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Kirby noticed that Waddles was eating the postcards that of course belonged to the mystery shack. Watching Waddles eat reminded Kirby how hungry he was, after all, he only had one berry since he got there. Kirby picked up a stray postcard and started munching on it as well.

@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Gummi Bunnies
"No problem, Jack," Zinnia finally said, giving him a thumbs-up. She said nothing else on the matter, wanting to keep things good between them now that he had accepted her apology.

Seeing the pig eating the merchandise, Zinnia became curious. After Kirby began to eat some too, she became even more curious. Finally, after seeing Aster walk over and sniff the cards Zinnia couldn't hold herself back any longer.

Munch munch.

Zinnia bit into one of the cards and began eating it herself.

"This doesn't taste good," she remarked, wrinkling her nose.

But she kept eating it anyhow. >.>

@Hospes @Nater Taters @The Tactician



Words of wisdom from the pig. He just kept contently munching away. Hey - at least these guys would probably be in trouble with him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @The Tactician
"Aha that's Basilio for ya... He'll do anything for a friend especially someone he's known for so long like Lon'qu..... And i'd do anything for a pretty girl..." inigo might be going too far with this complimenting and possibly flirting with Saber..

@Hospes @york @Raven @Takumi @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Melon @T.O.M. @Gwazi Magnum
"Keep it in your pants, pal" a hooded figure would murmur, brushing past Inigo gently, and looking out of the window slowly
"I don't need a reason to hurt anyone else"

@Crimson Spartan
Golgo grunted, annoyed, but he felt it was enough. He sent his damage as he walked away from Aran. "I won't waste my time with you. Stay away from the woman, or next time someone might just contract me." Golgo walked away from Aran, his back never turned toward him as he walked toward Kuki, putting on his aviators and taking a cigarette out of the inside of his jacket before lighting it as he took a puff while the blood still poured down. It was only then that Golgo did turn his back to look at Kuki.


"You look like a man I could do business with. The weapons kind."

@Yun Lee @Hospes


"No. I am not okay."


Empathy shot right into Light, her bones, her very soul, and for a moment she was as much of a wreck as the woman unfortunately was.

"Well, goodness." She began. "I certainly wish you were. Let's try not to think about how bad the problem is, and get to solving it instead. Does that sound like a good idea?"

Light leaned her face in towards the woman, obstructing her vision, only allowing her to see the vibrant, cheeky, teeth-as-white-as-diamonds smile on her face. "What's your name, friend? Everyone back home calls me Light, so I suppose you could call me that too. What do they call you back home?"

Although there was an uproar of confusion and inane happenings all around them, Light focused all her attention on getting the nervous wreck before her in a better mood, even if it put her in a sour one herself. This was now the girls priority, whether the woman liked it or not.

[ @Atomyk ]

What was a pity, was how RGB didn't speak out loud of urchins of London. Clarence would have been able to talk all about the lot. And while he didn't consider himself a sleuth, it seemed like the others thought of him as it. Well, detective was probably not the worst thing one could be known as. A quick thought of his went out to the infamous girls of Mr. Veils. Poor girls, cannot possibly leave its company without being physically overthrown by sheer scandal.

On the topic of the others, this new person that just arrived seemed about as peculiar as the other people around, once Clarence got a good look. His green hair surely was a trait of notice, but his posture, his build, his way of never seeming like quite at rest, it told Clarence Cloud had been in the face of one and another battle before. That trait surely could come in handy. He was really not much of a fighter himself, and judging by the looks, RGB wasn't either.

"I suppose there has got to be something else nearby than this wooden shack, though something in how everyone else that had arrived here like we have have entered it, I believe entering it and looking for whoever lives there is our best guess currently. Gentlemen?"

With that Clarence turned on the heels of his strangely equestrian-looking boots, and strolled in the direction of the Mystery Shack.

[@Lissamel @Gossamer]

He kept his voice even and measured as he repeated his name for the bloke. Dreadfully rude, cutting off an otherwise completely passable introduction. And he hadn't seen Hero either. Splendid. The feeling of futility grew in the telly-head's chest. Oh, she better not be getting into trouble, or he would get an earful from everyone on all sides...

RGB either didn't notice Cloud's apprehension towards him, or he didn't care. And even if he did care, he didn't mind. Most people didn't trust RGB, and frankly he'd deem it unwise for anyone to immediately put their faith in him at first brush. Heaven's sake, even Hero admitted she didn't trust him. He was, after all, the very worst monster.

In responding to Cloud's more pressing suggestion, however, he put on another smile. "I suppose travel could have it's merits..."

Ah, yes. The shack. That ramshackle abode just beyond the reach of the trees. RGB wasn't about to be a stickler for finery (he wasn't in the position to be much of a stickler for anything), but he didn't appreciate the look of the place. It was the look of a place that someone didn't care enough to spend the pennies repairing, rubbing to him like it was some...Some grubby tourist trap. He could only ponder what 'mysteries' were behind the splintering wood, and what...Ahem...Tchotchkes and memorabilia were around.

What he was trying to say was, the second someone took notice of his peculiar nature and tried to market him like an interesting artifact on an antiques roadshow, he was out.

Clarence had already left in it's direction, and he had to trust in them that his doubts were without merit. So, in a testament to his remarkable ability to completely mask his fear and cowardice, he turned the corners of his mouth up for the grin of someone with a lust for discovering new locales and new strangers. Despite his facade, however, some colors were still dripping from his mouth.

"Hurry along, then. Spit-spot. Let's go." He beckoned to Cloud with the top of his cane, but RGB still held onto it with both hands as he went off to follow Clarence.

[ @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Gossamer ]​


Gentleman. Spit-spot. Bunch of scholars the two must have been, at least Cloud assumed as much. Back home, you fought with either your words or your weapons, and if you didn't fight at all, you were dead. Traditionally, those that fought with their words were in charge of the ones that fought with weapons, which was mainly what made Cloud so uneasy in the first place. One slip up and the two would have him on the chopping block, or so he assumed.

Again, the guy just missed his weapons. He'd calm down once they were found. And if not, well...

"Right." He said, in response to the two gentleman before him. Cloud walked alongside Clarence, just to be safe.

The Mystery Shack was bustling with chaos. If Cloud thought RGB was strange, he was only in for an even more eccentric ride. Even so, there was no clear sign of any danger, just commotion, so that was good thing. Or, well, it should be a good thing.

"Is this some kind of festival? Who....or....what are all these people...things....what is this place?"

What immediately caught Clouds attention was the shady fellow with a wide variety of not only weapons, but familiars. It was a godsend. There were several others crowded around the merchant. He prayed the guy wouldn't sell out so quickly, and there would be something, anything left he could use to defend himself. Immediately the young man began to pat himself down, searching for his pouch.

Twenty pieces of Silver. It was all he had on him. If it wasn't enough, maybe he could exchange his services for a weapon. Mercenary work was tedious, but it was a line of profession Cloud was more than familiar with.

That was, after all, how he met Light.

"Look, over there." Cloud gestured towards the merchant, or, at least what he assumed to be a merchant.

"The lines going to get long." He turned towards his newfound acquaintances. "I can meet you inside, or we could all get something to defend ourselves together." Briskly, without waiting for an answer, Cloud crossed towards the merchant amongst the rest of the strangers looking to defend themselves.

"Excuse me." He began, trying to get Kaiki's attention as kindly as he could. "You wouldn't happen to have any katana's for sale? Or maybe revolvers? Or smoke bombs?" It was highly unlikely the man had anything Cloud was searching for, but he had to ask.

