Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Chandra nodded and shut her eyes, willing the flames into a single, tall pillar, trying to minimize the damage, before trying to lift the flames into the sky, in a sphere of flames

The aspect of fire didn't much care to see it used for evil purposes

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Then who is messing with the system. If you tell us, we might be able to help you. We may be reapers, but we want out and I have a feeling that removing the trouble-makers will help us," putting away his sword, Minato made sure he had his lightning pin ready.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

She smiled her appreciation, gladly handing the girl over. "Thanks," she offered with a small nod. Smiling, she went to shake his hand and become partners. "Partners, then."

"This should work well, then," she mused, looking between the others in the group. "Alright, this is all I'm asking of you, here.. I just need you guys for backup, okay? I just need to get close enough to get his player pin. That's all that's necessary.. None of us will have to vanish, and we'll be eliminating some sadistic killer... And avenging Ash...." The last part was murmured softly, under her breath. If one were to look closely, it seemed her eyes were still somewhat tear glazed.

Then, a small sigh came. "If I don't get the pin in time.. Please do one thing for me.." she asked, voice suddenly gentle and showing slightly more passion. "...Just make sure he pays," she requested.

Glancing at Jack, Teresa seemed to think momentarily. She glanced at Jenny, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Jenny... You stay here, where it's safe. For one, you've got no partner, and therefore, no line of defense. You already almost died once, and I'm not letting it happen again. Besides.. Someone needs to stay and watch the kid."

Apparently, this wasn't up for discussion, in Teresa's mind.

"Now.. We need to go. I don't know how long I've got 'til I'm wiped out of existence." And, without another word, the glader set off into the maze, looking for Ryu.

Oh, this was far too familiar...

@Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mari


It just didn't feel right to stand there, to be a bystander while the traitor could possibly get away. She couldn't fight that well like the others... but if she at least caught a glimpse of the traitor... Yuka didn't say anything, but without any more hesitation, she ran into the maze with the intention of tracking down the traitor here and there. Yet, going alone like that wasn't the greatest idea that came to mind for Yuka, so that meant that someone might as well go after her in case of something happening to her.

@Hedge Maze group.
Rocket listened to the two boys seem to in a way argue. "Look I don't know who to believe I just wanted to have a chance to see my sister again. If your telling the truth then fine if not your just like Blue in my eyes. My plan may seem different than some but I'm finishing this some how some way I want to see Sweetpea again I want to see my parents. If I can't then fine but I'm not going to just sit here. I thought I failed at the steps of the dance yet here I stand." She said her eyes showed determination. "Now either come with us. Answer there questions or simple answer some of ours. Mine is if your not working against the game then what is your being here? Is it simply to mock the reapers? Or are you after something?" She asked not sure if any of her questions made sense but to her they did to her it was a way to ask the things she thought of that she had keep quiet on for so long.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Afterlife Group
The smirk only grew wider at their opponent's words, "Sometimes, I think people like you are foolish. You know we're stronger but you still won't relent to our demands. Then again, I used to be like that as well."

"To answer your queston, I think you're an outsider. You're in this for your own gain, working with scum like Ryu to ruin our chance at returning to the people we love. I don't know if it's for sick kicks or something meaningful, but either way, you irritated our group and worst of all me. Let me tell you, I'm no longer the kid who runs off to unwinnable fights. I only fight when I know I can win."

"And let me tell you, wiping you out will be the easiest battle I've ever fought," tapping at the sheathe of his sword, Minato turned his head to Rocket, "Ask your questions now or we beat him down to take him. Make the call."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @BarrenThin
Rocket gave a sigh. "I'm not the one to make calls. He doesn't believe me that there harmless questions. So I say it sounds like will have to bring him in the hard way. And I don't really care which as long as I'll see my sister again. I just thought the talk method was a good start." She said then looked at the kid. "And I'm pretty sure being a Reaper doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I met one when I was a player she was a kid who meant no harm." Rocket stated and then her look grew very serious. "But if you won't come with us the easy way then the hard way it is your choice." She went for weapons and found none. 'Right I died...' Then she remembered her lighting pin. 'It's not the back of a gun but it will do.' She thought. "Just remember he's wanted alive so they can speak to him they never said bruises wasn't aloud." Rocket said with a smirk thinking what the old man might say for advice before her and her friends jumped into battle.


