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Victoria looked like she was about to be sick at the idea of possibly being created by Max's memories, but Monomi intervened.

"No! Monomi promises... everyone here but Diana and Jude are their original selves! Just taken here by the dark presence... It's not that dying isn't forever, it's just..."

"Is it like..." Diana bit her lip in thought. "Is this like an afterlife?"

"In a way... yes! It's parallel to many realms you may consider an afterlife! But, not everyone who dies ends up here... and not everyone who ends up here has died. It is just... a place where people become trapped. The darkness will try to use them as hosts to leave, as otherwise they can not! If you do die here... it might as well be the end. Your very being will be vulnerable... and it's likely you'll be made a host of the dark presence. As far as Monomi can tell, Jude is just very lucky!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
Victoria looked like she was about to be sick at the idea of possibly being created by Max's memories, but Monomi intervened.

"No! Monomi promises... everyone here but Diana and Jude are their original selves! Just taken here by the dark presence... It's not that dying isn't forever, it's just..."

"Is it like..." Diana bit her lip in thought. "Is this like an afterlife?"

"In a way... yes! It's parallel to many realms you may consider an afterlife! But, not everyone who dies ends up here... and not everyone who ends up here has died. It is just... a place where people become trapped. The darkness will try to use them as hosts to leave, as otherwise they can not! If you do die here... it might as well be the end. Your very being will be vulnerable... and it's likely you'll be made a host of the dark presence. As far as Monomi can tell, Jude is just very lucky!"
Stiles looked at Monomi and he paused. " So, basically, what you are saying is that we either died and the darkness trapped us or that we were taken alive and trapped here by the darkness. It makes sense to me why the darkness choose me though. I was the host of an evil spirit once, a nogitsune, it controlled me, used me after I died and came back to life before, back when my mind was fractured. Even since that incident, there has always been something different about me, something dark," he said, trailing off. He wasn't exactly about to admit that he killed someone in self-defense, not now.

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

"Blah, blah, blah... this is all very interesting... not! If the mousey one is so insistent on voting Monomi, I guess the rest of you better start voting! Get to steppin'!"

"Everyone... this can't be right! Monokuma's just... he...!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

"Uu... Y-Yes! Tom is... the diver. Do you remember what you were told before? This dimensions uses creativity and memories, but the diver can too. He's spent so long in this place, working to destroy it from the inside... he... he made me from Kyoko's memories to act for him! Monomi was supposed to protect you until he could arrive and save you all, but it was too much. At this rate, it will all be over before he gets here..."

Monomi lowered her head and sobbed into her hands. Jude placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and shrugged at the others. "It's all over..."

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

Stiles looked over at her and paused. " What do you mean that he made you from Kyoko's memories?" Are you saying that you are not real?" He asked.

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial


"I am real... just not in the same way as the rest of you. I'm still squeezably soft! There are people here... everyone you meet... some were taken here and stripped of their memories, while others are made from their memories!"

Victoria seemed to reach a realization. "So... Blackwell... and Max? Were they..."

"I don't know," Monomi said, her voice lowered so that Victoria could just about hear her. "I don't know, but that's how it is in this place. But it doesn't make them... or me... not real! They still feel, have consciousness, gain memories, and forge bonds!"

"Ugh..." Diana's head was lowered as if she was feeling sick, her hair obscuring her face.

"Okay, wait." Jude knelt down next to Monomi so that she and him were on the same level. "This is important, so I need you to think. Are some of us here created from the memories of others...?"



"I am." Diana raised her head, taking in a deep breath. "Or so I was told. This is so messed up, I know... In that other scenario, with Byakuya, we were told that we were created from the memories of our originals. Originals who still existed outside this dimension. Some of us had gained their memories, because, I think we were basically them? Or copies of them. Those who had regained their memories were given the choice of leaving, thanks to this diver... probably the same one. Ugh..."

Jude had straightened up and had turned to Diana. He leaned over his podium to get a closer look at her. "Diana... you met this diver?"

"Yes... He gave those of who didn't regain our original's memories, like myself, two choices. He said the darkness still had some kind of hold over us, so... all we could do was follow the diver or risk going out on our own in the dark place. I didn't follow, and I ended up here. I guess... those who did go with him ended up as these Saviors of his."

"Yes! That's right!"

