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Well, well, Catbug wasn't going to turn down praise if he could help it!

"That's right! I'm the best, the only, Catbug you need concern yourself with! But, I just want to say one thing Bolin!" With that Catbug flew forward and wrapped his tiny arms around Bolin. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me! Ever! I'll make sure we stay the bestest of friends for as long as we're here!"

Catbug may have been eager to befriend everyone but even he knew these things took time. Which is why he'd work hard at making sure all of the people he had approached so far to be his friends were happy as can be! Bolin was already getting a head start on that! Now, if only some people could do the same. Releasing Bolin from his hug, Catbug continued to fly after Lapis. All she needed was a little push and he could help her! Then the two of them would be sitting together swapping stories and looking over their gifts.

Or at least that's what Catbug would have liked to have happened. But sadly, things didn't always go the way you wanted them. Watching as Lapis gave him the cold shoulder, the hybrid's wings began to flutter as Catbug's lip trembled. He could handle being told to go away. He'd just refuse and keep at what he was doing! Which was to be the best friend he could be. But to see Lapis be so subdued when basically telling him to leave her alone hurt the creature's feelings something fierce.

"B-But Lapis! Oof!"


The creature crashed to the ground and rolled until he was nothing more than a whimpering heap on the floor. Pushing himself up until he was sitting on his rear, Catbug watched as Lapis continued into the forest. How come she wanted to be alone so badly? Was it because of something that happened? Catbug wanted to understand but whenever he tried getting close, Lapis kept pushing him away! Even for someone with Catbug's child-like demeanor, he had feelings too! Neglecting them in order to stay away from those who wanted to be your friends hurt the poor creature like you wouldn't believe. More than any fist or foot.

Or gas powered stick but let's not get into that.

Sniffling as he reached for Sir Jeffers, Catbug looked over the stick who thankfully hadn't been damaged in Catbug's crash.

"I-I'm so upset, Sir Jeffers! I wish there was something I could do for Lapis! But she just wants to be by herself and I can only watch! B-but friends should help friends, shouldn't they? What should I do?!" Catbug cried out as he shook the stick from side to side.

"Catbug! Their's no reason for you to be upset!"

Wiping at his eyes with his left arm, Catbug sniffled. "T-Their isn't?"

"No, of course not my friend! You have all that you could ever need and more! You have people who care about you! Like that sumo man, the robot, and even the Hero of the South who claimed you were the cutest catbug he'd ever seen! Dry your tears, you'll be fine I'm sure!"

Catbug shakily rose to his feet and continued wiping off the rest of his tears. Sir Jeffers had made a good point. Even though he had just met them, Chikage/Sumo Man/Bolin/Mister Robot Man all seemed to care about him or at least were friends! That was all that Catbug ever wanted. But it still left one thing unanswered.

"'What about Lapis, Sir Jeffers? What if she doesn't care about me..?"

"I'm sure she does, Catbug! In her own special way, I'm sure she thinks the world of you! But she's got her own problems and taking care of a Catbug is a big responsibility! Not something you can just take on lightly! She'll come around and the two of you will be the best of friends. Now, do you feel any better?"


Wow! Sumo Man was so cool!

"I'm feeling a lot better, Sir Jeffers! You're right, Lapis will come around! She can hang out with me, Sumo Man, Chikage and everybody else! We can all be friends together!"

Hopping up and down in glee, Catbug placed Sir Jeffers securely behind his wings before taking flight again. Only this time, he sought to sit right atop of Chikage's head. It was pretty comfy all things considered and they were friends so surely she wouldn't mind!

"C'mon Chikage! These guys seem really cool and they want you to come along too! Because you know that juju stuff!"

@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Crow @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies

Byakuya gave Kyoko a sidelong glance as she caught up with him, opening her mouth to speak words that Byakuya could only feel were veiled jabs at him. Maybe she knew something he didn't, or maybe she didn't think highly of his weight, but either way, the boy who would assume leadership took Kyoko's words in stride. She wasn't openly threatening him, and it seemed she was content at leaving him to his desires, so there was no point in lingering on the deeper meanings of what she was saying.


"I have gotten bigger, Kirigiri, for a man with a status as large as mine is only benefited by a stature as large as this. An aura of refinement and a build such as mine could only establish my superiority." One could easily see Byakuya's words as total elitism, but Byakuya spoke as if he was reading off a fact about himself rather than simply talking as if to brag. Kyoko's assessment of his total belief in himself couldn't be closer to the truth.

When they reached the giant tree, Byuakuya craned his head upward to take in the massive force of nature. Somehow taller and wider than the trees surrounding it, Byakuya revered it as if it was a symbol for himself, a natural landmark that had been destined to grow taller than its peers. "I suppose it would be prudent of me to ask what you recall of your time before ending up here, however, I suspect you won't be so forthcoming..." Byakuya looked down to meet Kyoko's gaze. His eyes peered down at her name tag, featuring her mystery title. "I do wonder why your title is obscured like that, don't you?"

Byakuya would have continued with his own theories on the matter, but the arrival of some woman trailing after, growling like a dog made him pause. He looked at Tharja as if she had crawled out of the forest like some kind of beast.

"You won't get any explanation, for we know no more than you do. Learn some self-restraint and try not to act like some kind of caged animal."

Byakuya only turned and nodded to the robot as he arrived. He had no issue with Zenyetta, even if he seemed almost too sickeningly peaceful.

@Verite @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OldOneTree


Usami deflated, her eyes watering as she watched Zinnia fall into despair.


"I'm sorryyyy... I thought items from home would make everyone happy..." The rabbit wiped at her eyes. "Usami is useless! There's nothing I can do! As a teacher, I'm failing you! Oh..."

@Josh M @BarrenThin @Jeremi @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @VisitorCenter


A large majority of the forest seemed blocked off by the strange force, leaving only a small area of the forest inside the park available to search.


Despite the small area, the forest was dense and hard to navigate, the heavy amount of foliage blocking off most of the sunlight above. There were few landmarks to find, leaving the forest search to be a confusing and fruitless affair. Still, Jude was searching to the best of his ability, but he was far from at home in the outdoors.