@The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Afterlife Group
@The Afterlife Group
@Xibilation @BarrenThin @TheColourlessRainbow @SirDerpingtonIV


Instead of denying Minato's claim, Joshua smirked.

"Fine, I admit it. I am an outsider. But not in the sense that you are thinking. The reapers are mistaken. I'm not working with this Ryu you speak of, or anyone on the outside of the game. I'm investigating it. I have, however, broken the rules and come into the game when I'm not allowed."

Joshua stepped back, starting to levitate.

"And I'm not allowed to be here because... I'm alive. I never died like any of you. I broke into the game. People who are still alive have tremendous power inside the game. I've found it to be quite useful," he said with a laugh. "If I were any of you, I wouldn't challenge me..."​
Marie remained quiet while the others were talking to the boy. She was trying to remain polite, but he was annoying her. At the mention of Ryu, she stiffened, though disliked the boy less when she found he wasn't working with him.

Alive in the game? She wondered, and surprise flashed in her eyes when he levitated. She felt as if he was lying, but at the same time, she wasn't so sure about the other reapers, or that their information was correct. Minato put his sword away. The air was slightly less tense without the deadly weapon, but the reapers all had pins as weapons, too. And the boy had strange powers.

Stepping forward from where she was standing, Marie smiled, flashing pretty, white, straight teeth. The woman, in her pink dress with a bow, pretty features and albino coloring, was probably the least scary or intimidating of all of the reapers.
Rocket listened to the two boys seem to in a way argue. "Look I don't know who to believe I just wanted to have a chance to see my sister again. If your telling the truth then fine if not your just like Blue in my eyes. My plan may seem different than some but I'm finishing this some how some way I want to see Sweetpea again I want to see my parents. If I can't then fine but I'm not going to just sit here. I thought I failed at the steps of the dance yet here I stand." She said her eyes showed determination. "Now either come with us. Answer there questions or simple answer some of ours. Mine is if your not working against the game then what is your being here? Is it simply to mock the reapers? Or are you after something?" She asked not sure if any of her questions made sense but to her they did to her it was a way to ask the things she thought of that she had keep quiet on for so long.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Afterlife Group
Marie thought the girl's questions made sense.

"Hello, I'm Marie." She waved at the boy, sticking her hip out in a girly fashion. "I realize you do not trust us, obviously, because you have no reason to. You do not even know us." She paused. "...But we also do not have any reasons to trust you. While you may be powerful, we all have powers, too, outnumbering you and outweighing you with chances of winning. Telling us something without any evidence will do you no good. Can you prove it to us?"
~End of the Line~

Smoke and ash danced wildly within the center of the Hedge Maze, a lone silhouette standing ominously in the midst of death and destruction. Embers flickered with the wind as the scent of burning flesh filled the air, the enigma throwing her head back somberly and softly. Rays of heavenly moonlight illuminated the contrasting scene, reminding humanity of a beauty that could never be achieved. The cloaked woman tighten her hands together on wooden hilts, and as she lowered her arms, two oddly-shaped swords were revealed, radiating with deadly grace and soaked in fresh crimson.

My friends...

The thumping of footsteps grew softly and slowly in intensity. Even above the flames and last cries of her target, the enigma knew that her time was ticking away. Cloaked in a horrid conflagration, the soldier took one final breath, closing her ash eyes as she could feel and hear the players arrive behind her. Their screams, cries, and shrieks burned into the soldier's soul deeper than any wounds, causing her lips to shiver and tremble. Cringing, she forced herself to remain steady, knowing her form and identity was masked in the anarchy of fire, smoke, grime, and ashes being thrown about in a melting pot of discord.

...Solaire, Elsa, Katniss, Ellie, Shiki...

