Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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Rosalina nodded a thank you towards Serge for helping her on the BOAT. She had never been on a boat before...this was nerve-racking for her. Same for Luma, who jumped on top of her head..fearing he would drown...forgetting that he could just float over the water. She knew that the ship would be invisble or under some magical would be difficult to spot it. Hopefully they didn't crash into the ship, that would just be horrible. "Serge, I will help you as your guide through the you do not hit anything." She smiled at the man, going to the very edge of the boat. She looked like a sea goddess, wind blowing her hair Luma held on. She wondered if her magical ability could help her sense the ship's location, maybe if she concentrated hard enough she could find it for the group.

Interaction(s): @The Tactician
Mentioned: @Raven @Archwar @york

"Oh... okay," Serge shrugged with a smile at that offer, still confident in his own ability to guide them through the waters. A vessel of their size was simple enough to guide, and the fisherman had experience with ships of similar sizes either way. However, he wasn't going to deny her offer to aid him. Even for such a simple task, help was always welcome.

Thus, with the entire crew aboard, he began to guide them away from the the shore. Their journey shouldn't take too long nor be too dangerous, but Serge was not afraid of either possibility. If need be, they could fish and his swallow would handle most water-borne threats with little effort.

@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Archwar @york @Raven
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Rosalina nodded a thank you towards Serge for helping her on the boat. She had never been on a boat before...this was nerve racking for her. Same for Luma, who jumped on top of her head..fearing he would drown...forgetting that he could just float over the water. She knew that the ship would be invisble or under some magical would be difficult to spot it. Hopefully they didn't crash into the ship, that would just be horrible. "Serge, I will help you as your guide through the you do not hit anything." She smiled at the man, going to the very edge of the boat. She looked like a sea goddess, wind blowing her hair Luma held on. She wondered his her magical ability could help her sense the ship's location, maybe if she concentrated hard enough she could find it for the group.

Interaction(s): @The Tactician
Mentioned: @Raven @Archwar @york

Mitten stared at the woman curious as to why it appear she was shaking. The star-like creature even floated to her and hanged on. And fear rolled off of them in large quantities. Was it the fact they didn't know how to swim or was it their first time on water? Still, her bravery was something to be commended because she went to the very edge of the boat to help guide the ship. The star creature hung on for dear life once the boat got going. He should ask if they were fine, but he knew humans, most didn't like admitting their own faults. That what was got mankind stuck in the Dark Ages again, just with flesh eating mutants of all shapes and sizes plus trigger happy robots.

Then the robot thing began talking again. Said something about a cloaking device and a cannon.

"Does this ship even have such a weapon?" Mitten asked the robot.

@Raven @york @The Tactician @@Shattered♦Secrets™
Mitten stared at the woman curious as to why it appear she was shaking. The star-like creature even floated to her and hanged on. And fear rolled off of them in large quantities. Was it the fact they didn't know how to swim or was it their first time on water? Still, her bravery was something to be commended because she went to the very edge of the boat to help guide the ship. The star creature hung on for dear life once the boat got going. He should ask if they were fine, but he knew humans, most didn't like admitting their own faults. That what was got mankind stuck in the Dark Ages again, just with flesh eating mutants of all shapes and sizes plus trigger happy robots.

Then the robot thing began talking again. Said something about a cloaking device and a cannon.

"Does this ship even have such a weapon?" Mitten asked the robot.

@Raven @york @The Tactician @@Shattered♦Secrets™
Lank simply pointed to the front of the ship beside where Serge was now making them begin moving.


I'd say that was a yes

@Archwar @Shattered Secrets @The Tactician @york
Antari glanced to the other's. "Alright let's help Miss Rosalina locate the hidden ship." He explained to the others. All nodding Gibson immediately seeming to build something soon moving it up and handing it to Nova. "Alright I think I see something to your right" She called. Lank was quiet as he watched.

Soon hitting the ship you see it appear. A second shot you hear the Monkey Captain telling Mitten to fire. Soon the ship seems taken down and you seem like you can now board it.


