Murder House

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Aleks kept rubbing her back, really hoping this is helping. "I know you do nova, I know you do." He tried to put himself into novas shoes, except for the barbed wire man encounter of his own. He did not know what true terror is.
This was true terror.
Nova swallowed thickly and looked up at Aleks, her eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot from crying. "You.. you aren't really going to leave... are you?"
Aleks thought for a moment. if he left. Its not like the ghost will let him first of all, and if he did all of the others would suffer. But He would live.

if he stays, he will die. He might not even come back as a spirit.

He thought long and hard as long as ten seconds could. " I... I..." A few tears rolled down his face. " I might just die before I can." This almost killed him to say this. He could not really come up with a reason to stay. But he could not also come up with a reason to leave either.
Aleks thought for a moment. if he left. Its not like the ghost will let him first of all, and if he did all of the others would suffer. But He would live.
if he stays, he will die. He might not even come back as a spirit.
He thought long and hard as long as ten seconds could. " I... I..." A few tears rolled down his face. " I might just die before I can." This almost killed him to say this. He could not really come up with a reason to stay. But he could not also come up with a reason to leave either.
She brought a hand to her face, rubbing one eye and then the other. She was still shaking, but she was done crying for the most part. "You can't do that. I need you here, and alive...." she sniffled, and hiccuped. "I need you."
This is about the first time, no, second time anyone really NEEDED him for anything. He seemed to only be needed by dead things or soon to be dead things. The only other person to say that is his father once he fell off of that roof. " Son, be strong for me. Take care of ma." his father said to him. His last words before he died...

But the fact that he is hearing these words again scared him. Mainly because it was his fathers last words, but now this time. They actually meant something. To avoid talking to nova, still trying to process this through his mind. he yelled out to parker. " Hey! Are you ok? How are ya doing?"
The shout from the other room caused Parker to jerk while he was stitching the wounds on his face and made him jab the needle deeper into his wound. "Ouch! F**k!" Grunting he yelled, "I'm f**king peachy!" He was about half done, and he had already soaked most of the clean rags he had been using to clean up the blood. It looked like the aftermath of a battle with all of the bloody rags and thread laying around. Like a group of men just came back to get themselves sewn back together just to go out and do it again. Parker was beginning to feel like he was a living, breathing stuffed toy from all of the stitching he had put into himself.
Poor guy aleks thought, no way he was going to fight this thing and come back living. Or with an arm. " There is some whiskey in the kitchen if you want to numb the pain. And I think there is also a medical box in there too. No idea were that would be, so you would have to look for it." The medical box should be more or less full, its not like ghosts really needed medical treatment, and aleks only got cuts usually.

Turning his attention back to nova, he coughed and replied, " Even if I die I will still be here... Do not worry, if I am going to die, I am taking parker and Barbie Girl with me. " For some reason he thought trying to crack a joke right now would be the best idea. To try and lighten the mood.
Annie, when she had disappeared, had disappeared to the basement.

She had never met the Phillip guy before, and she had been in this house for a long time. She hoped to find answers about Richard. Why Richard had killed her. Where Richard was. She had so many questions swirling in her head.

The first thing Annie established when she walked into the basement that it was creepy as fuck. And cold. And dark. Annie wrapped her arms around herself, and she squeezed her teddy bear. Annie took a small step forward, her feet hitting the cold concrete that made up the floor of the basement. It was hard for her to see, despite her having ghostly powers. She was drained. Her powers had been released when she got upset. Right now, Annie really needed to sleep to regain her powers, but she fought through the grogginess. She needed to speak with Phillip.

Annie kept walking forward. The basement was wide open, but the various junk, beer bottles, and drugs scattered around it from past visitors made it hard to navigate through. There were bookshelves and couches placed to make her follow some sort of path. Why Phillip had made himself take residence in this part of the house, Annie had no clue. Something was up.

