Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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Ri suddenly remembered the vote process involved, and she would put the vote on Yuno Gasai.

Rowen nods and strojes his beard. "A wise response. I concurr. I had nothing to do with the murders, But my word is as good as anyone elses in this matter. Rather then pointing blame at anyone, Why not have subjects spar to see their soeed and skill level? This should reveal if victor were capable of both murders, as well as if I could have done them. At the minimum such action would merely give more information."

Victor stops once out of the crowd and smiles weakly. He is lucky to be alive, as far as he is concerned, And he pulls out a photo of Elle, Sighing quietly.
"It might be someone else who isn't currently here young ones. A more proper investigation must be conducted via a series of tests for time that we do not have and remember that there are more than just one capable with a gun and a sword. For now Victor is our prime suspect, but there is another I wish to talk to. While my Winged Kittens were out and about they oversaw a battle and a someone stuck out, Yuno Gasai. A female human in her teens, capable of delivering accurate, and often fatal, hits with anything ranging from knives, swords, to even pencils. I say we find her and interrogate her. It was also apparent that she might be under a spell of somekind or is so maddeningly in love with someone she carries out orders no matter what. We find her and see what she is capable of."

@Mighty Roman
"It might be someone else who isn't currently here young ones. A more proper investigation must be conducted via a series of tests for time that we do not have and remember that there are more than just one capable with a gun and a sword. For now Victor is our prime suspect, but there is another I wish to talk to. While my Winged Kittens were out and about they oversaw a battle and a someone stuck out, Yuno Gasai. A female human in her teens, capable of delivering accurate, and often fatal, hits with anything ranging from knives, swords, to even pencils. I say we find her and interrogate her. It was also apparent that she might be under a spell of somekind or is so maddeningly in love with someone she carries out orders no matter what. We find her and see what she is capable of."

@Mighty Roman

Kazuma heard this. He decided to answer.

"You might be correct, this Yuno seems suspicious. We could try to interrogate, but we seem to be in a different location from this Yuno." He thought, and executed his vote on Yuno. "I am placing that vote, until we clear the story."

@Archwar @Raven @Mari @Mighty Roman
Kazuma heard this. He decided to answer.

"You might be correct, this Yuno seems suspicious. We could try to interrogate, but we seem to be in a different location from this Yuno." He thought, and executed his vote on Yuno. "I am placing that vote, until we clear the story."

@Archwar @Raven @Mari @Mighty Roman

"Don't be so hasty now, it could be her boyfriend that commanded her to kill them."
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"Don't be so hasty now, it could be her boyfriend that commanded her to kill them."

Kazuma laughed a bit. "It is your theory after all. We might not get to interrogate this person in time, and we will have wasted this opportunity to avenge the one called Balto." He wasn't pressing the issue, but just explaining why it was better to vote than wait and possibly lose that opportunity.

Kazuma laughed a bit. "It is your theory after all. We might not get to interrogate this person in time, and we will have wasted this opportunity to avenge the one called Balto." He wasn't pressing the issue, but just explaining why it was better to vote than wait and possibly lose that opportunity.


"Yes, but if this person is innocent of the crime, then we lose an ally. I'm going to investigate further," Zanzibar said. He then crouched down and peeled Balto's lips back checking if any blood was on the teeth or in the mouth.
@ Investigation Squad
Upon further investigation of Balto's Corpse, There would be bullet fragments left within the brainmatter. Whatever was fired into the poor creature's skull, it would seem to have fragmented upon impact with the skull. A LOW POWERED firearm, perhaps, or something entirely different.

On the other hand, to the attentive, Rocket's skupp would seem to be moderately mishapen in the light. The cuts would also seem of varying depths. some could indeed have been caused by Balto's claws, but some were simply too deep. What's more, is that instead of Bite marks, the head was deformed to a degree. Could Balto have grabbed the racoons Skull in his mouth and crushed it, taking a bullet in the head from the dire Raccoon in the process, or could they be innocent of their crimes, and those responsible be someone else? Not that it's all that easy a dillemma.


