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"I'll head to the evac center." Rosa said. "I... think I can help there."

The one with the assault rifle nodded. "Private Schonherr? You wanna take the Terror Ship?" He asked the other guy. "I'll take these guys to the Evac Center."

The other soldier nodded. "Got it. You guys, follow me. We'll take care of it." He straightened his balaclava and helmet, then checked the ammo.

The Evac Center was a short walk away from the fenced off area. There was a short walk down some stairs into a courtyard with tents that had been set up. It appeared that the evac center was a converted mall, if the signs at the entry were to be believed. Entering inside of the building proper, past two more guards. You were assaulted by...



It seemed the Interior Designer really loved the color yellow. However, the place was packed. People sat on folding chairs, and doctors in lab coats and body-armored soldiers with a new patch walked around the area, making sure people were okay.


In the area, there was a young woman in a police uniform standing around watching the crowd, as well as two lab coated scientists in a back corner, talking quietly. Rosa had gone right to work at tending several wounded in the area.

@Takumi @york @Evac Zone

JD made his way over to the two scientists quietly, intending to listen to their conversation before making his presence known to them. He wasn't entirely sure if what they would say would be useful or related to whatever was going on, but who knew?



@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

"It would have been crueler to let him live."

The words still echoed through Rui's mind even now; even after Azuma had been sent away and the world had shifted and fallen apart around them all, leaving Noembelu, Birdie, Blaze and a number of others who had fallen behind... All in a matter of moments. It was a painful thing to be aware of, that the world kept spinning and everyone on it kept going on with their lives as though someone- multiple someones -hadn't just lost theirs. It was a sobering experience, one that made it hard to focus and make her body move at this point.

But... Maybe Shichika was right.


But no matter how many times his words replayed in her head, her heart couldn't bring itself to listen. Still, with a shuddering breath, she forced herself to climb to her feet and take a step forward. And another after that, and another after that... Soon enough, she managed to get herself moving again. Her feet felt like they had weights attached to them, holding them down, but she still prevailed, aimlessly heading towards the AA Batteries. Slowly, she gained steadiness to her movements once again, dainty hands wiping away her tears as she moved. She couldn't let this all bring her down. She needed to focus. To make sure those left made it safe. Otherwise, all of this death, this loss, this.... devastation. All of it would be for naught--


"...Quit your mopin'."

The interjection was sudden, the footfalls right behind her leading up to it having been completely silent. But Rui didn't visibly startle. Instead, she blinked, glancing over her shoulder at Wes only fleetingly before turning her eyes forward again silently without a word. To think she was typically so talkative, where now, she hadn't a word to be uttered. Which, unfortunately, meant Wes was going to have to fill in. A pain, but considering that Rui was one of few he viewed as kin... Well, he supposed that she was worth it. And so he spoke without terribly strong emotion, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked.

"S'weird, seein' you all depressed. Ain't like you. Isn't... fitting,"
he muttered, frowning faintly. "'Sides, what's the use gettin' so worked up now? It won't change that they're gone. Won't change where we're goin' or how we get there. So isn't it better to... I don't know, focus on keeping moral up, or some shit, for those who are left? Isn't that what you'd tell m--" he rambled reluctantly, almost grudgingly with clear awkwardness, only to be cut off before he could finish his words by a sudden embrace from the redhead at his side. This led to him briefly tensing but, in the end, reluctantly removing his hands from his pockets and less than enthusiastically half-returning the embrace.


"...Thank you, Wes. I'll..- I'll try."

At first, the only response the female received was a scoff, Wes retracting his glove hands and awkwardly allowing them to dangle, before he finally spoke. "...Yeah, don't mention it. Just grab something so you aren't completely defenseless and let's figure out who here we gotta take out," he mumbled, grateful when Rui finally pulled away and gave a small nod before turning to look through the weapons.

....She had no idea what to go for.

@york @Otto @Takumi @AABatteriesSquad​


"Tch, guess we'll have to fight that... somehow..."

A2 commented in her usual tired tone, silently registering the shotgun she picked up into her weapon system. It was hard to say on how to deal with the situation, but the android knew that they were dealing with a machine threat, a threat that she was programmed to eliminate. It might take awhile, but the sudden objective to destroy the Covenant Armor was popping up now.

"... say, if that thing is going to be a problem... I can vouch as a distraction, buy you all time to do something while that big machine is busy with me..."

Well, they had to plan out something, because even A2 knew that instantly going out there was akin to suicide in this case.

@york @Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi

Connor only needed to hear one word to decided where he was going. He was going to AA batteries. He was going to need some sort of armor or weapons besides the left over sword from the first world they had traveled to. As soon as he entered, he went to investigate the stockpile of weapons to see what he could get. After that, he went back to get some "armor".

@Otto @Gands @Gummi Bunnies @york

Supergirl decided to go to the Terror ship to investigate. She also decided to help with back-up.

@Fallen Hope @Minerva @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @york

Shion watched as the covenant armor obliterated the tanks, going through whatever weapons were left he glanced towards the covenant armor every so often to gauge what they had to take out on the large machine.

@york @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @anybody I missed

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?
Eygon had enough of all of this sci-fi gadgetry. Such things shouldn't even exist. He was more than happy to help destroy the Covenant Armor. The problem was choosing between his strength, or his Miracles. He didn't know much about machines, so he wasn't sure if Lightning would be effective on it.

"Tch, guess we'll have to fight that... somehow..."

A2 commented in her usual tired tone, silently registering the shotgun she picked up into her weapon system. It was hard to say on how to deal with the situation, but the android knew that they were dealing with a machine threat, a threat that she was programmed to eliminate. It might take awhile, but the sudden objective to destroy the Covenant Armor was popping up now.

"... say, if that thing is going to be a problem... I can vouch as a distraction, buy you all time to do something while that big machine is busy with me..."

Well, they had to plan out something, because even A2 knew that instantly going out there was akin to suicide in this case.

@york @Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi
"Hmmm, that could work. Do you think Lightning will damage it? If so, I can attack it with a Lightning Stake while you distract it. If not, well...."


He held his great hammer.