@Archwar @The Tactician @york @Shattered♦Secrets™
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Those who appeared to be a group of five shrugged. "We were actually asking the same thing." The red one replied. The one that appeared a bit more old yet futurestically fashioned nodded. "Yes I know how to get to the old lost Pirate Ship." He answered. The one that looked different from the five then began to move in front a ways. "Right this way please if you will." He explained.

@york @Shattered♦Secrets™ @The Tactician @Archwar @Others headed to the Pirate Ship
(And yes I did bring in Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go what's your point?)
The little team of Robot Monkey's glared at the cat. One looked to the other. "Hold me back before I turn this fur ball cat wrong side out." He told the others seeming to mainly look to the black Monkey. "Sprxs wait we are not the enemy." The black replied. He then looked to the woman who asked there name. "Well we can tell you one at a time. But I am Antari. The hot head there is Sprxs, Nova is are female monkey she is the yellow one over there. You have the goff ball Otto, and well the macanice Gibson." He answered her.

"The one different from all of us he gave some um number but I do not recall." Antari finished.

@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Archwar @The Tactician @york @Others Heading to the Pirate Ship​
Serge pointed to himself with a smile, unafraid to return the courtesy, "Serge, fisherman."

@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Archwar @york @Raven
Lank simply pointed to the front of the ship beside where Serge was now making them begin moving.


I'd say that was a yes

@Archwar @Shattered Secrets @The Tactician @york
Antari glanced to the other's. "Alright let's help Miss Rosalina locate the hidden ship." He explained to the others. All nodding Gibson immediately seeming to build something soon moving it up and handing it to Nova. "Alright I think I see something to your right" She called. Lank was quiet as he watched.

Soon hitting the ship you see it appear. A second shot you hear the Monkey Captain telling Mitten to fire. Soon the ship seems taken down and you seem like you can now board it.


@Archwar @The Tactician @york @Shattered♦Secrets™
@Archwar @The Tactician @Raven @Shattered♦Secrets™

Madotsuki felt a little uncertain about the pirate ship looming before them, having stayed silent the whole trip, lost in thought and all... However, someone did have to make the first step sooner or later, so, that was exactly what she did... Standing up suddenly, and boarding the ship carefully, though, once she was on, she waited to see if Serge would follow.​
@Kaykay @Lizzy @DapperDogman @Crimson Spartan

After a long hike, you finally see Snowpeak:


It looked like it had been beautiful in its heyday, but it has since fallen into disrepair. The Mansion stands high through the clouds, though. Approaching the door, it would open, and a head would stick out.


"Guests? Ah, welcome, welcome. Come in, come in." The Yeti says. He seems happy to see you. Stepping inside, you see the Entrance hall:


"Can you all help me with something?" He asked. "Follow me, please."

Co-GM NOTE::: Sorry for taking so long with this. I am FINALLY Able to GM Steadily for a number of hours. ^^; I work tomorrow until 6:30 pm Mountain plus drive, so, I'll be on FAR Earlier tomorrow to Finish up STT for the first visit. Also, Please forgive the fact that I have disallowed the climb to Stone Tower Temple as a Playable event, it's simply due to the Temple's complexity (See the song Upside Down to see why))


As you passed out of Ikana Valley, a land filled with feelings of Hidden presences that were anything BUT Friendly, you come across a series of boulders and oddly square shaped rocks with switches beside them. Next to the first set of switches, an Inscription is present.

"Yee who Wishes to pass: Play the Elegy of Emptiness, the Song of Duplication."

