Mission: Z, IC

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Cecilio & Ringo

Location: Ballamory
Interactions: Ji-Min

Cecilio gently took her hand and opened the iodine towelette cleaning the back of her hand and tied the tourniquet at her wrist to make a vein easier to choose.Once it was located it he looked to Ji-min apologetically "This is going to pinch..." He said as he got the needle in. From there it was probably easy to tell Cecilio knew what he was doing rather well as he just did everything like he would when he was a paramedic a few years ago. After all was said and done and after making sure everything went off without a hitch he made sure the IV hung from the wall securely "Well looks like your just have to rest and relax..." he stated relieved she was fine.

He started to take off most of the riot gear and relaxed tiredly now in his under clothes which consisted of hunting pants and a black t shirt. He managed to get his boots off as well and turned before he saw the stairs he still had to climb. He turned back to Ji-Min and looked to her "Umm think you can share the couch?" He asked literally to exhausted to even try and get up the stairs at this point both the pill and lack of sleep taking their toll on him possibly as a bit of punishment for trying to 'power through' all of this.

Meanwhile Ringo kept continued watch outside though with no activity he took to laying on the porch of the house he and Cecilio resided in. He rested his head on his paws tiredly watching the gate before letting out a yawn and curling up to rest. The dog had been through quite a bit today though he was back home safe with his master and that was all that mattered to him.

1x Colt Le901-16s w/ 4-14x scope & bayonet (18 rounds)
3x Rifle Magazines (4 loaded)
1x Large canteen ( 1/4 Full almost empty)
1x Weapon cleaning / repair kit
Various weapon accessories
1x Riot Gear suit
1x S&W 929 (loaded)
12x 9mm bullets
2x Cigarettes
1x Lighter
1x Trauma kit

At Apartment:
1x 7 string acoustic guitar
1 lb's of dog kibble
Assorted hygiene items
1x P226 Pistol (9mm) (on Loan to Dex)
2x Pistol Magazines (2 loaded) (loaned to Dex)
1x Pump Shotgun (loaded)
12x 12G buckshot

Location: North Minden Woods
Mentioned: Dex, Evie, Jesse, Ave, Wes & Jack
Interactions: Otto, Riley & Ryan

Conner watched quietly, a small feeling of relief washing over him. Finally they would be able to get back to the safety of the complex and with everything that had happened Conner wasn't planning on leaving it for awhile. "Dex, Evie, Jess, Ave and both the dogs are all accounted for and back at the houses." Conner looked over to Otto once he heard him mention that Evie was back at the complex. He was glad and surprised to hear that she had made it out and even back on her own. Conner knew that would relieved to hear the news. He knew she was dreading having to tell her brother that they hadn't seen the woman leave the church before it went up in flames.

"Good to see you Conner, Wes is back with everyone else."
Conner looked at Otto in shock at the mention of Wesley's name. He was ok? Conner's shock faded as a smile over took his face. "Though to be honest with you I think something is wrong, he seemed kinda...off I guess and I don't know if Ryan really noticed or if he's just choosing to ignore it. I would of brought it up to him but I ain't part of you all's group so I think it'd be better to hear it from you then me." Conner's smile dropped as he processed the rest of what Otto had to tell him. Off? Something about the word used to describe his friend was just unsettling. "Thanks Otto. I'll be sure to check it out" Was all Conner said before he turned to close the short distance between him and Riley. Ryan was explaining to Dean that he was Riley's friend and not her brother as he walked up. "Ryan's way cooler then her prick of a brother."
Conner announced with a smirk firmly placed on his face. His mood lifted from hearing that his best friend was fine. Conner was sure that no matter was wrong with Wes. They would be able to get through it together like they always had. There was the slight nagging feeling that he was forgetting something.

"Conner, Riley, where's Jack?"
And there it was...
In Conner's excitement of hearing that Wes was alive. He had missed the fact that Jack was the only name he hadn't heard. Conner watched as Riley's face twisted into a painful expression before she looked up at Ryan. "Wes and Jack...they were..." The strain in Riley's voice was clear as she tried to tell Ryan what had happened. It didn't surprise him that it seemed like Riley hadn't noticed that Ryan didn't ask about where Wes was. He was sure that she had just added his name in her own head. Closing that bit of space between them Conner pulled Riley into his arms. Looking down at her Conner could see the tears that Riley was trying to hold back. "Riles, Wes made it back to the complex. So did Dex and Evie"

Conner watched as it took a second for Riley to process what he had just said. Shock, happiness and then
confusion all crossed her face before she looked back to Ryan. "The last we saw Jack he was with Wes...and that was before the explosion. Wes didn't mention Jack to you?" Riley asked Ryan before looking to Conner. "Could they have gotten separated?" Riley asked as she tried to push the dreadful feeling that was sinking into her stomach away. What if they had left Jack wounded, back in the hellish city. Riley was ready to suggest going back but Conner had spoken before she got the chance to suggest it.