"I could try to crush it. I'm not sure how effective that's going to be either, considering its size. It'll take several blows. In this case, I would need to know its weak point."
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JD made his way over to the two scientists quietly, intending to listen to their conversation before making his presence known to them. He wasn't entirely sure if what they would say would be useful or related to whatever was going on, but who knew?



Shion watched as the covenant armor obliterated the tanks, going through whatever weapons were left he glanced towards the covenant armor every so often to gauge what they had to take out on the large machine.

@york @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @anybody I missed

The two scientists would quietly whisper to each other. "... And the information on the autopsy of the second corpse, I transferred the data to high command. We should have several more specimens coming in." The first one said. He looked into a tablet and typed something on it.

The second one nodded. "Got it." She sighed, and leaned against the wall. "Do you know when the evac's coming? We need to get these civvies out of here."

The first one looked up from the tablet. "No idea. Last I heard, the last available transports were working CASEVAC. Until someone clears the area, we're stuck here." He looked back down, and his eyes scanned the screen. "This is a pain. If shit goes south, we got, what? five dozen civvies out there? Six soldiers back here?" He put his hands on the bridge of his nose. "Christ."

JD would get a few side glances from several evacuees, and two uniformed officers would glance, and then not really do anything.

@Takumi @Evac Center
@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

After stocking up on a few grenades, Chara picked up a handgun and one of the assault rifles, along with some extra ammunition. They then proceeded to make their way towards the terror ship.


@york @terrorship @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles, and pistols laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

"That looks like our ticket home, based on the map," Ben says as he looks at the mountain. "Nothing out of the ordinary here."

That was when doll-jointed humanoids popped in to strike.


"Me and my big mouth. First those faceless guys, now creepy dolls? I swear, this is like some sort of horror movie," Ben sighs, "but if they think that's scary, then Toepick's ready to send them back to the fashion store!"

Ben slams his watch down as transformation began. His bones were altered into cartilage-like structures, much like a shark. As his skull was slightly altered with a sharper set of teeth, the back of his skull grew what appeared to be an additional skeleton - the skeletal structure of a fish, it seemed, complete with a tail and all. Finally, his hands and legs grew some fine fins.

The blue creature, seeming to be a little above 1.5 times as tall as Ben, that appeared before all did not appear to be a 'Toepick'. Some of the others might infer that it was a being of the same race as Mipha and Sidon, except sea-hued, for some reason.


"Flailbait!" the blue being exclaimed its name. "Cool! New alien! I asked for Toepick, but I guess this guy can do the trick... once I figure out what he does."

Flailbait, while proceeding to kick and punch the mannequin-like beings, asked the others, "hey, anyone know how to work this guy? I've used this alien like, zero times before."


"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy, wriggling out of Azuma's hands and jumping onto her head, supported her by unleashing a volley of Trump Card onto the mannequins that were targeting her from behind.

"Good job partner!" Flailbait gave a thumbs up. "We'll need to cover more ground. There's quite a lot of them! They're slow but tough, so try to keep a distance if you can!

I should probably follow my own advice, once I figure out how this guy functions..."

@york @BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah
"What the fuck?! Mannequins?!" Birdie wasted no time in getting to the fight. Grabbing one of the enemies with his chains, he would swing it in a wide sweep to knock others back. "Always hated those things..."

Noembelu, meanwhile, ran into the fray, hacking at any and all mannequins in her way.

@york @BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

As much as Dorian, Howlett, and various marines began to advance into the area, it didn't take long for a large group of the creature's to catch sight of them, and multiple roars could be heard throughout the area as the creatures began to swarm them... Which left the crash site itself alot less populated than it was before.

"Light em up!" Cried one of the marines... And with that, the marines they were with opened fire.

Bullets shredded through many of the creatures, but even that didn't seem to stop them... That is, until they sustained severe damage to their chests, which appeared to down them, permanently. Yet it seemed that the horde showed no signs of slowing, with more and more creatures coming from the distance, peppering their general area with weapons fire as they approached.

As they got close enough for melee range... Howlett noticed that they displayed insane feats of strength as they swung at him and the others, possessing some incredible strength, for what looked to be rotting corpses. It was noted that as the fight progressed, they never seemed to stay down until they were either completely dismembered... Or he had cut clean through their chests. Though, it wasn't long before he spotted one of those creature's that appeared to have some sort of energy shielding, perhaps from its strange, alien armor that was still functional rushing towards him... And instead of a conventional projectile weapon, it possessed some sort of energy sword, with which it lunged at him with, the bullets that the marines had fired off towards it seeming to ping off the shield around him.


In the distance however, Dorian noticed a group of weird, bulging creatures lumbering towards the group, slowly... It looked like they were attempting to sneak up on their group while everyone was more or less occupied.


Those who were sneaking into the crash site itself noticed a large mass of the creatures in the area headed out, looks like Dorian and Howlett's distraction worked, for the most part. The only thing was that there was still that creature holding that rocket launcher in the way, along with something... Bigger.


A hulking behemoth of a creature was guarding the entrance to the ship, appearing not to be budging... Looks like they'd have to either fight this things, or just find a way around it, though currently, it didn't look like there was any effective way to avoid it at all.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)


There were quite a few alien creatures lurking around that ship... Enough to block them from their goal, which was the grav lift, and even that Sargeant appeared to be having trouble pushing through, and one could see why;


in addition to their superior weaponry, they also had miniature floating saucer-like machines zooming around the area, bombarding the troops with their lasers, looks like they hay their hands full.

Fortunately, Sonic, and Kara was able to make a good dent in the aliens' numbers, but, unfortunately, it wasn't long before one of the floating machines suddenly advanced towards both Sonic and Kara respectively, aiming to eliminate them... And what's more was that Kara felt something trying to control her mind, an influence that did not have an immediately discernable source, but it sure was persistent...

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Connor was able to scope out a distinct pathway on the midsection of the machine where various alien creatures were perched, and he could just fainltly see an open entrance to the innards of the machine from where he stood before it fired its main cannon again, sweeping it across the field... Forcing him to retreat for the time being, but he did get some valuable intel.

