Moon, Blood, and Wolf's Bane

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Either that woman was hiding satan's ball in her panties or she was damned stupid. Grace wasn't sure. She was sure that Natasha had one hell of a bad victim complex. Grace hated those kind of women. It was about as bad as Marette and her moping around in the bars.

As soon as Natasha was out of sight, she was pinching the bridge of her nose. This was not the way she wanted to handle the whole situation, but if she didn't get this nausea under control she was going to be barfing all over the street. Moving forward, she climb back in to her driver's seat and rest her forehead on the steering wheel.

Grace held out her phone for the man to take. "She's an upstart newbie in town and doesn't know her place. ...I don't need anything to drink. ...but thanks." Grace sat up slowly with her eyes still closed. As long as she didn't move too much, it'd fade off.

"Sorry, I've been waiting on a call and I wasn't watching the street. If you need the cops or an ambulance or somethin' I've got them on speed dial right now."

Sara didn't miss the sounds of the noise outside. Natasha went to check it out though, which was all well and good for the conversation she was having with the others right now.

"Go on and cook, Remmi. Take a break." Sara responded to her first. Waiting until the woman was getting up and on her way to the back. That was two girls, Remmi and Natasha that weren't handling this week very well. Everybody was freaking out and falling apart. This was exactly why Sara was ready to get something done.

"We weren't picky about Raymond and look at the shit we're in. Seriously. If we're going to move, we need a good place first. There's gotta be somewhere safer. Somewhere people aren't so nosey. Then we could start moving people out slow, so no one notices. I am tempted to split the pack and make it harder to trace." Splitting the pack was dangerous. It made them weaker. But at this point, they were being found too easily. At least seperated they could have a better chance to run and hide. Then meet up in a better place.
"She's an upstart newbie in town and doesn't know her place."

...Maybe there was a reason his family wasn't settled anywhere near Raymond. He thought it was sort of a scary way of thinking...but then again, a lot of small towns thought that way...but this made him think that Raymond didn't exactly fall on the more welcoming of the spectrum...

"Well," he started slowly, "I guess I know I won't be getting uppity anytime soon. At least if you're around." Jimmy laughed, a deep and loud sound. "I don't think your truck is going to be able to handle another run-in with any more upstart newbies."

He reached out and pushed her phone back toward her. "Nah, I don't think I need any cops or wahmbulances. It's...just a scrape anyway. I'll live." His hand reached up to comb through his long hair, pushing stray bits back. "Looks like I'll need to find a different place to eat breakfast though..." His lips pressed into a thin, sarcastic line. "Don't think I'll be going in there anytime soon..."

Jimmy threw his coat on, mostly in an effort to cover his stinging forearm up. "When I'm almost hit by a truck before going in to eat somewhere...I think I'll take that as a sign."
Grace tilted her head, reguarding him with a raised eyebrow and an amused smirk. "Sorry, did I just intimidate the latest stranger to Raymond?" Just adding to her reputation, the meanest bitch in town. She could deal with that, but after nearly running him over, Grace felt pretty bad.

Sighing, she slid out of her truck and slammed the door shut. She was already dialing up the number to the tow truck and listening to the ring on the other side. She spoke once it picked up. "Hey, I need my truck towed home. It's at the- ...heard about it already, did you." Grance glanced around. Yep. One or two spectators spying out windows. "I'm fine, yeah. No, don't need a hospital. No, it was my fault. ...I'm not having a miscarrige. ...God damnit, just come pick the thing up." Before she got any more curious questions, Grace hung up the phone and stuffed it in to her pocket.

"I really am sorry for nearly running you down. How about I buy you breakfast somewhere that ain't cursed?" Hell, if nearly running him over was a bad omen about the Hippo, she was starting to believe it. Ever since the place opened up, things had escalted and dive bombed. She sure as hell didn't want to be reminded of Zack.
Remmi smiled as she went into the kitchen slipping on her black and orange Halloween apron. Remmi washed her hands as she decided that Swedish meatballs and egg noodles, and chicken noodle and rice soup would be her specials for the day. As Remmi was pulling out everything that needed to be preped Natasha came in one door and out the other.

