Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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~The Last Stand~

The soldier apathetically stared upon the group before her, spotting distinctly the rage and fury of Chandra. Recoiling back, almost showing signs of fear, the raven-haired scout audibly and visibly cringed, hastily holstering her swords. Bringing her hands together, the young woman growled, feeling an unnatural red hew begin to emit from the skin. Glancing above her, spotting columns of hellfire beginning to direct themselves towards her, it was that that point Mikasa knew her efforts were but in vain. Barely missing a collision with a fiery inferno, the startled murdered propelled herself high above the maze with her 3D-Manuever Gear, her abnormal swiftness able to navigate through Chandra's fury.

Briefly touching her left cheek, feeling burned skin flaking off, Mikasa tighten her ash eyes into a fierce glare. She had sacrificed far too much to be slain by some heartbroken pyromaniac with a zealous desire for vengeance. Angling herself properly, Mikasa began to bolt downwards, compressed oxygen from the cylinders at her waist propelling herself forwards. Oddly, however, she bore no weapons, nor did her hands illuminate a red hew to signify her newly acquired abilities as a pyromancer.

No, instead, the sly killer employed a different stratagem. Circling around the center of the Hedge Maze, the airborne warrior used her maneuvering gear to direct the fumes of any burning hedges downwards towards the ground. Now, if this was one mere fire, the effects of this would be null at best. But, thanks partially to Mikasa's own anarchy and Chandra's fury, Miss Ackerman was beginning to use the compressed air in her cylinder tanks as a makeshift fan, shooting the toxic fumes to those in the center of the maze.

"Try using fire now..." Mikasa softly murmured, before landing onto the earth and hastily retreating within the Hedge Maze. Open combat would lead to suicide, no, the soldier knew she had to attack when the time was right and target the weakest members of the group.

Now came the waiting game.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Anybody else
Poison gas! Oh dear, Crono had to cover his nose and mouth, if only he had a healing item with him, he knew he wouldn't last long, not to mention this particulary foe was clever indeed, it seemed she was playing some sort of waiting game. Crono knew he couldn't just straight up attack, no, he had to figure out some sort of strategy, he combed his mind for various different techniques he could try with his electricity pin trying to come up with something, anything that might work. Raising one hand, still covering his mouth and nose with the other, he tried not to breathe in the fumes too much as he attempted to scatter his electric attack around as he aimed towards Mikasa, with any luck, this might just work, he just hoped he was accurate enough to hit her.​
What It Really Means to Kill

Shiki Tohno was an far from an ordinary boy.

He was a trained killer, and even if he didn't remember any of the training he had received as a child, he was still a rather deadly human. It was ingrained in his subconscious. The ability to move at the speed of sound, the ability to cut someone into eighteen pieces in a flash, the ability to kill, the ability to violate.

But he wasn't even the most amazing person he knew. That had to go to his dear friend, Arcueid Brunestud, who was also known as the White Princess of the True Ancestors. Not a lot knew what that title exactly meant, but many could infer it was an important title nevertheless, and either way, they were correct. Arcueid was as important as she was powerful. Her connection to the Counter Force was the whole reason Shiki was able to do what he was about to do.

The young boy was utterly distraught when he learned of Ciel's death at the supposed hands of this Arch Demon Akibahara, and like any other good friend, he wished for Ciel to come back. To live again. Arcueid could do that. The Counter Force could do that. So they granted Shiki's wish. If the Counter Force got involved, that could only mean that without Ciel, the world would be destroyed. She had a role to play in saving the world, it seemed. Only another reason why she absolutely had to come back.

With that, he had broken into the Reapers' Game all by himself. An intruder in a foreign place. Appearing in the Hedge Maze, amid the chaos, he had been informed of his situation upon reaching the place. Something was wrong, and it was supposedly the work of this Akibahara. Something almost resembling his earlier ordeal with the Crossed, according to the Counter Force.

Like a Murder Game.

Out of nowhere, from the points of view of Ciel, Marcus, Claptrap, Yuka, and others, the mysterious boy with a knife would dash through the scene, swinging his knife at the fire, and astonishingly enough, the fire had partly dissipated, as though he had literally sliced the fire away. Concepts were usually a difficult matter for him, but in a world where death had lighter weight compared to the world of the living, he was going to have a field day with this.

"Well, it looks like I made it at just the right time," he sighed, looking back at the group before everyone.


