Moon Rise

*checks for Ozzie's post*



Right, everyone can begin free posting. Just begin your stories wherever you like. I'll post with Venton shortly.
*raises hand with a question*

Should Tiniri's intro still include finding Steven and dragging him back to the settlement?

That'd be cool.
Okay. I might not get the post up tonight; I've got a wicked headache from a stressful week, but I'll start thinking on it and post as soon as I've got something.
Alrighty, glad to see this roleplay getting started again.
Okay, posted! Hope it's a good post...(self-conscious about her posting skills, if you hadn't noticed already)

You're welcome to play the other Yaprytins that came along with Taelin. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions.
I'll be posting tonight, and putting in links for Tegan and Rhomboid's characters.

As some of you may have guessed, our eventual destination will be the Space Station shown on the TV in my last post. This is where our characters paths are going to cross, once we have our openings done.
Okay, Atlas' intro story is up. I'll post a little explanation thingy below in a manner similar to which Asmo did for some of the other stories.

Atlas and a small team of thieves and crooks break into a high-security structure in order to steal corporate secrets, and the job quickly goes from bad to worse...
Members of Atlas' team, corporate security, workers in the building
Not sure whether or not we're still supposed to be writing NPC's, but I made a good try of it. Feel free to correct me if I got something wrong, Lovedove.
Yeah, you're all free to NPC for other players. But you can do your main stories as well now. I'll probably NPC in everyone's plotline as much as I can before we all meet.
Very nice post, Palonis! I didn't add any visuals because the pictures were a bit big...

So people don't get confused, two things I have to say:
1. In one post I will roleplay in more than one story. I will make sure to label which one is which so it doesn't get confusing.
2. Taelin-Hyun does not have a sixth sense that allows her body to meld into nature. A real life friend who was reading my post thought she did, so I'm making sure people don't get confused here. She's a hunter, so her body just naturally does that. It's hard to explain.

To Palonis, here's what the creature basically looks like:

Just a note to Palonis, the creature is supposed to act docile most of the time but due to "something", the creature acts much more aggressive. Just thought I'd point that out. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.
*handles the "something" part*
Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence. Expect my intro, along with some NPCs for Ghost in The Machine and Clusterfuck by tonight.

*Dozens of register tape pieces fly from her apron pockets* I've been making notes for my posts, whilst at work, you see. :D
Here's a question - As I am a part of Ozzie's story/ gang do I have to wait for her?
Nope. Just post away.
Uuuugh, more like tomorrow afternoon. Sorry kids, mummy had a long shift. *Chokes down her crushing guilt as she stuffs chocolate down everyone's throats*

Mummy loves you all very much. ;_;
Okay, I need a headcount. I'm getting "dead" vibes from this roleplay.

If people want to cut to the character meetings that's fine. I can jump the plot ahead to the space station and everything else can be told in flashback.

Let me know what you guys feel like doing.