Setting her items down on the counter and wiping her hands off on her apron Remmi followed Natasha.


"Natasha... Would you like to help me cook today?" Instead of asking what was wrong she decided that it might be best if she offered her some busy work to help her clear her mind. Sometimes it was just better to have something to occupy the mind and hands than the current topic that you were brooding about. Besides Remmi didn't know if she really wanted to open that door in the West wing. "Whatever you decide I'll be inside."

Leaving it at that Remmi had realized that they needed some ingredients from the store as some of the supplies were running low. As Remmi was cooking her mood was much lighter. Remmi peeked her head out the door that connected to the bar. "Hey Noel, we don't have enough to make it for the next food shipment would you mind sending Rion to the store? Or I can go and someone can do the prep work." Remmi stood there waiting for a reply.

In the dim lighting of a heavily curtained window, Zack sat on the edge of his bed with a small metal lock box on his lap. The familiar weight of it's contents reminded him of the certainty that actions always carried with them. Turning the key, Zack opened the lock, and slowly lifted the lid. In side the box was a box of .45 caliber rounds, a set of dog tags, and folded letter. Passing his hand over the box of bullets, and the letter, his fingers grasped the dog tags, and pulled them from his little box of memories.

Clipping them around his neck, he slowly shut the the box, locked it, and placed it under his bed once more. He then knelt before a small altar with a crucifix, and closed his eyes. He knelt there for hours, before he rose to his feet, and slid a hooded sweatshirt on. Leaving, he shut his door, locked it, and began down the steps towards his truck. Entering the sunlight, it highlighted the dark circles around his eyes, as well as how bloodshot his eyes were.

If Zack had gotten his ass kicked in a fight... he still wouldn't look as beaten, and broken as he did right now. Guilt, and understanding was a hell of a combo, and one that the man was cursed with.

The one thing he knew was that he'd likely be killed by nightfall tonight. He was about to break the cardinal rule of the culture. To show himself to a human. Grace had ever right to know why he was so fucked up, and what better way to say 'Hey... I'm a god damn wolf.'

Natasha stood there for another moment, contemplating what to do, then finally decided to take up Remmi on her offer. She came back, ladled herself into an apron and got to work with the other were for a bit, quietly helping as needed. It had helped her mood, and when they found that the ingredients weren't enough for the moment, her thoughts slipped again. She then walked out the back door for a moment, fumbled with something in her pocket, then pulled out a small picture, her family. Her and Sara and their parents. It was dear to her, and if she ever lost that picture, she would become a wreck.

Infact, there was one time a couple years ago when it happened, and she remember she was in tears and had to have Jason help her search for it. They had eventually found it on her dresser, which meant they had been searching aimlessly for something in plain sight. It was a good memory. The picture just made her happy, it kept her calm. She loved her family dearly, and Sara was important to her, even if the girl could be a brat at times. Then again, Natasha wasn't without fault either. She knew how emotional she got, and how annoying that was.

She looked at the picture quietly, then took a deep breath before sliding it back into her pocket and going back inside. She smiled at Remmi as best she could and tried to get back into thinking about cooking, with some small interludes where she'd think about Jason. Gods, that man.... he was perf.... Cooking, cooking, cooking, think about cooking.
Silent behind the bar, everything continued on around him whether he got involved with it or not. In fact it seemed his lack of getting involved until absolutely necessary worked out pretty well for the most part. Only time he had ever really needed to get on someone's case was about a week ago. But the stakes were escalating all over town whether he liked it or not. Everyone seemed to be getting more and more violent toward one another despite their histories together. Unless it was exactly the fact everyone did have some sort of a past that made them so anxious to start spitting and snarling.

I don't like the way this place has been going at all. . . just what started it? It's almost like there's one of the cursed ones on the loose with how people are disappearing. Someone in the pack would have owned up to it by now. Or we would have at least smelled it on them.

Lost in his thoughts, only after it was to late to stop her did Jason notice that Natasha had barged off outside.

