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@AA Batteries

As for Eygon, and any others who may have joined him who had decided to head to the AA Batteries, they would be joined by Amelia herself, who had appeared to have abandoned her saucer-like craft. Instead, she lead them towards a rather heavily armored vehicle, but one that apparently lacked armaments... Perhaps it had been repurposed?


Whatever the case may be, this behemoth was still quite capable of protecting its occupants and cargo, and there were a few tanks and jeeps with turrets escorting them. A high profile convoy, for what would likely be a high profile mission.

As their ride in the vehicle came to a close, having taken them to their destination, the noticed that their powers were returning to them, for the time being anyways.

Inside the actual vehicle, there appeared to be a stockpile of weapons, which Eygon, and whoever may have followed him may find interest in taking, if they so choose.

In the meantime, Amelia appeared to be barking orders to some nearby marines, who were carrying around some powerfull looking explosives, ranging from charges... To missile launchers and the like, and in the distance, one could hear a heavy, mechanical thumping noise... Likely the "armor" Amelia had mentioned the "Covenant" had stationed here... Whoever this "Covenant" was anyways.

Shion had followd Eygon to AA batteries, having decided to go the less beaten path with fewer people.

@york @Otto


"Hm... I won't mind a change of weaponry for now. A sword and spear can only go so far..."

A2 had silently followed those to AA batteries, considering that she would go and help out the smaller groups if possible. To make use out of herself before the inevitable could happen. By the time that they had arrived at their destination, the android would give the weaponry available a look for now, considering that she had no support pod to give her long-distance fire.

@york @Otto @Takumi
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Those who chose to head to the crash site were transported there by a sizeable squadron of what looked to be combat capable jeeps, some with turrets on their backs... Others? Instead of a turret, there was just extra room for more troops...

It would seem that the group headed to the crash site was ushered into the backs of these vehicles, which were then surrounded by various other similar vehicles... Toting turrets, rather than a spot for additional passengers on their rear area. While the marines who had accompanied them had little weapons to spare as they made their journey, it was fortunate that they felt their powers begin to return to them, though it was uncertain for how long.

However, Amelia did mention that there were weapons caches laying around the crash site, from previous teams who had attempted to press through the area... Though, despite the impending threat of whatever may be lurking there, they could feel that there was a mysterious force watching over them... Perhaps this was the work of the "Sentinels" among them? It was hard to say.

It seemed though, that their ride abruptly ended when the group of vehicles that had been giving them a lift abruptly stopped at the edge of this fleshy biomass, that resembled some sort of bizarre mishmash of organic tissue. Howlett could catch a whiff of various smells wafting from the actual crash site that reeked of mass decay, the air smelt foul... And the group could even see a thick veil of greenish mist permeating the area, and there were various shrieks, howls, and growls in the distance, accomapnied by weapons fire, and a few explosions here and there.

Whatever was lurking in this crash site, other than perhaps, marines and such, did not sound friendly at all... And soon, through this greenish mist, they could spot a few of these creatures poking out as they roamed.


The ones that they could see looked vaguely humanoid... And while some had faces that may have once been human... Others resembled a more foreign species, that perhaps had suffered the same fate as some of the marines here?

What was notable was that each one appeared have their heads drooping limply to one side... And had sprouted various mutations throughout their body, as well as a distrinct set of tendrils from their chest, and there were a good number of these creatures that were armed.

For the time being, it would appear that the group was undetected, and the marines with them had taken up a defensive position, watching for an opening... But... Well, with their powers recovered for now, while they could in theory sneak in and try and take a closer look at the innards of the crash site, and whatever horrors may be lurking within... They could always take advantage of the temporary restoration of their powers in order to bring the fight straight to the creatures, but perhaps it may be a good idea to grab a weapon sooner or later, incase their powers were to fade again...

@Terror Ship
@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Jeremi (Danielle) @Fallen Hope

The group who decided to head to the Terror Ship was directed towards an airborne vehicle, an armed, troop transport dropship, no less, that looked quite battered by combat, but evidently ready to go on a moment's notice.


It took them through to a much brighter cityscape that looked relatively clean, and polished... Save for the shattered glass, and burning buildings, and a massive saucer-like alien ship that appeared to have landed on a building cluster not far off in the distance, evidently the "terror ship" Amelia had mentioned. One could already hear gunfire and explosions emanating from that rough direction, as well as various flashes of light from what one could assume to be some sort of energy or plasma weaponry.

