Moonlit World Casual IC - The town of Endor.

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...making the Never Never portals more easily opened at certain points. Now and then, someone falls in and I need to get them back. Besides that? Unless something really powerful or dangerous wanders through, we may be alright."
"Well. Would you believe that I have never ever been to the Never Never?" She giggled despite herself.
"And considering the current month, now would be the best time for them. Thunderation."
"Perhaps, but you see, we have two competent mages, and also, the most important thing." Luna paused.

"Kind hearts and willing souls. Such things are almost insurmountable, magic or no."

"Well. Would you believe that I have never ever been to the Never Never?" She giggled despite herself.

"Perhaps, but you see, we have two competent mages, and also, the most important thing." Luna paused.

"Kind hearts and willing souls. Such things are almost insurmountable, magic or no."

"Its a dangerous place, even at the best of times. Its also the home of Faerie, among other...Darker realms."

He placed his mug to the side and added.

"Time warps differently there as well. I spent a week there during the sixties and came out around the late eighties."

@Michale CS
Miles was on his way home from school and wasn't quite sure what he was going to do tonight. Maybe he would go to the Pumpkin patch or something. He just wanted to breath in the fresh hair, especially now that they had found him a replacement kidney and he was adjusting to it. He decided that it was best to just go and interact with others.
Derek was silent as he entered the town. After everything he had been through, he needed a break from all the craziness. He hoped that this town would offer this and he wouldn't fall into something bigger. All he wanted was some time to recover. He hoped that it worked.

Miles was on his way home from school and wasn't quite sure what he was going to do tonight. Maybe he would go to the Pumpkin patch or something. He just wanted to breath in the fresh hair, especially now that they had found him a replacement kidney and he was adjusting to it. He decided that it was best to just go and interact with others.
"Now where did he go?"

Stephanie grumbled, feeling like she'd been searching for days for that kid in the mask. One moment, she had been chasing him and the next...Out of the blue, gone. And she still didn't know which kid he was who had thought it fun to play that prank. Still, credit where it was due. He had a hell of a hide-and-go-seek game. The autumn winds blew crisp and clean and Stephanie breathed in deep as the scent of winter on the cusp filled her lungs. Ah well.

Since she was here, she might as well choose a pumpkin.

And exploring as she did, she'd miss Miles unless he decided to speak to her.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Chewy Rabbits


Elsewhere, in the local pub an old man would be dictating a story.

Clad in the vestments of a priest, he seemed larger than life and more akin to a retired bodybuilder. His hands were as large as frying pans seemingly and when he spoke, it was with the jolly intonation of someone who'd box your ears and join you for a quick pint after. Which honestly, wasn't quite far from the truth. His name was Father Mustrum and he doubled as the town coroner and substitute doctor on the days the usual was out.

Currently, he was nursing a beer mug of what was best served in shot glasses, whose scent seemed to warp the air over it as he continued.


"-An' when the lights went out, I went fer a right hook and the bugger ran away! Anyway- That was back in '98. And since then, I've never had trouble since. Damned Gremlins, always mucking up my holy of holies!"

"That old heap you call a car?"

"Its a Potomac Gallant classic, you godless heathen! Lord save me from all these sinners!"

There was appreciative laughter, of the sort that comes from an old joke heard time and again. But never getting tired of it. Apparently, Father Mustrum thought the same as he smirked and toasted the bar before downing his pint.

Such was the scene at the local pub. 'The Pumpkinhead.'

@Michale CS @Anyone Who Wants In.​
There was appreciative laughter, of the sort that comes from an old joke heard time and again. But never getting tired of it. Apparently, Father Mustrum thought the same as he smirked and toasted the bar before downing his pint.

Such was the scene at the local pub. 'The Pumpkinhead.'
Luna strode into the pub. She rather liked the name, actually. Seating herself at the bar, she debating ordering butterbeer but they really never have heard that outside of certain circles, so she asked for an Irish Coffee, with whipped cream on top. That should be a suitable replacement for it, she thought.

@Ringmaster @ whomever
Now where did he go?"