"We've got a Scarab!" Amelia roared in the meantime, clearly having noticed their "little" problem herself.

Hearing A2's proposals, she nodded, pointing towards roughly the top of the machine, where they may be able to see the pathway that Connor spotted earlier.

"Ya gotta get inside that thing! If someone can bust up the generator in there, we can take it down! Since our tanks ain't doing jack to its armor... Our best shot's from inside that Scarab!" She called.

At Eygon's suggestion of crushing it though, Amelia rubbed her chin, her eyes scanning the Scarab as it continued to fire upon the troops in the area, seeming to target tanks, and vehicles transporting explosives or heavy weapons... But it hadn't reached that vehicle they had arrived in just yet, but if it weren't distracted soon, it sure as hell would.

"If we wanna get aboard, we gotta take out its legs, think you can manage it?" She asked.

Come to think of it, Eygon noticed that the Scarab's legs were lacking some protection at the back of their joints, and while it would likely still be able to resist most conventional weapons or explosives... With his strength and his massive hammer, Eygon might just be able to topple the machine, or at the very least, cripple it enough for a little boarding action.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The mannequin creatures seemed to react differently to attacks launched at them; for the most part, Flailbait, Noembelu, and Birdie were successfull in smashing these creatures up... Though some still got up, seeming a little droopier than before.

Yet, Buddy's attacks were not quite so successfull, in fact, frighteningly enough... The mannequins hit by his trump card attacks remained standing, despite drooping a little, and appeared to suddenly stare at Buddy, mimicking his trump card attacks, sending their own volley of eerily similar projectiles flying towards them.

Seeing this, the Blue haired woman's eyes widened, but she kept her hands raised, still seeming to be trying to keep casting whatever spell she had cast on Dio... Which appeared to have made him faster.​
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@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

As much as Dorian, Howlett, and various marines began to advance into the area, it didn't take long for a large group of the creature's to catch sight of them, and multiple roars could be heard throughout the area as the creatures began to swarm them... Which left the crash site itself alot less populated than it was before.

"Light em up!" Cried one of the marines... And with that, the marines they were with opened fire.

Bullets shredded through many of the creatures, but even that didn't seem to stop them... That is, until they sustained severe damage to their chests, which appeared to down them, permanently. Yet it seemed that the horde showed no signs of slowing, with more and more creatures coming from the distance, peppering their general area with weapons fire as they approached.

As they got close enough for melee range... Howlett noticed that they displayed insane feats of strength as they swung at him and the others, possessing some incredible strength, for what looked to be rotting corpses. It was noted that as the fight progressed, they never seemed to stay down until they were either completely dismembered... Or he had cut clean through their chests. Though, it wasn't long before he spotted one of those creature's that appeared to have some sort of energy shielding, perhaps from its strange, alien armor that was still functional rushing towards him... And instead of a conventional projectile weapon, it possessed some sort of energy sword, with which it lunged at him with, the bullets that the marines had fired off towards it seeming to ping off the shield around him.


In the distance however, Dorian noticed a group of weird, bulging creatures lumbering towards the group, slowly... It looked like they were attempting to sneak up on their group while everyone was more or less occupied.


Those who were sneaking into the crash site itself noticed a large mass of the creatures in the area headed out, looks like Dorian and Howlett's distraction worked, for the most part. The only thing was that there was still that creature holding that rocket launcher in the way, along with something... Bigger.


A hulking behemoth of a creature was guarding the entrance to the ship, appearing not to be budging... Looks like they'd have to either fight this things, or just find a way around it, though currently, it didn't look like there was any effective way to avoid it at all.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)


There were quite a few alien creatures lurking around that ship... Enough to block them from their goal, which was the grav lift, and even that Sargeant appeared to be having trouble pushing through, and one could see why;


in addition to their superior weaponry, they also had miniature floating saucer-like machines zooming around the area, bombarding the troops with their lasers, looks like they hay their hands full.

Fortunately, Sonic, and Kara was able to make a good dent in the aliens' numbers, but, unfortunately, it wasn't long before one of the floating machines suddenly advanced towards both Sonic and Kara respectively, aiming to eliminate them... And what's more was that Kara felt something trying to control her mind, an influence that did not have an immediately discernable source, but it sure was persistent...

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Connor was able to scope out a distinct pathway on the midsection of the machine where various alien creatures were perched, and he could just fainltly see an open entrance to the innards of the machine from where he stood before it fired its main cannon again, sweeping it across the field... Forcing him to retreat for the time being, but he did get some valuable intel.

"We've got a Scarab!" Amelia roared in the meantime, clearly having noticed their "little" problem herself.

Hearing A2's proposals, she nodded, pointing towards roughly the top of the machine, where they may be able to see the pathway that Connor spotted earlier.

"Ya gotta get inside that thing! If someone can bust up the generator in there, we can take it down! Since our tanks ain't doing jack to its armor... Our best shot's from inside that Scarab!" She called.

At Eygon's suggestion of crushing it though, Amelia rubbed her chin, her eyes scanning the Scarab as it continued to fire upon the troops in the area, seeming to target tanks, and vehicles transporting explosives or heavy weapons... But it hadn't reached that vehicle they had arrived in just yet, but if it weren't distracted soon, it sure as hell would.

"If we wanna get aboard, we gotta take out its legs, think you can manage it?" She asked.

Come to think of it, Eygon noticed that the Scarab's legs were lacking some protection at the back of their joints, and while it would likely still be able to resist most conventional weapons or explosives... With his strength and his massive hammer, Eygon might just be able to topple the machine, or at the very least, cripple it enough for a little boarding action.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The mannequin creatures seemed to react differently to attacks launched at them; for the most part, Flailbait, Noembelu, and Birdie were successfull in smashing these creatures up... Though some still got up, seeming a little droopier than before.

Yet, Buddy's attacks were not quite so successfull, in fact, frighteningly enough... The mannequins hit by his trump card attacks remained standing, despite drooping a little, and appeared to suddenly stare at Buddy, mimicking his trump card attacks, sending their own volley of eerily similar projectiles flying towards them.