The soldier snapped her head upwards, standing tall as tears caressed down her porcelain cheeks. She knew from the very beginning her duty, her purpose, and her oath to those she swore to protect. Upon her shoulders sat the well-being of individuals whom she would never meet, their dreams, ambitions, goals, and desires rattling in her mind like the chiming of a church's bells. Behind her, she could hear the intensity of arising, as the fires raging within the Hedge Maze being collected in a sphere far above the flammable hedges and vegetation.

...forgive me.

A shot rang out, and to the surprise of outsiders peering within, the enigma's form abruptly shot to the side as all of the debris floating within the air spewed outwards. To those of a more keen ear and eye, a pressurized gas cylinder coated in filth could be seen rattling against the young woman's waistline. Time appeared to slow down, the mysterious woman suddenly bursting forwards out of the smoke and fog with unnatural speeds. Her form, whilst under six foot, virtually pulsed this aura of strength, valor, and loyalty. Yet, the most distinct trait above all was a peculiar scarlet scarf, fluttering almost poetically in the unrest of this chaotic atmosphere.


A boot was swung towards Ash as the form charged forwards, two swords cradled close to her bosom. Dancing violently through the crowds of players, the soldier kept her solemn charge forwards, raven hair being blown back with the passing winds. A scream began to escape her lips, catching gaze of Chrom, whom was frozen in shock at the scene before him. No regrets filled the enigma's heart as her arms extended outwards from her bosom, her swords beginning to tear apart as the knightly prince's lower abdomen. In an instant, another exclamation filled the apathetic soul's ears, viscera and blood dripping onto the impure earth below.

For I have availed you nothing.

Before those around her could react, the soldier's strange canisters strapped around her waistline abruptly released pressurized oxygen, shooting her lithe yet dangerous stature upwards. Sheathing her swords, the scarfed traitor's hand glowed a fiery red, and soon, bits of flames from Chandra's inferno sphere began to grow distant from the ball, raining downwards onto the maze like that of hellfire. Standing on one of the hedges, overlooking the entire group, the traitor stood, her face blank as one, lone trail of blood ran down her forehead. A booming voice beckoned from her pink lips, stern and solemn.

I was a fool who dared to believe.

"My name is Mikasa Ackerman..."

I am lost phantom seeking redemption in darkness.

"At one point, you may of known of me as Big Sister"

I am a pawn of game I thought I could control.

"But that was merely a facade. And now..."

But I failed to realize the game was rigged from the start.

"I am the archangel of your destruction."

I am the crestfallen soldier.


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It just didn't feel right to stand there, to be a bystander while the traitor could possibly get away. She couldn't fight that well like the others... but if she at least caught a glimpse of the traitor... Yuka didn't say anything, but without any more hesitation, she ran into the maze with the intention of tracking down the traitor here and there. Yet, going alone like that wasn't the greatest idea that came to mind for Yuka, so that meant that someone might as well go after her in case of something happening to her.

@Hedge Maze group.
"Yuka-chan, wait a minute! That's dangerous!" Ciel exclaimed in a concerned tone that surprised herself a little, but this was no time for that. Despite her limited eyesight, she still followed after Yuka.

Damn it all... Minato's protectiveness is rubbing off on me, eh? If only you were here, Minato-kun... I wish I could have... that I could have...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Frank arrived. "On time." He thought, until it began raining. The service cap somewhat kept the rain from his face, until he looked down to the helmet, the woman holding it was somewhat... Obscene, in her choice of clothing, but because he wasn't in the city, he didn't give a damn. He looked at the helmet piece, somewhat distraught. "So... I'm in a game of killing... I don't even remember signing up for this... But I guess I'll have to play along. Keep who I can safe." He made his way into the hedge maze, until knowledge of the traitor was given to him. "Whoever that traitor is... Must do unto death." He began his way in, trying to find his way to kill the traitor.

Chandra's eyes fixed on the woman before her, seeing a scarf...
A scarf that could have been used to strangle a person...

