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Alexandra K aka Huntress

She smiled when he laughed.

" Perhaps good sir, I was hoping for the company for my own sake rather than yours. There is something about this place and frankly this whole affair that throws me very much out of my comfort zone. I am no stranger to dangers and trouble but having to watch back and front during a battle... It seems logical to keep within sight at least. "

She stops and looks at the others.

" So what do you think ? "

@york @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
Alexandra aka Huntress

She watched A2 and the armored man as she haplessly searched about. She did still feel out of her element here.

" I will fight not far from the armored man, if he doesnt mind. With many foes, even the finest soldier or warrior can get overwhelmed."

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Otto @Takumi @Krieg

Eygon of Carim | @Wall Rose
@Gummi Bunnies @Takumi (JD) @Krieg @Gands

Eygon laughed. Was this woman really doubting his skill?

"Oh, please. If I hadn't learned how to deal with fighting against the odds, I wouldn't even be here right now. Trust me, I'm a lot stronger than you think. I'm not invincible, I know, nobody is, but I can hold my own against a horde."

Alexandra K aka Huntress

She smiled when he laughed.

" Perhaps good sir, I was hoping for the company for my own sake rather than yours. There is something about this place and frankly this whole affair that throws me very much out of my comfort zone. I am no stranger to dangers and trouble but having to watch back and front during a battle... It seems logical to keep within sight at least. "

She stops and looks at the others.

" So what do you think ? "

@york @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi


"Fine by me."

That was all the android had to say to Alexandra. To A2, there really wasn't much point to this talk. Other than the fact when the time comes for a much-needed assist, she would handle her own well enough.

@york @Otto @Gands @Krieg @Takumi
At any rate, regardless of whether any of them decided to bother with putting on the capes or not... They would find the Survey Corps already on horses, and in formation with multiple supply wagons roughly in the middle...

Looks like it would be pretty easy to stow away into one of them, as it seemed there was a good window of opportunity while the group appeared to be on standby, some of the scanning the air, as if waiting for something.

On the other hand, if they were feeling particularly adventurous, they could try and ask one of the Survey Corps members if they could share a horse (perhaps even chat with them on the way?)... Though, well, who knows how that would turn out, since it was uncertain if they would be seen as a member of the Survey Corps to begin with, as the young woman seemed to hope, something that all-together, seemed a bit crazy to begin with.

Seisa looked at the cape and then back at the supply wagons. Even if they had a cape on them, they'd look plenty suspicious if they were found there. Was their little helpful "friend" just that naive, or did she know how silly her plan was? Especially when the cape wouldn't hide her skirt, or really much of anything about the strange feline creature that was with them. They were a pretty obvious bunch.


"Okay, all of you. I highly doubt these little capes will let us pass off as one of them. Just get in a wagon, and I'll take care of the rest. Do you all understand?"

Though, Noembelu had already gone into a wagon, and she wasn't sure if any of them would actually listen to her to begin with. But it was worth a shot. Her power was hindered here she could tell, but it still should have been enough to warp space and hide them from sight.​

"I must've forgotten to give you my scent before we arrived here...because, my name isn't Germ. Here,"
Giorno pulled a small strand of golden hair from the back of his head and handed it to Shichika. "Remembering someone based on their scent seems like a useful ability, Shichika. Do you just have a very sensitive nose?"


"Hmm? Mmm... Well, like I said, I suppose I do have a keener smell than some others. In fact, I suppose all my senses are exceptional! Guess it just happened after being on an island for so long... or the rigorous Kyoutouryuu Art training my father had me undergo since I was a child," Shichika said as he glanced down at Giorno, awkwardly taking the strand of hair given to him and putting it in front of his nose, taking in several small sniffs over the course of a few moments as they all walked together, attempting to really get a feel for the mafia boss's scent, just as he did with Seisa. It took him a little longer than when he did it with her, as he had the whole head of the girl's hair to work with compared to Giorno's strand, but it was still enough at the very least.

"Alright, I suppose that's well and good enough... Giorno-san?"

It was like clockwork.

Afterwards, he remained silent when the young woman from earlier had come up to them and had them all wear capes, much to Shichika's chagrin. Not only was he sure that regardless of what he wore, that he would stick out like a sore thumb to these wide-eyed looking people, Shichika was apprehensive to run around with any more clothing than he already had, which is why he generally went shirtless back then, and even now, the hakama he wore and the one-sleeved kimono he wore as a belt, more out of sentimentality than anything else, he personally found to get in the way sometimes when fighting. Thus, he predicted that a cape would only have slowed him down more. Still, if she insisted, then so be it. He'll just have to wait until the first chance he had to take it off.

... Though it seemed like there was little point either way if the easiest option was to just sneak aboard the wagons rather than accompany the men with their knowledge.



After making his way to the edge of the wall with the others, Shichika nodded at Seisa's suggestion, finding that that would probably be the most practical thing to do. Besides, socializing wasn't his strong suit, so any attempt to make friends with the native people here would have probably backfired.

"Mhm, I get it. Let's move then," the swordsman said in response to the girl, opting to sneak onboard the wagon like Noembelu had before them, though with stealth also not being his specialty, he imagined he probably ended up drawing more attention than the woman did, much less the tiny purple cat creature that traveled with them, being probably one of the taller people around, though it seemed to be of little consequence either way.

@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission
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"Hmm? Mmm... Well, like I said, I suppose I do have a keener smell than some others. In fact, I suppose all my senses are exceptional! Guess it just happened after being on an island for so long... or the rigorous Kyoutouryuu Art training my father had me undergo since I was a child," Shichika said as he glanced down at Giorno, awkwardly taking the strand of hair given to him and putting it in front of his nose, taking in several small sniffs over the course of a few moments as they all walked together, attempting to really get a feel for the mafia boss's scent, just as he did with Seisa. It took him a little longer than when he did it with her, as he had the whole head of the girl's hair to work with compared to Giorno's strand, but it was still enough at the very least.

"Alright, I suppose that's well and good enough... Giorno-san?"

It was like clockwork.

Afterwards, he remained silent when the young woman from earlier had come up to them and had them all wear capes, much to Shichika's chagrin. Not only was he sure that regardless of what he wore, that he would stick out like a sore thumb to these wide-eyed looking people, Shichika was apprehensive to run around with any more clothing than he already had, which is why he generally went shirtless back then, and even now, the hakama he wore and the one-sleeved kimono he wore as a belt, more out of sentimentality than anything else, he personally found to get in the way sometimes when fighting. Thus, he predicted that a cape would only have slowed him down more. Still, if she insisted, then so be it. He'll just have to wait until the first chance he had to take it off.

... Though it seemed like there was little point either way if the easiest option was to just sneak aboard the wagons rather than accompany the men with their knowledge.