"I'm not sure Riles. But if there's anyone that has a better chance out there on their own. It's definitely Jack and his crazy ninja skills. I know it's not ideal but we need to head back and regroup before we can do anything else." Conner said, even though he was mostly sure that they wouldn't be heading back out. If Wesley hadn't mentioned Jack to Ryan he was pretty sure it was cause his friend wasn't sure how to. Maybe that was what Otto had been picking up on. Whatever it was, Conner would keep his thoughts to himself for now. He could see how the strain of everything that happened was effecting Riley. He wanted to let her relax, even if it was only for the drive back to their little haven.

"For now let's head back, it's not the best idea to just be standing out here. We can figure out everything that happened once we get there. " Conner knew they all had questions but they were still close to Minden. That fact alone was enough to make Conner unsettled. They would be able to handle everything better once they were in a safer area. then everyone could say what had happened when they were first split up. Once Riley nodded her agreement, Conner took her hand and headed towards the back of the truck. "Great, then whoever's tagging along with us. Get in the truck." He said towards the others that they had brought with them.


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Location: North Minden Woods
Interactions: Otto, Conner

Riley's words were damning. Despite Conner's attempts to calm her and her optimistic analysis of the 'separation' theory, Ryan knew there was only one reason why Wes wouldn't have said anything. If Jack was alive, Wes wouldn't have simply returned to Ballamory. No, the explosion, Wes' silence on the matter... it all added up. Ryan's mouth fell open slightly as if he were going to speak but closed not long after as a tear carved a path down his cheek. Making sure that nobody could see it, he quickly wiped it from his face and turned back towards the truck.

"Otto... let's... let's get out of here, shall we?" he called out to the man, his tone less enthusiastic than before. His eyes peered down the road for a moment, further into the trees. The lights from the truck only reached so far, slicing through the darkness, so aside from the caps of the thick wood-line, nothing else was visible. In a strange way, he imagined Jack walking out of the foliage, covered in blood, ash and bruises. A dramatic entrance like that would have suited the man; an unmistakeable gesture of 'being the group's badass'. It was an idiotic fantasy, though. He knew exactly what had happened. He knew it was Jack's idea and his decision too. It all made sense. It's the only possibility that could make sense. He knew why the man would have done it and that's why Wes would have still been alive. There was only one thing left to do. Talk to Wes and find out how it happened and what Jack's last words were. "Conner, do you... err... wanna ride up front? Or shall I?"


Items on Person:
- AR-15 (30x 5.56 rounds, 1 mags)
- FAK (Bandages, Disinfectant, Plasters)
- Copy of 'Marching Orders' (his best selling novel)
- Knife
- Canteen
- Snack bars
- Torch



[fieldbox="Carter Yamanashi | North Minden Woods | Dusk, purple, solid"]
[fieldbox="Carter Yamanashi | North Minden Woods | Dusk, purple, solid"]

Interactions: Riley, Liz, Ryan, Conner, & Otto

On a day before the outbreak, perhaps Carter would've felt offended with how quickly Liz sped off to hug whoever pulled up in the truck. However, he didn't. He simply shrugged, removed his hand from the gun, and popped out of his hiding place with an enthusiastic bounce. More people minus the infection! he thought happily. He peered more closely at the two men before a wide grin broke out across his face. Omg and they're men! The one with the short hair's kinda cute~ Of course, Carter had enough common sense not to openly flirt with anyone--not yet.

Especially not after he noticed the somber mood settling over them. He heard the name Jack mentioned once or twice, but he still wasn't sure what to expect. He approached the group on slow feet, stopping a foot or so away. Like he said before--the atmosphere was tense and he didn't want to accidentally rupture that bubble. He held up a hand. "Uuuuum, honties? I'm so sorry about whatever feels got y'all down and out, but I came with her," he nodded at Riley, "I'm harmless except for in bed. Some of them like it rough, but I ain't mad!" He fanned himself, briefly remembering that one wild night with Carcelio; hands down the hottest Italian lover he ever had the pleasure of spending the night with--

Oh, wait.


He was getting off track, wasn't he?

He cleared his throat and swept his bangs back. "Anyways, point is, mind if I catch a ride with you lovely peeps? A bad bitch can't be on their feet all day." Carter gasped as if he was struck with a genius idea. His bottom lip was trapped between his teeth, an oddly excited smile on his face. "Oh! I give great massages by the way! Foot, back, happy ending--you name it!" This selling point was capped off with a chuckle. To Carter, he had just spelled out how useful and productive he could be to the group.

