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Max Caulfield

"Not really." Max said, she looked a little downtrodden knowing it was very unlikely that she was simply dreaming at this point.

However, at the mention of how she got here, max rubbed the back of her neck, honestly trying to recall the whole experience.


"Honestly, I don't know. I was on some traintracks, then I fell in a lake." Max said, she again decided to skip over the detail about her supposed death thing.

On the other hand, she couldn't quite grasp where on earth she was, let alone where those traintracks she had fallen off of had gone, according to Granny Weatherwax, the nearest railroad tracks were practically miles away... How long had she been walking?

"I swam to land... And, then I ended up looking around this forest." She added, figuring there was no harm in mentioning that part of her strange venture into the unknown...

What had she to lose? Except her sanity that is, if she hadn't already been losing her mind at this point, and she was just hallucinating all of this.

"Not a 'llucination. Ain't nothing to licinate here."

Granny said firmly as though she said it aloud before throwing a sharp glance over her shoulder as she led the way, lantern in hand.

"Everyone who comes here says or thinks it- Where am I, what just happened, oh mercy me is it all my head? Am I dreaming or am I awake? The answer gel is yes....To all of em. Just because its in the head, ain't no call to say it ain't real. Its as real as you or other people make it....And full o' dangers of its own. You a dreamer, Max? This is a place where dreams come true."

She gave off a grim smile.

"Remember some of your dreams?"

And in that smile, Max would see her nightmares flash across her minds eye from childhood on up. All the terrors, all the twisted elucidations dredged from her subconscious that made her younger self grateful for night lights and for the coming of the dawn. Granny nodded slowly.

"They're hungry tonight. The Beast ain't had nothing for a long while now, here in these woods."

The Hand Witch gave Inigo and Lincoln puzzled looks. "Tea...? Potions...?" Despite her initial confusion, she eventually caught on to what the two boys were talking about, though the witch seemed more happy with the fact they were being cordial with her. She conceded that perhaps Michiko was right, and quickly moved next to Inigo to clasp her hands around his arm, pointedly ignoring Alex. "I will spare your hands if you... help me make some tea."

The woman then began to lead Inigo further through the dark passage, leaving the others with little to do but follow. Pearl relented on attacking the woman, though she could not hide her incredulous expression. This seemed almost a waste of time, but perhaps the witch had the crystals they sought. Perhaps she was also the one behind the situation they were all in, but it seemed to Pearl that was rather unlikely.

The group was eventually led to a more open section of the cave where the ceiling rose high above them. The light of the flames revealed a number of passageways leading off from this circular cavern. Perhaps most surprising of all was the sight of a young girl lying sprawled on the cave floor in an expanding pool of blood. The thought that passed through Pearl's mind had to have passed through the others as well: had another kill occurred? As the group hurried to get a closer look, they found that the girl was not from their initial group. Her skin had turned a sickly pale, a stark contrast to her strawberry-blonde hair. Her shoulder was punctured, sporting a gaping bloody hole.


"S-Sa... please help..."

The girl was on the edge of consciousness.

The Hand Witch reacted to the girl negatively, throwing one hand into the air. "A beautiful maiden has come to steal my company. For that, I should... steal her hands!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Welp," Mandy began, doing away with her fake torch and crossing her arms, "another one bites the dust. Rest in piece, you will be missed, blah blah blah, let's get this over with." She grabbed Grim by the cuff of his robes and dragged him along towards the girl's bleeding out body, pushing their way past the witch, "Make way, hag, we're here on official supernatural business." With Mandy stepping up on the left side of the dying girl, and Grim coming up on the right, they both looked unfazed while they waded through the pool of her blood. Mandy silently observed while Grim bent over to study the girl further; quirking a brow as he pressed two bony fingers against her neck, and opened her eyes wider to analyze them more thoroughly, "Oh, she's goin' fast," he moved his hand southeast to check the gushing wound that was producing so much blood, "But for de amount of blood she's lost, I got ta give her props. Anyone else would surely be out cold by now," he commented, growing a sadistic grin, "It'll make dis reapin' so much sweeter."

Erupting with dark laughter, Grim pulled out his long list again, as well as the hourglass assigned to the girl, running his finger down to the list to find her name. After some searching, Grim's morbid joy was quickly replaced with frustration, "D'ohhhhh, fiddlesticks!" he shouted in defeat, crumpling up his list and throwing it in the pool of blood and stomping on it for a little before hunching over in a pout. "Uggh...what is it this time?" Mandy groaned, sharing in Grim's pout, "Dis girl's what we call in de reapin' business a 'Faux Feline'. Long story short, whoever was handlin' her fate accidentally gave her de same amount of extra chances as a cat." Grim sighed, looking defeated, "And, rules are rules...now I gotta-...hurk...save her life."

