Monreau's Daemon

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Colette was a little scared but very happy that Damion came to her. She had missed him and was very worried that she had disapointed him.

"Your not mad at me?" she asked him softly as she cried into his chest. She almost vanished since she had stopped feeding and had given up on trying to find her place.
Damion didn't understand. "Angry? I've never been angry at you." her held her close to her, "All I've wanted was for us to be together, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." he raised her head to look at him "Colette, I want you to come and stay with me. If you want to that is." he looked away not knowing if he was being too forward.
"I..." Colette wasnt sure what to say. "I dont know Damion I dont know were I belong. I feel like this is all some nightmare and Sterling is still alive... I dont know whats wrong with me I have strange dreams and nothing makes sense. Ive spent nights with you and I dont know how or why. I sware its all a dream." Colette was walking around the room moving her hands and then rubbing her arms as she spoke. Looking at him she stopped.
"Is it a dream? I mean who can my brother just turn to ash right before my eyes, he has to come home, he has too.. " she sniffled and looked down.
Damion do not know how to respond, he simply held her close to him and remained quiet. How do you answer that? She needed time, time away from everything. "I will take you somewhere." he said. "A short trip, away for a bit. Would you like that."
Nodding Colette let him take the wheel and guide her out of the apartment. She had a small overnight bag already packed near the door since she was due to stay with her mother, but Damion grabbed it as they left.

A mover showed up and looked at the couple and nodded. "Well have it all in storage as planned Miss Moureau." Colette said nothing as she moved with Damion to his car. "okay then no tip" the guy remarked as he and other fellow went into grab her things and move them out. It was all arranged by her mother and Colette questioned nothing.
Damion put her bag on the back seat and helped her into the passenger side front. You're going to see a place I haven't seen since I was human." he smiled at her as they drove to the airport. "We'll be taking a private jet that's been treated. Its a long flight and I don't want us to get burned. I think you'll like it there." They arrived at the airport and Damion's car was allowed to drive right up the the hanger where the plane was waiting. Two large bags where taken out of his boot and carried to the plane as he walked with Colette carrying her overnight bag for her.
Colette blushed from his care and affection as they walked toward the plane. It was just like when she was a child and her fathr would come home. Looking around the hanger was like reliving something she had long since forgotten about. As soon as they were in the jet the preflight started. Colette sat near the window and touched the glass. She was a little scared since it had been a long time since she had flown.

"Damion, are we really going to be okay, Im.. I..." Colettes voice trailed off as they closed the door and she stood up. Her eyes wide. "Um, are you sure we are okay in here.. I mean... ah..."
"We're safe." Damion said putting a hand against the darkened glass. "And if you're still worried..." he pulled down the plastic shade on one of the windows. The sound of the engines cut his off as the plane started taxiing towards the runway. A stewardess came and told them they would be taking off shortly and that they should take a seat and put on their belts.

"We'll be there in a few hours, I can't wait for you to see it, you'll love it there."
Nodding to both the flight attendent and Damion Colette sat down and nuzzled into him. The flight attendent noticed that Colette looked cold so she brought over a blanket. As soon as Colette felt its warm fuzzyiness protecting her she started to nod off. Her head grew a little heavier as she plane started to taxi and then lift off. By the time it leveled off the attendent was back and smiled. "Would you care for a drink sir" she asked, and the looked at Colette.. "She's tired isnt she" she spoke softly but with great respect.
"Yes, shes been though a lot. Um bring up both something." he said looking up at her. He put the blood that the stewardess brought for Colette in her cup-holder for when she woke up and sipped his own. The flight took most of the day and then they arrived in Brittany it was almost dark again. A car was waiting for them.
Yawing Colette sat up and blushed, seeing her glass he quickly emptied it and felt very alive. She wasnt sure why, but loved the rush. As the door opened she grabbed Damions hand and giggled. "Come on" as soon as the door was secured Colette was out the door looking around at everyhing she ignored the car and looked up at the night sky. They didnt land at the commerical airport but a private field and it was perfect. She spun around in a giddy daze. Giggling she spun around and around, she was euphoric.
Damion smiled as he watched Colette dance in the hanger. He was holding her small bag as he stood near the car for a few minuets watching before he put her bag on the back seat and walked over to her. Her eyes contained pure delight as he took her hand to take her to the car.\, but she pulled her into her dance and he found himself matching her steps as they moved together inside the hanger, looking into each others eyes, for a few moments there was nothing except them in the world.
Colette danced with him and smiled and blushed. It was like the night she had lost in and thought she might never have him back again. This was how the night of the ball should have gone, this was perfection. He was holding her with strenght and grace unmatched by anyone. Her hair spun around as they moved. It was like a dream. Colette was light as air as the whole world seemed to vanished.
Damion didn't know how long they danced for, but eventually they simply stood in eachothers' arms and swayed gently back and forth in the patch of moonlight coming through the open hanger doors. He had both arms around her waist as she leaned into him when the driver came up to them and politely pointed at his watch.

