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Jexel was glad that Isabelle enjoyed the ride, and he agreed that the view was unmatched. "You should see the sunset from up here. It's breathtaking." He said, not even paying attention to the scenery. Rather, he gazed at Isabelle instead. The light was so pure up in the treetops, and to him it made everything about her glow. His eyes sparkled in awe of the girl who had changed his life. Getting over the trance, he too sat down as he began answering her questions. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. I have a little tent-thing pretty close by, so that's a plus, and wildlife is plentiful around here. I, eh...I won't go into much detail on that, but it's just like when I was a kid, ya know. Sleeping has never been a problem for me. My couch back at the apartment was less comfy than the foliage around here, so I slept like a baby. Other than that, it get's pretty boring around here. I did find a good, uh, training ground for me to practice my power. I actually just finished preparing it today, so if you smelt fire, it was probably that."
"Good. I'm glad. You're gonna have to take me to your new training ground and show me what you got." She looked into his eyes for a moment, debating whether to tell him what she was up to. She wondered how he would react to her learning magic, especially a magic that was meant to control his. She was still a long way to go. Regina was teaching theory and made it clear until Isabelle mastered that, they weren't moving forward. She needed to pay attention more if she expected to be of any use. She decided not to tell him just yet, not until she had something to show for it. "So....you haven't kissed me today" she started to tease, "wilderness changing the way you feel about me? Am I not 'wild' enough for you?" She grabbed a small branch with leaves off the tree and put it in her hair. "How about now?" She scrunched her face and put her hands up like claws, "Grrrr." she said with a big smile.
Jexel broke out into laughter at Isabelle's teasing. He wasn't sure how to take it, so it took some time for him to recover. He wiped his eyes of his mirthful tears, and took the branch out of her hair. "That kind of wild isn't really you." He said with a chuckle. "Wait here. I'll be back." With that, he bounded down to the ground, and returned shortly after with a rose in full bloom. After plucking off the thorns, he straightened out Isabelle's hair, running his claws through gently to separate the tangles that the branch had left. He got closer to her, and put the rose near her temple, wrapping it in a strand of hair to keep it from falling. Running his paw down the side of her face, he leaned in and kissed her gently, his lips gracing hers with a small burst of flame before locking together.
They laughed together as he took the branch she had placed out of her hair. She leaned in to him so he could kiss her but he was gone before she could. She was slightly disappointed but waited like he said. When he did return he brought up a beautiful rose in full bloom. It was a rose you only say in the wilderness, the ones in the flower shops were always dull and died very quickly. She loved this one and loved it so much more because Jexel had picked it out for her. He placed the rose in her hair and caressed her face gently before kissing her. His kiss made her swoon, he was so sweet and kind. How could anyone think half-breeds were any different than they were. She pulled away from him reluctantly, never actually wanting to be too far from her. "Take me to your little training camp thing. I want to see it."
"Of course. Care for another ride?" Jexel said as he once again offered his back to Isabelle. As she grabbed on, he began his sprint, first hopping from branch to branch till he reached the ground, then bursting forward on all fours, his preferred way to run. He felt his muscles ripple as he tore through the underbrush, and hoped that it wasn't too uncomfortable for her. Finally reaching the training grounds, he let Isabelle off his back, stood once again to straighten his back, and swept his arm across the flat, charred, barren landscape. "Well...here it is. I did a bit of, uh, redecorating, but I can't risk burning down the whole forest just to get an ounce of control over my power. Where would we hang out then?" He chuckled, but he was sad to see such a great meadow burnt to a crisp for his own sake, and it showed in his eyes.
It was always exhilarating to ride on Jexel's back and extremely fun. He let her down and she spinned around happily. Isabelle looked over the charred clearing. What a shame, she thought to herself, such beauty burnt to a crisp, a necessary evil however. She looked it over and said "We sit right in the middle then. Far enough way from the trees and anything else that might be...collateral damage." She smiled at him and walked towards the middle of the clearing and sat down. "So Jex. Show me what you got."