Well...sort of.


On person
Dexter's Glock G29 (11/15 loaded)
Black vest over white long sleeve button-up
Black slacks
An ambiguous crush on Dean
Bittersweet memories
No fucking filter

Burned in Church
Smith & Wesson .500 revolver
Hunting Knife
Water canteen
All of his patience

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  • Love
Reactions: VengefulPeanut
Optional Reading Post:
Jack and Ryan's Meeting.

(This isn't part of the RP at all but more background on a couple of characters. Read if you like, or don't if you don't.)


December, 2025

"How in the world did I end up volunteering to do this?" Ryan questioned, under his breath. Still, despite the low volume of his words it felt like his voice was carried forward through the whole store. Clicking the power button on his torch, his arm raised to reveal a cone of light further into the building. "Lily better be grateful..." he whispered once more, in an attempt to calm his nerves.

Having become the leader of their group of renegade refugees, Ryan had felt personally responsible when one of the girls, Lily, had lost her footing on a slope and injured herself while the group was absent medical supplies. None of them were fighters. At least none he wanted to put in harms way. He had military experience from his youth but potshots from guerrilla fighters paled in comparison to the enemy they were now facing.

During their travels in the day, they had come across this store but had only peered inside. Bodies of soldiers lay strewn about the floor, other non-uniformed corpses among them. When Lily found herself injured, the only access to medical supplies they had was the possibility for supplies in the now-deceased soldier's IFAKs. And thus, Ryan crept through the building, terrified eyes falling on the bodies that littered the place. He had been quite informed on the cause of the infection, part from his own research and part from the knowledge of his nephew, Wes. He knew the dead didn't get back up again but... as empty eyes devoid of life and character glared at him from a pool of blood, it was all too easy to expect a horror-movie styled jump scare to occur.

Clutching onto the baseball bat he had for a weapon in one hand and a pale-knuckled hand grasping the torch, he thankfully cleared the main group of non-uniformed dead, delving into the maze of aisles that led to where they had seen the soldiers. Suddenly, the sound of tearing velcro was heard ahead. Visually flinching, Ryan killed the light on his torch and darkness enveloped him. Two hands gripped the baseball bat as he shuffled further up the aisle, closer to the source of the noise. The sound of a tin can bouncing on to the floor followed as the velcro noises ceased. Reaching the end of the shelf, the noises ceased. Preparing to round the corner and strike, Ryan counted down in his head, steeling himself for the encounter.


Ryan bolted around the corner, baseball bat raised ready to swing when his eyes fell on what was before him... nothing. Suddenly, the cold, hard cutting of a gun barrel jutted into the back of his head. A deep voice followed,

"Now you know what I'm carrying, I'm gonna back away and you're gonna drop that bat, okay?"

"Okay, okay," Ryan replied, breathing become uneasy. He had been terrified of falling victim to the infected, so shook with intense fear, that he forgot that humans could be just as much of a threat. "Take it easy. I'm just here looking for supplies." Ryan lowered to the ground placing the bat on the floor. He could feel the presence of the man, acutely aware that he had a gun pointing towards him from a few paces away.

"Now turn around," the man demanded. "With your hands up, of course."

Ryan acquiesced without question. The last thing he wanted was to wind up with a bullet sized cavity in his skull. Turning to face the man, Ryan squinted slightly to try make out his identity through the darkness.

"Move back against that wall there," the man commanded, and once more Ryan complied. As he did so, the man shuffled forward and as he emerged from the shadows of the aisle and into a beam of moonlight which pierced through the windows, he laid eyes on his assailant for the first time: a rather dishevelled looking man, an M4A1 rifle hung from a plate carrier on his torso and a military-grade M9 handgun was held firmly in his hands. He looked like he had been on the road for a while but, judging by his military gear, he was unsure whether or not he had been with an affiliated unit or not... the alternative was the gear was the result of being an enterprising looter. Ryan opened his mouth to ask his questions, however, was swiftly interjected by the man's own, rather surprising interrogative.

"Shit, are you that author? Wrote Marching Orders?"

"Erm... y-yeah, that's me. You know my books?" Ryan asked, somewhat unsettled, somewhat confused and somewhat relieved. All he could do was to hope that the man was a fan rather than a hater. He'd always imagined getting stabbed at a book signing by a critic, not shot at point blank in the apocalypse for a shoddily written paragraph. Still, at least the latter was more interesting.