"Looks like you made some new friends while you were gone, Ciel-senpai. Hey, everyone. Name's Shiki Tohno. Pleased to meet you all. I didn't crash at a bad time, did I?"

Ciel's somewhat blind eyes widened in shock upon hearing the voice, trying to recognize said voice and the shadow associated with it. She seemed to be frozen, though whether it was from shock or bewilderment was anyone's guess.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @DapperDogman @Krieg @Xx420BLAZEITxX @ResistingTheEnlightened
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Marcus Wright held Yuka's hand tighter. "Don't worry, you're in good company" he said to her. "If it makes you feel safer, just stay close to me."


What It Really Means to Kill


"Looks like you made some new friends while you were gone, Ciel-senpai. Hey, everyone. Name's Shiki Tohno. Pleased to meet you all. I didn't crash at a bad time, did I?"

Ciel's somewhat blind eyes widened in shock upon hearing the voice, trying to recognize said voice and the shadow associated with it. She seemed to be frozen, though whether it was from shock or bewilderment was anyone's guess.
"Who are you?" Marcus asked, curiously. He wondered if Yuka might freak out at the newly arrived stranger.

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus Wright held Yuka's hand tighter. "Don't worry, you're in good company" he said to her. "If it makes you feel safer, just stay close to me."


"Who are you?" Marcus asked, curiously. He wondered if Yuka might freak out at the newly arrived stranger.

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Just a friend of Ciel-senpai. I'm here to help!" He said, holding up his hands briefly.

"I don't... know who you are. I don't... agh!" Ciel began to reply, before she was suddenly assaulted by a massive headache, causing her to stumble into the nearby wall. Memories. Contradictions. It was all beginning to hurt her mind. This walking contradiction... this boy...

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

She smiled her appreciation, gladly handing the girl over. "Thanks," she offered with a small nod. Smiling, she went to shake his hand and become partners. "Partners, then."

"This should work well, then," she mused, looking between the others in the group. "Alright, this is all I'm asking of you, here.. I just need you guys for backup, okay? I just need to get close enough to get his player pin. That's all that's necessary.. None of us will have to vanish, and we'll be eliminating some sadistic killer... And avenging Ash...." The last part was murmured softly, under her breath. If one were to look closely, it seemed her eyes were still somewhat tear glazed.

Then, a small sigh came. "If I don't get the pin in time.. Please do one thing for me.." she asked, voice suddenly gentle and showing slightly more passion. "...Just make sure he pays," she requested.

Glancing at Jack, Teresa seemed to think momentarily. She glanced at Jenny, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Jenny... You stay here, where it's safe. For one, you've got no partner, and therefore, no line of defense. You already almost died once, and I'm not letting it happen again. Besides.. Someone needs to stay and watch the kid."

Apparently, this wasn't up for discussion, in Teresa's mind.

"Now.. We need to go. I don't know how long I've got 'til I'm wiped out of existence." And, without another word, the glader set off into the maze, looking for Ryu.

Oh, this was far too familiar...

@Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mari

"What the devil are you talking about, lass?" Jenny responded just before Teresa was off. The girl's mind had changed once again, apparently. "Who's this Jenny you speak of?" She tried to ask her. But it was too late, Teresa probably couldn't hear her anymore. Jenny just sighed and turned around, taking a few steps away from the maze. She did want to go with Emma and Teresa, but she also knew that the young woman was right: she didn't have a partner, so it might be too dangerous.

What she decided to do was start walking back to the fountain in the middle of the gardens to go sit down and ponder about a few things. "If I get my hands on that treacherous little c-..." she mumbled to herself while walking.

@Ryu Keiko ;)
@Savvy Savant
@Hedge Maze because I don't exactly know who's there sorry
"Just a friend of Ciel-senpai. I'm here to help!" He said, holding up his hands briefly.

"I don't... know who you are. I don't... agh!" Ciel began to reply, before she was suddenly assaulted by a massive headache, causing her to stumble into the nearby wall. Memories. Contradictions. It was all beginning to hurt her mind. This walking contradiction... this boy...

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Okay", Marcus Wright responded, still looking over the stranger. "If you're here to help."

He turned and looked at Ciel. "You okay there?" he asked. Marcus wasn't exactly an expert with matters regarding the head, especially since he himself was missing a lifetime of memories.