Seeing this, the Blue haired woman's eyes widened, but she kept her hands raised, still seeming to be trying to keep casting whatever spell she had cast on Dio... Which appeared to have made him faster.​

When the monsters come close Howlett's claws popped out as he leaped into action. He fought like a mad man against the flood of monsters. Body parts were flying all over the place. So caught up in the fight that he didn't notice the one with the energy blade before it was too late and stabbed him right through the abdomen.

He fought through the pain and cut off the creatures head but he was still hurting from the wound.​

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Danielle noticed Kara and Sonic was in trouble as she took to the skies with her shield. Grabbing two of the grenades she tried her best to maneuver through the gun fire and toss the grenades at the saucers in an attempt to down them.

@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)​
@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The mannequin creatures seemed to react differently to attacks launched at them; for the most part, Flailbait, Noembelu, and Birdie were successfull in smashing these creatures up... Though some still got up, seeming a little droopier than before.

Yet, Buddy's attacks were not quite so successfull, in fact, frighteningly enough... The mannequins hit by his trump card attacks remained standing, despite drooping a little, and appeared to suddenly stare at Buddy, mimicking his trump card attacks, sending their own volley of eerily similar projectiles flying towards them.

Seeing this, the Blue haired woman's eyes widened, but she kept her hands raised, still seeming to be trying to keep casting whatever spell she had cast on Dio... Which appeared to have made him faster.


"All in a day's work!" Flailbait crossed his arms, before realising that the mannequins rose. "Oh come on, give me a break!"

Flailbait takes a peek at Buddy and Azuma's side of the battle.

"They're copying projectile attacks at full power! But as long as they're lumbering like that, I don't think it'll matter if they copy our physical attacks, though," Flailbait suggests to Noembelu and Birdie, before running towards the mannequins and performing a somersault to kick two of their faces to the ground. He then continues his assault, and while doing so, accidentally unleashes his shoulder-fins as boomerangs, slamming a few mannequins before these fins returned to him.

"That was an accident! But I think I figured out how to use this guy," Flailbait says. "What if... just what if... that's it! Blaze, I might need a bit of assistance, and a bit of firepower..." Flailbait spoke to the Mobian cat, before proceeding to create a green-hued frontal electrical barrier that would proceed to stun and deal damage to any mannequin that touched it.


"I don't know if the little plan in my head will work, neither do I know if there's any indication that it will," Flailbait says to Blaze, "but if it does, then I think a little fire should burn these dolls out in a jiffy! But only the ones that I've hit, though!"

Meanwhile, Buddy was a little astonished by the occurence.

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy seemed to wail at Azuma, while being pushed back at the hits. Swiftly recovering and without any melee attacks at his disposal, Buddy turns to Azuma, shakes his head as if to advise her to stay behind, then rushes forward, evading the consecutive volley of Trump Card-like attacks.

Buddy would rush forward, then take a big leap while between them, hoping that his attempts will cause the mannequins to launch the card-like projectiles at each other.


Next, while smack centre in front of them, Buddy would create a large shadow ball below himself, which would proceed to divide into smaller Shadow Balls. As the volley of Shadow Balls were a Ghost-type moves, they would phase through the Normal-type Trump Card attack as they aimed for the mannequins.

If the mannequins were to mimic the Shadow Balls and slam them upon Buddy, he would take the hit, since Ghost-type attacks did not a thing on Normal-type Pokemon.

@york @BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

OoC Note: Flailbait powers are primarily based on Zora Link's moveset, being a Zora himself.

Also, Flailbait is weak to fire.​
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@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)


There were quite a few alien creatures lurking around that ship... Enough to block them from their goal, which was the grav lift, and even that Sargeant appeared to be having trouble pushing through, and one could see why;


in addition to their superior weaponry, they also had miniature floating saucer-like machines zooming around the area, bombarding the troops with their lasers, looks like they hay their hands full.

Fortunately, Sonic, and Kara was able to make a good dent in the aliens' numbers, but, unfortunately, it wasn't long before one of the floating machines suddenly advanced towards both Sonic and Kara respectively, aiming to eliminate them... And what's more was that Kara felt something trying to control her mind, an influence that did not have an immediately discernable source, but it sure was persistent...

Upon noticing that some floating machines had attempted to attack them, Sonic just looked up at Kara and smirked.

"My, a lot of people are showing up to our party, huh?"

Assuming these things were just AI and there weren't actual people inside them, Sonic jumped on one in hopes that another machine would fire at the one he was standing on. If this were to work, Sonic would then jump off said machine once it was destroyed before unleashing a chain of homing attacks on the others.

Eygon of Carim | @AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @york @Gands @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)
@AA Batteries
Connor was able to scope out a distinct pathway on the midsection of the machine where various alien creatures were perched, and he could just faintly see an open entrance to the innards of the machine from where he stood before it fired its main cannon again, sweeping it across the field... Forcing him to retreat for the time being, but he did get some valuable intel.

"We've got a Scarab!" Amelia roared in the meantime, clearly having noticed their "little" problem herself.

Hearing A2's proposals, she nodded, pointing towards roughly the top of the machine, where they may be able to see the pathway that Connor spotted earlier.

"Ya gotta get inside that thing! If someone can bust up the generator in there, we can take it down! Since our tanks ain't doing jack to its armor... Our best shot's from inside that Scarab!" She called.

At Eygon's suggestion of crushing it though, Amelia rubbed her chin, her eyes scanning the Scarab as it continued to fire upon the troops in the area, seeming to target tanks, and vehicles transporting explosives or heavy weapons... But it hadn't reached that vehicle they had arrived in just yet, but if it weren't distracted soon, it sure as hell would.

"If we wanna get aboard, we gotta take out its legs, think you can manage it?" She asked.

Come to think of it, Eygon noticed that the Scarab's legs were lacking some protection at the back of their joints, and while it would likely still be able to resist most conventional weapons or explosives... With his strength and his massive hammer, Eygon might just be able to topple the machine, or at the very least, cripple it enough for a little boarding action.​
Eygon listened intently to Amelia as she would share a large amount of vital information. He was relieved to find out that his unfamiliar enemy had a weak point. Before, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to take it down if it didn't have one. As the alien machine inched closer to the group, he turned toward A2 and spoke quickly.