Stephanie grumbled, feeling like she'd been searching for days for that kid in the mask. One moment, she had been chasing him and the next...Out of the blue, gone. And she still didn't know which kid he was who had thought it fun to play that prank. Still, credit where it was due. He had a hell of a hide-and-go-seek game. The autumn winds blew crisp and clean and Stephanie breathed in deep as the scent of winter on the cusp filled her lungs. Ah well.

Since she was here, she might as well choose a pumpkin.

And exploring as she did, she'd miss Miles unless he decided to speak to her.
Miles looked at the pumpkins that he could choose from and he looked at them, deciding to pick the biggest one. It was a nice day and he could use the little gift. He wondered what else he could say and he waited before he decided to go for the best one. Sadly for him, he had to put down his guitar to pick up the pumpkin. He lifted it and realized it was way too heavy for him to carry by himself, he was a musician, not a weight-lifer and he was indeed a boy who was in need of a new kidney replacement.

He looked around, hoping that there was someone who could help him.

He noticed Stephanie and called her over. " I could use some help here," he said, hoping to get her attention.

Miles looked at the pumpkins that he could choose from and he looked at them, deciding to pick the biggest one. It was a nice day and he could use the little gift. He wondered what else he could say and he waited before he decided to go for the best one. Sadly for him, he had to put down his guitar to pick up the pumpkin. He lifted it and realized it was way too heavy for him to carry by himself, he was a musician, not a weight-lifer and he was indeed a boy who was in need of a new kidney replacement.

He looked around, hoping that there was someone who could help him.

He noticed Stephanie and called her over. " I could use some help here," he said, hoping to get her attention.
She sidled over and popped a gum bubble as she gave him a piercing look. It wasn't her day with faces it seemed, as she eyed him over without a glance of recognition. If Miles had lived in this place though, he'd have heard of her. Stephanie Voorhees...Local goth. Worked at her foster fathers butcher shop and had a weird, otherworldly air to her that manifested in the little things. The way she could stare daggers right through a person, her habit of being incredibly still whenever she wanted...But mostly, the way people seemed to shun her. If asked, the most they'd say was that she was weird. And somewhat creepy at that, which was displaying itself as she looked at him, mentally assessing his arms before she blew another bubble. As it cracked in the fall air, she finally spoke.

"Kinda noodlely, are you? Alright, c'mon then. Trick is to grip it underneath like- So!"

And picking it up easily, she looked around and added.

"You got something to put this in, or were you planning on carrying it home? Don't think I've seen you around either."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Pumpkin Patch

Luna strode into the pub. She rather liked the name, actually. Seating herself at the bar, she debating ordering butterbeer but they really never have heard that outside of certain circles, so she asked for an Irish Coffee, with whipped cream on top. That should be a suitable replacement for it, she thought.
One Irish coffee placed before her. Father Mustrum bellowed aloud.

"Is that ye Luna? Good girl, come and settle a debate won't you?"

He clapped a massive hand on the shoulders of another...A farmer, who dealt in corn crops as he chuckled. Father Mustrum continued.

"This good man, contrary to evidence shown does not believe in Gremlins! Come now, what say you?"

@Michale CS
He clapped a massive hand on the shoulders of another...A farmer, who dealt in corn crops as he chuckled. Father Mustrum continued.

"This good man, contrary to evidence shown does not believe in Gremlins! Come now, what say you?"
"The African variety or the European? The African Gremlins primarily like loosening wheels, while the European ones like drying out things that require lubrication and relocating tools. Although, there are a few who believe there is a third variety in the far east whose diet consists almost entirely of leather. I am not sure if that's just overzealous cobbler gnomes stealing leather for their projects." Luna rattled off.

"Why? Have you seen a Gremlin around here? If so, the ones with white stripes and brown spots are the African and the ones with white spots and brown stripes are the European. It's very easy to get them confused."

@Ringmaster @ whomever
"The African variety or the European? The African Gremlins primarily like loosening wheels, while the European ones like drying out things that require lubrication and relocating tools. Although, there are a few who believe there is a third variety in the far east whose diet consists almost entirely of leather. I am not sure if that's just overzealous cobbler gnomes stealing leather for their projects." Luna rattled off.