As the dropship's pilot did not intend to fly right into the heat of battle, it instead dropped everyone off ontop of a more peacefull stretch of roof space, where there appeared to be a chain-link fence and a gate with two soldiers in heavy riot armor stationed there. One had an assault rifle in his hands while the other carried a heavy machine gun. They both had a symbol on their armor:


They looked at the group as they approached. "Backup or evacuation?" The one with the assault rifle asked.

He rolled his neck to stretch. "Backup would be better because of that Alien Terror Ship, but those ONI guys are running out of hands down at the Evac Center."

While everyone was pondering about that though, there appeared to be a bit of an weapons stockpile laying around nearby, as well as a few weapons on the dropship itself, usefull things for anyone who could be bothered to take them.

It was also noted that they were beginning to feel their powers return to them.
(Note: Tag @Minerva for evac center, and well, me, @york for the assault on the actual terror ship)

@AA Batteries

As for Eygon, and any others who may have joined him who had decided to head to the AA Batteries, they would be joined by Amelia herself, who had appeared to have abandoned her saucer-like craft. Instead, she lead them towards a rather heavily armored vehicle, but one that apparently lacked armaments... Perhaps it had been repurposed?


Whatever the case may be, this behemoth was still quite capable of protecting its occupants and cargo, and there were a few tanks and jeeps with turrets escorting them. A high profile convoy, for what would likely be a high profile mission.

As their ride in the vehicle came to a close, having taken them to their destination, the noticed that their powers were returning to them, for the time being anyways.

Inside the actual vehicle, there appeared to be a stockpile of weapons, which Eygon, and whoever may have followed him may find interest in taking, if they so choose.

In the meantime, Amelia appeared to be barking orders to some nearby marines, who were carrying around some powerfull looking explosives, ranging from charges... To missile launchers and the like, and in the distance, one could hear a heavy, mechanical thumping noise... Likely the "armor" Amelia had mentioned the "Covenant" had stationed here... Whoever this "Covenant" was anyways.

@BarrenThin @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Crow

The blue haired woman paused, taking a look at the chip for a moment before nodding.

"It will have to do... If there is no space... We'll have to make-... ..." She was cut off abruptly when Dio displayed a rather brutal attempt to kill Noembelu, and perhaps Birdie by extension.

While she had initially prepared to intervene, it was fortunate that Ben chose to do so instead, restraining Dio, who felt his powers suddenly weaken for the moment, not long after the woman closed her eyes, seeming to have concentrated for a moment... Before she let out a huff, looking amongst the newer arrivals, realizing that they were still rather confused about what this place was... Moreso why those who died, did not quite seem so dead here...

"You are... Foreign to the worlds that has been taken by an entity... One that has held all of you, here... In its grasp, as it did with me..." She said, frowning a little.

"In the chaos that very entity has created... Whenever you die... You end up... Here. Just like all the timelines that ceased to be..." She said, gesturing outside, where the remains of what looked to have once been Beacon tower lay outside... Amongst what appeared to be a frozen sea, and various buildings... Not unlike the one they were in.

Further in the distance, roughly where the map that had been displayed indicated, one could even see the crumbling ruins of what looked to be large, towering walls at once point... Circular in shape.

"And it is here... That we will remain, in a place beyond time... But... I know of a way out..." She added, rubbing her chin.

"That map I found will lead us to an... Artifact. One that will grant us the chance to find our way out... Through a 'time-gate', where I hope we will meet up with the... Rest of you, who have yet to end up here..." She finished.

All this fighting, and arguing, and exposition collectively seemed to have left her a bit worn out, but despite this... She seemed determined to press on, in order to grant those that ended up here the way out that she had promised them.​
"I'll head to the evac center." Rosa said. "I... think I can help there."

The one with the assault rifle nodded. "Private Schonherr? You wanna take the Terror Ship?" He asked the other guy. "I'll take these guys to the Evac Center."

The other soldier nodded. "Got it. You guys, follow me. We'll take care of it." He straightened his balaclava and helmet, then checked the ammo.

The Evac Center was a short walk away from the fenced off area. There was a short walk down some stairs into a courtyard with tents that had been set up. It appeared that the evac center was a converted mall, if the signs at the entry were to be believed. Entering inside of the building proper, past two more guards. You were assaulted by...



It seemed the Interior Designer really loved the color yellow. However, the place was packed. People sat on folding chairs, and doctors in lab coats and body-armored soldiers with a new patch walked around the area, making sure people were okay.


In the area, there was a young woman in a police uniform standing around watching the crowd, as well as two lab coated scientists in a back corner, talking quietly. Rosa had gone right to work at tending several wounded in the area.