"You just going to stand there? Make a move already. I'll incapacitate it while you distract it."
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Those who were sneaking into the crash site itself noticed a large mass of the creatures in the area headed out, looks like Dorian and Howlett's distraction worked, for the most part. The only thing was that there was still that creature holding that rocket launcher in the way, along with something... Bigger.


A hulking behemoth of a creature was guarding the entrance to the ship, appearing not to be budging... Looks like they'd have to either fight this things, or just find a way around it, though currently, it didn't look like there was any effective way to avoid it at all.​
Felling Tree with Roots



"Seisa-san, Giorno-san, stand back!" Shichika exclaimed, taking up the assumption that their powers had not sufficiently returned, or even in a stable manner. Putting his arms up, the man eyed the creature blocking their path, instantly assessing that there was little point in getting around it. "I'd ask you to get out of our way already, but by then, you'll have been torn to shreds!"

With a swift battle cry, Shichika dashed forward like a blur, using the momentum of his movements in order to bolster his hitting power, even if just by a little, just as he had been doing every other time he and the others had been dragged into a fight.

"Kyoutouryuu Art: Kyouka Suigetsu!"


Skidding to a halt in front of the monster like a runaway carriage, Shichika channeled the potential energy he had gathered up and thrust his stiff palm forward like a spear with the intention of piercing into the creature's body, his innate strength developed over his rigorous training hopefully being enough to dig into its flesh, and then after a brief pause, throwing his arm forward even more, as though intending to knock the enemy and send its body smashing right through the entrance!

@york @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mason Moretti
@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The mannequin creatures seemed to react differently to attacks launched at them; for the most part, Flailbait, Noembelu, and Birdie were successfull in smashing these creatures up... Though some still got up, seeming a little droopier than before.

Yet, Buddy's attacks were not quite so successfull, in fact, frighteningly enough... The mannequins hit by his trump card attacks remained standing, despite drooping a little, and appeared to suddenly stare at Buddy, mimicking his trump card attacks, sending their own volley of eerily similar projectiles flying towards them.

Seeing this, the Blue haired woman's eyes widened, but she kept her hands raised, still seeming to be trying to keep casting whatever spell she had cast on Dio... Which appeared to have made him faster.

Noting this new enemy's copycat capability, Blaze hung back by Blue's side, deep in thought. Apparently it didn't take long for an epiphany to strike, with Blaze snapping her fingers and summoning one of her Sol Emeralds into being.

"Sure, they can copy our powers..." Blaze began while winding up an overhead throw, "So let's see them try and copy a power they cannot control!" Letting her emerald fly, it spontaneously combusted mid-flight, and struck one of the uncanny mannequins on the head before tumbling to the frozen tides at their feet, where it continued to smolder. In the meantime, Blaze appeared to channel her flames although it was not immediately clear where they were ending up.


@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova
Alexandra K Aka Huntress @ AA batteries

Having obtained one of the shotgun style weapons, Alexandra took stock of her equipment and her chances. She used some ink to make a mark on one eye, similar to one she put on the body of the slain woman. She said something under her breath in Ancient Greek.

"Well Mister Eygon, I honestly don't know how much good I'll do, but I will get their attention for you. best of luck to you ! "

She takes a handful of her smoke grenades and starts throwing them into the field between herself and the vast Scarab Machine. Using the increasing amount of smoke on the field Huntress rushed out at full speed. She had goggles on and a mask over her mouth and nose . By memory, she used her grapple gun to shoot up at the machine and had it start reeling her upwards. In her other hand now, she had the shotgun style weapon to start blasting at the various creatures perched on the Scarab. From her other hand she started tossing her supply of flash bang grenades.

In her own mind she concentrated on the tactics of the situation at hand. In the back of her mind, she was certain that this be more than dangerous.

@Otto @Midnight Maiden @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)
@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Connor was able to scope out a distinct pathway on the midsection of the machine where various alien creatures were perched, and he could just fainltly see an open entrance to the innards of the machine from where he stood before it fired its main cannon again, sweeping it across the field... Forcing him to retreat for the time being, but he did get some valuable intel.

"We've got a Scarab!" Amelia roared in the meantime, clearly having noticed their "little" problem herself.

Hearing A2's proposals, she nodded, pointing towards roughly the top of the machine, where they may be able to see the pathway that Connor spotted earlier.

"Ya gotta get inside that thing! If someone can bust up the generator in there, we can take it down! Since our tanks ain't doing jack to its armor... Our best shot's from inside that Scarab!" She called.

At Eygon's suggestion of crushing it though, Amelia rubbed her chin, her eyes scanning the Scarab as it continued to fire upon the troops in the area, seeming to target tanks, and vehicles transporting explosives or heavy weapons... But it hadn't reached that vehicle they had arrived in just yet, but if it weren't distracted soon, it sure as hell would.

"If we wanna get aboard, we gotta take out its legs, think you can manage it?" She asked.

Come to think of it, Eygon noticed that the Scarab's legs were lacking some protection at the back of their joints, and while it would likely still be able to resist most conventional weapons or explosives... With his strength and his massive hammer, Eygon might just be able to topple the machine, or at the very least, cripple it enough for a little boarding action.

Eygon of Carim | @AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @york @Gands @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Eygon listened intently to Amelia as she would share a large amount of vital information. He was relieved to find out that his unfamiliar enemy had a weak point. Before, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to take it down if it didn't have one. As the alien machine inched closer to the group, he turned toward A2 and spoke quickly.

"You just going to stand there? Make a move already. I'll incapacitate it while you distract it."

Alexandra K Aka Huntress @ AA batteries

Having obtained one of the shotgun style weapons, Alexandra took stock of her equipment and her chances. She used some ink to make a mark on one eye, similar to one she put on the body of the slain woman. She said something under her breath in Ancient Greek.

