Million Dollars, But...

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I'm a teen who needs to maintain a good attendance record or get booted how about no.

Several million dollars and you get to be top popolice track down baddies like the animus and the gamus but ofc that will come with risks.
I'm already willing to risk being arrested by the FBI every month, i think I can so that.

A million dollars, but some kind of disaster will happen during you life that will render whatever you haven't spent yet useless. You have no idea what it is, or when it will happen, just that it will happen. It could be an economic depression seconds after you get the money, or nuclear fallout while you're on your deathbed, or some other thing during the middle of your 40s.

A million dollars but now you live in OPM world.
I have no idea what that is. So sure, why not?

A million dollars, but every time someone says potato with a long a, you slap them. Potato with a short a however, is okay. The slap doesn't have to be hard, it just can't be a light tap.

A million dollars but you have vivid, terrible nightmares for the rest of your life.
Fuck no.

Million dollars but you turn into a giant spider every night.
Fuck yes.

A million dollars, but you have vivid, terrible nightmares about turning into a giant spider every night.
Sure, I'll take it.

A million dollars, but from now on all your food has hair in it.
Average dinner at my aunt's place, i can do it

A million dollars, but you have to eat an entire bowl of nails for breakfast. Without any milk. You'll live though.

Million dollars but now you must eat two buckets of dirty nail clippings with butter.
Y tho

I'll do this again.
FIVE million dollars, but you have to accept the last three catches.
FIVE million dollars, but you have to accept the last three catches.
nah, at least i can enjoy my food in poverty

A million dollars, but for the rest of your life, any object you touch will become invisible for as long as you touch it—but only to yourself. (This extends to clothing even if the outer layers are not in direct contact with your body. Same with holding objects while wearing gloves. The ground, walls, trees, cars, desks, and other such large items that you cannot easily carry in your hands are not affected.) Notable consequences include:
  • An increased need for hand-eye coordination, as you will no longer be able to see the keys on a keyboard as long as you're typing, nor can you see what you're doing with a knife while cooking, to take a few examples.
  • Touch-screens and most mobile devices will become near useless, as well as laptops unless you attach an external mouse and keyboard.
  • For the rest of forever, you will see yourself as naked, though nobody else will.
    • If you're the self-conscious type, this could potentially lead you to social anxiety as you constantly wonder whether you are, in fact, naked.
    • You'll never know how good you look with make-up, or in a certain fashion—that is, unless you take a photo. ;) (Mirrors won't cut it.)
A million dollars, but for the rest of your life, any object you touch will become invisible for as long as you touch it—but only to yourself. (This extends to clothing even if the outer layers are not in direct contact with your body. Same with holding objects while wearing gloves. The ground, walls, trees, cars, desks, and other such large items that you cannot easily carry in your hands are not affected.) Notable consequences include:
  • An increased need for hand-eye coordination, as you will no longer be able to see the keys on a keyboard as long as you're typing, nor can you see what you're doing with a knife while cooking, to take a few examples.
  • Touch-screens and most mobile devices will become near useless, as well as laptops unless you attach an external mouse and keyboard.
  • For the rest of forever, you will see yourself as naked, though nobody else will.
    • If you're the self-conscious type, this could potentially lead you to social anxiety as you constantly wonder whether you are, in fact, naked.
    • You'll never know how good you look with make-up, or in a certain fashion—that is, unless you take a photo. ;) (Mirrors won't cut it.)
Well, that sounds... somewhat difficult. I assume I'll be able to still write properly on a computer, given enough practice, since I can still feel it, giving me a sense of where which button is.

The use of knives and other kitchen utensils might be problematic, however. It will take time to get used to, but I'll be able to fry minced meat or stir soup without seeing the tool I'm using.

I just have to make sure I bring a computer with mouse everywhere. Some mobile phones support computer mouses, so that can actually be resolved.

Constantly seeing myself naked will be a bit of an issu, especially confiedence-wise. Unless, I use some of my money to get a specially crafted sort of exo-skeleton that I simply out my clothes over, so that they don't touch me. Or just wear two layers of clothes. Or does that count as the glove thing?

A million dollars, and you're assigned an already existing superpower (in media) of your choice, but everyone relies on you and will do whatever is necessary to have you exterminate crime completely.
Nah, I'll from stress/convert to the dark side.

Million dollars but now you are super sensitive to the sun.

Million dollars but now you are stuck in a groundhog-day-loop.
Only if I can choose what day.

Million dollars but you get your period everyday, even if you're a guy.
How 'bout no. They told me about the cramps. Also, can you imagine the accumulated blood loss? I'd be dead in a month!

A million dollars, but whenever there is a full moon, your body and personality will be temporarily transformed into that of a sexually harassing, exercise addict of a teenager douchebag.
Sure. I just lock myself in chains every full moon

A million dollars, but everything you touch turns into gruel.

Million dollars but everything you touch turns into skittles.
Million dollars but everything you touch turns into skittles.

You receive a million dollars, and it and all the rest of your savings, money, and significant capital investments (see house and car) are converted into a single large shipment of gold, delivered to your house. Twelve hours after the gold arrives at your front door, immense caches of gold are uncovered all over the world, rendering the metal commonplace. By twenty-four hours after your shipment arrived, all of your gold is rendered worthless, making you broke.

So, essentially, you have somewhere between twelve and twenty-four hours to make use of that gold, or you'll be even poorer than you were to start off with.
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