Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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Bernkastel saw the whole attention that they were making, and simply let Lambdadelta out of her ear grasp.

"...well, Er, yeah, I guess that's nice..." Lambdadelta took a moment to refocus herself after being dragged around by her lover, seeing that Rosalina happened to compliment on her outfit,"Heh, only someone like me could think up of an outfit like this! We haven't met yet, Soooo... My name's Lambdadelta, the Witch of Certainty! And you?"

Bernkastel only followed along, since these Loftwings did give her some interest.

@loftwing group @tagging on mobile is too much for me x.x​

Talim and Motochika had decided against heading into the shop and instead went to explore the area. It wasn't long until they would have found themselves heading towards the loftwing and seeing some of their own group there decided to join them.

"I realize you didn't ask me, but I'm Talim." She replied with a bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And I am the Sea Devil of the West, Motochika Chosokabe! If you little ladies need any assistance do not hesitate to ask!"

@Raven @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @loftwing group
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"My closest understanding of humor is beating the shit out of a weak Invader. And getting laughed at when people realize I'm on a suicide mission." He frowned. "I don't exactly make myself laugh. I'm not the best company for myself."

He paused. "You could try a joke. Maybe I'll get it."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Those with man in yellow heading for loftwings

(First the fellow isn't old but Link's age which is 14-18 unless your calling me old then I feel bad I'm 16 guys come on that's the fith time this week someone called me old)


The man in yellow continued to walk seeing others come by. "Well my name is Pipit encase you end up needing me after we see the loftwings. As we walk to where we can have many of them land I'll call them for you all to see and pick well the ride I was informed by the mayor you'd be borrowing. He said borrow feeling you finding a loftwing of your own might not be that easy being none of you are really from around here." Pipit stated.

"Huh, a joke? Okay, let me see if I can think of one," Ven replied to Aeric, pausing for a moment as he thought. "Why did the calf cross he rode?" he said, grinning. "To get to the udder side! Get it? Heh... okay, that was kind of lame, but it's all I can think of at the moment... Sorry, Aeric," he said with a shrug.

"Okay, mister," Ven replied to Pipit. "I'm ready whenever you have the rides set for us to go!"

@Raven @BarrenThin @Verite @Gummi Bunnies
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"Huh, a joke? Okay, let me see if I can think of one," Ven replied to Aeric, pausing for a moment as he thought. "Why did the calf cross he rode?" he said, grinning. "To get to the udder side! Get it? Heh... okay, that was kind of lame, but it's all I can think of at the moment... Sorry, Aeric," he said with a shrug.

"Okay, mister," Ven replied to Pipit. "I'm ready whenever you have the rides set for us to go!"

@Raven @BarrenThin @Verite @Gummi Bunnies
@Those following Pibit

You seem to arrive at a space near both town and the school but also seems to be a open with a few trees, and near it is a lake possible a pound. Interesting hos there is all this up in the sky if you actually think about it anyways. Pibit you could here whistle it would seem which must be the bird call. Yet as you listen soon it sounds just like when the Mayor played something on a flower.

Soon looking at the sky you can see a group of loftwings coming your way soon landing near all of you.



"Huh, a joke? Okay, let me see if I can think of one," Ven replied to Aeric, pausing for a moment as he thought. "Why did the calf cross he rode?" he said, grinning. "To get to the udder side! Get it? Heh... okay, that was kind of lame, but it's all I can think of at the moment... Sorry, Aeric," he said with a shrug.

"Okay, mister," Ven replied to Pipit. "I'm ready whenever you have the rides set for us to go!"

@Raven @BarrenThin @Verite @Gummi Bunnies

Aeric frowned. "Calf? Udder?" Well, that went right over his head.

At any rate, he looked at Pipit expectantly.
@Those following Pibit

You seem to arrive at a space near both town and the school but also seems to be a open with a few trees, and near it is a lake possible a pound. Interesting hos there is all this up in the sky if you actually think about it anyways. Pibit you could here whistle it would seem which must be the bird call. Yet as you listen soon it sounds just like when the Mayor played something on a flower.

Soon looking at the sky you can see a group of loftwings coming your way soon landing near all of you.


Despite his skin being green, one could swear the color drained from it. "Oh."

@Gummi Bunnies
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Those just now Exploring

You see like the others there are houses near the tent and on the other side of skyloft.