"...Alright, sounds reasonable." Said Jexel after a long pause. After Isabelle sat down, he began taking deep breaths. His eyes began to turn gold as fire poured from his hands. The flames spread through the entire meadow, their tongues like grass, and the small plumes of smoke like rising flowers. The only part of the ground that wasn't lit was where Isabelle sat.. The stage had been set, and Jexel grinned at the girl in the middle of it all. Now that he was in control, he felt like doing some showing off. He had...undersold the limits of his potential, after all. After taking a gaping breath, Jexel blew into the sky a pillar of fire. Though the stem never left his mouth, it continued to extend and extend around the field of fire. After a few seconds, the pillar began to take the shape of a lynx as tall as some of the trees, pure-bred and eternally more stunning than any in reality. As it took full form, eyes akin to Jexel's began to form in the hollow sockets of blaze. Looking back at where the stem would have been was simply a tail. Jexel was not to be found anywhere, but the lynx approached Isabelle without direction. Its eyes gazed deep into hers as it lay down only a foot or two from her, almost smiling in anticipation. The gold pools never blinked, simply waiting for a reaction.
Isabelle watched as Jexel's eyes changed color again signifying he was about to start using his powers. Fire consumed his hands and began to spread out across the entire meadow, covering everything except the ground where she sat. It was astonishing. He was exerting a very good amount of control over his powers, there was hope for him yet she thought to herself. Isabelle's eyes opened wide as Jexel blew out fire from his mouth in the form of a giant pillar, "Show off" she muttered to him. Just as she let the words out she giant pillar started to take form, what was it? A lynx? It was quite the sight and Isabelle had a front row seat to Jexel's show. It appeared as though he had taken the form of the fire lynx and was now standing before her. She wasn't sure whether to be terribly frightened or simply amazed. "Jex...." she reached out her hand to try to touch the fire lynx.
The lynx nudged it's head forward to Isabelle's hand, the flames making it up being tangible enough to touch without breaking apart. Each flame almost seemed threaded together like a blazing tapestry. As her hand petted its head, the lynx let out a purr sounding like the roar of a campfire. Eventually, the head of the lynx started to compress along with the rest of the body, forming back into Jexel slowly but surely. He attempted to grab at Isabelle's hand, which was still placed upon his head, as he returned to his normal self, only to fall short due to exhaustion. His eyes turned back to amber just as they closed shut, and all the fire began to peter out. Falling onto her lap softly as the last of the fire brushed off of him, Jexel fell peacefully asleep, still letting out a continuous purr.
She was able to touch the lynx without any issues, the flames were warm to the touch but they didn't hurt her. As Isabelle pet the lynx, it began to disintegrate, ultimately returning Jexel to his original form. He fell onto her lap from the exhaustion and just fell to sleep. She smiled and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. "You put on quite a show, good job, you're definitely getting a lot better" she whispered, unsure if he actually heard her. She let her fingers comb through his hair for a while and let him sleep. Isabelle looked around the charred clearing, what have you gotten yourself into? she thought to herself. He was powerful, very powerful, capable of mass destruction yet there he was laying on her lap purring like a kitten. Everything about Jexel was unsafe and dangerous but Isabelle couldn't see herself being anywhere else. There was so much she needed to learn still, about him, about magic, her mind swam with so many questions. Isabelle nudged Jexel awake, "Hey...sorry but I gotta go...umm..big test, gotta study." They both left the clearing, Jexel giving her a ride to the border again, they kissed good bye and Isabelle proceeded back into the community.

She wasn't but a few steps in when she saw her father standing near by. He was waiting for her? Did he see Jexel? She went over to him quickly. "Hey dad! What are you doing here?" she asked nervously. Her father handed her a letter without a word. Isabelle took it and read it over, she was failing school. "Oh, I can make up the work. I can bring my grades up" she began to plead before her father raised his hand as a gesture for her to become silent. "Yes. You will. We pay a lot of money for that school and you will NOT flunk out. You are not allowed out until your grades pick up. I will be getting a progress report from all your professors. You only go out to school and then back home. No friends. I will have the neighbors on the look out. And especially no wilderness! You know you're not allowed to go there. Those animals could be out there!" Her father grabbed her by the arm and began dragging her back to their home. "Dad, wait! No wait...wait." Isabelle pleaded with her father but there was no changing his mind. She didn't know what to do, how was she going to get a message to Jexel that she wasn't going to be allowed to see him for a while. What would he think when she didn't show up tomorrow, the next day or weeks after? There was no convincing her father once he made up his mind. Isabelle's father was also the mayor of the community and everyone basically did whatever he said. He pulled her into their home and locked the door behind them.