[ @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Lissamel @T.O.M. @All ]
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Karen furrowed her brows, putting a hand to her chin pensively.


"Not a clue!"

Such was the limits of her thinking on this topic. Though then she noticed the growing crowd around her new Romanian sister. And also her older brother suddenly looking extremely stupid. Or stupider than usual. But whatever, that was just usual for him. However, she couldn't just let everyone run around petting her new sister Shinobu! Her sleeping sister needed some room to, well, sleep!

Though she could make an exception for Kanbaru. Getting pet by a great athlete like her would bless her or something. Probably.

While she normally liked to solve problems directly, in manners such as hitting the source of them, Djeeta wasn't punchable. Besides, Justice wouldn't forgive her for just punching a nice girl like her. Maybe she could just sleep in Djeeta's arms forever, or something. Yeah, that'd work.

So in the end, Karen Araragi did absolutely nothing.

I see

As Karen's response dragged Kanbaru's attention away from the sleeping pile of adorableness that was sleepin Shinobu, Kanbaru couldn't help but not be the slightest bit surprised. Karen was an amazing girl with plenty of great talents, which is probably why Koyomi was so protective of her. Not that Kanbaru couldn't still refrain from having a little fun at his expense at times. But at times like these she felt closer to Karen than ever before. Slowly staggering to her feet, Kanbaru sighed before glancing over in Karen's direction.


There was a brief pause in Kanbaru's words. Was she going to possibly scold Karen for not having a clue of what was going on? Or even giving the thought more than a few seconds? Making her way closer with what seemed to be a serious look on her face, Kanbaru placed a hand upon her shoulder and glanced down at her friend.

"That's okay! Because I don't know either!"


"Let's get to the bottom of this together, okay?"

Oh, thank goodness! He couldn't have had better timing. To be frank, Mabel didn't even notice the odd assortment of creatures and weapons in the possession of the stranger that Soos was speaking to - from the weird wolf dragon, to the odd-looking cat, or even the weird creatures seemingly composed of elements. Not even the flaming sword, odd daggers, icy bow, weird staff, or the axe that seemed to crackle with electricity. No, she was too caught up in tackling Soos, holding onto his arm as though for dear life. "Soos, my man - where's Dipper? He's with you, right?" There was a gasp as Mabel more or less climbed around on the man. "He turned himself invisible, didn't he?!"
Still trying to think of a way to bargain with Kaiki, it took Soos by surprise as Mabel called out to him/leaped onto his arm. Holding up his arm with Mabel still thankfully attached, he flashed a friendly smile to his little friend.


"Mabel! My not-man dood! You caught me at just the right time! I found this guy out in the woods, okay? Dood has a whole bunch of crazy animals with him. Three headed unicorns, freaky cat things, Bigfoots-"


"Bigfoots! It's great! But, uh you said somethin about Dipper, yeah? Nah, can't say I haven't seen em! But if he turned himself invisible then you gotta watch out. He might be planning to pull a wicked prank! Because I know that's what I'd do if I could turn invisible. Just haven't found enough invisible ink..." Soos explained sounding a bit dejected at the prospect of not being able to turn invisible. Not that invisible ink actually worked that way but nobody needed to tell Soos that. "I wonder if this guy's seen em..Hey!" Soos turned to yell to Kaiki...Who was still standing right next to him.

"You didn't need to shout."

"Oh, sorry dood. It's just that when I get worried about one of my lil friends, I tend to yell because it makes my voice clearer and easier to hear! So that way even if Dipper's invisible, he'll hear it and come running! But, uh have you seen em? He's like her but y'know more dood-ish?" He'd say pointing to Mable as Kaiki tilted his head to the side and looked over Mabel, seemingly analyzing every bit of her appearance to see if he spotted anyone who even seemed remotely similar.

"Can't say that I have. Now, if you'll excuse me."
Tommy looked around at the crowd and noticed that someone was leaving and he wasn't sure what to make of it, but he wasn't getting anywhere where Max or Sam and decided to follow him out. He paused and stared at the girl, the guy and the weapons? strange creatures.One drew his attention and he needed to blink twice.


" What is that thing?" He asked about the Wolgon.
Grim soon gave up with a scoff, hunching over in defeat, "D'okay fine, ya didn't steal my scythe..." Mandy passed him a smug grin of victory, "I'm glad we see eye-to-eye again. Now do you want anything or what?" Grim looked through Kaiki's selection carefully, but glanced over all his weapons. It was mostly the pets that caught his critical eye; one of them especially. Cracking the sweetest smile he could manage, he bent down and picked up a Wolgon in his cold hands, giving it fake kisses and giggling, "Ohhh, dis little guy is perfect! What's 'is name?"

Ah, actual people he could barter with. Unlike Soos who just kept wanting to take his animals and making foolish deals which didn't make sense to the conman. The wolgon in particular seemed to be attracting quite a bit of attention. Not that Kaiki found it particularly hard to believe. He supposed it stood out as the 'cute' creature among his wares and that's usually what attracted most people. If it looked cute then it sold. Gently moving a strand of hair to the side, Kaiki approached Grim and Tommy with his hands clasped together.

"That, my good sirs is known as a Wolgon. From what I could surmise, it take traits from both a wolf and dragons of all things. The latter of which manifests more in it's ability to manipulate fire to a minor degree. Anything more you'll have to find out by taking one for yourself." He explained before staring down Grim.

"Of course, everything has it's price and these creatures and trinkets are no exception. You offer me compensation and I'll offer you a creature worth your time. Even Death must pay his dues it seems."

If he was going to be pulled away from his business and if it were fate that brought him along these items? Then what point was there to run this as if it were a charity and hand them off willy-nilly?
"You look like a man I could do business with. The weapons kind."
"Excuse me." He began, trying to get Kaiki's attention as kindly as he could. "You wouldn't happen to have any katana's for sale? Or maybe revolvers? Or smoke bombs?" It was highly unlikely the man had anything Cloud was searching for, but he had to ask.
As more and more people approached him and his items, Kaiki couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Golgo's comment. It was true that he had stumbled upon these weapons but his usual trade wasn't anything so simplistic or barbaric. Most of his typical items were fakes after all so what good would it have done him to sell fake weapons? The people he sold them to might have gone to another dealer and got real weapons and paid him another visit. That simply wouldn't do. But not wanting to look a potentially profitable gift horse in the mouth, Kaiki looked towards his pile of weapons and made his way over towards it.

"Depends on what kind weapons you're looking for I suppose. Nothing in way of firearms. But plenty of other weaponry that might catch one's eyes. You, in particular. I'm afraid a katana is a bit out there as far my current supply goes. This might be more your liking." Holding out a pair of red and yellow daggers towards Cloud, Kaiki flashed him a small smile.


"Weapons aren't my usual items to be honest. But from what I've seen these do? You won't be disappointed. Think of them as..Daggers that will return you, simialr to a boomerang in that regard I suppose." While waiting for Cloud's response, Kaiki glanced back in Golgo's direction. "Anything you've got your eye on?"

@Gossamer @Hospes @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened
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Hm, this Gilgamesh guy really didn't have any idea. Gravity Falls was the weirdness hotspot, and that had nothing to do with her! Her attention was grabbed more intensely by Max and Inigo. The twelve-year-old nodded in answer to the former, eagerly. "Yeah - I bet Soos is around by now, and he'll definitely know where he is."

...Unless he really was missing: a possibility that Mabel shuddered to so much as think about.