Mandy grew a dark smile as she glanced at both the girl, and their fire-breathing wolf/dragon, "But..." she interjected, coming to stand beside Grim over the wound, holding Hati firmly in her arms, aiming his muzzle at the gushing hole. Grim quickly caught onto what Mandy was planning, and immediately lit up. But before she acted, she held her palm out at Grim, "Safety goggles, Grim." she ordered. Grim dipped into his robes again, and procured two pairs, handing Mandy one while keeping the other for himself. Once they were on, Mandy squeezed Hati's belly, forcing out a quick puff of flame as a test, before addressing the dying girl, "Alright lady...this is gonna hurt."


With the warning uttered, Mandy squeezed the wolgon even harder, forcing out a more intense stream of fire focused on the wound, quickly cauterizing it and halting the bleeding. Hopefully, all the blood was enough to keep her clothes from catching fire in the process.

@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT

@Cave Creeps​
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"Welp," Mandy began, doing away with her fake torch and crossing her arms, "another one bites the dust. Rest in piece, you will be missed, blah blah blah, let's get this over with." She grabbed Grim by the cuff of his robes and dragged him along towards the girl's bleeding out body, pushing their way past the witch, "Make way, hag, we're here on official supernatural business." With Mandy stepping up on the left side of the dying girl, and Grim coming up on the right, they both looked unfazed while they waded through the pool of her blood. Mandy silently observed while Grim bent over to study the girl further; quirking a brow as he pressed two bony fingers against her neck, and opened her eyes wider to analyze them more thoroughly, "Oh, she's goin' fast," he moved his hand southeast to check the gushing wound that was producing so much blood, "But for de amount of blood she's lost, I got ta give her props. Anyone else would surely be out cold by now," he commented, growing a sadistic grin, "It'll make dis reapin' so much sweeter."

Erupting with dark laughter, Grim pulled out his long list again, as well as the hourglass assigned to the girl, running his finger down to the list to find her name. After some searching, Grim's morbid joy was quickly replaced with frustration, "D'ohhhhh, fiddlesticks!" he shouted in defeat, crumpling up his list and throwing it in the pool of blood and stomping on it for a little before hunching over in a pout. "Uggh...what is it this time?" Mandy groaned, sharing in Grim's pout, "Dis girl's what we call in de reapin' business a 'Faux Feline'. Long story short, whoever was handlin' her fate accidentally gave her de same amount of extra chances as a cat." Grim sighed, looking defeated, "And, rules are rules...now I gotta-...hurk...save her life."

Mandy grew a dark smile as she glanced at both the girl, and their fire-breathing wolf/dragon, "But..." she interjected, coming to stand beside Grim over the wound, holding Hati firmly in her arms, aiming his muzzle at the gushing hole. Grim quickly caught onto what Mandy was planning, and immediately lit up. But before she acted, she held her palm out at Grim, "Safety goggles, Grim." she ordered. Grim dipped into his robes again, and procured two pairs, handing Mandy one while keeping the other for himself. Once they were on, Mandy squeezed Hati's belly, forcing out a quick puff of flame as a test, before addressing the dying girl, "Alright lady...this is gonna hurt."


With the warning uttered, Mandy squeezed the wolgon even harder, forcing out a more intense stream of fire focused on the wound, quickly cauterizing it and halting the bleeding. Hopefully, all the blood was enough to keep her clothes from catching fire in the process.

@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT

@Cave Creeps​

Sam, who was using the old fashioned way, was incredibly startled by the fire, and jumped back. "Jesus Christ! Warn somebody next time you do that, please!" He said, a bit startled. He sighed. "Anyway, we still have to get the other side. Does anyone have a needle and thread?" He looked at Junko again. "I promise you'll be ok. I've done this hundreds of times before.


Dean just tried to stifle a laugh. "Oh, that was priceless. The look on your face. I wish I had a picture of that."
"Great, anyone else got an idea? Otherwise I'm up for taking Roman's choice."

"I'm a lawyer not a scientist." She remarked to Gran's query. The wind on the other hand he would feel flowing from the second tunnel on the right.

@Gwazi Magnum @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Archway allies


"Second tunnel to the right. I can feel the wind coming from it."

@Gwazi Magnum @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Crow @Jeremi @Archwayallies​
On one hand this kid had not only called him a coward, but had voted for him. On the other, Aran was getting bored. "Second to the right, and straight on 'till morning!"

@Jeremi @Crow @Gwazi Magnum @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @ArchwayAllies
Though it was unclear at first, like Sam, the others would have noticed that the girl's wound pierced right through her shoulder, as if something had been stabbed right through her. It was clear that if something was not done right away, the girl was in danger of death.

That something seemed to be Mandy.

Junko had looked asleep by the time Mandy got to work, but the flames shocked the girl awake and caused her to let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the tunnels. Pearl put her hands to her face and let out a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a gasp.