"Something tells me this sin't the brightest idea," Jude admitted, walking over to the others entering the forest. "Even if something were out here, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack."

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Forest

The moment the bus came to a stop was the moment Snow awoke from his rather deep sleep. The entire ride he'd been sound asleep, dreaming of winter and wonder, perhaps answering one of lifes many mysteries... Do snowman dream? A small snot bubble had been blowing up and shrinking down each time he took a slumbering breath, but as soon as the bus stopped he found himself snapping awake and the bubble popping. As the bubble popped it turned into small powdery snow that slowly fell to the floor of the bus and as confusing as that may seem Citizen Snow found himself even more confused as he woke up around many strange people and stuffed into a bus no less. "Huh... W-what?" He asked, looking around. Eventually he did follow everyone as they left the bus. He made sure he was the last one out as he wasn't entirely sure if his sizable body could make it through the doors.


After some shuffling Snow managed to get out somehow and followed everyone as they were all lead by some strange, if not adorable, floating bear. This wasn't the first time he'd found himself in such a bizzar situation. Instead of making a scene, Snow decided it'd be best to just follow behind the group and see how everything played out, maybe he'd even be able to have some fun while he was here. After informing them about the Visitors Center and who the list of who they would be bunking with the small pink bear whisked itself away, something Snow found incredibly adorable. He wanted to follow, but he figured he might as well take a look at who he'd be bunking with while he was here. He approached the list and bent down, looking at it closely. "Lets see..." He started before a pause. "... Oh, that's right. I can't read! HAAAAHAHA." Snow cackled as he rose up and put his arms to his waist. He did recognize his own name though in the writing. Looks like he'd have to ask one of these small fellows for a bit of instruction. Snow put his map under the bucket on his head for safe keeping as he walked around to find someone to inquire about where he'd be staying.

Snow approached what seemed like the most interesting and excited of the bunch. One introducing himself as Bolin was speaking with a rather small, even smaller than the rest of the group, little insect like creature. On second thought maybe it was a cat... Probably? Snow wasn't quite sure but it did introduce itself as Catbug, so a little of both! Snow approached Bolin, Catbug, and another guy who had the appearance of a sumo wrestler. Out of everyone the sumo seemed like the only one that could even compare to Snow in size, although that was a bit of an overexaduration. Snow stood behind Bolin and the Sumo, he was about to speak up as his huge presence loomed over the two but all of the sudden Catbug seemed to be rather distraught. Normally he wouldn't of cared how something so small and feeble was feeling, but then he heard it.... As Catbug explained how it wanted to help its friend a wonderful and emotional melody rang out. No one else seemed to hear it, but the background music was there Snow was sure! A song that accompanied Catbug's heartfelt words was doing the impossible and... And... Snow could feel the tears trickling down from the coal eyes on his face. He couldn't help but sniff to hold back snot and tears as he continued into a blubbering mess.

"That was... That waaas..." Snow started, looking down past Bolin and the Sumo at Catbug. Suddenly Snow's huge arms reached forward, embracing the group in a large, cold, and snowy embrace that was big enough to even take in the likes of the sumo. "S-so beautiful!" Snow cried, still a blubbering mess.

@Chewy Rabbits @Yun Lee @Yang Lee

"Now that is a good idea!"Bolin fist pumped to Honda's proposal.

"D'awww. You're so precious!" Bolin cried as the catbug left the cabin. "I'll see you soon! Stay beautiful!!!"

@Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits

Well, if everyone spoke the language of fighting...


"That's correct. I'll come."

Not seeming to mind that Catbug had taken residence upon her head, Chikage headed off with Honda and the rest to head for the forest. She was better with jujutsu than words anyway.

Though she didn't particularly like the feeling of being caged in, at least this negated most of the possibility of getting lost. ...Sort of. There was a lot of foliage after all, but if necessary some screaming would probably let everyone find everyone.

She just have Jude a shrug as he mentioned they couldn't find anything. They'd come out to spar anyway, for that "team bonding" and stuff. Maybe they'd find clues on how to get out of here after they got to know each other. It wasn't like any of them would manage to figure it all out on their own, after all.

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Forest
"Now THIS is what I like to see!!!!" Honda exclaimed proudly at their group. "Everyone coming together in order to-WOAH!!!"

He was suddenly enclosed in a snowy hug, similar to one he used as an attack. By a...snowman?! Well, at this point, Honda wasn't going to question anything odd. When you lived in Japan for so long, you got accustomed to the unusual.

After the hug, however, he looked around the forest, a bit saddened by how its density took away from the battle area, but no matter!

"Well, this looks like an excellent place to start! Who wants to go first?!"

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest
As Jack fished out his possession from the bag, his eyes widened in shock as he recognized the aged artifact. The ball made of a flax-like material was all too familiar, memories of his lost childhood filling his mind. Memories of tossing and kicking the little ball around to amuse himself as the days passed peacefully by, when his father's realm was blooming like a beautiful sakura tree and nothing seemed able to break the serenity of his world. The time of his childhood was coming to haunt him once again as he wondered how the rabbit managed to obtain the ball and as tears welled in his eyes.


However, he held his tears back. Now was not the time to begin longing for his old life as a boy in Kyoto. Instead, he wiped away the tears and slipped the ball into the folds of his kimono before focusing on Zinnia, who was experiencing the greatest loss.

"I promise you, Zinnia, we will find Aster again. You will not be alone in this trial."

"It is alright, little rabbit... It is just a difficult time at the moment," Jack reassured, not wishing for the creature to feel as though it had failed. While it was not an effective leader, the samurai still did not wish for it to fall into depression over a simple mistake. With that said, he turned to the others who seemed ready to leave the Center and nodded, "I am prepared when you are all ready to leave."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Tactician
@Josh M

"Well..." Poison remarked with a cheeky look on her face. "What if we went and checked out Lovers Peak? That should be fun right?" Poison replied. "Let's just hope the road there is high heel friendly." She chuckled.