Annie took another step forward and felt the ground disappear from under her. She gasped and tried to fall back onto solid ground, but nothing was there. If she hadn't used up her powers that quickly, she would've been able to make herself float. So Annie fell into the pit. She fell and she fell and she fell.
Turning his attention back to nova, he coughed and replied, " Even if I die I will still be here... Do not worry, if I am going to die, I am taking parker and Barbie Girl with me. " For some reason he thought trying to crack a joke right now would be the best idea. To try and lighten the mood.
Nova gave him a weak smile. "You just stay alive for as long as you can, okay?"
Aleks pats novas head and rubs the back of her neck slightly. " I will try girl, I will try." It seems like this is working. He must be learning for aurora somehow.
Aleks pats novas head and rubs the back of her neck slightly. " I will try girl, I will try." It seems like this is working. He must be learning for aurora somehow.
Now mostly clamed down, Nova looked around. Most of the surfaces were smeared with Parker's blood. When she looked at herself, she found that she was, too. "Gross."
" I know, I have to clean all of this too. " Aleks lets his head hit the wall with a slight thump, and water starts to drip from the shower head. Just a slight drip. The white noise is too loud to really hear the drips.
" I know, I have to clean all of this too. " Aleks lets his head hit the wall with a slight thump, and water starts to drip from the shower head. Just a slight drip. The white noise is too loud to really hear the drips.
"I dunno about all of it, I just want it off me," Nova replied, pulling the soaked fabric of her sweatshirt away from her body. "Ew... never wearing this again..."
As the pipes start to work the water starts to flow and pour all over aleks, semi cleaning him. " Well then." He really did not mind the water. If anything he found it relaxing. He closed his eyes and just settled in, and with a sigh of happy-ness he was calm for the first time within the last hour or so.
As the pipes start to work the water starts to flow and pour all over aleks, semi cleaning him. " Well then." He really did not mind the water. If anything he found it relaxing. He closed his eyes and just settled in, and with a sigh of happy-ness he was calm for the first time within the last hour or so.
Once the water turned on, Nova stood, peeling off her bloodied shirt and holding it under the showerhead. Red-tinted water flowed off the shirt and on to Aleks, whose presence she'd momentarily forgotten about in her need to get all of that blood off her.
Aleks feels the blood drop onto him so then he opens his eyes to see a pantsless and shirt less nova. Mainly embarrassed but also the feeling of blood running down him he closes his eyes again. " You... You know I am still down here right? And you are uhh, clothes less. I-I did not see anything! I swear! " smooth one aleks he thought to himself.
Nova looked down at Aleks, laughing a little. "Oh, man, I'm sorry... I didn't get it in your eyes did I? That shit hurts."
Crouching down in front of him, she used the wet, mostly-clean sweatshirt in her hand to wipe the bloody water off Aleks's face. "There we go. Better now?"
Once Richard's physical form had been destroyed he returned to the basement to see the small girl wandering and then she fell. He moved over to the edge of the pit and looked down to see her. He smirked and started to speak.
"Well I hope you're enjoying the fall?" He sat down on the edge letting his feet dangle off the edge. He put his hands behind his head and smiled. His smile faded quickly and he stood up. He had gotten beaten by a mortal. The thought lingered for several minutes as he paced. He may have lost against that brute but he wouldn't lose against that Aleks kid. He knew exactly what he had to do to restore his power. He needed the flesh of caretaker and the strength of the brute and then one other thing that eluded him. He moved around the basement wondering how he was going to kill the poor caretaker. Then a wonderfully devious idea crawled into his mind, insanity. He wouldn't kill Aleks, Aleks would kill himself.
He grinned wide and moved back to the pit.
"I'd really like to stay but I have appointments to get to."
Aleks blushed as much as he humanly could and sunk down with his head hitting the ground. " uhh, yea. Thanks. " He tried tried to curl up but his legs touched the back of novas back and then he closed his eyes again. " Im sorry I looked at you. I swear i did not see anything..."
"Eh, It's fine. I'm not self-conscious," she replied, ducking her head under the showerhead to rinse out her long black hair. "It wouldn't bother me even if you did see something. Really."
" but did you ever think that it was strange for me to look at you? " Aleks said softly to himself. He tried looking around for an way to leave, but the water was so relaxing and he is already laying down for the most part. Maybe he should just relax... Let his mind rest.
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