Midnight Memories

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Harry smiled and laughed. "Just like his handsome and best Daddy ever" he said smiling and looked at their son crying again and he laughed. "He wants his milk babe, so yeah in other words, he does want your breast so he can feed" he said and watched. "He's actually latched on first time, I remember you had to help poppy to latch on"

Louis scoffed with a smile."I am a very good best friend actually babe" he said to her and parked in the driveway and gave her lips a loving kiss. "Just like the way I am the best boyfriend"
Jen smiled as she watched her son feed "Want some too baby?" She asked with a cheeky grin and pecked his lips lovingly.

"I bet Jen would beg to differ" She teased him and giggled a lot.
Harry relaxed next to her and watching their son himself and chuckled. "I'll have some at home, I'm not exactly going to do the same as our son right now, your breast milk is really nice though, I had it when you were breastfeeding poppy, I was tired and got the milk out you had out in a bottle other then the normal milk"

Louis stuck his tongue out at her as she teased him and gave her a kiss before getting out the car and getting the kids out.
Jen giggled "Aw baby did you like it?" She asked softly and kissed her sons head gently as he fed of her "Call Lou, say Poppy can come see him now" She said gently as they got taken to the other private cleaner room.

Blaire laughed "You not its true" She said cheekily and gave his cheek a loving kiss.
Harry laughed and shook his head as he got off the bed and walked by her side as they took her to another new room. "I'll give Louis a call, I was just letting everything settle down first before I called but I bet poppy will want to come see her new brother"

Louis shook his head with a laugh and leaned into the kiss on his cheek and set the kids on the sofa carefully.
Jen smiled and burped George when he had finished and relaxed back and got into a fresh bed and cuddled herself and her new baby son into it.

Poppy looked at him with sad eyes "Unca Boo cuddles!" She told him in a whiney tone.
Harry had a stretched and thanked the midwife for everything and again dimmed the lights a little so there was still light in the room but dark enough so it didn't hurt their sons eyes and he could open them. "Feel better now babe?" He asked her and kissed her head and sat on the car and called Louis number.

Louis got a blanket and laughed. "Poppy I'm going to give you cuddles, don't have to whine at me baby" he said to her and picked her up, sitting her on his lap on another sofa and wrapped the blanket around them and got his phone when it went off. "Look your daddy's calling"
Jen smiled happily and nodded "So perfect baby" She said and kissed him lovingly before letting him call Louis.

Poppy giggled and cuddled into her God Father before squeaking excitedly as he told her that her Daddy was calling.
Harry smiled and kissed her back lovingly with a smile before calling Louis number. "Well if you feel more comfortable and little George is happy and content, then everything is perfect" he said smiling and waiting for Louis to answer.

Louis smiled and kissed her head before laughing. "Do you want to answer the phone to Daddy" he said and answered the phone but put it to Poppy's ear with a smile.
Poppy answered the phone quickly "Daddy! I come and see my brother now?" She asked sweetly and excitedly.
Harry laughed as Poppy answered. "Oh is there no hello Daddy I love you lots and lots?" he asked her smiling. "Yes princess, you can com see your new healthy baby brother" he said smiling.
Poppy squealed "IM COMING!" She almost shouted and looked at Louis pleadingly to take her and gave him the phone.
Harry laughed as Poppy squealed and he had to hold the phone away from his ear at how loud she was. "Princess you don't have to shout so loud" he said to her and laughed as he guessed the phone was passed to Louis.

Louis laughed and kissed Poppy's head and nodded. "Yeah i can take you Poppy" he said and put the phone to his ear. "I'll see you in a bit Harry"
When Poppy arrived both Jen and George was asleep, George having fallen asleep on Jen's chest quite peacefully.
Harry smiled at his daughter and got up from the chair and picked Poppy up. "Shh Mummy and brother George are sleeping, but look, Daddy will show you your new brother" he said to her softly and took Poppy to the side of the bed and moved the blanket covering George's face a little. "Look Poppy, your sleeping baby brother"
"Can I hold him please Daddy?" She asked him sweetly in a quite whisper and looked as her Mum stirred and woke up "Hey gorgeous" She said and gave her daughter a gentle kiss and carefully sat up.
Harry nodded his head. "Of course you can sweetie, i'll sit you down and then I'll get him for you okay" he said to her softly and smiled at Jen and set Poppy on the bed so Jen could give her a kiss. "Babe if you are still tired then you can go back to sleep" he said to her and made sure Poppy was sitting okay with Jen and picked their son off her chest gently. "Have a cuddle with your big sister little guy" he said and gave his son a kiss before setting George in Poppy's arms after making sure she had them correctly. "Be careful with him princess"
Jen smiled and stroked Poppy's hair as she held George "What's his name Mummy?" She asked sweetly "George Harry Louis Styles" She said and looked up at Louis and smiled "How could your God-son not have your name in there somewhere eh?" She asked him and they hadn't even told him that he was the God-Father again.
Louis came into the room and closed the door behind him and smiled at what she said and he chuckled. "Well you have put my name in there and I guess you are letting me be his god father, so I think i'll let you off with not having his first name as Louis" he said with a cheeky smile and went over to her and kissed her head with a smile. "Congratulations to you both as well on the birth of your son"
Jen smiled as he kissed her head "How would it be fair though if Poppy has the best God-Father ever and George didn't eh" She said with a little giggle "Boo, is Blaire okay? She seems a bit pale at the moment?" She asked softly as to not tread on any thin ice as such.
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