Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Pyrrha nodded, listening along. "This sounds like important. I'll work on it as hard as I can," she said with another nod, already lost in thought. However after a few seconds, she turned around, noting the two black wings on her back. She sat there, watching them, moving them experimentally for a few moments. "Wait, I have a question. Do the reapers have any leads so far? And will we have anything at our disposal to stop this intruder? Pins? Powers? Weapons?" she asked.


"You may have all the pins you had before you died if that would help you at all," Konishi replied with a nod. "And we do, in fact, have an idea as to who the suspect is who could've been behind this." She took out another picture, showing it to Rocket and Pyrrha.


"This is a boy named Joshua. We have reason to believe he has broken into our game and is actually not a spirit. Somehow, he broke into our game while he was still alive. Not only is that against the rules, but also highly suspicious. We think he's the one we're looking for. However, if for some reason he's not, both of you finding him will still be of great help to us. After all, he is a rotten little rule breaker.," she said shaking her head.

"Have either of you seen him before?" she asked.​
"What.The.Bloody.Hell,"Bakura said starring at the picture of him an expression of shock/confusion.

Ryou blinked, "fangirls are crazy," he concluded looking away from the picture to examine the poster before leading them to a different area of the Museum.
@Librarian Cat
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Hey, you're in no condition to help out, so don't worry. I'll handle the work, you just follow along and keep from getting hurt, okay?" Genuine concern was present in his voice as he spoke to Ciel. It seemed he was still worried over her possibly being hurt without her eyes.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Taking me for some sort of girl who can't take care of herself, eh?" She asked, a somewhat playful smile tugging at her lips, "Don't worry. I've been through worse. Trust me on that one," Ciel said. She wasn't used to being pitied... for a lack of a better word, but it was interesting to her. The notion of someone genuinely being concerned for her because of who she was, instead of what she was.

"Once I get back home, these wounds will likely heal in the blink of an eye. If I can survive decapitation in the world of the living, my body can handle some acid wounds."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Librarian Cat

This area has been explored already, but after feeling the need you make your way to the art museum anyhow. You discover some inserting works of art...


Bakura the Merman by some random person on


An odd looking flier advertising a play of some sort...​
It's official, this place is screwed in the head.
Great, now apparently I'm an actor, I guess I would be a sexy actor...never-mind.
He stepped over to Ryou and Bakura who seemed to be looking a a mermaid? "I'm not the only one as well huh? Yeah, creepy, lets move on now..." and with that, he followed Ryou & Bakura further into the museum, hoping no more creepy artwork would pop up.

@Catwoman surpreme
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"You may have all the pins you had before you died if that would help you at all," Konishi replied with a nod. "And we do, in fact, have an idea as to who the suspect is who could've been behind this." She took out another picture, showing it to Rocket and Pyrrha.


"This is a boy named Joshua. We have reason to believe he has broken into our game and is actually not a spirit. Somehow, he broke into our game while he was still alive. Not only is that against the rules, but also highly suspicious. We think he's the one we're looking for. However, if for some reason he's not, both of you finding him will still be of great help to us. After all, he is a rotten little rule breaker.," she said shaking her head.

"Have either of you seen him before?" she asked.​
Pyrrha shook her head. "We have not seen him before. And would you like him dead or alive?" she asked. This one certainly sounded dangerous.
*seeing as though nothing is happening. Kamina takes out the phone reads for the voters. He doesn't suspect any one but he reads how people are voting for Ryu. He doesn't like that too much* "How could they vote for Ryu! He is one awesome bro. He hasn't done anything wrong. You know what! I'll fight back screw you Minato!" *he presses the button to vote for Minato* "Flame Girl! Vote for that other menace Ceil if you would!"​
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman

"Vote for...Ciel?" Chandra mutters as she pulls out the phone, looking through the names she sighs a little "You know...I don't want to kill anyone without proof they're behind it...especially not if it leads to breaking up a couple..." she sighs a little and puts the phone away "No votes yet" she says with a sigh "Unless you have evidence to present?"
~The Streets of Shibuya~

Time ticked and marched on for days, maybe weeks, or possibly even a month. Honestly, the Big Sister could no longer keep track of time as she marched endlessly through the streets, avoiding Noise and exploring what little she could. Like that of a child, she felt lost and forgotten, confused and insecure about the world around her. Haunting, ghastly memories clawed at her around every corner, so much so that the Big Sister had gotten used to it- nay, adapted to it. Adjusting her precious little birthday cone hat, the hulking mass of steel, in all her strength and stature, felt like a meek, frail child.

