Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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Levi rose to the platform as well as Hanji, aiming to quickly cut down and kill the ones that Yuno and Yuki seemed to heard like cattle, the two soldiers working swiftly to try and take the current enemies out swiftly.

"These guys seem much easier than the Titans!" Hanji said toward Levi who just scowled.

"Don't underestimate these little shits Shitty Glasses, or I'll have to save your ass from some danger later on like you're some dumb brat." He huffed.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @C.T. @Water Temple peeps
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@NAVI Group

Navi did what seemed to be a nod and let the group to the door which Fizz once left.​
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@Saria's Group

Saria saw everyone still following soon she took a few more turns and straights. All now stood in a new room. There seemed to be a small pound a Deku Sells man and two large logs.​
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@NAVI Group

Navi did what seemed to be a nod and let the group to the door which Fizz once left.

+(on phone so tags are hard along with typing will fix better later)
"We should be careful of the spikes, if they appear again", Ri said to the group. She was not sure if Navi was aware of the spikes they saw earlier, but she knew Star Lord and Kazuma were aware. Though Ri was normally very quiet and reserved, she felt relaxed, at ease with these two men and the fairy Navi. It was strange that she would feel as such, having not known them for very long, but it was just so. And she tried to start some conversation as they walked.

"What do you all think of this place?", she asked them.

@Raven @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles
@Saria's Group

Saria saw everyone still following soon she took a few more turns and straights. All now stood in a new room. There seemed to be a small pound a Deku Sells man and two large logs.​
After having stuck with the group as long as everyone else did so Raven stood looking at all of this. So there was a pond, A Deku sells man, and two large logs in the area. He glanced at Saria wondering what she was thinking of going next since she was the guide.

@Raven @Verite @Kaykay @Archwar @SariaGroup @Shitposting​
"We should be careful of the spikes, if they appear again", Ri said to the group. She was not sure if Navi was aware of the spikes they saw earlier, but she knew Star Lord and Kazuma were aware. Though Ri was normally very quiet and reserved, she felt relaxed, at ease with these two men and the fairy Navi. It was strange that she would feel as such, having not known them for very long, but it was just so. And she tried to start some conversation as they walked.

"What do you all think of this place?", she asked them.

@Raven @Mighty Roman @Wedge Antilles

Kazuma smiled slightly. That is a good question.

"It is an interesting place", he said to Ri, and the others. "The people that are here as well, the ones who are normally here, and us outsiders, they are all unusual though. I can not really explain it." The people of this existence all seemed to have some problem that required intervention from the outsiders, and the people that were outsiders, well... save for a few, most were very unusual to Kazuma's experiences. And as a gangster, he had seen his share of personalities... though they were mostly all of Japan.

"But I treat this as a learning experience. As if, I am here for a reason... to learn, or to do something to accomplish some greater good, of which I think we are all unaware of."

He continued to walk along towards the destination, keeping his eyes scanning for potential threats... such as spikes from the ground or the walls that surrounded them.

"The people, among us however... some are more interesting than others."

@Mari @Mighty Roman @Raven
@Navi Group

It seemed the Path Navi chose did happen to be keeping in Mind the spikes for they seemed to only come up beside never in front blocking the path.

Head through the Log? Y/N

Please Bold and Underline Choice

(Next post will be on phone. I can um explain the room you enter and all on it.)​
As Star-Lord walked, he took out one of his Kree Sub-Machine Guns and held it almost instinctively in his hand. 'Its certainly a weird place. Feels like years since I've been to a place without holograms. Kind of relaxing really, with all of the Forests and such.

But yeah, there are some real weird people around here. I heard that there was some kind of 'Potato-Man' or something. Not to mention how Rosalina somehow had a miniature star following her around. Which breaks every D'ast law of logic in the universe.'
There was another log ahead.
'No time like the present.' said Star-Lord, as he ducked through it.

@Wedge Antilles @Mari @Raven
Strax, meanwhile was glad to see that they had finally reached their destination. He almost immediately swung his gun in the direction of the Goron.
'Surrender now, Scum, for the glory of the Sontaran Empire! You will show us to your Moonite leaders, and then hand the Gem of Power to us! Do so, or you will be obliterated!'
Despite his violent words, Strax's voice had a joyful, almost playful tone to it. He was back in his element.
@Archwar @The Silver Paladin
Zanzibar chuckled at Starx's action. The Sontarn was certainly trigger happy, but they can't just go around threatening to kill everything now could they? The creature hadn't proven hostile yet, otherwise the doc would have just let Starx threaten him all day long so Zanzibar let loose a slight growl trying to get the attention of his new, guns blazing friend.

"Starx, the creature hasn't started poking us yet so put away your toys. As soon as the enemy appears, you can go all out."

@The Silver Paladin @Mighty Roman
'Sorry Sir, old habits! Just general Sontaran Conduct!' Strax thought about his training. Despite the Sontaran instinct to shoot almost anything on sight, more often than not, he decided to stick to the more honourable side of The Sontaran Code-Never Surrender, never attack an enemy from behind, amongst other things. Indeed, in some regards, the Gorons reminded him of the Sontarans. For example, the one who had spoken to them just now had an uncanny resemblance to General Staal the Undefeated. Strax had admired the Undefeated Sontaran's exploits, until he was actually defeated, that is.
@Archwar @The Silver Paladin
'Sorry Sir, old habits! Just general Sontaran Conduct!' Strax thought about his training. Despite the Sontaran instinct to shoot almost anything on sight, more often than not, he decided to stick to the more honourable side of The Sontaran Code-Never Surrender, never attack an enemy from behind, amongst other things. Indeed, in some regards, the Gorons reminded him of the Sontarans. For example, the one who had spoken to them just now had an uncanny resemblance to General Staal the Undefeated. Strax had admired the Undefeated Sontaran's exploits, until he was actually defeated, that is.
@Archwar @The Silver Paladin

"Don't worry about it, besides, we're deep in unknown land with a happy demon lord planning on taking over our worlds. Be glad we are not dealing with a bunch of LSD trip chickens or worse," Zanzibar then turned to the Goron,"and we still need a little help down here!"

