleks.
"You're going to die in this house. I will lock you in here and trap you with us. You'll just be another spirit here like the rest of us." He could see that the curtain was getting close to his face and then he heard her speak. It was Nova. With a wicked smile he simply abandoned his physical body. It dissipated into air and he forced his spirit through the floor and returned to the basement leaving Aleks alone in the restroom and releasing the energy back into the house. He was having to much fun and he had to make sure that he wouldn't get to out of control he wanted to keep this Aleks alive.
Richard heard someone fiddling with the door. He didn't care who it was at the moment and he moved closer to the shower and pressed his hand against the curtain pushing it towards Aleks.
"You're going to die in this house. I will lock you in here and trap you with us. You'll just be another spirit here like the rest of us." He could see that the curtain was getting close to his face and then he heard her speak. It was Nova. With a wicked smile he simply abandoned his physical body. It dissipated into air and he forced his spirit through the floor and returned to the basement leaving Aleks alone in the restroom and releasing the energy back into the house. He was having to much fun and he had to make sure that he wouldn't get to out of control he wanted to keep this Aleks alive.
Suddenly, the house started to go back to normal. The air warmed, the doorknob thawed and Nova was able to open the bathroom door.

When she stepped inside, she opened the curtain and found Aleks crouched in the corner of the shower stall, seemingly distraught. Seeing him like this made something stir in her - she actually gave a fuck for once. Stepping into the stall, she knelt down beside him.

"Alek? Are you okay?" she asked cautiously, her voice taking on a quiet, caring tone not unlike the one Aroura used when calming Annie during one of her tantrums. It was one she rarely used, let alone used sincerely.
"N-no... Some, some THING. appeared behind me and forced me into the bathroom. I.. I cant be here anymore. He wants to kill me." aleks starts rocking back and forth. Now shaking wildly.

Mental break SOON.
"N-no... Some, some THING. appeared behind me and forced me into the bathroom. I.. I cant be here anymore. He wants to kill me." aleks starts rocking back and forth. Now shaking wildly.
Mental break SOON.
Nova put her arm around Aleks. "Hey, you're okay now. I dunno what you saw, but it's gone now. I'm here. I've got you."
Aleks kinda jumped at the touch of nova's arm around him. Now that his mind has almost broken down or what he thought it already did. " I-I do not think that I can... live... here anymore..." He trailed off to try and not have nova hear him. But aleks undoubtedly knew she would hear him. You could almost see the tears running down his face if he did not put his head in between his legs.

Aleks mental state: Calming down. Near mental break, crying, violent shaking. Aleks thoughts: I have to leave this house.
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