Head near the tent house
Head to other side of Skyloft houses
Keep exploring
Please Bold and Underline your choices

"Wow!" Fizz said. This was a weird place compared back home. Fizz decided to keep exploring.

@Those following Pibit

You seem to arrive at a space near both town and the school but also seems to be a open with a few trees, and near it is a lake possible a pound. Interesting hos there is all this up in the sky if you actually think about it anyways. Pibit you could here whistle it would seem which must be the bird call. Yet as you listen soon it sounds just like when the Mayor played something on a flower.

Soon looking at the sky you can see a group of loftwings coming your way soon landing near all of you.


"Well look at the wing span of that bird!" Motochika exclaimed to no one in particular. "While I am already master of the oceans, with one of those I could master of the skies as well!"

Talim for her part felt slightly at unease. While a friend to animals she wasn't quite sure if she felt safe riding one of those birds...

@Raven @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin
[fieldbox=", aqua, solid"]
Rosalina saw Luma jump up and down and giggled when Ri told him that he was the best star she knew, Rosalina nodded towards her in a thank you. The man, Pipit...what a unique name, had stated that he would call the Wing Things for Loftwings wasn't a place...they were creatures, that made more sense. When the girl in pink introduced herself as Lambdadelta, The Witch of Certainty, Rosalina popped her eyes open wider. She have never met a true witch before, they were said to be even more magical than her...this was going to be really fun now. "Hi, I'm Rosalina, Lady Of The Stars." She noticed Motochika coming over to them, with another person...Talim, she was happy to see the Anchor man, he was not that much of a nuisance like that Star-Lord character.

When Pipit called the Loftwings to come...Rosalina grinned at the bird like creatures. "So those are Loftwings! They're beautiful." Rosalina was super excited to fly on one of them, she wondered which one she would be borrowing. Luma, on the other hand, he was terrified. He hid behind Rosalina's dress, while she moved closer to the birds. "Hi beautiful creatures...I am Rosalina. You all are magnificent beings of flight." She smiled at the Loftwings.

I: @Gummi Bunnies @Mari
M: @Jeremi @Raven @Mighty Roman @The Loftwings Group

@Those in Item Girl's House

The man nodded. "Yeah she's been everyone and again looking as though she is waiting for someone keeping an eye out for them. But I'm not sure who" The man replied.​
"Weird," Accelerator replied with a shrug briefly, before glancing over at Astarte, "What do you make of it?"

Thinking about it while Raven was walking towards the houses on the other side of Skyloft Raven did wonder about who among them could be traitors. So far however he had nothing to go on so he simply kept walking. This Blademaster so far had only stopped a loose goat from escaping which was something he really wasn't used to.

@Raven @Er.....Anyone who wants to accompany this Blademaster​
Talim and Motochika had decided against heading into the shop and instead went to explore the area. It wasn't long until they would have found themselves heading towards the loftwing and seeing some of their own group there decided to join them.

"I realize you didn't ask me, but I'm Talim." She replied with a bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And I am the Sea Devil of the West, Motochika Chosokabe! If you little ladies need any assistance do not hesitate to ask!"

@Raven @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @loftwing group

"Huh, a joke? Okay, let me see if I can think of one," Ven replied to Aeric, pausing for a moment as he thought. "Why did the calf cross he rode?" he said, grinning. "To get to the udder side! Get it? Heh... okay, that was kind of lame, but it's all I can think of at the moment... Sorry, Aeric," he said with a shrug.

"Okay, mister," Ven replied to Pipit. "I'm ready whenever you have the rides set for us to go!"

@Raven @BarrenThin @Verite @Gummi Bunnies
@Those following Pibit

You seem to arrive at a space near both town and the school but also seems to be a open with a few trees, and near it is a lake possible a pound. Interesting hos there is all this up in the sky if you actually think about it anyways. Pibit you could here whistle it would seem which must be the bird call. Yet as you listen soon it sounds just like when the Mayor played something on a flower.

Soon looking at the sky you can see a group of loftwings coming your way soon landing near all of you.


Aeric frowned. "Calf? Udder?" Well, that went right over his head.

At any rate, he looked at Pipit expectantly.

Despite his skin being green, one could swear the color drained from it. "Oh."