*Press Play while Climbing*

However, as no one knows this 'Elegy of Emptiness', you'd likely deliberate on what it could be, and what it could mean by duplication. As you step on the switches, the odd Cubeoids Magically seem to fill gaps between the wall behind you, and the Temple's body. Once all three are depressed simultaneously, a leapable path is formed. As one of you gets across this path, all the others are magically transported across, and the cubeoids have reverted to their original, useless locations, with another set of switches being present. Rince and Repeat, it would seem. The further up the trecherous terrain you go, the higher risk falling and the traps, like boulders from Indiana Jones, become. Ever present still, are the quiet, echoing lyrics. "Turn it, turn it Upside Down, Turn it, Turn it Upside Down..." What Could They mean? Turn What Upside Down? Could it mean the Boulders? Or an item one posesses?

As you ponder the riddle, you come across the seccond to last seeming pathway, and the lyrics change, preventing you from progressing until they finish.

*Press Stop*
*Press Play*

"We are waiting, We are watching..." It would indeed seem something, or someone, is watching you, though upon turning your back, no such presence could bee seen, despite horrizontal movement seeming to be seen, disappearing into a crack. A Crude chuckle turns you back around, and the song finishes, granting you passage into the final two paths.

In front of you, Upon using the pots and other things to keep the switches depressed, you are greeted to the sight of the temple, finally. In front of the temple, would be a man with a staff, smirking, resempling what Ghirahim and Ganondorf tossed into a blender would be. Also notable would be the inverted triforce emblem on his garment, signifying him as a member of Royalty, though, the Inverted Triforce would indicate he isn't related to Zelda.


*The Ruby is In the mouthway in 3D remake, and thus, that's how I will have it.*




"Ahh, so these are the Easel's for Which my portraits will be made. Intriguing......Well, Let's see.....Ghirahim had some information for me to pass along. This is the Ikanian's Stone Tower Temple. It was built to mock the gods, as the Ikanians thought that by physically reaching them would disarm them of their power. Take note of the External Appearance of the temple. It is INDEED set up to be mocking. Fingers pointed to the gods, Flaming eyes, an open mouth with a Tongue Sticking out. It's PERFECTION!!! But the Gods had something to say about that. How did the song go? Turn it, Turn it Upside Down?" He laughs, Holding out a painting that looks like Princess Zelda. "No matter. Your Princess Zelda is no more than a portrait to add to my collection. If you wish to obtain the mask that you seek, Or to help Poor Little Zelda, Then Face down the Temple of mockery, Stone Tower. However, if you aren't clear of head, and Curagious of heart, Turn back and run back to your mommies. Stone Tower will NOT be a place for you. Rowen Ilbert may have been able to help you through it, though, wait, You threw him in Jail. Not the best choice, now, was it? Have you found Ravio yet? You're Doomed if you haven't obbtained the Item he has. Anyway, You have a Few Choices it seems. Go Foreward, Turn Back, Examine the Temple, Something else.".

In addition, the FIRST VERSE to this song starts playing as Yuga seems to flatten against a wall and dissapear into a crack in the old temple.

*Press Stop*
*Press Play*
@Mighty Roman @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @Bomb @Wedge Antilles @STT Crew.​
Co-GM NOTE::: Sorry for taking so long with this. I am FINALLY Able to GM Steadily for a number of hours. ^^; I work tomorrow until 6:30 pm Mountain plus drive, so, I'll be on FAR Earlier tomorrow to Finish up STT for the first visit. Also, Please forgive the fact that I have disallowed the climb to Stone Tower Temple as a Playable event, it's simply due to the Temple's complexity (See the song Upside Down to see why))


As you passed out of Ikana Valley, a land filled with feelings of Hidden presences that were anything BUT Friendly, you come across a series of boulders and oddly square shaped rocks with switches beside them. Next to the first set of switches, an Inscription is present.

"Yee who Wishes to pass: Play the Elegy of Emptiness, the Song of Duplication."