Rowen Ilbert walks up to the two, Pulling out a rapier and starting to cast a spirit arte, in attempt to heal the dead creatures. Upon failing, he lifts a gloved hand to his face, and caughs into it, clearing his throat. "Dear me, two deaths while we weren't looking, this is deeply troubling news indeed." pulling out a Kunai and investigating a cut on Rocket, he finds that they are CLEAN, SMOOTH CUTS AND NOT LACERATIONS FROM A CLAW OR OTHER APPENDAGE. With this in mind, He offers the old lady his Rapier and Kunai to check over. The Rapier, appearing clean of blood, if slightly neglected from his period of time as a butler, seems INCAPABLE OF PRODUCING CLEAN CUTS as it stands. "I do believe that, there is only one person I have met in my 63 years thus far, one certain Ludger Kresnik, But unfortunately, he does not appear to be here in this land. I suggest we are looking for Two Culprits."

Victor, on the other hand, approaches the lady, offering his blades and pistols. While the Blades Come across as clean, they would indeed be SHARP ENOUGH to produce the cuts on Rocket, and his guns appear to have been cleaned recently. Could this be a sign of innocence, or concealment? One thing is notable. Neither gun is missing any shots. "There. Hopefully that shows all of you paranoid imbucils that I had nothing to do with this murder. If I had, I'd have done it with more skill. I didn't come all this way to get my daughter to Canaan to end up dying here. If you are with me, I suggest we come up with a LIST of subjects, and go from there. The choice, however, is yours. Make your descision, and follow through, there shall be no turning back, lest there be more deaths amongst our ranks." Remaining level headed, despite the accusations put to him, the Masked Victor starts to walk back towards the Bazaar, where he intends to stay until the whole ordeel gets resolved.
@ Investigation Squad
The Scanner would reveal that the cuts had slowed the raccoon, and that some sort of head trauma had done the actual killing. The scanner also reveals that his skull is fractured and broken in many cases, likely caused by some form of HEAVY, BLUNT OBJECT (a moon, anyone? :P jk, since MM kinda has a FALLING MOON.)

@Mighty Roman

Though there was a bullet nicely lodged in Accelerator's brain, or at least, there used to be, his brain processed thoughts faster than likely everyone else in this place, if only because of his choker that acted as the only reason he was still functioning in the first place. Deep thinking like this was a pain. If only he wasn't so soft-hearted with that little girl from before, perhaps this would already be well and over already. Actually, come to think of it, wouldn't it just be easier to kill the bloke anyway? Why bother with some tedious voting mechanic? If some high and mighty fourth-rate villain like this guy were to just disappear, nothing of value would be lost.

Observing the condition of the blades and firearms by the will of the gods or something, he'd glare at Victor on the side. It was almost too obvious. It was almost so obvious it was comical. And yet, no one else quite fit the bill as nicely. He seemed like the kinda guy who acted all high and mighty, yet in the end, was like a Saturday morning cartoon punk who didn't deserve to be called a notable villain.

The fact that the weapons were not only suitable enough for the wounds, as well as the fact that they had been cleaned, was like seeing some crook try to pretend he didn't just shoot someone by cleaning it and leaving it behind. The fact that no bullets were missing could easily just mean that Victor had reloaded the gun, which seemed plausible if he had time to clean the weapons right after committing the murders. Fast operator. Not bad.


This guy would have been better off planting the guns on someone else. But it was too late for that, wasn't it? Tch, Victor seemed to be trying to beat a hasty retreat. Where did he think he was going? The Bazaar? Not if he could help it. If the wannabe of all the evils in the world was gonna try to pretend he could get away with pretending he was better than everyone else, then he had another thing coming. That was for sure, Accelerator could promise.

Even if by some stroke of God's work that Victor was not responsible for either of the murders, Accelerator might just go ahead and kill this guy himself. What a pain.


"Aha... Running away when things are getting heated for you? That's not what I'd call a cool withdraw if that's what you were goin' for, pal," he spoke to Victor, walking after him.

"A list isn't needed. I'm almost impressed at how stupid you think I am," Accelerator spoke boldly, clutching his crutch tightly, "Bullets, blades, and blunt bashing. It ain't exactly the easiest thing to do to hide your swords, guns, and hammer, you know. You've got all the components necessary, like Victor Frankenstein pretending he can't create man. Now quit wastin' my time and confess already. Depending on what you do or don't do, I might kill you and save at least one of us some trouble," he promised with a grin, confident in his abilities. The young man placed a hand on his choker, ready to press it at a moment's notice.