Step after step, the maddening lunacy of nothingness was beginning to etch it's way into the Big Sister's mind. It had gotten to the point where she had vainly pulled out that cellular phone, doing everything in her power to just make contact with another individual. Her heart longed for individuals such as Elizabeth and Thanos, both of whom she deeply felt emotionally connected to despite only briefly knowing each other. Perhaps it was Thanos wisdom and Elizabeth's beauty that had entranced the horrid, filthy beast, but in the depths of her heart, the trapped woman felt as if she could trust them with her life.

The phone vibrated; an update.

Scrolling through the names, the Big Sister's body froze, spotting whom was missing from the voting polls. A missing candidate meant death, and it took the mechanized beast a good two minutes to fully comprehend what had happened. Her hands began to shiver and tremble, slowly placing the phone back into the slim pockets of her skintight, snug diving suit. Holding the sides of her helm, falling sternly on her knees, soft murmurs and whimpers escaped the Big Sister's helmet, echoing outwards and sounding like a wounded, hurt animal. Even ever so faintly, the whispering sounds of sobbing could be heard, the Big Sister feeling as if her body and mind was reaching a breaking point.

Pounding her fists against the concrete, which had shifted into largely vegetation and urban decay, the mutant began to run aimlessly throughout the streets. Granted, she was heading towards A-Fast, though it was not her direct intention of residing within that area. In fact, quite the contrary, the Big Sister was looking and seeking for Elizabeth, dead or alive. Even if that meant not voting, even if that meant accepting the punishments that would surely follow...then so be it.

The Big Sister was not going to Elizabeth forgotten, for she, along with a select others, was the last threads of humanity keeping her together.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anybody Wandering
@What GM Do I even tag anymore.
"Vote for...Ciel?" Chandra mutters as she pulls out the phone, looking through the names she sighs a little "You know...I don't want to kill anyone without proof they're behind it...especially not if it leads to breaking up a couple..." she sighs a little and puts the phone away "No votes yet" she says with a sigh "Unless you have evidence to present?"
*Kamina grumbles understanding why she was saying all this* "Fine fine. No votes till proof" *he removes his vote* "We should go somewhere. Staying around like this is driving me nuts"​
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman
The reaper frowned upon hearing that sad tale from Yuka. "Wow, thats rough..."

In front of Yuka's feet, a little plant sprouted from the ground. It quickly grew three--no--four leaves!

Success! Yuka obtained four leaf clover.
It took awhile for Yuka to finally stop crying out for her big brother, realizing that one of the plants that they were supposed to be looking for had sprouted right in front of her. Wiping away the leftover tears on her face with her dress sleeve, she carefully plucked the four leaf clover as she stood back up.

"... I'll be home... soon..." Yuka whispered to herself, trying not to cry again. Deciding to keep the clover in her hands, she placed the clover into her pockets. Though, she felt like she should share something with Marcus... since he happened to hear her entire story...

"U-Um... I... I just feel tired... from all of this..." Yuka scratched the back of her head, thinking that maybe her emotions and overall experience here was starting to make her feel tired. Going through her pockets again, she showed to her partner what was her good luck charm! Even after all of the stuff that she's been through, that lucky charm of hers still was in good condition, heck... it even smelled strongly of caramel scenting!


"...I don't know what... you want to do next... Marcus... b-but... I feel like I should share something with you... since we are partners... and that I've been thinking that I keep a lot of stuff to myself... I mean.. you don't have to... but I think you should hold onto it for me... it's a good luck charm I made in school..." Yuka explained on why she decided to show him this scented bead charm, and was considering even giving it to him for now...

@Wedge Antilles
It took awhile for Yuka to finally stop crying out for her big brother, realizing that one of the plants that they were supposed to be looking for had sprouted right in front of her. Wiping away the leftover tears on her face with her dress sleeve, she carefully plucked the four leaf clover as she stood back up.

"... I'll be home... soon..." Yuka whispered to herself, trying not to cry again. Deciding to keep the clover in her hands, she placed the clover into her pockets. Though, she felt like she should share something with Marcus... since he happened to hear her entire story...

"U-Um... I... I just feel tired... from all of this..." Yuka scratched the back of her head, thinking that maybe her emotions and overall experience here was starting to make her feel tired. Going through her pockets again, she showed to her partner what was her good luck charm! Even after all of the stuff that she's been through, that lucky charm of hers still was in good condition, heck... it even smelled strongly of caramel scenting!