After taking Isabelle back to the community border and seeing her off, he walked back peacefully to his little makeshift home with a huge grin on his face. Carrying out his new routine of sprucing up his home, hunting, and sleeping, another day passed by. The next morning was spent in heavy training with his power. The attempt at transforming his entire being left him more exhausted than he had expected, so he worked on that, practicing on small portions of his body at a time to improve endurance. When it came time to meet Isabelle again, he could scarcely drag himself to the tree from how worn out he was. "I'm sure she won't mind me being a little bit late." he thought to himself. However, upon reaching the tree, she was nowhere to be found. He couldn't even hear her, and frankly she was quite noisy compared to the quiet of the wilderness. Jexel missed that noise, and panic began to set in almost immediately. "Is this a test?" He thought to himself. "No, she wouldn't. There isn't a point..." Quickly realizing his predicament, the lynxling took off his jeans, clawed off a few tree branches, and began threading bark through all the holes that needed patching. He had to be doing something, or else the entire forest could burn down in an instant. However, this didn't stop the worry in his mind. Using his nails to carve off fine threads of wood, he began patching his clothes up, adding leaves for comfort here and there. It was a time consuming process, and he convinced himself that if Isabelle wasn't there by the time he was done, he would have to do something...

A few hours later, Jexel's jeans were as good as nature would allow. His tail was tucked comfortably back in his pant leg, and his hood was on as far as it would go. The sun was setting, so he began to make the next move. "The pawn shop" He thought. "I remember seeing a good pair of hand-me-down binoculars there. That's the best option I have as of now..." This ran through his mind as he snuck back into the half-breed community. Finding the pawn shop was a cake-walk. It was closed, but none of the buildings had locks on them, and none of the residents could afford alarms. Letting himself in the store, he quickly located the binoculars, right where he remembered them being. "If nobody bothered to buy these by now, nobody ever will." Feeling justified, Jexel made his way back to the forest to rest up for the next day. He had to find Isabelle. Nothing else took priority.
Isabelle was walked the next day to school by her father. She felt like such a child. "Dad, I'm 20 years old, I don't need my dad walking me to school anymore!" she yelled at him. "You do when that dad is dishing out close to 50 grand a year in tuition and that dad is the Mayor of your community and expects his daughter to follow in his steps. The rest of the community is looking up to you Isabelle, you MUST set an example." Isabelle could feel the eyes of the other community members as she was walked to her school. "Get to class, and then home. Final." Her father said as he dropped her off and started to walk away. Isabelle looked around and noticed there were people strategically placed in certain areas. Her father had more control of this community than she thought, there was even a man 'guarding' the border. She shook her head and went inside, thinking about Jexel the entire time and wondering if he was ok. What would he think when she didn't come today? Please don't lose control she thought before heading to class. The day dragged and the hours past slowly. As soon as her classes were done, she headed outside and started walking towards the border when she was stopped by one of her father's staff members.
"Hi Carl, just taking a short cut home. No worries."
"Your father said I'm to take you home after school every day."
"Carl, I'm an adult! I don't need this!"
"Sorry Izzy, Mayor's orders."
He then escorted her to her home. Isabelle looked back a few times wondering how she would tell Jexel what was going on.
The next morning, Jexel wasted no time climbing up to the highest point possible in the trees. There he had a perfect view of the human community, almost from border to border. And so it was there that he sat almost the entire day, more focused than ever before. He had to keep control of his emotions, and forcing himself to do something rather than wait for something to happen was just what he needed. Looking through the high-power binoculars he had...procured from the pawn shop, he could see just about everything he needed. After taking an hour or so recalling the route he took when running from Isabelle's house, Jexel finally found her being escorted by a strange man. Watching on, he barely saw her expression of anger as they walked toward a large building overcome with others her age, along with different men that stood out a bit more. Was she in trouble? Was that her father? There were so many questions that he had, but there was no way he would be able to get into the community the way he was. He continued to keep watch over the community, waiting for Isabelle to show from the place she was escorted to, which he could only assume was her "school," whatever that was. Eventually she came out, at which Jexel was overjoyed to see, but then another man came along and she followed him back to her house. Jexel saw the glances she made back, and knew in his gut that it wasn't her choice, but how could he help? What use could he be from way out here, in the wilderness?

