Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's Home for the Parentless...

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Confused out of his mind as he watched Mr. Wilson leave, Kaine looked to Stelios. ".....Man, I'm not even mad, I punched Mr. Wilson. That shit felt good." He huffed, sighing heavily as he stood. "See? I told you he'd be back in a few hours."
Xavier was still not happy with Kaine's decision to punch Mr. Wilson but it was kinda cool. "Why don't we take this upstairs to our room and let the girls....recuperate" Xavier said glaring at the older two of his roommates, then glanced at the girls who had received the beating, his gaze softening. Why are the Wilson's so cruel? He thought to himself.
"Sorry, i had to figure things out, i was going to leave and not look back, but i couldn't just leave you guys" He scratched his head and chuckled. "It's nice outside though, found this Jacket" He felt the still wet jacket."I guess i came here just in time" He was truly sorry and felt pity. "Wish i had the guts to do that" He replied to Kaine's comment. "Alright right behind you"

She quietly watched as the events between the boys and Mr.Wilson unfolded, a smile appeared on her face as Kaine socked the old bastard in the jaw. As Xavier tried to get the boys to leave Oceanelle looked over at Kaine and said,

"Nice punch. And I don't think anyone would mind if you all hang around a bit longer."

She continued her way into the room and dipped the rag into the tub before wringing it out. She gingerly dabbed the welts upon Lacey's back and began to concentrate on cleaning the wounds.
"Hope you girls get better soon" Xavier said with forced smile. With Soye in his arms he headed towards the stairwell. With Stelios and Kaine behind him. I am gonna rip Stelios a new one Xavier thought as the four boys entered their room Xavier closed the door and turned to Stelios "I want the full story of why you left NOW!" Xavier said through gritted teeth.
Stelios was shocked when he yelled to him, wasn't scared but was just shocked. "Why is it a big deal, i am here now isn't that good enough?" He said to Xavier.
"No, Stelios, it's not good enough. You don't seem to realize how serious this is... If they had found out you'd run away, all hell would have broken loose for all of us. We have to stay together, here. We're a family, we protect each other. You need to tell us why you left. You know you can talk to us. Like it or not, we're all you have."
"Stelios I am trying to stay calm, but you aren't making it easy" Xavier said though gritted teeth he set Skye down on he and Stelios's bed with the toy car he brought back from the girls' room. "Because of your actions, Mr. Wilson hurt Kaine and now has it in for him and he almost hurt Skye."
"I know, and i'm sorry i get that you guys care about me, i didn't mean to hurt anyone, i just, i lived here a while and i was fed up. But i get it, we all need to stay together, they can't hurt us if we don't split up" He sighed walked to hte bathroom.
"Wait we aren't done here" Xavier said following Stelios. "Do you realize how bad things could have been Stelios, he bad of a beating Kaine and I and maybe even Slye could have gotten?" Xavier asked his voice slightly breaking "and we could have lost you" Xavier whispered almost silently, hoping Stelios hadn't heard his last comment.
"I know i'm sorry, i get that you guys care about me, but i'm my own person, now let me go pee" Stelios walked to the bathroom.
Waiting outside of the bathroom Xavier thought of the day they had had so fa. First Skye comes, then Stelios runs away, then the girls get beat, then the fight with Mr. Wilson and Kaine.....and then Stelios shows up out of the blue...he has to pee a lot.
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Deciding it wasn't something Skye needed to witness, Kaine lifted the young one and a few of his toys from the floor, heading back to the girls' room. Skye had been getting along with Nicolette, after all. He figured the boy would be more comfortable there... That and he honestly didn't feel like dealing with Stelios, himself, at that moment. The adrenaline had worn off and the gravity of what he'd done was crashing down on him... Silently sitting down at the window in the girls' room with Skye in his lap, he sighed softly. He didn't want to say anything about it in front of the boy, but he couldn't help but wonder whether he'd survive the night. After all, he'd just punched Mr. Wilson. Lacey had just been horribly punished for far less.

"..So, are you all alright?" He asked idly, looking up towards the girls.
After he was done. He walked to the room ignoring Xavier and grabbed his book and started reading.
Following the boy back into their room he noticed Kaine and Skye were gone Xavier Kaine wouldn't let anything bad happen to him he's fine. Sitting on their bed Xavier looked at Stelios and in the calmest tone possible he asked "Stelios why did you run away please stop ignoring ,e and making excuses, please just talk to me I was really worried" Xavier pleaded.
Stelios sighed and put the book in his lap."I ran away because my parents contacted me, they said that they wanted to meet me, so i went to see them, they said they were in a hotel, so i went to the main desk, but i was scared, i ran away, i'm a coward" He rubbed his hand and looked down.
Xavier was very surprised he had just thought Stelios was fed up like in the note "then why did you lie to us?" Xavier asked keeping his voice calm. If Kaine were here what would he do?

(Xavier showing he kinda sorta maybe wants to be a tiny bit like Kaine hahaha)
"Because i didn't want you guys thinking i'm a coward" He sighed and put his palm on his fore head.

Oceanelle continued to tend to Lacey's wounds as she said,

"I know that I'm ok, But I think that while I'm tending to Lacey. Simone could use some comforting."

She stated.
"Stelios you're not a coward" Xavier said getting off their bed and sitting down next to the younger boy. "I can't speak for Kaine, but I'm almost positive he feels the same, Stelios you can tell me anything ann I won't think any less of you" Xavier said smiling at the boy "you wanna know a secret?"
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