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This is a new level of which even I dared not go to.

@Crow @Kaykay
Meanwhile, Daisuke.


"When they said 'fight', I didn't expect this kind of fight..."

Netherless, Daisuke joined the fight with his Knuckleduster!

@everyone cuz idk​

The cheers were large, but the flicker of yellow over blue was greater this time. And then the lead guitarist of Weirdmaggedon spoke.

"Enough! Bill is waiting for us! KILL THEM ALL NOW!"

Picks slammed down on guitars and the music rolled over like a wave of sonic power, the claymore using one laughing as he steps back and plays his instrument once more. The crowd screams and blood seeps from the ears of some as they cringe. But the music plays, it can't stop. It won't stop and so it begins.

The final battle and with a prophetic song.


"Maybe red's like roses?! Maybe it's the pool of blood -the innocents will lay in when in the end you've failed to save them?"

Like artillery fire impacting, the words and the music of Weirdmaggedon pounded away upon the group, the screech of their instruments ripping up the stage as they unleashed their attack.

"There'll be no rest! There'll be no love! There'll be no hero in the end who will rise above!
And when it ends the good will craaaawl!!! The shining light will sink in darkness!
Victory for hate incarnate! Misery and pain for all!"


Things had just gotten more dangerous.

@Afterlife Crew

Lincoln covered his ears and rolled away. This was starting to get down and dirty. What had the witch had told them before coming him? Some rules were meant to be broken and he was very pissed off by this song. You didn't hurt your audience... he wasn't about to let anyone die again. He summoned his lightning and growled aiming for the band. " Not this time," he said.


Tommy watched as he looked at the flame sword in his hand. Well, it was all he got, this was going to get good now.

@Ringmaster @afterlife
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Reactions: Ringmaster

The cheers were large, but the flicker of yellow over blue was greater this time. And then the lead guitarist of Weirdmaggedon spoke.

"Enough! Bill is waiting for us! KILL THEM ALL NOW!"

Picks slammed down on guitars and the music rolled over like a wave of sonic power, the claymore using one laughing as he steps back and plays his instrument once more. The crowd screams and blood seeps from the ears of some as they cringe. But the music plays, it can't stop. It won't stop and so it begins.

The final battle and with a prophetic song.


"Maybe red's like roses?! Maybe it's the pool of blood -the innocents will lay in when in the end you've failed to save them?"

Like artillery fire impacting, the words and the music of Weirdmaggedon pounded away upon the group, the screech of their instruments ripping up the stage as they unleashed their attack.

"There'll be no rest! There'll be no love! There'll be no hero in the end who will rise above!
And when it ends the good will craaaawl!!! The shining light will sink in darkness!
Victory for hate incarnate! Misery and pain for all!"


Things had just gotten more dangerous.

@Afterlife Crew


It mattered little to the samurai that the battle had so suddenly shifted. It mattered little to the samurai what the song spoke of, what it hinted at. It mattered little to the samurai that his ears ring in pain as they began to bleed ever-so slightly.

All that matters is that he remains focused upon the foe who had chose to face him in battle.

"End this useless strumming and face me, cowardly bard!"

Without another word to the enemy, Jack charged forward through the shockwave, sheer willpower keeping him from being thrown back. Though not as fast as he normally was under the current circumstances, he still seemed a blur to the average eye as his blade shined under the stage lights, hunting for the claymore-wielder's body, its prey in this hunt. This clash would be to the death, and neither he nor his blade were willing to be the ones to fall here.

@Afterlife Crew​
Transforming and merging together Sentai or Power Ranger style always looked fun on TV. And sure, they were more powerful now. But...


"Hey, this can be undone, right?"

This was...something.

@Crow @Verite
Stopping alongside Bazett, one of the people who had attracted his attention during the ordeal, Hisoka would face the two evil children with a confident smirk that masked the excitement he felt inside, but not before giving the Irishwoman next to him a sly glance for a brief moment.