"Alright." Damion said quietly and put an arm around Colette's shoulders as the walked to the car, the driver opening the door for them both to get in the back.

"We have everything ready Mr. Moonborn, exactly as you described. And I must say it came as a surprise when we found our you where the heir who disappeared." he said in a french accent as he drove them out of the airport and out into the country on a small winding road into the hills, it was hard to see where they where going until they rounded a corner to reveal their destination.

Colette was still realing from their dancing. She wasnt really paying attention to where they were going as long as she was with him, thats all the mattered. As they pulled up to the castle she blushed and gave his hand a slight sqeeze. "please tell me in not dreaming" she asked him soflty. It all felt like a dream and that she would be waking up at any moment alone and cold. Could it really be real? It was all so perfect like a dream she had along time ago, or had it been a dream all long. Her mind was spinning as the door opened. Started she jumped and looked scared. A rush of cold air hit making her feel vonerable. She gripped Damions arm. "its really okay?" she was tremling from the cold and fear.
"Yes, we're here." Damion said looking at the front of the castle. It had been so long since he had been here last, it had been a different world back then but this place looked the same. Under his arm he carried the box he had bought the night they had met as he took Colette's with the other and led her into the entrance hall. He led her through passages and up stairs seeming to know the way by heart. He led them too a large bedroom overlooking the valley, the view from the bayed window truly breathtaking. He let go of Colette's arm and walked up to an old painting of a man standing in the window next to a beautiful woman in a white dress. In front of them stood a young boy, the man's hand resting on the boy's shoulder. Without a word Damion put the box on the shelf under where the painting hung.
Colette watched Damion and already knew that the painting had to be of him and his parents. It reminded her of the one her family had. Her in Sterling the front with mom and dad in the back. Colette had to stop thinking about Sterling and turned her attention over to Damion.

"Are you alright?" she asked softly putting her arms around his waist. Her face nuzzled into his back as she spoke towards his ear. he was taller but her effort was cute. On her tip toes she clung to him for balance hoped that she was offering him some comfort if he would have it.

Being able to touch and hug Damion was a great comfort to her Colette could hope that it would do the same for him.
Damion heard a soft voice in his ear and felt gentle arms embracing him. At first he didn't know who it was but the voice reminded him. "I am fine." he said slowly, ripping his eyes away from the painting. "We're here, you're here with me. Just as we planned." He put a hand on hers "Its just been to long since I was last here Viv."
Colette was taken aback as Damion called her Viv. It was all wrong. He was acting strange and his expression tore at her heart. "Damion its me Colette, Viv is dead, Sterling killed her remember, I mean thats what you told me" Colette was trying make things clear for him as she moved around him trying to keep eye contact with him. "Damion, look at me, Im righ here" and still he would not. A bitter anger started to well up inside her.

Colette walked over to Damion she grabbed his face in her hands focing him to look at her, but is eyes were gone. "Damion! Please" tears filled her eyes. "Its me, whats wrong with you.. please dont make me angry with you please." her hands trembled as she struggled to remain in control of herself.
Damions eyes flashed to Colette and he smiled. "Come we to go to the grounds before the sun rises." he pulled her out of the room and out through the passages and out onto a large patio.

"I told you you could see the sea look." he pointed out out into the darkness, "No wait... we should wait until its light, but..." he looked worried. "We won't be able too see it." he drew Colette into a hug, "I'm so glad you came here, you'll soon meet them I'm sure they must be around here somewhere. You'll love them Viv, and I'm sure they'll love you too." he looked around, letting go of Colette. "You've made me so happy by coming here Vivian."