"Are you fucking..." Diana grumbled, rubbing at her forehead in frustration. "If I had gone with them, I wouldn't be here? What was I thinking...?" Letting out a deep sigh, Diana met Jude's gaze. "I've been keeping this from you because you didn't seem to remember. I think I get why. You see, Jude... during that scenario, you died."


"What...? I don't..." Jude took a step back from Diana, staggering backward. "It's true that I... have lost my memories. But I didn't think... I'm dead?"

"Well, no, clearly you're alive. I guess. Dying in this place isn't forever."

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

Stiles was getting more and more confused with each passing moment. " But how do we know if we are really here or created from someone else's memories of us? Do we all know if we are real f we were brought here- or..... what does this mean?" He asked, clearly confused. He felt real. He turned to Diana. " What do you mean that dying in this place isn't forever?" He asked. He looked at Victoria and paused. " Or you were created from Max's memories..." he added.

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

Victoria looked like she was about to be sick at the idea of possibly being created by Max's memories, but Monomi intervened.

"No! Monomi promises... everyone here but Diana and Jude are their original selves! Just taken here by the dark presence... It's not that dying isn't forever, it's just..."

"Is it like..." Diana bit her lip in thought. "Is this like an afterlife?"

"In a way... yes! It's parallel to many realms you may consider an afterlife! But, not everyone who dies ends up here... and not everyone who ends up here has died. It is just... a place where people become trapped. The darkness will try to use them as hosts to leave, as otherwise they can not! If you do die here... it might as well be the end. Your very being will be vulnerable... and it's likely you'll be made a host of the dark presence. As far as Monomi can tell, Jude is just very lucky!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

Stiles looked at Monomi and he paused. " So, basically, what you are saying is that we either died and the darkness trapped us or that we were taken alive and trapped here by the darkness. It makes sense to me why the darkness choose me though. I was the host of an evil spirit once, a nogitsune, it controlled me, used me after I died and came back to life before, back when my mind was fractured. Even since that incident, there has always been something different about me, something dark," he said, trailing off. He wasn't exactly about to admit that he killed someone in self-defense, not now.

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial


"Blah, blah, blah... this is all very interesting... not! If the mousey one is so insistent on voting Monomi, I guess the rest of you better start voting! Get to steppin'!"

"Everyone... this can't be right! Monokuma's just... he...!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"No!!! Wait!!!!!" Honda held his head, all this new information pounding in his mind. "Please, don't vote for Monomi!!! If what she's saying is true-no, what she IS saying is true-we need her to get out of here!! Somebody else killed Wanda, I know it!!!!"
@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin @york @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @ClassTrial
"Blah, blah, blah... this is all very interesting... not! If the mousey one is so insistent on voting Monomi, I guess the rest of you better start voting! Get to steppin'!"

"Everyone... this can't be right! Monokuma's just... he...!"
Stiles looked over at the bear and remembered that Rant had voted for Monomi. " I'm voting for Shane. He's been too quiet, Wanda was scared of him and his strange dreams, and I believe a spirit possesed him and made him kill Wanda, or he purspoefully made it messy to make himself less suspicous. His gun, his fight with her, his hate, seems like the perfect set-up to me.

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
Stiles looked over at the bear and remembered that Rant had voted for Monomi. " I'm voting for Shane. He's been too quiet, Wanda was scared of him and his strange dreams, and I believe a spirit possesed him and made him kill Wanda, or he purspoefully made it messy to make himself less suspicous. His gun, his fight with her, his hate, seems like the perfect set-up to me.

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"Possession? Well, that would explain why he wouldn't know who shot her! Maybe even...whoever possessed him set Wanda's body up that way??
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @Josh M
"No!!! Wait!!!!!" Honda held his head, all this new information pounding in his mind. "Please, don't vote for Monomi!!! If what she's saying is true-no, what she IS saying is true-we need her to get out of here!! Somebody else killed Wanda, I know it!!!!"
@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin @york @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @ClassTrial

"Uuuh...why?" Poison asked confused. "I mean I don't know one way or another, but what's going on?"

@Yun Lee @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin @york @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Minerva @Nater Taters @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @ClassTrial
Rant got up from the floor to flip off Poison. He then turned to the rabbit.

"'Sup." Rant said giving a sinister smile. "So, when you die you're just gonna end up stuck here, huh?"

When it came time to vote Rant's smile faded as he donned his normal bored look. He slid his hands into his pockets and slouched.

"Possession? Well, that would explain why he wouldn't know who shot her! Maybe even...whoever possessed him set Wanda's body up that way??
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Atomyk @Josh M

"It's rabbit season! Fire!" Rant sang. Right or wrong he just wanted the bunny responsible for him being here gone.