@Takumi @york @Evac Zone
@Terror Ship
@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Jeremi (Danielle) @Fallen Hope

The group who decided to head to the Terror Ship was directed towards an airborne vehicle, an armed, troop transport dropship, no less, that looked quite battered by combat, but evidently ready to go on a moment's notice.


It took them through to a much brighter cityscape that looked relatively clean, and polished... Save for the shattered glass, and burning buildings, and a massive saucer-like alien ship that appeared to have landed on a building cluster not far off in the distance, evidently the "terror ship" Amelia had mentioned. One could already hear gunfire and explosions emanating from that rough direction, as well as various flashes of light from what one could assume to be some sort of energy or plasma weaponry.

As the dropship's pilot did not intend to fly right into the heat of battle, it instead dropped everyone off ontop of a more peacefull stretch of roof space, where there appeared to be a chain-link fence and a gate with two soldiers in heavy riot armor stationed there. One had an assault rifle in his hands while the other carried a heavy machine gun. They both had a symbol on their armor:


They looked at the group as they approached. "Backup or evacuation?" The one with the assault rifle asked.

He rolled his neck to stretch. "Backup would be better because of that Alien Terror Ship, but those ONI guys are running out of hands down at the Evac Center."

While everyone was pondering about that though, there appeared to be a bit of an weapons stockpile laying around nearby, as well as a few weapons on the dropship itself, usefull things for anyone who could be bothered to take them.

It was also noted that they were beginning to feel their powers return to them.
(Note: Tag @Minerva for evac center, and well, me, @york for the assault on the actual terror ship)

Stepping out of the dropship, Chara looked around with curiosity, taking notice of all the weapons laying around. Approaching the two soldiers and listening to what they had to say, it seems that their little group is going to be split up. Oh well.

"...I'm just a kid and am not really good with people, so I doubt I'll be much help to the evacuees. I think I'll take my chances with being backup."

Watching as the blue hedgehog ran off to the terror ship, Chara meanwhile decides to take a look at the weapons stockpile. They may not know exactly what kind of creatures they're dealing with, but they highly doubt their knife alone will be enough to fend them off. Better safe than sorry...even though there's nothing really 'safe' about this whole situation. Anyways, it's always good to be prepared.


@york @terrorship @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi
Birdie let Dio know just how he felt about the vampire via an obscebe hand gesture behind his back. But he let it slide for now, as from what he could gather they all had a chance to get out of here. "I'm ready to go when everyone else is-I'm fixin' to take down whoever dragged me into this whole mess!"

Noembelu, after a moment deliberating the idea, walked over to Blaze. "You were right all along," she said. There was no mocking or malice-it was just a fact. "I suppose that's why the other Harbinger killed you. Sorry about that." She winced, remembering Blaze's lifeless body. "I hope they're found quickly. Unfortunately we know who's joining us next."

"Damn straight we do! Gotta tip my hat-metaphorical wise, ain't never wearin' one. A2 gave us up. One of them Sentinels."

@york @Archmage Jeremiah @Crow @BarrenThin @MetalNova

Blaze initially appeared surprised, but upon fully absorbing Noemblu's condolences, bowed her head and grew a subtle smile. "It wasn't a difficult mystery to crack," Blaze humbly replied, and passed Ben a quick glance, "Although, judging by the fact that Ben was voted out first..." Blaze then glanced towards Azuma, and frowned, "...and her second, I hardly have faith in any one of those people to solve the next mystery. Especially Sonic,"

The headstrong guardian broadened her shoulders and stood at attention. "Which is all the more reason to return as soon as we possibly can. Lead the way Ben," Blaze finished with a simple gesture.

@Yun Lee @Crow @MetalNova @york @BarrenThin
@AA Batteries

As for Eygon, and any others who may have joined him who had decided to head to the AA Batteries, they would be joined by Amelia herself, who had appeared to have abandoned her saucer-like craft. Instead, she lead them towards a rather heavily armored vehicle, but one that apparently lacked armaments... Perhaps it had been repurposed?


Whatever the case may be, this behemoth was still quite capable of protecting its occupants and cargo, and there were a few tanks and jeeps with turrets escorting them. A high profile convoy, for what would likely be a high profile mission.

As their ride in the vehicle came to a close, having taken them to their destination, the noticed that their powers were returning to them, for the time being anyways.

Inside the actual vehicle, there appeared to be a stockpile of weapons, which Eygon, and whoever may have followed him may find interest in taking, if they so choose.

