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Tommy smiled a bit ." Well, of course, but how else do you call someone?" He asked the skeleton man.

" I wanted to say goodbye, you were cool to hang out with," he said.

"of course i was cool to hang out with, i'm sanzy fresh, after all!"
The skeleton would reach into his pocket for a moment, and hand over a pair of shutter shades
"stay fresh, bro"

"of course i was cool to hang out with, i'm sanzy fresh, after all!"
The skeleton would reach into his pocket for a moment, and hand over a pair of shutter shades
"stay fresh, bro"
Tommy chuckled a bit. Sanzy Fresh was not the name he expected to hear.
He looked at the shades and took them. Might as well put them on, even if he looked stupid with them on.
" I will," he said to him. He went to go and find Jack and Max, he owed them an apology for screwing up being an investigator.

@DapperDogman @The Tactician @york

So Roman remembered his name. Pleasant. Atop that, he liked the wine. Well, truth be told, who wouldn't like it?

"We're not dead. Why, that is naught short of a miracle. To think I mere moments in the past was roaming the land of the dead and waiting, gracing a stage and crowd with my unbeknownst piano knowledge."

He took another sip of the wine.

"And here are you, Roman, yes? You were nothing short of the one announcing our musical feat against the group of shadows. What, exactly, was your involvement with them, if you don't mind me asking? It is only in my interest to connect the pieces of our story."
Well..... Where to even begin.

Roman considered things tiredly before finally waving a hand in vague conducting,

"Bill came to me, wanting me to double cross and kill all of you. I saw what he did to those who refused and decided it was better to keep my head then to not remember anything. So I just waited till...An opportunity presented itself. That was all. Then he found out and I was turned to stone. Its been a very confusing and exhausting day."

He didn't have it in him for longer explanations. That and while he had been clever, if he started to brag there was a chance they'd decide he was better off on trial.

He hated lawyers, the only people more cork-screwed then he was. Well....Maybe not all.

He checked out She-Hulk from a distance and then his eyes flicked back to Reverse Mabel, who far from being distrusted by all or even approached by her victim, was suddenly Miss Popular as boys flocked around her. Roman, bemoaning in his black heart for the gullibility of one half of the human race, forgiving all sins for the sake of a smile shook his head and celebrated.

Suckers were always good for buisness and if Mabel saw him, he'd wink and touch the brim of his hat in salute before suddenly distracted by the following.

"Ahaha~ there you are, Shinobu-chan~" Shinobu's fangs pierced through Djeeta's solid armour husk and sunk into her flesh. "I guess Rome really is a vampire land after all, teehee~"

That sure cheered the lass up after hearing about the loss of Meteo

Speaking of Rome, the man of Rome, Roman Torchwick, was up ahead.

"Hey, you baaaaastaaaarrrr-"

Djeeta flung a punch, but stopped seconds before her fist connected with Roman Torchwick's face. This fist collapsed into palm and patted Roman on the shoulder.

"You're hard to like, but you're even harder to hate, Roman Torchwick. You really are the dirtiest conman around, tricking a one-eyed, triangular primal beast that turned the entire Gravity Falls into a living nightmare. He was pretty angry."

"Oh, Djeeta! Care to introduce me to your new friends?" Lyria walks towards Djeeta as she looks at Shinobu and Roman.

@Verite @Ringmaster


This more then anything shocked Roman and it showed on his face.

Being treated like this and complimented without an angle was surprising and he couldn't remember the last time he was. To that, he shook his head and rose to his feet as he began to put his collared shirt back on, after brushing off the grass. Buttoning up, he'd look Djeeta up and down before asking flatly.

"I think I preferred your old outfit. Isn't that uncomfortable?"

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Verite @Crow

The lorekeeper shrugged. "I guess I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone like me that I've parted from until now." She paused, "Unless, ya know, Aster counts." But what happened with Aster was different. She was dead. Jack wasn't dead, but never seeing him again was probably a close second when it came down to frustrating circumstances.


Zinnia picked her head up suddenly. "What?" she questioned, letting out a laugh afterwards. "Join you? ...Oh, I get it! You're joking, huh?" Zinnia could picture that anyone really would want her to go with them. Nobody had ever invited her along for anything!

@The Tactician
"Do I seem the sort who would joke about such a thing?"

It would be nice to have some sort of company on his journey. Zinnia seemed strong enough to handle the danger on his quest, and perhaps it would mean neither of them had to say goodbye just yet. Besides, as he had said, the dragon master might finally discover whatever it was that she was seeking if they journeyed together.

"You are my friend, Miss Zinnia, and I would never leave a friend behind..."

"Wiruko is not a child, she is the great Will.CO21 virus!"

Apparently Wiruko overheard that comment, but before she could make a scene out of this, Hideo bonked her on the head again.



"Hey Zinnia, good to see you around again."

Hideo would idly walk over to Zinnia and Jack, seeing that he hasn't seen Zinnia in awhile until now.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The Samurai would nod to Hideo, a sign of respect for the boy who had performed admirably in the final battle, before also nodding to Tommy who had begun to approach him, "Tommy."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
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Tommy smiled, as he had found Jack. " Hey, sorry about not doing a better job as the last living investigator. If it is better to know, Lincoln didn't think that revealing as investigators was a good idea," he said to him. His hands phased and was noticeable this time. It seemed that life was rejecting the prospect of the dead man being alive. He took a deep breath. Hopefully that would be sufficient.