After making his way to the edge of the wall with the others, Shichika nodded at Seisa's suggestion, finding that that would probably be the most practical thing to do. Besides, socializing wasn't his strong suit, so any attempt to make friends with the native people here would have probably backfired.

"Mhm, I get it. Let's move then," the swordsman said in response to the girl, opting to sneak onboard the wagon like Noembelu had before them, though with stealth also not being his specialty, he imagined he probably ended up drawing more attention than the woman did, much less the tiny purple cat creature that traveled with them, being probably one of the taller people around, though it seemed to be of little consequence either way.

@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission

"I feel like me and Noemblu already stand out here." Danielle responded as Shichika stepped into the wagon. "I don't see anyone in the crowd with our *ahem* disposition."

This actually concerned Danielle a bit in regards to what era they had stumbled into. Was there a significance there? For the time being however the cloak seemed to not allow them to attract any unwanted attention. "I can't wait to get this cloak off me though. There's a reason why I don't have a cape attached to my costume."

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9(Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

She looked up at Birdie, looking a little surprised that someone actually started talking to her, but it didn't take her long for her to form a response.


"Someone has to pick up the slack." She said non-challantly, eyeing the Military Police a little.

Either she had something against the Military Police, or it was just her somewhat blunt attitude, either case, it looks like she could care less about being here... Though she did seem to be paying an awfull lot of attention to that younger, blonde haired woman tending to the wounded.


The younger woman looked up at Mipha, seeming to have noticed nothing strange about her... Despite how much she stuck out from most of the other refugees.


"O-Of course!" She said, quickly rushing over to help tend to the larger wounds Mipha had been unable to heal.

Despite her eagerness to help out though, she seemed relieved when Rosa offered her help as well, nodding gratefully.


"Please! And... Thank you... We need all the help we can get..." She said with a gratefull smile.

Considering the large amount of people, sporting a variety of injuries flooding in from the district outside the wall, it was pretty clear that she was telling the truth.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Interestingly nough, while Noembelu drew some looks, no-one thought anything of her as she rushed into one of the supply wagons... Seems like the young woman's confidence in these capes being able to hide them was not unfounded, either that or those gathered here were just not paying enough attention.

Regardless though, for the time being, they appeared to be focused enough on the sky above them that almost anyone could sneak into a wagon, for now anyways.​

Walking over to the blonde Shion glanced at the amount of injured in the area.


"You need all the help you can get, so I'll help anyway I'm able to." he reassured, getting any medical supplies he could find before moving to one of the injured present and getting to work. He didn't have any magic, but some form of medical knowledge was good to have.

@york @Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @Lissamel @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bomb @Atomyk @Jeremi @Wall Sina @Anybody I missed


"I plan to fight, y'know doing something to contribute or whatever. Not just gonna sit around." JD replied as he also got on the lift with the others, shrugging. While they talked, he stayed out of the conversation retreated into his mind for a moment. Even though he had been taking the situation in stride, he was growing anxious. There were killers on the loose, sure, but he was more concerned for when it was all said and done. What then? Did he just go poof and end up wherever? Heavan or Hell or some junk like that? He would think more of it when the time came, now he just had to get this over with and survive.

@Gummi Bunnies @Gands @Otto @Krieg @york @Wall Rose @Anybody I missed
Rosa nodded. "My pleasure." She said. She crouched over a wounded person. She pulled out a potion, and started pouring it into a wounded person's mouth. She spoke in a soft voice, and attempted to cast Cura. She hoped to heal a group of soldiers near her at least slightly, and tend to their wounds by potion and physical treatment.

@Mason Moretti @Wall Sina Trauma Team

(For reference, Cura is the second most powerful healing spell. I wouldn't use Curaga or anything because that's way too powerful for the Power nerf.)

"You're a healer as well? Perhaps if we combine our powers, we will gain a stronger spell," suggested Mipha. She added her magic to Rosa's and tried to cure the wounded around them.
@Minerva @york @Wall Sina Trauma Team
@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Interestingly nough, while Noembelu drew some looks, no-one thought anything of her as she rushed into one of the supply wagons... Seems like the young woman's confidence in these capes being able to hide them was not unfounded, either that or those gathered here were just not paying enough attention.

Regardless though, for the time being, they appeared to be focused enough on the sky above them that almost anyone could sneak into a wagon, for now anyways.

Seisa only shook her head as, despite being spotted, the people they were trying to "trick" simply seemed to let her run by. How careless, but that was quite helpful. Maybe the people around here were just exceptionally dim-witted, or just didn't care. Either way, it worked out.

For now, she simply donned the cloak and sneaked into the wagon.

@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission
"I feel like me and Noemblu already stand out here." Danielle responded as Shichika stepped into the wagon. "I don't see anyone in the crowd with our *ahem* disposition."

This actually concerned Danielle a bit in regards to what era they had stumbled into. Was there a significance there? For the time being however the cloak seemed to not allow them to attract any unwanted attention. "I can't wait to get this cloak off me though. There's a reason why I don't have a cape attached to my costume."

On the topic of blending in, all Blaze had to add was a bad-tempered grumble, and narrowed eyes that said suck it up. She wouldn't presume to stoop so low as to blurt it out and make a scene, however, no no no. Such behaviour is hardly becoming for someone of Blaze's stature.

That's what Sonic is there for.


@york @Yun Lee @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9


"Hmm? Mmm... Well, like I said, I suppose I do have a keener smell than some others. In fact, I suppose all my senses are exceptional! Guess it just happened after being on an island for so long... or the rigorous Kyoutouryuu Art training my father had me undergo since I was a child," Shichika said as he glanced down at Giorno, awkwardly taking the strand of hair given to him and putting it in front of his nose, taking in several small sniffs over the course of a few moments as they all walked together, attempting to really get a feel for the mafia boss's scent, just as he did with Seisa. It took him a little longer than when he did it with her, as he had the whole head of the girl's hair to work with compared to Giorno's strand, but it was still enough at the very least.

"Alright, I suppose that's well and good enough... Giorno-san?"

It was like clockwork.

Afterwards, he remained silent when the young woman from earlier had come up to them and had them all wear capes, much to Shichika's chagrin. Not only was he sure that regardless of what he wore, that he would stick out like a sore thumb to these wide-eyed looking people, Shichika was apprehensive to run around with any more clothing than he already had, which is why he generally went shirtless back then, and even now, the hakama he wore and the one-sleeved kimono he wore as a belt, more out of sentimentality than anything else, he personally found to get in the way sometimes when fighting. Thus, he predicted that a cape would only have slowed him down more. Still, if she insisted, then so be it. He'll just have to wait until the first chance he had to take it off.

... Though it seemed like there was little point either way if the easiest option was to just sneak aboard the wagons rather than accompany the men with their knowledge.



