Midnight Memories

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Louis smiled and chuckled. "That wouldn't be fair would it, for her to have the best God Father ever and then George to have not such an amazing one" he said and then shrugged. "I have no clue, I asked her in the car if she was okay and that she seemed a bit pale, she just said she's apparently stopped getting fake tan but I'm not going to bother on bugging her if she doesn't want to tell me what's really wrong, but I am worried"
Jen furrowed her eyebrows "Thats odd, she said to me not too long ago that she's never fake tanned?" She asked a little confused.
Louis shrugged. "I'm not stupid and I know she doesn't use fake tan, she never has within the year I've been with her but I'm not going to bug her and keeping asking what's wrong, if she wants to tell me, then I she will tell me, I'm not going to force her but something is going on, I can feel it but, it's her choice if she tells me or not"
Jen smiled and nodded "Baby if you want me to I could talk to her?" She asked her softly and she smiled down at George "Want to hold your God-Son?" She asked him softly.
Louis shook his head. "It's alright Jen, you don't have to do that, I don't want her to seem like I am trying to force it out of her, just leave it, if she mentions something to you, then fine" he said and smiled at George. "I'd love to have a cuddle with him"
Jade smiled and gave George's head a kiss before slowly and carefully passing him to Louis and giggled as Poppy curled into her grip and started to fall asleep slowly.
Louis smiled as he took George correctly into his arms. "Hey little guy, don't you look a lot like your Daddy" he said smiling and gave him a kiss. "How has he been? I'm guessing he's been fed and had a nice sleep"
Jen smiled and nodded in agreement "He really does doesn't he, has eyes like Poppy's actually and I love her eyes" She said gently and kissed her sons forehead "I just hope he has his Daddy's dimples" She said with a small giggle and then nodded "Had a fed almost like half an hoe after he was born" She said with a chuckle and nodded again "Had a good little sleep didn't you my little prince" She said with a small giggle.
Louis smiled and nodded. "Both the kids have ended up with Harry's green eyes, people sure are suckers for green eyes, so you know" he said smiling and chuckled. "You will find that out when he starts smiling and laughing in a few months, does Poppy have dimples?" he asked and laughed. "He was hungry then, he wanted feeding, he'll need his first nappy change soon then Daddy" he said and winked at Harry.
Jen smiled and nodded "But look into his eyes, around the pupil theres brown but its like a star around his pupil its so gorgeous" She said softly and giggled as George just stared up at Louis "Do you like Uncle Boo baby?" She asked him softly before nodding "Yeah she does, such a beautiful girl" She said with a giggle before laughing even more "Aw Daddy's on poopy duty" She said giggling.
Louis looked into the little boys eyes as he opened them and he smiled. "Oh yeah so he does brown around the pupil and then the rest is green, awww you have beautiful eyes little guy" he said to him and laughed as he kissed the small forehead with a smile and nodded. "Poppy is a beautiful girl" he said and laughed. "Oh yes, Daddy is on poopy duty, of course he is"

Harry raised his eyebrow. "Hey hey that's not fair, I was poopy duty when Poppy was born, I think Jen should be poopy duty this time" he said with a nod of his head.
Jen looked at Harry and scoffed "Right if it works that way then you should of pushed a 7 pound baby out of your dick" She said with her arms crossed and laughed as she saw both of the guys reactions to that.
Harry raised his eyebrow and scrunched his face up with the thought of what she said. "I would rather not push a seven pound baby out of there, it's smaller than your down below part" he said to her and kissed her head before kissing her lips with a smile. "I'll do the poopy nappy"
Jen giggled as he squirmed "Well by the smells of things out little prince just did an uh oh" She said with a giggle and adjusted Poppy on her lap.
Harry shook his head. "Oh babe come on, it doesn't even smell that bad" he said and went to Louis and took the blanket off from around the son and smelt him. "You do need your nappy changed don't you" he said and took him from Louis and if on queue, his son started crying. "I know, I know you want your nappy changed, don't want to sit in your poop"
Jen giggled and took a picture of him sneakily. She then kissed Poppy's head and stroked her back .
Harry set his son on the changing table and took the baby grow off and things and was just natural to him now with doing it to Poppy. "I hope you aren't filming this or anything Mrs Styles"
A couple of days later Jen was released with George and allowed to go home, she slowly took him in and into the living room where their family and friends where, his family mostly. She gasped a little bit and shook her head "Styles!" She scolded him a little bit with a giggle and put George on the table and smiled as everyone cooed over him.
Harry locked the car and taking the bag he had gone to get for Jen while she stayed in the hospital. "What? why are you scolding me?" he asked with a laugh and put the bag down by the stairs and smiled at everyone cooing over him and he wrapped his arms around Jen's waist with a smile. "Aww everyone is going to love him, exactly like they love Poppy"
"Mmm like I love you" Jen said with a giggle and then laughed "Aw baby your Mums crying again" She said with a chuckle.
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