@Gummi Bunnies @Xx420BLAZEITxX @ResistingTheEnlightened
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"What the devil are you talking about, lass?" Jenny responded just before Teresa was off. The girl's mind had changed once again, apparently. "Who's this Jenny you speak of?" She tried to ask her. But it was too late, Teresa probably couldn't hear her anymore. Jenny just sighed and turned around, taking a few steps away from the maze. She did want to go with Emma and Teresa, but she also knew that the young woman was right: she didn't have a partner, so it might be too dangerous.

What she decided to do was start walking back to the fountain in the middle of the gardens to go sit down and ponder about a few things. "If I get my hands on that treacherous little c-..." she mumbled to herself while walking.

@Ryu Keiko ;)
@Savvy Savant
@Hedge Maze because I don't exactly know who's there sorry
Ryu sighed and kept walking, letting the random paths of the maze guide him wherever it wanted to take him. He didn't know of any fountain or anything like that, only that he was headed towards the centere of the maze, because that would make since, right? He let his thoughts wander, wondering why he started to feel... Regretful of his actions. Ever since that day back home... He has changed, a lot, and it worried him a bit. Hell it worried his Lupa too... But he couldn't remember much about that day. Only the fire.

@Jenny ^^;
@Anyone else
~End of the Line~

The scorched phantom hastily bolted through the hedges, thorns and leaves tearing apart her navy trousers and forest-green cloak. Adrenaline pumped into her body, pushing her forwards as she could hear the crackling and hissing of hellfire devouring the majority of the Hedge Maze within the central sector. Smoke was beginning to coat the sky in a foggy, misty blanket of sickly grey, growing hastily out of control. To say the least, it was not what Mikasa expected, and to be brutally honest she was beginning to show doubts in her capabilities. Alas, Chandra's sicken and foolish grief had proved to be an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

Glancing back at the fiery serpent beaming down at her, the lithe Asian gasped as a bolt of electricity nearly struck her down, the airborne warrior pausing to see Crono and Asha. What Mikasa didn't expect, however, was a high-powered, energized spray of Natural Magnum, which sliced flesh clean off, particularly crippling her left arm. Screaming loudly in agony, Mikasa continued her escape, her sprinting growing slower and her 3D-Maneuver Gear beginning to lose the gas within the containers.

Throwing herself around another corridor, the soldier limped away, the serpent far above her getting closer and closer. Even from a fair distance away, the sheer heat and intensity of the flames was evident, practically blinding to look at it. Never before had Mikasa witnessed such untamed destruction, and to be brutally honest, she wondered if Chandra was inflicting more injuries at this point than her. Coughing, Mikasa collapsed onto her knees, trembling, looking upwards as she spotted a rather chubby, frighten man known merely as "Hurley".

As a last ditch effort, Mikasa dove forwards, making a slice across the man's upper chest with her swords, spiting out fresh crimson that spewed into her lips. Pushing Hurley to the side, Mikasa's hands began to glow a red hue, so much so that her entire body was emitting a fiery aura. Tightly holding the screaming man before her, Mikasa virtually used the chubby Hurley as a human shield, Chandra's fiery serpent crashing into him. In mere seconds, skin melted, flesh vaporized, and bones charred, leaving only Hurley's now lanky arms in Mikasa's hands. Why, if it wasn't for his sheer stature and Mikasa's own fiery shield, the attack would of easily gone through the man and left Mikasa a smoking pile of ashes.

Yet she stood, portions of her skin burned, her left arm crippled that she inevitably dropped her left sword, and her body beginning to push itself to it's limits. Taking a mere breather, she glanced over to her right, spotting Emma Frost and Teresa, growling audibly. She was in no condition to fight them, and as such, Mikasa leapt upwards, her abnormal (even for her) speed and strength pushing her over the two women, the wounded murderer on the run.

For those high above, it was evident she was heading towards a more populated area of the Hedge Maze. If Chandra was going to scorch her into a smoking pile of ashes, then Mikasa would fulfill her duty as a sacrificial lamb to a cause far greater than any mortal mind could fully comprehend.

@Savvy Savant
@Gummi Bunnies
@Wedge Antilles
@Everybody else I'm sorry too many names.

"Okay", Marcus Wright responded, still looking over the stranger. "If you're here to help."

He turned and looked at Ciel. "You okay there?" he asked. Marcus wasn't exactly an expert with matters regarding the head, especially since he himself was missing a lifetime of memories.

@Gummi Bunnies @Xx420BLAZEITxX @ResistingTheEnlightened
"Nngh, I'm fine... I just... need to breathe," Ciel spoke, exhaling and inhaling sharply as she attempted to recover.