@The Tactician
Tommy smiled, as he had found Jack. " Hey, sorry about not doing a better job as the last living investigator. If it is better to know, Lincoln didn't think that revealing as investigators was a good idea," he said to him. His hands phased and was noticeable this time. It seemed that life was rejecting the prospect of the dead man being alive. He took a deep breath. Hopefully that would be sufficient.

@The Tactician
"It is alright. We helped catch a few of the traitors and that is all that matters," Jack calmly replied before shaking his head as he noticed Tommy's predicament, "Perhaps one of the mages among us can help you with that..."
"It is alright. We helped catch a few of the traitors and that is all that matters," Jack calmly replied before shaking his head as he noticed Tommy's predicament, "Perhaps one of the mages among us can help you with that..."
"It is alright. We helped catch a few of the traitors and that is all that matters," Jack calmly replied before shaking his head as he noticed Tommy's predicament, "Perhaps one of the mages among us can help you with that..."

Tommy smiled as it felt good to know that his sacrifice was not in vain. Maybe he should go and talk to Max,but he paused as he looked at Tommy. " Well, if you think one of them could help me, that would be great," he said to him. He trusted Jack.

@The Tactician @Mages?
Pushed down to his knees? Telekinesis? Rumble did in no way approve. One does not insult him like that and get away with it. In fact, lying right behind her, he was in a perfect spot for a surprise attack. In a single, abrupt motion, Rumble set to grab her by her shirt collar, with the intention of using her like a punching bag of sorts.

"You have insulted me! You will not get away with your crimes!"

Was he successful, would he begin rapidly punching her, his already sharp, pixelly fists hitting her stomach with full force.

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
"..Someone already beat you to that i'm afraid..." Inigo had whispered back just as Mabel finished whispering to him but before she stepped back. His smile never faded...


"About that offer now... I can make some tea for you and your brother if you prefer... Does he even drink tea...?" inigo responded like his usual self. It seemed reverse Mabel couldn't shake this flirt :/...


Huh. Well. That was new. The male didn't seem even slightly discouraged or put off. That much was impressive, even Mabel had to admit. But that positive was somewhat negated by something else Inigo did - he believed that he'd already lost everything. If there was one thing that Mabel knew, and she knew very well? It was that there was always something to lose.


Letting the comment slide for the moment, Mabel simply placed a hand on her hip and let out a hum. "...I suppose I could live with that," she stated, almost as though having tea made for her would be more tolling on her rather than Inigo. However, she seemed almost as though she weren't entirely paying attention. And just that was true - her focus wasn't at all on Inigo. A slight frown now tugged on her lips, and she found herself mildly aggravated. Roman had ignored her jabs, and she didn't at all take well to being ignored. And, apparently, she wasn't the only one.


"You could ask the man you're speaking of," came a second voice from right behind Inigo. And the owner of it didn't exactly look or sound pleased, either. Especially considering the burns and few slashes on him.

Hah. Yeah. Looked like you were going to have a good time.

@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Ringmaster
"Um... excuse me..."

A nervous voice coming from Aika trembled out as she approached the Gleeful twins. Despite feeling happy that she might be able to go back home after all, Aika still had strange thoughts regarding the shadows that came from her Dolly... if it were real or not.

"Did... did my Dolly... u-um... hurt you? I... I'm... not sure... if that really happened though... the shadows... coming from... my Dolly."
Pushed down to his knees? Telekinesis? Rumble did in no way approve. One does not insult him like that and get away with it. In fact, lying right behind her, he was in a perfect spot for a surprise attack. In a single, abrupt motion, Rumble set to grab her by her shirt collar, with the intention of using her like a punching bag of sorts.

"You have insulted me! You will not get away with your crimes!"

Was he successful, would he begin rapidly punching her, his already sharp, pixelly fists hitting her stomach with full force.

Aika just immediately backed away as Rumble came in to punch the shit out of her. Oh boy...

@Hospes @Crimson Spartan @Verite @Ringmaster @IntrusivePenDesperateSword

"Wiruko is not a child, she is the great Will.CO21 virus!"

Apparently Wiruko overheard that comment, but before she could make a scene out of this, Hideo bonked her on the head again.



"Hey Zinnia, good to see you around again."

Hideo would idly walk over to Zinnia and Jack, seeing that he hasn't seen Zinnia in awhile until now.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Do I seem the sort who would joke about such a thing?"

It would be nice to have some sort of company on his journey. Zinnia seemed strong enough to handle the danger on his quest, and perhaps it would mean neither of them had to say goodbye just yet. Besides, as he had said, the dragon master might finally discover whatever it was that she was seeking if they journeyed together.

"You are my friend, Miss Zinnia, and I would never leave a friend behind..."

The Samurai would nod to Hideo, a sign of respect for the boy who had performed admirably in the final battle, before also nodding to Tommy who had begun to approach him, "Tommy."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies


"Whoa, now it's a party!" Zinnia chirped when she noticed Hideo and Wiruko approaching. "The whole gang is getting back together again, except for a few people we're missing..." She still hadn't seen Kirby or Meteo anywhere... "So what are you two going to do after this is all over?" Zinnia smirked. "Spend some time looking up more cat videos, I assume?"

When Jack stated he wasn't joking, his words made sense. He really wasn't the type to joke about something like that. "Woooow, so you're actually serious?" She paused for a second, unsure how to respond to him. The idea was a bit overwhelming, but she was tempted to take his offer. "Haha! You're the greatest, Jackie boy!" Without a regard for his personal space, she pushed her head against his arm and rubbed on it like a grateful cat. :3

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician


This more then anything shocked Roman and it showed on his face.