In the meantime, Amelia appeared to be barking orders to some nearby marines, who were carrying around some powerfull looking explosives, ranging from charges... To missile launchers and the like, and in the distance, one could hear a heavy, mechanical thumping noise... Likely the "armor" Amelia had mentioned the "Covenant" had stationed here... Whoever this "Covenant" was anyways.​
"It would have been crueler to let him live."

The words still echoed through Rui's mind even now; even after Azuma had been sent away and the world had shifted and fallen apart around them all, leaving Noembelu, Birdie, Blaze and a number of others who had fallen behind... All in a matter of moments. It was a painful thing to be aware of, that the world kept spinning and everyone on it kept going on with their lives as though someone- multiple someones -hadn't just lost theirs. It was a sobering experience, one that made it hard to focus and make her body move at this point.

But... Maybe Shichika was right.


But no matter how many times his words replayed in her head, her heart couldn't bring itself to listen. Still, with a shuddering breath, she forced herself to climb to her feet and take a step forward. And another after that, and another after that... Soon enough, she managed to get herself moving again. Her feet felt like they had weights attached to them, holding them down, but she still prevailed, aimlessly heading towards the AA Batteries. Slowly, she gained steadiness to her movements once again, dainty hands wiping away her tears as she moved. She couldn't let this all bring her down. She needed to focus. To make sure those left made it safe. Otherwise, all of this death, this loss, this.... devastation. All of it would be for naught--


"...Quit your mopin'."

The interjection was sudden, the footfalls right behind her leading up to it having been completely silent. But Rui didn't visibly startle. Instead, she blinked, glancing over her shoulder at Wes only fleetingly before turning her eyes forward again silently without a word. To think she was typically so talkative, where now, she hadn't a word to be uttered. Which, unfortunately, meant Wes was going to have to fill in. A pain, but considering that Rui was one of few he viewed as kin... Well, he supposed that she was worth it. And so he spoke without terribly strong emotion, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked.

"S'weird, seein' you all depressed. Ain't like you. Isn't... fitting,"
he muttered, frowning faintly. "'Sides, what's the use gettin' so worked up now? It won't change that they're gone. Won't change where we're goin' or how we get there. So isn't it better to... I don't know, focus on keeping moral up, or some shit, for those who are left? Isn't that what you'd tell m--" he rambled reluctantly, almost grudgingly with clear awkwardness, only to be cut off before he could finish his words by a sudden embrace from the redhead at his side. This led to him briefly tensing but, in the end, reluctantly removing his hands from his pockets and less than enthusiastically half-returning the embrace.


"...Thank you, Wes. I'll..- I'll try."

At first, the only response the female received was a scoff, Wes retracting his glove hands and awkwardly allowing them to dangle, before he finally spoke. "...Yeah, don't mention it. Just grab something so you aren't completely defenseless and let's figure out who here we gotta take out," he mumbled, grateful when Rui finally pulled away and gave a small nod before turning to look through the weapons.

....She had no idea what to go for.

@york @Otto @Takumi @AABatteriesSquad​
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"...Hello," Azuma said as she smiled at the little beast and reached out to pet Ben's pet.



"Skree~" the young beast Buddy seemed to enjoy the feeling of his fur being rubbed, greeting Azuma in return. It was nice to have a relaxing moment before the action occured once more.

Connor only needed to hear one word to decided where he was going. He was going to AA batteries. He was going to need some sort of armor or weapons besides the left over sword from the first world they had traveled to. As soon as he entered, he went to investigate the stockpile of weapons to see what he could get. After that, he went back to get some "armor".

@Otto @Gands @Gummi Bunnies @york

Supergirl decided to go to the Terror ship to investigate. She also decided to help with back-up.

@Fallen Hope @Minerva @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @york
Dorian could not really comment on the lack of anyone's abilities before they found them returned by some miracle. To be cut off from his magic was... an unpleasant thought, to say the least. No doubt your average Circle mage would see it as a blessing to lose one's connection to the Fade while avoiding the fate of the Tranquil, but Dorian knew what it meant to be a free mage with full control over one's abilities. To be cut off would be nothing short of terrifying, a feeling that Dorian knew gave him something in common with less trustworthy Tevinter brethren.

Truthfully, Dorian didn't know how he still had use of his magic in these strange worlds at all. As far as he could reason, there was no Fade for him to draw energy from. Either something else was a work, or Dorian had been right all along about them being in the world of dreams.