"Well, I only know the one," he said, seeming to drop his guard somewhat. The man slung his backpack around his shoulder and onto the floor. The gun remained in hand, which made Ryan confused. Should he drop his hands? Were they friends now? Or would his brains still become part of the decoration if he did anything out of turn? Ryan couldn't believe his eyes when the man removed a copy of 'Marching Orders' from his pack. The man's eyes peered over the back page where a picture of Ryan's face was hosted. "Quick test," the man spoke, eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Who was your CO back in Afghan?"

"First Lieutenant James Danse," Ryan answered, confidently and swiftly. The man lowered his gun, returning the pack to his back. "He used to wake everyone in the FOB with a trumpet every morning."

"Well, shit," he remarked.

"Can I drop my hands now?" Ryan asked.

"Sure, go ahead," the man replied. "What you doing here?"

"I was looking for medical supplies. A member of my group, she's injured and the only place we knew of was this place. I was hoping to find a couple of IFAKs and get back before she gets an infection," Ryan explained, dropping his hands in the process but still not moving. It was clear the man was still analysing him.

"I see," the man replied, looking to the corpses. "I checked those two, didn't have much. You might have luck with the guy over in the corner." His tone was grim and regretful but still, he seemed satisfied with Ryan's answer. Ryan nodded his head, moving over to the corpse the man had indicated and unzipped the pack on his waist.

"So, you like Marching Orders?" Ryan asked, trying to start a conversation more to try and cease his own nerves than anything else. He grabbed the flashlight once more, peering light into the pack.

"Yeah. I found it in a bookstore back near Atlanta, didn't know why I picked it up at the time. I was only there to take shelter from a horde of infected so figured I might as well read something, I guess," the man explained. "Y'know, it actually got me through a bit of shit. There was that bit with the guy and the '240, watching that kid go towards the AK... based on true shit, right?"

"Yeah," Ryan said regrettably with a sigh.

"Know how it feels. Seen it myself."

"Ex-military?" Ryan finally got to ask his question. The soldier's pack seemed to have everything he was looking for, also. Taking it into his possession, he raised to his feet and faced the man.

"Yeah, 1st Bat', 75th Rangers," the man nodded. "SGT.Jack Whitley." The man held his hand out. For the first time since departing on this mission of his, Ryan felt somewhat comfortable and it seemed the man wasn't suspicious of him any more.

"Ryan Taylor, but you know that already," Ryan said with a warm smile. "Good to meet you, Jack."

Before Jack could reply, a loud crash was heard out on the street. Both men killing the lights on their flashlights instantly. They scurried to the nearby window to peer outside. Two infected lurched from a nearby alleyway, seemingly inhaling the odour of the area. Maybe it was the bodies which drew them, or maybe they had been somehow tracking Ryan, there was no way to be sure.

"Child's play. We can sneak around 'em, no wo-" Jack spoke, cutting himself off as more infected filtered into the picture. With the clear sky above and the prominent moon, visibility was high and there was no mistaking the number of creatures now surrounding them. "I don't think that bat is gonna cut it somehow..." Jack commented.

"What if I swing it really hard?" Ryan added, jokingly as he gulped.

"There's an AR-15 over on one the bodies back there. I got a few STANAGs you can take in my pack."

"Okay," Ryan nodded.

"This is gonna be a wild ride..."
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Otto Williams
Interaction: Ryan and Carter

He didn't need to hear words or converse with Ryan to feel the pain he was in, the hollowness that filled the heart when hearing news like that or rather confirmation of it. A pain Otto knew, a pain most here probably knew but no one would say anything. This world had made everyone hide themselves, to not let the pain, anguish and despair show through. "Alright Ryan, we'll head back home." Otto said softly to the man with a reassuring glance, if he wanted to speak about it Otto would lend the man his ear so that he could let out that pain if he didn't choose to speak to another member of his original group.
His attention was drawn to one of the new faces, he had a very...flamboyant way of speaking. Otto walked up to the man and looked him up and down as he offered his...skills. "Well I would certainly have no issues welcoming you with us but I always believed a proper introduction was the best way to start off." Otto inclined his head to the man. "My name is Otto Williams, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. But now you got me at a disadvantage, you know my name but I don't know yours?" Otto spoke to the newcomer.
On Person
1x PTR (20 rounds in mag)
4x 20 round magazines
1x Revolver (Given to Ave)
62x 38 special rounds (Given to Ave)
1x canteen (4/4 full)
1x Knife
In pack:
351x 308 rounds
1x sharpening kit
1x cleaning kit
  • Like
Reactions: Mobley Eats
Location: minden woods

Once again he felt bad for the group as soon as Ryan wiped his face. But to Sykes eyes, they got off lucky. At least they didn't watch their entire family turn into an infected, and be forced to kill them all. Sykes sighed a bit scratching his head, then he heard carter speak and he was back to his old grouchy self. Sykes just hopped in the back seat and relaxed a bit.