Being treated like this and complimented without an angle was surprising and he couldn't remember the last time he was. To that, he shook his head and rose to his feet as he began to put his collared shirt back on, after brushing off the grass. Buttoning up, he'd look Djeeta up and down before asking flatly.

"I think I preferred your old outfit. Isn't that uncomfortable?"

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Verite @Crow


"I'll get used to it, Roman. I'll get used to it," Djeeta says, "changing outfits to fit our everchanging jobs is what Gran and I do from time to time. That's just our way of improving our power and adapting to the situation. Who knows, maybe some day we'll end up wearing wolfskin or a witch's hat, but I guess only the future can tell."

Djeeta coughs for a bit.

"Speaking of future, I wonder what the future holds for you, on the other hand. I, for one, am going to continue journeying my world with the Grancypher, even though I know that there are worlds beyond just mine. Before I explore other realms, I want the crew to discover the mysteries of mine. It's the same old stuff that I've done before, but I think this bizzare journey has taught me quite a bit that I can apply to my... regular journey"

Djeeta looks down at one of her sword of flames and smiles. She had finally accepted that Meteo had passed on.

@Ringmaster @Verite
"Do I seem the sort who would joke about such a thing?"

It would be nice to have some sort of company on his journey. Zinnia seemed strong enough to handle the danger on his quest, and perhaps it would mean neither of them had to say goodbye just yet. Besides, as he had said, the dragon master might finally discover whatever it was that she was seeking if they journeyed together.

"You are my friend, Miss Zinnia, and I would never leave a friend behind..."

The Samurai would nod to Hideo, a sign of respect for the boy who had performed admirably in the final battle, before also nodding to Tommy who had begun to approach him, "Tommy."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
Tommy smiled, as he had found Jack. " Hey, sorry about not doing a better job as the last living investigator. If it is better to know, Lincoln didn't think that revealing as investigators was a good idea," he said to him. His hands phased and was noticeable this time. It seemed that life was rejecting the prospect of the dead man being alive. He took a deep breath. Hopefully that would be sufficient.

@The Tactician
"It is alright. We helped catch a few of the traitors and that is all that matters," Jack calmly replied before shaking his head as he noticed Tommy's predicament, "Perhaps one of the mages among us can help you with that..."
"It is alright. We helped catch a few of the traitors and that is all that matters," Jack calmly replied before shaking his head as he noticed Tommy's predicament, "Perhaps one of the mages among us can help you with that..."

Tommy smiled as it felt good to know that his sacrifice was not in vain. Maybe he should go and talk to Max,but he paused as he looked at Tommy. " Well, if you think one of them could help me, that would be great," he said to him. He trusted Jack.

@The Tactician @Mages?

"Whoa, now it's a party!" Zinnia chirped when she noticed Hideo and Wiruko approaching. "The whole gang is getting back together again, except for a few people we're missing..." She still hadn't seen Kirby or Meteo anywhere... "So what are you two going to do after this is all over?" Zinnia smirked. "Spend some time looking up more cat videos, I assume?"

When Jack stated he wasn't joking, his words made sense. He really wasn't the type to joke about something like that. "Woooow, so you're actually serious?" She paused for a second, unsure how to respond to him. The idea was a bit overwhelming, but she was tempted to take his offer. "Haha! You're the greatest, Jackie boy!" Without a regard for his personal space, she pushed her head against his arm and rubbed on it like a grateful cat. :3

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician

"Oh right... cat videos... er... Yeah, I guess. Well, actually, I have things to do with Wiruko once we all... split ways."

Hideo wasn't sure on what to say once the mentioning of cat videos resurfaced. Was he really going to be remembered as the "cat video" guy? Well, most likely Zinnia would remember him like that, but at least it wasn't as bad as... well, anything else that's worse than cat videos.


"Wiruko and her Master are gonna sign up for a super big tournament event as soon as possible, which is going to be really really fun!"

Guess that Hideo and Wiruko had plans for when they get back to their home after all.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9

"Whoa, now it's a party!" Zinnia chirped when she noticed Hideo and Wiruko approaching. "The whole gang is getting back together again, except for a few people we're missing..." She still hadn't seen Kirby or Meteo anywhere... "So what are you two going to do after this is all over?" Zinnia smirked. "Spend some time looking up more cat videos, I assume?"

When Jack stated he wasn't joking, his words made sense. He really wasn't the type to joke about something like that. "Woooow, so you're actually serious?" She paused for a second, unsure how to respond to him. The idea was a bit overwhelming, but she was tempted to take his offer. "Haha! You're the greatest, Jackie boy!" Without a regard for his personal space, she pushed her head against his arm and rubbed on it like a grateful cat. :3

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
Unsure of how exactly to respond to the... feline-like affection of Zinnia, Jack simply chuckled uncertainly and patted his friend's head, "It is alright, my friend. It would have been wrong of me to leave you when I know you'd be all alone again..." Now that the samurai thought about it, he could think of at least one other friend who would love the chance to meet Zinnia. The Scotsman would be a good outlet for her energy and she was sure to earn some smiles from the man and his clansmen for her wild antics.

"Anyways, be ready for when the way home opens, my friend. While we are both skilled in fighting evil, there are many under the employ of my greatest foe who hunt me in my world, so be prepared."
Lincoln took a deep breath, as he couldn't find Junko. Maybe Sam had found her. He tripped over his own footing and a book came out, falling and landing near the feet of Sam. It opened up to a page showing his family tree. It went far back and hit a Deanna and Samuel Campbell before deviating and only focusing on their son. And then Lincoln... he hadn't bothered to show anyone here. What were the odds his family were here? " Hey Sam," he said.