"Why? Have you seen a Gremlin around here? If so, the ones with white stripes and brown spots are the African and the ones with white spots and brown stripes are the European. It's very easy to get them confused."

@Ringmaster @ whomever

Father Mustrum crowed in triumph as the bar burst into laughter. The farmer shook his head with a grin and downed his drink before putting it down with a deep sigh of satisfaction. Pointing first at Father Mustrum, then towards Luna in that order he spoke.

"Yer cracked, yer cracked and I'm going home to me missus 'afore I start catching it! Good morrow to ye all!"

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Father Mustrum approached Luna and clapped a hand on her shoulder.

"Good of you to back me up old gel. I tell you true, Gremlins are real! Buggers always liked to mess with our chutes, back in the sixties."

He grumbled briefly at looked thoughtfully into his empty beer mug before substituting peanuts instead.

@Michale CS
"Good of you to back me up old gel. I tell you true, Gremlins are real! Buggers always liked to mess with our chutes, back in the sixties."

He grumbled briefly at looked thoughtfully into his empty beer mug before substituting peanuts instead.
Luna was quite used to being called, cracked, looney or any number of other things so it didn't bother her in the least. "They do like unfolding and refolding things too, both varieties. I think during the world wars there was some intermixing of the two breeds of Gremlin and they taught each other things, which I suppose was very bothersome for people."

She received her coffee and sat down next to Father Mustrum, taking a sip. "I suppose I shall have to find some recipe that should very well substitute for my favorite beverage in school, one of these days. Though this is not a poor substitute."

@Ringmaster @ whomever
Luna was quite used to being called, cracked, looney or any number of other things so it didn't bother her in the least. "They do like unfolding and refolding things too, both varieties. I think during the world wars there was some intermixing of the two breeds of Gremlin and they taught each other things, which I suppose was very bothersome for people."

She received her coffee and sat down next to Father Mustrum, taking a sip. "I suppose I shall have to find some recipe that should very well substitute for my favorite beverage in school, one of these days. Though this is not a poor substitute."

@Ringmaster @ whomever
"Oh? I wouldn't be surprised m'dear. Back in 'Nam, was a lot of that in between...Lots of horrors for sure, but also some bright spots."

He crushed the peanut shells between his fingers thoughtfully as he added.

"Met a girl there. Took here back home with me, which was terrible for both of us, but mostly her. People....People were angry mostly. And they saw in her face, a representation of that. Mine too, 'traitor' they called me. When earlier, they were ragging on me for ever going in the first place! Ha!"

He sighed deeply and looked wistful.

"God, I miss her. Buried her about...Ten years now. Good gel. Very good gel."

@Michale CS
"Oh? I wouldn't be surprised m'dear. Back in 'Nam, was a lot of that in between...Lots of horrors for sure, but also some bright spots."

He crushed the peanut shells between his fingers thoughtfully as he added.

"Met a girl there. Took here back home with me, which was terrible for both of us, but mostly her. People....People were angry mostly. And they saw in her face, a representation of that. Mine too, 'traitor' they called me. When earlier, they were ragging on me for ever going in the first place! Ha!"

He sighed deeply and looked wistful.

"God, I miss her. Buried her about...Ten years now. Good gel. Very good gel."

@Michale CS
"I'm sorry for your loss. Oh... Father Mustrum? I can... show you something quite beautiful but you must give me your most solemn oath that you shall tell no one that I did, as I could get in a lot of trouble if I did. But I think you deserve to see it." Luna proposed, sipping again and looking at him quite seriously.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Oh... Father Mustrum? I can... show you something quite beautiful but you must give me your most solemn oath that you shall tell no one that I did, as I could get in a lot of trouble if I did. But I think you deserve to see it." Luna proposed, sipping again and looking at him quite seriously.

"Eh?" He blinked and looked her over before coughing, in an uncomfortable manner as he hemmed and hawed.