No, he had to keep his cool. Already he could smell the burning rubber of the binoculars where his hands were placed. Asking such open ended questions would be the death of him, so he kept his cool as best as he could, and looked through the binoculars once more. "That one girl..." He thought intensely, doing his best to remember her face and name. "...Regina, red hair, glasses...magic user..." He continued piecing together her appearance until he had a solid image to work with. He then began to look out for her as well. If Isabelle was being watched, perhaps he could request help elsewhere, and Regina was the only other human he knew. Getting to her would be another problem for another day, so for now he simply watched, oblivious to the fact that his sanity was slowly burning away without the balance that Isabelle offered.
Isabelle paced back and forth in her room. "There has to be a way...there has to be." She repeated to herself over and over. All she needed to do was get a message to Jexel but how? She needed to do it soon, she didn't want him to think she had abandoned him and worse, she did not want him to lose control over it. Isabelle's thoughts were interrupted when she heard her father call to her from outside her door. "You better be studying Isabelle." She stuck her tongue out at him through the door, knowing he couldn't see. She would never dare do such a thing to his face. "Of course Dad...what else would I be doing in here?" She threw herself backwards onto her bed and stared at the ceiling...thinking...thinking...Regina! She sat up quickly, yes Regina. She had met Jexel once before, well sort of but she kind of knew about him. But how was she going to contact Regina, her father took her cell phone away and warned all her friends to stay away. Isabelle thought for a while before remembering the house phone. She stepped out of her room cautiously and quietly, walking down the steps, thankful for plush carpeting. Her parents were in the kitchen where the house phone was located. "Come on, seriously?" she whispered to herself. Isabelle went over to the open window, grabbed one of her mother's figurines and threw it out the window to make noise. She hid when her parents practically ran outside. Isabelle quickly proceeded to where the house phone stood and called Regina.
"Izzy! Oh my goodness! What are you doing calling me? Your dad told us all to stay away from you for a while. Is everything ok? What's going on? How can you even call me?"
"Gina, I don't have a lot of time, I need your help. I need you to get a note to someone for me. It's super important. Please come to the house and get it."
"Who do you want to give a note to? Who's that important?....oh my...it's naked guy isn't it.??!!"
"Oh hush and yes...only don't call him that. His name's Jex and I have to let him know what happened."
"What type of name is Jex?! Doesn't he already know? Everyone in the community knows."
"He's....not from this community."
"I gotta go, please come now! I'll explain later."
Isabelle hung up the phone just when she heard her parents returning and ran up the steps, locking the door to the room. Immediately she began writing Jexel a quick note.
Jexel stayed in the tree the entire day, hardly moving an inch in case he would miss something. His eyes were trained on Isabelle's house, or at least what he could see of it, the entire time. Unfortunately he had no other sense to rely on, so he could not hear anything going on. As night set in, he sighed and climbed down to ground level. Walking as calmly as possible to his training ground, Jexel wondered what he could possibly do. He felt his chest tighten at the idea of being unable to see Isabelle again as he stood in the center of the meadow. Taking in another deep breath, Jexel exhaled, letting magma pour out into the field. It filled the entirety of the meadow, but he did not let it spread further. Rather, he began to mold it. He heard that art was always a good way to portray emotions harmlessly, so why not try it now? He let his own fragility mold the liquid fire like clay, cooling and heating it until it achieved the perfect shape. He wasn't even sure what would become of it, but he stood there, finished, gazing at likenesses of everyone he had lost. As they quickly cooled and turned to ash and soot, Jexel walked away to get another night of sleep.
Isabelle scribbled a note quickly, Jex, Being held hostage by my parents. I failed school, whatever. I'm being punished for it so I won't be able to see you for a while. I'm ok. Don't worry about me. I just have to do some extra work but I'll get the punishment lifted in no time. Please stay calm. Don't lose control. I miss you...a lot. Wish I were kissing you now. Love, Isabelle. She folded the note and waited for Regina. It took a while before Regina came and began throwing small pebbles at Isabelle's window. Isabelle opened the window wide and called to Regina who was on the ground,
"Hi" she whispered.