I'm THIS close to getting her a leash. Then again mayb that'd be pushing it even as a gag gift. . .

Sounds of angry voices outside didn't help to quell the feeling in the pit of his stomach that something MIGHT go wrong out there. Well, more wrong than a truck hitting something hard enough to make the radiator hiss. From the voices he could figure out who was there all except for a strange new masculine voice that had something familiar in the accent. Not the actual voice itself. . . but the mannerisms in the way which 'Jimmy' spoke. Though he didn't seem to know at all who Jimmy was in the first place. Deducing the things in that general area he had a pretty good idea of what had been hit. Which meant later tonight someone would have to fix it. Only Natasha walking back inside unharmed made him start to calm down again. Jason didn't enjoy so much that she had once again pissed Grace off during pregnancy. The woman had enough troubles since Zack had gone off somewhere after that argument last week.

He had considered going looking for him, but then thought better of it.

Noel's talk about relocation with Saraliya caught his ears since that subject actually did concern him beyond just idle bar chat. It sure was a good thing in retrospect that people were coming out to the bar less at these hours. Kind of interesting to see that people were less inclined to become social drinkers when they were on the verge of being at each-others' throats at the drop of a hat. Jason wasn't sure at all where he would want to go so long as he could stay with Natasha.

A soft smile came to his lips at the thought of her when she WASN'T causing semi-accidental mischief. When she had walked by his jade eye followed her walk with a look that lasted just a little too long for just friends. Jason was honestly surprised Saraliya had tried to utterly kill him yet for the things he and her older sister had done last week. But then again quite a lot of stuff was going on around town as it was without worrying about him or something like that.

"We could always head for the Carpathian mountains."

Words of playful sarcasm were muttered just gently enough to be heard. Mainly he meant to get a laugh out of Noel since they sometimes shared the same view on certain subjects. Or could at least regard them with the same amount of distancing humor. Part of him actually wondered where Rion had been hiding all this time if he had managed to stay alive long enough to come back to the pack in one piece. At least everyone else took good enough care of themselves to keep both eyes intact.
"Sure thing!" Jimmy agreed, smiling broadly, acceping Grace's invitation to breakfast. The tall man followed her like a big happy bear, the prospect of good food on the horizon making him seem like he was easily pleased. If anything though, he was genuinely grateful, and it showed.

He walked beside her as she led him wherever, his hands motioning in the air as he talked animatedly, his shoulders slightly hunched so that he could lean close and listen to her replies, his loud laughter echoing down the street. From the rate he was talking though, Grace's replies were probably few and far between.

It was a few moments before Grace's last comment hit him, "Aye," he whispered conspiratorily, "Is the Happy Hippo really cursed?" He didn't seem to notice his mistake.

He looked to the sky for a moment before his tone took a bit of a serious tone, the volume of his voice dropping. "It sure seems like somethin' that might happen though...sounds like Raymon' has had all kinds of weird stuff happenin' to it lately."

The town itself seemed to have an eerie feeling practically hanging in the air.

"I got here just b'fore the shit hit the fan, looks like. I d'nno a lotta the details though..." He paused as he thought about how much of that was a lie or not. The front desk seemed to only like to focus on the 'juicy' gossip and he couldn't really tell from that what was true or not. Small town rumors had a tendancy to get blown out of proportion pretty fast.

"Even the papers seem pretty hush hush about details. Seems like nobody really knows what's really goin' on..."
Noel looked up at Remmi and shrugged. "Well, whether you're going or not, you know we need a shopping list. Harry isn't going to just tell those guys down at the store to put everything on his tab." Then he looked at Rion. "So, you game for some shopping?"

"Sure." It was probably better he did the shopping anyways. He could see if anything else was going on. He had picked a hell of a time to return. He waited for the shopping list, got the money Noel figured he would need to cover it, and walked out.