"You act so high and mighty, going on and on about how evil you are and showcasing it with your attitude, but that's your downfall. Killing animals is a dirty trick only something like a fourth-rate villain would stoop to, and you've made it clear to me just what kind of villain you are. That annoying pink-haired bitch might also have the means to do it, if it weren't for the strange shit around the dog I found, and the blunt trauma. No one else coulda done it but you. If I do say so myself, you're goin' down. And if you've got any pride, you'll at least go down fighting, right? Or would you rather end it all quickly? Not sure about the painless part since it's me, but... Well, the less said, the better."

Like a cat cornering the mouse.

The hunter had become the hunted.

That was the fate of all who crossed the one who wielded the power of God.

@FireDrake150 @Everyone
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"Will you two shut up?"

No arguments from Jamie.

"We'll help find your friend, but for Gods sake, be quiet."

Little did Leo know that he was dead.

"We can promise that."


Though there was a bullet nicely lodged in Accelerator's brain, or at least, there used to be, his brain processed thoughts faster than likely everyone else in this place, if only because of his choker that acted as the only reason he was still functioning in the first place. Deep thinking like this was a pain. If only he wasn't so soft-hearted, perhaps this would already be well and over already. Actually, come to think of it, wouldn't it just be easier to kill the bloke anyway? Why bother with some tedious voting mechanic? If some high and mighty fourth-rate villain like this guy were to just disappear, nothing of value would be lost.

Observing the condition of the blades and firearms by the will of the gods or something, he'd glare at Victor on the side. It was almost too obvious. It was almost so obvious it was comical. And yet, no one else quite fit the bill as nicely. He seemed like the kinda guy who acted all high and mighty, yet in the end, was like a Saturday morning cartoon punk who didn't deserve to be called a notable villain.

The fact that the weapons were not only suitable enough for the wounds, as well as the fact that they had been cleaned, was like seeing some crook try to pretend he didn't just shoot someone by cleaning it and leaving it behind. The fact that no bullets were missing could easily just mean that Victor had reloaded the gun, which seemed plausible if he had time to clean the weapons right after committing the murders. Fast operator. Not bad.


This guy would have been better off planting the guns on someone else. But it was too late for that, wasn't it? Tch, Victor seemed to be trying to beat a hasty retreat. Where did he think he was going? The Bazaar? Not if he could help it. If the wannabe of all the evils in the world was gonna try to pretend he could get away with pretending he was better than everyone else, then he had another thing coming. That was for sure, Accelerator could promise.

Even if by some stroke of God's work that Victor was not responsible for either of the murders, Accelerator might just go ahead and kill this guy himself. What a pain.


"Aha... Running away when things are getting heated for you? That's not what I'd call a cool withdraw if that's what you were goin' for, pal," he spoke to Victor, walking after him.

"A list isn't needed. I'm almost impressed at how stupid you think I am," Accelerator spoke boldly, clutching his crutch tightly, "Bullets, blades, and blunt bashing. It ain't exactly the easiest thing to do to hide your swords, guns, and hammer, you know. You've got all the components necessary, like Victor Frankenstein pretending he can't create man. Now quit wastin' my time and confess already. Depending on what you do or don't do, I might kill you and save at least one of us some trouble," he promised with a grin, confident in his abilities. The young man placed a hand on his choker, ready to press it at a moment's notice.


"You act so high and mighty, going on and on about how evil you are and showcasing it with your attitude, but that's your downfall. Killing animals is a dirty trick only something like a fourth-rate villain would stoop to, and you've made it clear to me just what kind of villain you are. That annoying pink-haired bitch might also have the means to do it, if it weren't for the strange shit around the dog I found, and the blunt trauma. No one else coulda done it but you. If I do say so myself, you're goin' down. And if you've got any pride, you'll at least go down fighting, right? Or would you rather end it all quickly? Not sure about the painless part since it's me, but... Well, the less said, the better."

Like a cat cornering the mouse.

The hunter had become the hunted.

That was the fate of all who crossed the one who wielded the power of God.

@FireDrake150 @Everyone

Zanzibar heard the words coming from Accelerator and he whipped about. A snarl escaped from his throat, wondering just how idiotic mortals could be. The Immortal walked near the two and said,"All this squabble disunites us so calm down least the traitors get the upperhand. For now, I suggest we restrain Vic until more evidence comes to light. We already have another suspect, a human female going by the name of Yuno. She too uses both sword and gun and it is possible for her to have done this. Until then, clam down."

