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"Sorry about that... I just... I do get pretty jealous, ya know? But don't worry about that, I know you were teasing." Jexel laughed it off and continued on. "I'll admit, I have been rather...heated, lately. But I'm getting back control, so please don't worry! I know you will anyways, but do me a favor and focus on school for a bit, yeah? ...for both of our sakes." He caressed her face again, letting the fur of his paw brush down softly. "Heck, after all this is over, maybe you won't need to learn magic at all!" Jexel knew that this was unlikely, but he wanted to say something to cheer her up.
"Ohh. So you're jealous then?" His response only made her want to tease him more. "I have that effect on you then? Well...that is something isn't it. And yes...you are very...hot" she laughed with him and leaned onto his paw when he caressed her face. "Ugh, not you too. I hate school. I don't want to go. I'm so bad at it and my father only makes me go because of his influence. I wish I could run away, just far far away where there were no humans and half breeds, no communities, just everyone together and getting along." Isabelle started to become a little frustrated, she just wasn't sure if it was because of her situation or at herself. "I'm so bad at magic too. I probably won't even learn if I tried." Isabelle moved away from Jexel and leaned her head against the tree trunk. Looking at her wrist watch she sighed and said..."One hour."
"Hey, it's alright." His ear twitched at her irritation, as it always did. "School sounds horrible, but it also sounds necessary. I mean... I-I don't even know how to read. I can't do math, or science, or any of that. I used to think that it was all totally useless, but look at what you humans have done with it!" Motioning towards the towering buildings of the human community, he continued. "You all thrive, living in comfort and good health. I never had anything better than a decrepit apartment with a crummy couch and a tiny TV, and that's better than everyone else I knew. If half-breeds learned all this stuff for themselves, maybe it would change things between our two species..." Jexel trailed off as he slowly leaned off the branch, flipping himself over to hang upside down from the branch. He sighed and looked up at Isabelle with the equivalent of kitten eyes, wondering what else he could do to make their time last.
"Hmm, you guys would probably become the dominant species. With our intelligence and your natural powers...there is nothing you or your kind couldn't accomplish." She watched him hang upside down from the tree and wished she could do the same. She wished for a second that she could be free, that she never had to go home but there was no way around that. "Hey, so in the human community we have this thing where we kind of define our relationship status with others. Like Regina, she's my best friend. That's how we have entitled our relationship. I don't know if half-breeds do the same but I kind of want to do that with you..." She started to become embarrassed and turn a bright shade of red. "Um...so when two people are hugging and kissing all the time, seeing each other and have feelings for each other, we give it the term boyfriend or girlfriend. So I kind of wanted to know...if you were ok with that...Do you understand where Im going with this?"
Lifting himself back up with ease, Jexel looked into Isabelle's eyes obliviously. "...I might need some explanation on this." He chuckled lightly at his ignorance, having almost no clue what she was talking about. "Wait wait, let me see if I can figure this out... So, I get the whole friend thing, and then there is a BEST friend...then there is a boy and girl friend? Is that, like, the best friend who is a boy and the best friend who is a girl? ...yeah, I don't get it." Jexel said in confusion, rubbing his head with his paw. All these human terms were vexing to him, but he was desperate to understand it. It was important enough to make Isabelle blush, so he moved himself closer to her and peered deep within her eyes before beginning to speak again. "I gotta know Isabelle, what's up?"
She laughed and became even more embarrassed, "Oh my goodness I'm so embarrassed right now. Ok. We all have different relationships with different people. Got me so far? Like my relationship with you is not the same as my relationship with Regina or my father. Best friends are more than just regular friends. The relationship is more intimate but not a lot. You trust you best friend more than any other friend. Best friends can be boys or girls. Gender doesn't matter. Boyfriends and girlfriends, however, are even more intimate than best friends. You don't kiss your best friend but you do kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend. You trust them and the relationship is also more physical in nature. There is more touching, hugging, kissing and eventually....sex...eventually." She was an even brighter red than before trying to explain the whole idea to Jexel. "Are you getting me now?"
"O-Oh! ...Oooohhhhh..." Jexel uttered in embarrassment, turning bright red with Isabelle. "...I see, so like a mate then. I-It, uhh... It makes sense, I guess." He started laughing at his previous confusion, shocked at his own ineptitude at understanding human terms. After recovering from his bout of laughter, he continued. "...Jeez, I don't think I've ever seen you look so red before. I'm sorry I made you say all that, especially since I pretty much understood what you were saying anyways. Half-Breeds just call them mates, then if they bear a child, they are called a nest. I guess that's what humans would call marriage, right? I saw something like it on TV, but it was prefaced by a weird ritual with a lot of people, and white, and fancy stuff." He spoke with no filter, as though it was as natural as walking and breathing, which it was for the half-breeds.