"Dude, what the hell? There are like 'guards' all over the place. What did you do?"
"Fail school but I think it has more to do with me sneaking into the wilderness honestly. My dad caught me come out from it a couple days ago."
"What are you doing in the wilderness? Those things are out there. It's dangerous."
"That's where I meet Jex. Here.." Isabelle threw the note to Regina who caught it with ease. "I need you to go to the wilderness and post it to one of the trees. He'll find it. I know he will."
"I can't go to the wilderness! Are you crazy??!!"
"Gina, this is important! I have to get it to Jex."
"Why?! Why is this so important that I'm supposed to risk going into the wilderness to give some dude some note?!"
"Trust me please for now. If you can find a way to convince my dad to let you up here, then I promise to tell you everything! Just go please."

The lights in the house started to turn on and Regina ran, note held close to her hand. She ran straight into the wilderness. "I might as well get this over with" she said as she snuck past the community leaders and past the trees.
Jexel's ears perked up from his slumber at the rustling of leaves and branches. "Could it be her?" He thought to himself eagerly, but after listening more intently, he realized. "No, she's taking a different path. Whoever this is, they don't know the wilderness." He got up from his makeshift bed and climbed up into the trees, then began making his way to the commotion. Seeing Regina made his heart sink, but it still gave him hope. He decided not to reveal himself just yet, to see what she would do. Pulling his hood tight over his face, Jexel peered at the red-head with interest, his amber eyes glowing in the moonlight. He followed her in silence, watching, waiting, and preparing to speak if he must. He his his paws in his sleeves, and he could always keep his feet hidden in the dense blanket of underbrush below. All in all, he would seem as normal as a human living in the wilderness.
"I cannot believe she is making me do this. Ugh bugs, iiilllll. Disgusting. I hate the wilderness. I should've worn better shoes. This guy better be something else. Why they hell do they meet out here? What's wrong with him? Damn leaves! Ughhh..." Regina rambled to herself as she walked deeper into the wilderness. She screamed when she walked into a spider web and waved her hands violently all around. "You owe me big time Isabelle Kaswell! Oh screw it, she said it didn't matter where, so..." she pulled the note out of her pocket and pinned it to a tree like Isabelle asked. Screaming into the wilderness Regina said, "Here you go Jex! Note for you, who ever you are." She didn't expect anything to answer her back. No one would be stupid enough to be out in the wilderness after dark...only her apparently. "What type of name is Jex anyway? Ugh...she's weird." She complained as she started walking back the way she came...only...she couldn't remember which way that was. "Oh no...where am I?" She was starting to panic when she heard movement not to far from where she was.
Jexel took the note from the tree as soon as Regina turned around, but he continued following her. He was taken aback at Regina's obvious distaste for the wilderness, but kept his cool regardless. Chuckling at her predicament, he let himself down gently behind her and dug his feet into the underbrush. "Um, i-it's Jexel, actually..." He said quietly, doing his best not to startle her. He had too many questions to let her leave just yet, and it seemed like she would need his help too. "Do...do you need any help? It would be the least I could do." It felt like he was meeting a human for the first time again, except instead of the pleasant enjoyment he found in Isabelle's company, he was being met with hostility and irritation. Frankly, Jexel found it amusing, but he held back his laughs and waited for Regina to respond.
Regina screamed, stumbled and fell on her back. Even though Jexel was trying not to startle her, he did. Recognizing the hoodie, she said irritably, "Oh you. Naked guy. Dude, you scared me! Geez. You can't sneak up on a girl like that." Regina stood up from the floor, dusted herself off before continuing, "Ugh this is so disgusting. Ahh, I got leaves and dirt in my hair. I really hate you both right now. What's with the hoodie anway? Jexel? That's worse than Jeeexxx." Regina didn't hide how she felt. She was the type of person that said exactly what was on her mind in the moment she thought it. "I could use some help, since you two fools are the only ones that are foolish enough to hang out here and Isabelle is not here...I need to find my way back to the community before something eats me. Think you can manage that?" Regina shivered at the thought.
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