"You..." she hissed through clenched teeth, dropping the ball of fire suddenly, slamming it down toward Mikasa

Her hatred was very real in this moment
Her eyes sat upon the one she thought responsible for her lover's death, and it sparked a hatred deep within her, a hatred never known to the pyromancer

"I WILL SHOW YOU THE TRUE POTENTIAL OF FIRE!" she yelled, forming the fire before her into a column once more


The fire raged with heat as she felt her body engulfed in flames, every inch of her body wreathed in fire that burned blue with heat

And then, she formed it into a ball and aimed it right for the traitor she had set her sights on


"BURN IN HELL!" she yelled as she hurled the flaming projectile at the woman

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Asha gave chase, attempting to shoot the traitor with his Natural Magnum pin.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yiyel

Seeing Asha run after Chandra, Crono watched, looking a little sad, but, unfortunately it seemed she was too late, the traitor had already killed her, though now that the traitor was visible, he decided to join Asha in persuing the trator. A rather determined look in his eyes, using his Masamune pin, he summoned his trusy blade and picked up speed as he tried to catch up to the traitor.​

By the time that Yuka would get a bit closer to what was going on at the center of the maze, she could hear the distant voice of someone saying that they were a traitor, and then the sudden burst of flames from that same location. All of it caused Yuka to stop in her tracks, letting out a panicked cry. Since Ciel had followed after her, she immediately ran over to her, keeping close in fear on what could happen next. She definitely was scared... Though, from that alone, that voice, she had no idea whose voice it could be, but then again... it sounded so familiar at the same time. It had to be a traitor either way...

"... we...w-we need to help... someone bad is here..." Yuka stuttered, still thinking that they had to do something to help despite the fact that it was dangerous for someone like her to be involved in.

@Verite @DapperDogman @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

By the time that Yuka would get a bit closer to what was going on at the center of the maze, she could hear the distant voice of someone saying that they were a traitor, and then the sudden burst of flames from that same location. All of it caused Yuka to stop in her tracks, letting out a panicked cry. Since Ciel had followed after her, she immediately ran over to her, keeping close in fear on what could happen next. She definitely was scared... Though, from that alone, that voice, she had no idea whose voice it could be, but then again... it sounded so familiar at the same time. It had to be a traitor either way...

"... we...w-we need to help... someone bad is here..." Yuka stuttered, still thinking that they had to do something to help despite the fact that it was dangerous for someone like her to be involved in.

@Verite @DapperDogman @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Stay close to me. It'll be alright. I'll protect you..." Ciel said, holding the little girl closely. From what she could deduce, fire seemed to be nearby. Hopefully, this would prove to be an advantage for her, since now that she wasn't completely blind, she could see things like shadows and lights. But only time would tell, it seemed.

Walking with Yuka, Ciel made her way over to the scene that frightened the girl, getting her pins ready just in case.

Our Father, in Heaven... You wouldn't happen to give an Executor in Purgatory your blessings, would you? She thought to herself. It was the closest thing she could come to prayer at the moment.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @Krieg

By the time that Yuka would get a bit closer to what was going on at the center of the maze, she could hear the distant voice of someone saying that they were a traitor, and then the sudden burst of flames from that same location. All of it caused Yuka to stop in her tracks, letting out a panicked cry. Since Ciel had followed after her, she immediately ran over to her, keeping close in fear on what could happen next. She definitely was scared... Though, from that alone, that voice, she had no idea whose voice it could be, but then again... it sounded so familiar at the same time. It had to be a traitor either way...

"... we...w-we need to help... someone bad is here..." Yuka stuttered, still thinking that they had to do something to help despite the fact that it was dangerous for someone like her to be involved in.

@Verite @DapperDogman @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus Wright trailed behind Yuka as she ran into the hedge maze. "You're pretty fast kid", he said, though in his own mind, he felt like he was running in molasses, compared to what speed he thinks he should have made.

Being in a maze was confusing in and of itself, but that and trying to decode a murder mystery was daunting. "Let's look for any clues we can find, that should help us determine who the killer was."

