Monster Hunter: Age of Dragons OOC

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Just a mixed up guy over here.
Original poster

IC Link: CLOSED SIGNUPS - Monster Hunter: Age of Dragons

Monster Hunter: Age Of Dragons

Good morning from the village of Poeika. Though you already know that good hunter. You have been here for as long as I've been Chieftain here. I've seen you and the other hunters we are so lucky to have grow up to be fine warriors. While our village is small, the Guild has taken notice of your talents and has brought many a caravan through at times to let you browse at some of their weapons and armor. With those caravans has come supplies that have kept us thriving through the driest of summers and coldest of winters. And it is through your efforts that we maintain our hold here in the valley and forest that surround our home.

Yet I fear that these happy days may be growing shorter by the second. I have heard murmurs from other villages in the distance through messengers and even some wagon drivers that strange signs of monsters thought long to be legend have suddenly become more common place. As if these creatures are becoming threatened by something. And thus they feel that they must protect themselves and whatever they claim to be their own. Perhaps it is little more than the worried gossip of those who wish for more excitement in an already stressful world. I pray that it is, but I too have begun to notice that even the sun itself seems to dwindle at times in the high morning sky.

Not to mention I have also received countless letters and messengers from a some kind of mogul in one of the major cities in the distance. It appears he wishes to have your assistance in collecting monsters for some kind of operation he has been running. I am unsure as to why he would want to collect these terrifying beasts and not use them for tools, but he says they are valuable as "entertainment" pieces. I have no idea what all he means by that, but perhaps it has something to do with the great monsters of our land growing more agitated by the day. These creatures can be far more wiser than we give them credit.

In the meantime, please be careful today if you should decide to hunt for the monsters that roam the land with us. The villagers here are always in search for your sword, lance, hammer or bows whenever something is beyond their grasp. We must still be on the lookout to maintain our own way of living without too much outside help of course. I wish I could do more, but the village cannot run itself and my hunting days are long since behind me. Should you ever need anything, remember that the village and all whom you help are your kin. We wish for your safety and await your successes, our dear Monster Hunters!​
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⊗ Important Information ⊗

  • Poeika: Your home village. Set in a moderately thick forest with a river not but a few hours away to the west. While it is not a highly developed home, it has seen quite an improvement over the last few years with the sudden increase in traffic from trade routes that have used it to make traveling across the lands easier. The local inn holds dozens of patrons, including other hunters from distant lands. The blacksmiths do what they can with what they have to work with. Each hut that holds a family may be small, but it is enough to make even the most weary of traveler feel safe from the dangers of the world.

  • Quanil: The village elder. Quanil was once a skilled blacksmith in the village and helped build many of the homes and huts that make up the quaint village of Poeika. Even though his age is advanced, he tends to try and help build up the village even further. This can cause him to throw his back however as it is almost common place to see him walking around these days with a hand cupping the small of his back. Even with that though he will never stop doing what he can in pushing his small little village further into prosperity.

    Yuudina: The local Guild Hunter. Yuudina came down a few years back and has forever been the connection to the Hunter's Guild in the village of Poeika. She checks the caravans and receives messages from the many different messenger hawks that fly in on a daily basis it seems. She tends to be brash but is more than capable of handling herself and those around her with her wit and knowledge of monsters. Though she rarely leaves the village herself she is always prepared to go on the hunt if Poeika is in danger.

    Buna and Ikna: Buna is a towering man who takes his work as the blacksmith seriously. The son of Quanil, he tries his best to live up to his father's past example and does everything in his own power to keep his father from doing too much work. Ikna however, is the lazy Melynx assistant to Buna who more often than not is found napping next to the furnace and finding ways to complain about the work he does. While many have asked why he doesn't just leave for another job, Ikna retorts that "the rent is cheap" in Buna's shop.

  • To be added to later.
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⊗ Accepted Characters ⊗

  • Name: Kino Mistis

    Username: MixedUpGuy

    Age: 27

    Appearance: Kino keeps his long brown hair mostly unkept as it goes down towards the middle of his back. He is toned, but not overly muscular. A slight scar trails from the front of his chin to under his jaw almost to the neck. His tan is all covering as he tends to spend most of his time without his shirt for the fishing trips he makes to the nearby lake.