"Well Mister Eygon, I honestly don't know how much good I'll do, but I will get their attention for you. best of luck to you ! "

She takes a handful of her smoke grenades and starts throwing them into the field between herself and the vast Scarab Machine. Using the increasing amount of smoke on the field Huntress rushed out at full speed. She had goggles on and a mask over her mouth and nose . By memory, she used her grapple gun to shoot up at the machine and had it start reeling her upwards. In her other hand now, she had the shotgun style weapon to start blasting at the various creatures perched on the Scarab. From her other hand she started tossing her supply of flash bang grenades.

In her own mind she concentrated on the tactics of the situation at hand. In the back of her mind, she was certain that this be more than dangerous.

@Otto @Midnight Maiden @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)


"... understood."

It took a bit for A2 to process the method on how she would get into that machine to put it offline. Without a second wasted from here on, the android began to sprint into the fray. Taking out the shotgun she had registered into her systems not too long ago, A2 took aim and shot the Scarab a few times, she had to get its attention so far. Just long enough for the others to do something to render it immobile...

@Otto @Midnight Maiden @york @Takumi @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)​
Kara Danvers/ Supergirl

Supergirl noticed that her and the blue speed demon were making a good dent in the troops, but she noticed that there was a floating machine that wish to take her out and it seemed that somebody wanted to take control of her mind. She concentrated on resisting the mind control while at the same time, aiming her frost breath to disable the machine. Hopefully, she could find the source of the control once she did that.

@york @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @Fallen Up @Back-up

Connor Walsh

Connor managed to scope a distinctive section of the machine while he looked over at them. " It looks there are aliens hanging out in the midsection of the machine that leads to the machine. If we knock it down so that the middle section is on ground level, we could in theory take advantage of our weapons and knock the aliens out... possibly getting rid of them for good," he said.

@Gands @Gummi Bunnies @Otto @york @AA batteries
The two scientists would quietly whisper to each other. "... And the information on the autopsy of the second corpse, I transferred the data to high command. We should have several more specimens coming in." The first one said. He looked into a tablet and typed something on it.

The second one nodded. "Got it." She sighed, and leaned against the wall. "Do you know when the evac's coming? We need to get these civvies out of here."

The first one looked up from the tablet. "No idea. Last I heard, the last available transports were working CASEVAC. Until someone clears the area, we're stuck here." He looked back down, and his eyes scanned the screen. "This is a pain. If shit goes south, we got, what? five dozen civvies out there? Six soldiers back here?" He put his hands on the bridge of his nose. "Christ."

JD would get a few side glances from several evacuees, and two uniformed officers would glance, and then not really do anything.

@Takumi @Evac Center

JD didn't like having any eyes on him, not wanting to draw too much attention or look suspicious. Mentally cursing, he was at least glad he didn't look suspicious to the point of being approached and questioned.

"Excuse me, but I'm here to help out with evac. Heard something about you guys being tied up right? Sadly I'm the only one who showed up and all." he muttered, making his presence known to the two scientists.

Eygon of Carim | @AA Batteries
@Gands @Midnight Maiden @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)​
Alexandra K Aka Huntress @ AA batteries

Having obtained one of the shotgun style weapons, Alexandra took stock of her equipment and her chances. She used some ink to make a mark on one eye, similar to one she put on the body of the slain woman. She said something under her breath in Ancient Greek.

"Well Mister Eygon, I honestly don't know how much good I'll do, but I will get their attention for you. best of luck to you ! "

She takes a handful of her smoke grenades and starts throwing them into the field between herself and the vast Scarab Machine. Using the increasing amount of smoke on the field Huntress rushed out at full speed. She had goggles on and a mask over her mouth and nose . By memory, she used her grapple gun to shoot up at the machine and had it start reeling her upwards. In her other hand now, she had the shotgun style weapon to start blasting at the various creatures perched on the Scarab. From her other hand she started tossing her supply of flash bang grenades.

In her own mind she concentrated on the tactics of the situation at hand. In the back of her mind, she was certain that this be more than dangerous.

Without a second wasted from here on, the android began to sprint into the fray. Taking out the shotgun she had registered into her systems not too long ago, A2 took aim and shot the Scarab a few times, she had to get its attention so far. Just long enough for the others to do something to render it immobile...
Eygon watched as Alexandra and A2 lunged into the fray. An unseen smile formed on his face. He had gotten tired of waiting around.

"Finally...the fight begins."


Eygon eagerly charged into battle, taking advantage of A2's and Alexandra's diversion. He held his shield in front of him as he charged forward, just in case anything would fly toward him. When he would arrive near the Scarab, he would hit the joints of the legs of the Scarab as hard as he could, aiming to fell the mechanical behemoth.​
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  • Like
Reactions: Takumi and Gands
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Lopping off the creature's head didn't quite seem to do the trick for Howlett; it kept swinging at Howlett... And it was only when a nearby marine wielding a shotgun fired two blasts from his weapon into the chest of the creature that it stayed down for good.

Nonetheless, they seemed to be causing quite the ruckus, and the battle seemed to be going reasonably well... Minus an incoming horde of bulbous looking creatures, that was getting dangerously close to the group. There was no telling what exactly their purpose was, but it was probably in their best interests to eliminate them rather than to wait and find out.


Shichika in the meantime, found that despite the creature's bulky physique, his blow was able to penetrate through its chest cavity just as it swung at him with one of its particularly large limbs, and from the brief, close encounter he had with this creature, he noticed a few things... Different about its composition; unlike the creatures they had encountered, this one did not have tendrils sticking out of its chest, appearing to have been purely made of the fleshy biomass that they were treading through right now.

However, it did certainly react to this sudden attack, letting out a loud roar, as it was suddenly thrown backwards right into the entrance of the crash site, breaking through a wall which seemed to uncover a portion of a blobby, greenish shape, but unfortunately it was a little too hard to see anything more than that.

A faint whispering sound could be heard, seeming to echo through Shichika, as well as the others who had accompanied him's minds... And surprisingly enough, in response, the creature suddenly got up on its feet, apparently not dead, and suddenly began to spasm and contort... Its body mutating into a smaller, more spiderlike creature...


In this new form, it quickly scrambled ontop of the crash site, rooting itself once it had found a suitable position, and mutated again... Compacting itself into some sort of stationary, spined creature.