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Admittedly, the playboy side of him was more than a little tempted. His mind and heart both said no, though. If she proved to be kind in heart and spirit, he might pursue her. What was something Zenyatta would have said? 'Blindly indulging the flesh can only lead to ruin.'


Close enough.

"Then it is doubly important that you return safely. I will see to it. For now, do not worry. Genji is with you." Though his smile was not visible, it could be heard by the friendliness in his voice.

"Moving on would be wise, yes."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Tactician
@Josh M

As Jack fished out his possession from the bag, his eyes widened in shock as he recognized the aged artifact. The ball made of a flax-like material was all too familiar, memories of his lost childhood filling his mind. Memories of tossing and kicking the little ball around to amuse himself as the days passed peacefully by, when his father's realm was blooming like a beautiful sakura tree and nothing seemed able to break the serenity of his world. The time of his childhood was coming to haunt him once again as he wondered how the rabbit managed to obtain the ball and as tears welled in his eyes.


However, he held his tears back. Now was not the time to begin longing for his old life as a boy in Kyoto. Instead, he wiped away the tears and slipped the ball into the folds of his kimono before focusing on Zinnia, who was experiencing the greatest loss.

"I promise you, Zinnia, we will find Aster again. You will not be alone in this trial."

"It is alright, little rabbit... It is just a difficult time at the moment," Jack reassured, not wishing for the creature to feel as though it had failed. While it was not an effective leader, the samurai still did not wish for it to fall into depression over a simple mistake. With that said, he turned to the others who seemed ready to leave the Center and nodded, "I am prepared when you are all ready to leave."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Tactician
@Josh M
Byakuya gave Kyoko a sidelong glance as she caught up with him, opening her mouth to speak words that Byakuya could only feel were veiled jabs at him. Maybe she knew something he didn't, or maybe she didn't think highly of his weight, but either way, the boy who would assume leadership took Kyoko's words in stride. She wasn't openly threatening him, and it seemed she was content at leaving him to his desires, so there was no point in lingering on the deeper meanings of what she was saying.


"I have gotten bigger, Kirigiri, for a man with a status as large as mine is only benefited by a stature as large as this. An aura of refinement and a build such as mine could only establish my superiority." One could easily see Byakuya's words as total elitism, but Byakuya spoke as if he was reading off a fact about himself rather than simply talking as if to brag. Kyoko's assessment of his total belief in himself couldn't be closer to the truth.

When they reached the giant tree, Byuakuya craned his head upward to take in the massive force of nature. Somehow taller and wider than the trees surrounding it, Byakuya revered it as if it was a symbol for himself, a natural landmark that had been destined to grow taller than its peers. "I suppose it would be prudent of me to ask what you recall of your time before ending up here, however, I suspect you won't be so forthcoming..." Byakuya looked down to meet Kyoko's gaze. His eyes peered down at her name tag, featuring her mystery title. "I do wonder why your title is obscured like that, don't you?"

Byakuya would have continued with his own theories on the matter, but the arrival of some woman trailing after, growling like a dog made him pause. He looked at Tharja as if she had crawled out of the forest like some kind of beast.

"You won't get any explanation, for we know no more than you do. Learn some self-restraint and try not to act like some kind of caged animal."

Byakuya only turned and nodded to the robot as he arrived. He had no issue with Zenyetta, even if he seemed almost too sickeningly peaceful.

@Verite @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OldOneTree


Usami deflated, her eyes watering as she watched Zinnia fall into despair.


"I'm sorryyyy... I thought items from home would make everyone happy..." The rabbit wiped at her eyes. "Usami is useless! There's nothing I can do! As a teacher, I'm failing you! Oh..."

@Josh M @BarrenThin @Jeremi @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @VisitorCenter


A large majority of the forest seemed blocked off by the strange force, leaving only a small area of the forest inside the park available to search.


Despite the small area, the forest was dense and hard to navigate, the heavy amount of foliage blocking off most of the sunlight above. There were few landmarks to find, leaving the forest search to be a confusing and fruitless affair. Still, Jude was searching to the best of his ability, but he was far from at home in the outdoors.


"Something tells me this sin't the brightest idea," Jude admitted, walking over to the others entering the forest. "Even if something were out here, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack."

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Forest
"Well..." Poison remarked with a cheeky look on her face. "What if we went and checked out Lovers Peak? That should be fun right?" Poison replied. "Let's just hope the road there is high heel friendly." She chuckled.

Zinnia smirked at the crying rabbit. "Yeah, you should be sorry! Aster's pokeball isn't important to me at all. She's the one who is important. I think your group got their facts mixed up," she said with a scowl.

"But thanks Genji. You might make a good ally!" she exclaimed, giving him a rough, yet friendly, slap on the back.

She glanced at Jack afterwards, feeling his concern about her and Aster. Still, she didn't want to make this entirely about herself. Noticing the tears in Jack's eyes from before Zinnia frowned. "So why's that ball important to you?" she asked.

When Poison suggested they head over to Lover's Peak, Zinnia nodded. "It sounds mushy and annoying, but it's as good a place as any. I'm all for it."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Jeremi @Atomyk
Stiles inspected his baseball bat and looked at his map. He could go into the forest- but horror movies had taught him that nothing good happened there, Lover's Peak was another option... but he didn't have a signficant other and he didn't feel like seeing people make out with each other. He looked over towards the visitor center- but didn't want to go there. After much debate, he decided to go to The Great Old One.

@Atomyk @Wise old tree time
As the bus shook and bounced on its path towards whatever destination, a horrible groan echoed from the backseat. Or- more appropriately, from underneath. Crawling out from underneath like something right out of a horror film, a slender young woman exuding an aura filled with nothing but malice practically hissed as she look around. Her eyes tired and not amused, Tharja clicked her teeth.


"2 minutes." She growled, tapping the wedding ring on her right hand.

"That is how long I shall give someone explain what the hell is going on before I go for someone's throat. I looks like I've been kidnapped by a carnival of freaks."