"Perhaps after this, we can... play with each other and see who would come out on top?"


"Not a bad start. For a warm-up."

Nonchalantly, Hisoka deflected the dagger that Reverse Mabel would throw at him, the speed at which it was coming little more than a challenge to keep the speedy man on his guard, using a playing card that he would suddenly draw from his pocket, having channeled his powers to render the card razor-sharp, more lethal than a knife.

Yes... There was definitely more, at least. This was just a taste of what was to come from them, wasn't it? He could feel the full extent of their power somewhere, but it seemed that for now, like a person at a party only allowed to have a taste of the fine wines around, they were just toying with each other for now. But that was fine. That was perfectly fine.

Good things come to those who wait after all.


"My turn."

Killing was an art. And when it came to art, you had to have a certain style with it!

If they were all going to toy with each other, then he may as well have fun playing the game that others were trying to play on him after all, no? Yes, yes!

Hmhmm... Let's see how I go about this.


With a slight of hand, Hisoka pulled his next trick. In practically the blink of an eye, the one card that Hisoka held in his hand suddenly became a number of cards, at least five in one hand, all as razor-sharp as the other with the weight of actual blades as well, which he would then pitch to the two diabolical twins like deadly throwing knives!

@Hospes @C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans

'If they can't see me... They can't get me...' This was the strategy of Inigo as he would move from hiding place to hiding place and shoot electricity mixed with fire from the two weapons he held. All at those gleeful twins..


This 'annoying flirt' was smarter then you thought :/

@Hospes @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies
With that point hopefully made abundantly clear, the Enforcer lunged into the fray, following right behind the launched cards and elemental blasts with solid steps. No need to draw this out if at all possible. As soon as her dash got her within closing distance, her jab flew straight, aiming to impact right into the male's stomach with considerable force to test and gauge her opponent's threat level as well as determine exactly what it would take to put them down.


@Hospes @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan



This is a new level of which even I dared not go to.

@Crow @Kaykay
Transforming and merging together Sentai or Power Ranger style always looked fun on TV. And sure, they were more powerful now. But...


"Hey, this can be undone, right?"

This was...something.

@Crow @Verite

"Well, we've seen fusions before, and none of us have alchemical knowledge that we might unknowingly use, so it should be OK," Djeeta's voice emerges.

"They way we combined doesn't look permanent at all. It's like we are held together by bonds of... connecting hinge joints. In fact, I think your brother is still resting on your shoulders underneath all this armour as we move," Gran's voice emerged, before Grandjeeta X4G looks at his Eaglauncher Bazooka, and had only just realised that the Hippogriff's entire body had split into two for this combination - one for a bazooka, and one for an extra set of legs. "Alright, fine, you raised a very good question. And I think some questions are better off left unanswered... let's roll!"

During the conversation, Grandjeeta X4G's armour was cracked by some Cipher cronies, but Koyomi's healing factor restored the armour to its previous state. Its Karen legs rose as it prepared to gallop.

@Verite @Kaykay
Ford had avoided the fighting so far, instead risking his neck to grab the unconscious Lalonde and pull her away from danger. The reset pulled him back a bit, but the opening of the portal the second time around gave him the distraction he needed to pull the woman toward the relative safety of the shack. "Bill...! I should have known better! Thought I had things under control, but he's a crafty one..." Ford looked down at Lalonde, the woman sleeping soundly in his arms. Her skin was still a sickly pale tone, evidently still infected with the virus she had refused to give many details on before. Well, details that Bill had refused to give. There was a high probability that Lalonde had become possessed by Bill during her time in between dimensions, allowing the demon to come to the physical realm and concoct this plan.


To think that Ford had been assisting Bill all along with his work on the portal... that he had never truly known the real Lalonde to begin with. It made Ford's blood boil. Bill had used him for the last time. "Come on," he whispered to his valued assistant. "I have a plan."