@Atomyk @york @Jeremi @Crow @BarrenThin @Josh M @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee

"Blah, blah, blah... this is all very interesting... not! If the mousey one is so insistent on voting Monomi, I guess the rest of you better start voting! Get to steppin'!"

"Everyone... this can't be right! Monokuma's just... he...!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"I'd be more inclined to point a finger at you. But it wouldn't be as easy as voting for you and having you on the chopping block." Darv crosses his arms, clearly not well enough informed to make a clear observation here
"Who here can articulately use a gun?" he asks, noting how Monomi has stubby hands, as did Monokuma, operating a pistol without fully opposable hands might be difficult for them

Diana shook her head, moving a lock of her hair behind her ear. "But-- Would the person being possessed be to blame, or the one who possessed them? Like, I don't know who we would vote for then?"

"I don't know... I don't even know what to think about any of that." Looking to Darv, Jude didn't seem too sure about the question. "Uh, I guess... Shane, Honda, and I can use one... but only Shane has experience with firearms."


"I could probably use a big shiny gun if I wanted!"

@DapperDogman @york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"Thats it! I dont know either! None of us do much!! But she does!!"

"I mean...can there be somethin' that we're missin'? Was there anything weird with Wanda's body or somethin'? I just don't think we can trust that damn bear!"


In typical fashion, Kyoko had been quiet for much of the trial, likely due to whatever secret she was holding that Wanda also kept when she was alive. However, when the mention of Usami, or rather Monomi, was made from her memories, the young woman would blink, spurring her to attention.

Listening to the explanation of the situation and the faceless darkness, she bit her lip lightly.

"I suppose that a robotic bear isn't a suitable enough host for darkness, so they need other hosts, huh?" She spoke, crossing her arms.


"Still... They dug into my memories, huh? I suppose that explains why you knew my name from the very beginning, Usami," she said, referring to Monomi by her original name, "Real or not, I believe that your intentions are for our benefit. Still, if we're to overcome this darkness you're talking about, first, we have to find Wanda's killer. So... I ask the rest of you, have we gone through everything that we could have covered?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Trial
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"Still... They dug into my memories, huh? I suppose that explains why you knew my name from the very beginning, Usami," she said, referring to Monomi by her original name, "Real or not, I believe that your intentions are for our benefit. Still, if we're to overcome this darkness you're talking about, first, we have to find Wanda's killer. So... I ask the rest of you, have we gone through everything that we could have covered?"
Stiles turned to Kyoko. " We have Wanda's diary that not everyone had seen," he said, looking at Kyoko. He had offered it before, only to be ignored by most of the people. It was because of the diary, that he suspected that either Shane or Honda had killed her and Shane seemed to be the quieter of the duo.

@york @DapperDogman @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"Th-Thank you!"

Jude clasped his hands together, wringing them. "Shane...? Maybe, but... I-I guess I'm not sure. Maybe that would explain the sloppy shooting... Are any of us capable of being possessed?"

Monokuma shrugged. "I wonder?"

"I mean... Ugh, Monokuma's already made us move wherever he wants!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
Victoria looked like she was about to be sick at the idea of possibly being created by Max's memories, but Monomi intervened.

"No! Monomi promises... everyone here but Diana and Jude are their original selves! Just taken here by the dark presence... It's not that dying isn't forever, it's just..."

"Is it like..." Diana bit her lip in thought. "Is this like an afterlife?"

"In a way... yes! It's parallel to many realms you may consider an afterlife! But, not everyone who dies ends up here... and not everyone who ends up here has died. It is just... a place where people become trapped. The darkness will try to use them as hosts to leave, as otherwise they can not! If you do die here... it might as well be the end. Your very being will be vulnerable... and it's likely you'll be made a host of the dark presence. As far as Monomi can tell, Jude is just very lucky!"

@york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
Zenyatta stared at Monomi as she described the intricacies behind their presence here, before looking down in deep thought. Zenyatta was adamantly spiritualistic and faithful, keeping the teachings of the Shambali and his belief in the Iris even after leaving the Monastery. He believed that the afterlife was a cycle, each soul spinning endlessly within the Iris from one life to another until they can truly achieve peace with themselves, peace with those they consider loved ones, and peace with the universe itself.