Pushed down to his knees? Telekinesis? Rumble did in no way approve. One does not insult him like that and get away with it. In fact, lying right behind her, he was in a perfect spot for a surprise attack. In a single, abrupt motion, Rumble set to grab her by her shirt collar, with the intention of using her like a punching bag of sorts.

"You have insulted me! You will not get away with your crimes!"

Was he successful, would he begin rapidly punching her, his already sharp, pixelly fists hitting her stomach with full force.

"Um... excuse me..."

A nervous voice coming from Aika trembled out as she approached the Gleeful twins. Despite feeling happy that she might be able to go back home after all, Aika still had strange thoughts regarding the shadows that came from her Dolly... if it were real or not.

"Did... did my Dolly... u-um... hurt you? I... I'm... not sure... if that really happened though... the shadows... coming from... my Dolly."

Aika just immediately backed away as Rumble came in to punch the shit out of her. Oh boy...

@Hospes @Crimson Spartan @Verite @Ringmaster @IntrusivePenDesperateSword

He checked out She-Hulk from a distance and then his eyes flicked back to Reverse Mabel, who far from being distrusted by all or even approached by her victim, was suddenly Miss Popular as boys flocked around her. Roman, bemoaning in his black heart for the gullibility of one half of the human race, forgiving all sins for the sake of a smile shook his head and celebrated.

Suckers were always good for buisness and if Mabel saw him, he'd wink and touch the brim of his hat in salute before suddenly distracted by the following.

Acknowledgement. It was no real response to her jabs, to which the conman- no... That was Bill's name for him. Perhaps she would stick with big bad wolf -still had yet to react to. At this point, she doubted he would. This was enough to be found extremely frustrating and annoying, but he still had winked and saluted. It seemed that was all she was getting, for the moment, because then his attention turned elsewhere yet again.


There was no time to linger on this, really, because she was then approached by a small and pathetic-looking child. A child that was holding the very doll that had earlier attacked her. Hm... Interesting. What was even more interesting was that the child didn't seem afraid of her, and was actually concerned about her. Ah, whatever - she blamed it on the naivete and innocence of children. Pathetic, really - but the bravery was something that was at least mildly respectable. Especially considering the display that Mabel had put on mere moments ago. So, on went her typical sweet as sugar facade. "Oh, of course not, sweetie~ Your 'dolly' and I were just playing a game," she hummed. And, in a way, it was true. The female truly considered all of this to be a game. An amazingly fun one, at that. "You've nothing to be concerned about."

Well, she hadn't for a second there, anyways. But that second quickly passed, leaving a new issue to be dealt with. Whether or not the Reverse Falls occupant saw Rumble coming and just didn't care, or actually didn't see his move was up for debate, but regardless, her face was straight as she was grabbed by her shirt. "Ah, ah, ah - I'm afraid I must inform you... I don't allow men to grab me in such an uncouth manner until the second date~" Was she flirting, or just trying to piss him off? The world may never know. It didn't really matter, anyways, because Rumble began punching her in the stomach repeatedly. Her reaction, however? Well, to say it was unorthodox would be an understatement. "Hehehe... Hahaha..."


"Ahahahahahahahahaha! Is this truly the best you've got in you? I must say, I'm quite underwhelmed," she laughed, hardly seeming bothered by the pain of his sharp punches, despite the fact that they even had a bit of blood coming to her mouth. Surprisingly, she actually seemed to be enjoying the punches being thrown. But there was obviously someone that didn't.


Suddenly, Dipper's deadpan turned to a deep scowl, a glare that could kill directing itself at Rumble. Copious amounts of cold rage and danger came off of him in waves, his demeanor taking an extreme shift. He knew Mabel enjoyed pain, but like she always had had his back... He would always have hers. "...Get your pathetic, grubby hands off of my sister right. This. Instant," he commanded, voice lower and colder than usual. Despite the fact that, with his telekinesis, it would be hard to refrain from listening to him? Even despite the fact he was in a fairly banged-up condition? Dipper additionally moved to fire off a punch straight at Rumble's face.

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Verite @Ringmaster

"Oh right... cat videos... er... Yeah, I guess. Well, actually, I have things to do with Wiruko once we all... split ways."

Hideo wasn't sure on what to say once the mentioning of cat videos resurfaced. Was he really going to be remembered as the "cat video" guy? Well, most likely Zinnia would remember him like that, but at least it wasn't as bad as... well, anything else that's worse than cat videos.


"Wiruko and her Master are gonna sign up for a super big tournament event as soon as possible, which is going to be really really fun!"

Guess that Hideo and Wiruko had plans for when they get back to their home after all.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9
Unsure of how exactly to respond to the... feline-like affection of Zinnia, Jack simply chuckled uncertainly and patted his friend's head, "It is alright, my friend. It would have been wrong of me to leave you when I know you'd be all alone again..." Now that the samurai thought about it, he could think of at least one other friend who would love the chance to meet Zinnia. The Scotsman would be a good outlet for her energy and she was sure to earn some smiles from the man and his clansmen for her wild antics.

"Anyways, be ready for when the way home opens, my friend. While we are both skilled in fighting evil, there are many under the employ of my greatest foe who hunt me in my world, so be prepared."

Poor Hideo. But hey, if it was any consolation to him, at least he could always remember that fact that Zinnia is pretty much known as the wild woman who bites arms. He wasn't the only one who had gained some kind of reputation in Gravity Falls.