Carpathian mountains ... Noel was honestly considering it while he gave a wolfish grin, laid down a card on the stack, the Ace of Clubs. He laughed. "You get points for effort, creativity, and probably best damn idea yet," he told Jason. "Nothing like going back to ... what the hell do they call it, the mother land?"
"No kidding." Grace responded, stuffing her hands in her pockets as they walked down the sidewalk. Where to take him for breakfast crossed her mind. With his mention of rumors, Grace wasn't too keen on stepping in to the Diner or another public place and having the questions getting thrown around. Talk about Zack, asking about Charlie. The rumors were the worst.

It was actually kind of nice to talk to someone that didn't know anyone in town. Grace gave a half hearted grin.

"You did pick one hell of a week to come in to town. What are you hear for, anyway? Don't look like a tourist? Wait, hold on." She paused him for a second as she jumped out in to the street and waved her arms at a beat up truck rolling by. When it stopped she was leaning in the window to talk to the driver.

"Hey, Joe Bob. Mind giving me and my buddy a quick ride back to my ranch? Looks like you're goin' that way."

Joe Bob glanced curiously at the 'friend' Grace was thumbing a finger at. Stranger in town. "Eh, sure thing. Hop on in th' back."

"Thaaanks, Joe." Grace's sing-song gratitude ended when she wagged a finger for Jimmy to follow suit in jumping on the back of the truck. She found herself a stable seat before stretching out her legs.

"Got us a ride to my place. I figure I can fix you a better breakfast than any place in town, and I can do something about that bleeding arm you're doing a shitty job of hiding."

"...Could you guys be serious for like, ten minutes?" Sara grumbled at Noel and Jason. They couldn't, she knew they couldn't. That's why Zack had the run of the place after Geoff was gone, and why they were in so much deep shit now! All of the males were stupid!

Dark thoughts in mind of stealing that stupid human and her baby just to keep the promise, and running away without the pack, Sara leaned on the table. Glaring. "I think we should all start looking up properties. Pick multiple places. If possible get the small ones out of town first. Jason could take Natasha and the younger pups."
Natasha kept with Remmi for a while longer before excusing herself, she listened in for a a moment, her ears trained on the bits of discussion she could hear.

"I think we should all start...... multiple places......get the small first..... take Natasha and the younger pups."

Natasha waited a moment, then sighed. She only wanted so badly to just find a place that she could just live in without fear of discovery or any drama that came around with living a second life as a hulking werewolf. Were they really going to have split up?...... And she was slotted by her sister like this. It was almost insulting. No.... it was insulting. But it was true....

She wanted, badly, to interrupt. But that wasn't her place...

Natasha thought back on her choices for the past week in a half.... and shook her head. In hindsight, she was a fuckin' idiot. She tried to do the right thing, had the right intent, but that only count for so much. There's a limit to how far good intentions get you when they never work out the way you want them to.

She tried. One last time.

"There's a big population in Canada.... We'd.... fit in...." Natasha murmured quietly, peaking her head out of the kitchen, then slowly walked out. She made eye contact with Jason.... she needed to see him.... it gave her little bit of support and guidance just to have him there. "But there's also some populations in Illinois and Ohio.... I think we should aim for a place where... we're not so.... rare.... in a sense." Natasha spoke quietly, looking at her sister tentatively, timidly, then took a breath. "That's all I have to say.... and I'm at least giving a serious answer.... I'll... uhhh.... go back.... and.... uhhh.... help Remmi cook.... or something... or.... ummm... Smoke break!" Natasha fumbled for wording for an exit, then practically ran back out the back door.

"Dammit." She fought with her head, wondering if she should have said anything at all. What help would she do, anyways? She prolly just screwed up again somehow just then. She leaned against the building, then looked up at the sky. All she wanted, was to be with Jason.... she wanted everyone to be safe.... she wanted to feel safe.... Jason....

A smile rose to her lips and her mood brightened a little.
Jimmy supposed he didn't really look like a tourist...but he also figured that he didn't really look like someone who belonged in Raymond, either. At least that's what he could get from the look Grace's friend gave him. He kept a friendly smile on his face as he jumped into the back of the truck, sitting down with his legs tucked close to his body, knees pressing against his chest.