Only then will they achieve rest...whatever that may be, Zenyatta has yet to discover. However, the idea of alternate realities and universes within a gaping multiverse isn't too hard for the omnic monk to believe. One core teaching of the Shambali that Zenyatta considered pure was the teaching of having an open mind. To discover new ideas, concepts and opinions, whether from others or from experience, and using such knowledge to strengthen ones mind and soul.

That is the meaning of wisdom; to know that you know nothing. Life is finite, but knowledge is endless. Perhaps, it is just as endless as this theoretical prison realm where a darkness lay, seeking hosts to escape. It is something from a fantasy novel...which, to Zenyatta, is both delightful and something to be feared.

Somehow, ever since the first class trial, the monk had predicted there is something behind this nightmare that extends beyond Monokuma. As it would turn out, the masters prophecy was true...at least, if what Monomi says is true.


"If the words that Monomi speak are to believed, then I would think that our time spent in this chaotic debate is ill-spent."

"If there is concern to be had, then I am truthful in saying that I am more concerned about this...darkness."
Diana shook her head, moving a lock of her hair behind her ear. "But-- Would the person being possessed be to blame, or the one who possessed them? Like, I don't know who we would vote for then?"

"I don't know... I don't even know what to think about any of that." Looking to Darv, Jude didn't seem too sure about the question. "Uh, I guess... Shane, Honda, and I can use one... but only Shane has experience with firearms."

@DapperDogman @york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial


"Form is temporary, controlled by the voice of ones mind and soul. If ones mind and soul are...not their own...I would believe judgement upon them would be ill-advised."

"That is, of course, entirely dependent on the the hearts of those sitting at this podium"


In typical fashion, Kyoko had been quiet for much of the trial, likely due to whatever secret she was holding that Wanda also kept when she was alive. However, when the mention of Usami, or rather Monomi, was made from her memories, the young woman would blink, spurring her to attention.

Listening to the explanation of the situation and the faceless darkness, she bit her lip lightly.

"I suppose that a robotic bear isn't a suitable enough host for darkness, so they need other hosts, huh?" She spoke, crossing her arms.


"Still... They dug into my memories, huh? I suppose that explains why you knew my name from the very beginning, Usami," she said, referring to Monomi by her original name, "Real or not, I believe that your intentions are for our benefit. Still, if we're to overcome this darkness you're talking about, first, we have to find Wanda's killer. So... I ask the rest of you, have we gone through everything that we could have covered?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Trial
Zenyatta would rest his hands on the podium deeply considering Kyokos words. A breach of his own mind, reading his memories...it would explain much, but something about the forceful breach of the sanctity of ones mind seems...blasphemous to Zenyatta. The mind is the safest sanctuary one may have, where they can store their thoughts without judgement or fearing the eyes of others. One may read the intention of ones heart or soul through the eyes...but, what they truly think can only be expressed on their own volition.

"I believe we have, Ms. Kirigiri. There is a lack of truth that we may depend on in this trial, but...that is all we can find without casting our votes and awaiting the consequences."

"The time has come to choose the path ahead..."

Zenyatta would pause for a moment, recalling the words shared in the trial and formulating next action with intense caution. He had abstained for each and every trial, but there is a certain air of finality on this trial that cannot be answered with no answer. The neutrality must be dropped, for there will be no peace otherwise. That is enough to push the monk to finally vote...


"I shall vote for Monokuma."

@DapperDogman @york @Crow @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @ClassTrial



In typical fashion, Kyoko had been quiet for much of the trial, likely due to whatever secret she was holding that Wanda also kept when she was alive. However, when the mention of Usami, or rather Monomi, was made from her memories, the young woman would blink, spurring her to attention.

Listening to the explanation of the situation and the faceless darkness, she bit her lip lightly.

"I suppose that a robotic bear isn't a suitable enough host for darkness, so they need other hosts, huh?" She spoke, crossing her arms.


"Still... They dug into my memories, huh? I suppose that explains why you knew my name from the very beginning, Usami," she said, referring to Monomi by her original name, "Real or not, I believe that your intentions are for our benefit. Still, if we're to overcome this darkness you're talking about, first, we have to find Wanda's killer. So... I ask the rest of you, have we gone through everything that we could have covered?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Trial
"Uh...her cape and the grass around her were wet. And the gun was by the lake, Wanda's clothes were burned but she wasn't...I think that's it?"

@Verite @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk
"Wet because of the morning dew," Jude said. "I assume."

@Yun Lee @ClassTrial
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