"Is this how humans traditionally repair other humans?!"

The process would have cauterized the wound... but an open flame was an easy way to burn healthy tissue as well. Though Junko did not catch on fire, her shoulder was heavily burned, which now became a new danger to the girl's life. There was also the other side to worry about as well.

The Hand Witch, upon seeing Sam's concern and realizing he wasn't so bad looking compared to the other guys here, decided it might be in her best interest to intervene here. "I have potions and spells that can help the girl... I will not even ask for her hands in exchange!"

But interrupting the scene was Mabel, who arrived from one of the connecting tunnels, her eyes wide with worry.


"Guys! Guys! Guys! You have to come this way! I know what we can do to help that girl!"

The Hand Witch bristled at this and pulled on Inigo's arm. "But my home is this way, not that way! You must bring the girl with me!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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"Pfft, of course I'm sure!" Mabel assured Gwen, dismissing the other female's uncertainty with a wave of her hand. How could she forget? After all, she'd accidentally inhaled some through her nose leading to her sneezing a bunch and speaking in rhymes for hours. Not that she'd really given that fact much thought. "An artist never prepares anything without something to give it a little sparkle!" It was a very matter-of-fact statement, as though this were some sort of life-rule of some sort. For Mabel, it probably was, all things considered. That didn't matter right that moment, though, because she finally seemed to take notice of the odd way that Gwen had trailed off. Slowly, the girl tilted her head at the older female. "Uhh... Are you alright?--"

And then she started talking nonsense about... Comics? Mabel didn't really listen to that word in particular, but she did hear 'action'. And action was lots of fun!

Wait... Three million dollars? "Wow - I bet Grunkle Stan would love whatever that is..." The statement was followed with a thoughtful pause, or, well, a pause. Gwen really did seem off, and her knees seemed as though shaking.


"Uhh, Mabel? I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be letting some lady that just killed a man so close..." Three remarked from Mabel's shoulder, nervously. Much to the clone's dismay, Mabel didn't really seem to take his advice too seriously. "Pfft, what? C'mon, look at her!" she exclaimed, gesturing to Gwen with a pleasant grin. "I'm sure she's fine." At this, the clone only facepalmed. "Mabel, she's hallucinating. She's talking about a comic that isn't even here!" Yet again, the remark was nonchalantly brushed off. "Stop worrying so mu--"

Before she could finish the sentence, Mabel felt her face being gently caressed by the hand of the potential psychopath before her, who seemed almost as though lost in a trance. For a long moment, the young girl was silent, merely staring at Gwen with an unreadable expression. Whether she was disturbed or not was undeterminable, even when her eyes briefly flitted away before moving back to Gwen once more. The way she stared, it was almost as though she were experiencing some sort of love, too....


"...Pfft haha, this is weird."

...Nope, she was still normal.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Though it was unclear at first, like Sam, the others would have noticed that the girl's wound pierced right through her shoulder, as if something had been stabbed right through her. It was clear that if something was not done right away, the girl was in danger of death.

That something seemed to be Mandy.

Junko had looked asleep by the time Mandy got to work, but the flames shocked the girl awake and caused her to let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the tunnels. Pearl put her hands to her face and let out a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a gasp.


"Is this how humans traditionally repair other humans?!"

The process would have cauterized the wound... but an open flame was an easy way to burn healthy tissue as well. Though Junko did not catch on fire, her shoulder was heavily burned, which now became a new danger to the girl's life. There was also the other side to worry about as well.

The Hand Witch, upon seeing Sam's concern and realizing he wasn't so bad looking compared to the other guys here, decided it might be in her best interest to intervene here. "I have potions and spells that can help the girl... I will not even ask for her hands in exchange!"

But interrupting the scene was Mabel, who arrived from one of the connecting tunnels, her eyes wide with worry.


"Guys! Guys! Guys! You have to come this way! I know what we can do to help that girl!"

The Hand Witch bristled at this and pulled on Inigo's arm. "But my home is this way, not that way! You must bring the girl with me!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Sam and Dean have experience with witches. And shapeshifters. And doppelgängers. And... The list of supernatural beings they faced could go on and on, ad infinitum ad nauseum. From old Celtic Gods, to archangels, to Lucifer himself.

But they had no experience with whatever the hell this Hand Witch was. Sam picked Junko up, and held her bridal style, and looked at Dean.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know, man. She's your patient." Dean said. "I'll just back you up wherever you go."

Sam sighed. "Alright. Alright. Uh..."

Sam was confused. Someone help Sam and Dean.

@Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @cave
Uncle looked at the witch and Mabel then nodded. "Whatever it seems the group decides but Uncle might could whip up something for the girl." He said finally after knowing what he had noticed to get here he felt the woods would have items he might would need. Jade was silent.