Speaking of which, the world they found themselves in now seemed the darkest of them all. Unlike the other two, this one seemed to have been in the midst of war for some time now. The land was ravaged, and the disgusting mass that floated in the air was one nothing short of an abomination. "This is worse than the Blight," Dorian mumbled.

Hearing Howlett and Mipha give suggestions on the plan of action, Dorian had an idea.


"Mipha, there may be no need for you to place yourself in such danger. I too can shield with my magic, and I also come with the benefit of being a wonderful distraction. And of course, I am quite formidable in a fight if I do say so myself. So, I believe both Howlett and I would make for fine bait."

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi @Kaykay @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @york
  • Nice Execution!
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Dorian could not really comment on the lack of anyone's abilities before they found them returned by some miracle. To be cut off from his magic was... an unpleasant thought, to say the least. No doubt your average Circle mage would see it as a blessing to lose one's connection to the Fade while avoiding the fate of the Tranquil, but Dorian knew what it meant to be a free mage with full control over one's abilities. To be cut off would be nothing short of terrifying, a feeling that Dorian knew gave him something in common with less trustworthy Tevinter brethren.

Truthfully, Dorian didn't know how he still had use of his magic in these strange worlds at all. As far as he could reason, there was no Fade for him to draw energy from. Either something else was a work, or Dorian had been right all along about them being in the world of dreams.

Speaking of which, the world they found themselves in now seemed the darkest of them all. Unlike the other two, this one seemed to have been in the midst of war for some time now. The land was ravaged, and the disgusting mass that floated in the air was one nothing short of an abomination. "This is worse than the Blight," Dorian mumbled.

Hearing Howlett and Mipha give suggestions on the plan of action, Dorian had an idea.


"Mipha, there may be no need for you to place yourself in such danger. I too can shield with my magic, and I also come with the benefit of being a wonderful distraction. And of course, I am quite formidable in a fight if I do say so myself. So, I believe both Howlett and I would make for fine bait."

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi @Kaykay @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @york

"Then I believe it is settled," Mipha said, with some ounce of authority returning to her voice. The princess had lost a large feeling of confidence and power as the despair built up amongst the group. However, despite the horrors that could await them within the crashed ship, a new wave of confidence coursed through her. Perhaps it was something she picked up from Link. More likely, the constant death around her was becoming more familiar and less of a threat.

"Dorian and Howlett create a distraction. Giorno, Seisa, Shichika, and I shall journey inside the ship. The best of luck to everyone. Howett, Dorian, I suppose it's time for the two of you to do so. I fear that we have little time to waste in finding the key to the next Time Gate."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Kaykay @Verite @york
Dorian could not really comment on the lack of anyone's abilities before they found them returned by some miracle. To be cut off from his magic was... an unpleasant thought, to say the least. No doubt your average Circle mage would see it as a blessing to lose one's connection to the Fade while avoiding the fate of the Tranquil, but Dorian knew what it meant to be a free mage with full control over one's abilities. To be cut off would be nothing short of terrifying, a feeling that Dorian knew gave him something in common with less trustworthy Tevinter brethren.

Truthfully, Dorian didn't know how he still had use of his magic in these strange worlds at all. As far as he could reason, there was no Fade for him to draw energy from. Either something else was a work, or Dorian had been right all along about them being in the world of dreams.

Speaking of which, the world they found themselves in now seemed the darkest of them all. Unlike the other two, this one seemed to have been in the midst of war for some time now. The land was ravaged, and the disgusting mass that floated in the air was one nothing short of an abomination. "This is worse than the Blight," Dorian mumbled.

Hearing Howlett and Mipha give suggestions on the plan of action, Dorian had an idea.


"Mipha, there may be no need for you to place yourself in such danger. I too can shield with my magic, and I also come with the benefit of being a wonderful distraction. And of course, I am quite formidable in a fight if I do say so myself. So, I believe both Howlett and I would make for fine bait."

"Well, okay. If you insist on staying put," Shichika reluctantly said. He was hesitant about the notion of leaving Howlett and Dorian behind, confident as they might be in holding their own, but if there was something beyond, then they simply had to investigate, and as much as Shichika was confident in his Kyoutouryuu skills helping him to survive, he could imagine that the wider versatility of their powers likely made them more fitting, though he had to wonder what the fluctuating nature of everyone's powers were. After all, if Giorno was unable to maintain the form of his golden spirit for very long, it would very well be likely up to Shichika's innate skills and strength to keep them all afloat consistently.

Such a pain. The swordsman who had once wanted nothing more to die by himself being the one responsible for the well-being of others once again.