(Flash back)
"Come on Sykes do it again!" his sister cheered. Which made me cuckle. They were at the fair at one of those hit the bottles booths "My arms getting tired, buuuuuut fine, but after your buying me a pop tart." She laughed. "Ughh fine!" Sykes managed to knock down all the bottles with 1 throw. "Winner!" Said the person working the booth in a cheesy cartoony way. "Sykes you did it! Best brother ever! She hugged Sykes, and he hugged back. Then things got dark, and he was surrounded by fire. "Why did you kill us?" Sykes saw his sister 4feet infront of him, with the rest of his gang. They would flash from alive to dead, rotting, decaying corpses. "W-what....?" "We were you family, and you killed us. Why would you kill your little sister?" "But you turned....i-I couldn't save you!" "You let us die...you let us suffer...you let us decayed..." "I-it's not like that...I wanted to save you...but I couldn't....I tried!" "If you tried them we would still be alive!" "I'm sorry...." "no your not!" This wasn't his memory, what was happening to him? His sister and gang started to decay. "You....killed.....us...." they decayed into a pile of bones. Sykes snapped out of it. He panted hard as he sat in the car and rubbed his head. He took out his picture of his sister and gang. "I'm sorry...." He unknowing said out loud while looking at the photo.



Bobby pin, picture of sister, and old gang members

Clothes: thick jacket, cloak, combat boots, leather gloves, gas mask

Deagle: 12mm
(In possession of cultists)

Items: flask, radio,

Weapons: machete

compact bow: 0


lever action rifle: ammo 0

Clothes: travel backpack
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Location: Minden
Mentions: Carter, Evie

Liz let out a sigh of relief to hear the others were okay. She was confused as to how Evie managed to escape on her own she also wanted to know where she went after she separated from the group. Looking back at the group she giggled as Carter introduced himself to the group. He was a funny person and it felt like some of the tension lifted. That was her perspective though. Smiling she hopped into the truck and waited for the others. She was excited to see Evie and give her a hug. Liz has been worried about her since she left. The hope that she was okay was strong since again the older women were like a sister to Liz.


On Person (0)
S&W 9mm Shield (pistol) - 5 rounds
Hunting Knife x2

Burned in Church
Childhood Katana
First aid book
First aid kit
Faded picture of her mother and father

In Apartment (5)
A dull pencil
Small blanket
Colt 1911 (8 Loaded, 20 boxed)
Small Romeo and Juliet book

[fieldbox="Dean | Minden Church | 20 September 2026 - Dusk, lightgreen, solid"]


"Ah, I see - my mistake." Having gotten the information he needed, how he grinned at Conner's comment, stepping back so everyone else could introduce themselves. Carter, he noticed, wasted no time in doing so, and his opinion of the man heightened at the level of enthusiasm he showed.

Leaving everyone else to do their thing, Dean boosted himself into the truck bed and settled down against the tailgate, arm resting across one bent knee. It didn't take long for the others to do the same, and soon they were off.

The mood had tensed considerably since meeting up with Ryan and... Otto, was it? From the snippets of conversation he'd picked up, that other girl, Evie, had apparently made it back. And he'd heard something about Wes, the friend Riley had been so desperate to find, having made it back, too. But the other guy... Joe..? Josh? He had a feeling that the other guy hadn't been quite so lucky. Clearing his throat, Dean eyed Conner. "Hey, I'm glad your buddy is okay." At that, the guy in the mask seemed to twitch, mumbling something under his breath.

"You OK over there big guy?"

Black cargo pants, black t-shirt, & black pullover hoodie
Black combat boots & lightweight Kevlar vest (under hoodie)
85oz black Camelbak, 1/2 full (under hoodie)

On Person

Colt Combat Commander (4/10 loaded) [holding]
Small Machete w/Sheath [on left hip]
Foldable Pocket Knife [in pocket]
Small Lockpicking Kit [in pocket]

9mm Rounds [6x boxes of 50]
9mm Clips [3x clips of 9]
Small First-Aid Kit
Police Utility Belt [handcuffs, radio, pepper spray, taser, maglight, baton]
Personal Hygiene Kit [includes battery operated clippers]
Change of Clothing [jeans, black t-shirt, socks, boxers]
Water Purifying Straw
Mess Kit w/Utensils
Weapons Cleaning Kit

Food & Water
3x 1lb bags of jerky, 1x box of 30 granola bars
3x 20oz bottled water, 60oz canteen [empty]