The puzzled Shiki attempted to approach her, but before he knew it, he was interrupted by the surrounding chaos, the sounds of gas, fire, and slicing bringing him back to his senses, causing him to remembering where he was and why he was here.

"Well, I guess we can catch up later. Excuse me!" Shiki exclaimed, running off deeper into the maze.

@Gummi Bunnies @Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX @ResistingTheEnlightened

~End of the Line~

The scorched phantom hastily bolted through the hedges, thorns and leaves tearing apart her navy trousers and forest-green cloak. Adrenaline pumped into her body, pushing her forwards as she could hear the crackling and hissing of hellfire devouring the majority of the Hedge Maze within the central sector. Smoke was beginning to coat the sky in a foggy, misty blanket of sickly grey, growing hastily out of control. To say the least, it was not what Mikasa expected, and to be brutally honest she was beginning to show doubts in her capabilities. Alas, Chandra's sicken and foolish grief had proved to be an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

Glancing back at the fiery serpent beaming down at her, the lithe Asian gasped as a bolt of electricity nearly struck her down, the airborne warrior pausing to see Crono and Asha. What Mikasa didn't expect, however, was a high-powered, energized spray of Natural Magnum, which sliced flesh clean off, particularly crippling her left arm. Screaming loudly in agony, Mikasa continued her escape, her sprinting growing slower and her 3D-Maneuver Gear beginning to lose the gas within the containers.

Throwing herself around another corridor, the soldier limped away, the serpent far above her getting closer and closer. Even from a fair distance away, the sheer heat and intensity of the flames was evident, practically blinding to look at it. Never before had Mikasa witnessed such untamed destruction, and to be brutally honest, she wondered if Chandra was inflicting more injuries at this point than her. Coughing, Mikasa collapsed onto her knees, trembling, looking upwards as she spotted a rather chubby, frighten man known merely as "Hurley".

As a last ditch effort, Mikasa dove forwards, making a slice across the man's upper chest with her swords, spiting out fresh crimson that spewed into her lips. Pushing Hurley to the side, Mikasa's hands began to glow a red hue, so much so that her entire body was emitting a fiery aura. Tightly holding the screaming man before her, Mikasa virtually used the chubby Hurley as a human shield, Chandra's fiery serpent crashing into him. In mere seconds, skin melted, flesh vaporized, and bones charred, leaving only Hurley's now lanky arms in Mikasa's hands. Why, if it wasn't for his sheer stature and Mikasa's own fiery shield, the attack would of easily gone through the man and left Mikasa a smoking pile of ashes.

Yet she stood, portions of her skin burned, her left arm crippled that she inevitably dropped her left sword, and her body beginning to push itself to it's limits. Taking a mere breather, she glanced over to her right, spotting Emma Frost and Teresa, growling audibly. She was in no condition to fight them, and as such, Mikasa leapt upwards, her abnormal (even for her) speed and strength pushing her over the two women, the wounded murderer on the run.

For those high above, it was evident she was heading towards a more populated area of the Hedge Maze. If Chandra was going to scorch her into a smoking pile of ashes, then Mikasa would fulfill her duty as a sacrificial lamb to a cause far greater than any mortal mind could fully comprehend.

That gas sound, that agility, that speed... it couldn't be! It just can't be! It can't be her!

Mikasa Ackerman was a girl that Shiki Tohno was familiar with. The two of them had an odd relationship. They were different, yet similar. She was quiet and somewhat introverted, while he was a little outspoken and not afraid to speak.

It can't be Mikasa! She was innocent during the Crossed Incident! She wasn't a traitor then, and she can't be a traitor now! She isn't like that!

But they both had the desire to protect those that they cared for. Was their relationship bound by something as simple as love? Well, that was difficult to answer.

She's the kind of girl that would protect others. She wouldn't kill as carelessly as this! This isn't like her!

But maybe, just maybe, Mikasa Ackerman was someone Shiki Tohno wanted to protect, and though he had lost contact with her at the end of the Crossed Incident, he was prepared to grab this next chance. But he didn't want it to be like this.

If I'm not careful, she'll end up just like ________. I can't let that happen. She can't die! I won't be able to forgive myself if she dies here!

Pocketing his glasses, Shiki began to see the lines appear. Lines that were brought upon by the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. As long as he cut the lines he saw with his knife, regardless of how strong the concept was, he'd be able to kill it, whether it be a living organism, a solid object, or something more abstract like fire or poison, and in this odd world, the concept of death seemed to work differently here, which worked to his advantage, if only by a little.