All of the help she was being offered was most definitely appreciated. And people wondered why the girl had so much faith in others. How could she not, with how well she was treated by even complete strangers? Even so, it wasn't lifting the girl's mood terribly much. Something was definitely wrong - it was like she had some sort of magical twin sense, and it felt like Dipper wasn't anywhere nearby. Perhaps this was why it was all Mabel could do to offer Ford a weak smile as he placed his six-fingered hand on her shoulder and assured her that they'd find Dipper. Looking up to him with an almost expectant look in her eyes, Mabel held out a fist. "Promise?"

Before she could get a response from her Grunkle, the female's attention was caught by something else: Gilgamesh's long little explanation about what was going on. And suddenly, she paled. She didn't understand bits and pieces, but even she understood how he explained that people died every day. And, more prominently, what was said about outsiders dying. Her eye twitched slightly, her hand falling from where it'd been held out and her body frozen in place. Normally, she'd assume this was some sort of lame joke, but the timing was impeccable. "...C'mon, you shouldn't joke like that!" the girl finally spoke, lightly punching Gilgamesh on the arm. She needed to take this in a joking manner - otherwise, she'd lose it. "I.. I'm gonna go outside...." she muttered, slowly backing away before running out the door. She didn't have time to wait for the others to help her - she'd do this on her own if she had to!

@Takumi @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Trumpwaku @Yang Lee @york @Melon @Raven


"...What an unfortunate set of circumstances."

So said the shady conartist who had found himself wandering some forest in what he could only assume to be America going off the language and the general mannerisms of the people he encountered. What a day for Kaiki Deishuu.

Things had been going relatively smoothly or about as smooth as things can for someone of Kaiki's unique 'disposition.'

Having sold some of his counterfeit charms to some very pleased customers, Kaiki was content to simply let back and let the cash multiply itself. As the weeks went on and more and more people heard about his wares, that pile of money began to grow bigger and bigger and while Kaiki's demeanor didn't change, he was indeed quite pleased with how well sales had been going. At least now that he didn't have a certain young girl coming over and threatening to punch him.

That's right no bold or dramatic speeches. Just to give Kaiki a good ol punch right in the kisser.

He couldn't quite get on board with this course of action and took steps against it. Which resulted in the would be-puncher laying in bed with a high fever while her older brother worried sick over her. Eventually things seemed to work themselves out but Kaiki's business had taken a hit from the brief interference.

But he hadn't gone and made a name for himself just because he was a novice. Given some time he was back on the market selling to people who hopefully wouldn't allow for anything to be traced back to him. But even for someone with Kaiki's knack for getting out of tight situations, even he couldn't have prepared for what happened as he sat at his desk looking over his money.

"...Hm. Something doesn't seem right."

He had counted his money two times over and ended up coming with the amount he expected to have. But even so there was an uncomfortable presence in the room and it didn't sit well with the conman. Rising from his seat, Kaiki slowly gazed around the entirety of his office. No signs of any would-be heroes coming to punch him. But as he slowly turned around to put his money away, his eyes shot open as a portal appeared on the wall behind his desk and pulled him in.

Landing on his rear, Kaiki stared up at the sky and contemplated whatever could have been behind pulling him away from his office and everything that lay within it. Had karma finally caught up to him?


..No. Such fickle things as karma and the like certainly had nothing to do with him being pulled through some kind of mysterious portal and landing in some random forest. Brushing himself off, Kaiki reached for his cell phone only to see that it'd been broken in the fall.


Pocketing the phone so he could get a refund for it later when he got everything sorted out, he continued trekking forward. He certainly wouldn't get anywhere quick if he just stood around like a dolt expecting all of the answers to come rushing towards him. What he would find however was something he would have never expected.


*some inane amount of time spent walking later*



"...How much ya charging for the three headed unicorn?"

"I'm afraid I have little interest in bargaining with you."


Kaiki had found some rather strange items while wandering around looking for assistance. Not having any of his usual oddities/charms on him but having little use for the items himself, Kaiki figured making a few extra bucks wouldn't be too much of a hassle. His search for business however lead him into running into a man by the name of Soos Ramirez who took sympathy to Kaiki's plight and lead the man to do business out in front of the shack! But despite Kaiki's rather blunt insistence to the contrary, Soos was eager to get one of these bad boys in his collection.

"C'mon dood! You cannot tell me that ain't Bigfoot you got there! That is totally Bigfoot! I've got two friends who'd love to see him!"


"...I'm afraid I must correct you there, sir. This is not Bigfoot but Pigfoot. It'll help for marketing purposes and friends or not, I'm trying to run a business here and you seem to be disrupting that."

Putting a hand up to his chin, Soos shook his head in silent contemplation. This guy sure knew how to drive a hard bargain.

"..Okay, okay. How about two Pigfoots and a triple headed unicorn, dood? That sweeten the deal any, eh eh?"



Oh, thank goodness! He couldn't have had better timing. To be frank, Mabel didn't even notice the odd assortment of creatures and weapons in the possession of the stranger that Soos was speaking to - from the weird wolf dragon, to the odd-looking cat, or even the weird creatures seemingly composed of elements. Not even the flaming sword, odd daggers, icy bow, weird staff, or the axe that seemed to crackle with electricity. No, she was too caught up in tackling Soos, holding onto his arm as though for dear life. "Soos, my man - where's Dipper? He's with you, right?" There was a gasp as Mabel more or less climbed around on the man. "He turned himself invisible, didn't he?!"

Note: Players may now receive their weapons/familiars from Kaiki

@C.T. as Hank Pym[Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]
@DapperDogman as Sans[Undertale AU] and Fox[You're Next]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga[Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta[Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino[Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi[Monogatari]
@PRINCE⚫JUSTIN⚫PERFECTION™ as Maleficent[Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson[Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack[Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn[Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer[Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo[L]
@CookieMonster as River Tam[Firefly] and Jessica Jones[Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk[Marvel Comics] and Rainbow Mika[Street Fighter]
@Atomyk as Pearl[Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko"[Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur[Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer[Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu[Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo[Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield[Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Jack Joyce[Quantum Break]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton[Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn[Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB[The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester[Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo[Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti[Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick[RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Edward Elric[Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes[MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh[Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna[Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan[Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos[Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady[WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan[Punch-Out!!!]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Damon Salvatore[Vampire Diaries]
@Nater Taters as Kirby[Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light[Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias[Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]

Thanks to @T.O.M. for this collabish thing <3 He is also the one you should tag for Kaiki!

Hatchin watched Mabel go and followed her outside of the shack and nearly fell, but was able to regain her footing. She was going to call out for Mabel but found that there was no need since she didn't get very far. Approaching the girl Hatchin took a moment to look up at the guy she was asking about Dipper.


"Uh...I don't think anyone can be invisible...no matter how weird the current situation is right now." Hatchin said, almost unsurely.

Michiko had followed them outside, but had noticed the strange man with the many strange items. Her interest was caught then, and being the sucker she was for some things she decided to give the itwms a look and figure out how much they were and if she could afford it somehow.


"How much for that weird sword and weird cat?" she asked after looking at the few weapons and creatures, then the almost shady looking man. She was sure she didn't have any money on her, but it probably wouldn't be hard for the theif to get some.

@Hospes @T.O.M. @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @Melon @Ringmaster @york @Yang Lee @Raven @Everyone
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Well, so his fight was over. "Aw cmon, Duke, we were just warming up!" Whatever, there were plenty of people here he could incite into a fight or two! And something caught Aran's eye-a fellow selling weapons?! Maybe he had a brand spanking new set of boxing gloves!

Aran made his way to the crowd, yelling out, "Oi! I'll take your boxing gloves if you got em!"