    Gear: Qurupeco Armor and Peco Teepee. Kino hunts with the traditional Guild Style with Absolute Evasion and Blast Dash as his hunting arts.

    Personality: Kino tends to be a very excitable member of Poeika. Usually when large amounts of excitement show up in the village he is the first to come around and be apart of the moment. Though he loves to be around action, he finds time to bring things back and try to relax not only himself but all those around him should times get tough. Because of that attitude, he is usually the first person to show up when another member of the village is in trouble or suffering from some kind of terrible occurrence. He cares deeply for his friends and takes his job as one of the local monster hunters with a strong resolve and love of the thrill that comes with facing the many great beasts that roam the lands.

    Back story: Before his time as one of the monster hunters of Poeika, Kino was the resident fisherman who took to his job like a Mosswine does moss. Skilled with a traditional fisherman's spear, he would bring back a whole barrel of fish back with him every other day during his later teen years. He gained many an admirer and friend in the village because of his skill and work. So much so that others began trying to learn from him on how to fish.

    At the age of 23, he had already helped many a member of the village learn his skills and tactics for fishing. During one such session, a sound not common to the area was heard in the distance that cause many of the villagers to be somewhat concerned. Kino tried to make out the sound but it proved to be unnecessary as the source quickly swooped in and made its presence known. The large amounts of fishing had drawn the attention of a Qurupeco from further downstream. It had apparently not taken too kindly to how little fish it was getting back where it had come from.

    Kino did his best to help the other villagers with him escape, but the quickness of the bird was too great. The talons swiped at many of them, and in one case caught Kino in the jaw with the glancing strike. As blood dripped from his chin, a wound he still is not sure as to how did not do more damage, he saw that the Qurupeco was attempting another rush at a group of his fellow villagers opposite of them. Thinking quickly he grabbed both a fishing spear and then tossed a rock that struck the creature in the back of the head. Turning around and enraged, the beast puffed its chest and let out a roar before charging.

    Kino raised the spear in his hand and chucked it towards the head of the beast. His aim proved true as it gashed at the beast's eye as it roared in pain as blood began to pour from the wound. Quickly the Qurupeco flew downstream from whence it came and it allowed the villagers to quickly escape before it could even think of returning to finish the fight.

    The incident cause Kino to be reveled as a small hero of sorts for those who were with him and those who heard of the tale. Shortly after, the village elder Quanil suggested to Kino that he put himself to the training of becoming a hunter for the village. His aim would make him a valuable addition to the small hunter band the village had. Kino, never one to caste aside a request from those in his home or the elder, agreed and spent the next four years learning the craft of the gunlance and became a hunter for his village to call upon in times of need.

    One of his crowning achievements was tracking down and finding the old Qurupeco that he had chased off so many years ago and finished the fight he started. The beast fought and fought with him for what felt like hours before a final pierce with the lance struck the beast down with a mighty roar. With the kill, he was able to finally obtain his new armor and gunlance after spending years without any real upgrades to his arsenal.

    Relationship Chart:
    Connor - Kino welcomed Connor with open arms when he decided to join the village after his caravan days were done. Kino respects Connor's space and his tends to let him be more often than not but does enjoy dropping off a few gifts here and there when he has extra fish or an ambrosia for his insect friend. He's offered to teach Connor how to fish with his spears, but Connor seems to be content with just using the traditional line to do his fishing.

    Googli - Being raised in Poeika himself he was around Googli for a very long time. Kino almost treats her as a younger sister for the most part. He tries to make her show more restraint on hunts but in the end she has always proven to be more determined than even he expects. When back at the village he likes to go over hunt tactics with her. Her vast knowledge on monsters and their tendencies at such a young age often surprises Kino, and in a way proud that she has found a great foothold in the world of hunting.

    Bean - Kino tries his best to be friendly with Bean but finds her perhaps one of the most difficult people he has ever had to deal with in his time in Poeika. While he doesn't hate Bean, he does wish that she would be slightly more open to just accepting even small friendly invites and take the occasional joke. In the end though, he still enjoys watching her work in the field and considers her a mighty hunter out in the village.

    Xavier - Xavier really doesn't have too much of a foothold in Poeika since he just came in. Kino has no issue showing him around the village if he wanted the grand tour, but Xavier is normally pretty busy handling all the Guild messages he gets on the regular. All in all, Kino can't say too much about the new hunter.
  • Name: Connor McKinley

    Username: Beowulf

    Age: 22


    Gear: A full set of Najarala armor with the insect glaive Needle Ivy and foebeetle kinsect. His hunting style is Aerial, using the Extract Hunter I art.