@Atomyk @Others
"I'm right here, you know!"

Weren't they ever taught not to talk about someone who was listening? RGB gave another huff, his antennae twitching. "And yes, I do happen to be a telly, thank you for asking." Really, the manners these people could have...Or, perhaps more appropriately, lack. The monster shook his head.

Mabel was offering food now, but he wasn't hungry. RGB was never hungry. Besides, he lacked a conventional mouth, and therefor couldn't even eat if he wanted to. So, casually, he began to glance around, hoping to catch an eyeful of...Something. Something to get him out of this looney tunes show, or at least something that wasn't a childish unicorn trinket that could tell them where the real murderer was.

Wishful thinking.

At least someone knew what they were doing around here.

The monster stopped twirling his cane, now perching it upon his shoulder. His grip subtly changed, now holding it as though it were a very thin baseball bat. ...Although, in truth, RGB would be more likely to run from anything in these tunnels and let his companion with the blunderbuss take the shots. Speaking of which, what a nice blunderbuss it was. Was it antique?

"Hope you don't mind my tagging along?" His tone, however, implied he didn't have another option in the matter. He peered into the tunnel that Clarence was nearing, the subtle glow of his television screen slightly more obvious. "...Do you need it brighter?"

[ @Hospes @C.T. @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @If I forgot anyone idk @MINECART / LABORATORY / TUNNELS ]
Laying humiliatingly face-down in the dirt, Clarence had been knocked unconscious, and had stayed that way for quite some time. Poor guy, hadn't expected the cart ride to be quite this… bumpy. What's worse, he probably had acquired a few more wounds.

"Ugh." A pained groan escaped his lips as he with weak arms pulled himself up, looking at the ensuing chaos. They had appeared in some sort of scientific laboratory, with no sign of dinosaurs. Well, being at a lack of ancient giant reptiles wasn't exactly bad, but this abandoned test chamber certainly was making him uneasy. And he's not easily made uneasy. At least RGB had decided to tag along, t'was nice to have someone he knew at least to some degree by his side.

But the rest of the group, centered around the girl whose brother they were trying to find, were feasting on some sort of lump of baked goods, with all kinds of unsettling supernatural effects. He knew for a fact he was staying away from those anyway. But perhaps, just perhaps those could be useful?

"Child, may I suggest sparing a few of those… food items? You may ne'er know when those can be of use."

Still somewhat pained, he made irregular steps towards RGB, keeping his eyes on the many tunnels surrounding. "From the looks of 'em, these are everything but natural. Arm yerselves." With that he reached for and pulled out his emergency blunderbluss, which although more of a danger to himself than the aim, did provide a form of weapon. Holding it close to his chest like it was a military-tier machine gun, he with careful and slow steps approached a tunnel.

@Hospes @Takumi @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Lissamel @The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Bomb @Lissamel

There were no tunnels in the area, unless you counted going back the way they came in. Around the lab, there were odd things that looked like containment chambers, a number of seemingly broken devices, and even some sort of observation room.

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Bomb @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​
Alex probably wouldn't have stopped for the girl if it wasnt for everybody else stopping. Groaning and looking back to see the commotion, he watched as everyone crowded around the bleeding Junko and scrambled to help her. This may be a waste of time, but then again, perhaps the girl and point them towards the murderer. Mercer pondered it for a second before quickly rushing in and helping in any way he could, but he wasn't going to care for the girls status.
Though it was unclear at first, like Sam, the others would have noticed that the girl's wound pierced right through her shoulder, as if something had been stabbed right through her. It was clear that if something was not done right away, the girl was in danger of death.

That something seemed to be Mandy.

Junko had looked asleep by the time Mandy got to work, but the flames shocked the girl awake and caused her to let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the tunnels. Pearl put her hands to her face and let out a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a gasp.


"Is this how humans traditionally repair other humans?!"

The process would have cauterized the wound... but an open flame was an easy way to burn healthy tissue as well. Though Junko did not catch on fire, her shoulder was heavily burned, which now became a new danger to the girl's life. There was also the other side to worry about as well.

The Hand Witch, upon seeing Sam's concern and realizing he wasn't so bad looking compared to the other guys here, decided it might be in her best interest to intervene here. "I have potions and spells that can help the girl... I will not even ask for her hands in exchange!"

But interrupting the scene was Mabel, who arrived from one of the connecting tunnels, her eyes wide with worry.


"Guys! Guys! Guys! You have to come this way! I know what we can do to help that girl!"

The Hand Witch bristled at this and pulled on Inigo's arm. "But my home is this way, not that way! You must bring the girl with me!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Alex did not trust the hag one bit, she was desperate, she was a witch and she was a waste of space and time. Looking to Sam, Dean and the rest of the group, Alex pointed in the direction of Mabel.