"Oh, a tournament, huh? Where I come from, there are honestly a lot of tournaments. They aren't really my thing though. Tournaments are so... open. I prefer to work in the shadows where nobody can see what I'm doing," she replied with a wink. And speaking of tournaments, even if she wouldn't be going back to Hoenn right now, she hoped that one day she'd have a chance to return. Zinnia wanted to pay that prissy ex-champ Steven a visit to laugh at him again for losing his title to a kid.

"Sure thing, Jackie! Oh, but wait," Zinnia said, glancing down to Aster. "I can't exactly go with you unless Aster approves too. I don't want to make her go somewhere new if she doesn't like the idea." She knelt down to Aster and asked her, "So, what do you think, my sweet little one? Should we go with Jack?"


Aster hopped up and down, chirping wildly. "Murrr, murr!"

"Well, Aster says no. So there's your answer," Zinnia replied, a serious expression on her face.



"HAH PSYCH!" she exclaimed, giving him a slap on the shoulder. "Aster's fine with the idea. In fact, I even knew so before asking her. We're just that in sync, y'know? Hahahahaha!"

Zinnia applauded herself afterwards, because she thought she was so damn hilarious.


Oh, Zinnia. : |

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician

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Acknowledgement. It was no real response to her jabs, to which the conman- no... That was Bill's name for him. Perhaps she would stick with big bad wolf -still had yet to react to. At this point, she doubted he would. This was enough to be found extremely frustrating and annoying, but he still had winked and saluted. It seemed that was all she was getting, for the moment, because then his attention turned elsewhere yet again.


There was no time to linger on this, really, because she was then approached by a small and pathetic-looking child. A child that was holding the very doll that had earlier attacked her. Hm... Interesting. What was even more interesting was that the child didn't seem afraid of her, and was actually concerned about her. Ah, whatever - she blamed it on the naivete and innocence of children. Pathetic, really - but the bravery was something that was at least mildly respectable. Especially considering the display that Mabel had put on mere moments ago. So, on went her typical sweet as sugar facade. "Oh, of course not, sweetie~ Your 'dolly' and I were just playing a game," she hummed. And, in a way, it was true. The female truly considered all of this to be a game. An amazingly fun one, at that. "You've nothing to be concerned about."

Well, she hadn't for a second there, anyways. But that second quickly passed, leaving a new issue to be dealt with. Whether or not the Reverse Falls occupant saw Rumble coming and just didn't care, or actually didn't see his move was up for debate, but regardless, her face was straight as she was grabbed by her shirt. "Ah, ah, ah - I'm afraid I must inform you... I don't allow men to grab me in such an uncouth manner until the second date~" Was she flirting, or just trying to piss him off? The world may never know. It didn't really matter, anyways, because Rumble began punching her in the stomach repeatedly. Her reaction, however? Well, to say it was unorthodox would be an understatement. "Hehehe... Hahaha..."


"Ahahahahahahahahaha! Is this truly the best you've got in you? I must say, I'm quite underwhelmed," she laughed, hardly seeming bothered by the pain of his sharp punches, despite the fact that they even had a bit of blood coming to her mouth. Surprisingly, she actually seemed to be enjoying the punches being thrown. But there was obviously someone that didn't.


Suddenly, Dipper's deadpan turned to a deep scowl, a glare that could kill directing itself at Rumble. Copious amounts of cold rage and danger came off of him in waves, his demeanor taking an extreme shift. He knew Mabel enjoyed pain, but like she always had had his back... He would always have hers. "...Get your pathetic, grubby hands off of my sister right. This. Instant," he commanded, voice lower and colder than usual. Despite the fact that, with his telekinesis, it would be hard to refrain from listening to him? Even despite the fact he was in a fairly banged-up condition? Dipper additionally moved to fire off a punch straight at Rumble's face.

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Verite @Ringmaster

Mabel's comments of apparent satisfaction put Rumble off, to say the least. Although, a successful grab was what it was, and he would use this to his opponent's disadvantage and eventual defeat. In fact, she didn't resist, so what was stopping him from going all-out on her? Pulling his arm back, several small charges of lightning gathered around his fist, charging up a punch.



As the gathering of sparks around his fist ended, Rumble's surprise only continued once interrupted by the reverse Dipper. If anything, this kid had nerve. Thinking about it, so did his sister. Who were these people, anyways?

"Your sister is the one that intended to kill me! She would have killed my father too, without second thought. And ever since Sensei trained me to follow the path of honor, and justice, my journey will mean battling the likes of her. But if she isn't the final boss, it must be…"



Rumble, furiously pointing a finger at Dipper, was getting excited. He'd get that final battle he was looking for, be it this boy or his sister. This was his time to serve justice to the ones clearly deserving it. It would please his sensei to know that this, this was the battle to end all injustice. Without warning, as he know would be dedicated in another battle, he threw reverse Mabel into the air, leaving her to the judgment of gravity.


Roaring loudly, Rumble ran towards reverse Dipper, raising his fists as a block of his punch. What's more, his again sharp pixels would probably hurt Dipper more than Rumble.

"Haha! This battle is mine! Take this!"

With warning, Rumble would go in for a sweep-kick, continued by a series of a combo of two forwards punches and an upwards jab.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
"Until Next Time"

Seeing as the fun was over, the Manotaurs decided to head back to their cave in the woods, though they opted to stay their giant size, much to the Multi-Bear's dismay. "We'll never forget you, Manly One!" they declared, running back into the forest and toppling an endless amount of trees as they went.


Junko hugged herself, shivering slightly. She felt the excitement and relief that poured off the people around her. It was unique... a unique feeling that lodged itself deep in her chest. The girl found herself smiling, lost in the moment, her despair over opening that portal forgotten to her for now. She hadn't been able to stick around to witness the downfall of the Arch Demon, so the fact that she was still here, to bask in this victory...