@Gummi Bunnies
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Well look at the wing span of that bird!" Motochika exclaimed to no one in particular. "While I am already master of the oceans, with one of those I could master of the skies as well!"

Talim for her part felt slightly at unease. While a friend to animals she wasn't quite sure if she felt safe riding one of those birds...

@Raven @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin
[fieldbox=", aqua, solid"]
Rosalina saw Luma jump up and down and giggled when Ri told him that he was the best star she knew, Rosalina nodded towards her in a thank you. The man, Pipit...what a unique name, had stated that he would call the Wing Things for Loftwings wasn't a place...they were creatures, that made more sense. When the girl in pink introduced herself as Lambdadelta, The Witch of Certainty, Rosalina popped her eyes open wider. She have never met a true witch before, they were said to be even more magical than her...this was going to be really fun now. "Hi, I'm Rosalina, Lady Of The Stars." She noticed Motochika coming over to them, with another person...Talim, she was happy to see the Anchor man, he was not that much of a nuisance like that Star-Lord character.

When Pipit called the Loftwings to come...Rosalina grinned at the bird like creatures. "So those are Loftwings! They're beautiful." Rosalina was super excited to fly on one of them, she wondered which one she would be borrowing. Luma, on the other hand, he was terrified. He hid behind Rosalina's dress, while she moved closer to the birds. "Hi beautiful creatures...I am Rosalina. You all are magnificent beings of flight." She smiled at the Loftwings.

I: @Gummi Bunnies @Mari
M: @Jeremi @Raven @Mighty Roman @The Loftwings Group


"Well well well, it's a wonderfully great pleasure to meet you all," Lambdadelta said with a bit of flair when it came to meeting a few of the people in the group. Though... by the time that they get to the Loftwings...


"Oh my... what a beautiful winged specimen you are~! Yes you are~!!" Lambdadelta couldn't help but to go up to the Loftwing with childish complimenting.


"... seen better," Bernkastel sighed when she saw the Loftwing. Nothing too special.

@Shattered Secrets @Mari @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Mighty Roman @BarrenThin @Raven @Loftwing group​
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@Those following Pibit

You seem to arrive at a space near both town and the school but also seems to be a open with a few trees, and near it is a lake possible a pound. Interesting hos there is all this up in the sky if you actually think about it anyways. Pibit you could here whistle it would seem which must be the bird call. Yet as you listen soon it sounds just like when the Mayor played something on a flower.

Soon looking at the sky you can see a group of loftwings coming your way soon landing near all of you.


Ri was somewhat speechless. She had never seen creatures like this in the skies, after all. She looked at them with amazement and wonder, and occasionally would glance to the group, wondering if they were going to do anything with these Loftwings, as she heard them referred to. But, she asked a question that might have been on others' minds as well.

"Is it possible for us... to ride these, Loftwings?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles @BarrenThin @Raven @[BCOLOR=#000000]Shattered♦Secrets™[/BCOLOR]
The wolfos that had been picked out by Yuno was surprised how she leaped at him. Surprised enough that he wasn't able to dodge the slice which sent him flying back down to the bottom floor with Kratos who was gradually making his way up while the Eds continued to scale it from the side. Watching as their comrade was easily struck down however, the rest of the Wolfos bared their teeth and ran their claws along the frozen ground as they circled around Yuno. If she or Yuki looked close enough, they would have seen a mark on the creature's necks that resembled Skull Kid's mask. Similar to the balloon back in the park and Kratos's eyes when Skull Kid had taken over his mind.

But creatures were always so much easier to manipulate. None of that pesky memory business. Just raw instincts which you could simply change on a whim and direct towards whoever was your enemy at the time. The Wolfos were predators which made them even more suitable for the job! They often hunted in pack units and while he doubted any of them would have been the one to put Yuno and Kratos down for the count, they'd serve their purpose well. Build up time for Skull Kid to finish Yuno off for good.

The Wolfos let out a howl and lunged for Yuno once more lashing out with their razor sharp claws and fangs in a mess of white fur and blood as their deceased comrade began to melt back into the snow. On the outside of the temple however, the sounds of steel clashing with claws echoed loud enough for the Eds to hear as Ed continued on his one handed descent up the side of the temple with Double D and Eddy held over his shoulder.