Location: minden woods
Interaction: dean

Sykes held the photo with 2 fingers and tightened his grip to a point where the photo bent a bit, then he heard dean speak to him. "You OK over there big guy?" He didn't even look at dean, he just chuckled. "You know...I thought I was...I'm not even sure if I'm still human...the things I've done, the people i killed...the...people I let down...makes you think doesnt it...?" He finally looked away to face dean. This behavior was something new to Sykes. He hasnt felt anything like this in a long time. He's been holding this guilt with him since the world died, and when the world died, a part of him died as well. Sykes isn't in a good place right now, he was so close to his gang, and that moment when he killed their lurking corpses. He promised himself he would never get to close to anyone again, so when the time comes, he hoped that he wouldn't hesitate, and neither will they. This created the rude and edgy tone, and he adapted to it.



Bobby pin, picture of sister, and old gang members

Clothes: thick jacket, cloak, combat boots, leather gloves, gas mask

Deagle: 12mm

(In possession of cultists)

Items: flask, radio,

Weapons: machete

compact bow: 0


lever action rifle: ammo 0

Clothes: travel backpack
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[fieldbox="Dexter | #1 Ballamory | 20 September 2026 - Dusk, darkorange, solid"]


Though the tongue comment did make Dexter flush, he didn't lose his somber expression. He'd always had a talent for reading people, and Evie didn't exactly deliver. Besides - her misdirection only confirmed what he already knew. She was upset, she just didn't want him to know it. That made him feel even worse.

He wanted to say that he was okay with that - that Evie at least dropping the subject was good enough for him. But that was a lie he didn't even want to tell himself. "Evie... " he started, but the sound of gravel crunching under heavy truck tires pulled his attention away. Nearly flinging himself out of the bed, Dexter made his way to the window in time to see the truck pulling through the gates, several dark silhouettes - twice as many as he was expecting - in the bed. He glanced over his shoulder at Evie with an uneasy frown. "Get ready for possible trouble... We've got unexpected company."

Black basket ball shorts, long-sleeved camo shirt & no shoes

On Person

P226 Sig Sauer (10/10 loaded) [holding]
Glock G29 0/15 loaded) [in Carter's possession]
Hunting Knife, with Sheath [on right hip]
.50 Cal Desert Eagle (12/15 loaded) [on left leg]

Backpack/In Room
Box of 35 .50cal Rounds
Box of 46 9mm Rounds
Minor First Aid Kit (mostly used)
Small LED Flashlight
Military Dogtags
Letter from his Father

Change of Clothing

Food & Water
x1 17oz bottled water

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Location: Ballamory #1 (Evie's Room)
Interactions: Dex

As Dex spoke her name after a brief moments silence, a look on his face that told her everything she needed to know about how he was feeling, she gave a soft sigh as she realized her committal to getting his mind off of the issue wasn't the most long-lived or successful of missions. Still, when he launched himself towards the window, she raised a brow in his direction and cocked her head to the side.

"What is it?" she asked, confused.

"Get ready for possible trouble... we've got unexpected company," he replied. The normal damning, adrenaline-fuelled response to these situations was replaced by a sinking feeling of lethargy. Of all nights for there to be bother, of all times for there to be trouble. Evie was feeling drained. Still, despite the adrenaline not giving her the usual rush, an uneasy feeling lodged in her gut.

"Not Otto and Ryan?" she asked, rolling out of bed, quickly stripping off her pyjama shorts and replacing them with her khakis. She threw the denim jacket over her pyjama top and snatched her bow from the corner.


On Person (Evie):
- Hunting Knife
- Bow (14 arrows)

Backpack/Room (Evie):
Items (3):

- Change of Outfit

Water (0):

Food (0):


[fieldbox="Dexter | #1 Ballamory | 20 September 2026 - Dusk, darkorange, solid"]


"No it's them." He replied. "Just with... one... two... three... four extra people." He frowned a bit at the kid shaped silhouette. "Or... Maybe it's not trouble, I dunno."

Picking Jesse's gun up off Evie's dresser where he'd sat it, he checked the chamber and then flicked off the safety. "Better safe than sorry, though... Stay here, will you?" He knew she probably wouldn't, but it didn't hurt to ask. Creeping down the darkened stairs, Dexter made his way to the front door, easing it open and slipping outside quietly. The moon was little but a sliver in the sky tonight, which made it easy for him to go unnoticed as he crouched on the porch, listening.

He was waiting for a queue... Some sort of sign that they were being manipulated... Held at gunpoint, something. But after several minutes passed with nothing but idle chatter hanging around the truck, he conceded that it was more likely they'd picked up some extras on the way home. Leaning through the cracked door, he called into the darkness. "Looks like there's no need to worry. Wanna go say hello?"