"... Wait, who the hell was that triangle guy anyway? I don't even know what's going on!"

Junko sighed, crossing her arms. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment, wondering if she would be stuck here for the time being. She didn't exactly have control over her power to send herself away, but... Maybe if she could manipulate those portals now, maybe it meant she was gaining some kind of control? "Why is this so confusing... why do I have this power, anyway?"

Junko opened her eyes to find Sam before her, though she had no idea who he was. She supposed he seemed familiar... "Hey," she said, cocking her head to the side slightly, "do you wanna join my fan club?"




The reverse version of Gideon just appeared to be traumatized - and he hadn't even really contributed much. He was a bit of a coward, that much was obvious, but that wasn't what he was worried about. Bill was dead, now - not he, nor anyone else, needed to fret about that any longer. No, the boy's major concerns were about something else entirely.

"...Pacifica?" Much like earlier, there was still silence. This fact filled the young boy with dread, and he gently shook his cousin in hopes of waking her up. "C'mon, now, Pacifica," he muttered. Still, it seemed the girl wasn't stirring. However, her chest still seemed to rise and fall ever-so-slightly. That was a good omen, at the very least, right?

The young boy simply didn't know anymore.

With an expression that made it seem as though he were about to outright start bawling, the nine-year-old tightly hugged his injured and unconscious friend, holding her close and trying desperately not to tear up. Ironically, however, someone else had started to.


"H-hold me, m' queen!" the original Gideon exclaimed, jumping into Mabel's arms and starting to cry on her. Looked like the Reverse Pines had been a bit too much, even for the one they were the equivalent of in their world.



For a few moments, Mabel was silent, her expression unreadable as she stared down at the crying trash baby boy in her arms. But slowly, her expression twisted into that of horror. "....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GET HIM OFF OF ME!" she exclaimed, suddenly dropping the boy and beginning to run around frantically.


After freeing the book captives, Ford had stayed by Lalonde's side, protecting her for the duration of the battle. A sigh of relief escaped him when it was all over (though he had worried their inability to use the zodiac would spell their doom), and he directed the Dipper clones to gather his niece and nephew. His expression was grim as he looked down upon the pale woman, the blonde looking like she could crumble at the slightest provocation.

When Dipper and Mabel neared, Lalonde finally stirred. Ford let out a gasp and asked, "how are you feeling?!" She didn't answer for a moment, instead raising a hand to indicate for him to hold off. He waited patiently while Lalonde sat up on her own, eventually rubbing her head and letting out a tired sigh.


"I'm sure you have a few questions."


Dipper moved next to her, dropping down to his knees to bring his level with her. "No way, we're just happy you're okay! You... wouldn't be the first to be possessed by Bill, anyway."


Having joined Dipper's side, Mabel offered Lalonde a bright smile, though the girl felt extremely exhausted. "Haha, yeah. You don't need to feel bad. Bill was, like, super smarticle. And good at doing puppet-y stuff."

Lalonde shrugged. "Oh, dear. Is that so? Well..." She began to stand up, and Ford reached for her hand to help her to stand. She nodded to him as thanks. "I was aware the whole time, as you probably know then. You shouldn't worry-- the demon did a surprisingly strong job of copying my mannerisms. Though, it would be nice to get to know you all again... Anyway, as you probably imagined, it was he who rigged the portal to go haywire."


"Speaking of which," Ford muttered, rubbing at the back of his head, "we will have to begin work once again. Otherwise, all of our new friends will be permanently stuck in our dimension!"

"If our dimension is really our dimension anymore," Dipper added.

Lalonde shook her head. "No need, dear. I don't suggest you mess with the portal ever again... you and I both know the risks involved." Ford nodded, understanding. "But I know how we can get everyone home. I have certain... contacts. I just need to borrow your technology for a time, Stanford. My employer would likely terminate my position if they knew what I was considering due to do, but considering my circumstances, maybe I have already been terminated."

Ford was happy to let Lalonde use whatever she wanted, and it wasn't long before she had what she described as an interdimensional communicator. "It is in a primitive working condition," she explained. She was showing Ford and the twins the object, leading them back out of the Mystery Shack as she did so. "But it is fine for what I intend for it." She set the device up in the dirt in front of shack, pressing a few buttons on it so that it began to emit a low hum. She then stood back and crossed her arms.

"We can't talk directly into it, but it is now sending a signal. The beacon will summon a group known as the Coalition."


It wasn't long before a portal would appear by the beacon and out from it drove a strange school bus with an orange-haired woman at the wheel.


"Someone rang for the Magic School Bus?" The woman asked, her doors opening up and welcoming anyone and everyone who would require a ride home. However, a girl stepped out of the bus first, a look of mild anger flashing across her face at the sight of Lalonde.


"Hey... you're not with the Coalition! What's the deal? How did you know how to call us?!"

Lolonde sighed. "Dear, it will take me a while to explain, but..." she turned, sweeping her hand at the crowd, "you might not be surprised to hear we have just gone through one of those death games. Everyone here will need passage home, if you may. I will freely allow myself to be taken in for questioning."

The girl marveled at the amount of people. She was about to speak when Dipepr interrupted her and said, "h-hey, wait!" He pointed over at Hisoka. "You have to arrest that guy... he committed a murder!"

The girl groaned. "This was not what I was expecting today... Okay. Hey, you! Clown guy! You're under arrest!"

Lalonde crossed her arms and eyed the two Gleeful twins who had put the group through so much trouble. "May want to see about arresting that pair as well, dear."