@Verite @DapperDogman @Krieg @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
~The Last Stand~

The soldier apathetically stared upon the group before her, spotting distinctly the rage and fury of Chandra. Recoiling back, almost showing signs of fear, the raven-haired scout audibly and visibly cringed, hastily holstering her swords. Bringing her hands together, the young woman growled, feeling an unnatural red hew begin to emit from the skin. Glancing above her, spotting columns of hellfire beginning to direct themselves towards her, it was that that point Mikasa knew her efforts were but in vain. Barely missing a collision with a fiery inferno, the startled murdered propelled herself high above the maze with her 3D-Manuever Gear, her abnormal swiftness able to navigate through Chandra's fury.

Briefly touching her left cheek, feeling burned skin flaking off, Mikasa tighten her ash eyes into a fierce glare. She had sacrificed far too much to be slain by some heartbroken pyromaniac with a zealous desire for vengeance. Angling herself properly, Mikasa began to bolt downwards, compressed oxygen from the cylinders at her waist propelling herself forwards. Oddly, however, she bore no weapons, nor did her hands illuminate a red hew to signify her newly acquired abilities as a pyromancer.

No, instead, the sly killer employed a different stratagem. Circling around the center of the Hedge Maze, the airborne warrior used her maneuvering gear to direct the fumes of any burning hedges downwards towards the ground. Now, if this was one mere fire, the effects of this would be null at best. But, thanks partially to Mikasa's own anarchy and Chandra's fury, Miss Ackerman was beginning to use the compressed air in her cylinder tanks as a makeshift fan, shooting the toxic fumes to those in the center of the maze.

"Try using fire now..." Mikasa softly murmured, before landing onto the earth and hastily retreating within the Hedge Maze. Open combat would lead to suicide, no, the soldier knew she had to attack when the time was right and target the weakest members of the group.

Now came the waiting game.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Anybody else

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Chandra coughed and covered her mouth for a moment, the smoke choking the fire she had on her hands, but her hair was still ablaze, she growled under her breath and burst upward from the smoke, floating in the air as she glared at the murderer, flaming vengeance

"If you want a challenge, then I'll give you one" she hisses


She summoned a giant, flaming, flying snake and set it on Mikasa

"Let's see the fly dodge the jaws of death itself"


She smiled her appreciation, gladly handing the girl over. "Thanks," she offered with a small nod. Smiling, she went to shake his hand and become partners. "Partners, then."

"This should work well, then," she mused, looking between the others in the group. "Alright, this is all I'm asking of you, here.. I just need you guys for backup, okay? I just need to get close enough to get his player pin. That's all that's necessary.. None of us will have to vanish, and we'll be eliminating some sadistic killer... And avenging Ash...." The last part was murmured softly, under her breath. If one were to look closely, it seemed her eyes were still somewhat tear glazed.

Then, a small sigh came. "If I don't get the pin in time.. Please do one thing for me.." she asked, voice suddenly gentle and showing slightly more passion. "...Just make sure he pays," she requested.

Glancing at Jack, Teresa seemed to think momentarily. She glanced at Jenny, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Jenny... You stay here, where it's safe. For one, you've got no partner, and therefore, no line of defense. You already almost died once, and I'm not letting it happen again. Besides.. Someone needs to stay and watch the kid."

Apparently, this wasn't up for discussion, in Teresa's mind.

"Now.. We need to go. I don't know how long I've got 'til I'm wiped out of existence." And, without another word, the glader set off into the maze, looking for Ryu.

Oh, this was far too familiar...

@Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mari

Emma Frost followed along with Teresa. "I'll be with you then," she said, "it seems like you need my assistance. I guess you've really focused upon Ryu now, haven't you?" Emma looked around as they walked, hoping she doesn't accidentally step on another clue, or another person's belongings again.

@Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus Wright trailed behind Yuka as she ran into the hedge maze. "You're pretty fast kid", he said, though in his own mind, he felt like he was running in molasses, compared to what speed he thinks he should have made.

Being in a maze was confusing in and of itself, but that and trying to decode a murder mystery was daunting. "Let's look for any clues we can find, that should help us determine who the killer was."

@Verite @DapperDogman @Krieg @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I'm right there with ya!" Claptrap joined in, Coming from behind Marcus, Glancing over to see a raging fire.

"Holy crap! What did I miss before I got here?!" Claptrap exclaimed to Marcus and Yuka.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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