He combed his fingers through his long hair, pushing back the stray strands as the wind blew them askew. "'m lookin' for somebody." he answered, a playful smirk crawling across his lips. He closed his eyes and tilted his face into the wind, speaking wistfully. "She ran away with my heart...and my wallet...and I'd sure like m'wallet back."

Jimmy's eyes opened, at least as far as they could with that big grin on his face. "That and I just got done visiting some relatives down th'other way. I've been on the road for a while and d'cided to take a rest in Raymond..." The big man squirmed around in his seat for a better position. "I think my ass is finally starting to realize it ain't as young as it used to be."
"Motherland sounds about right. But it sounds like the serious police won't stand for such fancy dreams."

Were the males really that stupid?

Jason thought he was stupid for his mistakes made a year ago that possibly lead to Geoff's death even more than the actual Hunter. For that reason he had been treading around with his tail between his legs on a daily basis save for a one short burst last week that proved just how much a former shell of himself the Ex-Alpha's death made him. Zack only had the run of the place due to convenient circumstances more than none of the other males being capable of seriousness. He certainly didn't feel like he deserved the position of Alpha. The Bartender preferred the pack to not fight amongst themselves during a time of such weakness over a damned position when surviving felt so much more important. Except now it seemed the world didn't want to give them the luxury of peace even if they hadn't started the trouble themselves in the first place.

He was about to address the task Sara had tried to place on him when Natasha spoke up. Looking at her made him start to think about how staying with her and a bunch of pups might not end up such a bad situation. Other than the fact they would likely never get enough alone time for themselves. Another thing these recent events seemed to not want to allot the still relatively new couple. The words Natasha spoke really made sense for once despite the fact her lack of confidence still poked in at certain points. For that a smile spread across his lips while watching her randomly declare a smoke break and spoke up for himself after she had practically dashed out the door.

"I don't have a problem taking the pups. And that's my serious answer. My serious question is where you thought you'd want to go. Cause unless you feel like you'll die fighting to get it instead of Natasha and I. . . I'd like to head up to Canada."
"At least you aren't going to throw up at every turn." Ugh, and she wasn't kidding. Joe Bob wasn't a bad driver, but Grace was still nursing a queasy stomach. Every turn they made, and there were many on the curvy road, Grace felt like she was on a boat and ready to upchuck a wad of foam.

Thank god the ride to her ranch wasn't long. When Joe Bob pulled up at the end of her property, Grace was all too happy to jump off the back of his truck. A short wave to the man, it was just she and Jimmy walking down the long gravel driveway towards the house.

"I'm no stranger to jilted lovers, myself." she said, snapping her fingers and giving a thumbs up with that sarcastic, chipper motion. A roll of her eyes followed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I just got accused of cheating right in the middle of town square. Great thing about these towns, I'm prolly the town slut now." Grace didn't give a shit about the gossip. But Zack flipping out on her, when she really really needed someone's support right now... This shit was too much.

"Eh, sorry. Didn't mean to lay out my dirty laundry. Here, welcome to the Colton ranch, currently headed up by me and my lonesome while the family is out doing good old fashioned travel rodeo work. Exciting, huh?" She grinned, opening up the front door to let Jimmy in and following behind him.

"...Canada is good. There's lots of territory in Alberta and British Columbia. We could build a permanant home." For once, Natasha's spurting of words actually made sense. There was so much open space in Canada and huge wild wolf populations. All they needed to do was purchase a good amount of land and find a town that they could blend in to. Sara tapped her nails on the table as she rolled the ideas around in her head.

"But we can't all move at once. I mean it. Someone is hunting wolves. It could be the one that killed Geoff or someone new. Or someone worse." By worse, she knew meant the Council. Cardinal law had been broken here in Raymond. Once the word spread of a half-were... They didn't normally punish an entire pack for the actions of just one stupid wolf. ...but Sara's promise to Zack...

"If Jason is okay with taking the young ones with him and Natasha, then we can split the others in to small groups too. Go in seperate directions and then meet up at final place once it's secured."