"We ha--"

But, suddenly, Alex paused as he stared at the little girl.

"...no, wait. This isn't right." Alex said, looking back to the Hand Witch. Alex found it somewhat peculiar that Mabel, who he has observed to be a somewhat cowardly girl, is out here in this cave all alone. Where was the rest of the group that went with her? The mine shaft and the seperate cave could connect, but there is no way Mabel would be able to conveniently navigate her way throughout the caves to find the group here all by herself.

That is, the real Mabel wouldn't be able to.

Alex Mercer is known for being able to shapeshift his form based on the people he has consumed, he himself has mastered the art of decieving military officials and Blackwatch agents, causing chaos among their own ranks. He is feared for this, and he damn well knows when someone is trying to pull a wool under his gazing, empty eyes. Alex turned to Sam and Dean and whispered under his breath.

Sam and Dean have experience with witches. And shapeshifters. And doppelgängers. And... The list of supernatural beings they faced could go on and on, ad infinitum ad nauseum. From old Celtic Gods, to archangels, to Lucifer himself.

But they had no experience with whatever the hell this Hand Witch was. Sam picked Junko up, and held her bridal style, and looked at Dean.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know, man. She's your patient." Dean said. "I'll just back you up wherever you go."

Sam sighed. "Alright. Alright. Uh..."

Sam was confused. Someone help Sam and Dean.

@Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @cave

"The girl, she isn't real. We need to go with the witch."

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk
There were no tunnels in the area, unless you counted going back the way they came in. Around the lab, there were odd things that looked like containment chambers, a number of seemingly broken devices, and even some sort of observation room.

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Bomb @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​

"There has to be data in these... or Wiruko is going to freeze... Wiruko needs her data, because it's in her quota..."

Wiruko was madly going through the seemingly broken devices, observing these with great attention and poking at these to see if something would happen. It seemed like she really was talking in rhymes, not that it seemed to be a problem to her the more and more she talked.


"... At least I don't have to worry about Wiruko much, she seems fine with just looking for data... and also holding her Kitty and my laptop... Guess I'll see what the observation room is all about..."

Hideo stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, and walked over to the observation room out of curiosity.

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Bomb @Hospes @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​
There were no tunnels in the area, unless you counted going back the way they came in. Around the lab, there were odd things that looked like containment chambers, a number of seemingly broken devices, and even some sort of observation room.

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Bomb @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​
Jack sighed as Mabel was enamored with Gwen for the moment, not answering his question, and for now pushed the thought of the strange symbol aside. It was unimportant at the moment anyways, and he would not find the answer to it on his own. Instead, he looked about the room and noticed the various chambers and broken devices but avoided them. He would have even less luck trying to discern their properties and purpose than he would the occult symbol.

Instead, he walked towards what seemed to be a room for observing tests of some sort. Perhaps the creators of the lab had used it during their experiments?

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Bomb @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​

"Pfft, of course I'm sure!" Mabel assured Gwen, dismissing the other female's uncertainty with a wave of her hand. How could she forget? After all, she'd accidentally inhaled some through her nose leading to her sneezing a bunch and speaking in rhymes for hours. Not that she'd really given that fact much thought. "An artist never prepares anything without something to give it a little sparkle!" It was a very matter-of-fact statement, as though this were some sort of life-rule of some sort. For Mabel, it probably was, all things considered. That didn't matter right that moment, though, because she finally seemed to take notice of the odd way that Gwen had trailed off. Slowly, the girl tilted her head at the older female. "Uhh... Are you alright?--"
"I'm peachy! Perfect is the word, thank you for asking talking comic! I mean do you realize what this means?!" She lowered her hands temporarily from the comic's cover and grabbed the comic-book's shoulders(at any other time she would question when did comic books ever have shoulders but this time she was too lost onboard the love train) and violently shook comic!Mabel back and forth. "Cause if you don't I'll tell you!!!"
"Uhh, Mabel? I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be letting some lady that just killed a man so close..." Three remarked from Mabel's shoulder, nervously. Much to the clone's dismay, Mabel didn't really seem to take his advice too seriously. "Pfft, what? C'mon, look at her!" she exclaimed, gesturing to Gwen with a pleasant grin. "I'm sure she's fine." At this, the clone only facepalmed. "Mabel, she's hallucinating. She's talking about a comic that isn't even here!" Yet again, the remark was nonchalantly brushed off. "Stop worrying so mu--"​
"Ai ai ai, it was self-defense! Not murder! And yes Action Comics is right, I am fine. No hallucinations, I don't do drugs boys and girls, esteemed comic book individuals...and rude TV people. Though I suppose if I was drugged that is the sort of thing you'd likely see...hmm..." She took a step backward, thinking this over as she paced back and forth--before shrugging and dismissing this without a care in the world, returning to running a finger over the cover of the decades old comic.