Black basket ball shorts, long-sleeved camo shirt & no shoes

On Person

P226 Sig Sauer (10/10 loaded) [holding]
Glock G29 0/15 loaded) [in Carter's possession]
Hunting Knife, with Sheath [on right hip]
.50 Cal Desert Eagle (12/15 loaded) [on left leg]

Backpack/In Room
Box of 35 .50cal Rounds
Box of 46 9mm Rounds
Minor First Aid Kit (mostly used)
Small LED Flashlight
Military Dogtags
Letter from his Father
Change of Clothing

Food & Water
x1 17oz bottled water

[fieldbox="Carter Yamanashi | North Minden Woods==> Ballamory #1 | Dusk, purple, solid"]

Interactions: Otto & Ryan

Carter's brow arched as Otto approached him. It was safe to say that the man's grizzly demeanor and sharp gaze was beyond daunting. However, Carter had seen plenty of horrendous things in his line of work, both dead and alive. Besides, Otto seemed nice enough; he had taken the initiative in trading pleasantries, after all. Carter smiled before mimicking Otto's posture. It wasn't a form of mockery, though it didn't click in his head that the man could perceive it that way.

"Nice to meet you, Otto! I'm loving that beard, honty. Gives off that rugged sexy look, you know? Hard to pull off these days." He giggled, only to remember that the man was waiting on his name. "I'm Carter Yamanishi. You can call me Car, though. Or sweety pie. Or smex on legs. A snack. Whatever comes natural~." Before he could stop himself, instincts prompted him to wink.


Carter should've known he couldn't restrain the flirtatious urge within him for long.

"Anyways," he said before hopping into the bed of the truck, "Let's hit the road, lovelies!" He made sure to seat himself next to Dean. Fuck watching the woods, he thought while shooting Dean a dreamy look, I've got a way better view right here.

Despite his thoughts, Carter's vision strayed to the side. His elbow propped on the edge of the truck as he peered into nothingness. He wondered if he could ever come across another pair of bomb ass sunglasses, but, then again, he knew that was delusional. Nothing could replace the ones Walter gave him.

He pulled from his thoughts when a house came into view. It wasn't anything spectacular, but the condition of it still exceeded his expectations. He grinned again, his arms reaching for the sky as he stretched his back. "Yaaaaas, finally! Are there more cuties like y'all inside?" he called out to Otto and Ryan. Of course, he didn't actually expect a response, but the thought of coming across even more eye candy was exciting.

On person
Dexter's Glock G29 (11/15 loaded)
Black vest over white long sleeve button-up
Black slacks
An ambiguous crush on Dean
Bittersweet memories
No fucking filter

Burned in Church
Smith & Wesson .500 revolver
Hunting Knife
Water canteen
All of his patience

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Location: Ballamory #1
Interactions: Dex

As Dex requested she stay put she simply gave him a look that said everything it needed to: do you think I got dressed for nothing, do you even know me at all, cute thinking Dex - just some among them. She skirted down the stairs, trying to be as silent as possible despite the limp in her gait. She held back, leaving Dex to do what he needed to do, still, she was more than curious at what was going on.

"After you," she answered.


On Person (Evie):
- Hunting Knife
- Bow (14 arrows)

Backpack/Room (Evie):
Items (3):

- Change of Outfit

Water (0):

Food (0):





Location: Minden
Mentions: Evie
Interactions: Carter and Otto

Liz watched the woods as they passed, loving the smell of nature. It calmed her, made her feel a little safe. She listened to the chatter slightly almost laughing at Carter's banter with Otto. Looking over she was happy to see everyone getting along. It was a nice sight. More people in the group would mean more friends but, there might be problems too but, one can only hope everything goes well. Looking at Carter she butted into the conversation saying, "Not many people are here only Dex, Evie, Jesse, Ave, and Wes. Though I'm just excited to be back. Feels like forever since I've been here."

Looking at the compound a smile formed on her face. She was back at there make-shift home safe and unhurt other than her hands which had started stinging again. Looking over at Otto she asked, "Was Evie hurt at all? I wanna know before I run and give her a hug."