"Except there is one last thing to discuss. ...Grace Colton." It had to be discussed. She made the promise, and she would stick to it. Now it was a matter of whether the pack was with her or if Sara was going to be alone.
"Throw up? Naw! I got a stronger stomach than'nat!" It was true, too. Jimmy was always the one in his family who could be counted on to have every carnival and fair date memorized. Sure, it was hard to find someone who could fit along side him...but what the hell? It DID make him everyone's favorite uncle though...that meant plenty of cotton candy to swipe off of. (He told Grace about this of course, his arms waving around in the air animatedly.)

Yep...Jimmy had a pretty strong stomach...especially when it came to the hard stuff. Like removing someone else's stomach.

The tall man gave Grace a big sympathetic smile, "Ah, I doubt they'd be sayin' stuff like that about you." Aside from the fact that it seemed like Grace would probably kick their ass if they did, Jimmy figured that even THEY knew Grace didn't seem like the type. "Rumors'n gossip only go so far." He knew all too well, too, considering he came from a small town as well. The rez was notorious for gossip and even though you'd hear it all, your ear quickly got used to picking out what sounded like it was real and what was probably just somebody's dirty fantasy.

"B'sides, you've got a real nice place out here. I doubt anyone busy with other things could keep it looking as good as you are, and all by yourself t'boot!"

He stepped inside, ducking his head slightly as he stepped through the threshold, his dark eyes quickly glancing around, taking in his surroundings.
Natasha lingered outside the backdoor for a while longer, her eyes focused on the sky above her, a smile on her face when all of a sudden her nose twitched, then she sniffed the air slightly.

Leather..... blood... dirt... the smell of exhaust...

Everything seemed to slow down to a crawl as she stood there, trying to remember what that scent was.... she knew it wasn't a friendly scent, but what was...?

Time slowed further as it clicked in her head, already too late, she turned and ran inside of the bar again, about to tell the pack that....


Kaleb Cox had been listening to the 3's and 7's rant and rave for the last.... what time was it? He had lost count, but they had been going over the death of their leader for some time now. They couldn't figure out who did it. They couldn't figure out whether to stay or to go. And go to where? Also there was the matter that their leader's mate had also been killed. This was beyond concerning to them. Kaleb was unsure of how to react.

Would he treat it as "Enemy of an enemy is a friend"? Or stand with this pack, knowing that without outside help, he had no chance of running away... it was a thought process that he hadn't entertained for quite some time. He wanted to be able to leave, but the chance of being able to slip away successfully was quite unlikely.

That's when talk turned to the small pack in Raymond. Kaleb didn't like where this talk was heading, so he tried not to listen. Before he knew it, they were on the move again. He followed after them, and as they moved, it seemed like they got more and more hyped up, so he followed suit.

Soon they were outside of the Howling Hippo, where they had scented the other pack to. Its where the scent was the strongest...


Natasha ran out of the kitchen just in time to witness the rest of the 3's and 7's filing into the bar, and without pause, or word or any matter, they immediately started tearing the place up. Tabled and chairs were demolished, and a particular table had been propelled at the floor so hard that the floorboards snapped out of place, breaking. Wall hangings were thrown to the floor.

Within the first ten seconds, half of the bar looked like a tornado hit it. Natasha dove for, and hid behind the bar, where Jason was as a beer mug as suddenly thrown at the liquor shelf. The sound of glass breaking was a precursor to large amounts of alcohol sloshing out of broken bottles and onto Jason and Natasha. Another mug was thrown an the shelf dislodged entirely, bottles slid off to the side, propelled by gravity to plummet to the floor. Natasha peeked over the counter, carefully. What she heard next was...


"Why the HELL is our Alpha dead?! Did you motherfuckin pups kill him?! Tell us!"

This was only one of the many shouts that started to chant throughout the bar. Kaleb joined in, hating himself as he did.

He broke a chair and grabbed one of the broken legs as a makeshift weapon, using it to break everything else he could, joining in in the rest of the pack's chants. He was about to do some serious damage to a booth, when he caught scent of something, his head whipped around, seeking out the source of the scent.