It reminded him of his time with Togame.


"Alright, then. Let's go!" He eventually gestured to Giorno, Seisa, and Mipha, assuming they all intended on following him inside, opting to sneak in.

@Kaykay @Atomyk @Jeremi @york @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti
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@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles, and pistols laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

Last edited:

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

"That looks like our ticket home, based on the map," Ben says as he looks at the mountain. "Nothing out of the ordinary here."

That was when doll-jointed humanoids popped in to strike.


"Me and my big mouth. First those faceless guys, now creepy dolls? I swear, this is like some sort of horror movie," Ben sighs, "but if they think that's scary, then Toepick's ready to send them back to the fashion store!"

Ben slams his watch down as transformation began. His bones were altered into cartilage-like structures, much like a shark. As his skull was slightly altered with a sharper set of teeth, the back of his skull grew what appeared to be an additional skeleton - the skeletal structure of a fish, it seemed, complete with a tail and all. Finally, his hands and legs grew some fine fins.

The blue creature, seeming to be a little above 1.5 times as tall as Ben, that appeared before all did not appear to be a 'Toepick'. Some of the others might infer that it was a being of the same race as Mipha and Sidon, except sea-hued, for some reason.


"Flailbait!" the blue being exclaimed its name. "Cool! New alien! I asked for Toepick, but I guess this guy can do the trick... once I figure out what he does."

Flailbait, while proceeding to kick and punch the mannequin-like beings, asked the others, "hey, anyone know how to work this guy? I've used this alien like, zero times before."


"Skree-ee-ee!" Buddy, wriggling out of Azuma's hands and jumping onto her head, supported her by unleashing a volley of Trump Card onto the mannequins that were targeting her from behind.

"Good job partner!" Flailbait gave a thumbs up. "We'll need to cover more ground. There's quite a lot of them! They're slow but tough, so try to keep a distance if you can!

I should probably follow my own advice, once I figure out how this guy functions..."

@york @BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah
Last edited:
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

Yeah Howlett didn't expect to traverse through primordial sludge when he arrived here. "Getting any vehicle through this is going to be hassle. So looks like we're walkin'." He popped his claws and spoke to Dorian. "You gonna survive? Don't think you'll ever get your clothes cleaned after this." As he said that Howlett pressed on through the gunk, hopefully with the others following him.

@Atomyk @york

"As far as plans go that sounds like a pretty good one all things considered." Danielle responded to the man. While she didn't grab any guns to use she stocked up on grenades just in case they were going to need more fire power once they reach their destination.

"Time to get this show on the road then."

@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore

"Well, okay. If you insist on staying put," Shichika reluctantly said. He was hesitant about the notion of leaving Howlett and Dorian behind, confident as they might be in holding their own, but if there was something beyond, then they simply had to investigate, and as much as Shichika was confident in his Kyoutouryuu skills helping him to survive, he could imagine that the wider versatility of their powers likely made them more fitting, though he had to wonder what the fluctuating nature of everyone's powers were. After all, if Giorno was unable to maintain the form of his golden spirit for very long, it would very well be likely up to Shichika's innate skills and strength to keep them all afloat consistently.

Such a pain. The swordsman who had once wanted nothing more to die by himself being the one responsible for the well-being of others once again.

It reminded him of his time with Togame.


"Alright, then. Let's go!" He eventually gestured to Giorno, Seisa, and Mipha, assuming they all intended on following him inside, opting to sneak in.

@Kaykay @Atomyk @Jeremi @york @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

Giorno didn't need any kind of enhanced sense to smell the rotting of death coming from the crashed ship. It was a scent that would be all-too familiar to someone in Giorno's line of work, but the lack of his Stand made him reluctant to immediately consider a plan of action. He was silent for the duration of Dorian's explanation, until he felt something re-activate within his mind. It felt as if a piece of his soul had returned to the greater body, and that would only mean that Gold Experience has returned to him, at least for a short while. With it's return, relief washed over Giorno's body, but that relief wasn't enough to shake off his instinct.

As soon as his power returned to him, the boss cocked his head sideways and scanned the barren ground behind the group.


...Was someone watching me?

The feeling of being watched was natural for Giorno. It's the way of life he's adopted since the boss' removal from Passione. Perhaps it just the way of life in Naples, or Italy in general. A constant looming presence creeps behind everyone, and it's become a natural talent to ignore the existential dread and try to live one's life quietly, and positively. Giorno couldn't understand why someone would want to be so inactive, but doesn't plan on understanding anytime soon. He wouldn't bring himself to ignore such a presence, nor would he stop himself from questioning what it is. If it has anything to do with the letter, then he'd pull all the stops to find the answers.