Dashing and cutting through the walls with relative ease, he went on a wild goose chase after Mikasa. He would follow the sounds of her 3-D Maneuvering Gear, the sounds of flesh being cut, the sounds of fire, he would follow every lead until he would finally see Mikasa, on the run from Teresa, Emma Frost, and Chandra.


That was the only thing he could say. Any other words got stuck in his throat. He had to look her in the eye and confirm if this was indeed the real Mikasa Ackerman.

@Krieg @Savvy Savant @Mari @DapperDogman

Chandra grew tired of this woman and her constant evasion, choosing to end this as quickly and simply as she possibly could

"I said I'd never do this" she says with a frown as she locks her eyes on the woman, flames rocketing from her hands and feet as she uses her fire as a sort of rocket, sending her flying at the woman at breakneck speeds, before her entire being seemed to erupt into flames with intensity never known before, her body taking the form of a phoenix, which aimed to slam right into Mikasa


Maw opened wide, flames burning with such intensity it was dazzling for miles around, she aimed to eat Mikasa


The white handbot in the garden looked at Batman when he approached.

"You are carrying foreign bacteria. Please let me assist you," the robot said, after giving Batman a brief scan.

A needle then came out of one of the robot's hands and he held it up, offering you some sort of medication.

Accept the injection?

]Batman's eye squinted as he looked at the Robot. He looked at the machine, he had forgot that this was a game. And he could be resisting this offer to help him. He spoke "No...I'm Fine...." He had wondered what he was doing there was there an object or just to explore. He thought as he looked around and awaited for the robots next response.
Looking up a bit, she manages to catch a glimpse of another boy... and for some reason, it reminded her of another friend of her big brother. Though, she snapped out of her silence as soon as the boy went further into the maze.

"... um... Ciel-san... who was that?" Yuka asked curiously, not knowing that Ciel was having absolute confusion about this boy right away.

@Verite @Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX @DapperDogman @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Looking up a bit, she manages to catch a glimpse of another boy... and for some reason, it reminded her of another friend of her big brother. Though, she snapped out of her silence as soon as the boy went further into the maze.

"... um... Ciel-san... who was that?" Yuka asked curiously, not knowing that Ciel was having absolute confusion about this boy right away.

@Verite @Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX @DapperDogman @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I... I don't know. He seems to know me but... I can't remember," Ciel said, a hint of frustration in her voice as she couldn't bring herself to remember. That in itself was unnatural. Her exhibiting such emotion. It was just like when she was with Minato. Feelings. Such a bothersome thing, it seemed.

Shaking her head, Ciel attempted to get back to business. "Come on. We need to go after them!"

@Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX @ResistingTheEnlightened
"I... I don't know. He seems to know me but... I can't remember," Ciel said, a hint of frustration in her voice as she couldn't bring herself to remember. That in itself was unnatural. Her exhibiting such emotion. It was just like when she was with Minato. Feelings. Such a bothersome thing, it seemed.

Shaking her head, Ciel attempted to get back to business. "Come on. We need to go after them!"

@Wedge Antilles @Xx420BLAZEITxX @ResistingTheEnlightened

Marcus Wright nodded. "I'm not sure who you're going after, but we'll follow you." He looked around at the others there, and wondered if they had any clue who they were going after at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX
Dashing and cutting through the walls with relative ease, he went on a wild goose chase after Mikasa. He would follow the sounds of her 3-D Maneuvering Gear, the sounds of flesh being cut, the sounds of fire, he would follow every lead until he would finally see Mikasa, on the run from Teresa, Emma Frost, and Chandra.


That was the only thing he could say. Any other words got stuck in his throat. He had to look her in the eye and confirm if this was indeed the real Mikasa Ackerman.

@Krieg @Savvy Savant @Mari @DapperDogman
Emma Frost observed as the pursuit turned towards a certain "Mikasa". She had no words to offer, but would follow along to observe whatever happened, as it seemed it would be of great importance, whatever the outcome would be.

@Krieg @Savvy Savant @DapperDogman @Jenny
Marcus Wright nodded. "I'm not sure who you're going after, but we'll follow you." He looked around at the others there, and wondered if they had any clue who they were going after at this point.

@Gummi Bunnies @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX
"Hey, I'll come too! There's no knowing when you guys will need my Amazing strength and Devilishly handsome looks when you least expect it!" Claptrap lied, Trying to hide his easily scared nature in front of the group.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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