*Press Play while Climbing*

However, as no one knows this 'Elegy of Emptiness', you'd likely deliberate on what it could be, and what it could mean by duplication. As you step on the switches, the odd Cubeoids Magically seem to fill gaps between the wall behind you, and the Temple's body. Once all three are depressed simultaneously, a leapable path is formed. As one of you gets across this path, all the others are magically transported across, and the cubeoids have reverted to their original, useless locations, with another set of switches being present. Rince and Repeat, it would seem. The further up the trecherous terrain you go, the higher risk falling and the traps, like boulders from Indiana Jones, become. Ever present still, are the quiet, echoing lyrics. "Turn it, turn it Upside Down, Turn it, Turn it Upside Down..." What Could They mean? Turn What Upside Down? Could it mean the Boulders? Or an item one posesses?

As you ponder the riddle, you come across the seccond to last seeming pathway, and the lyrics change, preventing you from progressing until they finish.

*Press Stop*
*Press Play*

"We are waiting, We are watching..." It would indeed seem something, or someone, is watching you, though upon turning your back, no such presence could bee seen, despite horrizontal movement seeming to be seen, disappearing into a crack. A Crude chuckle turns you back around, and the song finishes, granting you passage into the final two paths.

In front of you, Upon using the pots and other things to keep the switches depressed, you are greeted to the sight of the temple, finally. In front of the temple, would be a man with a staff, smirking, resempling what Ghirahim and Ganondorf tossed into a blender would be. Also notable would be the inverted triforce emblem on his garment, signifying him as a member of Royalty, though, the Inverted Triforce would indicate he isn't related to Zelda.


*The Ruby is In the mouthway in 3D remake, and thus, that's how I will have it.*




"Ahh, so these are the Easel's for Which my portraits will be made. Intriguing......Well, Let's see.....Ghirahim had some information for me to pass along. This is the Ikanian's Stone Tower Temple. It was built to mock the gods, as the Ikanians thought that by physically reaching them would disarm them of their power. Take note of the External Appearance of the temple. It is INDEED set up to be mocking. Fingers pointed to the gods, Flaming eyes, an open mouth with a Tongue Sticking out. It's PERFECTION!!! But the Gods had something to say about that. How did the song go? Turn it, Turn it Upside Down?" He laughs, Holding out a painting that looks like Princess Zelda. "No matter. Your Princess Zelda is no more than a portrait to add to my collection. If you wish to obtain the mask that you seek, Or to help Poor Little Zelda, Then Face down the Temple of mockery, Stone Tower. However, if you aren't clear of head, and Curagious of heart, Turn back and run back to your mommies. Stone Tower will NOT be a place for you. Rowen Ilbert may have been able to help you through it, though, wait, You threw him in Jail. Not the best choice, now, was it? Have you found Ravio yet? You're Doomed if you haven't obbtained the Item he has. Anyway, You have a Few Choices it seems. Go Foreward, Turn Back, Examine the Temple, Something else.".

In addition, the FIRST VERSE to this song starts playing as Yuga seems to flatten against a wall and dissapear into a crack in the old temple.

*Press Stop*
*Press Play*
@Mighty Roman @Gummi Bunnies @Mari @Bomb @Wedge Antilles @STT Crew.​

Looking at this Stone Tower, Ri realized how magnificent of a creation this place was. She had never seen a place so large and intimidating in nature. Not even the Olympic Stadium of Seoul could compare to this place. Still, it did not take her very long to choose her action, to decide among the choices available to them.


"I shall go forward", Ri said, both in word and action, as she started towards the temple. "It seems to be the only path we know of that might lead to the mask we seek."

@FireDrake150 @Mighty Roman @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies
From his place in the wall as a small doodle, Yuga chuckles. "Foolish Woman..." He mutters to himself, before watching and waiting to see what the others decide.

Once inside, Ri, and all those that choose to join her, would be greeted with a room.


A Figure that appears to have a squinting eye, and one with an Eye-switch. Should she look up, she'd notice what looked like a protective grate around something bearing a symbol akin to a simplified Majora's Mask. Two monsters would be flying around that resemble largely overgrown dragonflies, but act more like Flying Electric eels if one was to get too close to them. In front of here, a Chasm with a floor, with a laddar back up to her current elevation. The door, that also appears to be the creature's mouth in front of her, is barred. No going foreward, it seems. To her left and her right, are also two doors. One door on the Left, and one on the right. Both Doors are unlocked, so She has a choice.