@Verite @Atomyk
Byakuya gave Kyoko a sidelong glance as she caught up with him, opening her mouth to speak words that Byakuya could only feel were veiled jabs at him. Maybe she knew something he didn't, or maybe she didn't think highly of his weight, but either way, the boy who would assume leadership took Kyoko's words in stride. She wasn't openly threatening him, and it seemed she was content at leaving him to his desires, so there was no point in lingering on the deeper meanings of what she was saying.


"I have gotten bigger, Kirigiri, for a man with a status as large as mine is only benefited by a stature as large as this. An aura of refinement and a build such as mine could only establish my superiority." One could easily see Byakuya's words as total elitism, but Byakuya spoke as if he was reading off a fact about himself rather than simply talking as if to brag. Kyoko's assessment of his total belief in himself couldn't be closer to the truth.

When they reached the giant tree, Byuakuya craned his head upward to take in the massive force of nature. Somehow taller and wider than the trees surrounding it, Byakuya revered it as if it was a symbol for himself, a natural landmark that had been destined to grow taller than its peers. "I suppose it would be prudent of me to ask what you recall of your time before ending up here, however, I suspect you won't be so forthcoming..." Byakuya looked down to meet Kyoko's gaze. His eyes peered down at her name tag, featuring her mystery title. "I do wonder why your title is obscured like that, don't you?"

Byakuya would have continued with his own theories on the matter, but the arrival of some woman trailing after, growling like a dog made him pause. He looked at Tharja as if she had crawled out of the forest like some kind of beast.

"You won't get any explanation, for we know no more than you do. Learn some self-restraint and try not to act like some kind of caged animal."

Byakuya only turned and nodded to the robot as he arrived. He had no issue with Zenyetta, even if he seemed almost too sickeningly peaceful.

@Verite @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OldOneTree

"You're at summer camp against your own will. And violence is against the rules, I should warn you," Kyoko said to the mysterious hextress who would suddenly appear before them. She had an unnerving demeanor to her, but it was nothing that Kyoko hadn't seen before. Hell, even probably Fukawa was weirder than her, but then again, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Her words themselves indicated a sense of playful irony, but her voice, devoid of any such expression, made her more come off as a stiff rule-abiding two-shoes.

Maybe that in itself was the irony.

Turning back towards the de facto leader, she would continue speaking, responding to his inquiries.


"Right. My recent memories are my business. Maybe you'll find out as time passes though. One can only... hope."

No pun intended.

"As for the tag... Who can tell? Maybe it was for the same reason my role was kept a secret during the first incident. And if you were there, you'd know what my title would be anyway, right?"

@Atomyk @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Well..." Poison remarked with a cheeky look on her face. "What if we went and checked out Lovers Peak? That should be fun right?" Poison replied. "Let's just hope the road there is high heel friendly." She chuckled.

Zinnia smirked at the crying rabbit. "Yeah, you should be sorry! Aster's pokeball isn't important to me at all. She's the one who is important. I think your group got their facts mixed up," she said with a scowl.

"But thanks Genji. You might make a good ally!" she exclaimed, giving him a rough, yet friendly, slap on the back.

She glanced at Jack afterwards, feeling his concern about her and Aster. Still, she didn't want to make this entirely about herself. Noticing the tears in Jack's eyes from before Zinnia frowned. "So why's that ball important to you?" she asked.

When Poison suggested they head over to Lover's Peak, Zinnia nodded. "It sounds mushy and annoying, but it's as good a place as any. I'm all for it."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Jeremi @Atomyk

For some reason, Jack felt that the woman known as Poison wished to visit Lovers' Peak for a decidedly different reason than to investigate it. However, seeing as Zinnia was willing to go along with it, the samurai nodded in agreement, "I am content with this Peak of Lovers."

"As for the ball, Zinnia..." A sigh escaped him as he remembered the day he found it again, the day he had stumbled upon the remains of his home, "It is... the only keepsake besides my sword that I have. When I was a child and before Aku returned to ravage the lands, it was a favorite plaything of mine. It is purely sentimental in nature, but it is something I treasure as I discovered it again when I visited what remained of Kyoto..."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Jeremi @Atomyk
Ah, the little creature interpreted his stare as a staring contest? Well, that was adorable!!! Honda still had no idea what this little thing-Catbug, apparently-was, but it seemed harmless. Polite, too!

What's more, Bolin liked the little guy as well. As he flittered away, Honda poked his head out the cabin door, seeing the two talk. In fact, it gave him an idea!


"Say, Bolin! Howsabout we head to the forest? It seems like a big enough space to demonstrate our respective fighting styles!!!"

He then turned to Chikage. "Well, your nametag says you're highly skilled in the art of jujutsu, eh? Come with us, if you wanna!! You too, Miss Morikubo! Even if you're not much of a fighter, no fight is worth its salt without spectators!!!"
@Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crow @Atomyk @B5

Well, well, Catbug wasn't going to turn down praise if he could help it!

"That's right! I'm the best, the only, Catbug you need concern yourself with! But, I just want to say one thing Bolin!" With that Catbug flew forward and wrapped his tiny arms around Bolin. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me! Ever! I'll make sure we stay the bestest of friends for as long as we're here!"

Catbug may have been eager to befriend everyone but even he knew these things took time. Which is why he'd work hard at making sure all of the people he had approached so far to be his friends were happy as can be! Bolin was already getting a head start on that! Now, if only some people could do the same. Releasing Bolin from his hug, Catbug continued to fly after Lapis. All she needed was a little push and he could help her! Then the two of them would be sitting together swapping stories and looking over their gifts.

Or at least that's what Catbug would have liked to have happened. But sadly, things didn't always go the way you wanted them. Watching as Lapis gave him the cold shoulder, the hybrid's wings began to flutter as Catbug's lip trembled. He could handle being told to go away. He'd just refuse and keep at what he was doing! Which was to be the best friend he could be. But to see Lapis be so subdued when basically telling him to leave her alone hurt the creature's feelings something fierce.

"B-But Lapis! Oof!"