After making his way to the edge of the wall with the others, Shichika nodded at Seisa's suggestion, finding that that would probably be the most practical thing to do. Besides, socializing wasn't his strong suit, so any attempt to make friends with the native people here would have probably backfired.

"Mhm, I get it. Let's move then," the swordsman said in response to the girl, opting to sneak onboard the wagon like Noembelu had before them, though with stealth also not being his specialty, he imagined he probably ended up drawing more attention than the woman did, much less the tiny purple cat creature that traveled with them, being probably one of the taller people around, though it seemed to be of little consequence either way.

@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission

Seisa only shook her head as, despite being spotted, the people they were trying to "trick" simply seemed to let her run by. How careless, but that was quite helpful. Maybe the people around here were just exceptionally dim-witted, or just didn't care. Either way, it worked out.

For now, she simply donned the cloak and sneaked into the wagon.

@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission

"I see."

The boss seemed to be visibly interested when Shichika took a whiff of his hair and then proceeded to flawlessly pronounce his name. The brief hint towards Shichika's past seemed to interest Giorno more, however. The boss has yet to forget the origin stories of his old allies, making a policy with himself to preserve their memories within himself. He didn't give much thought towards remembering those tales, either; it was like something he had always planned on doing ever since he met Bruno on that train.

Ever since then, Giorno always believed that those with such strange backgrounds will attract each other...even if they aren't Stand users. Giorno slowly understood that fate binds the pieces of even the most unsuspecting journey, such as where he's standing right now, between people like Shichika and Seisa.

The Arrow, that letter, his father...it may all be of some grand design. Or, perhaps Giorno just has bad luck.

Giorno never considered himself very religious...but, if he had to believe in something...

Never mind.

Giorno shook his head and looked towards Seisa and the others, spotting an old horse-drawn carriage that others had mentioned. From what he understood, the gang planned to sneak past the massive walls surrounding this city and find the source of the attack going on beyond Wall Sina. Giorno only caught a glimpse of what was attacking the city -- specifically, he was nearby when that man wearing sunglasses was snatched away by one of them. Creatures as black as ash, wearing white shells on their heads.

They aren't Titans, are they animals? It might just be Gold Experience weakening, but...I don't sense the heat of life within them.

It's always something.


"I'm assuming all of our abilities are weakened, one way or another. We should avoid direct conflict with those things until we find the source of the attack," Giorno quietly suggested to Shichika and Seisa as he somehow acquired one of the coats (evidently, no one saw him grab one) and donned it, swiftly sneaking aboard the wagon. Shichika doesn't seem to have any outward Stand-like ability, besides being very physically powerful. Seisa's Killing Art might be just as weakened as Gold Experience....however, her ability has a potential that equals and possibly surpasses Giorno's.

It's a gamble, but the boss would confide in his allies abilities. Hopefully, that'll be enough.

@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission

"You're a healer as well? Perhaps if we combine our powers, we will gain a stronger spell," suggested Mipha. She added her magic to Rosa's and tried to cure the wounded around them.
@Minerva @york @Wall Sina Trauma Team
Rosa nodded. "Yes, let's combine our powers. See what we can do." She smiled, and prepared to cast Cura. "I'm Rosa, White Mage and queen of Baron." She said, introducing herself to Mipha.
Rosa nodded. "Yes, let's combine our powers. See what we can do." She smiled, and prepared to cast Cura. "I'm Rosa, White Mage and queen of Baron." She said, introducing herself to Mipha.

"I am Mipha, the Champion of the Zora people, and their princess. I suppose the two of us have something in common. We are both royalty with the power to heal other's wounds. Although I am not glad to be in our present situation, perhaps I will be glad to have met you when I return home. If we return home."
@Minerva @york @Wall Sina Trauma Team
@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

She looked up at Birdie, looking a little surprised that someone actually started talking to her, but it didn't take her long for her to form a response.


"Someone has to pick up the slack." She said non-challantly, eyeing the Military Police a little.

Either she had something against the Military Police, or it was just her somewhat blunt attitude, either case, it looks like she could care less about being here... Though she did seem to be paying an awfull lot of attention to that younger, blonde haired woman tending to the wounded.


The younger woman looked up at Mipha, seeming to have noticed nothing strange about her... Despite how much she stuck out from most of the other refugees.


"O-Of course!" She said, quickly rushing over to help tend to the larger wounds Mipha had been unable to heal.

Despite her eagerness to help out though, she seemed relieved when Rosa offered her help as well, nodding gratefully.


"Please! And... Thank you... We need all the help we can get..." She said with a gratefull smile.

Considering the large amount of people, sporting a variety of injuries flooding in from the district outside the wall, it was pretty clear that she was telling the truth.

"Do not worry! I shall help out as well!" Sidon exclaimed, helping to bring in the injured people and laying them for Mipha and Rosa to heal. He would be cheering them on, but it was a serious situation.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @york @wall sina​
Connor Walsh and Kara Danvers/ Supergirl

Supergirl debated what she wanted to do and after tying the green cape around onto her back, she snuck into a wagon. If anyone questioned her, she could point to the cape and tell them that she was a new recruit and the others were also. She doubted anything could go wrong.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT@york @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @Recon Mission

Connor simply walked over to the guards while Howlett and Dorian argue about what to do and addressed them. "If I may ask, what exactly are you transporting and do you need any help transporting it?" He asked being very forward about what he wanted from them.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @york @Bomb @Wall Sina
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@BarrenThin @Crow

If Ben and Buddy were to attempt it, they would discover that their abilities were currently disabled as well. Nonetheless, the blue haired woman appeared to be concentrated on leading them further along, to wherever she planned on going.

Honestly though, it hardly felt like they were moving at all in this place, as the field seemed to stretch on endlessly... Until they reached a spot where there appeared to be a blue, sphere-like object of some sort, not unlike those "time gates" they had encountered before, except... This one appeared to be flickering, emitting a rather weak, pulsating light that seemed unlikely to provide much illumination, had this place been dark.

She reached out to touch it, but before her hands made contact, she looked towards Ben, his companion, and Dio respectively, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she spoke.

"Before we can return... We must find an artifact. It awaits us through this gate, in a place where all that remains of delted timelines lie." She said.

Though she was still as cryptic as ever, it looks like she'd be willing to elaborate, once they had the chance to converse with one another anyways... But for the time being, she appeared more focused on the strange blue sphere, holding her hands out as she concentrated... Eventually causing it to expand outwards, almost like a timegate, except they could clearly see the world that lay beyond.

As desolate land, with ruins of various buildings... Futuristic, and more primitive, alike... It looked bleak, like all life had been drained from it, and there was this ominous feeling, radiating from it.