(STT can be a bitch, where some paths look open but are indeed not. Sorry in advance, thats not me. XD and NO, this will not be 100% accurate to the game.)
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Star-Lord shrugged. 'Ah flark it, I'll follow her.' Entering the room, Star-Lord pointed to the left door. Hey Ri, two things. Firstly, I think we should go left, and secondly, I was wondering how you were holding up after what happened with Kazuma?'
@FireDrake150 @Mari
While the two deliberate, a creature like a Rat with a bomb in it's tail and a really creepy grin starts running at the two, as well as the dragonfly-like creatures charging at them as well, electrifying their tails and swinging them madly.


Run for Left Door

Run for Right Door



@Mari @Mighty Roman
Star-Lord shrugged. 'Ah flark it, I'll follow her.' Entering the room, Star-Lord pointed to the left door. Hey Ri, two things. Firstly, I think we should go left, and secondly, I was wondering how you were holding up after what happened with Kazuma?'
@FireDrake150 @Mari

Ri stopped for a moment as Star Lord spoke. She had put the thoughts of Kazuma aside, but hearing him ask about it made her think again. She paused, before responding to him.


"It is part of how things are here, I guess", she answered initially. "Kazuma was very strong, very dignified about the whole thing to the end, so that was something to admire. Still, I am disappointed... he was a good friend. I have bad thoughts towards anyone who seemed so sure of their votes on him." She then stared at Fizz for a moment.

Then she looked back at Star Lord. "But that is past now, we should concentrate on what is here and what we must accomplish. He may yet return, but I can not predict such things. Let us proceed to the left door then."

@Mighty Roman @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @FireDrake150
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While the two deliberate, a creature like a Rat with a bomb in it's tail and a really creepy grin starts running at the two, as well as the dragonfly-like creatures charging at them as well, electrifying their tails and swinging them madly.


Run for Left Door

Run for Right Door



@Mari @Mighty Roman


"Hurry!", Ri said, as she quickly ran towards the left door, pulling at Star Lord by the hand in going there. This was a suprising development, not giving them much time to think twice about the action.

@FireDrake150 @Mighty Roman
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Ri stopped for a moment as Star Lord spoke. She had put the thoughts of Kazuma aside, but hearing him ask about it made her think again. She paused, before responding to him.


"It is part of how things are here, I guess", she answered initially. "Kazuma was very strong, very dignified about the whole thing to the end, so that was something to admire. Still, I am disappointed... he was a good friend. I have bad thoughts towards anyone who seemed so sure of their votes on him." She then stared at Fizz for a moment.

Then she looked back at Star Lord. "But that is past now, we should concentrate on what is here and what we must accomplish. He may yet return, but I can not predict such things. Let us proceed to the left door then."

@Mighty Roman @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @FireDrake150
Owch, ice cold, thought Star-Lord. It was unwise to atangonise these creatures, so he merely followed Ri through the door, his Kree Sub-Machine guns trained on the creatures.
'Remarkably brave of ya. Heck, I was thinking that there was something between you guys, you know?'
Man, she just held your hand, don't question it now! I think that counts as a point in Peter Quill's collumn, don't you?
Then Star-Lord decided to stop inner monoluging. Talking to yourself was the first sign of madness, after all.

@Mari @FireDrake150
Once through the door, they'd be greeted with another of the Bombchus scurrying about the ceiling, and a wall that is so cracked it seems an explosion would detonate it. The room would appear to contain a number of pressure switches on raised platforms, and one pressure switch on a recessed platform. It is likely that they will need to find a way to depress ALL SWITCHES SIMULTANEOUSLY, as the ornate gate leading into the next room doesn't seem likely to budge in any other way. After a quick glance around the room, it would be clear. There were 5 Pressure switches, but only 3 people. What's more, the Switches would appear to need constant pressure to function, as they don't simply remain active. How will you proceed?