Walls of fire erupted around the portal, Solas making a great effort to hold back the shadow creatures. Junko could feel the intense heat on her skin and her body was breaking out in sweat. She choked back tears and hugged herself in an effort to quell her intense shivering. She was the cause of everyone's misfortunes wherever she went. It was always the case, every time. If Makoto had once been the Ultimate Lucky Student, Junko was no doubt the Ultimate Unlucky Student.

She let out a shaky breath, head turning to face Koyomi as he approached her with resolution. Her mouth went agape at the sight of him when she realized he was here to help again, even after he'd forgotten their encounter moments ago. "You don't know..." she began to say, but found herself drifting off as she listened to the boy speak. She could feel his determination with every word he uttered, but in the end, he didn't know her situation. He didn't know all her friends were dead and missing; didn't know the horrors she'd faced what was was only a day ago for her. His words might as well have been hollow.


"I'm sorry, but I try! I am trying! But it's just too hard... this power has beaten me!"

She yelped when Koyomi took her arm, but didn't pull away. She looked into his eyes, feeling as if a lump was forming in her throat. "Faith in me... Believing in me..." Junko closed her eyes. She still felt like crying, but now it was for different reasons. This boy sounded too much like Makoto Naegi, before he had turned out to be consumed by despair. If there truly existed a universe where Makoto was just the simple boy she once knew, Junko knew these were the things he'd be telling her.

When she heard She-Hulk's encouragement, Junko let out a shaky laugh. "Right... I know... For once, people need me. I've..." Junko nodded her head, psyching herself up. "I've taken down some nasty bears, so this is nothing!"

Junko cried out and reached out with her right hand. The green streak of light erupted from her palm once again and slammed into the portal. This time, it hurt, and Junko's arm shook under the pressure. She grimaced at the feeling, thankful that she had Koyomi's physical support. "Come on... Come on, come on!"

With one last great cry, Junko closed her hand into the fist and closed the portal. She quickly drew her hand back and held it close to her chest, wincing as it continued to flash green. "I'm sorry for being weak. Thank you."


As everyone's powers began to reawaken, Dipper cried out when he found something in his possession starting to glow. He pulled out the gem he'd found in the forest, marveling at the fact it was now glowing. When it began to glow even brighter, Dipper found himself blinded and forced to drop the stone. It then began to float in the air, the glow growing bigger and forming what appeared to be a humanoid shape. The characteristics of the shape shifted rapidly, eventually sticking to...



The Crystal Gem dropped to the ground, smiling as she pulled her spear from the gem at her forehead. "This is much better!" she happily exclaimed.


"Ehehe.... Hahahahaha..."

The face didn't need to be seen to take a guess just who it was that the laughter was originating from. But even so, it didn't take terribly long for the young woman to come into the group's field of vision. The odd thing was that she wasn't walking. Rather, she was levitating, seeming quite happy with her position in the sky. Oh, how absolutely liberating it was to be able to refrain from holding back her abilities!


Letting her absolutely giddy laughter slowly die down into nothing more than a little giggle, the woman finally spoke up, spreading her arms wide with a large grin as she did so to feel the breeze around her. Oh, this was wonderful! "Hehehe... Ahh, what a lovely little 'surprise' we've stumbled unto! Wouldn't you agree... Gideon?"


"...Help me," more or less whimpered this universe's Gideon, who looked absolutely terrified. Even from his position above all of the survivors alongside Mabel.

"Oh, don't be scared, darling~" Reverse Mabel cooed, even as stray weapons being fired off by Bill came their way. Gideon seemed worried that they'd hit them, but the weapons simply froze in the air mere feet away. At this, the female allowed herself another laugh. "Mabel will protect you~! ...And maybe rough you up a bit once she's alllll done."


"Sister, dear, shall we?" It appeared that Dipper had joined the two, as well, looking extremely bored. Either that, or he had a wonderful poker face. One thing was for sure, though - his sister messing with Gideon wasn't really amusing to him. His sister stifled her laughter enough to let a more subtle and collected grin form on her face. "Hehe... Of course, brother. I'd hate to keep our lovely little friends here waiting..." the brunette hummed, cheerfully.

