[MiNaGi] Magic is just Folklore ! [Lewi]

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Kieara felt safe in his arms. She had pleasant dreams about a future there with Julian.
As he was sleeping, his hands would continue to move through her soft hair as he dreamt comfortably of staying like this forever.
She didn't move from her position the entire night. She slept easily like that. She continued to dream none of them bad.
He woke up a few times during the night, but fell almost instantly back to sleep again. He was for once in his life calm and felt safe in his heart. Physically he would always be safe. He'd be able to defend his life anytime. But it wasn't often he could have peace at heart, seeing as it wouldn't listen to reason.
Kieara snuggled close and woke the next morning her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest.
He was still asleep when she woke, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. His hair had gotten messy over the night and was now falling in his face even more than before, almost covering his eyes.
She lay still just enjoying being in his arms.

((I went back and replied to the other one)
((Are you sure you're watching it? ))

After a second he opened his eyes and blinked at her. "Uhh... mornin'..." he uttered sleepily.
(Yeah I've gotten every other alert. Why did you reply again?)

She smiled and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek. "Good morning."

"Morning... wait... did we..?" He blinks and looks down himself. Didn't seem like it. He couldn't really recall much seeing as he had been exhausted.
"Did we what?" She blushed suddenly realizing what he meant. "No. We just went to sleep. We were tired."
"Oh... okay... yeah, I guess. I was completely smashed last night. Magic really tears on your energy." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
She gently sat up. "Want me to make us some breakfast."
"Uh... yeah, sure." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, flopping back down into the sheets of the bed. He'd rather sleep but willed himself not to do so.
Kieara giggled seeing that. She leaned down and kissed him lovingly and softly. "Go back to sleep, i'll only be in the kitchen, I will wake y ou when it's done."
"Okay..." He sighed and closed his eyes again, willing himself back to sleep again. He had pulled the sheets almost over his mouth and nose and the only thing visible was his eyes under the sheets.
Kieara went to make a nice breakfast for him. She didn't know if Alex was back or not, so she just went to the kitchen in her night outfit. She'd change after breakfast.
He rolled about in the bed for a little while before he sat up with a start as he woke. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh of frustration. That was what he got from getting those stupid nightmares.
Kieara hummed softly as she decided to make pancakes. She enjoyed them because they were sweet. She wasn't sure what he liked in them, so she made some with fresh fruit, and others with chocolate as they were her favorites.
He got out of the bed and walked to the living room, where he started smelling pancakes in the kitchen. He walked out to see her there and smiled softly. "Smells great."
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