"It even feels smooth for an old one!!!"
Before she could finish the sentence, Mabel felt her face being gently caressed by the hand of the potential psychopath before her, who seemed almost as though lost in a trance. For a long moment, the young girl was silent, merely staring at Gwen with an unreadable expression. Whether she was disturbed or not was undeterminable, even when her eyes briefly flitted away before moving back to Gwen once more. The way she stared, it was almost as though she were experiencing some sort of love, too....


"...Pfft haha, this is weird."

...Nope, she was still normal.​
"No no no shhhhh shh shhh lady comic, this is not weird. It's a dream come true! You're here right in front of me and like I was about to explain before I interrupted myself, this means great things!" Gwen pulled her mask back on, withdrawing a marker from somewhere on her person. "Allow me to 'splain. The presence of June 1938's original unrestored mint condition Action Comics #1 means..."



"like seriously I could get myself a penthouse on the top floor. started from the bottom and now I'm here"

The Hand Witch gave Inigo and Lincoln puzzled looks. "Tea...? Potions...?" Despite her initial confusion, she eventually caught on to what the two boys were talking about, though the witch seemed more happy with the fact they were being cordial with her. She conceded that perhaps Michiko was right, and quickly moved next to Inigo to clasp her hands around his arm, pointedly ignoring Alex. "I will spare your hands if you... help me make some tea."

The woman then began to lead Inigo further through the dark passage, leaving the others with little to do but follow. Pearl relented on attacking the woman, though she could not hide her incredulous expression. This seemed almost a waste of time, but perhaps the witch had the crystals they sought. Perhaps she was also the one behind the situation they were all in, but it seemed to Pearl that was rather unlikely.

The group was eventually led to a more open section of the cave where the ceiling rose high above them. The light of the flames revealed a number of passageways leading off from this circular cavern. Perhaps most surprising of all was the sight of a young girl lying sprawled on the cave floor in an expanding pool of blood. The thought that passed through Pearl's mind had to have passed through the others as well: had another kill occurred? As the group hurried to get a closer look, they found that the girl was not from their initial group. Her skin had turned a sickly pale, a stark contrast to her strawberry-blonde hair. Her shoulder was punctured, sporting a gaping bloody hole.


"S-Sa... please help..."

The girl was on the edge of consciousness.

The Hand Witch reacted to the girl negatively, throwing one hand into the air. "A beautiful maiden has come to steal my company. For that, I should... steal her hands!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT
To say that the mere mention of tea got the with to even pull him along like this caught poor Inigo off guard. because of this at first it would be difficult to pull him along.

"I...Er... That is.. Umm.." he took a deep breath and composed himself.


"So you wish to have me help you make tea...? Haha! not a problem although I do not have the ingredients I normally use on me since something stole almost everything we have..." Inigo spoke but paused as he saw Junko. He resisted the urge to run to her side as some others took care of it.
Though it was unclear at first, like Sam, the others would have noticed that the girl's wound pierced right through her shoulder, as if something had been stabbed right through her. It was clear that if something was not done right away, the girl was in danger of death.

That something seemed to be Mandy.

Junko had looked asleep by the time Mandy got to work, but the flames shocked the girl awake and caused her to let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the tunnels. Pearl put her hands to her face and let out a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a gasp.


"Is this how humans traditionally repair other humans?!"

The process would have cauterized the wound... but an open flame was an easy way to burn healthy tissue as well. Though Junko did not catch on fire, her shoulder was heavily burned, which now became a new danger to the girl's life. There was also the other side to worry about as well.

The Hand Witch, upon seeing Sam's concern and realizing he wasn't so bad looking compared to the other guys here, decided it might be in her best interest to intervene here. "I have potions and spells that can help the girl... I will not even ask for her hands in exchange!"

But interrupting the scene was Mabel, who arrived from one of the connecting tunnels, her eyes wide with worry.


"Guys! Guys! Guys! You have to come this way! I know what we can do to help that girl!"

The Hand Witch bristled at this and pulled on Inigo's arm. "But my home is this way, not that way! You must bring the girl with me!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Man this hand witch was pushy....er....pulley..... "Er.... Can we stop for a moment... Before we continue I must ask.... Do you have any tea leaves....? If not then we may need to head out and look for some..." Inigo would speak trying to distract the witch for a moment in the hopes she would stop pulling him around.
Alex probably wouldn't have stopped for the girl if it wasnt for everybody else stopping. Groaning and looking back to see the commotion, he watched as everyone crowded around the bleeding Junko and scrambled to help her. This may be a waste of time, but then again, perhaps the girl and point them towards the murderer. Mercer pondered it for a second before quickly rushing in and helping in any way he could, but he wasn't going to care for the girls status.