Slowly, the weapons that had stopped mid-air began to circle around the Gleeful group in an almost hypnotically beautiful manner. But the beauty didn't exactly last - now the weapons were firing at the survivors in a very guided and controlled manner. Rather than being fired sporadically as Bill had used them, these were more comparable to heat-seeking missiles. Better take care of that new problem before it got out of hand.


It was then that Ford stepped out from the shack, flanked by the two Dipper clones. The trio held open the story book that Dipper and Spike had been trapped inside, its pages flapping wildly, picked up by the winds erupting from the fighting. "Hold on and don't let go! To let go could lead to disastrous results!"

The pages of the book began to glow, and lights started shooting out from the tome. These lights began to form people, scattering them about the battlefield. "All of you!" yelled Ford. "You were once trapped, but now we need your help! The fate of the universe depends on it!"


Poor Kuroko Shirai, after the reveal that they would have never been able to escape the book she had fallen into a near catatonic state. The only thing she had done was stare off into the distance and mutter the word Sissy from time to time.

As they emerged from the book however her glazed over eyes would awaken in the middle of hell. "We're free...? I'm free!" She exclaimed in delight. Oh boy! She was sure to see Sissy again now! That thing looked like it was the only thing standing in her way to return home.

Getting back to her feet she'd stare at her new foe.


"I'm from Judgement! For Sissy and our future together...I'm going to wipe all of you off the face of the Earth!"

She-Hulk meanwhile would have felt her strength return to her body.


"I'm back! And that spells bad news for you twins and your anthropomorphic Illuminati triangle!"

Cracking of her knuckles signified She-Hulk getting in on the action as she pushed her hands into the ground to pull out a huge chunk of the ground before tossing it towards Bill. "Special delivery for you! Courtesy of She-Hulk!"

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Atomyk @Everyone

The ride of battle was turning, people seemed to be regaining their powers, which would mean the Gates of Babylon were Gilgamesh's again. With a smirk the Gates immediately reappeared behind himself, the gates arming themselves with every noble phantasm he could. Before he could fire though Lonqu was already on the offensive, likely going to get himself killed. So he redirected the gates so that the weapons would also act as a sort of barrier between Lonqu and Bill's attacks before firing them off.

"Hmph! To have something so precious, yet lose it so soon? You are not fit to rule anything! I shall enjoy wiping your existance from the Multiverse!" he then taunted towards Bill.

@Hospes @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @DapperDogman
Poor Kuroko Shirai, after the reveal that they would have never been able to escape the book she had fallen into a near catatonic state. The only thing she had done was stare off into the distance and mutter the word Sissy from time to time.

As they emerged from the book however her glazed over eyes would awaken in the middle of hell. "We're free...? I'm free!" She exclaimed in delight. Oh boy! She was sure to see Sissy again now! That thing looked like it was the only thing standing in her way to return home.

Getting back to her feet she'd stare at her new foe.


"I'm from Judgement! For Sissy and our future together...I'm going to wipe all of you off the face of the Earth!"

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Atomyk @Everyone


"Shirai-san! You're here!" the armoured man said. Kuroko would recognise his voice as a certain individual she had met at the carnival. As they prepared for battle, the armoured man tapped his belt a few times, causing it to summon various odd beings.


"Hi~ I am Edison."


"I will fight by your side, Takeru!"


"I am a Kamen Rider that unites the hearts of heroes. This is a battlefield plagued by heroes who fight a common threat. I have the home advantage, Masterminds! Remember this..."

The one who called himself a 'Kamen Rider' had conjured 13 other odd entities.


"... we think, therefore we are."

All 15 humanoid entities summoned by this 'Kamen Rider' guy began to sweep the floor with Bill's cronies, with a volley of gunshots, arrows and slashes, while the 'Kamen Rider' and Kuroko prepared to eat the main dish whole. And by main dish I mean...