All in all though, at least the portal, thing, didn't seem to be sucking them inside, but instead... The woman stepped forwards, entering the portal, motioning for them to follow once more... Guess it was up to them, to take the first step inside.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose


Those who scaled the wall would quickly find a sight to behold; rows upon rows of cannons were aimed at the ground below, where a horde of various animal-like creatures were striking at the wall, while some were aimed high above... Towards large bird-like creatures were circling the area, bombarding segments with arrow-like feathers on occasion. Many casualties were being sustained, but it would appear that the numerous fighters stationed here were quick to transport what they could away from the carnage... While others continued to rotate around, manning the cannons... Or launching themselves straight towards the enemy above using their mysterious gear... Managing to kill off a few airborne enemies every so often.

It seems though that the defenses here might not hold out forever, if the flow of these strange creatures kept up like this... But from up here, it seemed like those who wanted to could either man a cannon, or just use the elevation on the wall to their advantage in order to stave off the creatures in the air or on the ground. On the other hand, one could always improvise if they would so choose, it just seemed that those on the wall needed some help.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Fortunately, for Shion, there was plenty of medical supplies to go around, and it wasn't hard to grab some from a nearby stockpile and begin helping out with the wounded and injured... Something that those doing so already were evidently gratefull for.

Mipha, and Rosa, along with Sidon's help managed to heal a good chunk of the injured in their immediate area, and while they did not completely seal wounds or anything... It certainly allowed those helping out to perform their tasks with ease... And a few of the injured soldiers actually turned out well enough to go back into battle too, which they were quick to do... Heading through Wall Sina's gate once they got on their gear.


"I wish help like this could come more often..." The blonde haired woman said, frowning a little.

It wasn't certain if she was aware of Rosa and Mipha's strange healing powers, but it was clear that she was gratefull for the help, considering just how many injured were flowing in by the hour.

After a moment, she seemed to shake off her gloomy expression, managing another cheery smile towards Mipha and Rosa.

"I'm Christa... Lenz. It's nice to meet you." She said.

Though no-one had asked her name directly, it seemed that she was trying to lift the mood a little... Or maybe just distract herself from the sheer number of injured that was coming in.


Connor's approach yielded the expected results, with one of the members of the Military Police quick to answer, for whatever it's worth.

"Ah, 3D Maneuver Gear, rations, medical supplies... Firearms and gunpowder... That sort of thing." He said, though he seemed a little uneasy when Connor mentioned helping out.

"It's fine! It's fine! We've got this covered! Just... Go help the injured!" He said, waving him off.

Actually, looking closer, while a good portion of the supplies were indeed going towards the forces stationed here, there was a small bit that appeared to be getting pawned off to some wealthy looking civilians. Guess the Military Police didn't exactly have their hands clean.


In the meantime, Howlett suddenly caught a whiff of something really putrid... And if he were to turn his attention to the source, he might just catch a mysterious protrususion from one of the crates before it vanished into the depths within. Whatever it was, it seemed that the Military Police, nor anyone handling the supplies had noticed it... But, it certainly couldn't be a good thing, considering that it shared the color scheme of that bird-like creature that had attacked the group upon arrival.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Regardless of whether everyone chose to don the capes given to them... They found that they were more or less unnoticed, or at least, didn't draw unwanted attention as they all happened to climb into the same supply wagon, whether it was intentional, or not.

As all the units of the Survey Corps were currently at a standstill, there was plenty of time to converse amongst themselves... But in the end, when a distinct line of green smoke could be seen in the sky... Followed by a sudden volley of cannon fire from the left side of the wall... The gates were suddenly lifted, and their wagon suddenly moved forwards along with the rest of the units.

The journey to the actual outside of the wall took a fair amount of time, considering that they had to go through another series of buildings, and another gate... But it seemed that most of the creatures attacking the wall had diverted their attention towards the left side of the wall, allowing for the Survey Corps to slip through, to the place outside the walls.


Eventually, they reached a series of buildings, where there already appeared to be an outpost, and even a few cannon emplacements... With a few other Recon Corps members already stationed there, but it would appear that the outpost was far from safe, as they got closer.

The horses pulling the carts seemed to come to a stop behind the cannon emplacements, while the rest of the group seemed to be re-organizing, preparing to charge again, with some discussion going on amongst them.


If one were to peek out of the wagon to see what the Recon Corps was regrouping for, they would see that there appeared to be horde of incoming creatures, a few bird-like ones, like they had seen within the walls... And, a bunch of animal-like creatures that resembled bears, or werewolves perhaps... If they were on steroids, that is. In addition, there even appeared to be a couple that resembled overgrown scorpions.

Beyond that, there appeared to be a black mass of some sort, but it was hard to make out from this distance... But one could likely assume that this was the source of these creatures, though there was no way to tell from this distance.

Regardless, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to get there on foot, but seeing that a large portion of the forces seemed to be hunkering down... Preparing to fend off the onslaught of creatures, they appeared not to be paying a whole lot of attention to the spare horses in a nearby stable. There appeared to be at least 8 that they could take, if they weren't so confident in making the journey on foot, or heck, they could even just help the forces here defend against the onslaught, but regardless... It was unlikely that these creatures were going to stop coming, unless the source of them was eliminated.

In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.

@BarrenThin @Crow

If Ben and Buddy were to attempt it, they would discover that their abilities were currently disabled as well. Nonetheless, the blue haired woman appeared to be concentrated on leading them further along, to wherever she planned on going.

Honestly though, it hardly felt like they were moving at all in this place, as the field seemed to stretch on endlessly... Until they reached a spot where there appeared to be a blue, sphere-like object of some sort, not unlike those "time gates" they had encountered before, except... This one appeared to be flickering, emitting a rather weak, pulsating light that seemed unlikely to provide much illumination, had this place been dark.

She reached out to touch it, but before her hands made contact, she looked towards Ben, his companion, and Dio respectively, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she spoke.

"Before we can return... We must find an artifact. It awaits us through this gate, in a place where all that remains of delted timelines lie." She said.

Though she was still as cryptic as ever, it looks like she'd be willing to elaborate, once they had the chance to converse with one another anyways... But for the time being, she appeared more focused on the strange blue sphere, holding her hands out as she concentrated... Eventually causing it to expand outwards, almost like a timegate, except they could clearly see the world that lay beyond.

As desolate land, with ruins of various buildings... Futuristic, and more primitive, alike... It looked bleak, like all life had been drained from it, and there was this ominous feeling, radiating from it.

All in all though, at least the portal, thing, didn't seem to be sucking them inside, but instead... The woman stepped forwards, entering the portal, motioning for them to follow once more... Guess it was up to them, to take the first step inside.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose


Those who scaled the wall would quickly find a sight to behold; rows upon rows of cannons were aimed at the ground below, where a horde of various animal-like creatures were striking at the wall, while some were aimed high above... Towards large bird-like creatures were circling the area, bombarding segments with arrow-like feathers on occasion. Many casualties were being sustained, but it would appear that the numerous fighters stationed here were quick to transport what they could away from the carnage... While others continued to rotate around, manning the cannons... Or launching themselves straight towards the enemy above using their mysterious gear... Managing to kill off a few airborne enemies every so often.