In its new form, it suddenly began peppering Shichika and the others with a volley of green spikes which it was launching at great force from its back... Ones that apparently seemed to get launched and regenerate at a rather fast rate... Looks like it had decided to fight from a distance rather than up close, but... Shichika had definitely proven that this creature wasn't invincible, despite being quite hardy for what it is.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

Sonic found that while one of saucer-like things did indeed fire upon him, striking the other he had been standing upon, that it was apparently resilient to its own armanent, but forutnately... Though the strange alloys these discs were made up of were apparently laser proof, they certainly were not as able to resist Sonic's homing attacks, which served to quickly demolish the saucer-like discs.

Danielle in the meantime, was able to demolish the two remaining saucer's near the terror ship's grav lift thanks to Kara's frost breath, which not only hit the saucer-like disc that had aimed to fire upon her, but another one as well... Both of which were destroyed by Danielle's grenades. Evidently whatever alloys those machines had on them, became quite brittle when frozen, allowing the explosions from Danielle's grenades to effectively shatter them.

Though, as Kara began to try and locate the creature that had attempted to control her mind, she would find that the source of it was emanating from within the ship itself, which evidently meant that it was time to pop inside that ship and take the fight to whatever might be inside...

"Now's your chance! Take the lift and find the ship's generator! Blow that son of a bitch out of the sky! I'll hold this position!" Called the sargeant, who was still engaged in a firefight with multiple alien creatures that still were still in the area...

Though it looks like the grav lift was free of enemies, for now, which gave everyone a good opportunity to get inside the terror ship, and blow up its generators, but... It might be a good idea to proceed with caution, as there was no telling what could be inside.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Huntress had the right idea with those smoke grenades... As the temporary smokescreen momentarily seemed to confuse the pilots of the Scarab, as it was not firing its main cannon, that is until A2's shotgun blasts suddenly drew its attention, causing it to fire its main cannon towards her position, sending another beam of burning green plasma towards her... But even though it was moving it in a sweeping motion, it was alot easier to dodge than its last few volleys, as it was literally firing blind.

While Huntress's smokescreen was still up, Eygon was able to deliver crushing blows to the backs of the creature's front legs, causing its entire framework to buckle, and the enitre machine falling over onto its front, appearing to have been disabled... For now, but the fight wasn't over yet, as even through Huntress's smokescreen, one could see a turret on the Scarab's roof suddenly swivel towards A2, aiming to shoot at her, but it was quickly demolished with shots from a few nearby tanks, that were still intact.

It would appear that the smokescreen that Huntress had left up was obscuring the vision of the machine's occupants for the time being, which would allow everyone to sneak aboard it... But it was likely going to dissipate not long after, so they'd better prepare for a fight.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The fight between the mannequin creatures had begun to get quite crazy, as those left standing had begun to mimic various different attacks... Some mimicked Buddy's trump card attack, which appeared not to harm themselves unfortunately... While others mimicked his shadowball attack.

Yet still others... At least the ones that weren't dismantled by Flailbait's physical attacks appeared to be taking damage from his green heud electrical barrier, but yet remained intact long enough to suddenly emit a burst of red hot flames, which radiated from their bodies, but they looked considerably worse for wear, which appeared to give away their inherrantly "delicate" nature, despite their strange knack for mimicking non physical attacks.​
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@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The fight between the mannequin creatures had begun to get quite crazy, as those left standing had begun to mimic various different attacks... Some mimicked Buddy's trump card attack, which appeared not to harm themselves unfortunately... While others mimicked his shadowball attack.

Yet still others... At least the ones that weren't dismantled by Flailbait's physical attacks appeared to be taking damage from his green heud electrical barrier, but yet remained intact long enough to suddenly emit a burst of red hot flames, which radiated from their bodies, but they looked considerably worse for wear, which appeared to give away their inherrantly "delicate" nature, despite their strange knack for mimicking non physical attacks.​

"Gah..." Flailbait uttered as he felt the heat from the flames sear him. The barrier began to fade as Flailbait, in a flash of green light, turned back into Ben.

Ben was feeling dizzy. As Flailbait, his Zora physiology gave in to the pressure of heat, but the Omnitrix timed out before he could fully lose consciousness. Now that he was weakened, the tattered mannequins began to stack on top of a very dizzy Ben Tennyson.

This was the end of Ben 10...

... or was it time for a reboot?

A flash of green light emerged from the gaps between the mannequins. Soon, a felinoid beast popped out from the pile, smashing the mannequins away.


"RATH!" It appeared that Ben had transformed into the alien known as Rath. A rush of adrenaline kept this alien perky and pepped, a contrast to the former dazed state Ben Tennyson was in.

"Lemme tell ya somethin', naked oversized fashion store dolls! Nobody messes with Rath!" Rath exclaimed at the top of his voice while he unleashed physical attacks of great power upon the tattered mannequins.

"You think fire's going to hurt Rath? You think your little lightning does more than a tickle? Well, lemme tell ya somethin' naked oversized fashion store dolls, Rath is the fire, Rath is the lightning, but you know what they say - you can't fight fire with fire, and you should never play with lightning!"

Rath looked to the side to see Buddy's attempts at evading the volley of attacks. While Buddy ignored the Shadow Balls because they would just phase through him, he tried to dodge the Trump Cards. Buddy was wearing out, fast.

"You know what's worse than messing with Rath? You wanna know? Huh?" Rath glared at one of the worn-out mannequins. They probably said nothing.


"MESSING WITH RATH'S DOG!!!!!!!" Rath would then proceed to smash a good group of the worn-out mannequins onto the active ones that were targeting Buddy and Azuma, all full force!


"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy smiled as Rath arrives.

"That's right partner, Rath's got this," Rath grins, before the active mannequins unleashed their volley of cards and Shadow Balls at Rath.

"Lemme tell ya somethin', naked oversized fashion store dolls! Rath hates playing dressup like the dollies you are! Rath hates being interrupted when Rath is speaking to Rath's dog! Rath hates card games! And Rath HATES DODGEBALL! But do you know what Rath likes more than anything?"