The creature crashed to the ground and rolled until he was nothing more than a whimpering heap on the floor. Pushing himself up until he was sitting on his rear, Catbug watched as Lapis continued into the forest. How come she wanted to be alone so badly? Was it because of something that happened? Catbug wanted to understand but whenever he tried getting close, Lapis kept pushing him away! Even for someone with Catbug's child-like demeanor, he had feelings too! Neglecting them in order to stay away from those who wanted to be your friends hurt the poor creature like you wouldn't believe. More than any fist or foot.

Or gas powered stick but let's not get into that.

Sniffling as he reached for Sir Jeffers, Catbug looked over the stick who thankfully hadn't been damaged in Catbug's crash.

"I-I'm so upset, Sir Jeffers! I wish there was something I could do for Lapis! But she just wants to be by herself and I can only watch! B-but friends should help friends, shouldn't they? What should I do?!" Catbug cried out as he shook the stick from side to side.

"Catbug! Their's no reason for you to be upset!"

Wiping at his eyes with his left arm, Catbug sniffled. "T-Their isn't?"

"No, of course not my friend! You have all that you could ever need and more! You have people who care about you! Like that sumo man, the robot, and even the Hero of the South who claimed you were the cutest catbug he'd ever seen! Dry your tears, you'll be fine I'm sure!"

Catbug shakily rose to his feet and continued wiping off the rest of his tears. Sir Jeffers had made a good point. Even though he had just met them, Chikage/Sumo Man/Bolin/Mister Robot Man all seemed to care about him or at least were friends! That was all that Catbug ever wanted. But it still left one thing unanswered.

"'What about Lapis, Sir Jeffers? What if she doesn't care about me..?"

"I'm sure she does, Catbug! In her own special way, I'm sure she thinks the world of you! But she's got her own problems and taking care of a Catbug is a big responsibility! Not something you can just take on lightly! She'll come around and the two of you will be the best of friends. Now, do you feel any better?"


Wow! Sumo Man was so cool!

"I'm feeling a lot better, Sir Jeffers! You're right, Lapis will come around! She can hang out with me, Sumo Man, Chikage and everybody else! We can all be friends together!"

Hopping up and down in glee, Catbug placed Sir Jeffers securely behind his wings before taking flight again. Only this time, he sought to sit right atop of Chikage's head. It was pretty comfy all things considered and they were friends so surely she wouldn't mind!

"C'mon Chikage! These guys seem really cool and they want you to come along too! Because you know that juju stuff!"

@Yang Lee @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Crow @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies
A large majority of the forest seemed blocked off by the strange force, leaving only a small area of the forest inside the park available to search.


Despite the small area, the forest was dense and hard to navigate, the heavy amount of foliage blocking off most of the sunlight above. There were few landmarks to find, leaving the forest search to be a confusing and fruitless affair. Still, Jude was searching to the best of his ability, but he was far from at home in the outdoors.


"Something tells me this sin't the brightest idea," Jude admitted, walking over to the others entering the forest. "Even if something were out here, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack."

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Forest
Well, if everyone spoke the language of fighting...


"That's correct. I'll come."

Not seeming to mind that Catbug had taken residence upon her head, Chikage headed off with Honda and the rest to head for the forest. She was better with jujutsu than words anyway.

Though she didn't particularly like the feeling of being caged in, at least this negated most of the possibility of getting lost. ...Sort of. There was a lot of foliage after all, but if necessary some screaming would probably let everyone find everyone.

She just have Jude a shrug as he mentioned they couldn't find anything. They'd come out to spar anyway, for that "team bonding" and stuff. Maybe they'd find clues on how to get out of here after they got to know each other. It wasn't like any of them would manage to figure it all out on their own, after all.

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Atomyk @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Forest
"Now THIS is what I like to see!!!!" Honda exclaimed proudly at their group. "Everyone coming together in order to-WOAH!!!"

He was suddenly enclosed in a snowy hug, similar to one he used as an attack. By a...snowman?! Well, at this point, Honda wasn't going to question anything odd. When you lived in Japan for so long, you got accustomed to the unusual.

After the hug, however, he looked around the forest, a bit saddened by how its density took away from the battle area, but no matter!

"Well, this looks like an excellent place to start! Who wants to go first?!"

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest

"Doesn't matter if this isn't a bright idea, I just felt like coming here, and besides... I'll be fine. I can't say the same for the rest of you, on the other hand."

Shrugging at Jude's response, Lapis took a look around at the forest-like surroundings around them. Nothing that new to her that she could see here. Even going to this part of the park for some peace and quiet, she was once again followed. She shouldn't be that surprised, seeing on how things played out in the other incident revolving around a strange crowd. However, one of them happened to catch her attention... only due to what one had said.


"Go first? Do you mean some sort of spar or something?"

Well, it couldn't really hurt to do a spar, Lapis would get a refresher on her close combat since she was unarmed of her plasma sword and pistol. Besides, it was near the forest, so it shouldn't be that bad of a choice to do so here. You could tell that her interest was taken by this, especially with how her eyes had changed color all of a sudden.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Yang Lee @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest​
Corrin smiled softly and looked down at the ground at that compliment. She nodded her head. "Oh, uh, thank you." She said. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Darv the Ultimate Saltborn." She said, reading his title off the name tag. She pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, and made sure her headband was on top of her head. "Well, where yould you like to go? It doesn't matter to me." She said smiling.
"I believe inspecting our accommodation would be wise" Darv replies, glancing around upon hearing another person introducing himself​

Sledge had fallen silent as he considered the boy's words. All fo his time in the SAS had taught him the values of teamwork and how much of a benefit it was. However in times where teamwork would be a hindrance he was taught how to survive on his own. Thinking it over the question in his mind being 'Is it 'us' against 'them'.... Or 'us' against 'each other'... He seemed to snap out of his thought as he noticed Drav and Corrin....

".... Just call me 'Sledge'.... It's pretty much become my real anyways..." Sledge told them as he turned to face them with his gas mask still on. He wasn't sure what to make of them but for the sake of figuring all of this out he decided to just go with it for now... Though he was convinced at this point that he was dead...