Alex did not trust the hag one bit, she was desperate, she was a witch and she was a waste of space and time. Looking to Sam, Dean and the rest of the group, Alex pointed in the direction of Mabel.

"We ha--"

But, suddenly, Alex paused as he stared at the little girl.

"...no, wait. This isn't right." Alex said, looking back to the Hand Witch. Alex found it somewhat peculiar that Mabel, who he has observed to be a somewhat cowardly girl, is out here in this cave all alone. Where was the rest of the group that went with her? The mine shaft and the seperate cave could connect, but there is no way Mabel would be able to conveniently navigate her way throughout the caves to find the group here all by herself.

That is, the real Mabel wouldn't be able to.

Alex Mercer is known for being able to shapeshift his form based on the people he has consumed, he himself has mastered the art of decieving military officials and Blackwatch agents, causing chaos among their own ranks. He is feared for this, and he damn well knows when someone is trying to pull a wool under his gazing, empty eyes. Alex turned to Sam and Dean and whispered under his breath.

"The girl, she isn't real. We need to go with the witch."

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk

Lon'qu glanced at Mercer, Sam, and Dean as he thought it all over. This all seemed weird to him. It was either to trust the witch who was so insistent on them going to her home or go with apparently Mabel. Slowly he approached Mabel.


"...Would you mind explaining why you are by yourself...?"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Alex probably wouldn't have stopped for the girl if it wasnt for everybody else stopping. Groaning and looking back to see the commotion, he watched as everyone crowded around the bleeding Junko and scrambled to help her. This may be a waste of time, but then again, perhaps the girl and point them towards the murderer. Mercer pondered it for a second before quickly rushing in and helping in any way he could, but he wasn't going to care for the girls status.

Alex did not trust the hag one bit, she was desperate, she was a witch and she was a waste of space and time. Looking to Sam, Dean and the rest of the group, Alex pointed in the direction of Mabel.

"We ha--"

But, suddenly, Alex paused as he stared at the little girl.

"...no, wait. This isn't right." Alex said, looking back to the Hand Witch. Alex found it somewhat peculiar that Mabel, who he has observed to be a somewhat cowardly girl, is out here in this cave all alone. Where was the rest of the group that went with her? The mine shaft and the seperate cave could connect, but there is no way Mabel would be able to conveniently navigate her way throughout the caves to find the group here all by herself.

That is, the real Mabel wouldn't be able to.

Alex Mercer is known for being able to shapeshift his form based on the people he has consumed, he himself has mastered the art of decieving military officials and Blackwatch agents, causing chaos among their own ranks. He is feared for this, and he damn well knows when someone is trying to pull a wool under his gazing, empty eyes. Alex turned to Sam and Dean and whispered under his breath.

"The girl, she isn't real. We need to go with the witch."

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk
Sam and Dean nodded when Alex talked to them. They have dealt with Shapeshifters who took their form, and they have dealt with demons who possessed people. But, they also had dealt with witches, and witches were sneaky things.

Dean clutched his flame sword tightly, just in case something went wrong, as Sam continued holding Junko.

Sam and Dean turned to follow the witch.

"You know, we should really find a doctor. You know, someone with actual medical experience rather than just first aid and Field medicine." Dean said, as he walked forward.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @Raven @Takumi @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Though it was unclear at first, like Sam, the others would have noticed that the girl's wound pierced right through her shoulder, as if something had been stabbed right through her. It was clear that if something was not done right away, the girl was in danger of death.

That something seemed to be Mandy.

Junko had looked asleep by the time Mandy got to work, but the flames shocked the girl awake and caused her to let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the tunnels. Pearl put her hands to her face and let out a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a gasp.


"Is this how humans traditionally repair other humans?!"

The process would have cauterized the wound... but an open flame was an easy way to burn healthy tissue as well. Though Junko did not catch on fire, her shoulder was heavily burned, which now became a new danger to the girl's life. There was also the other side to worry about as well.

The Hand Witch, upon seeing Sam's concern and realizing he wasn't so bad looking compared to the other guys here, decided it might be in her best interest to intervene here. "I have potions and spells that can help the girl... I will not even ask for her hands in exchange!"

But interrupting the scene was Mabel, who arrived from one of the connecting tunnels, her eyes wide with worry.


"Guys! Guys! Guys! You have to come this way! I know what we can do to help that girl!"

The Hand Witch bristled at this and pulled on Inigo's arm. "But my home is this way, not that way! You must bring the girl with me!"

@The Silver Paladin @LuckycoolHawk9 @Raven @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT


"No," Mandy answered, looking and sounding completely calm despite the commotion caused by her methods, "this is how I traditionally repair other humans." Whereas Mandy was calm as ever, Grim looked positively overjoyed by the results, clapping his hands together and giggling giddily, "O-hohohoho!~ I love it when dey scream!"

