Moments in Video Games that made you feel AWESOME

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...first level.

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Charging up the outside of the Presidium in Mass Effect, with the two-mile-long robosquid.

My brother: "You're going to fight THAT!??"

Me: "No. I'm gonna kill it!"

...first level.

Well now that Ive watched every major boss battle in that game I dont think I need to play it. Was pretty tight though.
Charging up the outside of the Presidium in Mass Effect, with the two-mile-long robosquid.

My brother: "You're going to fight THAT!??"

Me: "No. I'm gonna kill it!"

That feeling when you fly into a massive battle with your Corp (guild) and take on overwhelming odds..your forces are getting hammered and the commander calls for a retreat

I was in a Tactical ECM ship that had the objective of jamming the weapons of everyone that possed a threat...

When we retreated we were amazed to have lasted that long....then the commander told me how we only lasted so long Because i had the heavy hitters jammed the entire battle

Pic related
Another good example came to me just now: visiting the ruins of a former EDF base in Red Faction: Guerilla. In most open world games, after you've cleared out an enemy stronghold, you can revisit to find it physically unchanged from when you last left and once again swarming with bad guys. I always enjoyed checking out former EDF bases in Red Faction to find them mostly demolished and completely empty. It makes you feel like what you've done over the course of the game actually has impact.
Beating Ninja Gaiden Black and II on Master Ninja
Beating all of the Devil May Cry games on Dante Must Die!

Reviving dead threads with the first time you find diamonds in Minecraft Alpha version when diamonds were hard as hell to locate.
Reviving dead threads with the first time you find diamonds in Minecraft Alpha version when diamonds were hard as hell to locate.
Last Friday isn't dead.

Landing that fully charged great sword swing on a charging wyvern's head, knocking them over.

Getting a triple pound with a hammer.

Landing combo after combo with the sword and shield while dodging each attack without pause.

Leaping off a cliff and smacking a flying wyvern's tail off midair.

This Friday can't come soon enough.
There are probably a lot more (likely from the old days where I fought secret bosses in the Final Fantasy games)... But the most recent I can immediately think of:

Dragon-hunting when I was horrendously under-leveled. I remember that dragon in the desert, Sandy Howler. He was level 20. My Daenerys-Inquisitor (Lovin' the irony) at level 12-15, I can't remember what exactly what but there was that skull next to it's name so I knew shit would get real (ie. it'll be fun). Bloody bastard killed me no less than 10 times.

Now, I was a Champion, so I didn't have the same nuking power as the Tempest, or the overpowered-barrier of the Knight Enchanter. I did have invulnerability though, but at my level, my weapons were not particularly impressive. Fortunately, there's that skill "To the Death", which basically increases the damage taken by the target (5% every second) though it also increase its damage. I had to rely on that skill and pretty much wait till I was dealing like a few thousand in damage. Of course, that blasted dragon was killing me in about 3 hits.. But what can I say, I'm a tenacious one. The annoying part is that asshole of a dragon keeps jumping around, so he keeps breaking the link I set up using the skill, forcing me to have to use it again just to get the damage bonus up to a suitably sufficient amount.

Took me about an hour or so. By the time I was done, there were some ruins at the map where I fought the dragon, those ruins got blasted to pieces. Pretty nifty little detail, and an overall really satisfying battle.
Singing Day-O in the minutes leading up to sunrise while streaming Dying Light to complete strangers.
Having a straight face was the hardest part.
Swimming up to a ship, unseen, and boarding it and cleaning its decks. Did it once and never managed to pull it off again.
Doing that to Naval Convoys several times in the early days of having a crappy under-powered Jackdaw.

Watching Hellscream Die. Even if it had to be by the Hand of Thrall.
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