@FireDrake150 @Everyone else
Zanzibar heard the words coming from Accelerator and he whipped about. A snarl escaped from his throat, wondering just how idiotic mortals could be. The Immortal walked near the two and said,"All this squabble disunites us so calm down least the traitors get the upperhand. For now, I suggest we restrain Vic until more evidence comes to light. We already have another suspect, a human female going by the name of Yuno. She too uses both sword and gun and it is possible for her to have done this. Until then, clam down."

@FireDrake150 @Everyone else

"Can't be her. No, no, no. Can't be her. Like I already said, couldn't be her as much as it could be Victor here. Unless the scrawny girl can just punch a dog to death hard enough like her fists were hammers, and she had access to whatever this magic shit is, it ain't her. I just know it," Accelerator argued. His expression was akin to that of a hyena or a grinch, grinning ear to ear as he further examined the prey before him. If he wasn't careful, bad things might happen...

But that's okay. Last Order wasn't here right now, nor were Yoshikawa and Yomikawa. He could be a naughty boy once in a while without them watching, right?

"Putting people who think they're high in the sky down in to where they really belong is one of my favorite things in the world. I can't possibly "clam down" until I find out for sure, and even if I'm wrong, at worst, I'll just be annoyed that I built all this up to be wrong. I don't give a damn about who I gotta erase here. Don't press your luck."

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight~

@FireDrake150 @Archwar @Erryone​
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"Can't be her. No, no, no. Can't be her. Like I already said, couldn't be her as much as it could be Victor here. Unless the scrawny girl can just punch a dog to death hard enough like her fists were hammers, and she had access to whatever this magic shit is, it ain't her. I just know it," Accelerator argued. His expression was akin to that of a hyena or a grinch, grinning ear to ear as he further examined the prey before him. If he wasn't careful, bad things might happen...

But that's okay. Last Order wasn't here right now, nor were Yoshikawa and Yomikawa. He could be a naughty boy once in a while without them watching, right?

"Putting people who think they're high in the sky down in to where they really belong is one of my favorite things in the world. I can't possibly "clam down" until I find out for sure, and even if I'm wrong, at worst, I'll just be annoyed that I built all this up to be wrong. I don't give a damn about who I gotta erase here. Don't press your luck."

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight~

@FireDrake150 @Archwar @Erryone​

Zanzibar scowled,"Could have been a magical hammer or something, quite common where I come from, but killing random people is going to give the traitors a chance to sow even more chaos. Besides, I want to poke around Vic's head with my magic for a bit and pry some info from him. If you allow me, it will be over quickly and you can have your way with him afterwards. Do we have a deal?"
Victor smirks and Merely Shrugs. "Running away? Ahh, so you DO Suspect me. No matter. WHether or not I committed the crimes is irrelevant. Starboard blames himself for the loss of that raccoon, and I'm sure someone misses that dog somewhere. Life isn't as fruity and sweet as you may think. I was hired by Spirius Corporation back in the day to wipe out False Dimentions so the Prime dimention could go on and thrive, allowing everyone the time and space to go on with their lives. By the time my wife died, I had retired, and Have a daughter. Now, Might I ask, What would a Single father have to gain by murdering the likes of a Mutant and a domesticated Wolf-child? Maybe My Implements Match the crime, maybe they don't. I don't exactly sleep with them, nor keep them on my person at all times, So Merely blaming me for the equipment necessary is a bit inept. Do that, and you may as well accuse Rowen of being guilty in the same respect. After all, What butler or tactician carries a rapier and kunai with them everywhere they go? and that Spirit-artes thing he can perform, How can you be sure it wasn't some form of earthly magic that smashed The Racoon's skull in?" He fixes the tightness of his mask to his face, not seeming to want another to see the face covered up by the side with the closed eye.

Rowen, Meanwhile, Remained at the scene of the crime, Stroking his beard and looking at the others around him. "This is most Troubling indeed. I doubt Victor could have done it. He is far too full of himself to be any amount of skillful with three different weapons in that short a time frame. Did anyone hear the gunshots? After all, That would have likely been the first thing to happen, One target is far easier to dispose of than two. I Know that well from my days under King Nachtigal of Rashugal."