    (One on the left)


    Personality: Connor is a happy go lucky, you do you, I do me kind of person. He couldn't care less if you hated him or loved him, just say which one it is so he doesn't misread anything. Because whether you hate him or not, he will do his best to make accommodation for you, like trying to avoid you for your sake.

    On the hunt it's a different matter completely. He is serious, and places teamwork above all else. If you have a grudge against him, don't settle it when there is a giant creature with teeth somewhere. It's a selfish thing to do that could get everyone killed. He fights fearlessly and aggressively, being next to the monster at all times to compensate for his foebeetle being slow.

    Back story: Connor was originally a Caravan Hunter, going around with a caravan and keeping it safe from monsters and bandits alike. But when he came across Poeika, something just clicked. He liked it there, and though he didn't become a hunter for the village immediately, every visit from there on out edged him closer and closer to becoming one. Eventually the day came where he told the caravan leader that he was going to stay at the village and become it's hunter. Instead of resentment like he expected, the caravaneer smiled a broad smile, and that night there was a farewell celebration with filled with promises of returning now and again to see how he was getting along.

    Kino: Connor sees Kino as an acquaintance. Yeah they talk and seem to get along from what he can tell, but he just hasn't talked to him to much to really find out. They barely talked to each other during his caravan days, and though they talk more now that he's settled down it's still a far cry from friendship. His kinsect, however, recognizes the bearer of sweet ambrosia and thrums it's wings whenever it sees him. And for his part, Connor graciously takes the fish. He has yet to think of a way to repay the favor. Maybe some cooking of his own?

    Googli: Seeing as how she doesn't exactly go out of her way to interact with him, he doesn't go out of his way to interact with her. Its more out of courtesy to her shyness then not wanting anything to do with her. If she doesn't want anything to do with him then so be it.

    Bean: Such an odd name, Bean. But he knows to hold his tongue when around her or else risk losing it completely. As hot headed as she is, she at least respects him and there even seems to be a sense of comradeship when he's with her. Quite frankly its refreshing every now and again.

    Xavier: Who? He doesn't know every hunter, and frankly what he's done is nothing special when you think about it. I mean, some hunter killed the mountain god Shagaru Magala and the Tower of Spears, the Dalamadur. And the best part is he doesn't even know the name of the hunters that went on those hunts, succeeded, and survived.

  • Name: Googli Moogli

    Username: VerbalAbuse

    Age: 20


    Stealth Glaive and Mauldrone Lv1
    Full Lagombi Mail sans Helm
    Striker Style
    Extract Hunter I
    Absolute Evasion
    Escape Runner

    Personality: Googli can be very aloof around others her age and even comes off as bashful at times, but she gets on better with older people. She is nonetheless nothing short of benevolent towards others and gets her nose to the grindstone when the hunt's on. She is always eager to share notes, stratagems, and items with her comrades, and becomes more approachable as time goes on. When you get closer to her, she can start to let loose a little bit. Never raises her voice except to put down an argument.

    Back story: Born in parts unknown and raised in Poeika, Googli knows most of the people around town as she was raised by them, in some sense or another - as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Even some of the parents would take to babysitting and tutoring her alongside their own children just to help her get on her feet. At the end of her childhood, Googli had become a strong, intelligent woman fit for any task on hand. She decided, then, inspired by Yuudina, that she wanted to be a Hunter. The perfect vocation for someone who was both a scholar and a survivalist. Googli quickly picked up the Insect Glaive first, finding herself infatuated with her new Kinsect friend and enjoying the thrill of sailing through the air after propelling herself up on her blade, as well as the vigor that the Kinsect extracts gave her.

    Relationship Chart:
    Kino - Googli is somewhat more comfortable around Kino as she's known him all her life - when she was a baby, he was a child, and so on. She can often be found trading notes with him, making the two appear relatively close by Googli's standards. Despite this, she hasn't fully opened up to him, but she still respects him a lot.

    Connor - Googli is still unfamiliar with Connor, as he is, by her standards, a newcomer. When Connor needs it, Googli can still be depended on for the usual services, but when they're not hunting, she will be very hard to approach.