She laughed, "Don't make fun of me. That was so awkward to say. Yes exactly. Oh man, sorry. I'm still so embarrassed. Ok...so, I wanna know if you see me in that way? Like...do you see me as your mate? Mate-material? Maybe one day we can be mates? Totally not a mate? I kinda just wanna...I guess I need...I just want to know. Oh and yes, nesting I guess is like marriage. Only I would really like a white dress anyway...but that's a whole 'notha conversation....yea....so....." She looked at him nervously. She was asking him to define their relationship and she wasn't sure how he felt about them, their relationship, her. She knew he liked her a lot but what if it was just a now thing and not long term. She just wanted to know before she became too invested and only ended up with a broken heart.
"Ah, don't be embarrassed. I just don't know these things is all. I'll learn soon enough. As for the whole...mate-material thing, I...I..." He became red again as he tried to muster out the words he wanted to say so badly. Grasping one of her hands, Jexel spoke slowly and surely. "Isabelle, I... I. Love. You." It took him time to utter the words without choking up with his own emotion, but he got them out. Taking a deep breath, he continued with a bit more confidence. "I-I love you, and...and whatever you want to call us to signify that, I couldn't be happier with." Letting out a sheepish smile accompanied with a heavy blush, Jexel looked straight into her eyes, not wanting to miss a second of her reaction.
Isabelle's eyes opened wide and she let out a deep sigh. His confession of love for her came unexpectedly. She was hoping to just define their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend but love...love was another subject all in itself. She wasn't sure she loved him yet. Isabelle had very strong feelings for Jexel but love...she wasn't sure was one of them at the moment. She knew her affections for him would grow to love but she didn't want to tell him something she wasn't feeling just because he did it first. He grabbed her hand in his paw and her heart just sunk. How was she going to do this without hurting him? "Ok...then it's official. We're boyfriend and girlfriend! I'm so happy!" She pulled him in from the paw and planted a hard kiss on his lips. She hoped the kiss might distract him from the fact that she did not tell him she loved him in return.
He was shocked at the suddenness of her response, knowing something was up. His ear twitched violently yet again, as it was obvious to Jexel that something had changed after his confession. "I-I'm sorry, I think I said something wrong. Did I use the wrong phrase? I-Is it still considered friendship, or is there a different word..." He went over it time and time again, thinking he totally screwed up. It was a sensitive matter, he knew, but what other word was there for him to use? He rubbed his temples hard, trying to think of a way to recover from the blunder he could not comprehend. His cheeks were red, his eyes were gold, and his head was starting to catch fire.
Jexel was beginning to get anxious again. His ear was twitching about, he was turning red and his eyes changed color. She knew he was going to exert fire soon and as soon as she thought it, he did. Isabelle grabbed his face in her hands and pulled him closer to her, "Relaaxx, you did nothing wrong. You are my mate and I am yours. Be calm. Please don't burn down our tree. Please." She began giving him quick soft kisses on his lips to try to calm him down. "Please."
"I-I'm sorry... I guess I was pretty quick on the draw with the whole, I love you, thing. I don't know if I forgot to mention, but the only other thing I got on TV, besides the news, was soap-operas... I watched a lot of them..." He rubbed his head as he began to cool down again, letting Isabelle hold him close for a while. "So, what should I say then?" He began with a bit of a chuckle. "Up until I met you, thats all I thought humans said...aside from insulting the half-breeds in front of large audiences. How do you feel about me?" He asked, looking her straight in the eye. "Be honest, yeah? I'll be able to tell if you aren't!" He wasn't going to let her get out of this question. He didn't expect to hear a profession, but he wanted to know what was appropriate for them. Embarrassing himself by sounding like a dumb-struck loon was not something he wanted to do again, even if his feelings were there.
Jexel was looking directly into her eyes now, there was no getting around the question. Isabelle sighed and began speaking again, "Ok, love is a very strong word for humans. It is such a strong feeling of affection that we don't throw it around lightly. I'm not sure I'm in love with you...yet. However, I like you...A LOT. I think about you all the time. I can't miss a day without seeing you. I just want us to be together all the time which is why I wanted to make our relationship official. You can say whatever you want to me but I promise that one day...I will tell you I love you and I'll be so head over heals in love with you that I could float away. Is that ok? Are you mad at me?" Isabelle wanted to reciprocate Jexel's feelings, frankly she might've been just as in love with him but she was afraid of the relationship being too new and didn't want to ruin anything by moving too quickly.
"No. No I'm not mad at you. How could I be?" Jexel wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss before continuing. "Listen, I won't say I didn't mean what I said. That just wouldn't be honest. But I didn't tell you just for you to say it back. That...that's not how love works, ya know? I do love you, but that shouldn't change the way that you feel about me. I want you to grow into your decision naturally, like me! ...Except I kinda budded early, huh?" He chuckled at his stupid joke, then gave Isabelle a big hug. Rushing headlong into things was almost a natural talent of Jexel's, and he knew it better than anyone else. "But I hope you know that, now that I know about this whole official relationship business, I'm liable to start visiting these suitors of yours, and you know how I can be..." He smiled a devilish grin, but broke into a laugh before long. He couldn't keep up a threatening guise to save his life, but at least it was a nice way to lighten the mood.
