Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's Home for the Parentless OOC Thread, pm if interested

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What should the guys sleeping arrangements be? Hurry and vote the voting will be closed Monday

  • All in one room with two king-sized beds

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Two different rooms

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Wilsons are a little busy at the moment.. I don't think they're capable of being two places at once, so you might wanna discuss it with who ever's using them at the moment.

I've kind of drifted off to the side :I sudden drama with the girls threw me off.
The Wilsons are a little busy at the moment.. I don't think they're capable of being two places at once, so you might wanna discuss it with who ever's using them at the moment.

I've kind of drifted off to the side :I sudden drama with the girls threw me off.
I said the girls would cause a lot of drama haha, Xavier is just over there protecting Skye from the big bag Wilson's

Hey, hey, the boys have their drama under control, okay? Theyhaveitundercontrol. xD Maybe not, but still.
Yeah I mean all we have is a runaway, who will come back eventually, the girls are getting a butt whooping haha
Perhaps after the girls' beating, there can be a small timeskip of a few hours, so that Stelios isn't returning too early?

So much has happened on Skye's first day. A runaway and people getting butt whoopings ;~;
Perhaps after the girls' beating, there can be a small timeskip of a few hours, so that Stelios isn't returning too early?
We'll go with that after the beating is over there will be a time shift to about 6P.M.ish by the the Wilson's will be suspicious of why they haven't seen Stelios

The Wilsons already left? I thought that the butt whooping was going to be RPed out, but I guess not~
This whole roleplay plot is so fun though. But YA the home is great place for kids

So much has happened on Skye's first day. A runaway and people getting butt whoopings ;~;
And he gained three older bros......some more......overprotective.....than others hahaha bit none the less three of which ran away but still a bro hahahaha
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I reaaaalllllyyyyy like when Kaine and Xavier interact. It's fun to read/see. XD

Clara Ann Fisher




16 years of age

Sexual Orientation:

Demi-romantic Pansexual


Clara is and has always been a very independent girl. She never liked relying on someone else, and will often refuse help even if she really needs it. She's a bright girl and is fully able to put get intelligence to use to get things done herself instead of waiting on anyone else to act. While she has the drive to move forward her mind often dwells too much on the past and over complicate things. This limits her ability to move forward and often leaves her in a state of confusion. She's a straight thinkers and solve problems logically when calm. However when stressed, caught up in thoughts of her past, or under duress her brain flies right out the window leaving her scrambling.

She can be truthful, loyal and determined to those that earn her friendship. Some people might find her cold or emotionally detached because she live in in her minds, not in their emotions and feelings, when she's in front of others she has yet to bond too. It might be hard to pin down how she is feeling because she will be quick to start living in denial, one of the many unhealthy coping mechanism she's developed through the years. A person who is able to read others well would be able to pick up on when she is not well but if they confront her about it, she would rather retreat into herself then talk about it.

All together Clara places on a cool and collected exterior to mask the raging emotions that live deep in her gut, and if you prodded just right you could set them free. She's can't stop living in the past and would like nothing more then to pretend everything was okay because she can't handle being hurt anymore. Once cracked just right she could be a valuable ally, having a quick wit and a sharp intellect, and and even better friends. Fiercely loyal and forgiving she's lay it all down on the line for those that she feels have earned her devotion.



How long have you been in the orphanage:

It's a new thing.
Just got brought in today. and what a hell of a day it's been...


When Clara was much littler her father bailed out on her and her mother when her found a little orange bottle in mummy's jewelry box. Clara didn't understand until much later what was in that small orange bottle that could make Dad angry enough to leave and never come home. It wasn't until much later she knew. The bottle had held 8 little orange pills called Prolixin, and drug used to help manage a big, scary word. Schizophrenia. Clara understood then. Her father had left because her mother had been sick, and she pre-dispositioned Clara to be sick too. She couldn't blame her Dad, after all,
Who wanted to play house with broken dolls?

Clara tried her best to not let it get to her and for the most part it worked! She never felt sick, and her mother never acted any different then a mother should.... So they were short a Dad, so what? Her life was just fine.
Just fine indeed...
Until her mother stopped taking a colorful cocktail of rainbow colored pills.

Antipsychotics, Prolixin, Atypical antipsychotics, Thorazine, Mood stabilizers, Clozaril, and so much more.
There one minute and gone the next.
"I don't need them, Baby!" Mother cried, "I'm ok, I'm cured!"
...but she was anything but...

The next few months were hell. In a sense. Her mother, if Clara were to hazard a guess, began to forget who Clara was. To her mother the world was loud and confusing.
'Who was this girl in her home? Where was her husband, what had she done to him?'
Her mother stopped caring for herself.
She refused to bath, claiming she could see visions of the creatures breath the see reaching through the suds of the bath to drag her under.
She wouldn't sleep at days at a time, how could she when there was this strange little girl her home and her husband was still out.
She couldn't bring herself to cook her own meals, as she was much to bust wandering the house opening and closing doors calling for her husband, and she wouldn't take the meals Clara would make for her. Claiming Clara had put things in her food. She knew. That's the kind of thing evil little girls would do. And the voices told her mother that Clara was an evil little girl. That her Father left because Evil little Clara had done something to him.

And the voices Never lied to Clara's mother.

Some days were bearable for Clara.
Her mother would only ask once or twice who she was and where her husband had gone. She put up minimal fuss as Clara took great care in fulfilling all of her basic human needs. Making sure she slept, bathed, used the rest room where she was supposed to, and ate. On those days she had time to sit down and read books left on the bookshelf in dinning room or just sit back and breath for a moment or two.
Other days weren't so kind.
Other days left scars, bruises, and tears.

It didn't take long for someone to notice what was going on.
Clara was taken away by overly friendly and fake people who spoke to her like she was only half her age. They hauled her one way, and her mother another. Mother was screaming.
"Clara! Clara!!!"

The people who took her kept refusing to answer when she asked what was going to happen to her mother, only speaking like broken records
"It's ok, Clara. She'll never hurt you again."
"It's ok, Clara. It's over."
"It's over. She'll never hurt you again."

That's when they took her to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson's home for the Parentless.

They lied.
It was't ok.
It wasn't over.
She may never hurt her again. But someone else would.
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Sorry if I went a little over bored -_-' I started to like the character a little to much as i was making her and it just kinda happened.

Anyways, please let me know when theirs an appropriate lag in the action where I can have her arrive at the house!
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