It seems though that the defenses here might not hold out forever, if the flow of these strange creatures kept up like this... But from up here, it seemed like those who wanted to could either man a cannon, or just use the elevation on the wall to their advantage in order to stave off the creatures in the air or on the ground. On the other hand, one could always improvise if they would so choose, it just seemed that those on the wall needed some help.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Fortunately, for Shion, there was plenty of medical supplies to go around, and it wasn't hard to grab some from a nearby stockpile and begin helping out with the wounded and injured... Something that those doing so already were evidently gratefull for.

Mipha, and Rosa, along with Sidon's help managed to heal a good chunk of the injured in their immediate area, and while they did not completely seal wounds or anything... It certainly allowed those helping out to perform their tasks with ease... And a few of the injured soldiers actually turned out well enough to go back into battle too, which they were quick to do... Heading through Wall Sina's gate once they got on their gear.


"I wish help like this could come more often..." The blonde haired woman said, frowning a little.

It wasn't certain if she was aware of Rosa and Mipha's strange healing powers, but it was clear that she was gratefull for the help, considering just how many injured were flowing in by the hour.

After a moment, she seemed to shake off her gloomy expression, managing another cheery smile towards Mipha and Rosa.

"I'm Christa... Lenz. It's nice to meet you." She said.

Though no-one had asked her name directly, it seemed that she was trying to lift the mood a little... Or maybe just distract herself from the sheer number of injured that was coming in.


Connor's approach yielded the expected results, with one of the members of the Military Police quick to answer, for whatever it's worth.

"Ah, 3D Maneuver Gear, rations, medical supplies... Firearms and gunpowder... That sort of thing." He said, though he seemed a little uneasy when Connor mentioned helping out.

"It's fine! It's fine! We've got this covered! Just... Go help the injured!" He said, waving him off.

Actually, looking closer, while a good portion of the supplies were indeed going towards the forces stationed here, there was a small bit that appeared to be getting pawned off to some wealthy looking civilians. Guess the Military Police didn't exactly have their hands clean.


In the meantime, Howlett suddenly caught a whiff of something really putrid... And if he were to turn his attention to the source, he might just catch a mysterious protrususion from one of the crates before it vanished into the depths within. Whatever it was, it seemed that the Military Police, nor anyone handling the supplies had noticed it... But, it certainly couldn't be a good thing, considering that it shared the color scheme of that bird-like creature that had attacked the group upon arrival.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Regardless of whether everyone chose to don the capes given to them... They found that they were more or less unnoticed, or at least, didn't draw unwanted attention as they all happened to climb into the same supply wagon, whether it was intentional, or not.

As all the units of the Survey Corps were currently at a standstill, there was plenty of time to converse amongst themselves... But in the end, when a distinct line of green smoke could be seen in the sky... Followed by a sudden volley of cannon fire from the left side of the wall... The gates were suddenly lifted, and their wagon suddenly moved forwards along with the rest of the units.

The journey to the actual outside of the wall took a fair amount of time, considering that they had to go through another series of buildings, and another gate... But it seemed that most of the creatures attacking the wall had diverted their attention towards the left side of the wall, allowing for the Survey Corps to slip through, to the place outside the walls.


Eventually, they reached a series of buildings, where there already appeared to be an outpost, and even a few cannon emplacements... With a few other Recon Corps members already stationed there, but it would appear that the outpost was far from safe, as they got closer.

The horses pulling the carts seemed to come to a stop behind the cannon emplacements, while the rest of the group seemed to be re-organizing, preparing to charge again, with some discussion going on amongst them.


If one were to peek out of the wagon to see what the Recon Corps was regrouping for, they would see that there appeared to be horde of incoming creatures, a few bird-like ones, like they had seen within the walls... And, a bunch of animal-like creatures that resembled bears, or werewolves perhaps... If they were on steroids, that is. In addition, there even appeared to be a couple that resembled overgrown scorpions.

Beyond that, there appeared to be a black mass of some sort, but it was hard to make out from this distance... But one could likely assume that this was the source of these creatures, though there was no way to tell from this distance.

Regardless, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to get there on foot, but seeing that a large portion of the forces seemed to be hunkering down... Preparing to fend off the onslaught of creatures, they appeared not to be paying a whole lot of attention to the spare horses in a nearby stable. There appeared to be at least 8 that they could take, if they weren't so confident in making the journey on foot, or heck, they could even just help the forces here defend against the onslaught, but regardless... It was unlikely that these creatures were going to stop coming, unless the source of them was eliminated.

In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.

They'd all gone unnoticed, huh. Noembelu couldn't help but be rather embarrassed for this city they were protecting. If these types of people were their defenders, no wonder there had been so many wounded. Then again, these people were only human...but even so, wouldn't they at least care a little? They had a job to do, and they needed to do it.

"And you had better not even THINK of deviating even two steps from your duty, Doll."

There it was again. Noembelu rubbed her temples, the oncoming headache from remembering all these words a possible hindrance from the job she had to do. She peeked out of the wagon, quickly catching on to the plan these people had come up with. Instantly Noembelu decided to join the smaller group, figuring she was fast and strong enough to handle it. She decided to skip on the horse, figuring that some needed to stay on foot. Besides...she didn't really know how to ride one, so it wasn't like it was a valid option here.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

@BarrenThin @Crow

If Ben and Buddy were to attempt it, they would discover that their abilities were currently disabled as well. Nonetheless, the blue haired woman appeared to be concentrated on leading them further along, to wherever she planned on going.

Honestly though, it hardly felt like they were moving at all in this place, as the field seemed to stretch on endlessly... Until they reached a spot where there appeared to be a blue, sphere-like object of some sort, not unlike those "time gates" they had encountered before, except... This one appeared to be flickering, emitting a rather weak, pulsating light that seemed unlikely to provide much illumination, had this place been dark.

She reached out to touch it, but before her hands made contact, she looked towards Ben, his companion, and Dio respectively, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she spoke.

"Before we can return... We must find an artifact. It awaits us through this gate, in a place where all that remains of delted timelines lie." She said.

Though she was still as cryptic as ever, it looks like she'd be willing to elaborate, once they had the chance to converse with one another anyways... But for the time being, she appeared more focused on the strange blue sphere, holding her hands out as she concentrated... Eventually causing it to expand outwards, almost like a timegate, except they could clearly see the world that lay beyond.

As desolate land, with ruins of various buildings... Futuristic, and more primitive, alike... It looked bleak, like all life had been drained from it, and there was this ominous feeling, radiating from it.