That was when a Shadowball smacked Rath in the face, missing his main body. What little damage it caused only served to increased his rage. Rath released an intimidating, savage growl.


Rath viciously charges towards them, enduring the powerful volley, all for the sake of beating the daylights out of those active Mannequins.

"Every time you hit Rath with your funny ping pong balls and high school love letters, it only makes Rath MADDER! RAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy, on the other hand, was worn out, and thus, but realizes that using the move Wish might be risky, fearing that the mannequins would learn how to regenerate, and it seemed that the only offensive moves he knew were non-physical attacks - something that the mannequins seemed rather unaffected by. As such, Buddy opted to stay behind Azuma.

Buddy felt useless in this situation - aware that he could do nothing. He even worsened things. This brought back memories, memories of the great metallic sky beasts that ravaged his world. Back then, he was but an Eevee, and no Legendary Pokemon that governed an aspect of the world.

There was nothing he could do back then, and there was nothing he could do now but watch as others took the stage.

@york @BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah
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@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Lopping off the creature's head didn't quite seem to do the trick for Howlett; it kept swinging at Howlett... And it was only when a nearby marine wielding a shotgun fired two blasts from his weapon into the chest of the creature that it stayed down for good.

Nonetheless, they seemed to be causing quite the ruckus, and the battle seemed to be going reasonably well... Minus an incoming horde of bulbous looking creatures, that was getting dangerously close to the group. There was no telling what exactly their purpose was, but it was probably in their best interests to eliminate them rather than to wait and find out.


Shichika in the meantime, found that despite the creature's bulky physique, his blow was able to penetrate through its chest cavity just as it swung at him with one of its particularly large limbs, and from the brief, close encounter he had with this creature, he noticed a few things... Different about its composition; unlike the creatures they had encountered, this one did not have tendrils sticking out of its chest, appearing to have been purely made of the fleshy biomass that they were treading through right now.

However, it did certainly react to this sudden attack, letting out a loud roar, as it was suddenly thrown backwards right into the entrance of the crash site, breaking through a wall which seemed to uncover a portion of a blobby, greenish shape, but unfortunately it was a little too hard to see anything more than that.

A faint whispering sound could be heard, seeming to echo through Shichika, as well as the others who had accompanied him's minds... And surprisingly enough, in response, the creature suddenly got up on its feet, apparently not dead, and suddenly began to spasm and contort... Its body mutating into a smaller, more spiderlike creature...


In this new form, it quickly scrambled ontop of the crash site, rooting itself once it had found a suitable position, and mutated again... Compacting itself into some sort of stationary, spined creature.


In its new form, it suddenly began peppering Shichika and the others with a volley of green spikes which it was launching at great force from its back... Ones that apparently seemed to get launched and regenerate at a rather fast rate... Looks like it had decided to fight from a distance rather than up close, but... Shichika had definitely proven that this creature wasn't invincible, despite being quite hardy for what it is.

[@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

Sonic found that while one of saucer-like things did indeed fire upon him, striking the other he had been standing upon, that it was apparently resilient to its own armanent, but forutnately... Though the strange alloys these discs were made up of were apparently laser proof, they certainly were not as able to resist Sonic's homing attacks, which served to quickly demolish the saucer-like discs.

Danielle in the meantime, was able to demolish the two remaining saucer's near the terror ship's grav lift thanks to Kara's frost breath, which not only hit the saucer-like disc that had aimed to fire upon her, but another one as well... Both of which were destroyed by Danielle's grenades. Evidently whatever alloys those machines had on them, became quite brittle when frozen, allowing the explosions from Danielle's grenades to effectively shatter them.

Though, as Kara began to try and locate the creature that had attempted to control her mind, she would find that the source of it was emanating from within the ship itself, which evidently meant that it was time to pop inside that ship and take the fight to whatever might be inside...

"Now's your chance! Take the lift and find the ship's generator! Blow that son of a bitch out of the sky! I'll hold this position!" Called the sargeant, who was still engaged in a firefight with multiple alien creatures that still were still in the area...

Though it looks like the grav lift was free of enemies, for now, which gave everyone a good opportunity to get inside the terror ship, and blow up its generators, but... It might be a good idea to proceed with caution, as there was no telling what could be inside.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Huntress had the right idea with those smoke grenades... As the temporary smokescreen momentarily seemed to confuse the pilots of the Scarab, as it was not firing its main cannon, that is until A2's shotgun blasts suddenly drew its attention, causing it to fire its main cannon towards her position, sending another beam of burning green plasma towards her... But even though it was moving it in a sweeping motion, it was alot easier to dodge than its last few volleys, as it was literally firing blind.

While Huntress's smokescreen was still up, Eygon was able to deliver crushing blows to the backs of the creature's front legs, causing its entire framework to buckle, and the enitre machine falling over onto its front, appearing to have been disabled... For now, but the fight wasn't over yet, as even through Huntress's smokescreen, one could see a turret on the Scarab's roof suddenly swivel towards A2, aiming to shoot at her, but it was quickly demolished with shots from a few nearby tanks, that were still intact.

It would appear that the smokescreen that Huntress had left up was obscuring the vision of the machine's occupants for the time being, which would allow everyone to sneak aboard it... But it was likely going to dissipate not long after, so they'd better prepare for a fight.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The fight between the mannequin creatures had begun to get quite crazy, as those left standing had begun to mimic various different attacks... Some mimicked Buddy's trump card attack, which appeared not to harm themselves unfortunately... While others mimicked his shadowball attack.

Yet still others... At least the ones that weren't dismantled by Flailbait's physical attacks appeared to be taking damage from his green heud electrical barrier, but yet remained intact long enough to suddenly emit a burst of red hot flames, which radiated from their bodies, but they looked considerably worse for wear, which appeared to give away their inherrantly "delicate" nature, despite their strange knack for mimicking non physical attacks.​
"Hey I'll play with you some other time!" Sonic mused once all the saucers were demolished, landing on the ground with a smirk as he placed one hand on his hip.

Once that business was all said and done, Sonic made his way over to the grey lift so he could enter the ship.

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