"...Er, I'm flattered dear child. But um....I'm a bit old for ye, don't you think?"

A beat passed and he chuckled, patting her shoulder.

"I'm kidding. But what the devil is so beautiful that it needs be private?"

@Michale CS
A beat passed and he chuckled, patting her shoulder.

"I'm kidding. But what the devil is so beautiful that it needs be private?"
"Something many people do not think exists. Something you can see, only if life has shown you things that I am sure yours has." She blinked a few times. "Do you swear? If you do I will show you."

"Something many people do not think exists. Something you can see, only if life has shown you things that I am sure yours has." She blinked a few times. "Do you swear? If you do I will show you."

He gave her a long, slow look before he pushed the peanuts away. Slowly, in a voice rough with the long years of life and the subsequent experiences, he spoke.

"Young lady, you would be somewhat amazed at the things I had seen in life and thus, what I am capable of believing. I believe in Gremlins and that the damned things enjoy messing with my car because they can. I believe that any nightmare can be dispatched with a gun and that fire is the great equalizer for all. I believe that there are creatures in the jungle that feast on human flesh and whose tooth I still keep, back in my chest of secrets. I believe that there are stranger things in life, nightmares people close their eyes to which leaves others to pick up the slack. I believe my neighbor out on the Riddle farmstead is a genuine witch and most of all...I believe in Endor Town and that its far weirder than most give us credit for. So whatever you may have, whatever you wish to say...Speak on."

He leaned on the bar counter.

"I'm listening."

@Michale CS
He leaned on the bar counter.

"I'm listening."
"It's... a rather special type of horse, really. I'd much rather just show you than try to describe them, if you wouldn't mind, I've a breeding pair at my home in the back lot." She stood and cocked her head.

"Will you come?" Luna asked.

"It's... a rather special type of horse, really. I'd much rather just show you than try to describe them, if you wouldn't mind, I've a breeding pair at my home in the back lot." She stood and cocked her head.

"Will you come?" Luna asked.

The response was immediate as Father Mustrum slapped his hand on the bar.

"Barkeep? Put my drinks on my tab!"

"Sure thing."

That settled, he got up and winced before adding.

"Don't suppose you can drive? I'm a wee bit tipsy and would rather not get the Sheriff on my tale for drunk driving."

@Michale CS
That settled, he got up and winced before adding.

"Don't suppose you can drive? I'm a wee bit tipsy and would rather not get the Sheriff on my tale for drunk driving."
"Actually, no sir. But I've a way to get there. A... shortcut. No telling anyone about this either." She led him around the corner into an alley and did something impulsive, even for her.

She took his hand and sidelong appartated them to her side yard, then moved to steady him if he lost his balance. "I've just broken a host of rules and shall break a few more for you but I feel you deserve them. And honestly... I need someone who believes to be my eyes about town, in case of strange things, you see."

"Actually, no sir. But I've a way to get there. A... shortcut. No telling anyone about this either." She led him around the corner into an alley and did something impulsive, even for her.

She took his hand and sidelong appartated them to her side yard, then moved to steady him if he lost his balance. "I've just broken a host of rules and shall break a few more for you but I feel you deserve them. And honestly... I need someone who believes to be my eyes about town, in case of strange things, you see."

He said a phrase in fluent Vietnamese as he leaned on the closest thing. A moment later, he grimaced and he gave Luna the Look.

"My dear, I've just found myself out of Endor and..."

He glanced around.

"....Near my own lands to be honest in a blink. I'd ask how, but I think I'd rather not know."

@Michale CS
"My dear, I've just found myself out of Endor and..."

He glanced around.

"....Near my own lands to be honest in a blink. I'd ask how, but I think I'd rather not know."
"And that is exactly the right attitude to have, sir. Follow me, please, they're in the back grazing right now. They're nocturnal, you see."

She led him around back and whistled softly to her breeding pair of Thestrals, which came trotting up, wings mostly furled but assisting to make their steps extra light.


"They're quite gentle, actually. Moreso than a regular horse, I expect. You can see them, I hope?"
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