@CookieMonster @Minerva @DapperDogman @Nater Taters
"Interesting...Sledge, like a sledgehammer?" he asks, glancing the man up and down. He recognised what he wore as armour, but was dumbfounded by how flexible and light it looked. Was it some kind of leather? It looked more like a black fabric, but it seemed firmer than any fabric he'd ever seen "Fascinating. I can already tell this land is vastly different from my own"

"If the rabbit was not bad enough, the armours here are beyond my expertise, and that is not something I can claim to be true often"

Retrieving his item, he smiles. He had his lucky ring back! Rubbing a thumb over the shimmering pearl set into the surface of the two tone metal band gently, he murmurs "I was afraid I'd lost you, old friend"
Slipping it onto his finger, he gives the pearl a quick shine using his cape, before returning his focus to the others "Sorry, I got lost in nostalgia. If we are okay to proceed, I believe the cabins are this way"

@Crimson Spartan
Zinnia smirked at the crying rabbit. "Yeah, you should be sorry! Aster's pokeball isn't important to me at all. She's the one who is important. I think your group got their facts mixed up," she said with a scowl.

"But thanks Genji. You might make a good ally!" she exclaimed, giving him a rough, yet friendly, slap on the back.

She glanced at Jack afterwards, feeling his concern about her and Aster. Still, she didn't want to make this entirely about herself. Noticing the tears in Jack's eyes from before Zinnia frowned. "So why's that ball important to you?" she asked.

When Poison suggested they head over to Lover's Peak, Zinnia nodded. "It sounds mushy and annoying, but it's as good a place as any. I'm all for it."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Jeremi @Atomyk
For some reason, Jack felt that the woman known as Poison wished to visit Lovers' Peak for a decidedly different reason than to investigate it. However, seeing as Zinnia was willing to go along with it, the samurai nodded in agreement, "I am content with this Peak of Lovers."

"As for the ball, Zinnia..." A sigh escaped him as he remembered the day he found it again, the day he had stumbled upon the remains of his home, "It is... the only keepsake besides my sword that I have. When I was a child and before Aku returned to ravage the lands, it was a favorite plaything of mine. It is purely sentimental in nature, but it is something I treasure as I discovered it again when I visited what remained of Kyoto..."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Jeremi @Atomyk

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on people!" With a swagger Poison would make her way towards Lovers Peak. Maybe they'll find something worth their wild over there?

It sounded sappy as all hell though.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Josh M @Hazel-rah @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Snow approached what seemed like the most interesting and excited of the bunch. One introducing himself as Bolin was speaking with a rather small, even smaller than the rest of the group, little insect like creature. On second thought maybe it was a cat... Probably? Snow wasn't quite sure but it did introduce itself as Catbug, so a little of both! Snow approached Bolin, Catbug, and another guy who had the appearance of a sumo wrestler. Out of everyone the sumo seemed like the only one that could even compare to Snow in size, although that was a bit of an overexaduration. Snow stood behind Bolin and the Sumo, he was about to speak up as his huge presence loomed over the two but all of the sudden Catbug seemed to be rather distraught. Normally he wouldn't of cared how something so small and feeble was feeling, but then he heard it.... As Catbug explained how it wanted to help its friend a wonderful and emotional melody rang out. No one else seemed to hear it, but the background music was there Snow was sure! A song that accompanied Catbug's heartfelt words was doing the impossible and... And... Snow could feel the tears trickling down from the coal eyes on his face. He couldn't help but sniff to hold back snot and tears as he continued into a blubbering mess.

"That was... That waaas..." Snow started, looking down past Bolin and the Sumo at Catbug. Suddenly Snow's huge arms reached forward, embracing the group in a large, cold, and snowy embrace that was big enough to even take in the likes of the sumo. "S-so beautiful!" Snow cried, still a blubbering mess.

The background music that Snow seemed to apparently hear took on a sudden shift. Almost as if it were adjusting with the scene itself. This time the music took on a much more positive tone. Perhaps in reflecting how happy the sudden hug made Catbug. It was chilly sure but he didn't mind! He loved when it snowed as a matter of fact! It meant he could make snow angels and snowbugs! So, he nestled his head into Snow's chest and giggled warmly.

"Thanks, Mister Snowman! Your hug was really beautiful too!"

That was of course the honest truth on Catbug's part. Others may have been intimidated by Snow's sheer size and his fierce looking appearance but Catbug didn't mind in the slightest! Everyone should be able to be friends regardless of whether or not they were adorable catbugs, peaceful robot men, or giant snow men! Everybody could get together and be happy! He was glad his talk with Sir Jeffers had made someone else happy as well! But there was still one piece of business that he hadn't seen to yet. Given that Catbug did the 'voice' for Sir Jeffers, Snow likely heard Catbug's name mentioned a few times but Catbug wanted to tell him directly!



"That's correct. I'll come."

Not seeming to mind that Catbug had taken residence upon her head, Chikage headed off with Honda and the rest to head for the forest. She was better with jujutsu than words anyway.
Having returned to his spot atop Chikage's head after calming down, Catbug couldn't help but be the slightest bit awed by how cool Chikage was. Nothing really seemed to bother her! Not to mention that after seeing how she perked up when he mentioned candy, Catbug assumed she had a sweet tooth just like him! Maybe once this was all over, the two of them could go to a candy store and get something to eat! Yeah, Lapis, Mister Robot Man, Sumo man, and giant snowman could come too!

"Hey Chikage, wanna get candy after we get out of this camp? I'd treat all of my friends to it and you're one of my friends!"

As E Honda asked the others who was going to go first, Catbug stood up atop Chikage's head and waved his arms around.


"I wanna play with you guys! Let me go first!"

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Yang Lee @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest
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Reactions: Khan of the Mardu
For some reason, Jack felt that the woman known as Poison wished to visit Lovers' Peak for a decidedly different reason than to investigate it. However, seeing as Zinnia was willing to go along with it, the samurai nodded in agreement, "I am content with this Peak of Lovers."