As people were now deciding where they wanted to go, Ford decided to pull Stan aside for a moment, wanting to say something he never got to throughout all this. "Stanley..." Ford sighed. "I know when I came back, we weren't on the best of terms. Since then, we haven't really had a chance to talk... but, I think now will be my last opportunity to say I'm sorry." Ford paused to reach into his jacket's inner pocket, pulling out a picture of Stan and Ford when they were children.

"And, before you ask what I mean," he said, holding up a finger. "I decided I want to head out into the great beyond once again! This time, maybe with this Coalition group's help, I'll have a better time of it."

Stan stood brusquely as Ford told him his plans.


"Fine! Go gallivanting across the universe again! But on one condition..." He placed his hand on Ford's shoulder. "You'll take your foolish brother with you. I... I know we haven't talked much since you got back, but losing you again... at the end of the day, Ford, we're brothers and the Pine boys are going to show the entire multiverse a thing or two! Whaddaya say?"

Ford stared for a moment, but eventually nodded and smiled. "That they will."


"You're right, Stanley. We're brothers. Never forget that."

@C.T. as GwenPool [Marvel Comics]
@DapperDogman as Sans [Undertale AU] and Ryner Lute [Legend of the Legendary Heroes]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga [Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta [Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino [Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi [Monogatari]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson [Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack [Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn [Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer [Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo [L]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk [Marvel Comics]
@Atomyk as Pearl [Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko" [Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur [Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu [Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo [Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Ciri [The Witcher]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton [Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn [Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB [The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo [Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti [Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Da'losen Lyison and Kepti [Original Characters]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes [MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh [Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna [Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan [Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos [Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady [WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan [Punch-Out!!!]
@Nater Taters as Kirby [Kirby Franchise]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy [The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]​
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Poor Hideo. But hey, if it was any consolation to him, at least he could always remember that fact that Zinnia is pretty much known as the wild woman who bites arms. He wasn't the only one who had gained some kind of reputation in Gravity Falls.


"Oh, a tournament, huh? Where I come from, there are honestly a lot of tournaments. They aren't really my thing though. Tournaments are so... open. I prefer to work in the shadows where nobody can see what I'm doing," she replied with a wink. And speaking of tournaments, even if she wouldn't be going back to Hoenn right now, she hoped that one day she'd have a chance to return. Zinnia wanted to pay that prissy ex-champ Steven a visit to laugh at him again for losing his title to a kid.

"Sure thing, Jackie! Oh, but wait," Zinnia said, glancing down to Aster. "I can't exactly go with you unless Aster approves too. I don't want to make her go somewhere new if she doesn't like the idea." She knelt down to Aster and asked her, "So, what do you think, my sweet little one? Should we go with Jack?"


Aster hopped up and down, chirping wildly. "Murrr, murr!"

"Well, Aster says no. So there's your answer," Zinnia replied, a serious expression on her face.



"HAH PSYCH!" she exclaimed, giving him a slap on the shoulder. "Aster's fine with the idea. In fact, I even knew so before asking her. We're just that in sync, y'know? Hahahahaha!"

Zinnia applauded herself afterwards, because she thought she was so damn hilarious.


Oh, Zinnia. : |

@Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician

Oh lord, what insanity had Jack just invited to join him on his journey?


"Uh... Well, I am glad that you both agree, as it seems our vessel to my home world is here."
"Until Next Time"

Seeing as the fun was over, the Manotaurs decided to head back to their cave in the woods, though they opted to stay their giant size, much to the Multi-Bear's dismay. "We'll never forget you, Manly One!" they declared, running back into the forest and toppling an endless amount of trees as they went.


Junko hugged herself, shivering slightly. She felt the excitement and relief that poured off the people around her. It was unique... a unique feeling that lodged itself deep in her chest. The girl found herself smiling, lost in the moment, her despair over opening that portal forgotten to her for now. She hadn't been able to stick around to witness the downfall of the Arch Demon, so the fact that she was still here, to bask in this victory...


"... Wait, who the hell was that triangle guy anyway? I don't even know what's going on!"

Junko sighed, crossing her arms. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment, wondering if she would be stuck here for the time being. She didn't exactly have control over her power to send herself away, but... Maybe if she could manipulate those portals now, maybe it meant she was gaining some kind of control? "Why is this so confusing... why do I have this power, anyway?"

Junko opened her eyes to find Sam before her, though she had no idea who he was. She supposed he seemed familiar... "Hey," she said, cocking her head to the side slightly, "do you wanna join my fan club?"




The reverse version of Gideon just appeared to be traumatized - and he hadn't even really contributed much. He was a bit of a coward, that much was obvious, but that wasn't what he was worried about. Bill was dead, now - not he, nor anyone else, needed to fret about that any longer. No, the boy's major concerns were about something else entirely.

"...Pacifica?" Much like earlier, there was still silence. This fact filled the young boy with dread, and he gently shook his cousin in hopes of waking her up. "C'mon, now, Pacifica," he muttered. Still, it seemed the girl wasn't stirring. However, her chest still seemed to rise and fall ever-so-slightly. That was a good omen, at the very least, right?

The young boy simply didn't know anymore.

With an expression that made it seem as though he were about to outright start bawling, the nine-year-old tightly hugged his injured and unconscious friend, holding her close and trying desperately not to tear up. Ironically, however, someone else had started to.


"H-hold me, m' queen!" the original Gideon exclaimed, jumping into Mabel's arms and starting to cry on her. Looked like the Reverse Pines had been a bit too much, even for the one they were the equivalent of in their world.