To find 'truth'.


"If that's what you think will work, then we should move. Please, try to stay safe, both of you," Giorno responded to Dorian's plan, sharing Shichika's sentiment. He wasn't privy to 'bait' plans himself, but Howlett and Dorian were reliable people (the former more than the latter, in some cases). Giorno didn't feel like he needed to warn them of things they weren't already aware of.

Without another word, Giorno would follow Shichika, Seisa and Mipha into the hollow depths of festering infestation and torn metal. He resolves to survive, and if not that, ensure the survival of others.

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite @york

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

"Tch, guess we'll have to fight that... somehow..."

A2 commented in her usual tired tone, silently registering the shotgun she picked up into her weapon system. It was hard to say on how to deal with the situation, but the android knew that they were dealing with a machine threat, a threat that she was programmed to eliminate. It might take awhile, but the sudden objective to destroy the Covenant Armor was popping up now.

"... say, if that thing is going to be a problem... I can vouch as a distraction, buy you all time to do something while that big machine is busy with me..."

Well, they had to plan out something, because even A2 knew that instantly going out there was akin to suicide in this case.

@york @Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi
Connor Walsh

While sorting through the weapons, Connor came across a rifle. Now, that was something that he was excited to use. It seemed that it had a few aims on it, but he could use it to his advantage. It seemed that there was a giant monster behind him, the armor. He looked around and spotted the cannon and use the rifle to get a closer look at the machine.

@Midnight Maiden @Gands @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

Supergirl/Kara Danvers

Supergirl took a few of the grenades and felt that she was good for now. She still had the rifle Connor had given her. She aimed her laser vision towards the bogeys on the lift.

@Fallen Hope @york @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

Seisa couldn't help but make a slightly disturbed expression as she took note of the strange creatures around them. Judging by appearances was crude perhaps, but when the creatures appeared as they did it was only human to react as such. It was hard to tell how to sneak past them when they were using tentacles rather than eyesight or hearing from a glance, but they seemed to be rather successful regardless.

While they drew closer to the crash site, Seisa noticed a rocket launcher. It was hard to not notice really, but she wasn't the type to want to wield a weapon like that. Her interactions with Shichika had led her to believe he'd have a hard time even operating the thing and she could hardly tell what Mipha knew or did not know at a glance, having hardly spoken with him...or her.

She really couldn't tell, and for a moment sympathized with Shichika.

That left Giorno in terms of using the rocket launcher. Keeping her voice low, she motioned towards the weapon slightly with her head.


"There seems to be a conventional weapon there, if we'd like to take it while our powers are still working. You seem to be the only one who could operate it, Giorno, so would you like to take it?"

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @york
  • Like
Reactions: Mason Moretti
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

One of the marines that was closest to Howlett nodded, waving a hand at the rest of the squad, which quickly parted a little, giving Shichika and the others an opportunity to slip by, and into the depths of the crash site... He appeared to be the one leading the squad of marines... Well, the squad that was presumably supposed to be getting into the thick of this crash site.

The vehicles that brought them here appeared to hang back, and as Howlett stepped into this strange organic substance, he immediately discovered why; it was incredibly viscious. Though traversing on foot was not going to be too much of a hassle, it certainly would be difficult to get vehicles through this stuff.

Nonetheless, Shichika, Seisa, and Mipha, would be able to sneak in without being noticed, for the time being... As the creatures wandering around appeared not to have noticed them; they did not have functional eyes, and in fact seemed to "see" through a mysterious method, involving some sensory tentacles sticking out of their chests. Considering that these creatures would likely rush them the moment they made some noise, it might allow the others an opening to get in.

As they got closer to the crash site itself, deep assortment of growls emanating from within, and for the most part... They could see some sort of saucer-like structure, covered entirely by this strange, browning biomass... And what's more was that they could even hear something writing from within... A mass that even protruded a little out of the top of the saucer.

Hmm, but out of the corner of his eye, Seisa spotted that there was one of the smaller mutated creatures carrying what looked to be some sort of rocket launcher... Something that may help distract them.

In the meantime, the marines that had accompanied them seemed to be staying with Dorian and Howlett who remained behind, evidently waiting for their move before they too advanced. Looks like they were keeping an eye out for any creatures lurking about in the site, waiting for the two who remained behind to make a move...