@Verite @Archwar @Investigation squad
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Victor smirks and Merely Shrugs. "Running away? Ahh, so you DO Suspect me. No matter. WHether or not I committed the crimes is irrelevant. Starboard blames himself for the loss of that raccoon, and I'm sure someone misses that dog somewhere. Life isn't as fruity and sweet as you may think. I was hired by Spirius Corporation back in the day to wipe out False Dimentions so the Prime dimention could go on and thrive, allowing everyone the time and space to go on with their lives. By the time my wife died, I had retired, and Have a daughter. Now, Might I ask, What would a Single father have to gain by murdering the likes of a Mutant and a domesticated Wolf-child? Maybe My Implements Match the crime, maybe they don't. I don't exactly sleep with them, nor keep them on my person at all times, So Merely blaming me for the equipment necessary is a bit inept. Do that, and you may as well accuse Rowen of being guilty in the same respect. After all, What butler or tactician carries a rapier and kunai with them everywhere they go? and that Spirit-artes thing he can perform, How can you be sure it wasn't some form of earthly magic that smashed The Racoon's skull in?" He fixes the tightness of his mask to his face, not seeming to want another to see the face covered up by the side with the closed eye.

Rowen, Meanwhile, Remained at the scene of the crime, Stroking his beard and looking at the others around him. "This is most Troubling indeed. I doubt Victor could have done it. He is far too full of himself to be any amount of skillful with three different weapons in that short a time frame. Did anyone hear the gunshots? After all, That would have likely been the first thing to happen, One target is far easier to dispose of than two. I Know that well from my days under King Nachtigal of Rashugal."

@Verite @Archwar @Investigation squad

"Both of you could have conspire against them and done it, so I'll give the both of you a choice, hand over your minds to me so I can poke around in them or we can do this the hard way. Doing the hard way will result in screams that would relive me of my boredom."
Victor Shrugs. "Not like any of this matters anyway. While you're probing around in our innocent minds, The Traitors will have another chance to Act. I wouldn't put it above Mr. Humpty-Dumpty there to Do it either. Him, his paranoia, Blaming the moon, something that couldn't possibly be to blame, and all. If anything seems suspicious, I'd start there. However, if you STILL insist on searching my mind, as it will help prove my innocence, then, I will do it."He looks from one to the other. "However, I won't be able to focus here, of all places, so if you REALLY wish to probe us, I suggest heading somewhere quiet."

@Archwar @Accelerator @Mighty Roman (Due to the Humpty-Dumpty Strax Reference)
Victor smirks and Merely Shrugs. "Running away? Ahh, so you DO Suspect me. No matter. WHether or not I committed the crimes is irrelevant. Starboard blames himself for the loss of that raccoon, and I'm sure someone misses that dog somewhere. Life isn't as fruity and sweet as you may think. I was hired by Spirius Corporation back in the day to wipe out False Dimentions so the Prime dimention could go on and thrive, allowing everyone the time and space to go on with their lives. By the time my wife died, I had retired, and Have a daughter. Now, Might I ask, What would a Single father have to gain by murdering the likes of a Mutant and a domesticated Wolf-child? Maybe My Implements Match the crime, maybe they don't. I don't exactly sleep with them, nor keep them on my person at all times, So Merely blaming me for the equipment necessary is a bit inept. Do that, and you may as well accuse Rowen of being guilty in the same respect. After all, What butler or tactician carries a rapier and kunai with them everywhere they go? and that Spirit-artes thing he can perform, How can you be sure it wasn't some form of earthly magic that smashed The Racoon's skull in?" He fixes the tightness of his mask to his face, not seeming to want another to see the face covered up by the side with the closed eye.

Rowen, Meanwhile, Remained at the scene of the crime, Stroking his beard and looking at the others around him. "This is most Troubling indeed. I doubt Victor could have done it. He is far too full of himself to be any amount of skillful with three different weapons in that short a time frame. Did anyone hear the gunshots? After all, That would have likely been the first thing to happen, One target is far easier to dispose of than two. I Know that well from my days under King Nachtigal of Rashugal."

@Verite @Archwar @Investigation squad
"Both of you could have conspire against them and done it, so I'll give the both of you a choice, hand over your minds to me so I can poke around in them or we can do this the hard way. Doing the hard way will result in screams that would relive me of my boredom."
With a grin still on his features, he pressed a button on his choker, activating normal mode, the device making a small whirring sound as Accelerator drew closer towards Victor, seemingly with the full intention of picking a fight unless someone were to somehow be able to stop him. But who knows what would happen real soon?