... Bill Cipher and those blue-eyed Pines.

The armoured being's weightless body hovered into the air, his legs glowing as he was charging up an attack. He awaited Kuroko's move before he decided to perform a follow-up for maximum damage...

@Hospes @Atomyk @Ringmaster @Jeremi


Ladies and gentlemen please
Would you bring your attention to me?

Even as the new group of survivors began flooding the place, Mabel seemed less than concerned. The same could be said for her twin brother, who looked to actually be enjoying himself for once. In fact, if anything, Mabel only seemed more gleeful when her eyes landed upon the new group, as though she were delighted by so much as the idea of having more people she could crush beneath her perfectly polished platforms.

For a feast for your eyes to see
An explosion of catastrophe
Like nothing you've ever seen before
Watch closely as I open this door
Your jaws will be on the floor
After this you'll be begging for more

Speaking of crushing, it looked like her first little volunteers were sticking their heads out nice and easy for her. What a kind and thoughtful thing for them to do. But there was something off - was that.... A clown? Oh, goodness, that was simply too rich. But the thing was, he actually didn't seem like a wimp, and he certainly didn't speak like one. Quickly, with the briefest of exchanged looks, the twins more or less agreed his looks were either deceiving or he was outright insane. Regardless, his words managed to make Mabel pause a moment, staring at Hisoka in silence in turn before she broke into laughter.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen

Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

Doing her best to keep her giggles at bay, the female twin finally managed a proper response. "Give me the time of my life, hm?" she repeated. "What a bold statement! I have to say, I do so appreciate that in a man. Whether it holds any meaning or not, well, you'll just have to prove that yourself~ Hehehe!" With that little declaration out of the way, reverse Mabel wasted no time in rather abruptly pulling a dagger of her own out of a place where one would think you really shouldn't keep such a thing(not her pants :|) and speedily throwing it right at Hisoka's head. As though to add extra speed, she put some telekinetic force behind it.

Do you want it?
Do you need it?

Let me hear it
Ladies and gentlemen

On Dipper's end, it was safe to say his brief enjoyment that came with sending weapons flying straight at these strangers was being replaced with annoyance. Rather than running scared like the little sissies that he knew all of these people to be, they were actually trying to oppose him. That was much less fun to watch, at least, in the first few moments. But then there came the thrill of getting to make the peasants regret their choice with every ounce of their being. Oh, how wonderful that would be. So, only letting his annoyed look linger for naught but a few fleeting moments, Dipper began firing off weapons at Ashe with maniacal glee.

While this went on, Mabel managed to catch Hyoubu's eyes when he suddenly appeared among those confronting her and her sibling. She was intrigued, to say the least, but not especially shaken. Besides, his question only caused her to titter. "Heh, 'children'? We aren't our younger counterparts. As to our abilities... I suppose that's what you could call us, I concede. And oh, how your words wound me so. We aren't insane - we merely have initiative~! Now, brother?" A pause.

Ladies and gentlemen good evening
You've seen that seeing is believing
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding
Please check to see if you're still breathing


It was a simple statement. Not a request, or even a demand. Just that: a statement. And without even the slightest reluctance, Dipper obliged, not a single question asked. He and his sister were almost always completely willing to do whatever the other requested without question, and now was no exception. Rightfully so, because otherwise, Dipper very well could have been hit by the Esper's vortex of flames. For now, though, that possibility was negated, with Mabel herself taking a moment to remove herself from her original place.

Hold tight cause the show it not over
If you will please move in closer
Your about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here


"Aww, brother, look. It's an adorable little canine," Mabel cooed, placing her hands to her cheeks and staring at Iggy with a wide smile. Well, it appeared that this Mabel and the original one had something in common, after all. Considering she was briefly distracted by the sight of the animal, her twin sibling muttered curses under his breath, abruptly turning and shoving Mabel mid-air... Hard. The shove sent both siblings moving, just in time to at least avoid being caught in The Fool's jaws. Even the fire and electricity and flames shot off by Inigo(undoubtedly) didn't touch them. At least, it didn't look like it. But judging by Dipper beginning to curse, that probably wasn't completely true.

