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"So, he kicked someone and you all decided you need to gang up on him? Like savages hunting a mammoth?" Rant then turned around as he heard something.

"I forgot about you." Staring at the girl he grabbed her by her shirt and threw her over his shoulder. "Back off! Until we sort this out. So far this fight sounds stupid and more like self defense. Given how many people are chasing one guy for kicking someone. I understand giving him a slug or some other crap similiar to that, but this is just stupid."

Rant then rubbed the back of his neck. "The guy's head he punched off. Who started that?"

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
While Rant was looking at Honda and taunting him, Genji soundlessly blitzed him and went to crack him right in the jaw with a cybernetic fist.

Touching Zinnia was too far.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi

"Ironic coming from a primitive like you. Now get out of the way before I kill you. If you want to be on the side of the man who hurt my friend, then you're my enemy."

Rant would realize that what he had pulled was Chikage's foot, the jujutsuka interrupting his movement.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite

Before Zinnia knew what hit her, she was easily flung out of the way like wet toilet paper by some idiot protecting the guy who had not only attacked Catbug for no reason, but who had also killed Mike--another one of their friends.

"Y-You need to back off. This masked monster just k-killed someone! If you protect him you're just as bad as he is."

Although she was so injured she couldn't do much, a very pissed off Zinnia somehow found the strength to crawl toward Rant and grab his leg, biting his ankle the same way she had bit Jason's. Seeing Genji punch the guy was great, but she still had to have a piece of this guy too!

@Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin
  • Love
Reactions: Khan of the Mardu
"So, he kicked someone and you all decided you need to gang up on him? Like savages hunting a mammoth?" Rant then turned around as he heard something.

"I forgot about you." Staring at the girl he grabbed her by her shirt and threw her over his shoulder. "Back off! Until we sort this out. So far this fight sounds stupid and more like self defense. Given how many people are chasing one guy for kicking someone. I understand giving him a slug or some other crap similiar to that, but this is just stupid."

Rant then rubbed the back of his neck. "The guy's head he punched off. Who started that?"

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite


Was this seriously happening right now? Was this guy actually defending the fucking person that's trying to kill them all?! If it wasn't for the fact that she was without her crystal powers right now, she would crystallize Rant to the point where he is like a statue for all she cared. This was just plain idiotic!

"... the shit that I have to put up with."

Lapis only stayed where she was, but you can visibly see her facepalm at the situation.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
"So, he kicked someone and you all decided you need to gang up on him? Like savages hunting a mammoth?" Rant then turned around as he heard something.

"I forgot about you." Staring at the girl he grabbed her by her shirt and threw her over his shoulder. "Back off! Until we sort this out. So far this fight sounds stupid and more like self defense. Given how many people are chasing one guy for kicking someone. I understand giving him a slug or some other crap similiar to that, but this is just stupid."

Rant then rubbed the back of his neck. "The guy's head he punched off. Who started that?"

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
Something within the back of Jack's mind almost seemed to snap in place to trigger absolute rage as he watched the rodent-like man abuse not only his new comrades, but Zinnia along with them. Without any mercy, the samurai charged forward with Genji, his own fist planting itself in the creature's stomach as his ninja broke his jaw. However, he did not stop here, instead looking to strike continuous blows and rain endless pain on the brat for keeping them from stopping the man who had threatened and murdered members of their group.

Don't ever fucking hit Zinnia in Jack's presence, that's today's lesson, kids.​

Kyoko was in deep thought over stopping this display of needless in-fighting brought about by the oversized mouse. It was her responsibility as the self-proclaimed new leader in the place of "Byakuya" to settle all this before someone seriously got hurt for no good reason.




Was it really though?

@no one </3​
"Poor attempt." Rant simply pulled the man closer with his foot causing the sumo to land on nothing. "Valiant effort though."

"Ironic coming from a primitive like you. Now get out of the way before I kill you. If you want to be on the side of the man who hurt my friend, then you're my enemy."