"Yes, perhaps whether or not you killed the mutt and the raccoon doesn't matter either way. It's exactly as you say. The more you talk, the less the details will matter to me. Thinking's both a strong and weak point for me, but in the end, your face is pissing me off, so you should just disappear either way," the young, brash man spoke, still grinning ear to ear as though he were enjoying this so-called process despite his seemingly disgruntled words. Now this could be interesting. Very, very interesting.

"So don't talk like you think you're better than me. I don't give a damn who you are, what you do, where you come from, whatever. Life is not fruity and sweet? What kinda wide-eyed brat do you think I am? Gaahahahaha! Give me a break! Your half-baked philosophy won't get you anywhere, nor will your sob stories. Adding more suspects isn't gonna make me stop to question myself. It's just gonna potentially add more blood to the mix. Not that I have a problem with that if you're okay with it..."

"And you," Accelerator said, glancing briefly at Zanzibar, "You'll be part of the bath if you touch me. I won't even be responsible for it with these troublesome, yet convenient powers of mine. I happen to know a mind manipulator myself, and she can't do jack shit against me. Telepathy involves invisible energy waves and brain waves, right? Waves that can be guided by vectors. Vectors that I control. I'll just say that if I wanted to kill everyone, it'd already be done. You can trust me on that, or don't. It matters little to me either way."

Yes, yes. Things were pretty damn getting interesting now...

@FireDrake150 @Archwar @Investigation Squad yo​
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Victor looks at Accelerator, and holds his arms out to the sides, not grabbing any weapons. "Well, Mr. Arrow, Go ahead and kill me then. If I draw a weapon against you, it will hurt my name, and you'd be able to render any movements with said implement null and void. Better than you? no. Equal to you? Doubtful. SMARTER than you? ABSOLUTELY." Smirks Victor, Answering his challenge with another. "You want a fight, huh? Well, Mr, Arrow, you shall have one."

@Verite @Archwar @Investigation peeps.
Ri stopped walking, as Quill spoke. And she looked at him for a few seconds.


Did he just apologize? And for words that were not really demanding of an apology? She wondered in her mind, was this really the same person from a while ago? Did the mask have that kind of effect on his personality?

"Earth... is home. Where I come from, Korea, I love my home nation. But I am not blind to it like many of my fellow Koreans... it is a beautiful land, but I realize that what it is like, is not like most of the rest of the Earth." She was curious now, about him, but part of her didn't want to hear any more words, out of fear that the abrasive personality would return. Still, it was better for her to know the true nature of people she was with here, after all.

"What of you, Star Lord?", she asked. "Where are you from, and what makes you so curious of Earth as it is now?"

@might roman
Star-Lord nodded. ''s complicated. I'm Earth-Born. Half human, half-Spartoi. Left the planet as soon as I could, maybe to try and find my Dad. He was kind of an A-Hole. Anyways, after my Mom died, I had nothing left.
I never went back.'

The sadness was evident in his voice.
'I haven't seen the place in years. Years and years. Doubt I could ever go back. I doubt that it'd be the same. No-one would remember me, that's for sure.

Korea seems like a nice place. A real nice place.'

Strax smiled. It seemed logical that this 'Kresnik' could be allied with the Moon. These Boo-Boos weren't physical beings? Then they must be mental parasites. Possibly. Probably. Definitely.
'We will find this Yuno boy, and then

Do you know where he is, Sir?'

@Archwar @FireDrake150 @Verite @Kaykay
With a grin still on his features, he pressed a button on his choker, activating normal mode, the device making a small whirring sound as Accelerator drew closer towards Victor, seemingly with the full intention of picking a fight unless someone were to somehow be able to stop him. But who knows what would happen real soon?


"Yes, perhaps whether or not you killed the mutt and the raccoon doesn't matter either way. It's exactly as you say. The more you talk, the less the details will matter to me. Thinking's both a strong and weak point for me, but in the end, your face is pissing me off, so you should just disappear either way," the young, brash man spoke, still grinning ear to ear as though he were enjoying this so-called process despite his seemingly disgruntled words. Now this could be interesting. Very, very interesting.

"So don't talk like you think you're better than me. I don't give a damn who you are, what you do, where you come from, whatever. Life is not fruity and sweet? What kinda wide-eyed brat do you think I am? Gaahahahaha! Give me a break! Your half-baked philosophy won't get you anywhere, nor will your sob stories. Adding more suspects isn't gonna make me stop to question myself. It's just gonna potentially add more blood to the mix. Not that I have a problem with that if you're okay with it..."