"As for the ball, Zinnia..." A sigh escaped him as he remembered the day he found it again, the day he had stumbled upon the remains of his home, "It is... the only keepsake besides my sword that I have. When I was a child and before Aku returned to ravage the lands, it was a favorite plaything of mine. It is purely sentimental in nature, but it is something I treasure as I discovered it again when I visited what remained of Kyoto..."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Jeremi @Atomyk
The slap met his metallic back. Probably hurt her hand. He laughed amicably at it, though. Then everyone started to agree to go to Lover's Peak, and he felt increasingly like a cornered animal as, much like Jack, he had a strong sense investigation was the last thing on her mind. He sighed deeply. "Very well. Lover's peak."

Oh, boy.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Josh M
@The Tactician

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on people!" With a swagger Poison would make her way towards Lovers Peak. Maybe they'll find something worth their wild over there?

It sounded sappy as all hell though.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Josh M @Hazel-rah @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Oh, so it's something from when you were a kid, huh? I can't say I own anything that special. I... dedicated so much of my life to Rayquaza that I never really took the time to gain attachments to objects or people other than Aster. It's... a habit I've been trying to break," Zinnia told Jack.

After rubbing her sore hand from playfully slapping Genji, Zinnia began to follow their group to the Lover's Peak. "Ugh, I didn't expect your body to be so hard!" she exclaimed, an embarrassed smile on her lips.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician @Jeremi @Hazel-rah @Josh M @Atomyk
"Now THIS is what I like to see!!!!" Honda exclaimed proudly at their group. "Everyone coming together in order to-WOAH!!!"

He was suddenly enclosed in a snowy hug, similar to one he used as an attack. By a...snowman?! Well, at this point, Honda wasn't going to question anything odd. When you lived in Japan for so long, you got accustomed to the unusual.

After the hug, however, he looked around the forest, a bit saddened by how its density took away from the battle area, but no matter!

"Well, this looks like an excellent place to start! Who wants to go first?!"

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest

The background music that Snow seemed to apparently hear took on a sudden shift. Almost as if it were adjusting with the scene itself. This time the music took on a much more positive tone. Perhaps in reflecting how happy the sudden hug made Catbug. It was chilly sure but he didn't mind! He loved when it snowed as a matter of fact! It meant he could make snow angels and snowbugs! So, he nestled his head into Snow's chest and giggled warmly.

"Thanks, Mister Snowman! Your hug was really beautiful too!"

That was of course the honest truth on Catbug's part. Others may have been intimidated by Snow's sheer size and his fierce looking appearance but Catbug didn't mind in the slightest! Everyone should be able to be friends regardless of whether or not they were adorable catbugs, peaceful robot men, or giant snow men! Everybody could get together and be happy! He was glad his talk with Sir Jeffers had made someone else happy as well! But there was still one piece of business that he hadn't seen to yet. Given that Catbug did the 'voice' for Sir Jeffers, Snow likely heard Catbug's name mentioned a few times but Catbug wanted to tell him directly!


Having returned to his spot atop Chikage's head after calming down, Catbug couldn't help but be the slightest bit awed by how cool Chikage was. Nothing really seemed to bother her! Not to mention that after seeing how she perked up when he mentioned candy, Catbug assumed she had a sweet tooth just like him! Maybe once this was all over, the two of them could go to a candy store and get something to eat! Yeah, Lapis, Mister Robot Man, Sumo man, and giant snowman could come too!

"Hey Chikage, wanna get candy after we get out of this camp? I'd treat all of my friends to it and you're one of my friends!"

As E Honda asked the others who was going to go first, Catbug stood up atop Chikage's head and waved his arms around.


"I wanna play with you guys! Let me go first!"

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Yang Lee @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest
"Candy? Yeah, I'd like that."

A smile broke Chikage's face at the mention of that, but even her wide smile looked like it was being held back. Everything in moderation, even candy...right? Right. Shaking her distracting thoughts, Chikage stepped forward, taking up a fighting stance where there was a clearing. Some practice never hurt.


"I'll go first, then."

That was, after she took Catbug off of her head and placed him on the ground. Fighting with him on her head would be difficult at best, and she assumed it wouldn't be fighting, given that it looked rather combat inept. She couldn't help but feel that letting Catbug partake in a spar would lead to anything good. One didn't let a baby play with knives, after all.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies @Yang Lee @GlassTrinity @Crow @Forest
"Oh, so it's something from when you were a kid, huh? I can't say I own anything that special. I... dedicated so much of my life to Rayquaza that I never really took the time to gain attachments to objects or people other than Aster. It's... a habit I've been trying to break," Zinnia told Jack.

After rubbing her sore hand from playfully slapping Genji, Zinnia began to follow their group to the Lover's Peak. "Ugh, I didn't expect your body to be so hard!" she exclaimed, an embarrassed smile on her lips.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician @Jeremi @Hazel-rah @Josh M @Atomyk
"I know you have," Jack matter-of-factually stated with a smile before chuckling at her reaction to smacking Genji, "Be glad you did not bite him. I do not believe even your teeth could leave a mark in him."

@BarrenThin @The Tactician @Jeremi @Hazel-rah @Josh M @Atomyk
"Oh, so it's something from when you were a kid, huh? I can't say I own anything that special. I... dedicated so much of my life to Rayquaza that I never really took the time to gain attachments to objects or people other than Aster. It's... a habit I've been trying to break," Zinnia told Jack.

After rubbing her sore hand from playfully slapping Genji, Zinnia began to follow their group to the Lover's Peak. "Ugh, I didn't expect your body to be so hard!" she exclaimed, an embarrassed smile on her lips.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician @Jeremi @Hazel-rah @Josh M @Atomyk


"I apologize. My plating is... Not very welcoming, no. It is unfortunate that it does not come off." For once, he was mostly joking, with a little light flirtation mixed in, though he really did wish it could. Might as well keep the mood up.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Tactician
@Josh M
Byakuya gave Kyoko a sidelong glance as she caught up with him, opening her mouth to speak words that Byakuya could only feel were veiled jabs at him. Maybe she knew something he didn't, or maybe she didn't think highly of his weight, but either way, the boy who would assume leadership took Kyoko's words in stride. She wasn't openly threatening him, and it seemed she was content at leaving him to his desires, so there was no point in lingering on the deeper meanings of what she was saying.