@Hospes @ResistingTheEnlightened
Hm, this Gilgamesh guy really didn't have any idea. Gravity Falls was the weirdness hotspot, and that had nothing to do with her! Her attention was grabbed more intensely by Max and Inigo. The twelve-year-old nodded in answer to the former, eagerly. "Yeah - I bet Soos is around by now, and he'll definitely know where he is."

...Unless he really was missing: a possibility that Mabel shuddered to so much as think about.

All of the help she was being offered was most definitely appreciated. And people wondered why the girl had so much faith in others. How could she not, with how well she was treated by even complete strangers? Even so, it wasn't lifting the girl's mood terribly much. Something was definitely wrong - it was like she had some sort of magical twin sense, and it felt like Dipper wasn't anywhere nearby. Perhaps this was why it was all Mabel could do to offer Ford a weak smile as he placed his six-fingered hand on her shoulder and assured her that they'd find Dipper. Looking up to him with an almost expectant look in her eyes, Mabel held out a fist. "Promise?"

Before she could get a response from her Grunkle, the female's attention was caught by something else: Gilgamesh's long little explanation about what was going on. And suddenly, she paled. She didn't understand bits and pieces, but even she understood how he explained that people died every day. And, more prominently, what was said about outsiders dying. Her eye twitched slightly, her hand falling from where it'd been held out and her body frozen in place. Normally, she'd assume this was some sort of lame joke, but the timing was impeccable. "...C'mon, you shouldn't joke like that!" the girl finally spoke, lightly punching Gilgamesh on the arm. She needed to take this in a joking manner - otherwise, she'd lose it. "I.. I'm gonna go outside...." she muttered, slowly backing away before running out the door. She didn't have time to wait for the others to help her - she'd do this on her own if she had to!

@Takumi @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Trumpwaku @Yang Lee @york @Melon @Raven


"...What an unfortunate set of circumstances."

So said the shady conartist who had found himself wandering some forest in what he could only assume to be America going off the language and the general mannerisms of the people he encountered. What a day for Kaiki Deishuu.

Things had been going relatively smoothly or about as smooth as things can for someone of Kaiki's unique 'disposition.'

Having sold some of his counterfeit charms to some very pleased customers, Kaiki was content to simply let back and let the cash multiply itself. As the weeks went on and more and more people heard about his wares, that pile of money began to grow bigger and bigger and while Kaiki's demeanor didn't change, he was indeed quite pleased with how well sales had been going. At least now that he didn't have a certain young girl coming over and threatening to punch him.

That's right no bold or dramatic speeches. Just to give Kaiki a good ol punch right in the kisser.

He couldn't quite get on board with this course of action and took steps against it. Which resulted in the would be-puncher laying in bed with a high fever while her older brother worried sick over her. Eventually things seemed to work themselves out but Kaiki's business had taken a hit from the brief interference.

But he hadn't gone and made a name for himself just because he was a novice. Given some time he was back on the market selling to people who hopefully wouldn't allow for anything to be traced back to him. But even for someone with Kaiki's knack for getting out of tight situations, even he couldn't have prepared for what happened as he sat at his desk looking over his money.

"...Hm. Something doesn't seem right."

He had counted his money two times over and ended up coming with the amount he expected to have. But even so there was an uncomfortable presence in the room and it didn't sit well with the conman. Rising from his seat, Kaiki slowly gazed around the entirety of his office. No signs of any would-be heroes coming to punch him. But as he slowly turned around to put his money away, his eyes shot open as a portal appeared on the wall behind his desk and pulled him in.

Landing on his rear, Kaiki stared up at the sky and contemplated whatever could have been behind pulling him away from his office and everything that lay within it. Had karma finally caught up to him?


..No. Such fickle things as karma and the like certainly had nothing to do with him being pulled through some kind of mysterious portal and landing in some random forest. Brushing himself off, Kaiki reached for his cell phone only to see that it'd been broken in the fall.


Pocketing the phone so he could get a refund for it later when he got everything sorted out, he continued trekking forward. He certainly wouldn't get anywhere quick if he just stood around like a dolt expecting all of the answers to come rushing towards him. What he would find however was something he would have never expected.


*some inane amount of time spent walking later*



"...How much ya charging for the three headed unicorn?"

"I'm afraid I have little interest in bargaining with you."


Kaiki had found some rather strange items while wandering around looking for assistance. Not having any of his usual oddities/charms on him but having little use for the items himself, Kaiki figured making a few extra bucks wouldn't be too much of a hassle. His search for business however lead him into running into a man by the name of Soos Ramirez who took sympathy to Kaiki's plight and lead the man to do business out in front of the shack! But despite Kaiki's rather blunt insistence to the contrary, Soos was eager to get one of these bad boys in his collection.

"C'mon dood! You cannot tell me that ain't Bigfoot you got there! That is totally Bigfoot! I've got two friends who'd love to see him!"


"...I'm afraid I must correct you there, sir. This is not Bigfoot but Pigfoot. It'll help for marketing purposes and friends or not, I'm trying to run a business here and you seem to be disrupting that."

Putting a hand up to his chin, Soos shook his head in silent contemplation. This guy sure knew how to drive a hard bargain.

"..Okay, okay. How about two Pigfoots and a triple headed unicorn, dood? That sweeten the deal any, eh eh?"



Oh, thank goodness! He couldn't have had better timing. To be frank, Mabel didn't even notice the odd assortment of creatures and weapons in the possession of the stranger that Soos was speaking to - from the weird wolf dragon, to the odd-looking cat, or even the weird creatures seemingly composed of elements. Not even the flaming sword, odd daggers, icy bow, weird staff, or the axe that seemed to crackle with electricity. No, she was too caught up in tackling Soos, holding onto his arm as though for dear life. "Soos, my man - where's Dipper? He's with you, right?" There was a gasp as Mabel more or less climbed around on the man. "He turned himself invisible, didn't he?!"

Note: Players may now receive their weapons/familiars from Kaiki

@C.T. as Hank Pym[Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]
@DapperDogman as Sans[Undertale AU] and Fox[You're Next]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga[Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta[Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino[Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi[Monogatari]
@PRINCE⚫JUSTIN⚫PERFECTION™ as Maleficent[Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson[Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack[Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn[Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer[Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo[L]
@CookieMonster as River Tam[Firefly] and Jessica Jones[Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk[Marvel Comics] and Rainbow Mika[Street Fighter]
@Atomyk as Pearl[Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko"[Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur[Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer[Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu[Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo[Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield[Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Jack Joyce[Quantum Break]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton[Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn[Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB[The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester[Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo[Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti[Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick[RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Edward Elric[Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes[MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh[Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna[Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan[Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos[Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady[WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan[Punch-Out!!!]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Damon Salvatore[Vampire Diaries]
@Nater Taters as Kirby[Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light[Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias[Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]

Thanks to @T.O.M. for this collabish thing <3 He is also the one you should tag for Kaiki!
Jack could only sigh as Waddles and now Zinnia continued feasting upon the cards. However, his attention was grabbed by the newcomer to the group, some sort of tradesmen. "Perhaps..." Giving the pig one last Pat on the head and tapping Zinnia on the shoulder to capture her attention as well, the samurai made his way over to the man. Patiently, he waited for the others to have their turns before bowing to the man in a polite introduction observing his wares for his sword.

"I am to assume you have no blades besides those of fire, correct?"

@T.O.M. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
Still trying to think of a way to bargain with Kaiki, it took Soos by surprise as Mabel called out to him/leaped onto his arm. Holding up his arm with Mabel still thankfully attached, he flashed a friendly smile to his little friend.


