Million Dollars, But...

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Nope. To hell with that.

A million dollars but you have to see Satan every month. Not the nice one.
Is there a nice one? Nope to that.

A million dollars, but every six months, you without control gain a new sick obsession. These stack.
Sure. Sounds like me already.

A million dollars but you turn into an apple man.
Oh, please, no. Not again.

A million dollars, but you will never find a job you truly love.
Sure. Can still find something I like to do.

A million dollars but now you live in the middle of nowhere.
In "nowhere", do you mean a place void of humans? Because if that's the case, then sure. Forest. If it means lacking life in general besides me, then haha. No.

A million dollars, but you gain a severe gambling addiction, and most of the million, if not more, is going to be spent on it.
I wouldn't take the risk in losing more than what I started with, so no.

A million dollars but your house basement is used as a CIA torture chamber.
Uh, sure. I don't have a basement.

A million dollars but now you live in a rat infested house. The rats are pretty much clean though. Just imagine a lot of housemates that don't do harm to your house.
So... Everything that is different, is that I have a lot of rats that don't do anything damaging to my house, and a million dollars. Sure.

A million dollars, but you are banned because a magical vending machine captioned and either ate or left your avatar for being the last one to post. Additionally, a spoonerism would use the _____ in your soup as a pillow, corrupting both your wish and your confession towards the avatar below.

Oh yes, and your number is reset.
So... Everything that is different, is that I have a lot of rats that don't do anything damaging to my house, and a million dollars. Sure.

A million dollars, but you are banned because a magical vending machine captioned and either ate or left your avatar for being the last one to post. Additionally, a spoonerism would use the _____ in your soup as a pillow, corrupting both your wish and your confession towards the avatar below.

Oh yes, and your number is reset.

A million dollars, but you have a serious case of amnesia, and have become convinced that @Grumpy is your father.

Million dollars but your crush is the worst tsundere ever.
Nah, I am good.

You get a million dollars,but all your family is killed.
No. Family is everything to me.

A million dollars, but all animals except humans now hate you.
Sure, don't mind it.

Million dollars but now you can eat nothing but lettuce.
Hell to the no.

Million dollars, but you have to become a famous reality TV star.
Yes, if I make money off it. If not, then no.

Million dollars, but you lose a foot.
If I can have a bitchin' cybernetic foot in its place, then sign me up.

Million dollars, but you can no longer taste.
Well, keeping a healthy diet would be easy... Sure.

Million dollars but everyone thinks you're racist.
Absolutely everybody? Pass.

Million dollars but you shrink 1inch every month until you're less than an inch high, then you die.
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