All in all though, at least the portal, thing, didn't seem to be sucking them inside, but instead... The woman stepped forwards, entering the portal, motioning for them to follow once more... Guess it was up to them, to take the first step inside.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose


Those who scaled the wall would quickly find a sight to behold; rows upon rows of cannons were aimed at the ground below, where a horde of various animal-like creatures were striking at the wall, while some were aimed high above... Towards large bird-like creatures were circling the area, bombarding segments with arrow-like feathers on occasion. Many casualties were being sustained, but it would appear that the numerous fighters stationed here were quick to transport what they could away from the carnage... While others continued to rotate around, manning the cannons... Or launching themselves straight towards the enemy above using their mysterious gear... Managing to kill off a few airborne enemies every so often.

It seems though that the defenses here might not hold out forever, if the flow of these strange creatures kept up like this... But from up here, it seemed like those who wanted to could either man a cannon, or just use the elevation on the wall to their advantage in order to stave off the creatures in the air or on the ground. On the other hand, one could always improvise if they would so choose, it just seemed that those on the wall needed some help.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Fortunately, for Shion, there was plenty of medical supplies to go around, and it wasn't hard to grab some from a nearby stockpile and begin helping out with the wounded and injured... Something that those doing so already were evidently gratefull for.

Mipha, and Rosa, along with Sidon's help managed to heal a good chunk of the injured in their immediate area, and while they did not completely seal wounds or anything... It certainly allowed those helping out to perform their tasks with ease... And a few of the injured soldiers actually turned out well enough to go back into battle too, which they were quick to do... Heading through Wall Sina's gate once they got on their gear.


"I wish help like this could come more often..." The blonde haired woman said, frowning a little.

It wasn't certain if she was aware of Rosa and Mipha's strange healing powers, but it was clear that she was gratefull for the help, considering just how many injured were flowing in by the hour.

After a moment, she seemed to shake off her gloomy expression, managing another cheery smile towards Mipha and Rosa.

"I'm Christa... Lenz. It's nice to meet you." She said.

Though no-one had asked her name directly, it seemed that she was trying to lift the mood a little... Or maybe just distract herself from the sheer number of injured that was coming in.


Connor's approach yielded the expected results, with one of the members of the Military Police quick to answer, for whatever it's worth.

"Ah, 3D Maneuver Gear, rations, medical supplies... Firearms and gunpowder... That sort of thing." He said, though he seemed a little uneasy when Connor mentioned helping out.

"It's fine! It's fine! We've got this covered! Just... Go help the injured!" He said, waving him off.

Actually, looking closer, while a good portion of the supplies were indeed going towards the forces stationed here, there was a small bit that appeared to be getting pawned off to some wealthy looking civilians. Guess the Military Police didn't exactly have their hands clean.


In the meantime, Howlett suddenly caught a whiff of something really putrid... And if he were to turn his attention to the source, he might just catch a mysterious protrususion from one of the crates before it vanished into the depths within. Whatever it was, it seemed that the Military Police, nor anyone handling the supplies had noticed it... But, it certainly couldn't be a good thing, considering that it shared the color scheme of that bird-like creature that had attacked the group upon arrival.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Regardless of whether everyone chose to don the capes given to them... They found that they were more or less unnoticed, or at least, didn't draw unwanted attention as they all happened to climb into the same supply wagon, whether it was intentional, or not.

As all the units of the Survey Corps were currently at a standstill, there was plenty of time to converse amongst themselves... But in the end, when a distinct line of green smoke could be seen in the sky... Followed by a sudden volley of cannon fire from the left side of the wall... The gates were suddenly lifted, and their wagon suddenly moved forwards along with the rest of the units.

The journey to the actual outside of the wall took a fair amount of time, considering that they had to go through another series of buildings, and another gate... But it seemed that most of the creatures attacking the wall had diverted their attention towards the left side of the wall, allowing for the Survey Corps to slip through, to the place outside the walls.


Eventually, they reached a series of buildings, where there already appeared to be an outpost, and even a few cannon emplacements... With a few other Recon Corps members already stationed there, but it would appear that the outpost was far from safe, as they got closer.

The horses pulling the carts seemed to come to a stop behind the cannon emplacements, while the rest of the group seemed to be re-organizing, preparing to charge again, with some discussion going on amongst them.


If one were to peek out of the wagon to see what the Recon Corps was regrouping for, they would see that there appeared to be horde of incoming creatures, a few bird-like ones, like they had seen within the walls... And, a bunch of animal-like creatures that resembled bears, or werewolves perhaps... If they were on steroids, that is. In addition, there even appeared to be a couple that resembled overgrown scorpions.

Beyond that, there appeared to be a black mass of some sort, but it was hard to make out from this distance... But one could likely assume that this was the source of these creatures, though there was no way to tell from this distance.

Regardless, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to get there on foot, but seeing that a large portion of the forces seemed to be hunkering down... Preparing to fend off the onslaught of creatures, they appeared not to be paying a whole lot of attention to the spare horses in a nearby stable. There appeared to be at least 8 that they could take, if they weren't so confident in making the journey on foot, or heck, they could even just help the forces here defend against the onslaught, but regardless... It was unlikely that these creatures were going to stop coming, unless the source of them was eliminated.

In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.

Okay, clearly this woman wasn't much for conversation. Birdie would leave her to make goo goo eyes at the little blonde girl as he tried to figure out a way to appear helpful. Come on, come on, there had to be something...aha!

Over in the distance, there were apparently some blokes selling supplies! He could do that! Striding over to the Military Police Connor was talking to, Birdie lifted up some supplies. "COME GET YER WEAPONS! YER FOOD! ONLY...uh..." He looked down at the police. "How much we sellin' for, then?"

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina
@BarrenThin @Crow

If Ben and Buddy were to attempt it, they would discover that their abilities were currently disabled as well. Nonetheless, the blue haired woman appeared to be concentrated on leading them further along, to wherever she planned on going.

Honestly though, it hardly felt like they were moving at all in this place, as the field seemed to stretch on endlessly... Until they reached a spot where there appeared to be a blue, sphere-like object of some sort, not unlike those "time gates" they had encountered before, except... This one appeared to be flickering, emitting a rather weak, pulsating light that seemed unlikely to provide much illumination, had this place been dark.

She reached out to touch it, but before her hands made contact, she looked towards Ben, his companion, and Dio respectively, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she spoke.

"Before we can return... We must find an artifact. It awaits us through this gate, in a place where all that remains of delted timelines lie." She said.

Though she was still as cryptic as ever, it looks like she'd be willing to elaborate, once they had the chance to converse with one another anyways... But for the time being, she appeared more focused on the strange blue sphere, holding her hands out as she concentrated... Eventually causing it to expand outwards, almost like a timegate, except they could clearly see the world that lay beyond.