"Mabel! My not-man dood! You caught me at just the right time! I found this guy out in the woods, okay? Dood has a whole bunch of crazy animals with him. Three headed unicorns, freaky cat things, Bigfoots-"


"Bigfoots! It's great! But, uh you said somethin about Dipper, yeah? Nah, can't say I haven't seen em! But if he turned himself invisible then you gotta watch out. He might be planning to pull a wicked prank! Because I know that's what I'd do if I could turn invisible. Just haven't found enough invisible ink..." Soos explained sounding a bit dejected at the prospect of not being able to turn invisible. Not that invisible ink actually worked that way but nobody needed to tell Soos that. "I wonder if this guy's seen em..Hey!" Soos turned to yell to Kaiki...Who was still standing right next to him.

"You didn't need to shout."

"Oh, sorry dood. It's just that when I get worried about one of my lil friends, I tend to yell because it makes my voice clearer and easier to hear! So that way even if Dipper's invisible, he'll hear it and come running! But, uh have you seen em? He's like her but y'know more dood-ish?" He'd say pointing to Mable as Kaiki tilted his head to the side and looked over Mabel, seemingly analyzing every bit of her appearance to see if he spotted anyone who even seemed remotely similar.

"Can't say that I have. Now, if you'll excuse me."
Hatchin watched Mabel go and followed her outside of the shack and nearly fell, but was able to regain her footing. She was going to call out for Mabel but found that there was no need since she didn't get very far. Approaching the girl Hatchin took a moment to look up at the guy she was asking about Dipper.


"Uh...I don't think anyone can be invisible...no matter hpw weird the current situation is right now." Hatchin said, almost unsurely.


Still clinging to Soos's arm as he held it up, the girl seemed somewhat disappointed that her friend didn't know where her brother was. However, that wasn't to say that hope was completely lost - even Hatchin's comment about people not being able to turn invisible didn't change that. She waved off the comment with one hand, her other still wrapped securely around Soos's arm to hold her up. "Pfft, of course people can turn invisible. Dipper even brought this invisible wizard around once." Of course, that wasn't true, but Mabel still believed it.

Her focus immediately returned to Soos, and she didn't hesitate to rest her chin on his arm. "Yeah... I bet you're right," she commented in answer to Soos's statement that Dipper could pull some killer pranks. Using her elbows to continue holding herself up, Mabel cupped her hands around her mouth, proceeding to yell. "You got me, Dipper! Good one! You can come out, now... Ha...."

Surely he'd listen and come around, right?

In the meantime, the girl listened to Soos go on about the odd man selling odder things, and said things in his possession. Mabel's eyes widened as she glanced over the assortment of creatures, and she instantly fell in love with all of them. But for once in her life, the girl was more concerned about other things. Things that were bigger than cute animals and kick-butt weapons, though she never before thought she'd say it.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Everyone​

I see

As Karen's response dragged Kanbaru's attention away from the sleeping pile of adorableness that was sleepin Shinobu, Kanbaru couldn't help but not be the slightest bit surprised. Karen was an amazing girl with plenty of great talents, which is probably why Koyomi was so protective of her. Not that Kanbaru couldn't still refrain from having a little fun at his expense at times. But at times like these she felt closer to Karen than ever before. Slowly staggering to her feet, Kanbaru sighed before glancing over in Karen's direction.


There was a brief pause in Kanbaru's words. Was she going to possibly scold Karen for not having a clue of what was going on? Or even giving the thought more than a few seconds? Making her way closer with what seemed to be a serious look on her face, Kanbaru placed a hand upon her shoulder and glanced down at her friend.

"That's okay! Because I don't know either!"


"Let's get to the bottom of this together, okay?"

Still trying to think of a way to bargain with Kaiki, it took Soos by surprise as Mabel called out to him/leaped onto his arm. Holding up his arm with Mabel still thankfully attached, he flashed a friendly smile to his little friend.


"Mabel! My not-man dood! You caught me at just the right time! I found this guy out in the woods, okay? Dood has a whole bunch of crazy animals with him. Three headed unicorns, freaky cat things, Bigfoots-"


"Bigfoots! It's great! But, uh you said somethin about Dipper, yeah? Nah, can't say I haven't seen em! But if he turned himself invisible then you gotta watch out. He might be planning to pull a wicked prank! Because I know that's what I'd do if I could turn invisible. Just haven't found enough invisible ink..." Soos explained sounding a bit dejected at the prospect of not being able to turn invisible. Not that invisible ink actually worked that way but nobody needed to tell Soos that. "I wonder if this guy's seen em..Hey!" Soos turned to yell to Kaiki...Who was still standing right next to him.

"You didn't need to shout."

"Oh, sorry dood. It's just that when I get worried about one of my lil friends, I tend to yell because it makes my voice clearer and easier to hear! So that way even if Dipper's invisible, he'll hear it and come running! But, uh have you seen em? He's like her but y'know more dood-ish?" He'd say pointing to Mable as Kaiki tilted his head to the side and looked over Mabel, seemingly analyzing every bit of her appearance to see if he spotted anyone who even seemed remotely similar.

"Can't say that I have. Now, if you'll excuse me."


Ah, actual people he could barter with. Unlike Soos who just kept wanting to take his animals and making foolish deals which didn't make sense to the conman. The wolgon in particular seemed to be attracting quite a bit of attention. Not that Kaiki found it particularly hard to believe. He supposed it stood out as the 'cute' creature among his wares and that's usually what attracted most people. If it looked cute then it sold. Gently moving a strand of hair to the side, Kaiki approached Grim and Tommy with his hands clasped together.

"That, my good sirs is known as a Wolgon. From what I could surmise, it take traits from both a wolf and dragons of all things. The latter of which manifests more in it's ability to manipulate fire to a minor degree. Anything more you'll have to find out by taking one for yourself." He explained before staring down Grim.

"Of course, everything has it's price and these creatures and trinkets are no exception. You offer me compensation and I'll offer you a creature worth your time. Even Death must pay his dues it seems."

If he was going to be pulled away from his business and if it were fate that brought him along these items? Then what point was there to run this as if it were a charity and hand them off willy-nilly?

As more and more people approached him and his items, Kaiki couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Golgo's comment. It was true that he had stumbled upon these weapons but his usual trade wasn't anything so simplistic or barbaric. Most of his typical items were fakes after all so what good would it have done him to sell fake weapons? The people he sold them to might have gone to another dealer and got real weapons and paid him another visit. That simply wouldn't do. But not wanting to look a potentially profitable gift horse in the mouth, Kaiki looked towards his pile of weapons and made his way over towards it.

"Depends on what kind weapons you're looking for I suppose. Nothing in way of firearms. But plenty of other weaponry that might catch one's eyes. You, in particular. I'm afraid a katana is a bit out there as far my current supply goes. This might be more your liking." Holding out a pair of red and yellow daggers towards Cloud, Kaiki flashed him a small smile.


"Weapons aren't my usual items to be honest. But from what I've seen these do? You won't be disappointed. Think of them as..Daggers that will return you, simialr to a boomerang in that regard I suppose." While waiting for Cloud's response, Kaiki glanced back in Golgo's direction. "Anything you've got your eye on?"

@Gossamer @Hospes @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened


Alex had noticed a large group of people were talking to this suit. From what he can hear with his enhanced senses (even without his blatanly overpowered abilities, he still has SOME things left that make him a step up from the rest), the guy is some kind of weapons dealer, who is trying to make big bucks off of selling his wares in front this little shack. A wise business decision, considering theres a high concentration of weaponless, powerless people wandering about here.

Alex typically doesn't use weapons beyond his own body. Why would he ever need to pick up a gun if he can turn his arm into a giant fucking blade? As with the parasite situation, he'll have to make the best of it. Without an ability to kill somebody, he feels naked and unsafe; a sniper could be in the trees right now.