"...I don't know what... you want to do next... Marcus... b-but... I feel like I should share something with you... since we are partners... and that I've been thinking that I keep a lot of stuff to myself... I mean.. you don't have to... but I think you should hold onto it for me... it's a good luck charm I made in school..." Yuka explained on why she decided to show him this scented bead charm, and was considering even giving it to him for now...

@Wedge Antilles

Marcus gave a slight smile to Yuka. He looked at the ground to see if he could find a 4-leaf clover for himself. "Good job, kid. Seems like we're good luck together." He accepted what Yuka handed to him.

"I appreciate it, I could use some good luck. Where do you suggest we go to next?"
@Ryu Keiko @Jenny

The shopkeeper looked at him with slight worry. "What exactly are you going to do?"


The area seemed... gloom, even despite all the new vegetation. The streets were devoid of people. If Big Sister so desired, she could head either to a concert space or a gothic-lolita shop with a particularly flashy sign.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Jeremi

Asha charges up his Natural Magnum pin, aiming for a shot at the shoulder joint of the dragon.


The stall owner giggled as Claptrap walked away - though it could hear him gasp as he saw the same jungle sprawling.
Marcus gave a slight smile to Yuka. He looked at the ground to see if he could find a 4-leaf clover for himself. "Good job, kid. Seems like we're good luck together." He accepted what Yuka handed to him.

"I appreciate it, I could use some good luck. Where do you suggest we go to next?"

"It's pretty lucky... like, it's been a help one time here too..." Yuka smiled, glad that he appreciated and accepted her offer. It made her feel like they were slowly bonding. Upon hearing the question about where to go next, she took out her phone to see the map of the city again. Even though Shibuya was pretty much covered up in a jungle, she knew there were places to check for whatever was there to search for the other plants. At least someone else happened to find another plant while they were busy here for the clover.

"Um... maybe the Bus Terminal is a good place to check first before anywhere else..." Yuka suggested. Knowing transit systems, it would be worth it to check that area out... unless the whole plant infestation wasn't a huge problem at the moment.

@Wedge Antilles

"It's pretty lucky... like, it's been a help one time here too..." Yuka smiled, glad that he appreciated and accepted her offer. It made her feel like they were slowly bonding. Upon hearing the question about where to go next, she took out her phone to see the map of the city again. Even though Shibuya was pretty much covered up in a jungle, she knew there were places to check for whatever was there to search for the other plants. At least someone else happened to find another plant while they were busy here for the clover.

"Um... maybe the Bus Terminal is a good place to check first before anywhere else..." Yuka suggested. Knowing transit systems, it would be worth it to check that area out... unless the whole plant infestation wasn't a huge problem at the moment.

@Wedge Antilles

Marcus nodded to Yuka. "That sounds good," he said, "let's go to the Bus Station then." He offered his hand to her, if she wanted to take it while walking. He had a feeling she might, but he wasn't sure. He wouldn't feel hurt if she didn't.


For some reason, as they walked, Marcus felt an air of familiarity about the people he'd been paired with so far. A younger man. A woman. And now, a girl. In his mind he was trying to piece it together but it wasn't coming together. His memories were still a blank before the events here.

He tried to strike up some conversation with his newest companion. "So, Yuka, it's pretty crazy here huh?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus nodded to Yuka. "That sounds good," he said, "let's go to the Bus Station then." He offered his hand to her, if she wanted to take it while walking. He had a feeling she might, but he wasn't sure. He wouldn't feel hurt if she didn't.


For some reason, as they walked, Marcus felt an air of familiarity about the people he'd been paired with so far. A younger man. A woman. And now, a girl. In his mind he was trying to piece it together but it wasn't coming together. His memories were still a blank before the events here.

He tried to strike up some conversation with his newest companion. "So, Yuka, it's pretty crazy here huh?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
While they did just meet not too long ago, Yuka wasn't that hesitant as she took his hand as they walked, she knew that she could trust him. Or else they wouldn't be partners after the events that led to this...


"Y-Yeah... it is... I didn't know what to expect from this..." Yuka answered, surely agreeing with that. While she thought that the afterlife would be peaceful, it certainly wasn't upon getting here... All because of that 'Sachiko Ever After' charm, and if it wasn't for it, then she wouldn't be here right now. Then again, she didn't want to think that now, because she was already here and there were many that were also present that she didn't want to think of what would happen to them if she wasn't around... She shivered at the thought...