For a few moments, Mabel was silent, her expression unreadable as she stared down at the crying trash baby boy in her arms. But slowly, her expression twisted into that of horror. "....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GET HIM OFF OF ME!" she exclaimed, suddenly dropping the boy and beginning to run around frantically.


After freeing the book captives, Ford had stayed by Lalonde's side, protecting her for the duration of the battle. A sigh of relief escaped him when it was all over (though he had worried their inability to use the zodiac would spell their doom), and he directed the Dipper clones to gather his niece and nephew. His expression was grim as he looked down upon the pale woman, the blonde looking like she could crumble at the slightest provocation.

When Dipper and Mabel neared, Lalonde finally stirred. Ford let out a gasp and asked, "how are you feeling?!" She didn't answer for a moment, instead raising a hand to indicate for him to hold off. He waited patiently while Lalonde sat up on her own, eventually rubbing her head and letting out a tired sigh.


"I'm sure you have a few questions."


Dipper moved next to her, dropping down to his knees to bring his level with her. "No way, we're just happy you're okay! You... wouldn't be the first to be possessed by Bill, anyway."


Having joined Dipper's side, Mabel offered Lalonde a bright smile, though the girl felt extremely exhausted. "Haha, yeah. You don't need to feel bad. Bill was, like, super smarticle. And good at doing puppet-y stuff."

Lalonde shrugged. "Oh, dear. Is that so? Well..." She began to stand up, and Ford reached for her hand to help her to stand. She nodded to him as thanks. "I was aware the whole time, as you probably know then. You shouldn't worry-- the demon did a surprisingly strong job of copying my mannerisms. Though, it would be nice to get to know you all again... Anyway, as you probably imagined, it was he who rigged the portal to go haywire."


"Speaking of which," Ford muttered, rubbing at the back of his head, "we will have to begin work once again. Otherwise, all of our new friends will be permanently stuck in our dimension!"

"If our dimension is really our dimension anymore," Dipper added.

Lalonde shook her head. "No need, dear. I don't suggest you mess with the portal ever again... you and I both know the risks involved." Ford nodded, understanding. "But I know how we can get everyone home. I have certain... contacts. I just need to borrow your technology for a time, Stanford. My employer would likely terminate my position if they knew what I was considering due to do, but considering my circumstances, maybe I have already been terminated."

Ford was happy to let Lalonde use whatever she wanted, and it wasn't long before she had what she described as an interdimensional communicator. "It is in a primitive working condition," she explained. She was showing Ford and the twins the object, leading them back out of the Mystery Shack as she did so. "But it is fine for what I intend for it." She set the device up in the dirt in front of shack, pressing a few buttons on it so that it began to emit a low hum. She then stood back and crossed her arms.

"We can't talk directly into it, but it is now sending a signal. The beacon will summon a group known as the Coalition."


It wasn't long before a portal would appear by the beacon and out from it drove a strange school bus with an orange-haired woman at the wheel.


"Someone rang for the Magic School Bus?" The woman asked, her doors opening up and welcoming anyone and everyone who would require a ride home. However, a girl stepped out of the bus first, a look of mild anger flashing across her face at the sight of Lalonde.


"Hey... you're not with the Coalition! What's the deal? How did you know how to call us?!"

Lolonde sighed. "Dear, it will take me a while to explain, but..." she turned, sweeping her hand at the crowd, "you might not be surprised to hear we have just gone through one of those death games. Everyone here will need passage home, if you may. I will freely allow myself to be taken in for questioning."

The girl marveled at the amount of people. She was about to speak when Dipepr interrupted her and said, "h-hey, wait!" He pointed over at Hisoka. "You have to arrest that guy... he committed a murder!"

The girl groaned. "This was not what I was expecting today... Okay. Hey, you! Clown guy! You're under arrest!"

Lalonde crossed her arms and eyed the two Gleeful twins who had put the group through so much trouble. "May want to see about arresting that pair as well, dear."

As people were now deciding where they wanted to go, Ford decided to pull Stan aside for a moment, wanting to say something he never got to throughout all this. "Stanley..." Ford sighed. "I know when I came back, we weren't on the best of terms. Since then, we haven't really had a chance to talk... but, I think now will be my last opportunity to say I'm sorry." Ford paused to reach into his jacket's inner pocket, pulling out a picture of Stan and Ford when they were children.

"And, before you ask what I mean," he said, holding up a finger. "I decided I want to head out into the great beyond once again! This time, maybe with this Coalition group's help, I'll have a better time of it."


"We're brothers, Stanley. Never forget that."

@C.T. as GwenPool [Marvel Comics]
@DapperDogman as Sans [Undertale AU] and Ryner Lute [Legend of the Legendary Heroes]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga [Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta [Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino [Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi [Monogatari]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson [Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack [Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn [Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer [Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo [L]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk [Marvel Comics]
@Atomyk as Pearl [Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko" [Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur [Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu [Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo [Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Ciri [The Witcher]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton [Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn [Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB [The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo [Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti [Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Da'losen Lyison and Kepti [Original Characters]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes [MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh [Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna [Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan [Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos [Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady [WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan [Punch-Out!!!]
@Nater Taters as Kirby [Kirby Franchise]​
As things began to devolve into chaos, Jack kept a cool head on his shoulders and simply pushed towards the door to the bus, clearing a path for Zinnia to join him. It was best they did not become involved in whatever politic debacle was taking place with this 'Coalition' group and simply say thank you and ride the bus home.

Speaking of which, once off the stairs leading up and into the vehicle, the samurai bowed his head to the redheaded bus driver, "Thank you for providing a way home, miss," before taking a seat near the front.

@Atomyk @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
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