Rant would realize that what he had pulled was Chikage's foot, the jujutsuka interrupting his movement.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
Oh good, the samurai and ninja were taking care of the traitor. He could always trust his Japanese brothers to get the job done!!! Meanwhile, while on top of Jason, thanks to Chikage intercepting the traitor's feeble defense of this monster, Honda did as any good sumo would, and started punching Jason with everything he had. From what he could tell, this monster had killed an innocent, and Honda wouldn't rest until this thing couldn't hurt anyone any longer.​



Jason was genuinely confused by Corrin's question. Why had he done that? Well, it seemed obvious enough to Jason. That man had been a fool with delusions of grandeur who had threatened Jason and thus met with a grisly untimely end. It felt pretty cut and dry to the undead mass murderer. The same fate would befall her and everyone else gathered here.

Well with the exception of Mike Wheeler and Chikage but everyone else was fair game. Which is why Jason readied himself as Corrin came diving at him with the broom. Jason might not have been the smartest crayon in the box but he could tell something this simple. The plan was to try and trip him up and knock him on his back. His super strength wouldn't be of much use to him if he was on his back like a turtle. As the broom came in for Jason's legs, the zombie jumped up to avoid the sweep and upon landing back down, he sought to crash right atop the broom and splinter it with the impact from the soles of his boots.

He had already been taken down once-by that female child who Jason would not harm-he wouldn't be so easily taken down again. Though it seemed like others weren't going to make that easy for him.

The rocks were of no consequence to Jason. They might as well have been flea bites for all the good it was doing Zinnia. However, when she leaped upon Jason's back, results started to pop up drastically. Black blood that almost resembled tar in it's viscosity began to pour out of he back of Jason's head due to Zinnia's repeated assault with the rock. But Jason remained as quiet as ever. Though this girl was quickly proving to be quite the thorn in his side. It would have been a simple task to simply reach back and grab her and yank her to the ground once again. But Jason had a slight problem.

He couldn't see anything.

Given that he only had one eye due to losing the other one after getting it sliced in twain with his own machete years ago, Zinnia's attack heralded much more success than she might have been hoping for. Jason's swings went wide and far without actually managing to hit home on anybody. This girl was a pest! He'd make sure her death was excruciating! But another problem came with Jason basically being blinded. He couldn't see Jack coming in to try and break his arms once again. But this time Jason wasn't going to give him the chance to.

As soon as he heard Jack's bold declaration, Jason vanished once more. Leaving little behind but a trail of white mist. He also had company in the form of Zinnia this time around. Reappearing beside a tree, Jason prepped himself to smash his back into it. He could easily endure whatever 'pain' this caused him. He knew the same couldn't be said for the girl that was harassing him at the moment.

But before Jason could through with his plan, the other Jack was enacting a plan of his own. As the hook cinched around Jason's ankle, the zombie fell backwards. Cracking his head on the tree but still smushing Zinnia up against the tree with his undead(and quite frankly horribly smelling)frame.

Well, at least he could see again.

For the few seconds that it mattered as a metal fist smashed into the side of Jason's mask. Sending bits of decomposing flesh and plastic flying through the air as Jason rolled along the ground before stopping at the foot of another tree. Dazed by the blow, Jason sat up and pushing his mask up, the others would have finally gotten a good look at Jason's ugly mug with a trail of black blood oozing down from his shattered jaw.


As maggots scurried out of the holes on Jason's head, he'd simply reach towards his jaw and wrenched it back into place. These wounds were nothing but cosmetic injuries that'd be healed as soon as Jason tended to them or his regeneration did. Stretching his leg out to see if his knee had healed, Jason sneered when it turned out that, yes, it had.

Rising back to his feet, he grimaced and glared in Genji's direction. But before he could take another move he was set upon by not one but two women. One of them went straight for Jason's balls. But Poison would have found that the move had little impact on the zombie and might have ended up hurting her more than Jason. It had been effective enough when Jason was still human but as an immortal undead serial killer, even Freddy Krueger could do little in the way of getting much of a reaction from Jason down there. Raising his machete with the intention of simply decapitating Poison, Jason's attention was pulled away as Lapis charged at him and once again Jason was left confused.