"I do hope whoever is engaging in combat is doing alright. From what I've seen and heard of this Skull Kid, he's quite the nefarious child." Eddy couldn't begin to complain about how much Double D's explanation bored him. He was just upset that he'd lost his money to another bird. He did notice what appeared to some kind of lizards scaling the walls alongside them and he despretly pulled on Ed's monobrow to try and get his attention. "Lothar! Paging Lothar! Creepy Lizard guys closing in!"


"Ssssskull Kid wantsssssss your hidessssss, humanssss!"

The Dinolfos hissed out as they easily latched onto the iced-over wall as if it were child's play. Drawing their swords they quickly closed in on the Eds to try and apprehend them. Only for Ed to dig his nails into the side of the temple and pick up his speed in climbing. He knew he couldn't fight these creatures as he was. If he was struck then there was the risk of dropping Eddy and Double D and that was one Ed refused to take. The Dinolfos however weren't as eager to to let Ed's newfound speed deter them as they continued to climb faster as well. Lashing out with their blades, one of them opened up a fresh gash on Ed's back tearing through his jacket and all.


Eddy and Double D shouted in unison as Lumpy took one for the team. They couldn't bare seeing their everloving friend take such a beating. Not after they'd already seen Yuno coldly slice off his fingers as if it were no big thing. But Ed would not falter. He had to get the top where both of his arms would be free and he'd be able to fend off these villainous chameleon men! Much to the protests of Eddy and Double D of course who pleaded with Ed to simply let them get captured so he'd go on.



"You can be whatever you wissssssh, fool! You'll fall the ssssaaame! You and the ressssst of thisssss world!"

The Dinolfos snarled before Ed lashed out with his hand and gripped the creature by the neck causing it to clutch at Ed's arm to try and remove it. But the arm would not budge no matter what the monster did. The grip was tighter than any vice and it was at this same time Ed's grip on the temple side began to falter. For as powerful as Ed was, even he had limits and carrying both Double D and Eddy didn't do wonders when trying to fight off dinosaur warriors that were under the control of an eldritch mask from an age long gone.

So as his footing began to loosen, Double D and Eddy quickly climbed off to grasp the wall on their own which left them open to the other Dinoflos as they closed in. But all they were worried about was watching helplessly as Ed and the creature he had caught were both beginning to fall off the side. From what they could see, it was nothing but a gigantic snowpile which they hoped would soften Ed's landing but with a creature so hostile to him, they couldn't help but be concerned. Ed however flashed them one last goofy smile before he fell off the wall completely.

"Our dear friend.."


Before they could mourn the loss of their friend anymore, the Dinoflos's gripped them by the collars of their shirts and roughly dragged them off to see Skull Kid. Upon bringing them to what could have been written off as the top of the temple, Skull Kid could have been seen staring up at the sky where the moon stared back down with it's almost pained looking grimace. As both Double D and Eddy were binded up and thrown to his feet, Skull Kid landed and didn't bother looking at them.

"I'd say what happened to your friend was unfortunate but I can't say it with a straight face. You three, the spartan, and the crazy one all attacking me at once just seemed like quite the fiasco so I figured I'd attack the weakest link while preparing for the real threat. Pretty smart isn't it?"

"You costed us our best friend! I hope when that pink chick gets up here, she gives you a beating to remember!"

"Why I must say that my sentiments match that of my friends albeit in a much less brutish manner, I find myself asking the question of why. Why go through all of this effort just to crush what is ultimately three pests to you who holds such great power? Honestly, it's quite baffling to me."

"Hee hee, you asked me why? Well, I'm afraid you haven't see what I have so you wouldn't really understand. But I looked into the head of that pink one that your friend mentioned. Do you wish to know what I saw? I saw misery and human cruelty in it's most absolute form. This girl broken down to the lowest denominator and then as she attempts to show kindness to the ones who mistreated her, their only replies are to remain set in their old ways. I couldn't use that against her! She's steeled herself against such mental perversions and even with all the power that I hold within my fingertips, I found myself terrified within her mindscape. I know it might be hard to believe given that you've no doubt seen what I've done to the moon and such."

"Yeah, you're a real Picasso. Giving the moon a face."

"It's a mockery and invasion of things far beyond any mortal man's right to interfere in."

Turning on his heel at Double D's last comment, Skull Kid slowly walked over and knelt down so he'd be at eye level with the more intelligent one out of the Eds.