They laughed together at Jexel's attempts of being threatening, "Well, there are many many suitors who will be very upset to learn Isabelle Kaswell has been taken off the market. Now come and lean against the trunk of the tree. I just want to lean on you for a while. Just hold me." Jexel obliged, adjusting his position so he was against the tree. Isabelle pressed into him and leaned the back of her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. It was comforting. She didn't want to talk anymore. She just wanted to sit there in silence, in the comfort of the trees, the sweet song of the birds, the gentle breeze and the arms of her boyfriend. It was so odd to think it. Isabelle had gone quite a while without a boyfriend and now that she did, it was a wonderful feeling. She allowed herself to close her eyes and enjoy this small bit of time together. It would be over soon and it would be a long time before she could return to him. She hated that humans and half-breeds didn't get along. It was putting damper on her relationship but she would make the best of it. Just then, the alarm went off on Isabelle's phone. It was time to go back. She moaned from frustration. She didn't want to move, she didn't want to leave Jexel, their tree, their wilderness but she had to.
Jexel gave a chuckle at Isabelle's moan, and kissed the side of her head to soothe her. "I think it's time to head back, don't you?" He said with a twinkle in his eye. He felt so serene that nothing really bothered him as long as she was around. Knowing she had to go was taking its toll, but getting her in trouble would have an effect on more than just them. He just had to be patient. "But wouldn't it be great if your dad liked me?" He joked around as he let Isabelle on his back again and began to climb down. After running part of the way to the community, he let her off his back and handed her the wig and glasses. "Something tells me it would be better if I wasn't hanging around too close to the community. It...It's weird, knowing that you're my girlfriend now. I've never had anyone so close before, but it's nice. It makes me feel all fuzzy...well, more fuzzy than usual." He said with a chuckle, rubbing the fur on his arms. It had been an amazing couple of hours, and now he had to do everything to stay sane without her. His mind was already racing, but at the moment, he was just happy to be with Isabelle.
"That would be nice, if only my dad didn't hate the half-breeds. Oh well...looks like I'm the only one that doesn't" Isabelle said as she climbed on Jexel's back and allowed him to take her to the community border. When they reached their destination, Jexel handed her the fiery red wig and big sunglasses. She pulled her hair up in a quick bun, placed the wig over her hair and placed the sunglasses over her eyes. "It's gonna feel kinda weird to me too but I look forward to getting used to it. I don't know when I will be able to come back so please stay calm. I will come as soon as I can get away. I promise. Don't go meeting any half-breed girls in this wilderness. I can get pretty jealous too." She smiled at him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
Jexel kissed her back, relishing the moment as well as he could. Letting her go was difficult for him, but he knew it was for the best in the long run. Run... Run... He thought to himself over and over. He shook the thought quickly, as it disturbed him to a far greater degree than normal. Running away with Isabelle just wasn't a good idea at the time, especially after their discussion. "I promise that nobody will ever be as close to me as you, half-breed or otherwise." He said defiantly. "And who knows...you could be the change that humans need. Make sure not to sell yourself short, okay?" With that, he picked her up and spun her around with a hug, and let her go. Watching her pass from his sight brought a tear to Jexel's eye, but he knew that they would see each other again. He just knew.
Isabelle ran back into the school unnoticed where Regina was still waiting in the classroom. "It was about time! Cutting it awfully close don't you think?" Regina exclaimed. Isabelle didn't answer, she only removed the wig, glasses and clothes and changed back into what she was originally wearing. "Ugh this shirt smells like an animal. Where do you guys go anyway?" Regina said in disgust as Isabelle handed her the clothes. Isabelle smiled, "The wilderness obviously. We made it official you know. Boyfriend and girlfriend."
"Really?! Congrats doll! I'm so happy for you." Regina and Isabelle hugged and left the classroom just as the alarm rang. Her father's friend, Carl, was waiting for her outside. He was very punctual. He walked her home but Isabelle couldn't help but smile. She was thinking about Jexel, her boyfriend. It had a nice ring to it.

Her school routine continued for the next two weeks. Every day she tried to find a way to meet Jexel and every way had an issue. Mrs. Madison was watching the back roads so she couldn't see him at night and her professors were keeping a closer eye since finding out a class was cancelled without their approval. Her father did bend to letting Regina come over every few days for tutoring, only Regina was teaching Isabelle magic and not any school work. They had moved passed the basics now and were actually practicing water control. Regina placed a cup of water in front of Isabelle. "Make the water move" said Regina. Isabelle stared at the cup, recited the practice incantation but...nothing. She tried again and still nothing. She was becoming frustrated that she couldn't even make a ripple appear in the glass. She missed Jexel now, he would know what to say to get her to keep calm and concentrate. Regina pushed the cup closer to Isabelle, "AGAIN."
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