"Now...if nobody has any objections, I'm just gonna go ahead and flip her over to finish the job." she stated clearly, overhearing everyone's conversations about their "alternative methods". As if there were any methods quicker and more efficient than hers...but she was willing to humour them, "Tick-tock, people, I don't have all day, and neither does the girl currently bleeding out at my feet."

Let's see some initiative, people! Lest Mandy continue to hog it all...

@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @Crimson Spartan @Raven @CrunchyCHEEZIT

@Cave Creeps​
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Kirby nearly died when Aster came to him, she liked him, she looked to him for protection. "Don't worry my love. I'll protect you from any danger." He said.


As the others shifted toward some kind of observation room, Zinnia hung back in her spot. An observation area full of electronics wasn't exactly in Zinnia's scope of interest. In fact, she was rather against electronics. People were rather good at using them to ruin things, in her opinion, like how they had carelessly attempted to use a weapon back in Hoenn without thinking about the consequences. They were lucky Zinnia had been there to break that silly device.

So, instead of following the others, Zinnia remained behind where she finally noticed Aster clinging onto Kirby. She marched over to him and placed a foot on top of his head, just as she had the first time Kirby had interacted with aster. "You-- Just what do you think you're doing with my daughter?" she questioned, red eyes narrowing. Naturally frightened because of the chicken curse, Aster sprinted away from Kirby and ran circles around the two.

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Bomb @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​
"Not a 'llucination. Ain't nothing to licinate here."

Granny said firmly as though she said it aloud before throwing a sharp glance over her shoulder as she led the way, lantern in hand.

"Everyone who comes here says or thinks it- Where am I, what just happened, oh mercy me is it all my head? Am I dreaming or am I awake? The answer gel is yes....To all of em. Just because its in the head, ain't no call to say it ain't real. Its as real as you or other people make it....And full o' dangers of its own. You a dreamer, Max? This is a place where dreams come true."

She gave off a grim smile.

"Remember some of your dreams?"

And in that smile, Max would see her nightmares flash across her minds eye from childhood on up. All the terrors, all the twisted elucidations dredged from her subconscious that made her younger self grateful for night lights and for the coming of the dawn. Granny nodded slowly.

"They're hungry tonight. The Beast ain't had nothing for a long while now, here in these woods."

Max Caulfield

Max froze, shivering all over as she was suddenly hit by an vast array of rather terrifying nightmares... Though, they all seemed to pale in comparison to one particular nighmare that had occurred to her nearly a year ago... In a different timeline... ... And then there was that storm... The storm that would have destroyed all of Arcadia bay... And... Chloe... She remembered their last moments together so clearly, but... She knew it couldn't last forever... Not when she had to make a painstaking sacrifice to save countless lives... In the past, present, and future...


It was like it just happened yesterday... Even though nearly a year had passed... Max shook her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts again, now was hardly the time or place! Especially with the dangers lurking about, whatever beast Grandma Weatherwax was talking about, Max wasn't in a hurry to run into it... Though, something else seemed to suddenly occur to her as she continued to follow Grandma's footsteps.

"Can... Any dream come true here?" Max asked, her curiousity suddenly overtaking her fear of this strange place, even for a moment.

She recalled her more recent dreams as of late... Often ones where she relived a choice she had made nearly a year ago... When she was still with Chloe... One where she dreamed that things had turned out differently... Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but... They were together, in her dreams... And every time she woke up... She wished she hadn't... But... Maybe, if her gut feeling was right... She could somehow, bring Chloe to life in this odd world? Even it it was for just a mere moment... It was better than nothing at all...


As the others shifted toward some kind of observation room, Zinnia hung back in her spot. An observation area full of electronics wasn't exactly in Zinnia's scope of interest. In fact, she was rather against electronics. People were rather good at using them to ruin things, in her opinion, like how they had carelessly attempted to use a weapon back in Hoenn without thinking about the consequences. They were lucky Zinnia had been there to break that silly device.

So, instead of following the others, Zinnia remained behind where she finally noticed Aster clinging onto Kirby. She marched over to him and placed a foot on top of his head, just as she had the first time Kirby had interacted with aster. "You-- Just what do you think you're doing with my daughter?" she questioned, red eyes narrowing. Naturally frightened because of the chicken curse, Aster sprinted away from Kirby and ran circles around the two.

@Lissamel @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Takumi @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @DapperDogman @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Bomb @Mine Shaft/Laboratory​

Kirby was about to follow the rest of the gang when Zinnia planted her foot upon him again. Dammit, would she stop doing that, Kirby was no footstool, and now she had got his darling Aster upset

"Get off me Zinnia! I'm not a footstool, can't you see you're upsetting my dear Aster!." He said, he secretly hoped Zinnia would chomp down on him, oh well, if she did, a strike from his hammer or sword should do the trick.
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