Welcome to the show
Please come inside
Ladies and gentlemen


"...You owe me big time for that, sister."

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Attack on Twin-tans
"Huh? You look like kids, so I'll call you kids. No way you're even 18, right?"

Hyoubu didn't care too much for the specifics, only making a disappointed click of the tongue with a grin still on his face as his flame attack missed. Dodging the mere warm up was nothing to get excited about. No, he had much, much better things planned for the pair of brats that wanted to twist the universe. A mere fire torrent was just the tip of the iceberg of his abilities. Once again, Hyoubu disappeared, reappearing a little behind and above the twins. He didn't pay much mind to the attacks his temporary allies were throwing out. If any of them missed their mark and struck him, his telekinetic shield would block them easily enough.

Now he had the positioning. All he had to do was strike, strike, and strike again until they inevitably failed to dodge.

Extending his arm down towards the duo, he unleashed a psychic wave of energy at them in an attempt to crush them.


@Crimson Spartan @C.T. @Verite @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Bleh... Thanks..." Mabel murmured as Michiko swept her up and moved her to safety, still seeming somewhat disoriented. However, she shook her head, hoping to clear it. Her grip then tightened on her confetti canon, and a look of clarity and determination slowly leaked back to her features.


An ungodly sound came from Eight Ball as he was pounced on by Hatchin's Catsune, and the assault from Karen wasn't exactly helping. But the creature was not so easy to defeat. It threw the tiger away with relative ease, hoping to at least temporarily disorient it, and attempted to smack Karen away with one of it's large and grotesque hands.

@Kaykay @Takumi

"No problem kid..." Michiko said as she stood until suddenly swiveling to face the battlefield.

"Hatchin! Get over here! I got that piece of shit goblin you help Sweater kid!" she exclaimed over the noise around her. Seemed that she sobered up some in her time of staying out of all the fighting. The blonde sighed and ran over to the woman. Coco stood and shook herself before running after the blonde child.

"Hatchin and her weird cat thing here will be your little assistants for a bit while I handle some grown up business." Michiko said with a smirk before she turned and scowled at her opponent. She didn't mind a challenge and charged Eight Ball's way.


She placed a kick to the monster's stomach to knock him down then went to strike with her flame sword to cut deep.

She may not have any powers, but she had strength of her own to back her up plus her sword skills.

And she has been waiting for a good chance to let out her anger. After this was Bill.

@Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi @Everyone~
Junko stared at what Koyomi had become, so soon after his uplifting speech to her. What was this...? This was not something Junko was sure she wanted to associate herself with!



Junko had little to say. Except...

"Koyomi... I think you're actually weirder than Shiki!"



The Manotaurs would do as Aran commanded, their manly grunts echoing across the battlefield. Their size led them to easy domination of the enemies that stood before them. One Manotaur moved closer to Bill, so Aran could strike at him. "Manly one! Strike him from behind! Like a true man!"

@Yun Lee



@Atomyk </3​
Junko stared at what Koyomi had become, so soon after his uplifting speech to her. What was this...? This was not something Junko was sure she wanted to associate herself with!



Junko had little to say. Except...

"Koyomi... I think you're actually weirder than Shiki!"



The Manotaurs would do as Aran commanded, their manly grunts echoing across the battlefield. Their size led them to easy domination of the enemies that stood before them. One Manotaur moved closer to Bill, so Aran could strike at him. "Manly one! Strike him from behind! Like a true man!"

@Yun Lee

Aran looked down at the crowd, sullen. "Oi! How come they get all that crap, but I don't have my-" A sudden weight was on his hands, and Aran gasped in delight. "MY GLOVES!!!!!" He kissed the gloves, then pulled out the horseshoes and kissed those, then put everything back on and faced the triangle. Time to really give him a good wholloping!