    Bean - Googli seems to treat Bean with a measure of fear at most times, which is slowly turning into contempt. Bean's presence in general tends to cause Googli anxiety, and the Wyverian's total lack of regard for her advice causes her unending frustration that stresses her tolerance. Perhaps the one comrade Googli has a hard time cooperating with.

    Xavier - Being a new face, Googli would be very closed off to him at first, preferring not talking to the man entirely, but through their hunts and possibly persistence on his part, the two might grow fond of each other.​

  • Name: Bean

    Username: GlitchyBugger

    Age: 25

    The best and first word to describe Bean in most ways would be "wild". There's not a thing about the woman that could be considered civilised or cultured, moreso in comparison to what's expected of Wyverians nowadays. With a dainty, lithe, tan skinned body littered in scars of varying shape and size, fairly average features in terms of looks and a short, scruffy mane of sandy-blonde hair, Bean could be mistaken for a vagrant with nothing to her name if not for her hunter status.
    Moreso, with her Wyverian heritage, she shares all the similar traits that a majority of her kind have and more. Long ears sharply pointing out behind her, digitigrade legs with a scale-like quality to the skin, blackened fingernails a few inches long and a sharp set of teeth in her mouth, slightly stained by goodness knows what.

    Full Kirin Blademaster set
    Weapon: Kaiser Blade - Charge Blade
    Hunting Style: Adept Style
    Hunter Art: Limit Breaker 1

    Personality: Bean is a crude, rude and typically aggressive person, she is perfectly capable of working with others if it's what she's been ordered to do but she wont try to get along with them if she doesn't have to. Her approach to monster hunting is to throw caution to the wind, fight tooth and nail and bring the thing down in any way possible with little regard for the safety of herself or others.
    The only times she behaves in a respectable manner is if she is told to by someone she regards as an elder, it can bring upon a complete shift in her personality to the point where she becomes courteous, quiet and even caring to some regard.
    In short she takes more after an actual Wyvern than she does other Wyverians, but she is still somewhat knowledgeable like other Wyverians.

    Back story:
    Bean started out in Val Habar, one of the only Wyverian children within the bazaar on the border of the desert, due to her exceptionally wyvern-esque appearance she was treated somewhat differently to most, but otherwise he life was... normal.
    Often-times when hunters came through she watched them and some tended to joke to her about being a monster herself, those jokes earned them a few bite marks and an angry child being pulled away by her apologetic parents to be "scolded" later. Even her parents were concerned about her aggressive nature and tended to just let her do as she pleased.

    During her adolescence Bean took an active interest in the hunters, some hunters knew of her by word of mouth but mostly they tended to avoid talking to those living in Val Habar, they were just there to go hunt after all.
    Few hunters didn't mind her abrasive personality and indulged the Wyverian child in her interest and told her about the monsters they fought and the glory of coming home with plenty of material to make stronger equipment. Their stories inspired her to want to become a hunter and be as amazing as they were, hunting giant monsters on their own like it was nothing.

    Once she was old enough Bean left to join the Hunters Guild and become an official hunter, the stories she had been told about the hunter life made it seem like a great time.
    And Bean proved to be a capable hunter, reckless and dangerous to any hunters whom she was teamed up with, but effective once she found herself to have an affinity with the versatile Charge Blade.
    Fast forward some time and she found herself in Poeika at the behest of the Hunters Guild to work with their hunters for a while, under the impression that a quiet village might make her more sociable with fellow hunters and thusly more co-operative.

    As a non-native to Poeika, Bean doesn't really like talking to the hunters here but will occasionally attempt small-talk if they really want to talk to her, she's just here to hunt monsters, not talk.

    - She doesn't talk to him much, if at all, but due to his slight superiority in age to her she gives him some respect and mostly does what he says if she thinks he's got the right idea. Bean tends to treat him more like a rival than anything.

    Connor - He's a hunter that's foreign to Poeika, like herself, so she tends to feel vaguely comfortable around him and is willing to look out for him. And whilst she's not friendly towards him, she definitely doesn't see him as a challenger or an enemy.

    Googli - Like most other hunters Bean works with, she doesn't treat her well nor terribly, but she has little, if any respect for the young girl... Enough respect to make sure she's not in the way if she's attacking a monster, but that's about it.