Was the man Jason had killed special to her? Why did this girl seem angrier than all the others?

Well, he supposed it didn't matter. As Lapis went to deliver her kick, Jason's free hand lashed out and gripped onto her ankle. Easily raising the bounty hunter above his head, Jason sought to smash her into the ground before swiftly whipping her towards that cat creature he had kicked earlier. If Lapis stayed down than that would have meant, he'd only have..A whole bunch of sinners left to deal with.

The Crystal Lake Killer was going to be quite busy.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin
Joke's on Jason! Breaking the broom only gave Corrin two sticks. Corrin looked at them for a second. She threw the smaller end away, and looked at the sharper, longer end which still held the broom on it. She put the bristles of the broom under her shoulder. She began running to impale Jason.

And then...

Before Zinnia knew what hit her, she was easily flung out of the way like wet toilet paper by some idiot protecting the guy who had not only attacked Catbug for no reason, but who had also killed Mike--another one of their friends.

"Y-You need to back off. This masked monster just k-killed someone! If you protect him you're just as bad as he is."

Although she was so injured she couldn't do much, a very pissed off Zinnia somehow found the strength to crawl toward Rant and grab his leg, biting his ankle the same way she had bit Jason's. Seeing Genji punch the guy was great, but she still had to have a piece of this guy too!

@Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin
"Lady Zinnia, are you alright?" Corrin would say, stopping by her. Corrin held the shorter part of the broom handle in her other hand, and she placed the other part on the ground.

Corrin was mad now. As Genji punched Rant, and Jack began beating Rant, Corrin began hitting the back of Rant's legs with the stick in her hand.

@ShiroKiyoshi @The Tactician @BarrenThin @Everybody Hates Rant
"Ironic coming from a primitive like you. Now get out of the way before I kill you. If you want to be on the side of the man who hurt my friend, then you're my enemy."

Rant would realize that what he had pulled was Chikage's foot, the jujutsuka interrupting his movement.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
"God. You're all idiots. You can't randomly act. Think. You'll all end up like Neon."

While Rant was looking at Honda and taunting him, Genji soundlessly blitzed him and went to crack him right in the jaw with a cybernetic fist.

Touching Zinnia was too far.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi

Rant quickly swung his foot back to throw the girl onto one foot. Then dropping he uppercut her and used her like a body shield for Genji's attack. Sound didn't matter for someone in the direct line of sight.

Before Zinnia knew what hit her, she was easily flung out of the way like wet toilet paper by some idiot protecting the guy who had not only attacked Catbug for no reason, but who had also killed Mike--another one of their friends.

"Y-You need to back off. This masked monster just k-killed someone! If you protect him you're just as bad as he is."

Although she was so injured she couldn't do much, a very pissed off Zinnia somehow found the strength to crawl toward Rant and grab his leg, biting his ankle the same way she had bit Jason's. Seeing Genji punch the guy was great, but she still had to have a piece of this guy too!

@Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin
"Kill him and you're just as bad." Rant said while multitasking. He had one free hand left. He could only defend against one other attacker. Luckily this next attacker decided to try and fist fight the boxer.

Something within the back of Jack's mind almost seemed to snap in place to trigger absolute rage as he watched the rodent-like man abuse not only his new comrades, but Zinnia along with them. Without any mercy, the samurai charged forward with Genji, his own fist planting itself in the creature's stomach as his ninja broke his jaw. However, he did not stop here, instead looking to strike continuous blows and rain endless pain on the brat for keeping them from stopping the man who had threatened and murdered members of their group.

Don't ever fucking hit Zinnia in Jack's presence, that's today's lesson, kids.​
Holding his palm out to block the intial blow the mouse felt quite proud of his work, but then he started to get faster and without both hands Rant was overwhelmed. Not to mention that the moment that he stalled Genji and Chikage would last all, but a second. Rolling back from the attacks Rant found himself up against a tree.

Super strength would be nice right about now.

He then stood up with his fists up.