@Mari @Bomb @Mighty Roman
Kazuma looked around at the cell that he was in. He was somewhat fuming inside, but he kept his composure.

"How long do you intend to keep me here? You know I am innocent of those murders..." He muttered to whoever night be hiding behind the walls or around the corner of this prison.

No answer was given from the Daarknut's patrolling the prison area, but if he looked across the hall he'd find Rowen in his cell. Than there was something else as the end of the hallway he would hear some heavy commotion from outside of the door, like someone was fighting.

The Darknut's patrolling the hall would hear it as well and would converge towards the door. As one of the reached for the doorknob the door would be blown out of its hinges sending the Darknut flying across the hall. The other one would try to defend itself but suffered the same fate. With that everything became quiet except for a pair of echoing footsteps.

Shortly there after Kazuma would find himself face to face with a suit of armor.


It would with one stroke of it sword break the cell door and allow Kazuma to step outside to freedom.

Rowen meanwhile would find himself face to face with a peculiar looking man.


There was madness in his eyes that was clear for Rowen to see. The man would grab the cell door and with a few good tugs rip the door off its hinges allowing Rowen to escape as well.​

@FireDrake150 @Wedge Antilles

"Idiocy detected. Origin: Fizz." Bo just then stood up stretching. "Oi." He said looking around. Fizz wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Ugh, idiots surround me." Bo scratched his head yawning before he propped up his hood and stuffed his hands in his pocket waiting for the talking tree to speak. "Oi, tree. The weird lady said you're sick and to confront you about it. So speak." Another yawn escaped his lips.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Krieg

The sickness might have been a secret earlier but now it was quite clear. The color of the leaves had turned from a healthy green to a sickly brown and the entire tree looked like it was slouching. "Yes it is ailment has struck from deep inside of me and I have no way of eliminating it on my own. If you wish to help you must venture inside to find the root of the problem...can I count on you to do that?"

@Archwar @Krieg
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Rowen stands and strokes at his beard a few times, looking at the mad man. "I see...Thank you, young sir, but do take care not to let the madness Consume you like it did my old friend Nachtigal."

Owch, ice cold, thought Star-Lord. It was unwise to atangonise these creatures, so he merely followed Ri through the door, his Kree Sub-Machine guns trained on the creatures.
'Remarkably brave of ya. Heck, I was thinking that there was something between you guys, you know?'
Man, she just held your hand, don't question it now! I think that counts as a point in Peter Quill's collumn, don't you?
Then Star-Lord decided to stop inner monoluging. Talking to yourself was the first sign of madness, after all.

@Mari @FireDrake150
Ri found this interesting... Star Lord was quite direct. Unlike most western type people, he did not try to make everything a long speech about nothing, but he was straight to the point. She liked that.

"Perhaps if given time, anything is possible", she said, in a similarly direct and honest way herself. "But let us concentrate on what is happening here and right now."

@Mighty Roman

Once through the door, they'd be greeted with another of the Bombchus scurrying about the ceiling, and a wall that is so cracked it seems an explosion would detonate it. The room would appear to contain a number of pressure switches on raised platforms, and one pressure switch on a recessed platform. It is likely that they will need to find a way to depress ALL SWITCHES SIMULTANEOUSLY, as the ornate gate leading into the next room doesn't seem likely to budge in any other way. After a quick glance around the room, it would be clear. There were 5 Pressure switches, but only 3 people. What's more, the Switches would appear to need constant pressure to function, as they don't simply remain active. How will you proceed?

@Mari @Bomb @Mighty Roman

Ri looked at the switches in the room after they got through the door. The bombchus were one thing, and she kept wary of what they were doing. But the switches...


"How do we go about this, Star Lord?", she asked her companion, in a worried tone. "Perhaps we would need to wait for those three to catch up with us", she recommended, which meant they would have to simply stay alive in here until their other companions would finally join with her and Star Lord. She was still wary of Fizz, though.

@FireDrake150 @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
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