There! He jolted into action, heading for Raymond's pack. But that wasn't his destination.... the chair leg clacked on the floor as he dropped it...


Natasha ducked as one of the 3's and 7's ran past, heading for the kitchen, much to the cheers of the rest of the pack, She moved to try and stop him when she was caught off-guard by the next shout she heard.



Kaleb stood there, in the kitchen doorway, staring at his old packmate, eyes wide, mouth still held open from shouting her name. He didn't know why he had shouted her name so loudly. But.... Dammit, it was surprising to know that after all this time, she HAD survived. He stepped towards her, adrenaline still surging through his body from wrecking the place. Nothing else mattered. He didn't care that the 3's and 7's were still there... the only thing that mattered, was that he recognized the woman in front of him.


Natasha peeked out again as she heard the yell, and watched as the other pack paused for a moment as they heard one of their members shout out Remmi's name, then went back to destroying the place.

"Jason, WHERE THE FUCKIN' HELL IS HARRY?! DOESN'T HE KNOW THAT THESE FUCKIN' BRUTES ARE TEARING UP THE FUCKIN' BAR?!" Natasha yelled, frustrated. What in the fucking HELL was going on?! She finally managed to move, the shock and fear wearing off as she headed for the kitchen.

She had NO IDEA what she was doing, but all she knew is that she was working on instinct. As she ran in, she grabbed whatever was nearest and swung it at the back of that 3's and 7's head. The dull sound of metal thumping against flesh and bone was heard, and then again, harder.

As she pulled her hand back, the guy in front of her and Remmi collapsed and she finally looked at what was in her hand...

A bent, and now broken stainless steel ladle.

"Remmi! Get a frying pan or something!" Natasha barked as she made her way to Remmi, ditching the ladle a she went and grabbing a pairing knife, standing between her and the man who was now pulling himself off the floor.
Remmi was washing her hands to go out back and talk to Natasha as she whizzed back into the bar like someone lit a fire cracker under her ass. She was always going back and forth like that maybe she had that ADHD thing she always seemed to me hearing people talk about on the television.

Remmi was heading back to the prepping table when she heard the commotion. The hell? remmi thought as she slowly crept to the door and opened it slowly as glass of some sort flew by slamming into the door and shattering. Rushing to her back pack, thankfully she kept it with her still as she was not quite settled after the murder.

"REMMI!" Her heart pounded threatening to burst out of her chest, her voice just one big giant lump in her throat as the voice behind the bellow was one that she knew. Her eyes grew wide, her gasp was caught by the lump in her throat, her hand was still in her back pack but clasped tightly around her fully loaded gun as Kaleb burst through the kitchen door.

Kaleb.. Remmi's mind went in a thousand directions of just him in the few seconds he was standing it felt like in eternity and she was shaking. thump, tjump And he was down and all that was in her line of site was Natasha.

Jolting back into reality Remmi blinked the tears out of her eyes as she pulled her baretta her hands were shaking as she aimed it at Kaleb stepping in front of Natasha. "I've got this Natasha, please take my backpack to Jason there are some weapons and remind him about the shot gun under the bar. I'll go around front as soon as I secure Kaleb."

Her voice choked as she said his name and her tears didn't stop her hands were shaking violently and turning white as she held a death grip on it. Remmi stayed quiet as she waited for Natasha to make it safely to Jason.
Noel was just about to bring up Grace when--fun arrived! He knew better than to get mixed up with these spoiled whelps so he did what any seasoned wolf would do, he headed into the kitchen with his deck of cards! "Harry's in the outhouse, Natasha love!" he yelled back. 'Sides, Harry had a nice little insurance policy on this tiny little corner of his. What would he care, except--

"Hey! That's Harry's vintage jukebox!" he yelled out. But of course, no one ever listened to him. Eh, they never did. Until it was too late. The curse of being such a hot wolf. They never took you seriously. He moved under the counter and went on hands and knees into the kitchen, deck of cards in his mouth. Oh man, oh man, everyone else was missing the fun!