I can't fight them all like this now. Their skills reach a caliber equal to my own. I have to retreat.

Turning and running Rant jumped onto the next tree's trunk and climbed to its top. From there he made his escape.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
Genji did not relent. He followed the killer, seeking to draw his attention away from Lapis. Each strike he made was powerful and swift, yet calculated so as to avoid being grabbed. Any return strikes from the slower undead would be met with an effortless dodge. Even not at full power, Genji brought experience and training to the table, things Jason's victims typically didn't have. Genji fully intended to dismantle his opponent piece by piece, if need be.​
Oh good, the samurai and ninja were taking care of the traitor. He could always trust his Japanese brothers to get the job done!!! Meanwhile, while on top of Jason, thanks to Chikage intercepting the traitor's feeble defense of this monster, Honda did as any good sumo would, and started punching Jason with everything he had. From what he could tell, this monster had killed an innocent, and Honda wouldn't rest until this thing couldn't hurt anyone any longer.


The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite

"God. You're all idiots. You can't randomly act. Think. You'll all end up like Neon."

Rant quickly swung his foot back to throw the girl onto one foot. Then dropping he uppercut her and used her like a body shield for Genji's attack. Sound didn't matter for someone in the direct line of sight.

"Kill him and you're just as bad." Rant said while multitasking. He had one free hand left. He could only defend against one other attacker. Luckily this next attacker decided to try and fist fight the boxer.

Holding his palm out to block the intial blow the mouse felt quite proud of his work, but then he started to get faster and without both hands Rant was overwhelmed. Not to mention that the moment that he stalled Genji and Chikage would last all, but a second. Rolling back from the attacks Rant found himself up against a tree.

Super strength would be nice right about now.

He then stood up with his fists up.

I can't fight them all like this now. Their skills reach a caliber equal to my own. I have to retreat.

Turning and running Rant jumped onto the next tree's trunk and climbed to its top. From there he made his escape.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite


Was Jack pissed? Yes, yes he was.​


The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite

Don't expect Jack to help you out of this, Rant.​
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Minerva
Jude could only look on in a mix of disdain and confusion. Was the masked man a monster? Monokuma's creation? If the bear was right about the Dark Place, maybe this guy was one of the creatures that lurked within the darkness.


"E-Everyone... Is this really necessary? Focus on the masked man while he's distracted!"
In spite of it all, Genji couldn't let this happen. Part of him wanted to, but that is not what he was taught. The cyborg lunged forward, leaping into the air and going to slam the hardest kick he could managed into Jason's head. Having cybernetics made of an alloy that was perfectly fine with the force was kinda like boxing gloves. He could hit way harder without worrying about injuring himself.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi
Rant was an idiot. Someone who seemed to not understand basic things, refusing to think while accusing others of the same. Projecting.

But that wasn't the reason Chikage attacked him. He was in the way of the real target, the murderer who'd injured their group and killed a man for no apparent reason. They could strap down the mouse in a straitjacket and send him to a supply closet or something later. Stopping a murderer was the first priority.

With Rant out of the way, she darted under Jason's legs, grabbing and pulling his leg to attempt to force him into a split to ease further attacks on him.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Verite


The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite

Well after being distanced from everyone Rant found himself hoisted into the air. Looking at the man doing it his face turned to rage. Had his victim not been used to this kind of attack it would have been an easy kill, but Rant's short legs allowed him to use Jason like a wall and flip out of his grasp. At the same time Rant slipped the blade from his hand.

"You're a real one trick pony. You know you're making this real hard. See the way I see it is if you die one of us dies so if you could kindly leave them the hell alone that would be nice. I rather not kill another kid."

Rant then held his stance ready to fight Jason.

"Whether it works like that or not." Rant shrugged his shoulders losing his stance in the process. "But, it looks like I can't convince them not to kill you. Whatever."