    Xavier - Because he's a well known hunter, Bean has no qualms treating him with respect and follow his orders.​

  • Name: Xavier Polk
    Username: Ariamas
    Age: 29


    Gear: Xavier has some old Battlemaster Rathian armor, as a hold over from before his move. The armor itself is of basic make, to give himself an incentive to hunt for better gear. His primary weapon is a guild regulation Guardian Sword. When he isn't using his long sword, he has a pair of Matched Slicers. Otherwise they are left at home. He prefers hunting with the adept style while using his long sword and aerial while using his dual blades. His skills go as follows.
    Long Sword: Critical Juncture
    Dual Blades: Blood Wind

    Personality: Like most high ranking hunters, Xavier has a laid-back and cheerful disposition. Although a competent hunter, he would be more likely to make a joke or funny comment than give orders. His primary concern is making sure everyone is happy and healthy, and will make sacrifices if his comrades are neither. Pragmatic and polite, Xavier finds it easy to get along with people, though they sometimes simply do all the talking.

    Back story: After graduating from the Wycademy, Xavier was offered a post to be the resident hunter in Pokke Village. There he raised through the ranks to get to 'G,' having hunted everything from the Yian Kut Ku to the legendary Lao Shan Lung. Unfortunately, all of his efforts left the village with no more monsters to hunt, as the Guild were protecting the native monster populations. With this Xavier sold his armor and weapons, and presented himself to the village chief in Moga Village.

    Much like he did at the last village, his skill and determination won him renown and ranks within the Guild, until Xavier was left with very little to do. The Guild decided to reassign him to a team of hunters who had recently took up residence in the distance frontier town of Poeika, hoping his influence would garner similar success to his previous posts. Xavier himself was just happy enough to go hunting again, selling his gear and equipment for a third time and start fresh.

    Relationships: Is moving into Poeika Village today and hasn't met a soul, but is excited to make new friends and comrades.
    Kino: "Who?"
    Connor: "Pardon?"
    Googli Moogli: "What now?"
    Bean: Heard of distantly from some Val Habar caravan hunter. "Didn't she stove in a Kaiser helmet with her fist?"

  • Name: Layla.
    Username: PetricusEuryale.

    Age: Twenty-two.

    Short brown hair, often messy, just like her father. Thin body and short stature that belies her impressive strength. She has bright blue eyes, inherited from her mother. Usually her clothes are dirty, caked with mud, and torn from spending a long day messing around outside of the village. Doesn't mind getting dirty. Her facial features are soft, almost delicate, and very pretty. Her body is rather toned and her skin as just a hint of a light tan.

    Armor: Bherna.
    Weapons: Lv 1 Petrified Hammer.
    Hunting Style: Guild Style
    Hunting Arts: Spinning Meteor I. Absolute Evasion.

    Personality: Rough and loud. Always getting into fights, even scrapping with people and not just monsters. Can always be trusted to have your back. But can't be trusted to not eat the last strip of Larinoth steak. Layla is honest, kind, and caring. Just as she is protective. And this is reflected in her hunting as she always fights to protect those she is hunting with. Having said that, she will charge ahead into the fray and leave her team mates behind. She has always been a fun loving girl and tries to live life to it's fullest. Loves cats!

    Back story: Layla lead a very normal childhood. Both parents loved her and cared for her. While her mother was a cook, working under quite a famous feline chef, her father was a miner. And he mined until he was old and his back was hurting. He often told Layla that there was nothing more precious than doing what you loved. He had given up on his dreams so that he could afford to support Layla and her mother. He had sacrificed his dreams so that Layla could have hers. Her dreams was to be a hunter.
    Now she is a fledgling hunter just starting out. With guild-given equipment to start her hunting, she's beginning in her home village: Poeika. Since she was a small child, she has dreamed of being a famous hunter. And now is her chance! It's time to make her old father proud.