@The Silver Paladin
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@Navi group

Heading through you see a pound, a Deku Salesman, two logs going left or right and others.

(On phone may be a bit slow replying cause dad gonna need my help with stuff supposedly)
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"Lord, did you really get hurt that bad? Must be serious... miracles aren't working... Maybe they have a doctor?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
She sighed, nodding briefly as she would continue to help Ventus back up. Wrapping his arm around her body, Kanzaki would attempt to keep moving, helping him walk with her. No matter what, they had to keep moving so that they could all return home. Everyone likely had their own problems back home to deal with, so there was no use in wasting time...

"Perhaps you simply need to further adjust to being awake," Kanzaki spoke, quickly calming down compared to before, "I'd rather not see you hurt is all. Still... I suppose you don't have to apologize. For all I know, in your position, I might be eager to get back into battle as well. But even so, you should think about yourself more often. I've already got one reckless, naive boy always getting hurt back home to watch over after all."

One could only wonder if she was teasing with that last bit.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Raven @Gummi Bunnies

Ven offered Aeric an apologetic smile. "I'm not sure why it didn't work, but thanks so much for trying, at least. I'm only hurt, not dead, so hopefully I'll be fine." He allowed Kanzaki to help him walk, but felt bad that she had to assist him. He never should've gotten hurt in the first place. "You're absolutely right, Kaori. I'll try to be careful until I'm completely sure that I can fight without wearing down so quick. Like Aeric said, hopefully this castle has a doctor or at least someone around who might be able to help me out."

"Anyhow, thanks a lot for helping me out. You're a good friend," Ven complimented. "But, hey, you've mentioned that boy a lot when you talk about me. Is he someone special to you?"

@Verite @BarrenThin @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Raven @Gummi Bunnies
@Navi group

Heading through you see a pound, a Deku Salesman, two logs going left or right and others.

(On phone may be a bit slow replying cause dad gonna need my help with stuff supposedly)

Kazuma found some fascination with the Deku Salesman, so he went there. Such was the life of Kazuma Kiryu, after all... business was always part of his business.

@Raven @Mari @Mighty Roman
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The Deku Salesman looked to his third costumer perhaps of the day. "Well it seems my friend has already shared the news." He commented. "Would you perhaps be interested in Deku Nuts for a stun to your enemies? Perhaps ammo for your sling shot? Magic beans that when you plant them can help you get to some interesting places. Or perhaps a simple Deku Stick to help you when you need to light something on fire?" He asked.


@Wedge Antilles
@Mighty Roman @Archwar

The Goron laughed at Strax. "I shall take you to our leader! He would know where the stone is!" He rolled into a rock, and fell down in front of you. "Follow me!"
@Saria's Group

Sharia saw everyone still folowig soon she took a few more turns and straights. All now stood in a new room. There seemed to be a small pound a Deku Sells man and two large logs.
"... Ah-huh. I see."

Well, Accelerator was a little lost, but that was okay. Let's see... what would happen if...

He approached the two large logs.

@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Raven @Jeremi
@Mighty Roman @Archwar

The Goron laughed at Strax. "I shall take you to our leader! He would know where the stone is!" He rolled into a rock, and fell down in front of you. "Follow me!"

Zanzibar cracked a grin at how easily the Gorgon just laughed off Strax's threat. At least they wouldn't have to worry about fat men in loinclothes coming after them. The Gorgon even rolled a down their way kicking up dust. Mitten sneezed while Zanzibar covered his nose preventing any sneeze to escape and when the dust settled, the doctor was already making his way up towards the Gorgon.

"Thank you my dear friend! Now, take us to your leader!" Zanzibar said, imitating a movie alien's voice for the last sentence.
He nods. BARK bark bark. >I heard him perfectly. I just don't care. I have no soul in the first place."

@The Silver Paladin
"Of course you do. Everyone has a soul." The woman said. She disappeared, and reappeared near the door. "Come on." She said.
The Deku Salesman looked to his third costumer perhaps of the day. "Well it seems my friend has already shared the news." He commented. "Would you perhaps be interested in Deku Nuts for a stun to your enemies? Perhaps ammo for your sling shot? Magic beans that when you plant them can help you get to some interesting places. Or perhaps a simple Deku Stick to help you when you need to light something on fire?" He asked.


@Wedge Antilles
Star-Lord paused for a moment, looking to his Companions. 'Well, I'm interested in the Magic Beans, but do you think I should go for my earlier Sales Tactic?' Despite his companions being unable to see it, he winked at Ri when he said that, knowing that she very much disapproved of his 'usual methods of purchase'. Perhaps not every lady liked a bad boy.
@Raven @Wedge Antilles @Mari
Strax merely followed Zanzibar and the Goron. It seemed that they were a Level 2 Civilised People, and despite looking friendly, someone of their girth could crush a Sontaran, with some effort.
'Well, that was easy! Sontaran Diplomacy prevails again!'

@Archwar @The Silver Paladin
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