Rant said holding his machete over his shoulder. "So, an eye for an eye. Make my job hard and I'll make yours hell. Have fun in a fist fight, sir... thing." Rant then kept running. Jason could have followed, but with the knowledge of his power Rant was able to counter now.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.
"E-Everyone... Is this really necessary? Focus on the masked man while he's distracted!"
Exactly her thoughts as well. This farce had gone on long enough, her just observing in silence. This wight undead, if that was what he was, was strong indeed. Still, anyone could be killed. Even Gregor Clegane, the giant Mountain. Even he was felled by someone much smaller and quicker. All it takes is the right application of force and capitalizing on helpful distractions.

Which is why, not a moment after that kick from Genji and Chikage's maneuver did she step up behind Jason and smacked him in the back of his skull with the heaviest rock she had managed to find.

Go down you fucking cunt.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin

The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite



Was Jack pissed? Yes, yes he was.​

Don't expect Jack to help you out of this, Rant.​


Corrin watched as Rant was picked up by the monster, and watched as her broom did nothing. "Alright, time to do something different." She said. She wondered what this monster was. It looked like a Faceless, from the mask, to the Brute Strength. But... It could hold a weapon. It wasn't just punching everything.

Well, except Mike's head.

Corrin now no longer had a weapon. She picked up a nearby tree branch, and swung it at Jason's head.

Watch out, Motherfuckers. Corrin now has a branch.


((I couldn't find the right picture, so this will have to do.))

The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite



Was Jack pissed? Yes, yes he was.​

Don't expect Jack to help you out of this, Rant.​

Jude could only look on in a mix of disdain and confusion. Was the masked man a monster? Monokuma's creation? If the bear was right about the Dark Place, maybe this guy was one of the creatures that lurked within the darkness.


"E-Everyone... Is this really necessary? Focus on the masked man while he's distracted!"

In spite of it all, Genji couldn't let this happen. Part of him wanted to, but that is not what he was taught. The cyborg lunged forward, leaping into the air and going to slam the hardest kick he could managed into Jason's head. Having cybernetics made of an alloy that was perfectly fine with the force was kinda like boxing gloves. He could hit way harder without worrying about injuring himself.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi

Rant was an idiot. Someone who seemed to not understand basic things, refusing to think while accusing others of the same. Projecting.

But that wasn't the reason Chikage attacked him. He was in the way of the real target, the murderer who'd injured their group and killed a man for no apparent reason. They could strap down the mouse in a straitjacket and send him to a supply closet or something later. Stopping a murderer was the first priority.

With Rant out of the way, she darted under Jason's legs, grabbing and pulling his leg to attempt to force him into a split to ease further attacks on him.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Verite

Exactly her thoughts as well. This farce had gone on long enough, her just observing in silence. This wight undead, if that was what he was, was strong indeed. Still, anyone could be killed. Even Gregor Clegane, the giant Mountain. Even he was felled by someone much smaller and quicker. All it takes is the right application of force and capitalizing on helpful distractions.

Which is why, not a moment after that kick from Genji and Chikage's maneuver did she step up behind Jason and smacked him in the back of his skull with the heaviest rock she had managed to find.

Go down you fucking cunt.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin


Corrin watched as Rant was picked up by the monster, and watched as her broom did nothing. "Alright, time to do something different." She said. She wondered what this monster was. It looked like a Faceless, from the mask, to the Brute Strength. But... It could hold a weapon. It wasn't just punching everything.

Well, except Mike's head.

Corrin now no longer had a weapon. She picked up a nearby tree branch, and swung it at Jason's head.

Watch out, Motherfuckers. Corrin now has a branch.


((I couldn't find the right picture, so this will have to do.))
Soon Honda felt himself sitting on nothing, and noticing Jason distracted he got up. "Time to introduce you to a favorite technique of mine!!!!!"



The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite

In spite of it all, Genji couldn't let this happen. Part of him wanted to, but that is not what he was taught. The cyborg lunged forward, leaping into the air and going to slam the hardest kick he could managed into Jason's head. Having cybernetics made of an alloy that was perfectly fine with the force was kinda like boxing gloves. He could hit way harder without worrying about injuring himself.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi
Well after being distanced from everyone Rant found himself hoisted into the air. Looking at the man doing it his face turned to rage. Had his victim not been used to this kind of attack it would have been an easy kill, but Rant's short legs allowed him to use Jason like a wall and flip out of his grasp. At the same time Rant slipped the blade from his hand.