Aran got the two daggers that had helped him so far, and grinned wickedly. "THIS is for framing me for murder!!!" He cried, throwing the first dagger at Bill.

"And THIS is for killing Lincoln!!!" He threw the second.

"And THIS ONE, you bloody bastard..." Aran knocked on his head, stepping back and taking a running leap into the air. "THIS ONE IS FOR STEALING ARAN RYAN'S BOXING GLOOOOVES!!!!!!!!!!"

Aran brought back both arms, then brought them together to punch Bill with everything he had.

@Atomyk @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Crimson Spartan @EVERYONE
From the dust (or rather, a book), a warrior emerged. Seasoned in battle, muscles reachingtheir limit, and his mere form outright glowing from the pixels he was made out of. Indeed, Rumble McSkirmish, self-declared greatest fighter in the world.


"A winner never runs away from a fight!"

His eyes flickering back and forth for a second, he attempted getting an overview of thesituation at hand. Bill, on one hand, was brilliant final boss material, which was just what Rumble was looking for to end the game, but on the other hand, there were the Gleeful twins and the myriad of their weapons aimed his way.


"Not so quick, killers! You will get back for attempting my harm! Fireball!"

Being quick to take action in his own defense, Rumble began spawning a number of fireballs, some merely melting the weapons, and other blowing them up and out of course. Nothing he was used to happening, but nothing he couldn't defend himself from either. Bowing down, he picked up one of the weapons, a sword. Fitting it on his back, he started running towards the twins, wildly swinging his sword once close enough.



"Shirai-san! You're here!" the armoured man said. Kuroko would recognise his voice as a certain individual she had met at the carnival. As they prepared for battle, the armoured man tapped his belt a few times, causing it to summon various odd beings.


"Hi~ I am Edison."


"I will fight by your side, Takeru!"


"I am a Kamen Rider that unites the hearts of heroes. This is a battlefield plagued by heroes who fight a common threat. I have the home advantage, Masterminds! Remember this..."

The one who called himself a 'Kamen Rider' had conjured 13 other odd entities.


"... we think, therefore we are."

All 15 humanoid entities summoned by this 'Kamen Rider' guy began to sweep the floor with Bill's cronies, with a volley of gunshots, arrows and slashes, while the 'Kamen Rider' and Kuroko prepared to eat the main dish whole. And by main dish I mean...

... Bill Cipher and those blue-eyed Pines.

The armoured being's weightless body hovered into the air, his legs glowing as he was charging up an attack. He awaited Kuroko's move before he decided to perform a follow-up for maximum damage...

@Hospes @Atomyk @Ringmaster @Jeremi

Oh yeah that guy! Kuroko remembered him. "Takeru! Why wouldn't I be here? We were all released after all." Looking up at her foes and then into her bandolier. "Great one measly dart..." She had forgot that at her arrival in that terrible carnival she only had one of her darts with her...

But it had to do. "Takeru, cover me!" Using her powers Kuroko would teleport into the air towards the twins. Her mine was raising as she got higher and higher. One needle left...It would be so easy just to teleport this inside either of their heads and just get this tragedy over with.

Callously taking a life like that however? No...she could never live with herself no matter what they done...plus Sissy would have shunned her. Which at the end of the day was the biggest tragedy of them all. She needed to do something however and soon enough Kuroko would have materialized slightly above them holding the dart in her hand. Suddenly it would vanish from Kuroko's hand and Mabel Gleeful would feel a sharp pain in her hand. If the girl looked down she'd fine the needle lodged into her palm.

"That was a warning shot." Kuroko managed to say before gravity took its course and she began falling back down towards the ground.

Aran looked down at the crowd, sullen. "Oi! How come they get all that crap, but I don't have my-" A sudden weight was on his hands, and Aran gasped in delight. "MY GLOVES!!!!!" He kissed the gloves, then pulled out the horseshoes and kissed those, then put everything back on and faced the triangle. Time to really give him a good wholloping!