"Make as many snide comments as you like or deride what I've done. It's not like I haven't heard it all before. But what you seem to fail to understand is that unlike many people I'm not too receptive to my critics. In fact I wonder if you've even seen any of them around." He'd then grab Double D's hat and pulled him" in close as his voice grew more menacing.

"I've killed them. If you two don't start speaking in a more respectful tone, you'll joining my detractors. It'll be a cold dark place where you'll only hear the screaming of the many who realized deriding my pranks was more important than breathing! Fancy that now for a second why don't you?" He'd say before flinging Double D back to the ground as he turned away and raised his hands to the sky and floated up once more as the moon slowly shifted to face towards Snowhead Temple.

"The goddess and demi-god have been the most persistent people I've met however. Mind control, forcing them to fight eachother until they were nothing but walking bags of blood ready to explode all over the place. Taking them on myself. They all failed. So I humored the idea of bringing the Moon down sooner and hoping they'd be caught in the crossfire. But that seemed far too boring for my liking. So I decided something far more practical was necessary. I needed an Enforcer capable of matching her in strength and speed. An equal if you will. For as agile and nimble I may be, I'm severely lacking in the strength department." He muttered woefully before clapping his hands together as an image came into view for Double D and Eddy.

"By George, that's quite a humongous.."

"Goat?! You expect to beat mister muscles and pinkie with a goat?!"


Skull Kid gave a quick swat of his hand and Eddy was sent flying back into the wall leaving an imprint in it as he fell back out. "Okay I'm hurt now.."

"Anyway, it's more than a 'goat.' It'll be the instrument of their destruction and if for whatever reason it failed? Then I simply have a back up plan." He'd say as the image changed once more to that of a gigantic Goron sitting near the temple.


"Were it someone more logical and less prone to immediate violence, I might not have gone to this measure and let the temple's defenses deal with the threat. But she's proven herself to be quite single-minded when it comes down to her opponents and so she'd simply bypass whatever traps or monster may have been waiting for her and that weakling companion of hers. So if she were to defeat my enforcer, the Goron I've 'enlisted' into my employment would simply tear the Temple down from it's foundation and toss it to wherever he sees fit. I certainly have no more use for it beyond a secure hideout. Though with how quickly she deduced it, not really much more of a hideout now is it?"

"All I'll say is that you're completely and utterly insane!"

"Thank you!"

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@LoftWing/With Pipit group

Pipit listened to everyone. "Now you can only borrow them for they all have riders already. But being your reason for being here were allowing you to use them whenever you like. Just they won't act like... A horse I believe is what Groose called the new creature he has learned to ride on the land bellow. But they are like one in the sky." He explained. "Now after you pick a loftwing you may fly below or all over the rest of Skyloft."

Return below
Explore the islands near Skyloft

Please bold and underline choice

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@Those who have continued to Explore Skyloft

You see the academy, still the tent, a cave past the group with loftwings, the training hall and what appears to be a path for a temple of some kind.

Please bold and underline your choice
@Those who went to look at the homes on the other Side of Skyloft

You see a path that leads to the furten teller's home, a grave yard, Pipit's house and you see there may be one or two more houses near by as well.

Keep looking
Enter Pipit's home
Enter Furten teller's home

Please Bold and Underline Choice
@LoftWing/With Pipit group

Pipit listened to everyone. "Now you can only borrow them for they all have riders already. But being your reason for being here were allowing you to use them whenever you like. Just they won't act like... A horse I believe is what Groose called the new creature he has learned to ride on the land bellow. But they are like one in the sky." He explained. "Now after you pick a loftwing you may fly below or all over the rest of Skyloft."

Return below
Explore the islands near Skyloft

Please bold and underline choice

Ven was ecstatic to see the the loftwings. They looked awesome. He pumped a fist and ran over to them. "Aw yeah! I can't wait to ride one! Is there anything we need to know before riding them? I know you said they're like riding a horse, but I've never really rode a horse before," he admitted, shrugging. Whether or not he knew how to do it, Ven would still be willing to give it a try.