As desolate land, with ruins of various buildings... Futuristic, and more primitive, alike... It looked bleak, like all life had been drained from it, and there was this ominous feeling, radiating from it.

All in all though, at least the portal, thing, didn't seem to be sucking them inside, but instead... The woman stepped forwards, entering the portal, motioning for them to follow once more... Guess it was up to them, to take the first step inside.

Function not available. Please try again later.

Ben was still trying to transform. Buddy, meanwhile, just walked on fours, trotting while slightly saddened.

Ben, on the other hand, felt a little distressed.


"Hello, Omnitrix?" Ben speaks to his watch, "give me Fourarms, Jetray, Brainstorm, heck, even Molestache is alright! Yeah, I'm still working on it, DIO, give me a sec."

Function not available. Please try again later.


"Skree?" Buddy appeared a little concerned about Ben's mood.

"Yes, I know Buddy. I've learned time and again that the device doesn't make me a hero, but I've also learned that you should never come empty-handed to a place like-"

Ben and Buddy were prepared to behold, a bizarre land of past, present and future, in the form of the odd lady's projection of what was beyond the portal.


"- this."

Buddy jumps onto Ben's shoulders, with Ben walking forward.

They soon saw an odd portal.

"Who knows, maybe up ahead is Flailbait's home, or Laservision's home!" Ben felt slightly excited.

"Skree-ee..." Buddy sighs in response.

"It's OK, Buddy, I admit, those names are kinda lame, but they're temporary until I can find better ones," Ben responds, "I've changed like, one alien name before. I can change another two or three, no problem!"

"Skree?" Buddy questions, presumably.

"Remember Blitzwolfer? Used to call him Benwolf when I was ten. I mean, who inserts their own name into their superhero persona? Imagine if I still did that these days - Benchip, Bentigre, Bemeleon, Benclock, Bemlin, you get me. I mean, granted, I'm kind of public right now, but..."

And so, after that round of chit-chat, Ben and Buddy stepped into the portal, following the lady, waiting for DIO on the other side.

"... wooooaaaahhh! Wait a second, Bemlin sounds kinda cool, but I'd take Jury Rigg any daaaaaaayyyy!!!!"

@Crow @BarrenThin @york
Last edited:
@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose


Those who scaled the wall would quickly find a sight to behold; rows upon rows of cannons were aimed at the ground below, where a horde of various animal-like creatures were striking at the wall, while some were aimed high above... Towards large bird-like creatures were circling the area, bombarding segments with arrow-like feathers on occasion. Many casualties were being sustained, but it would appear that the numerous fighters stationed here were quick to transport what they could away from the carnage... While others continued to rotate around, manning the cannons... Or launching themselves straight towards the enemy above using their mysterious gear... Managing to kill off a few airborne enemies every so often.

It seems though that the defenses here might not hold out forever, if the flow of these strange creatures kept up like this... But from up here, it seemed like those who wanted to could either man a cannon, or just use the elevation on the wall to their advantage in order to stave off the creatures in the air or on the ground. On the other hand, one could always improvise if they would so choose, it just seemed that those on the wall needed some help.


"About time we got here."

A2 didn't seem bothered by what they had to deal with. Just some pesky creatures. Sure, they were completely different from machines, but she can handle these with ease as well. In her eyes, they didn't appear that different from the wildlife back in the "old world."

Much to surprise to those present, A2 got herself on top of one of the cannons before leaping up right towards one of the airborne creatures. Her whole gameplan here being to literally cut down the airborne threats as much as possible, given if she were able to get onto the back one of them and stab them a bunch with her sword. Now if she were accidentally caught in the other efforts to fend these creatures off, that'll be something else completely.

@Gands @Otto @york @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose

Function not available. Please try again later.

Ben was still trying to transform. Buddy, meanwhile, just walked on fours, trotting while slightly saddened.

Ben, on the other hand, felt a little distressed.


"Hello, Omnitrix?" Ben speaks to his watch, "give me Fourarms, Jetray, Brainstorm, heck, even Molestache is alright! Yeah, I'm still working on it, DIO, give me a sec."

Function not available. Please try again later.


"Skree?" Buddy appeared a little concerned about Ben's mood.

"Yes, I know Buddy. I've learned time and again that the device doesn't make me a hero, but I've also learned that you should never come empty-handed to a place like-"

Ben and Buddy were prepared to behold, a bizarre land of past, present and future, in the form of the odd lady's projection of what was beyond the portal.


"- this."

Buddy jumps onto Ben's shoulders, with Ben walking forward.

They soon saw an odd portal.

"Who knows, maybe up ahead is Flailbait's home, or Laservision's home!" Ben felt slightly excited.

"Skree-ee..." Buddy sighs in response.

"It's OK, Buddy, I admit, those names are kinda lame, but they're temporary until I can find better ones," Ben responds, "I've changed like, one alien name before. I can change another two or three, no problem!"

"Skree?" Buddy questions, presumably.

"Remember Blitzwolfer? Used to call him Benwolf when I was ten. I mean, who inserts their own name into their superhero persona? Imagine if I still did that these days - Benchip, Bentigre, Bemeleon, Benclock, Bemlin, you get me. I mean, granted, I'm kind of public right now, but..."

And so, after that round of chit-chat, Ben and Buddy stepped into the portal, following the lady, waiting for DIO on the other side.

"... wooooaaaahhh! Wait a second, Bemlin sounds kinda cool, but I'd take Jury Rigg any daaaaaaayyyy!!!!"

@Crow @BarrenThin @york

DIO scoffed. "Useless." Simple, but pointed.

Without a word to anyone else, he stepped through the portal.

@Crow @york @ten minute break post

@BarrenThin @Crow

If Ben and Buddy were to attempt it, they would discover that their abilities were currently disabled as well. Nonetheless, the blue haired woman appeared to be concentrated on leading them further along, to wherever she planned on going.

Honestly though, it hardly felt like they were moving at all in this place, as the field seemed to stretch on endlessly... Until they reached a spot where there appeared to be a blue, sphere-like object of some sort, not unlike those "time gates" they had encountered before, except... This one appeared to be flickering, emitting a rather weak, pulsating light that seemed unlikely to provide much illumination, had this place been dark.

She reached out to touch it, but before her hands made contact, she looked towards Ben, his companion, and Dio respectively, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she spoke.

"Before we can return... We must find an artifact. It awaits us through this gate, in a place where all that remains of delted timelines lie." She said.

Though she was still as cryptic as ever, it looks like she'd be willing to elaborate, once they had the chance to converse with one another anyways... But for the time being, she appeared more focused on the strange blue sphere, holding her hands out as she concentrated... Eventually causing it to expand outwards, almost like a timegate, except they could clearly see the world that lay beyond.

As desolate land, with ruins of various buildings... Futuristic, and more primitive, alike... It looked bleak, like all life had been drained from it, and there was this ominous feeling, radiating from it.