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle)

The guards at the gates seemed to gesture towards one of the marines who appeared to have accompanied them, who instead of a helmet, appeared to have some sort of cap... A sargeant maybe.


"That. Is where we come in." He said, looking over those who had decided to gather around him.

There was a moment of silence before he pointed towards the bottom of the "terror ship", at roughly the center of the saucer-like ship's hull, where there appeared to be some sort of blue, circular beam if light extending somewhere inside the ship.

"See that grav lift up there? If we can clear it of bogeys... We've got a good shot at taking that ship out!"
He continued.

A sudden, sharp whirring noise could be heard in the distance, followed by a hissing noise, like a high powered laser was firing, causing the Sargeant to wince a little before he continued.

"Once we take the lift inside, we find that ship's reactors... And toss a couple of these badboys in there..." He paused briefly on that note, raising some sort of grenade up to a level where everyone that intended to head to that terror ship.


"And then? We get the hell out and run like hell. 'Cause that ship ain't gonna be flying no more! Got it?" He said triumphantly.

Another explosion went off in the distance near the terror ship, as if to seal the deal, before the Sargeant quickly put the grenade for now, and picked up a rifle... Running towards the Terror ship, where all the fighting seemed to be going on.

Looks like he's got a solid plan, but one that would likely require some carefull execution to pull off, so it would be advised to stock up on grenades, and whatever else they may need.


There also appeared to be a good supply of assault rifles laying around, free for taking, juuust incase.

One also might be able to find a wider assortment of weapons at the terror ship itself... If they were willing to take them from whatever creatures may be weilding them there.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies

In his search, Wes stumbled across a rather large weapon as he was searching for something to defend himself with... In fact, it looked quite heavy come to think of it.


This behemoth of a weapon might be manageable, but from what it looked like, it was some sort of laser, granted one that might take a few seconds to charge, but something that would definitely deal some major damage, were he able to keep it steady....

Connor in the meantime, while he didn't exactly find any "armor" per say, he did find what looked to be a sniper rifle, with a few ammo clips laying around.


While the clips could only carry four rounds each, one could imagine that one or two shots to an enemy's head would usually do a fine job of finishing them off... So perhaps that was enough?

A2, on the other hand found a more close ranged weapon... Perhaps one that better suited her agility in this scenario, as it looked to be a shotgun of some sort.


This one was capable of holding 12 shells in total, but operated on pump action, and appeared to neccessitate a the manual loading of each individual shell... But on the other hand, there was plenty of ammunition piled up around.

However, there was not too much time for everyone to get acquainted with their weapons, as stomping could be heard in the distance, followed by a high pitched whine, as something charged up... Before the loud blaring sound of a large laser being fired permeated the area... And the group saw the tanks at the front lines being demolished by a bright green laser... It's source?


An eye-like device at the front of giant, quadripedal behemoth of a machine... Looks like this was the "Covenant Armor" that Amelia had identified, and it sure didn't look happy to see them...

In the background though, they also noticed three massive cannon emplacements, made of a similar purplish metal as this behemoth. Evidently those were the AA batteries they were supposed to demolish, but... Really, the question here is; would the group here even make it to those batteries to even attempt to destroy them alive?

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The blue haired woman sighed, shaking her head towards Dio, looking quite upset that he was still so adamant about getting his revenge...

"There is no time to fight amongst ourselves... Our window to escape will not last forever..." She said quietly, turning as she headed out of the building, gesturing for the others to follow.

"However... We must be on guard, for I do not think the artifact will be left unguarded..." She added.

Then, hopefully with everyone else in tow... She headed towards the wall-like structure in the distance, leading the way for everyone else, and as they got closer, they noticed that there was a tall mountain protruding at the center... And that there was a large gaping hole they were walking towards, where there once might have been a gate.

However, like the woman had predicted (sort of), it would appear that the area was not unpopulated, and there were multiple mannequin-esque creatures wandering around... With jerky movements.


In fact, upon noticing the group in front of them, they began to shamble towards them at alarming speeds, with evident hostile intent. This caused the woman to suddenly raised her arms defensively, but she did not appear to be casting an offensive spell this time... In fact, suddenly, Dio, despite having lost access to his stand for the moment appeared to feel himself able to move faster than before... And while he may not be able to maintain the speeds he once had at full strength... He still had enough strength to smash these creatures, assuming they were no less delicate than mannequins anyways.

Seeing as Sonic had already ran ahead, he hadn't even picked up any grenades and instead had already taken to attacking the bogeys on the lift via homing attacks.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi @Fallen Hope @york
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