"You're a real one trick pony. You know you're making this real hard. See the way I see it is if you die one of us dies so if you could kindly leave them the hell alone that would be nice. I rather not kill another kid."

Rant then held his stance ready to fight Jason.

"Whether it works like that or not." Rant shrugged his shoulders losing his stance in the process. "But, it looks like I can't convince them not to kill you. Whatever."

Rant said holding his machete over his shoulder. "So, an eye for an eye. Make my job hard and I'll make yours hell. Have fun in a fist fight, sir... thing." Rant then kept running. Jason could have followed, but with the knowledge of his power Rant was able to counter now.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Crow @Verite
Exactly her thoughts as well. This farce had gone on long enough, her just observing in silence. This wight undead, if that was what he was, was strong indeed. Still, anyone could be killed. Even Gregor Clegane, the giant Mountain. Even he was felled by someone much smaller and quicker. All it takes is the right application of force and capitalizing on helpful distractions.

Which is why, not a moment after that kick from Genji and Chikage's maneuver did she step up behind Jason and smacked him in the back of his skull with the heaviest rock she had managed to find.

Go down you fucking cunt.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin

Corrin watched as Rant was picked up by the monster, and watched as her broom did nothing. "Alright, time to do something different." She said. She wondered what this monster was. It looked like a Faceless, from the mask, to the Brute Strength. But... It could hold a weapon. It wasn't just punching everything.

Well, except Mike's head.

Corrin now no longer had a weapon. She picked up a nearby tree branch, and swung it at Jason's head.

Watch out, Motherfuckers. Corrin now has a branch.


((I couldn't find the right picture, so this will have to do.))
Soon Honda felt himself sitting on nothing, and noticing Jason distracted he got up. "Time to introduce you to a favorite technique of mine!!!!!"

Well now... Just what happened to Sledge during all of this. Well he had taken in all that happened and planned. Jack was right about Sledge pulling a feint earlier but now he was back. Behind Jason the Scot appeared seeming to attempt to tackle Jason from behind as the flurry of attacks from others came in. He was hoping for a quick take down as the others hopefully landed their hits in the hopes of pining Jason to the ground afterwards. Sledge may only be human but he was an exceptionally strong human.

@C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin
Soon Honda felt himself sitting on nothing, and noticing Jason distracted he got up. "Time to introduce you to a favorite technique of mine!!!!!"

Exactly her thoughts as well. This farce had gone on long enough, her just observing in silence. This wight undead, if that was what he was, was strong indeed. Still, anyone could be killed. Even Gregor Clegane, the giant Mountain. Even he was felled by someone much smaller and quicker. All it takes is the right application of force and capitalizing on helpful distractions.

Which is why, not a moment after that kick from Genji and Chikage's maneuver did she step up behind Jason and smacked him in the back of his skull with the heaviest rock she had managed to find.

Go down you fucking cunt.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi @BarrenThin
In spite of it all, Genji couldn't let this happen. Part of him wanted to, but that is not what he was taught. The cyborg lunged forward, leaping into the air and going to slam the hardest kick he could managed into Jason's head. Having cybernetics made of an alloy that was perfectly fine with the force was kinda like boxing gloves. He could hit way harder without worrying about injuring himself.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Chewy Rabbits @ShiroKiyoshi
Jude could only look on in a mix of disdain and confusion. Was the masked man a monster? Monokuma's creation? If the bear was right about the Dark Place, maybe this guy was one of the creatures that lurked within the darkness.


"E-Everyone... Is this really necessary? Focus on the masked man while he's distracted!"


