[MiNaGi] Magic is just Folklore ! [Lewi]

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Kieara smiled as he did. It felt nice. To have someone to run their hands through her hair. She rested her head against his shoulder letting him play with her hair.
He slowly wrapped his arms around her back and closed his eyes, combing her hair with his fingers. It felt extremely soft, and he hadn't felt something like it before. He didn't know what else to do, as his troubles with relationships were slowly kicking in.
Kieara was content taking things slow and just relaxing in his arms as she was currently.
He leaned his head against her shoulder as well, closing his eyes. He didn't feel like doing anything else, and just kept standing there in complete silence.
Kieara smiled and spoke. "You make me the happiest I have ever been Julian." she blushed at her confession as she stood there in his arms.
He blushed as well and instead of saying something, leaned forward to press his lips against hers. His captivating eyes fell close and his hands move from her hair to her cheeks. He didn't know how to answer her and knew that he would have a hard time putting into words what he was feeling.
Kieara blushed at the kiss and slowly her eyes fell closed and she began to kiss him back. She pressed close to him enjoying his body against hers and the feeling of his arms around her. It made her feel safe.
He pulled back after a few moments and opened his eyes again. He seemed lost in his own world as he stared at her. He'd actually gotten a real princess, a beautiful princess who loved him back. He smiled and hugged her tight, his head falling on her shoulder.
"I love you..." His voice was barely more than a whisper, but seeing as she was just beside her ear, it was easy for her to hear it.
Kieara returned the hug as he released her. She could've stared into those gorgeous eyes forever. She smiled to herself then heard his words. It only made her smile more. "I love you too Julian."
He nodded and closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. He had spent a long while on brewing and using magic and it exhausted him. Especially this spell was tiring on him. He put his hands through her hair as he tried not to fall asleep.
Kieara seemed to feel his exhaustion. "Why don't you go lay down, you're tired." She spoke to him.
"Will you sleep with me, then..? I haven't been able to sleep properly on my own lately..." He sighs and holds her in his arms, his head leaning heavily against her shoulder. It was obvious that he was close to fainting of exhaustion. But he hadn't been able to sleep in the last long while.
Kieara led him in there basically letting him use her as a walking stick. "Dress in something comfortable." She left and returned with the flower out of her hair, but it was still down, the dress was hanging on a rack in the other room, and she was wearing a silky night gown.
He changed into a white shirt that seemed comfortable, and a sweater. He wore a pair of loose pants and his hair looked messy after changing clothes. He looked adorable in sudden casual clothes that not many got to see him in.
She smiled liking seeing him in casual clothes. "A little warm for a sweater under the blankets isn't it?"
"Our body temperature is a bit lower than yours, so we need more to keep warm when sleeping." He smiled slightly and lied down in the bed, his hair messily falling in his face.
She briefly pouted at that having hoped to maybe have gotten to sleep with him bared heated. She climbed into bed too and cuddled up to him close.
"I'm sorry. But that's why I'm so cold all the time." He smiles a little and kisses her forehead, closing his eyes. He felt that he could relax around her, and he started stroking her back without really realizing, a comfortable little gesture.
Kieara was glad he felt comfortable around her. She curled up to him and sighed happily as she began to fall asleep.
((Did you get my reply in the other rp ?? ))

He smiled softly as he fell asleep with her in his arms. His expression was peaceful and in some way, content.
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