"... I-I mean... it's a lot to take in... especially for me..." Yuka sighed, thinking of what else could happen here, but stopped herself from thinking about that too much.

@Wedge Antilles
While they did just meet not too long ago, Yuka wasn't that hesitant as she took his hand as they walked, she knew that she could trust him. Or else they wouldn't be partners after the events that led to this...


"Y-Yeah... it is... I didn't know what to expect from this..." Yuka answered, surely agreeing with that. While she thought that the afterlife would be peaceful, it certainly wasn't upon getting here... All because of that 'Sachiko Ever After' charm, and if it wasn't for it, then she wouldn't be here right now. Then again, she didn't want to think that now, because she was already here and there were many that were also present that she didn't want to think of what would happen to them if she wasn't around... She shivered at the thought...

"... I-I mean... it's a lot to take in... especially for me..." Yuka sighed, thinking of what else could happen here, but stopped herself from thinking about that too much.

@Wedge Antilles
"If it matters, Yuka," Marcus said as they walked hand in hand, "I wonder what's going to happen to me as well. Especially this last time, a lot of people perished. Let's just hope we'll be okay."
This response earned a very brief pause from the glader. "...Isn't a hectopascal some sorta measurement tool?" she replied, watching the man closely. She didn't like that smirk on his face.. It couldn't mean anything good.

"Regardless.. I asked you first. So I'm not answerin' 'til you do," she replied, stubbornly.

Easily, the female kept her poker-face, replying with a shrug. "I guess not. Art or otherwise, it does get a tad bit annoying when ya get trapped in some random store," she mused, keeping his gaze.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone in Mr. Groceries
Emma looked at the reaper. "Can you tell us if there is a way out of here?" she asked.


"Or failing that, perhaps if there are any plants to be found in here?"

@Nobody Important @Arlathina @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Ryu Keiko @Jenny

The shopkeeper looked at him with slight worry. "What exactly are you going to do?"


The area seemed... gloom, even despite all the new vegetation. The streets were devoid of people. If Big Sister so desired, she could head either to a concert space or a gothic-lolita shop with a particularly flashy sign.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Jeremi

Asha charges up his Natural Magnum pin, aiming for a shot at the shoulder joint of the dragon.


The stall owner giggled as Claptrap walked away - though it could hear him gasp as he saw the same jungle sprawling.

Thanos meanwhile would use his Frantic pin to create a strong torrent of wind in an attempt to topple the dragon over. He didn't really care for the Reapers he was trying to rescue...but he figured that they would owe him after this.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Yiyel
"H-hey, that's not what I meant! I just don't want you to overwork yourself, that's all! Can't a guy show some concern for the most spectacular woman in his life?" A irritated glare was Ciel's reward for teasing the young teen, "Even if the curse effects have worn off, I still care about you, Ciel-chan. I just..."

"I'll shut up now. Come on, let's find this kid's parents."

Halting, the Big Sister carefully being to tread forwards, feeling the concrete crumble and grind against her feet as she occasionally crunched a plot of untamed grass and weeds. Her hands tighten into fists, holding the cellular phone, the hulking, lonesome behemoth skulking woefully. Eyes frantically searched every alleyway and crevice, seeking for Elizabeth to fully comprehend if she was alive or not. In the back of the Big Sister's mind, she knew the answer, after all, why wouldn't she be in the voting list?

Holding the phone angrily, the Big Sister let out a hissing growl, scanning through the names as rage began to consume her. She noted how vicious these individuals seemed after every posting round, violently making crude and unjust accusations. Tempted to revote Asha again, the Big Sister halted, instead boldly voting for Minato. In her mind, it was the head of snake she desired to hack off, to prevent anymore of these accusations. Putting away the phone grievously, the Big Sister decided to head into the gothic-lolita shop.

If only she knew what that shop would entail...


*Kamina grumbles understanding why she was saying all this* "Fine fine. No votes till proof" *he removes his vote* "We should go somewhere. Staying around like this is driving me nuts"​
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman
Chandra shrugs a little and gives a slight huff "I don't really know...we should look for those plants though..."
She tried to remember what it was that Garruk would say about plants...

Not an awful lot came to mind, but she knew that he always said that plants told no lies, so that was something...

Maybe if they could find some source of water, or a patch of grass, they could find some plants?

"We should look for water, or general plant's the easiest way to locate flowers" she suggests to Kamina
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