The blows were simply too much for Jason. With every one that Genji landed, something broke. Whether it was a rib or something else, the metal fists might as well have been sledgehammers for all the damage they did to Jason's decomposing frame. However, before Genji could take Jason down to the ground, Chikage had already beaten him to it. As the zombie's machete clattered to the ground beside him, Jason slowly started to push himself back up even as E. Honda threw blow after blow at him. Coating the sumo wrestler's fists in the sticky black blood. They wouldn't keep him down. Nobody could keep him down. But then something strange happened. Something even Jason himself couldn't have suspected.

Someone was defending him???

Jason merely tilted his head in confusion as he slid down his hockey mask. What was this rat creature going on about and where was he attempting to take Jason? Shaking himself free of Rant's grip, Jason rose to his feet and picked up his machete as he glanced over at the rat creature and how it's actions had earned it's own teammates to attack it.

Jason was still going to kill it of course but he wanted to watch first. Vanishing in a trail of mist to get himself away from E. Honda , Jason reappeared behind Rant as both Jack/Genji punched at him. Slipping both hands around the rat's head, Jason lifted him high off his feet as he began to squeeze inwards. If all worked out as Jason had intended then he would have crushed Rant's head as easily as crushing a soda can.



Oh and Corrin impaled Jason with a broom but it didn't amount to much...

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite

Zenyatta would sitting in a meditative stance against a tree, observing your fight.

"Do not let your anger control your movements, friends. Focus your mind towards the path to victory, make defeat an impossibility..."

"Oh, and excellent form, Genji!"

Zenyatta would throw a thumbs up to the entire group.

How the hell did he even get there?

How the hell did Jason not notice him sitting there the whole time?

@IM ZENYATTA @IM HELPING @Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin @Verite @Chewy Rabbits
Well after being distanced from everyone Rant found himself hoisted into the air. Looking at the man doing it his face turned to rage. Had his victim not been used to this kind of attack it would have been an easy kill, but Rant's short legs allowed him to use Jason like a wall and flip out of his grasp. At the same time Rant slipped the blade from his hand.
"You're a real one trick pony. You know you're making this real hard. See the way I see it is if you die one of us dies so if you could kindly leave them the hell alone that would be nice. I rather not kill another kid."

Rant then held his stance ready to fight Jason.

"Whether it works like that or not." Rant shrugged his shoulders losing his stance in the process. "But, it looks like I can't convince them not to kill you. Whatever."

Rant said holding his machete over his shoulder. "So, an eye for an eye. Make my job hard and I'll make yours hell. Have fun in a fist fight, sir... thing." Rant then kept running. Jason could have followed, but with the knowledge of his power Rant was able to counter now.



Jason had never quite understood how or why he had the strength that he did. But he always made sure to utilize it to it's full potential. Which often resulted in torn off limbs, people getting holes punched through them or heads getting crushed. So to see this rat thing flail around in his arms all the while Jason continued to squeeze on his head confused the zombie more than anything. All Rant's flipping around had done had ended up with his legs on Jason's shoulders.

Something Jason easily shook off as he resumed right back to what he'd been doing. This creature kept confusing him more and more.

Unfortunately, however Jason wouldn't be able to succeed in crushing Rant's head. On account of getting a metal foot smashed into the side of his head and the little girl tugging at his leg. Falling to a knee as a torrent of blood ran down the side of his head where Genji had kicked, Jason decided Rant was no longer worth his time. Pulling his machete back from Rant's grip, Jason smashed Rant into the ground and tried to shake Chikage off him. He still wouldn't hurt the child but this was getting to be a bit much!
Which is why, not a moment after that kick from Genji and Chikage's maneuver did she step up behind Jason and smacked him in the back of his skull with the heaviest rock she had managed to find.

Go down you fucking cunt.
Corrin now no longer had a weapon. She picked up a nearby tree branch, and swung it at Jason's head.

Watch out, Motherfuckers. Corrin now has a branch.

Arya's swing caught Jason off guard and shattered the ring that held the straps for his mask together. Causing the mask to tumble to the floor as Jason staggered uneasily on his feet. All these blows to the head were quickly starting to rake up and even an undead serial killer had his limits.