On Person (0)
S&W 9mm Shield (pistol) - 5 rounds
Hunting Knife x2

Burned in Church
Childhood Katana
First aid book
First aid kit
Faded picture of her mother and father

In Apartment (5)
A dull pencil
Small blanket
Colt 1911 (8 Loaded, 20 boxed)
Small Romeo and Juliet book

Otto Williams
Interaction: Carter, Dean, Elizabeth and Sykes

He would of spoke to Carter more but it seemed that the decision to head back to Ballamory was made without his knowledge as everyone was getting into the truck. He gave a shrug as he climbed into the drivers side before checking to see that everyone had found a seat when he shifted it into drive and took them all back to Ballamory in a fairly short trip since he didn't need to go quite as slow as on the journey to find the others.
He looked at Liz as she asked about Evie. "Her leg was hurt, can't recall which one but Wes treated it so she's probably alright though I would make note of which leg." He spoke to the younger woman as he pulled into Ballamory proper and parked the truck in the center of the street being overlooked by all the houses. He turned off the engine and killed the lights before he got out with his rifle and went to the back where most of everyone was and pointed to Carter, Dean and Sykes. "You three come here please." He spoke to the men as they gathered in front of him. "Alright, as a precaution and as a bit of inventory I need you three to place what weapons and ammo you got on the ground in front of you. Now we got no intention of taking your weapons away from you, this is more to know what you have if you decide to stay here and if we have stocks to help replenish or if you decide to leave that you leave with what you had and no more then that." Otto paused as he looked at the three men. "After this we can get sleeping arrangements set up, I know it's late but this has to be taken care of." He explained to them.
On Person
1x PTR (20 rounds in mag)
4x 20 round magazines
1x Revolver (Given to Ave)
62x 38 special rounds (Given to Ave)
1x canteen (4/4 full)
1x Knife
In pack:
351x 308 rounds
1x sharpening kit
1x cleaning kit

Aveline sat, knees planted in the dirt, her hands covered from the soil. She could hear Jesse and Ji-min speaking to each other, yet couldn't make out exactly what was said. She didn't bother trying to figure it out either, only wanting to stay put until she was needed or felt like she had become too cold and despite regretting leaving her pack in the house as well not bringing a coat or jacket, the cold was slowly getting to her. Only keeping her tired eyes on the dirt, imagining what the garden will soon look like. This brought her hopes up a little, seeing something familiar, like old times. In all honesty, the garden is what might keep her from leaving.

As time passed, she heard more voices, recognizing them as Dex and Evie yet still hadn't bothered to move. A few more moments she heard even more voices, voices that were unknown to her and that caused her groan. 'They just let anyone in here…' the thought caused her to chuckled. They let her in here and if not she would've died. She unhooks Otto's gun belt from her waist, finally, and set it on the ground. Sooner or later she has to go see the newcomers and she truly just didn't have the courage. She heard Otto's voice, she'll come around later to return his gun.

- Powder Pink long sleeve
- Dark blue jean overalls
- Sneakers
- Ugly socks
- Baseball Bat (main weapon)
- Gun belt (temporarily added)
- 1x Revolver (temporarily added)
- 62x 38 rounds (temporarily added)

- Corey's stuffed animal
- Picture of Aveline and Corey
- 2x Bottle water
- Canned fruit Eaten
- 1x canned beans
- Small pistol
- 12x pistol rounds
- Dark green coat
- Small paperback "Survival for the Weak" book​

Location: ballamory
Interaction: Otto

Sykes listened to ottos request to turn in his weapons, and noded, agreeing to his terms. He places his deagle down with a full clip, his hunting knife followed as well. He looked at the base from the outside, wasn't to bad, it was definitely bigger then his base, but he wondered what defenses they have, or even an escape room from the infected. But other then that, it looked like they could take care of themselves here.



Bobby pin, picture of sister, and old gang members

Clothes: thick jacket, cloak, combat boots, leather gloves, gas mask

Deagle: 12mm

(In possession of cultists)

Items: flask, radio,

Weapons: machete

compact bow: 0


lever action rifle: ammo 0

Clothes: travel backpack

[fieldbox="Carter Yamanashi | Ballamory #1 | Dusk, purple, solid"]

Interactions: Otto

Carter perked up when Otto told him and the others to come forward. He did so enthusiastically; the man even tried to hop out of the truck in a somewhat flashy fashion. In the end, he just looked he was trying to do parkour while drunk...Meh, close enough.

He strutted up to Otto, hands placed on his cocked hips as the grizzly man asked him to place his weapons on the ground. Hm...they're a cautious bunch. Now why would they have to worry in such peacefulicious times like this? he thought sarcastically, a grin growing on his face. Regardless, he obeyed without preamble and retracted the Glock from his waistband.

"Fine by me, honty." He raised both hands after dropping the gun. Some mirth seeped into his features. "And, by all means, if it makes you feel better, you're more than welcome to frisk me. Just be gentle~."

On person
Dexter's Glock G29 (11/15 loaded)
Black vest over white long sleeve button-up
Black slacks
An ambiguous crush on Dean
Bittersweet memories
No fucking filter

Burned in Church
Smith & Wesson .500 revolver
Hunting Knife
Water canteen
All of his patience

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