"And you," Accelerator said, glancing briefly at Zanzibar, "You'll be part of the bath if you touch me. I won't even be responsible for it with these troublesome, yet convenient powers of mine. I happen to know a mind manipulator myself, and she can't do jack shit against me. Telepathy involves invisible energy waves and brain waves, right? Waves that can be guided by vectors. Vectors that I control. I'll just say that if I wanted to kill everyone, it'd already be done. You can trust me on that, or don't. It matters little to me either way."

Yes, yes. Things were pretty damn getting interesting now...

@FireDrake150 @Archwar @Investigation Squad yo​
Victor looks at Accelerator, and holds his arms out to the sides, not grabbing any weapons. "Well, Mr. Arrow, Go ahead and kill me then. If I draw a weapon against you, it will hurt my name, and you'd be able to render any movements with said implement null and void. Better than you? no. Equal to you? Doubtful. SMARTER than you? ABSOLUTELY." Smirks Victor, Answering his challenge with another. "You want a fight, huh? Well, Mr, Arrow, you shall have one."

@Verite @Archwar @Investigation peeps.

Astarte stepped forward. Random fighting was not exactly a step in the right direction for finding the perpetrators. And for now, that mission was what the girl cared for.

"Cease. I have determined that we must focus on our task. This fight serves no purpose."

She hadn't called up her familiar yet and her expression didn't change but she seemed serious about it. Probably.

"Let us resume the task of investigation, for now."

@Verite @FireDrake150 @Archwar @whoever else is there

Zanzibar heard what Accelerator said and couldn't help, but chuckled. Then Vic just had to add fuel to the fire didn't he? All this dick waving was what got mankind back on his planet to be no more the mighty race it once was.

"All of this dick waving and for what? Time is of the essence and yet here we are, accusing and pointing fingers. Fights end lives, fights end races. I've seen this enough times to see that only blood runs dry. Does it really matter if you listen? No, but I'm starting to believe we might have another suspect to investigate. Now child, calm yourself and allow me to poke around Vic's head here and now, after that you can do what you want to him. Does not matter to me, but this process would just go a lot faster if we quit fighting now."

@Verite @FireDrake150
Victor looks at Accelerator, and holds his arms out to the sides, not grabbing any weapons. "Well, Mr. Arrow, Go ahead and kill me then. If I draw a weapon against you, it will hurt my name, and you'd be able to render any movements with said implement null and void. Better than you? no. Equal to you? Doubtful. SMARTER than you? ABSOLUTELY." Smirks Victor, Answering his challenge with another. "You want a fight, huh? Well, Mr, Arrow, you shall have one."

@Verite @Archwar @Investigation peeps.
Astarte stepped forward. Random fighting was not exactly a step in the right direction for finding the perpetrators. And for now, that mission was what the girl cared for.

"Cease. I have determined that we must focus on our task. This fight serves no purpose."

She hadn't called up her familiar yet and her expression didn't change but she seemed serious about it. Probably.

"Let us resume the task of investigation, for now."

@Verite @FireDrake150 @Archwar @whoever else is there​

"Smarter than me? Doubtful, but you definitely have a better sense of humor, I'll give you that much," Accelerator shot back, pressing another button on his choker, which would activate his Esper mode, "But if you're going to be so stubborn like that, I may as well let you pay for your own mistakes. I won't even give you time to regret the fact that you're dead!"

With that, he began to dash towards Victor, but before he could perform an attack, Astarte would stop him in his tracks before he could gain enough momentum. Tch, this girl. How annoying. Getting in the way of what little fun he could get out of life. But whatever. He was supposed to be a changed man after the Sisters incident, and if he didn't reflect that, even if the others weren't watching...

"Get out of my way, kid. There's nothing more to discuss. Couldn't have been anyone else than him, and I ain't gonna wait on the numbskulls everywhere else to agree with me. Still, I'm surprised. I didn't realize you could speak in a manner like that," he said somewhat rudely to the girl, still not exactly cooled down yet. Hmm... not exactly like Last Order, but a little more than the rest of the Sisters. At least, from what he's observed so far.

He should really stop thinking of little girls.

"But fine. I'll let 'em live if you people are gonna whine about it. But while the judge and jury are busy deciding, the executioner is always ready for anything."

@FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Archwar @Y'all peeps​
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