    Relations Chart
    So far, Layla has found Kino to be caring and considerate. But, having not interacted much, knows little about him beyond that. He seems to take his job seriously and Layla is always happy to fight beside someone who loves the hunt just as much as she does.
    They generally each keep to themselves. While Layla is always sociable and chatty, it seems to her that Connor was kind of indifferent. Not in a rude way though. Though she's seem him act serious and get involved on the hunt.
    Yet another kind, helpful, and still serious hunter who keeps to themselves. Always happy to receive help from Googli. But outside of hunting they have talked very little. But Layla does think she's very cute.
    Once again, Layla has little personal experience with this hunter. During their few hunts together, Bean has been just as loud and fun loving as Layla. However, the two don't ever ineract outside of hunts and it seems to Layla that Bean is rather antisocial towards her.
    Sort of a fan girl, having heard lots of stories about his old exploits. For the most part though, he is another hunter who Layla has no interacted with as much as she should. Layla is always respectful towards him while still being friendly during their few talks.
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⊗ Rules and Regulations ⊗

1. No Godmodding or power gaming of any kind. To combat this we will be using a dice rolling mechanic that will be as follows. When avoiding a monster attack (of which the monsters will be controlled by myself or a GM should anyone decide to join on as one) the GM will throw a dice with 20 sides on it.

Rolling a 16-20 will result in the monster either breaking a piece of armor or pinning you to the ground. 11-15 will be a grazing shot that will do some damage to the armor but still leave a pain to your hunter. 6-10 will result in you dodging the hit completely while a 1-5 will result in the monster's attack backfiring (ie tripping, missing entirely or an environmental hazard strikes the monster itself) leaving it wide open for attacks by the hunters.

Dice Roll Breakdown:
16 – 20: Major hit
11 – 15: Moderate hit
6 – 10: Miss
1 – 5: Extreme Miss

16 – 20: Major hit
11 – 15: Moderate hit
6 – 10: Minor hit
1 – 5: Miss

A similar system will be used for attacking with it ending as either missing, minor, moderate or major damage following the same number systems. A major hit could cause a monster to have a piece of it severed off which can be used to make weapons and armor. Should a monster completely miss (roll a 1 to 5) you may add two to your next roll. After hunts, if a hunter does suffer serious damage to themselves or their armor, keep that in mind for the next hunt and put it into your posts.

2. Be sure to work on your posts. No two four sentence paragraphs. Be sure to develop what you are doing as your character and how the world is reacting as well. The more you write, the more your fellow roleplayers will be able to write back. A minimum of three to four paragraphs a post please.

3. Be considerate of your posting speeds. If you and another person are in a sequence of just your characters, that's fine. But if you carry on for three pages of just the two characters that takes it a little far. Try to make opportunities for other people to become involved as well and push the story. The more plot lines we can make, the better.

4. Be sure to inform me if you are taking a hiatus for a period of time. Two days of no contact and I will begin to worry. By the third day I will send a message to you asking where you are at. The fourth day we will remove the character from a scene in some way. WE WILL NOT KILL YOUR CHARACTER OFF AT THIS TIME! You will have a week before that comes to pass.

5. Be civil. If you disagree on a post or some other basic action bring it up in a polite manner and discuss it as people. No reason to start fanning flames in the OOC or making a scene in the IC either.

6. Should you have any plans of something you want to do with your or someone else's character, bring it up with them in the OOC or in the PMs before you do it. If someone starts doing something to your character and you don't want it to happen, see rule 5 on how to deal with it. Also, if you have an idea for a plot point, know that I am open to creative collaboration and feel free to PM me.

7. Enjoy your time in this story. This isn't meant to be work. The only work involved in this is myself making the rules and ground work for the story and you making characters to join. After that it is all fun and games. Please be sure to enjoy it as such.

8. Should you decide to engage in romance, know where to stop. Don't get too graphic with it. I don't know if people still do this, but if it does get more than just a little steamy take it to the messages and finish the scene out there.
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⊗ Character Sheet ⊗

Name: The name of your character

Username: Your name on Iwaku

Age: How old you are? Nothing younger than 18 unless you provide a good reason in your back story.

Appearance: What do you look like? This only includes your physical appearance. Equipment and armor comes around later.

Gear: What do you wear and lug into the hunt? Here you will include weapons, armor AND your hunting styles/arts. Things like flash bombs and traps aren't necessary as you can say you bring them into hunts during IC posts. Keep your armor and weapons for the early part here as rank 1-3 beginner gear. And remember that there is different armor for Gunners and Blademasters. You can find the armors here:

MH4U: Armor

Weapons are here. Just click the different weapon types and be sure to find something that is early in the game:

MH4U: Weapons

If you are unaware of the Hunting Styles or Arts, just check this page.