Rion had noticed all the bikes in front of Harry's place but hadn't thought much of it. But there was an odd scent in the air ... He was carrying a couple of grocery bags with Remmi's list stuffed into his back pocket. He heard the crashes and the shouts, but he walked through the front door and looked around.

His appearance caught the attention of the two wolves closest to the door. He threw one bag into one guy's face, kicked the second one in the gut. The first threw the bag to the floor while the second staggered back a few steps. He slammed his fist into the former's face, elbowed the latter's. He shut the door behind him and barred it with a chair. He was not going to get interrupted by some fleshies just when he'd managed to find a good fight to unleash in.

Grace's home was was so quintessential middle America, that it could have easily been the model home for a magazine. There was that northwestern cabin ranch style. The neutral colors, the eagles and native american items scattered here and there. A big stuffed bear in a corner, and a furry rug on the floor in front of the fire place. It was definitely well lived in too, with the clues of active family life scattered all over the places. Kid's coloring books, adult's shoes. Bigass guns mounted on the walls next to trophies and family photos.

As she stepped in to the kitchen, she was grinning. Motioning for him to take a seat at the counter while she moved over to a closet and pulled out the first aid kit.

"Take off your coat and I'll deal with your arm first. I've had myself plenty of practice this week." She held up her arm and pulled up her sleeve to show him the neatly tied bandage she put on fresh that morning. "I caught a wolf chewin' up one of my cows a while bag and she took a good chomp on me. Next time I'll be makin' sure they're dead before I walk up on them."

The first thing Sara did when a bunch of gang thugs stomped in to the bar was groan. If they didn't have enough shit to deal with already. Of course, then Noel was crawling off like a big coward, which left her to deal with the mess.

She could already hear Natasha and Remmi making a huge racket in the back, and apparently one of the biker weres must have known Remmi, cause she heard him shout her name before something when THUNK.

Something ALSO went THUNK right next to her own head.

Sara was out of her seat in a flash. The benefit of being female was that big tough stupid males always underestimated just how quick you could be and how hard you could hit. She tackled one to the ground and had smashed his nose to the floor pretty hard when Rion finally arrived back. By now, several things in the bar had been thrown and smashed, and Noel bitching about his stupid jukebox and his antique pool table.

Someone snatched her up by the hair, and Sara was snarling in response. Hooking her leg to catch the guy's and sweep them out from under him. Both she and the biker went down, with her elbow catching him across the neck. She rolled out of the way of a flying chair and lept to her feet.

What she really wanted was to shift, pull out claws and sink her teeth in to their asses! But if a human walked in here now and saw a wolf, there was going to be even more hell to pay.

"Do you shit heads WANNA DIE TOO, because I'm feeling pretty generous today!" she howled, hefting up one of Noel's card tables before pinning someone else to a wall!
Noel sat down on the floor once he was in the kitchen and had bypassed the unconsciousness biker wolf. He needed something to distract himself from the wolves wrecking up Harry's place. He looked from the wolf to Remmi and back again. "Old boyfriend?" he asked as he started shuffling the cards. You really didn't need to be a psychic to know that. There was that look on her face that spoke volumes ... On a mental side note, he'd have to get her to play poker with him sometime.

Rion pulled a man's head down, then kneed him in the face, grabbed a bottle and slammed it over the back of his head. The glass shattered but he was quickly stepping back to let the unconscious wolf fall down. Then he used the bottle's sharp end to slam it into another wolf's jaw and send him flying over one of the booths. He blocked the next guy's right hook, then blocked the left hook with first one arm and then another. He slammed one foot down on his toes, before giving him an uppercut that sent him sailing onto a table, smashing it.

Rion had time to crack his knuckles before a biker's chain circled around his neck again and again. He fell to his knees when the chain was pulled but he clenched his teeth, grabbed the slack. He. Hated. Being. Collared. He jerked the guy forward, received a box to the ear. He went down but then he kicked the guy's legs out from under him. The man fell on his back and Rion jumped on him punching his face over and over and over, blood spraying ...