Fuck it, lets make a deal.

Alex walked up to the businessman, probably roughly shoving anyone who had just got their weapons.

"Weapon, any, now." he demanded, blankly staring at Kaiki. This guy means just as much business as you do.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Bomb @Everyone
"dude, you're like...a really sweet badger, you know? Almost like a badger covered in honey or something..."
He paused for a moment, tapping his chin and them murmured quietly
"a honey badger!"
Nailed it!
Jack could only sigh as Waddles and now Zinnia continued feasting upon the cards. However, his attention was grabbed by the newcomer to the group, some sort of tradesmen. "Perhaps..." Giving the pig one last Pat on the head and tapping Zinnia on the shoulder to capture her attention as well, the samurai made his way over to the man. Patiently, he waited for the others to have their turns before bowing to the man in a polite introduction observing his wares for his sword.

"I am to assume you have no blades besides those of fire, correct?"

@T.O.M. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb

Honey, huh? Damn, that sounded good... Just as long as it wasn't honey ham. How disgusting and distasteful. But honey, itself?


Soon Waddles would get his little pig feetsies on some honey.... Soon.....

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @The Tactician @Nater Taters @Whoever​
Weapons huh?

...Nah. "You guys pick your poison, I'm just going to handle any troubles the old fashion way."
Hm, this Gilgamesh guy really didn't have any idea. Gravity Falls was the weirdness hotspot, and that had nothing to do with her! Her attention was grabbed more intensely by Max and Inigo. The twelve-year-old nodded in answer to the former, eagerly. "Yeah - I bet Soos is around by now, and he'll definitely know where he is."

...Unless he really was missing: a possibility that Mabel shuddered to so much as think about.

All of the help she was being offered was most definitely appreciated. And people wondered why the girl had so much faith in others. How could she not, with how well she was treated by even complete strangers? Even so, it wasn't lifting the girl's mood terribly much. Something was definitely wrong - it was like she had some sort of magical twin sense, and it felt like Dipper wasn't anywhere nearby. Perhaps this was why it was all Mabel could do to offer Ford a weak smile as he placed his six-fingered hand on her shoulder and assured her that they'd find Dipper. Looking up to him with an almost expectant look in her eyes, Mabel held out a fist. "Promise?"

Before she could get a response from her Grunkle, the female's attention was caught by something else: Gilgamesh's long little explanation about what was going on. And suddenly, she paled. She didn't understand bits and pieces, but even she understood how he explained that people died every day. And, more prominently, what was said about outsiders dying. Her eye twitched slightly, her hand falling from where it'd been held out and her body frozen in place. Normally, she'd assume this was some sort of lame joke, but the timing was impeccable. "...C'mon, you shouldn't joke like that!" the girl finally spoke, lightly punching Gilgamesh on the arm. She needed to take this in a joking manner - otherwise, she'd lose it. "I.. I'm gonna go outside...." she muttered, slowly backing away before running out the door. She didn't have time to wait for the others to help her - she'd do this on her own if she had to!

@Takumi @Atomyk @Crimson Spartan @Trumpwaku @Yang Lee @york @Melon @Raven


"...What an unfortunate set of circumstances."

So said the shady conartist who had found himself wandering some forest in what he could only assume to be America going off the language and the general mannerisms of the people he encountered. What a day for Kaiki Deishuu.

Things had been going relatively smoothly or about as smooth as things can for someone of Kaiki's unique 'disposition.'

Having sold some of his counterfeit charms to some very pleased customers, Kaiki was content to simply let back and let the cash multiply itself. As the weeks went on and more and more people heard about his wares, that pile of money began to grow bigger and bigger and while Kaiki's demeanor didn't change, he was indeed quite pleased with how well sales had been going. At least now that he didn't have a certain young girl coming over and threatening to punch him.

That's right no bold or dramatic speeches. Just to give Kaiki a good ol punch right in the kisser.

He couldn't quite get on board with this course of action and took steps against it. Which resulted in the would be-puncher laying in bed with a high fever while her older brother worried sick over her. Eventually things seemed to work themselves out but Kaiki's business had taken a hit from the brief interference.

But he hadn't gone and made a name for himself just because he was a novice. Given some time he was back on the market selling to people who hopefully wouldn't allow for anything to be traced back to him. But even for someone with Kaiki's knack for getting out of tight situations, even he couldn't have prepared for what happened as he sat at his desk looking over his money.

"...Hm. Something doesn't seem right."

He had counted his money two times over and ended up coming with the amount he expected to have. But even so there was an uncomfortable presence in the room and it didn't sit well with the conman. Rising from his seat, Kaiki slowly gazed around the entirety of his office. No signs of any would-be heroes coming to punch him. But as he slowly turned around to put his money away, his eyes shot open as a portal appeared on the wall behind his desk and pulled him in.

Landing on his rear, Kaiki stared up at the sky and contemplated whatever could have been behind pulling him away from his office and everything that lay within it. Had karma finally caught up to him?


..No. Such fickle things as karma and the like certainly had nothing to do with him being pulled through some kind of mysterious portal and landing in some random forest. Brushing himself off, Kaiki reached for his cell phone only to see that it'd been broken in the fall.


Pocketing the phone so he could get a refund for it later when he got everything sorted out, he continued trekking forward. He certainly wouldn't get anywhere quick if he just stood around like a dolt expecting all of the answers to come rushing towards him. What he would find however was something he would have never expected.


*some inane amount of time spent walking later*



"...How much ya charging for the three headed unicorn?"

"I'm afraid I have little interest in bargaining with you."


Kaiki had found some rather strange items while wandering around looking for assistance. Not having any of his usual oddities/charms on him but having little use for the items himself, Kaiki figured making a few extra bucks wouldn't be too much of a hassle. His search for business however lead him into running into a man by the name of Soos Ramirez who took sympathy to Kaiki's plight and lead the man to do business out in front of the shack! But despite Kaiki's rather blunt insistence to the contrary, Soos was eager to get one of these bad boys in his collection.

"C'mon dood! You cannot tell me that ain't Bigfoot you got there! That is totally Bigfoot! I've got two friends who'd love to see him!"


"...I'm afraid I must correct you there, sir. This is not Bigfoot but Pigfoot. It'll help for marketing purposes and friends or not, I'm trying to run a business here and you seem to be disrupting that."

Putting a hand up to his chin, Soos shook his head in silent contemplation. This guy sure knew how to drive a hard bargain.

"..Okay, okay. How about two Pigfoots and a triple headed unicorn, dood? That sweeten the deal any, eh eh?"



Oh, thank goodness! He couldn't have had better timing. To be frank, Mabel didn't even notice the odd assortment of creatures and weapons in the possession of the stranger that Soos was speaking to - from the weird wolf dragon, to the odd-looking cat, or even the weird creatures seemingly composed of elements. Not even the flaming sword, odd daggers, icy bow, weird staff, or the axe that seemed to crackle with electricity. No, she was too caught up in tackling Soos, holding onto his arm as though for dear life. "Soos, my man - where's Dipper? He's with you, right?" There was a gasp as Mabel more or less climbed around on the man. "He turned himself invisible, didn't he?!"