"I have gotten bigger, Kirigiri, for a man with a status as large as mine is only benefited by a stature as large as this. An aura of refinement and a build such as mine could only establish my superiority." One could easily see Byakuya's words as total elitism, but Byakuya spoke as if he was reading off a fact about himself rather than simply talking as if to brag. Kyoko's assessment of his total belief in himself couldn't be closer to the truth.

When they reached the giant tree, Byuakuya craned his head upward to take in the massive force of nature. Somehow taller and wider than the trees surrounding it, Byakuya revered it as if it was a symbol for himself, a natural landmark that had been destined to grow taller than its peers. "I suppose it would be prudent of me to ask what you recall of your time before ending up here, however, I suspect you won't be so forthcoming..." Byakuya looked down to meet Kyoko's gaze. His eyes peered down at her name tag, featuring her mystery title. "I do wonder why your title is obscured like that, don't you?"

Byakuya would have continued with his own theories on the matter, but the arrival of some woman trailing after, growling like a dog made him pause. He looked at Tharja as if she had crawled out of the forest like some kind of beast.

"You won't get any explanation, for we know no more than you do. Learn some self-restraint and try not to act like some kind of caged animal."

Byakuya only turned and nodded to the robot as he arrived. He had no issue with Zenyetta, even if he seemed almost too sickeningly peaceful.

@Verite @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @OldOneTree


Usami deflated, her eyes watering as she watched Zinnia fall into despair.


"I'm sorryyyy... I thought items from home would make everyone happy..." The rabbit wiped at her eyes. "Usami is useless! There's nothing I can do! As a teacher, I'm failing you! Oh..."

@Josh M @BarrenThin @Jeremi @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @VisitorCenter


A large majority of the forest seemed blocked off by the strange force, leaving only a small area of the forest inside the park available to search.


Despite the small area, the forest was dense and hard to navigate, the heavy amount of foliage blocking off most of the sunlight above. There were few landmarks to find, leaving the forest search to be a confusing and fruitless affair. Still, Jude was searching to the best of his ability, but he was far from at home in the outdoors.


"Something tells me this sin't the brightest idea," Jude admitted, walking over to the others entering the forest. "Even if something were out here, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack."

@Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Forest

"You're at summer camp against your own will. And violence is against the rules, I should warn you," Kyoko said to the mysterious hextress who would suddenly appear before them. She had an unnerving demeanor to her, but it was nothing that Kyoko hadn't seen before. Hell, even probably Fukawa was weirder than her, but then again, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Her words themselves indicated a sense of playful irony, but her voice, devoid of any such expression, made her more come off as a stiff rule-abiding two-shoes.

Maybe that in itself was the irony.

Turning back towards the de facto leader, she would continue speaking, responding to his inquiries.


"Right. My recent memories are my business. Maybe you'll find out as time passes though. One can only... hope."

No pun intended.

"As for the tag... Who can tell? Maybe it was for the same reason my role was kept a secret during the first incident. And if you were there, you'd know what my title would be anyway, right?"

@Atomyk @DBZ7 @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Zenyatta would arrive at the Great Old One, to the scene of two individuals whom he had observed prior; one, a large mass of a boy who seemed to carry his words like that of a tyrant, and the other-- a girl, who spoke in cold, calculated words with little need for emotion or sentimentality. Inbetween them stood another woman, who gave of vibes of heated anger and violence towards a situation she did not understand.

To this, the mechanical sage would simply bow to the three of them, calmly striding inbetween them and sitting down infront of the tree, crossing his legs in and resting his elbows on his knees, assuming a zen pose in front of the tree as he quietly meditated, unfettered by the investigative discussion going on behind him. For the first time since the beginning of what felt like a discordant dream induced by recent troubles that plague his tranquil mind, the embrace of the Iris coddles the monk, passing into a state of tranquility that disciplines the mind...and forms a strong, mental shield against the challenges that await.

However, even as Zenyatta seems as if he is completely lost in meditation to the three standing behind him, he would be very intently listening to their discussion.


"Perhaps..." the monk suddenly spoke, breaking his silence and cutting into the discussion between the three. "Her title will be revealed under a certain condition? Perhaps such a blatant mystery...can only be solved by such blatant answers?"

"Food for thought."

@DBZ7 @Verite @Atomyk @Great Old One

"I believe inspecting our accommodation would be wise" Darv replies, glancing around upon hearing another person introducing himself​

"Interesting...Sledge, like a sledgehammer?" he asks, glancing the man up and down. He recognised what he wore as armour, but was dumbfounded by how flexible and light it looked. Was it some kind of leather? It looked more like a black fabric, but it seemed firmer than any fabric he'd ever seen "Fascinating. I can already tell this land is vastly different from my own"

"If the rabbit was not bad enough, the armours here are beyond my expertise, and that is not something I can claim to be true often"

Retrieving his item, he smiles. He had his lucky ring back! Rubbing a thumb over the shimmering pearl set into the surface of the two tone metal band gently, he murmurs "I was afraid I'd lost you, old friend"
Slipping it onto his finger, he gives the pearl a quick shine using his cape, before returning his focus to the others "Sorry, I got lost in nostalgia. If we are okay to proceed, I believe the cabins are this way"

@Crimson Spartan
Corrin looked at Sledge. "Your armor looks very different. I don't know of any country where the knights wear armor like that." She said. When they talked about going to a cabin, Corrin looked up. "Perhaps we could stop buy the Vistor's Center to pick up our gift on the way." She said.

@Nater Taters @Crimson Spartan

"I apologize. My plating is... Not very welcoming, no. It is unfortunate that it does not come off." For once, he was mostly joking, with a little light flirtation mixed in, though he really did wish it could. Might as well keep the mood up.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Tactician
@Josh M

Smirking Poison would turn towards Genji. "It's still very easy on the eyes though."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Josh M @Hazel-rah @BarrenThin
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