Million Dollars, But...

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Million dollars but you have to get yelled at by Gordon Ramsay everyday
How much? And for what? If he complains about my cooking, I'm fine.

A million dollars, but you have to change everything about your Iwaku account, and never explain to anyone who you are.
Maybe in a few years, once the shit I've done piles up and becomes embarrassing.

A million dollars but you have to eat at least one parmeggiano cheese per day.

A million dollars but all your secrets go public.

A million dollars but all your secrets go public.
Yes, mostly because I know that few people will bother to look even if they are out there.

A million dollars, but your muscles jiggle like jello when you move around.
I'm actually allergic to cats, but alright! I'll just have them taken care of by someone else and keep them out of my room.

Million dollars, but your firstborn child will be taken away from you to be adopted by Trump (hypothetically he is alive when you have your kid no matter what age you are right now, and you will have kids).
What the heck, no.

Miliion dollars but now you can't speak.
What the heck, no.

Miliion dollars but now you can't speak.
I'm ok with this.

A million dollars, but all your friends are abducted by aliens. The aliens are nice to them, but they won't give them back.

million dollars, but you have to french kiss a leper first.
No thank you. Skin diseases suck.

A million dollars, but you now relate on a personal level to ALL the posts in the Rant your brains out thread.
Yes, because living is pain, and I can relate to most of the posts already.

A million dollars but you become illiterate.
No. I value my ability to read and write so much that I'd rather end up a starving writer or whatever so long as I still get to read and write.

Million dollars, but you now have a crippling phobia of other people and touching.

[Several] Million dollars but you lose all your senses.
[Several] Million dollars but you lose all your senses.
Lost one already, only a dozen or so to go!

So no. Hell no.

A million dollars shall be awarded to you the instant you render a mammalian species extinct by your own hands. Or blade, or bottle of acid, or whatever. Just have to kill the last of something's kind, and it has to be up close and personal.
Hahahahaha. No, I treasure my reputation. Even if a neutral one.

A million dollars, but you sign up for ten 1x1 roleplays, out of which you cannot leave, and your partners are all patient, happily awaiting your posts.
I'd normally say yes, but with my current situation - no.

Million dollars but you can now only survive with water and pills for any nutrients you'll ever need for the rest of your life.
Nah. I like food and I like flavor.

Million dollars, but you will be limited to eating only canned and preserved foods for the rest of your life. Meaning, no fresh from the market meat or vegetables or seafood...
no thxx

million dollars but you will always be surrounded by a bubble of 40C degree heat
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