Note: Players may now receive their weapons/familiars from Kaiki

@C.T. as Hank Pym[Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]
@DapperDogman as Sans[Undertale AU] and Fox[You're Next]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga[Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta[Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino[Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi[Monogatari]
@PRINCE⚫JUSTIN⚫PERFECTION™ as Maleficent[Maleficent]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson[Marvel]
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack[Samurai Jack]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn[Fallen London]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer[Prototype]
@Bomb as Meteo[L]
@CookieMonster as River Tam[Firefly] and Jessica Jones[Jessica Jones]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk[Marvel Comics] and Rainbow Mika[Street Fighter]
@Atomyk as Pearl[Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko"[Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur[Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer[Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu[Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo[Fire Emblem Awakening]
@york as Max Caulfield[Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Jack Joyce[Quantum Break]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton[Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn[Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB[The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester[Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo[Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti[Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick[RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Edward Elric[Fullmetal Alchemist]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes[MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh[Fate Series]
@Yang Lee as LeShawna[Total Drama]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan[Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos[Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady[WWE Kafabe]
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan[Punch-Out!!!]
@Mr.Scales ⚖ as Damon Salvatore[Vampire Diaries]
@Nater Taters as Kirby[Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light[Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias[Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]

Thanks to @T.O.M. for this collabish thing <3 He is also the one you should tag for Kaiki!

I see

As Karen's response dragged Kanbaru's attention away from the sleeping pile of adorableness that was sleepin Shinobu, Kanbaru couldn't help but not be the slightest bit surprised. Karen was an amazing girl with plenty of great talents, which is probably why Koyomi was so protective of her. Not that Kanbaru couldn't still refrain from having a little fun at his expense at times. But at times like these she felt closer to Karen than ever before. Slowly staggering to her feet, Kanbaru sighed before glancing over in Karen's direction.


There was a brief pause in Kanbaru's words. Was she going to possibly scold Karen for not having a clue of what was going on? Or even giving the thought more than a few seconds? Making her way closer with what seemed to be a serious look on her face, Kanbaru placed a hand upon her shoulder and glanced down at her friend.

"That's okay! Because I don't know either!"


"Let's get to the bottom of this together, okay?"

Still trying to think of a way to bargain with Kaiki, it took Soos by surprise as Mabel called out to him/leaped onto his arm. Holding up his arm with Mabel still thankfully attached, he flashed a friendly smile to his little friend.


"Mabel! My not-man dood! You caught me at just the right time! I found this guy out in the woods, okay? Dood has a whole bunch of crazy animals with him. Three headed unicorns, freaky cat things, Bigfoots-"


"Bigfoots! It's great! But, uh you said somethin about Dipper, yeah? Nah, can't say I haven't seen em! But if he turned himself invisible then you gotta watch out. He might be planning to pull a wicked prank! Because I know that's what I'd do if I could turn invisible. Just haven't found enough invisible ink..." Soos explained sounding a bit dejected at the prospect of not being able to turn invisible. Not that invisible ink actually worked that way but nobody needed to tell Soos that. "I wonder if this guy's seen em..Hey!" Soos turned to yell to Kaiki...Who was still standing right next to him.

"You didn't need to shout."

"Oh, sorry dood. It's just that when I get worried about one of my lil friends, I tend to yell because it makes my voice clearer and easier to hear! So that way even if Dipper's invisible, he'll hear it and come running! But, uh have you seen em? He's like her but y'know more dood-ish?" He'd say pointing to Mable as Kaiki tilted his head to the side and looked over Mabel, seemingly analyzing every bit of her appearance to see if he spotted anyone who even seemed remotely similar.

"Can't say that I have. Now, if you'll excuse me."


Ah, actual people he could barter with. Unlike Soos who just kept wanting to take his animals and making foolish deals which didn't make sense to the conman. The wolgon in particular seemed to be attracting quite a bit of attention. Not that Kaiki found it particularly hard to believe. He supposed it stood out as the 'cute' creature among his wares and that's usually what attracted most people. If it looked cute then it sold. Gently moving a strand of hair to the side, Kaiki approached Grim and Tommy with his hands clasped together.

"That, my good sirs is known as a Wolgon. From what I could surmise, it take traits from both a wolf and dragons of all things. The latter of which manifests more in it's ability to manipulate fire to a minor degree. Anything more you'll have to find out by taking one for yourself." He explained before staring down Grim.

"Of course, everything has it's price and these creatures and trinkets are no exception. You offer me compensation and I'll offer you a creature worth your time. Even Death must pay his dues it seems."

If he was going to be pulled away from his business and if it were fate that brought him along these items? Then what point was there to run this as if it were a charity and hand them off willy-nilly?

As more and more people approached him and his items, Kaiki couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Golgo's comment. It was true that he had stumbled upon these weapons but his usual trade wasn't anything so simplistic or barbaric. Most of his typical items were fakes after all so what good would it have done him to sell fake weapons? The people he sold them to might have gone to another dealer and got real weapons and paid him another visit. That simply wouldn't do. But not wanting to look a potentially profitable gift horse in the mouth, Kaiki looked towards his pile of weapons and made his way over towards it.

"Depends on what kind weapons you're looking for I suppose. Nothing in way of firearms. But plenty of other weaponry that might catch one's eyes. You, in particular. I'm afraid a katana is a bit out there as far my current supply goes. This might be more your liking." Holding out a pair of red and yellow daggers towards Cloud, Kaiki flashed him a small smile.


"Weapons aren't my usual items to be honest. But from what I've seen these do? You won't be disappointed. Think of them as..Daggers that will return you, simialr to a boomerang in that regard I suppose." While waiting for Cloud's response, Kaiki glanced back in Golgo's direction. "Anything you've got your eye on?"

@Gossamer @Hospes @Kaykay @ResistingTheEnlightened

"I thought I said to never show your face around me again."

Or was it simply to never show up in town again? Because if it was the latter, then perhaps Deishuu Kaiki wasn't technically breaking any rules, but even so, Araragi didn't like this one bit. Wasting no time in being surprised by the conman's sudden appearance, Koyomi Araragi wasn't about to hide his antagonism towards the man, even after Kaiki had been driven out of town by the efforts of Koyomi a long time ago. After all, what need was there to hide it? He felt no need to forgive a man who was not sorry for the sins he had committed.


The dark feelings roll forward as if they were waves.


"And I see you haven't even changed one bit. Still up to your ways of deceit and your habits of ruining peoples' lives, huh? Selling things that don't actually work, or selling things more dangerous than even you care to take note of," Araragi said scorningly to the older man, standing right in front of him, in the center of the stage.

"I'd ask just what do you think you're doing here, but I don't care enough to ask, so I'll say it once."


Oh, gee. From an outsider's point of view, as in, basically everyone that wasn't Karen, Kanbaru, and Ougi, it would seem that Araragi was chewing out the salesman of the familiars and weapons just out of the blue, for almost no reason at all, it seemed. But the two men were more familiar with each other than they'd like. Kaiki was the one person whom Koyomi Araragi did not mince words with. He played around all he liked with Shinobu-chan, Karen-chan, and Tsukihi-chan, let himself be played around (in a more rough manner) with Senjougahara, and the like, but Deishuu Kaiki was the man whom Koyomi was perhaps the most to the point with.

It irked the teenager that Kaiki had that kind of special treatment at all.

@T.O.M. @Kaykay @Everybody
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Jack could only sigh as Waddles and now Zinnia continued feasting upon the cards. However, his attention was grabbed by the newcomer to the group, some sort of tradesmen. "Perhaps..." Giving the pig one last Pat on the head and tapping Zinnia on the shoulder to capture her attention as well, the samurai made his way over to the man. Patiently, he waited for the others to have their turns before bowing to the man in a polite introduction observing his wares for his sword.

"I am to assume you have no blades besides those of fire, correct?"