Aran got the two daggers that had helped him so far, and grinned wickedly. "THIS is for framing me for murder!!!" He cried, throwing the first dagger at Bill.

"And THIS is for killing Lincoln!!!" He threw the second.

"And THIS ONE, you bloody bastard..." Aran knocked on his head, stepping back and taking a running leap into the air. "THIS ONE IS FOR STEALING ARAN RYAN'S BOXING GLOOOOVES!!!!!!!!!!"

Aran brought back both arms, then brought them together to punch Bill with everything he had.

@Atomyk @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Crimson Spartan @EVERYONE

As Aran would lay the smackdown on Bill, he could hear a faint whistling sound. If he looked up he would see She-Hulk falling fist first towards Bill. "Look out bellow!"

@Atomyk @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @Ringmaster @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Crimson Spartan @EVERYONE
Aran looked down at the crowd, sullen. "Oi! How come they get all that crap, but I don't have my-" A sudden weight was on his hands, and Aran gasped in delight. "MY GLOVES!!!!!" He kissed the gloves, then pulled out the horseshoes and kissed those, then put everything back on and faced the triangle. Time to really give him a good wholloping!

Aran got the two daggers that had helped him so far, and grinned wickedly. "THIS is for framing me for murder!!!" He cried, throwing the first dagger at Bill.

"And THIS is for killing Lincoln!!!" He threw the second.

"And THIS ONE, you bloody bastard..." Aran knocked on his head, stepping back and taking a running leap into the air. "THIS ONE IS FOR STEALING ARAN RYAN'S BOXING GLOOOOVES!!!!!!!!!!"

Aran brought back both arms, then brought them together to punch Bill with everything he had.

@Atomyk @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Crimson Spartan @EVERYONE
As Aran would lay the smackdown on Bill, he could hear a faint whistling sound. If he looked up he would see She-Hulk falling fist first towards Bill. "Look out bellow!"

@Atomyk @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @Ringmaster @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Crimson Spartan @EVERYONE


Hideo yelled out as he closed in the distance towards Bill, swinging around that flaming chainsaw at the floating triangle guy. Well, at least those fighting scripts from Hideo's computer games were totally helping him out right now.

@Atomyk @Hospes @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @Ringmaster @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi @EVERYONE​

The cheers were large, but the flicker of yellow over blue was greater this time. And then the lead guitarist of Weirdmaggedon spoke.

"Enough! Bill is waiting for us! KILL THEM ALL NOW!"

Picks slammed down on guitars and the music rolled over like a wave of sonic power, the claymore using one laughing as he steps back and plays his instrument once more. The crowd screams and blood seeps from the ears of some as they cringe. But the music plays, it can't stop. It won't stop and so it begins.

The final battle and with a prophetic song.


"Maybe red's like roses?! Maybe it's the pool of blood -the innocents will lay in when in the end you've failed to save them?"

Like artillery fire impacting, the words and the music of Weirdmaggedon pounded away upon the group, the screech of their instruments ripping up the stage as they unleashed their attack.

"There'll be no rest! There'll be no love! There'll be no hero in the end who will rise above!
And when it ends the good will craaaawl!!! The shining light will sink in darkness!
Victory for hate incarnate! Misery and pain for all!"


Things had just gotten more dangerous.

@Afterlife Crew

One of the things damaged in the fight were the windows and headlights of Dean's Impala. Dean took one look at the damage, and it set him off.

"Nobody hurts Baby." He said. "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Dean quickly slid inside to turn on the radio, which still functioned.


Dean would say heading to the back of the car. He would pop open the trunk, revealing an array of weapons. He drew the Demon Killing knife and tossed that to Sam. He then tossed a shotgun to Sam.

He fired some Rock Salt at a demon from the shotgun. "See ya, you dick!"
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