But even as dazed/tired as he was, Jason turned and smashed a fist into Corrin's incoming branch. Splintering it further and getting bits of wood everywhere. Some of them even lodged firmly into Jason's fist. But with the whole blood running down the back and side of his head, he had bigger concerns than a few splinters.

He had seen enough of this group. They weren't normal sinners and didn't fight like them. They were strong and actually worked together against him. Well, with the exception of that strange rat thing. Gripping onto E.Honda's hand as the sumo came in for his technique, Jason sought to pick him up and hurl him at Rant. A goodbye gift before Jason made his own departure and a message to the one who dared try to steal from him.
Well now... Just what happened to Sledge during all of this. Well he had taken in all that happened and planned. Jack was right about Sledge pulling a feint earlier but now he was back. Behind Jason the Scot appeared seeming to attempt to tackle Jason from behind as the flurry of attacks from others came in. He was hoping for a quick take down as the others hopefully landed their hits in the hopes of pining Jason to the ground afterwards. Sledge may only be human but he was an exceptionally strong human.

Looking over his shoulder, Jason watched as Sledge charged at him. Grabbing the man and hurling him away would have been easy enough but Jason was done here. Which is why a trail of mist began to appear at Jason's feet. He sneered at Sledge as the mist slowly began to overtake him.

As Sledge finally went for the tackle, he would have seemingly gone right through Jason and crashed to the ground. If he looked back, he would have seen Jason's hideous visage one last time before he turned into mist and drifted away. Leaving the heroes to lick their wounds.

Oh and also deal with Rant.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin@Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay




Jason had never quite understood how or why he had the strength that he did. But he always made sure to utilize it to it's full potential. Which often resulted in torn off limbs, people getting holes punched through them or heads getting crushed. So to see this rat thing flail around in his arms all the while Jason continued to squeeze on his head confused the zombie more than anything. All Rant's flipping around had done had ended up with his legs on Jason's shoulders.

Something Jason easily shook off as he resumed right back to what he'd been doing. This creature kept confusing him more and more.

Unfortunately, however Jason wouldn't be able to succeed in crushing Rant's head. On account of getting a metal foot smashed into the side of his head and the little girl tugging at his leg. Falling to a knee as a torrent of blood ran down the side of his head where Genji had kicked, Jason decided Rant was no longer worth his time. Pulling his machete back from Rant's grip, Jason smashed Rant into the ground and tried to shake Chikage off him. He still wouldn't hurt the child but this was getting to be a bit much!


Arya's swing caught Jason off guard and shattered the ring that held the straps for his mask together. Causing the mask to tumble to the floor as Jason staggered uneasily on his feet. All these blows to the head were quickly starting to rake up and even an undead serial killer had his limits.

But even as dazed/tired as he was, Jason turned and smashed a fist into Corrin's incoming branch. Splintering it further and getting bits of wood everywhere. Some of them even lodged firmly into Jason's fist. But with the whole blood running down the back and side of his head, he had bigger concerns than a few splinters.

He had seen enough of this group. They weren't normal sinners and didn't fight like them. They were strong and actually worked together against him. Well, with the exception of that strange rat thing. Gripping onto E.Honda's hand as the sumo came in for his technique, Jason sought to pick him up and hurl him at Rant. A goodbye gift before Jason made his own departure and a message to the one who dared try to steal from him.


Looking over his shoulder, Jason watched as Sledge charged at him. Grabbing the man and hurling him away would have been easy enough but Jason was done here. Which is why a trail of mist began to appear at Jason's feet. He sneered at Sledge as the mist slowly began to overtake him.

As Sledge finally went for the tackle, he would have seemingly gone right through Jason and crashed to the ground. If he looked back, he would have seen Jason's hideous visage one last time before he turned into mist and drifted away. Leaving the heroes to lick their wounds.

Oh and also deal with Rant.

@Crimson Spartan @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Jeremi @BarrenThin@Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay

Rant lay in the ground the wind knocked out of him.

Ah, this is gonna suck... He made my job hell.

Rant moved his arm over to his stomach and held it there. Great.

I'll just sit here for a moment. 'Til the headache passes.
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