@T.O.M. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Nater Taters @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb

Alex had noticed a large group of people were talking to this suit. From what he can hear with his enhanced senses (even without his blatanly overpowered abilities, he still has SOME things left that make him a step up from the rest), the guy is some kind of weapons dealer, who is trying to make big bucks off of selling his wares in front this little shack. A wise business decision, considering theres a high concentration of weaponless, powerless people wandering about here.

Alex typically doesn't use weapons beyond his own body. Why would he ever need to pick up a gun if he can turn his arm into a giant fucking blade? As with the parasite situation, he'll have to make the best of it. Without an ability to kill somebody, he feels naked and unsafe; a sniper could be in the trees right now.

Fuck it, lets make a deal.

Alex walked up to the businessman, probably roughly shoving anyone who had just got their weapons.

"Weapon, any, now." he demanded, blankly staring at Kaiki. This guy means just as much business as you do.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Bomb @Everyone

"... what's going on over here?"

Hideo blinked as he happened to walk over to see what was up here. To be honest, he wasn't even sure why there was that many people here... but it seemed that Wiruko had caught on to what was up here.


"Aha! Wiruko sees what you have up for sale with your wares. Wiruko entrusts that you have something that Wiruko and her Master can use!"

Seeming to push people out of the way, Wiruko dramatically pointed over at Kaiki.


"Wait... Wiruko, I don't have any fighting experience at all! I don't think shoving a weapon into my hands would be the best solution to that lacking trait of mine!"

Hideo begged to differ from Wiruko's words. While she could benefit from a weapon, Hideo couldn't. He was just your ordinary loser, and sure if he had a scary look, it wasn't something to be proud of in all honesty.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Everyone​

Honey, huh? Damn, that sounded good... Just as long as it wasn't honey ham. How disgusting and distasteful. But honey, itself?


Soon Waddles would get his little pig feetsies on some honey.... Soon.....

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @The Tactician @Nater Taters @Whoever​
Chuckling at the pig's sudden silence and look of deep thought, the fresh skeleton would suddenly climb onto the back of a three headed unicorn
"yeah, this thing will do. saves me having to skate everywhere"

The hooded figure grabbed something and stuffed it into his jacket without another word, before returning to the window, gazing outside as if deep in thought


"... what's going on over here?"

Hideo blinked as he happened to walk over to see what was up here. To be honest, he wasn't even sure why there was that many people here... but it seemed that Wiruko had caught on to what was up here.


"Aha! Wiruko sees what you have up for sale with your wares. Wiruko entrusts that you have something that Wiruko and her Master can use!"

Seeming to push people out of the way, Wiruko dramatically pointed over at Kaiki.


"Wait... Wiruko, I don't have any fighting experience at all! I don't think shoving a weapon into my hands would be the best solution to that lacking trait of mine!"

Hideo begged to differ from Wiruko's words. While she could benefit from a weapon, Hideo couldn't. He was just your ordinary loser, and sure if he had a scary look, it wasn't something to be proud of in all honesty.

@Atomyk @T.O.M. @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Yang Lee @york @Raven @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Everyone​
"Perhaps I can tutor you then, if only for a little while, Hideo-san. I have a feeling that your ability might become greater than you can imagine."

Jack wasn't going to allow Hideo to simply mop about the group an feel useless. Such thoughts sucked at and drained the morale of both the offender and of his comrades, proving a versatile disease among the ranks, yet the samurai knew he could help correct such a problem by guiding his friend's growth if only a little.

Besides, perhaps it will even inspire some confidence off of the field of battle in the boy as well, something he desperately needed.​
"Depends on what kind weapons you're looking for I suppose. Nothing in way of firearms. But plenty of other weaponry that might catch one's eyes. You, in particular. I'm afraid a katana is a bit out there as far my current supply goes. This might be more your liking."


"Weapons aren't my usual items to be honest. But from what I've seen these do? You won't be disappointed. Think of them as..Daggers that will return you, similar to a boomerang in that regard I suppose."


"Well, at least there's two of them." The dual-wielding swordsman remarked distastefully. The young man couldn't remember the last time he even touched a dagger, let alone purchase one for himself. He did, however, find the concept of boomerang daggers to be intriguing at the very least.

And then, a man and a woman.​
"How much for that weird sword and weird cat?"​
"I am to assume you have no blades besides those of fire, correct?"

Cloud glanced in the woman's direction, following her eyes towards what seemed to be some sort of enchanted sword, which he also disliked. He wasn't much for enchantments, and preferred his weapons the old fashioned way, but it seemed the Fire Sword was the most ideal option, at least for now. "Hmph." The swordsman sighed, and couldn't help but feel a bit tense, seeing as he wasn't the only one in the area familiar with swordplay. He prayed everyone surrounding him was only trying to defend themselves.


"I thought I said to never show your face around me again."


"And I see you haven't even changed one bit. Still up to your ways of deceit and your habits of ruining peoples' lives, huh? Selling things that don't actually work, or selling things more dangerous than even you care to take note of,"

"I'd ask just what do you think you're doing here, but I don't care enough to ask, so I'll say it once."

"Excuse me." Cloud said, looking directly at the newcomer who seemed to have some bad-blood with the only hope he had at obtaining a weapon. "I don't know what this man here did to upset you, but why not settle it another time, hm? Some of us are trying to do business here."

The young man really wasn't looking for any sort of trouble, but if the only thing between him and a sword was some strangers unresolved conflicts, well, he wasn't having it.

[ @T.O.M. @Takumi @The Tactician @Verite @ All ]
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"Perhaps I can tutor you then, if only for a little while, Hideo-san. I have a feeling that your ability might become greater than you can imagine."

Jack wasn't going to allow Hideo to simply mop about the group an feel useless. Such thoughts sucked at and drained the morale of both the offender and of his comrades, proving a versatile disease among the ranks, yet the samurai knew he could help correct such a problem by guiding his friend's growth if only a little.

Besides, perhaps it will even inspire some confidence off of the field of battle in the boy as well, something he desperately needed.​

"What even is my ability? Staring at people until they piss their pants? I'm not even sure if that's something that I can consistently do..."

While the memories were cloudy, Hideo did recall that people at his high school renounced him as the main bully at school, when really, it was just him scaring them off unintentionally with his stares. The more he thought of that, the more Hideo was starting to consider Wiruko's observations of him.

... is Wiruko actually scared of me... when I give off that staring gaze?

"What even is my ability? Staring at people until they piss their pants? I'm not even sure if that's something that I can consistently do..."

While the memories were cloudy, Hideo did recall that people at his high school renounced him as the main bully at school, when really, it was just him scaring them off unintentionally with his stares. The more he thought of that, the more Hideo was starting to consider Wiruko's observations of him.

... is Wiruko actually scared of me... when I give off that staring gaze?
"I meant with a weapon, Hideo-san, a weapon," Jack corrected, his thumb and index finger punching the bridge of his nose in mild frustration, "Your glaring is something that I can not help you with beyond a few tips that might intimidate certain less willful enemies into running from battle. Instead, if you would like, I can at least help you better use a weapon if you choose one."
"I meant with a weapon, Hideo-san, a weapon," Jack corrected, his thumb and index finger punching the bridge of his nose in mild frustration, "Your glaring is something that I can not help you with beyond a few tips that might intimidate certain less willful enemies into running from battle. Instead, if you would like, I can at least help you better use a weapon if you choose one."

"... uhhhh."

For a moment, Hideo was getting a brief flashback to the time he first used a cooking knife in his cooking class for the first time... It didn't end well.


"... yeaaaah. I think I'll need it, but knowing Wiruko, she probably went along and gotten me something already..."

What's worse that carrying blades that possibly spit out fire? He didn't want to know...​
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