All in all though, at least the portal, thing, didn't seem to be sucking them inside, but instead... The woman stepped forwards, entering the portal, motioning for them to follow once more... Guess it was up to them, to take the first step inside.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose


Those who scaled the wall would quickly find a sight to behold; rows upon rows of cannons were aimed at the ground below, where a horde of various animal-like creatures were striking at the wall, while some were aimed high above... Towards large bird-like creatures were circling the area, bombarding segments with arrow-like feathers on occasion. Many casualties were being sustained, but it would appear that the numerous fighters stationed here were quick to transport what they could away from the carnage... While others continued to rotate around, manning the cannons... Or launching themselves straight towards the enemy above using their mysterious gear... Managing to kill off a few airborne enemies every so often.

It seems though that the defenses here might not hold out forever, if the flow of these strange creatures kept up like this... But from up here, it seemed like those who wanted to could either man a cannon, or just use the elevation on the wall to their advantage in order to stave off the creatures in the air or on the ground. On the other hand, one could always improvise if they would so choose, it just seemed that those on the wall needed some help.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Fortunately, for Shion, there was plenty of medical supplies to go around, and it wasn't hard to grab some from a nearby stockpile and begin helping out with the wounded and injured... Something that those doing so already were evidently gratefull for.

Mipha, and Rosa, along with Sidon's help managed to heal a good chunk of the injured in their immediate area, and while they did not completely seal wounds or anything... It certainly allowed those helping out to perform their tasks with ease... And a few of the injured soldiers actually turned out well enough to go back into battle too, which they were quick to do... Heading through Wall Sina's gate once they got on their gear.


"I wish help like this could come more often..." The blonde haired woman said, frowning a little.

It wasn't certain if she was aware of Rosa and Mipha's strange healing powers, but it was clear that she was gratefull for the help, considering just how many injured were flowing in by the hour.

After a moment, she seemed to shake off her gloomy expression, managing another cheery smile towards Mipha and Rosa.

"I'm Christa... Lenz. It's nice to meet you." She said.

Though no-one had asked her name directly, it seemed that she was trying to lift the mood a little... Or maybe just distract herself from the sheer number of injured that was coming in.


Connor's approach yielded the expected results, with one of the members of the Military Police quick to answer, for whatever it's worth.

"Ah, 3D Maneuver Gear, rations, medical supplies... Firearms and gunpowder... That sort of thing." He said, though he seemed a little uneasy when Connor mentioned helping out.

"It's fine! It's fine! We've got this covered! Just... Go help the injured!" He said, waving him off.

Actually, looking closer, while a good portion of the supplies were indeed going towards the forces stationed here, there was a small bit that appeared to be getting pawned off to some wealthy looking civilians. Guess the Military Police didn't exactly have their hands clean.


In the meantime, Howlett suddenly caught a whiff of something really putrid... And if he were to turn his attention to the source, he might just catch a mysterious protrususion from one of the crates before it vanished into the depths within. Whatever it was, it seemed that the Military Police, nor anyone handling the supplies had noticed it... But, it certainly couldn't be a good thing, considering that it shared the color scheme of that bird-like creature that had attacked the group upon arrival.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Regardless of whether everyone chose to don the capes given to them... They found that they were more or less unnoticed, or at least, didn't draw unwanted attention as they all happened to climb into the same supply wagon, whether it was intentional, or not.

As all the units of the Survey Corps were currently at a standstill, there was plenty of time to converse amongst themselves... But in the end, when a distinct line of green smoke could be seen in the sky... Followed by a sudden volley of cannon fire from the left side of the wall... The gates were suddenly lifted, and their wagon suddenly moved forwards along with the rest of the units.

The journey to the actual outside of the wall took a fair amount of time, considering that they had to go through another series of buildings, and another gate... But it seemed that most of the creatures attacking the wall had diverted their attention towards the left side of the wall, allowing for the Survey Corps to slip through, to the place outside the walls.


Eventually, they reached a series of buildings, where there already appeared to be an outpost, and even a few cannon emplacements... With a few other Recon Corps members already stationed there, but it would appear that the outpost was far from safe, as they got closer.

The horses pulling the carts seemed to come to a stop behind the cannon emplacements, while the rest of the group seemed to be re-organizing, preparing to charge again, with some discussion going on amongst them.


If one were to peek out of the wagon to see what the Recon Corps was regrouping for, they would see that there appeared to be horde of incoming creatures, a few bird-like ones, like they had seen within the walls... And, a bunch of animal-like creatures that resembled bears, or werewolves perhaps... If they were on steroids, that is. In addition, there even appeared to be a couple that resembled overgrown scorpions.

Beyond that, there appeared to be a black mass of some sort, but it was hard to make out from this distance... But one could likely assume that this was the source of these creatures, though there was no way to tell from this distance.

Regardless, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to get there on foot, but seeing that a large portion of the forces seemed to be hunkering down... Preparing to fend off the onslaught of creatures, they appeared not to be paying a whole lot of attention to the spare horses in a nearby stable. There appeared to be at least 8 that they could take, if they weren't so confident in making the journey on foot, or heck, they could even just help the forces here defend against the onslaught, but regardless... It was unlikely that these creatures were going to stop coming, unless the source of them was eliminated.

In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.

"Boys, I smell trouble." Howlett replied to Dorian and Connor as he pointed to where the crates where heading. "Whatever is in those crates isn't just equipment. Ain't really sure what it is but it smells like a dead raccoon that's been layin' out in the sun for two days straight." He popped his claws before he continued. "I suspect if we don't check it out it's going to end up biting us in the ass."

@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @york

Once they had arrived to their position, Danielle decided to discard the cloak. It would just get in the way when and if there was a fight.​

They'd all gone unnoticed, huh. Noembelu couldn't help but be rather embarrassed for this city they were protecting. If these types of people were their defenders, no wonder there had been so many wounded. Then again, these people were only human...but even so, wouldn't they at least care a little? They had a job to do, and they needed to do it.

"And you had better not even THINK of deviating even two steps from your duty, Doll."

There it was again. Noembelu rubbed her temples, the oncoming headache from remembering all these words a possible hindrance from the job she had to do. She peeked out of the wagon, quickly catching on to the plan these people had come up with. Instantly Noembelu decided to join the smaller group, figuring she was fast and strong enough to handle it. She decided to skip on the horse, figuring that some needed to stay on foot. Besides...she didn't really know how to ride one, so it wasn't like it was a valid option here.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Danielle as well joined in with the smaller group. She figured that flying with her shield would allow her to get a clearer look of the area. She expected possibly someone to question her now that her cloak was discarded. As Captain America however she wouldn't hide. Even if no one here knew who she was, the symbol meant everything to her.​

@Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission​
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