@Verite @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @Raven
[fieldbox=", aqua, solid"]
Rosalina saw Luma jump up and down and giggled when Ri told him that he was the best star she knew, Rosalina nodded towards her in a thank you. The man, Pipit...what a unique name, had stated that he would call the Wing Things for Loftwings wasn't a place...they were creatures, that made more sense. When the girl in pink introduced herself as Lambdadelta, The Witch of Certainty, Rosalina popped her eyes open wider. She have never met a true witch before, they were said to be even more magical than her...this was going to be really fun now. "Hi, I'm Rosalina, Lady Of The Stars." She noticed Motochika coming over to them, with another person...Talim, she was happy to see the Anchor man, he was not that much of a nuisance like that Star-Lord character.

When Pipit called the Loftwings to come...Rosalina grinned at the bird like creatures. "So those are Loftwings! They're beautiful." Rosalina was super excited to fly on one of them, she wondered which one she would be borrowing. Luma, on the other hand, he was terrified. He hid behind Rosalina's dress, while she moved closer to the birds. "Hi beautiful creatures...I am Rosalina. You all are magnificent beings of flight." She smiled at the Loftwings.

I: @Gummi Bunnies @Mari
M: @Jeremi @Raven @Mighty Roman @The Loftwings Group

Ri saw Luma hiding, and smiled. "I would not be afraid of these creatures, Luma", she said to him, "these seem like nice beings. I would worry more about, say, the more obvious bad ones."

She also moved closer to one of the Loftwings, looking at it more closely, but not feeling courageous enough to try to touch one of them yet. Perhaps if someone else did so first, then she would feel it was okay for her to do so as well.

@LoftWing/With Pipit group

Pipit listened to everyone. "Now you can only borrow them for they all have riders already. But being your reason for being here were allowing you to use them whenever you like. Just they won't act like... A horse I believe is what Groose called the new creature he has learned to ride on the land bellow. But they are like one in the sky." He explained. "Now after you pick a loftwing you may fly below or all over the rest of Skyloft."

Return below
Explore the islands near Skyloft

Please bold and underline choice

And when Pipit announced to the group, Ri felt it was time. She approached the one nearest her, and before she would try to mount it, she talked to it for a few moments.


"Hello, I am Ri Boon Hui, may we explore the islands near Skyloft together?"

Then, she climbed onto its back, and hoped the Loftwing would know what to do... because she did not.

@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Raven @Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy
Ven was ecstatic to see the the loftwings. They looked awesome. He pumped a fist and ran over to them. "Aw yeah! I can't wait to ride one! Is there anything we need to know before riding them? I know you said they're like riding a horse, but I've never really rode a horse before," he admitted, shrugging. Whether or not he knew how to do it, Ven would still be willing to give it a try.

@Verite @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @Raven
Pibit laughed. "Neither have I know I'll show you everything you need to know no worries" He replied.
Ri saw Luma hiding, and smiled. "I would not be afraid of these creatures, Luma", she said to him, "these seem like nice beings. I would worry more about, say, the more obvious bad ones."

She also moved closer to one of the Loftwings, looking at it more closely, but not feeling courageous enough to try to touch one of them yet. Perhaps if someone else did so first, then she would feel it was okay for her to do so as well.

And when Pipit announced to the group, Ri felt it was time. She approached the one nearest her, and before she would try to mount it, she talked to it for a few moments.


"Hello, I am Ri Boon Hui, may we explore the islands near Skyloft together?"

Then, she climbed onto its back, and hoped the Loftwing would know what to do... because she did not.

@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Raven @Verite @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy
Pipit hearing Ri Boon Hui smiled. "Alright I'll make sure to help lead the way your first time too if it helps." He commented.

Pibit laughed. "Neither have I know I'll show you everything you need to know no worries" He replied.

Pipit hearing Ri Boon Hui smiled. "Alright I'll make sure to help lead the way your first time too if it helps." He commented.


Ri exhaled a breath in relief, as she had no idea of how to guide the Loftwing. She patted its back, though, as she waited for Pipit to lead the way for her, and anyone else that might go along with their path. She waited patiently, but while waiting she said more to the Loftwing that she was borrowing, hoping it would understand.

"Be careful, this is my first time. In return, I will try to take care of you."

@Those who have continued to Explore Skyloft

You see the academy, still the tent, a cave past the group with loftwings, the training hall and what appears to be a path for a temple of some kind.

Please bold and underline your choice
Fizz went into the cave.

"I wonder what's in here?" Fizz said out loud.

@Raven @others​
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