{MiNaGi} Time Flies By. {Kyysucara Namosaka}

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Saki sighs when she leaves. "I wish we could stay together forever..." She finds info on her target and sets a trap for it. This time it was a shapeshifter.
Of course, he did know that she needed to work, and he respected that, but it was so boring when he was alone in the house. He always just loitered around and did nothing.
After catching her 'monster', she heads home early. "I'm home hun!"
When she came home, he was "busy" lying on the floor face down, basically not doing anything at all. "Welcome home..." It sounded muffled coming from his face that was buried in the carpet.
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She falls over laughing. "Wh-what are you doing?"
Cecil looked up from the carpet, frowning. "I think I had an artistic pause and happened to have that on the floor." He drawled sarcastically.
Saki giggles. "You're a dork." She goes over and lies next to him. She kisses him. "But you're my dork."
"I was bored okay?" Cecil pouted as he kissed back, rolling so that she was on top of him. "Hmm, I'm glad you're home, won't you give me a welcome home gift?" He teased.
She smiles and kisses him again. "After I take care of a minor injury I got." She moves her shirt down to show a small gash on her shoulder.
When he saw that, worry filled his eyes and he carried her to the bathroom. He bandaged her, still with that worried expression. It didn't suit his face, it made him frown and look heartbroken. "Please... don't hide that again..."
She looks confused. "Hide it? I admitted to it and showed you."
"I know but... doesn't it hurt...?" Cecil mumbled worriedly as he bandaged her. His expression only showed worry now, intense worry.
She giggles. "No. I know how to take care of injuries. I keep some pain meds with me just in case."
"I'm sorry... I just hate to see you hurt." Cecil admitted as he finished bandaging her, hugging her tightly. "I feel like it's my fault..."
She kisses him. "Its okay. I understand." She smiles.
Cecil sighed. "I'm the lamest boyfriend ever, I swear." He muttered bitterly, though looking up at her with a little smile. He was happy... really happy.
She giggles. "Yes you are!" She sticks her tongue out playfully.
"You little!" Cecil said as he pushed her down onto the floor, tickling her sides. "I'm so gonna punish you!" He said while laughing.
She starts laughing and wiggling around. "I wish you would!" She blushes heavily, still laughing from being tickled. "I-ignore that..."
Cecil stopped tickling her, leaning down to breathe against her neck. "Hmm... what kind of punishment would you like, then?" He purred into her ear, grinning at her.
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