MHGen: Hunting Styles

Personality: What kind of person is your character towards others?

Back story: Explain to us how you became a hunter in our humble village.
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⊗ News and Announcements ⊗

Reserved for later dates and hunt events.
Awesome. I'll probably make the IC either tomorrow or sometime Sunday pending how the character development goes.
Are we just going to use mh4u? Or can I go on to mhgen stuff?
Whatever you want to pull out. I only shared links to 4U in case people weren't familiar with the series wanted to join and needed a complete list to work with. That wiki I linked has almost nothing on mhgen. My bad.
It's fine. I know there's a wiki for mhgen since I use it to tell me drop rates and all that.
Name: Connor McKinley

Username: Beowulf

Age: 22


Gear: A full set of Najarala armor with the insect glaive Needle Ivy and foebeetle kinsect. His hunting style is Aerial, using the Extract Hunter I art.

(One on the left)


Personality: Connor is a happy go lucky, you do you, I do me kind of person. He couldn't care less if you hated him or loved him, just say which one it is so he doesn't misread anything. Because whether you hate him or not, he will do his best to make accommodation for you, like trying to avoid you for your sake.

On the hunt it's a different matter completely. He is serious, and places teamwork above all else. If you have a grudge against him, don't settle it when there is a giant creature with teeth somewhere. It's a selfish thing to do that could get everyone killed. He fights fearlessly and aggressively, being next to the monster at all times to compensate for his foebeetle being slow.

Back story: Connor was originally a Caravan Hunter, going around with a caravan and keeping it safe from monsters and bandits alike. But when he came across Poeika, something just clicked. He liked it there, and though he didn't become a hunter for the village immediately, every visit from there on out edged him closer and closer to becoming one. Eventually the day came where he told the caravan leader that he was going to stay at the village and become it's hunter. Instead of resentment like he expected, the caravaneer smiled a broad smile, and that night there was a farewell celebration with filled with promises of returning now and again to see how he was getting along.

Kino: Connor sees Kino as an acquaintance. Yeah they talk and seem to get along from what he can tell, but he just hasn't talked to him to much to really find out. They barely talked to each other during his caravan days, and though they talk more now that he's settled down it's still a far cry from friendship. His kinsect, however, recognizes the bearer of sweet ambrosia and thrums it's wings whenever it sees him. And for his part, Connor graciously takes the fish. He has yet to think of a way to repay the favor. Maybe some cooking of his own?

Googli: Seeing as how she doesn't exactly go out of her way to interact with him, he doesn't go out of his way to interact with her. Its more out of courtesy to her shyness then not wanting anything to do with her. If she doesn't want anything to do with him then so be it.

Bean: Such an odd name, Bean. But he knows to hold his tongue when around her or else risk losing it completely. As hot headed as she is, she at least respects him and there even seems to be a sense of comradeship when he's with her. Quite frankly its refreshing every now and again.

Xavier: Who? He doesn't know every hunter, and frankly what he's done is nothing special when you think about it. I mean, some hunter killed the mountain god Shagaru Magala and the Tower of Spears, the Dalamadur. And the best part is he doesn't even know the name of the hunters that went on those hunts, succeeded, and survived.
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So, last question concerning monster hunters, specifically mhgen, and my character. What's your take on hunting styles?
I feel for our purposes of just roleplaying we can specify what styles our hunters use. In fact, thank you for reminding me about that, as I should have included that in the character sheet in the gear section. With that though, I'd just say to make sure to also include whatever Arts you wanted to include as well. Naturally for now we will probably just keep it to level one Arts and level them up as we progress in the roleplay. Thanks for the reminder though @Beowulf, totally spaced out that addition.
Working on things...
Kind of interested in this, mostly because Monster Hunter, I'll work on something once I'm free tomorrow/monday-ish if this is still alive.
The project is still alive for the moment @GlitchyBugger. Just waiting on @BlueFlameNikku and @Beowulf to finish up their profiles and as well as @VerbalAbuse and @Vanilla to check back in to see if they still want to join. If you want, feel free to make up a profile and join in. Hopefully we'll be able to start up the IC before too long.
Sadly I won't be perusing this Role-Play. Best of luck to the rest of ya.
I'm interested. I'll try to throw a CS together soon. Not sure what armor I should start with.
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